
Eric the Everliving

Jul 29th, 2015
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  1. 00:23 Sylum Sometimes we do stuff to make things more realistic, paint figures, add shading, buy a dead body of a viking chained to a iron throne so your larping event seems more 'badass.' Maybe not that last one but in Neon, anything can happen.
  2. 00:25 Sylum The entire park was rented out, but people were still gathering just to see the viking corpse, really they could care less bout the nerds playing with plastic weapons
  3. 00:36 McGoFuckYourself Leaning up on the park fence, Roxanne yawned. Dull as shit day, and this was probably the most interesting thing going on so far. Christ, this was her worst goddamn patrol beat in ages. Somebody rob a fucking bank or something.
  4. 00:37 *** The-Haze is now known as Neonger
  5. 00:39 *** Eridana is now known as Brave_
  6. 00:41 Neonger After returning to Neon City from vacation he had managed to become a bit of a local hero despite lacking any real special powers or strange abilities, but he felt like that sort of 'job' necessitated checking up on big events in case anything interested happened to.... happen. He never really participated in anything large, or overly impressive but he felt like going to the park was the...
  7. 00:41 Neonger ...perfect thing to do today. Even if nothing exciting happened, it was still a pretty nice day to be at the park, right?
  8. 00:45 Brave_ fell into a roll, padded shield up in a flash as he shifted his significant weight around to bring his sword arm to bear. With a brutal swipe, he relieve his opponent of an arm before striking for the neck. His blood boiled with the action as his opponent blocked. With the arm he just removed. It took him a moment to stand to his feet and shift the visor of his helmet up. "W-woah, hey! You can't do that, I already
  9. 00:45 Brave_ cut your arm off!" His opponent replied, screaming at him in gibberish, the larp's agreed upon elven language. "Dude, come on, out of character," He said as he wiped the sweat from his brow, between pants, "You shouldn't have been able to block that man, you're 'armless!" He wasn't exactly yelling, but his opponent was, still refusing to come out of the made-up language. This must have been quite a scene.
  10. 00:45 Brave_ Franklin, aka Brave, was beginning to sweat.
  11. 00:53 Sylum The body seemed to stare at the 'fighters.' few even left because of him, thankfully for the wind the smell wasn't as bad. Actually, the wind was slowly building up. Nothing devastating, but it was noticeable
  12. 00:54 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne scratches the back of her head. Seems decently entertaining, and she loves a good ass-kicking as much as the next girl, but still. Pretending to lose limbs, yelling nonsense. Sounds like a buncha nerd shit to her.
  13. 01:01 Sylum As people fought and yelled, almost all didn't notice the corpse of the viking, was sitting upright. staring down on them
  14. 01:06 Sylum One by One they stopped, staring back at the viking. Soon the larping was over, and even the crowd around the park was starting to talk about it
  15. 01:09 Brave_ stops his arguing with the elven prick with a succinct, "Alright bitch, damn." He would have hit the fucker again, but that corpse was beginning to freak him out. Where did the GMs even get it? He decided to ask. "Yo, where they get this dry jerky-lookin', Dark Souls hollow lookin'-ass, Skyrim Draughr lookin'-ass musty setpiece anyway?"
  16. 01:15 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne raises an eyebrow. Alright. That was kind of cool. But the fake swords and shit still looked dumb.
  17. 01:15 Sylum The ground started to shake, the old rusted chains broke. And the corpse stood. And while most larpers were staring in amazement, the some of surrounding crowd was screaming in terror. Others thought it was just a prank
  18. 01:15 *** Platypus joined #covenger_rp
  19. 01:15 Neonger finally took notice of the rising corpse, somehow not even managing to consider it as something unusual at all "This 'larping' thing is more upscale than I thought it'd be, they've got suit actors here? Must have a very high budget, I'm impressed." he said nonchalantly, holding one of his hands to the chin of his helmet "Nice special effects too, I really need to hire this guy."
  20. 01:23 Sylum The viking was 7, 8 feet tall, breathing slowly. One of the larpers came close to him "H-Hey man, you waiting to be paid or-" The poor kid was kicked away, flying 20, 30 feet away. This wasn't some actor or prank
  21. 01:23 *** Sylum is now known as Eric-The-Everliving
  22. 01:26 Brave_ hunched slightly, cringing as his teammate was sent flying. Well damn, there goes this weeks melee. And they were so close to placing higher than last for once. These thoughts were pushed aside by the fact that Franklin needed to RUN. SHIT, RUN. TAKE COVER BEHIND THAT FOAM CASTLE WALL.
  23. 01:29 Platypus *striding forth, clad in a convincing fullhelm and brigandine, the proud warrior challenged the large apparent boss of this encounter. "By the name of High-King Rivendaire and the lands of the Empire, I will givest thou the thrashing of your shortly-experienced Unlife! So sayest Rorek Bonebane, Knight of the Realm!" He declared, leveling his blade of PVC
  24. 01:29 *** McGoFuckYourself is now known as Roxanne
  25. 01:31 Roxanne "Awww FUCK." She straightens up. "Hell naw, man!" Grabbing the radio at her side, she pulls it up as she breaks into a jog towards it. "Darwin, this is Roxanne. Yeah, I got some kinda corpse-thingy beating up on nerds at [ADDRESS REDACTED]. Yeah, that park. Some kind of viking motherfucker, heading in now. Over."
  26. 01:32 Platypus ...and white duct tape up and a full Kite Shield up into position. Such a position resembling slightly of a flamingo's stance
  27. 01:32 Platypus *
  28. 01:34 Neonger cracked his knuckles staring down at the hulking thing, if you could see his face his eyes would be glinting with excitement. "Is it time to beat up a big monster? I never run into those, is it finally time to enact some good and proper JUSTICE?"
  29. 01:36 Eric-The-Everliving stared at Platypus. A challenger. He grabbed a sword, unknown to him to be made of some piping and tape, charging at him
  30. 01:39 Platypus woah woah Woah WOAH WOAH WOAH HOLD! CHARGING! CHARGING! *He barked with a slight reverberation from his helm. With that he dove and rolled away from the monster, scrabbling back up to his feet.* I hate it when they give new NPC's Boss Cards. They *never* know the combat rules.
  31. 01:45 Eric-The-Everliving was chasing Platypus down. stopping to turn towards the incoming Roxanne. to him, just looked like a strange statue. resuming his chase of Platypus
  32. 01:48 Roxanne dives, making a football tackle straight at the bastard's knees. As she wrapped her arms around his legs she dug her knees into the ground, hopefully using her weight and sharp pointy bits to drag him down.
  33. 01:49 Neonger Realizing he was being left in the dust, Neonger pulled a large, heavy looking sword off of his back, which also happened to look very gimmicky and was likely made out of some sort of thick plastic. It probably wouldn't last very long if he went and started hitting Eric with it, but it was also realistic enough to serve as a stand in for a proper weapon in terms of intimidation factor. "Stop...
  34. 01:49 Neonger ...running, you big, giant.... knight? It's a knight, right? RIGHT?"
  35. 01:53 Eric-The-Everliving A living statue, someone in strange armor. A fighter that just runs away. All this was so confusing, and enraging. He swiped down the sword on Roxanne. which broke instantly
  36. 01:56 Platypus Fine, work, Golem! *He said, praising Roxanne. With that, he swung his "blade" and made three distinct *WHAP*s on the Draugr's back declaring "Five Magic! Five Magic! Five Magic!"
  37. 02:02 Eric-The-Everliving All this got Eric pissed off, he roared in anger. and slowly started to grow. before he was 8 feet, but now he was getting close to 20
  38. 02:04 Neonger Finally managing to catch up just in time to see Eric beginning to grow "Hey, pal! You're supposed to wait until we beat you up to get giant, and then we leap into our mecha.... the one that I totally actually have and am not just pretending to have to sound more impressive. Do you have no honor?"
  39. 02:06 Platypus backed up quickly from the Draugr as it began to grow. Once the reality set in, with an audible shuffling of metal, he slumped down and then removed his fullhelm. "Aw, man! This is real, isn't it? ... Roxy? That you?"
  40. 02:07 Brave_ with a rummage through his pack, pulled out a small pole that quickly deployed into a telescopic staff. "Okay guys, shit is going down, not is a great time to do that shit you do." It too a moment, but only a moment, before the top of the staff erupted into a waving battle standard of blue flame. From behind Franklin, out of the open air, stepped a knight clad in shining blueish-silver armor. This knight was
  41. 02:07 Brave_ different to the others around it, it seemed heavier and more... real. It snapped a salute at the hefty young black man carrying the flaming flag before getting down behind a suddenly present tower shield. Franklin stayed silent for a moment before speaking. "Oh, shit I forgot. Uh... Guard, Front!" The knight snapped into action, taking up a defensive position in front of him. He still wasn't used to this shit.
  42. 02:11 Eric-The-Everliving While normally, the talk of honor would snap a bit of sense into Eric, but he had no clue what any of them were saying, being a viking who was dead for a long while
  43. 02:12 Eric-The-Everliving Instead, he raised his foot and started to try crushing his enemies
  44. 02:12 Roxanne She lets go, pulling back as the undead monster. Shaking her head, she looks over to Platypus. "No! I'm the /other/ metal girl that lives around here!" She snarled as she shrugged off her leather jacket. Wouldn't want it to get in the way, or get torn as she fought. "This is gonna be a fucking /doozy/, though." Looked around, spying Neonger and Brave. "Jesus /fuck/, lotta knight-types around...
  45. 02:12 Roxanne All this nerd stuff's like a fucking magnet, I guess. "Hey, kid!" To Brave. "Think we could get some support up here?" Numbers. Numbers are good, always nice to have lots of motherfuckers when trying to take on a big motherfucker
  46. 02:19 Platypus *"Part of me is thankful this is real. I can't change out of this heavy armor fast enough." He says a mere fraction of a fraction of a second before his garb changes into his standard Green Members Only Jacket, Camo Pants, and Motorcycle Helmet outfit. Once changed, he rolls his neck and breathes a sigh of relief*
  47. 02:25 Eric-The-Everliving does a double take on Platypus, but decides to try and step on him
  48. 02:30 Eric-The-Everliving roars again. the slight wind now picks up again, and storm clouds are moving in
  49. 02:32 Brave_ looks to Roxanne and shakes his head vigorously. "Uh, yeah. Uh... no? Maybe. Shit." The knight, however, was not so nervous. It looked back at Brave silently, as if waiting for the order. "Uh... Forward March!" He shouts nervously, and like magic, the knight moves ahead slow. It dips for a moment to pick up a pad-tipped spear before continuing toward the undead viking, ready to strike.
  50. 02:52 Platypus looks up at the massive foot coming to bare above him. "Well this has been lovely, but I've gotta fly! Watch that first step, though. It's a doozy!" He says through nervous laughter, before zipping off into the air to avoid the foot. Where it lands, the ground seems to instantly give way underneath the weight of the Draugr, breaking into a large...
  51. 02:53 Platypus pit with sharpened Punji Sticks lining the bottom*
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