

May 4th, 2020
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  1. „Fi­nally break­through.”
  2. Qianye Ying'er comes to the side of Yun Che, high and low sizes up his one eyes, said: „With the aid of Eter­nal Dark­ness Bone Sea Pri­mor­dial Yin en­ergy, one year of cross Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm two small Realm, ac­cord­ing to this speed, in ad­di­tion your Evil God's Pro­found Veins as if no bot­tle­neck con­tin­u­ally ‚’, has al­most 45 years again, can break the Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm bound­ary, achieve­ment Di­vine Lord.”
  3. „It is not no need to say.” Yun Che turns around di­rectly: „Re­turns to Plun­dered Soul Realm.”
  4. Re­turns to Plun­dered Soul sanc­tu­ary, Suc­cubus Chanyi and Suc­cubus Yuwu is wel­comes: „pays re­spect to Devil Lord.”
  5. In this year „Dark Growth”, nu­mer­ous Suc­cubus, Mooneater and Yama achieved deeper com­pat­i­bil­ity with the strength of Devil God each one re­ceived. Yuwu and Chanyi cul­ti­va­tion base also there­fore had the enor­mous ad­vance­ment, en­ters Di­vine Lord Realm Ninth Level.
  6. But at the nor­mal cul­ti­va­tion and com­pat­i­bil­ity speed, this ad­vance­ment, at least also needs the mil­len­ni­ums above.
  7. „Your Mas­ter?” Yun Che asked.
  8. „Re­turns to Devil Lord, Mas­ter her this pe­riod of time is not in sanc­tu­ary. How­ever Mas­ter ob­tains the news that Devil Lord breaks through, should quick then come back.”
  9. Chanyi fin­ishes speak­ing, near the ear then trans­mits gen­tle and charm­ing soft voice/sound: „My Sir Devil Lord, you so im­pa­tient?”
  10. No mat­ter what who knows, these words are telling Yun Che „re­venge” im­pa­tient, but puts out from Chi Wuyao be­tween lips, ac­tu­ally just likes spring the boudoir to flirt, the cheeks of Yuwu and Chanyi are cov­er­ing light crisp pink color in­stan­ta­neously, small head also dan­gled slightly.
  11. Chi Wuyao comes, se­duc­tive like that cer­tainly is still col­or­ful, some it's just... mi­crostrip feel­ings of weari­ness.
  12. After Yun Che coro­nates Devil Lord, most of the time is prac­tic­ing and giv­ing the pow­er­house eter­nally gra­cious gift from all walks of life, as well as grants core power Dark Growth, but the North­ern God Ter­ri­tory in­side and out­side lay­outs, press in Chi Wuyao per­son of body.
  13. „Tenth Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign has be­come.” Yun Che is un­emo­tional, but, his body has light black qi to surge: „Can start!”
  14. Re­gard­ing dark pro­found strength, Yun Che has most peak con­trol strength. So slight dark out-of-con­trol, is ex­tremely rare in Yun Che body.
  15. He...... is re­ally im­pa­tient.
  16. In North­ern God Ter­ri­tory these years, Devil in his heart, each breath in manic wants to break through his body.
  17. „Good.” Such as Qianye Ying'er has not tried to ad­mon­ish like that again, Chi Wuyao nods slowly: „Chess­game also al­ready arrange/cloth good. Then, pulls open this piece of dark the­ater cur­tain.”
  18. „Be­fore then, must first stroke the clear all pos­si­ble vari­ables.” Chi Wuyao beau­ti­ful eyes light rev­o­lu­tions: „Yun Che, first 【Stage】, You now as be­fore is the de­ci­sion there?”
  19. „Right!”
  20. Yun Che lifts the hand, be­fore the body, im­me­di­ately ap­peared an iron grey big caul­dron.
  21. Void World Caul­dron that pre­cisely when God Realm of Ab­solute Be­gin­ning, Yun Che kills Ven­er­a­ble Tai Yin robs con­ve­niently.
  22. As Eter­nal Sky God Realm di­vine legacy item, Void World Caul­dron not only in Eter­nal Sky God Realm, can be strongest space pro­found tool in en­tire East­ern God Ter­ri­tory.
  23. Pre­vi­ously con­nected Eter­nal Sky God Realm be­cause of Crim­son Tribu­la­tion to ul­tra-large di­men­sion of pri­mor­dial chaos edge, was cen­tered on the Void World Caul­dron car­rier to build.
  24. Just, Void World Caul­dron core power needs Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Power to stim­u­late to move­ment, to out­side man­power, al­though may op­er­ate the caul­dron, but also can only de­gen­er­ate into the ba­si­cally use­less death caul­dron.
  25. Chi Wuyao puts out a hand, moves to Void World Caul­dron be­fore the body, re­ceives, then soft say/way: „Said that side Eter­nal Sky God Realm, spread a good news a while ago ac­tu­ally.”
  26. „What news?” Qianye Ying'er asked.
  27. „Eter­nal Sky God Realm pre­pares newly es­tab­lished Crown Prince, one month later. Such rapid­ness, makes me be some­what as­ton­ished ac­tu­ally.” Chi Wuyao light long say/way.
  28. After Yun Che serves with dark com­pat­i­bil­ity, even if North Ter­ri­tory pro­found prac­ti­tioner is sep­a­rated from the dark en­vi­ron­ment, body dark aura may also con­trol com­pletely re­served, does not need to be wor­ried that pre­sents out-of-con­trol, but the in­stan­ta­neous man­ner de­tected.
  29. Also there­fore, North­ern God Ter­ri­tory with in­for­ma­tion ac­qui­si­tions of other God Ter­ri­tory, has started to have the huge de­vi­a­tion...... is only this point, three God Ter­ri­to­ries com­pletely had not re­al­ized, re­al­ized with­out enough time.
  30. „Zhou Qingfeng?” Qianye Ying'er thinks di­rectly that most pos­si­ble can­di­date, dis­dains to smile: „An­other waste that's all.”
  31. In the Eter­nal Sky God Realm same gen­er­a­tion, then no en­dur­ing lets the per­son who she sees.
  32. „Who is unim­por­tant.” The Chi Wuyao faint smile is light: „After ob­tain­ing this news, I pushed the boat along, help­ing Eter­nal Sky pro­pa­gan­dize one wave widely, but was nearly ex­hausted ac­tu­ally Hua­jin. If Sir Devil Lord has the leisure, do not for­get to enjoy some rain and dew Oh.”
  33. „...... In­deed is a good time.” Yun Che coldly said.
  34. „Oh?” Chi Wuyao beau­ti­ful eyes trans­fers sud­denly, dim­ple bloomed, se­duc­tive does not have in­stantly: „such being the case, Sir Devil Lord did not op­pose that the rain and dew does re­ward Hua­jin? That later, did I then make Hua­jin re­ceive an award Oh?”
  35. „Only en­joys one per­son, did not fear that treated coldly other eight Suc­cubus?” Qianye Ying'er lightly snorted, slant­ing eye­brow thin smile: „Why not nine Suc­cubus same places, so as to avoid being bi­ased, he is def­i­nitely glad very!”
  36. „Be­fore en­ter­ing ‚stage’, I will give them again dark com­pat­i­bil­ity.” Yun Che throws down a few words, turns around to de­part.
  37. Chi Wuyao is light, then smiles to make noise ten­derly: „Re­ally is the puz­zled char­ac­ter and style.”
  38. Qianye Ying'er coldly said: „Fi­nally to this step, in his pre­sent brain de­cided how­ever is the past pic­tures.”
  39. „Why this is also, I do not have to urge him again.” The happy ex­pres­sion that the Chi Wuyao lip angle charms dis­ap­pears slowly, in the black pupil silent con­cen­trates quiet cold: „In this year, I have been look­ing at the change of North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, is mea­sur­ing the fu­ture pos­si­ble war.”
  40. „Al­though, the up­per-level strength, North­ern God Ter­ri­tory can­not com­pare East­ern, West­ern and South­ern God Ter­ri­to­ries ei­ther one as be­fore by far. But...... cur­tains of war can in­deed pull open.”
  41. „Be­cause de­cided that the core of vic­tory or de­feat and final des­tiny, is not syn­the­sis power of both sides, but is...... Yun Che!”
  42. Al­though North­ern God Ter­ri­tory up­per-level power had the huge change in this year, but can­not com­pare any other side God Ter­ri­tory as be­fore by far, this point was in­dis­putable. But, Qianye Ying'er has not been as­ton­ished slightly the Chi Wuyao lat­ter half a word words, her golden eyes also con­cen­trates the chill in the air, asked: „Be­com­ing North­ern God Ter­ri­tory Devil Lord re­gard­ing Yun Che, how does the out­side world ap­praise?”
  43. „Pup­pet.” Chi Wuyao replied: „More­over is the laugh­able pup­pet.”
  44. „Re­ally.” Qianye Ying'er smiles in­dif­fer­ently. She con­fessed that if these years she has not fol­lowed side Yun Che, per­son but who still be­longs to East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, cer­tainly also thinks.
  45. After all, East­ern God Ter­ri­tory was chased down by from all walks of life, flees to the North­ern God Ter­ri­tory ju­nior dis­tress­edly, un­ex­pect­edly was pre­sented by North­ern God Ter­ri­tory for „Devil Lord”?
  46. Be­cause he does carry Evil God In­her­i­tance? North­ern God Ter­ri­tory again how „re­mote place” , was too laugh­able.
  47. Even if, three God Ter­ri­to­ries all lives knew Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror once re­turns, knew Yun Che also to carry the Devil Em­peror in­her­i­tance the mat­ter, will take as the joke sim­i­larly, will be more def­i­nite he is only „pup­pet”.
  48. Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror knew the fear­ful change of Yun Che strength, but this ex­ag­ger­at­ing change, al­though cre­ates the shock, but is also in­suf­fi­cient to arouse what vig­i­lance, after all North­ern God Ter­ri­tory is North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, even if are many even sev­eral Di­vine Em­peror, is only one crowd is sealed Devil in shack­les as be­fore.
  49. They dreaded to Yun Che's, is his fu­ture.
  50. They have a dream will not think of this in sev­eral years, North­ern God Ter­ri­tory had how huge change be­cause of Yun Che, does not think, such rapid­ness that „in the fu­ture” can come.
  51. „Does not have the vig­i­lance enemy, is eas­i­est sword seal the throat.” Chi Wuyao the lan­guage, self-ridiculed slowly: „Has not thought ac­tu­ally, North­ern God Ter­ri­tory these 1 mil­lion years of piti­ful, be­came the biggest ad­van­tage on the con­trary.”
  52. „Can de­ter­mi­na­tion start?” Qianye Ying'er asked sud­denly.
  53. „Nat­u­rally.” Chi Wuyao looks at the dis­tant place: „With the agree­ment of Sir Devil Lord, how dare I to vi­o­late.”
  54. „More­over, I have had a feel­ing.” Chi Wuyao con­tin­ued: „Sir Devil Lord re­gard­ing us, al­ways has to re­tain and con­ceal.”
  55. Qianye Ying'er: „......”
  56. „When has re­tained to any­body, in­clud­ing your me, this to him, is a grat­i­fy­ing growth, when the time comes, will per­haps take to us the un­fore­seen pleas­ant sur­prise.” Chi Wuyao smiles again: „He is such re­venge ea­gerly......, but on the other hand, tak­ing re­venge such being the case is im­por­tant to him, how in ad­di­tion no one ends up today the fate com­pared with he clearer. If not for then, in­ten­tion enough as­sur­ance, will he tread this?”
  57. „Snort, you to him, are re­ally ac­tu­ally con­fi­dent.” Qianye Ying'er said.
  58. „Yeah,” Chi Wuyao faintly sighed: „After all is own man, does not be­lieve that how can also? Even if is re­ally only pure will­ful, still can only by him.”
  59. voice/sound falls, her beau­ti­ful eyes looked at Qianye Ying'er one, chuckle: „In the past, Mu Xu­anyin was used to him.”
  60. „......” Qianye Ying'er puts out a hand sud­denly: „Gives me Void World Caul­dron.”
  61. „Oh?” Chi Wuyao first is sur­prised, when she no­tices di­vine light in Qianye Ying'er pupil, is star­tled slightly: „You are think......”
  62. „My body blood debt and sin al­ready enough next 18 hell.” Qianye Ying'er coldly said: „This mat­ter, nat­u­rally must do by my evil per­son.”
  63. „My body has Ni Yuan Stone, can change aura. More­over...... is done by me, most will not ex­pose weak­nesses.” Her vi­sion even more gloomy: „Be­cause of me com­pared with you, com­pared with North Ter­ri­tory any­body, must un­der­stand Eter­nal Sky.”
  64. Short hes­i­ta­tion, Chi Wuyao lightly nod: „Good.”
  65. Void World Caul­dron ap­pears, handed over in the Qianye Ying'er hand.
  66. She points , the one soul glow flew to Qianye Ying'er: „This is most suit­able three Star Realm, when do you pre­pare to begin?”
  67. „Now!”
  68. voice/sound still in the be­side the ear, Qianye Ying'er is the fly­ing goes, is ac­tu­ally not Yun Che re­verse, has not greeted to him, but was the ex­treme ve­loc­ity flies to the south.
  69. A very light sigh, Chi Wuyao whis­pered: „Hua­jin, goes.”
  70. Since an­other one form flies from the dis­tant place, pur­sued to Qianye Ying'er di­rec­tion.
  71. Vast gloomy dark Star Ter­ri­tory.
  72. The Qianye Ying'er form here lie, her the front, is large North Ter­ri­tory Star Realm. This is Low-Rank Star Realm, ap­proaches the North Ter­ri­tory bor­der rel­a­tively, dark aura is slightly frail, but in this piece of dark Star Ter­ri­tory, has the il­lus­tri­ous pres­tige.
  73. The Qianye Ying'er palm lifts, Void World Caul­dron ap­pears, the iron grey caul­dron is under power that she pours into the fast en­large­ment, until sev­eral li (0.5 km) great­ness.
  74. Mean­while, in­com­pa­ra­bly heavy lofty also cov­ered this piece of Star Realm all lives, lets they sub­con­scious rais­ing the head, suf­fo­cates to trem­ble in the vis­i­ble fear.
  75. Al­though is un­able to use Void World Caul­dron space Di­vine Power, but as Pri­mor­dial di­vine item it, is one is ex­tremely good, al­most im­pos­si­ble by the power car­rier that the strength of pre­sent age de­stroys.
  76. power pours into enough, as the Qianye Ying'er palm pushes gen­tly, Void World Caul­dron changes to a pale me­teor, flies to fall , the bru­tal bang hits above Star Realm in line of sight.
  77. RUM­BLE——————
  78. de­struc­tion di­vine light and rum­bled over­spread pe­riph­ery all spaces. Star Realm does not have planet to be like that frail, but the strength of Di­vine Lord to Low-Rank Star Realm, as be­fore not less than in Mieshi dis­as­ter.
  79. Void World Caul­dron power erupts in­stantly, frail Star Realm was flick­ered to drive out the in­nu­mer­able fis­sures, dis­rupts in next in­stant di­rectly, is bury­ing the in­nu­mer­able moun­tains, rivers and life.
  80. taste/smell of piti­ful wail­ing, des­per­ate aura and blood...... Qianye Ying'er in­dif­fer­ent looks, not changes coun­te­nance.
  81. One such as the past years re­garded ten thou­sand to live such as worth­less Brahma Em­peror God­dess.
  82. ————
  83. 【A today's also chap­ter, but will be very def­i­nitely late. The sug­ges­tion rests early does not wait for the —— pro­tec­tion hair!】
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