
Moldavania - Mc Info

Dec 2nd, 2015
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  1. Bio
  2. Stats
  3. Items - 567
  4. List of Town's People - 345
  5. House Details - 890
  7. -------------------
  8. Bio:
  9. ------------------
  10. Your uncle shelled out for his schooling since he was a kid. Your parents did too but as he got older and with the other siblings it became too expensive so your uncle started to completely cover it. Education isn't cheap especially the higher levels which your uncle covered for you.
  12. Basically your character received the kind of education that only a rich merchant or your typical noble would possess. Certainly doesn't mean you don't know how to fight though thanks to your station and what your uncle did you stood out. Naturally trouble followed and you had to defend yourself. Luckily the rich pricks never told on you because of how shameful it was to be beaten by someone as 'lowly' as you. If word got out it would of been the end of them. For the first time in your life you were thankful for that kind of education that wasn't scholarly related. You also know a bit of sneaking as it was best if someone like yourself went relatively unnoticed, also to get even at those rich and or noble pricks you couldn't exactly be honest about it due to the differences between you.
  14. So yes you are handy with a sword and actually your guy is familiar with what those powders and jewels were.
  16. There were things like soul and elemental gems. Even some gold old spirit stones and naturally(more valuable) or not so naturally magically infused gems. Going to school along side rich pricks your character naturally picked up quite a bit of what was valuable and just how so.
  18. So your character actually has a surprisingly discerning eye and your guy pretty much use all of it. Though some of it he would need to examine more closely.
  20. The character is still largely blank slate. I did the education thing to make him more well rounded for later specialization that you may choose.
  22. In fact your uncle's stash is meant to serve as a means of acquiring the more 'evil' and hence difficult to acquire in case your interested. The other stuff can be found out there much more easily in some of the stuff in uncle's stash.
  24. He was student he wasn't sure what he wanted to be(its up to you anons). His previous plans before his uncle's death was keep going to school.
  26. That may now change or you can decide to go back.
  28. Your family wise its more...basic. a possible commoner family so that too is largely up to you or you could be disgraced nobles or even an adventuring family whatever really. Be aware i adopted the older notions of large families compared to what you find now. A large family was common. So expect to have a few siblings.
  30. --------------------------------------------------
  31. Stats:
  32. --------------------------------------------------
  33. Name: Jake G. Imperius
  34. Employed by Lady Ishka Ezrasha. Most just call her Baroness Ezra.
  37. Leadership (how to command and run shit) confirmed. Guess that explains why you ran into so many pricks. They too would of been concentrated around the leadership courses and it would of drawn attention to yourself too.
  39. Your stats are according to category.
  40. Leadership Ranked Star 3 Rank 1
  41. Martial Ranked Star 2 Rank 4
  42. Faith Ranked Star 2 Rank 3
  43. Learning Ranked Star 2 Rank 2
  44. Magic Ranked 1 Star 2
  45. Shadow Ranked 1 Star 4
  47. Those categories cover a LOT of ground.
  48. Higher stars and ranks are better. Ranks determine how close you are to ranking up to the next star.
  50. Our highest stat leadership rating is journeyman.
  52. {Current equipment}
  54. traveling kit(intact), Sung Shortbow with Silent Arrows, Daggers of Darkness, Keys, Shadow Scaled Vestments, Alchemist's Revolver with spelled rounds, 'Security Consultant' toolbag & Maps
  56. [Upgrades] Archery
  58. [Discoveries] Archery of Haunted Hunter, Unknown Foreign Soldier Combat Style Advanced.
  60. People of Note: Guhneafi - 4 arm demon gun girl, girly manly man, Count Krim (Wants the lady's hand), 'Sir' Fritz aka Ready Freddy, Grave knight, Lady Ishka Ezrasha (I think we like, like her), Sir Flowers
  62. Events of Note: Vamps pushing in on the lady, Undead numbers growing,
  64. ---------------------------------------------------
  65. Items - 567
  66. ---------------------------------------------------
  67. Gold: About 10k +200 (500 bag for our lady) Used 67,000 gem for workers
  69. >Student uniform
  70. >Traveling cloths
  71. >Documents
  72. Unlce's letter, land deed, claim of nobility
  73. >Pouch of gems (1 gem was valued at 132,000, 1 gem was valued at 91,000 so far.)
  74. >1000 gold marks(enough to pay tuition for a few years at your pricy school)
  77. Acquired
  78. >Collapsible Chest
  79. >Plate Armor(not your size at all) This is no ordinary plate armor, this is made by dwarfs for a human man. [A dwarf smith is needed to fit]
  80. >adventuring kit(intact)
  81. >traveling kit(intact)
  82. >Alchemist's Revolver with spelled rounds
  83. >Eldritch Enchanted Robes
  84. >Tainted Tomes of Magic
  85. >'Security Consultant' toolbag
  86. >Shadow Scaled Vestments
  87. >Scepter of Sacred Sins
  88. >Spelled Scrolls
  89. >Spelled Staves
  90. >Bag of holy symbols
  91. >Crux Crossbow with enchanted bolts
  92. >Dragon Bone Longbow with Fanged Arrows
  93. >Sung Shortbow with Silent Arrows
  94. >Blood Brews
  95. >Potions of dubious origins
  96. >Daggers of Darkness
  97. >Mapmaking kit
  98. >Maps
  99. >Keys
  101. Some of this stuff while valuable. other stuff would ensure you being in a MOUNTAIN of trouble should it ever be found out. Like the bag of holy symbols for instance...they are of varying religions many of which are rather outlawed. Strange your uncle didn't melt them down instead.
  103. >Ax of the Arisen
  104. >Blood Blade
  105. >Sorrowful Sword
  106. >Hides of Horrors
  107. >Armored Bastion of Curses
  108. >bizarre bags
  109. >Jewelry chest full of jewelry
  111. Some of that stuff in there is extremely fucking illegal as shit. The other stuff is pretty fucking valuable and the rest of it is certainly useful. Including several pouches of coins from around the world. Apparently some spending money in case you need to travel no matter where in the world you travel. You'll have to find a money changer to get much use out of them here though.
  113. Even better while digging around you found another bag of gems...until you realized they weren't ordinary gems. Turned out to be full of crystals, magical salts, and other strangeness in those pouches. Much of which is...illegal or questionable, but all are valuable to the right people.
  115. You would swear that if you hadn't known any better those pouches weren't meant for an alchemist or magical research, but with your studies you know better.
  117. All of that stuff while yes they COULD be used for that what really made it all similar was their great value or currency to the right...quite possibly questionable people or to be more precise...things. Not to mention being an utter bitch trying to trace.
  119. YOU dare anyone to try figuring out origins of that collection of strangeness. Looked like your uncle was more then ready to make a run for it or to go traveling wherever. Even beyond this world if required.
  121. Scrolls:
  122. Soul Skill Scroll of Trance Soul Pooling: It contains the teachings of increasing soul growth.
  123. Soul Skill Scroll of Soul Materialization Infusion: Contains the infusing of soul into objects or even yourself.
  125. Gifted to you by Baroness Ezra Yevitche as a mark of your station to deal with the undead.
  126. Horn of Dead Slumber
  127. Spear of House Yevitche
  129. Anchor Breaker: Deadly effective against outsiders.
  130. Monstrous Melody: A strange musical box that has peculiar effects against monsters...
  132. Totem of Tresza: Made by Lady Ezra's mother with powerful magics and when used will greatly enhance your abilities as well as serving a sign of station to the tribals.
  134. Banner of House Yevitche: Besides serving a sign of your station will bestow magical effects on those who serve under it. You can also use it to directly call upon the power woven within it and not just rely upon the passive effects(which mostly boosts leadership and morale).
  137. --------------------------------------------------
  138. List of Known Knights
  139. --------------------------------------------------
  141. Sir Fritz is the Knight assigned to us and is a pretty chill guy. Unless a fight starts. You swear he bottles it all up until then...
  143. Sir Flowers surprisingly fucking LOVES flowers.
  145. Sir a double agent with a vampire sweetheart.
  147. There is a few other knights besides that one of whom you met but never got a name. According to Sir Fritz that nameless Knight is the Lady's dark knight who is only seen doing the most dangerous of tasks at night when its by far the most dangerous. He is the only nighttime Knight she has in her employ and according to him is the strongest (Sir Helgath?).
  149. She also employs a Dhampir but no one knows if he is an actual Knight or not. According to Fritz though if he isn't already sooner or later the Lady will no doubt give him Knighthood. Sir Fritz also appears to be the only Knight who DOESN'T dislike you. Probably the reason why she assigned him to you.
  152. --------------------------------------------------
  153. List of Town's People - 345
  154. --------------------------------------------------
  156. {Town Chief Garz} He manages the affairs of the town for the local noble. Older fellow but still has his keen wits.
  158. {Militia 'Guard' Captain Oze} technically the only full time guard here. Is a veteran soldier from the wars and given his stony silence when dead lands are brought up its likely he fought there. Strange veteran soldier from across the sea. He hails from a land whose martial arts are very advanced compared to here. Mostly in terms of technique he found himself here when he met his wife who was a native. Thought finding undead would prove to an interesting change of pace. He was right but he underestimated how strong they are. His wife is a nice middle aged woman who goes by Nancy. She is actually the village midwife. He is a damn good fighter though and trains the children of the village in martial arts. {His fighter ranking is Expert.}
  161. {Merchant Moors} who runs the only store in town.
  163. {Blat the Smith} who came down from the mountains on one leg and settled down here. Some people say he was once a barbarian but now is a lowly village blacksmith and leatherworker.
  165. {Tan the Tanner} down near the delta where he works dealing with the local hides. If you can get past the smell he is an alright fellow who comes everyday to the inn for a drink and 'fresh air'.
  167. {Chelsea the Tailor} Only professional tailor in town her work is good enough to be sold in the city. Is eccentric as she goes on 'walks' and ends up with strange materials that she uses for her work. She actually vanished for months awhile back before mysteriously returning and suddenly having great skill. She refuses to talk about it though.
  169. {Helga the Witch} The woods witch who apparently even the vampire's don't dare fuck with. Closet thing to a healer in this parts now that the priest is dead and deals with odd things Moors would never touch.
  171. The only person who didn't meet is {Chits a veteran soldier turned hunter}. Rumor is he is dhampir and the only survivor the recent vampire attack that took your uncle's life. He is the only villager who regularly vanishes into those dark haunted woods for long periods of time. Unlike all the others though he make it back if in rather poor condition. He helps the town militia with...more unnatural problems should they crop up and is the only one exempt from militia duties .
  173. {Terry the Carpenter} Apparently the [brother of Tan] and a grumpy fellow who rarely appears to ever be happy unlike his brother. Oddly he smells worse too but apparently Tan is tad bit obsessive with bathing. Despite that somehow ended up with the [village beauty Mary].
  175. {Faren the Hunter} When Faren was kid he got kidnapped by fey and returned a few years later but fully grown with a wife with child. Suffice it to say many villager were shocked as he built a cabin and went hunting in the mountains. He avoids the woods and his wife manages a garden. When people asked about what happened he just says he got lost one day and finally managed to find his way back.
  177. {Zara, Faren's wife} has taken to the tending an orchard and gardening. A strange if beautiful woman many villagers swear that she is a tribal who has friends among the druids or shamans given the speed of her trees growth as well as the peculiar 'garden' of hers. The rest of them meanwhile claim she simply knows some nature magic or is fey.
  179. Their (Faren's & Zara's) now grown and eldest daughter goes by {Yisa a troublemaker tomboy} who never outgrew the troublemaking. When she isn't causing trouble or wandering off she takes care of her younger siblings. Is said to be the top beauty around.
  181. {Mister and Misses Fargo} (Faren's parents) A gnarly old couple who have taken to brewing in their old age as their remaining children took over the family farm.
  183. {Korsa the Centaur} who manages the biggest farm in the village. A recent migrant who for some reason ended up hear. How a young centaur filly did or why no one knows but given the massive harvests she produces no one is about to complain.
  185. Then there are the local children and wives. Currently though [Tan is the only bachelor] in town who is grown and even some of the boys are already claimed by a few of the girls.
  187. {Xaz the Inn keeper} (and a mummy with a heart of gold?). A shuffling figure covered in bandages even the face and wearing musty clothing. Strangely though you noticed that for some reason there would appear to be an giant eye painted on the face wraps. Even more strangely they somehow knew exactly where we were as we came in.
  189. {Bellamy, the Inn cook} A orphan that was taken in by Xaz.
  192. Our pantheon is Spirits, the most varied of them all. (Seriously though dere is a metric fuckton of spirits and their power levels can fluctuate wildly.) This DOES mean you have access to the widest range of stuff...but the power of it sadly will also be of the widest range. So...guess its up to luck then yes?
  194. We house two priest of the spirits in the village.
  196. Employees - 20 people for haunted wood. {625 a week} 15 carpenters {75 a week} random people
  198. ----------------------------------------------------
  199. House Details - 890
  200. ------------------------------------------------------
  202. The house has two stories and a balcony overlooking a courtyard. First through the front door is a the living room. Past that is the dining room, beyond which is the kitchen, and through the backdoor in the kitchen nearby is the restroom. Next to the kitchen is the pantry and downstairs near the kitchen is the basement. A closet and parlor is next to the living room as a well as the stairs. On the second floor is the living area. Including your uncle's room, former study, guest room, and bathroom as well as the balcony.
  204. In the basement is pretty much desolate even more then any other room. Every room is pretty bare bones even the kitchen and largely except for the parlor(which had the most luxuries) as well as the study which was shockingly intact.
  206. in the courtyard you noticed a storage area and some seemingly incomplete walls as well unfinished construction project. Within the courtyard itself is centered around a selection of trees which provide shade with heavily scented flowers, and a small spring...some of which is diverted into a hot spring in the bathhouse. Apparently your uncle was intending to create a walled in villa but never quite got there for some reason.
  208. Looking around you discovered something interesting in both the seemingly desolate basement and packed study. In the packed study you found some maps, notes, and tomes of some interesting discoveries...focused around this town.
  210. It would seem your uncle selected this town out all others because of not just its apparently has or is close to some very interesting places and holds some secrets. That is why your uncle settled down here.
  212. His maps have marked several locations one is strangely enough the inn and the other is in the mountains.
  214. In the basement meanwhile just as you suspected you found your uncle's secret stash. Turned out he had a heavy illusion cast on the basement which thanks to your studies you were able to work your way around(though it also helped you remembered the story your uncle once told you of a certain illusions he encountered once and how he took some of their appartuses with him). When you cancelled the effect instead of an empty basement was stood before you was a collection of crates, barrels, and housing for booze. Digging around though you found a carefully stashed chest hidden near the stairs and was carefully obscured by the now apparent treasures. In the chest sure enough you found a small pile of coins as well as your uncle's old adventuring equipment....which honestly shocked you in quality. There was a letter inside that apparently he dragged the chest out with him when he got kicked out here because he figured he would need it.
  216. Interestingly it would appear a few items are lost compared to the list that had everything crossed out. You have the feeling what is missing could likely be found on his body or in the burned down church...
  218. -----------------------------------------
  219. Inn Keeper's info
  220. ------------------------------------------
  222. "The town and your uncle hm...the town is a small place as you can obviously tell that is under the jurisdiction of our Lady Ezrasha. Her family got caught consorting with the vampires...and even worse were confirmed necromancers by a passing party of heroes. Suffice it to say it ended rather poorly for them and Ezra is now the only survivor with her family be executed by the heroes."
  224. "Her family had to have been doing something right though considering the vampires backed off from their lands. Which led to the belief of them making a deal with the vampires...of that they found no proof. Instead what they discovered was proof of necromancy!"
  226. "Naturally in addition to her holdings being pillaged by the vampires, her family dead, the then young Ezra has had to be dealing with a steep taxes. Naturally we the small folk had to pay up. Taxes is high here and it would appear it will remain so for awhile longer thereby crippling her lands even more so."
  228. "She can't hardly afford to maintain many forces to keep us safe which is why she gave official permission and support to form our own militias in addition the usual guards. That doesn't mean she has none though if we are trouble we can call upon the aid of her remaining forces including the great knight Resk who has remained with the family despite its poor condition."
  230. "Our typical. A no name village eeking out a living as best we can. It is unusual we have an inn such as this out here I will admit that. Its due to the odd vampire hunter or foolish teams of adventurers. While rare they certainly are willing to pay an outrageous price for a decent room and board."
  232. "Your uncle was an interesting fellow noticed things that others did not. Somehow figured out that this village was not like most. He realized its potential and some secrets of the nearby area. He found this place interesting as why else would he put up with the high taxes?"
  234. "As for what he knew...that I cannot say for certain. He was rather typed lipped about his investigations. Which if I am to honest I figured would of gotten him killed. I'll admit I did not see the vampire death coming. Always figured he would of been able to handle it. He may have a big fat jolly bastard."
  236. Yeah that sounds like your uncle alright.
  238. "But he was quite smart and one mean fighter. You may get old and out of shape but that doesn't mean what you knew and your skill completely deteriorates. Alas though a vampire is no joke of an enemy."
  240. "Still this town is pretty meh as you can tell. Many folks especially the younger ones have long since left due to harsh conditions and steep taxes. Not many chose to stick around...made it so unusual when that centaur and your uncle showed up."
  242. "Your uncle...he largely kept to himself. He would usually eat at home and come here for a drink like most the rest. At least when he wasn't holed up in that study of his or exploring some location."
  244. "As for what I knew about him...well can't say I knew him very well. Certainly had some stories to tell and he DID mention you a few times too. Claimed you were his favorite guess that is true given the inheritence eh? Hahahah he was a mysterious guy who liked most the simple things in life...but was busy despite him getting on years. He while especially drunk enough would curse about the plotting that has ended up with him here. Yet also bringing up some of his doings...and discoveries."
  246. That was when the barkeep seemingly looked around despite being blind. As if to make sure no one was nearby.
  248. "Since your his nephew I'll tell you."
  250. "He claimed to have found the entrance to a legendary labyrinth of luck! A place with few entrances but full of adventure and treasure! Each entrance is a precious treasure...but he claims to have found one nearby."
  252. "There are few precious few such legendary spots throughout the world and that strange labyrinth is one of the largest. Entrances can be found spanning across multiple continents."
  254. "Claims its entrance is a nearby ruined city...can't say I know where the city is though. Beyond that he also found a safe entrance and exit in the woods. Allows for some exploring of that haunted place should you get the balls to explore it during the day and get the hell out before nightfalls."
  256. "Claims to have found that the mountains are rich in resources and monsters as well. That we knew but supposedly he knew of a site in particular."
  258. "Then there was is thing with this inn. Insisted I was hiding something...everyone has secrets you know? Claims this place had some connection to the city, undead, or something. Can you believe that? Hah I wish would be able to make a killing..."
  260. "So as you can see your uncle as a great believer in this places mysteries and potential. Naturally couldn't resist checking it out despite his advanced age."
  262. "As for the town...not much to say that doesn't involve hearsay or the remaining people here."
  264. --------------------------
  265. Random Notes
  266. ----------------------------
  268. Be aware that the average wage is measured by silvers. Copper is pretty much pocket change and gold is a bit more valuable then silver. Silver valued a bit more highly here due to its usefulness against the undead and for healing magics leader to a lower conversation rate into gold. The Churches are actually responsible for minting of silver while the kingdom does the others. Current rates is 5 silver to 1 gold. Most rates in commoner classes is based off silver while for nobility its gold.
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