
br patch stuff

Apr 6th, 2017
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  1. What I assume is getting fixed already (just for the sake of mentioning everything):
  2. SUV Windshield
  3. CZ550 and Lee too weak
  4. 6.5 and 7.62 ARs and LMGs dont do enough damage to arms and legs
  5. Smokes are bugged
  6. Lapua and KSV dont always kill
  7. Damage taken in quadbike crashes is too high
  9. Imbalanced/buggy stuff:
  10. 7.62 AK and sa58 are too strong, oneshot almost anything
  12. Chestshots can break arms and legs in a single hit, even with weak guns (1 hit with 5.56 breaks arms or legs almost every time if you hit the chest once from what I've seen)
  14. Beetle is a bit too fragile imo. Cars can be blown up super easily now and every car can be disabled by shooting a few bullets at the tires. The beetle engine is so fragile, that 10 5.56 bullets destroy it. Maybe it could get a slight buff (if thats even possible?)
  16. M4 might be too common. Everybody uses that gun (judging from the gun stats on the LB), because it has no downsides and performs well in every single scenario. It has good damage, good firerate, good accuracy, common suppressors, underbarrel for 40mm, there are literally no downsides to it. Maybe it should be more rare? I know the TRG21 is rare, but I think almost everyone will agree that the M4 is better because it doesnt have broken zeroing.
  18. 40mm grenades are absolutely gamebreaking. I think 3Rnd 40mm need to be removed from the game or at the very least moved to crateloot. Is it possible to lower the AoE of 40mm grenades, so they have to be aimed better to kill players?
  20. I think part of what makes the 40mm so OP in 3rd person is the fact that its possible to measure distances with the marker really easily, if there is a reference point anywhere close to the target, like a rock or a building, allowing for perfect grenade shots. Same goes for long range shots, especially with sniper rifles. Is it possible to "only" show the marker ingame, but not the distance?
  22. Vehicle repair animation: It's possible to start repairing a vehicle and then immediately get into the car. The repair will continue, while the player can do whatever they want, like start driving or get out of the car and run around. I dont know if this is intended, but its not possible to get into a car while medkitting.
  24. Suggestions:
  26. Faceshots are the bane of all BR players, most people use pilot helmets over lvl4 or lvl5 helmets now, because it provides more faceprotection. How about bringing back the titan helmet (or something like it), maybe crate only, so people have a chance at protecting themselves from faceshots?
  28. Location of cratedrops. I think there should be no cratedrops anywhere close to the black circle. Looting the black circle is the safest way to ensure a good finish, getting an uncontested crate there is almost gamebreaking. The best solution imo would be that crates dont drop until the blue circle is shown and after that they only drop in the blue circle area. This means people cant get insane gear 2 minutes into the game and after that almost all crates can be contested by players who want to have a chance at the crategear. Cratedrops create points of interest and allow for interesting gameplay instead of camping, they should also be high risk high reward.
  30. Crates with no guns/vests at all. I think a crate should have atleast 1 gun or 1 lvl5 vest, other than that the loot distribution is really good at them right now.
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