

May 29th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. import:
  2. com.nisovin.magicspells.MagicSpells
  3. com.nisovin.magicspells.Spell
  4. com.nisovin.magicspells.mana.ManaChangeReason
  6. command /Reiniciar [<player>]:
  7. permission: stafflvl3
  8. trigger:
  9. send "&fBorrando todos los datos del jugador &c%arg-1%"
  10. set {_query} to "DELETE FROM Ajustes WHERE uuid = ""%arg-1's uuid%"""
  11. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  12. send "&c1. Datos Ajustes."
  13. wait 5 tick
  14. set {_query} to "DELETE FROM usuarios WHERE uuid = ""%arg-1's uuid%"""
  15. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  16. send "&c2. Datos Usuario."
  17. wait 5 tick
  18. set {_query} to "DELETE FROM Elementos WHERE uuid = ""%arg-1's uuid%"""
  19. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  20. send "&c3. Datos Elementos."
  21. wait 5 tick
  22. set {_query} to "DELETE FROM estadisticas WHERE uuid = ""%arg-1's uuid%"""
  23. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  24. send "&c4. Datos Estadisticas."
  25. wait 5 tick
  26. set {_query} to "DELETE FROM mochilausers WHERE uuid = ""%arg-1's uuid%"""
  27. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  28. send "&c4. Datos Mochila."
  29. wait 5 tick
  30. set {_query} to "DELETE FROM Sennins WHERE uuid = ""%arg-1's uuid%"""
  31. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  32. set {Efectos.novato.%arg-1%} to true
  33. send "&ABorrado Completado."
  34. send "&fKickeando al jugador..."
  35. make console execute command "kick %arg-1% ¡Fuiste Reiniciado!"
  36. #New
  37. on store:
  38. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lAPRENDER ELEMENTOS" or "&4&lELEMENTO LAVA" or "&f&lELEMENTO HIELO" or "&2&lELEMENTO MADERA" or "&2&lTAIJUTSU" or "&6&lJUTSUS GENIN" or "&2&lJUTSUS CHUNIN" or "&e&lJUTSUS JOUNIN" or "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO &8&o(Genin)" or "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO &8&o(Chunin)" or "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO &8&o(Jounin)" or "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA &8&o(Genin)" or "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA &8&o(Chunin)" or "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA &8&o(Jounin)" or "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA &8&o(Genin)" or "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA &8&o(Chunin)" or "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA &8&o(Jounin)" or "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO &8&o(Genin)" or "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO &8&o(Chunin)" or "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO &8&o(Jounin)" or "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO &8&o(Genin)" or "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO &8&o(Chunin)" or "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO &8&o(Jounin)" or "&f&lELEMENTO YANG &8&o(Genin)" or "&f&lELEMENTO YANG &8&o(Chunin)" or "&f&lELEMENTO YANG &8&o(Jounin)" or "&d&lRASGOS":
  39. cancel event
  40. options:
  41. NoDomina: &f¡Debes dominar este elemento poder aprender estos jutsus!
  42. NoR: &f¡Te faltan &eRyos&f!
  43. NoP: &f¡Te faltan &9&lPH&f!
  44. Listo: &a¡Compra Exitosa!
  45. #Fuego_Genin
  46. P_anillo: 20
  47. R_anillo: 25
  48. P_BolaF: 20
  49. R_BolaF: 25
  50. P_Expulsion: 20
  51. R_Expulsion: 25
  53. #Agua_Genin
  54. P_TornadoA: 20
  55. R_TornadoA: 20
  57. #Tierra_Genin
  58. P_CarcelT: 20
  59. R_CarcelT: 30
  61. P_SerpienteG: 20
  62. R_SerpienteG: 25
  64. P_GolpeRG: 20
  65. R_GolpeRG: 20
  67. P_TormentaG: 20
  68. R_TormentaG: 25
  69. #Rayo_Genin
  71. P_GolpeE: 20
  72. R_GolpeE: 15
  74. #Viento_Genin
  76. P_Guadaña: 20
  77. R_Guadaña: 27
  78. #Yang_Genin
  80. P_SanacionG: 15
  81. R_SanacionG: 20
  84. #Chunin_fuego
  85. P_DragonF: 20
  86. R_DragonF: 20
  88. #Chunin_Agua
  89. P_MeteoroA: 20
  90. R_MeteoroA: 20
  92. P_Tsunami: 20
  93. R_Tsunami: 20
  94. #Chunin_Tierra
  95. P_PrisionT: 20
  96. R_PrisionT: 20
  98. P_GolpeRC: 20
  99. R_GolpeRC: 20
  101. P_SerpienteC: 20
  102. R_SerpienteC: 20
  104. P_Subida: 30
  105. R_Subida: 40
  106. #Chunin_Rayo
  108. P_GolpeEC: 20
  109. R_GolpeEC: 20
  111. #Chunin_Yang
  112. P_SanacionC: 20
  113. R_SanacionC: 20
  115. #Jounin_Fuego
  116. P_DanzaF: 20
  117. R_DanzaF: 20
  118. #Jounin_Rayo
  119. P_GolpeEJ: 20
  120. R_GolpeEJ: 20
  121. #Jounin_Tierra
  122. P_SerpienteJ: 20
  123. R_SerpienteJ: 20
  125. P_GolpeRJ: 20
  126. R_GolpeRJ: 20
  127. #Jounin_Yang
  128. P_SanacionJ: 20
  129. R_SanacionJ: 20
  131. #Taijutsu
  132. #Puertas
  134. P_Puerta1: 20
  135. R_Puerta1: 20
  137. P_Puerta2: 30
  138. R_Puerta2: 30
  140. P_Puerta3: 55
  141. R_Puerta3: 36
  143. P_Puerta4: 64
  144. R_Puerta4: 60
  146. P_Puerta5: 96
  147. R_Puerta5: 85
  149. P_Puerta6: 128
  150. R_Puerta6: 120
  152. P_Puerta7: 160
  153. R_Puerta7: 170
  155. P_Puerta8: 600
  156. R_Puerta8: 800
  158. P_PatadaHuracan: 10
  159. R_PatadaHuracan: 5
  161. P_LotoPrimario: 20
  162. R_LotoPrimario: 15
  164. P_LotoInverso: 25
  165. R_LotoInverso: 30
  167. P_ComboPatadas: 25
  168. R_ComboPatadas: 35
  170. #Elemento_Lava
  171. R_Escupitajo: 30
  172. C1_Escupitajo: 32
  173. C2_Escupitajo: 32
  175. R_charco: 50
  176. C1_charco: 32
  177. C2_charco: 32
  179. R_volcan: 75
  180. C1_volcan: 64
  181. C2_volcan: 64
  183. R_erupcion: 75
  184. C1_erupcion: 64
  185. C2_erupcion: 64
  187. #Elemento_Hielo
  188. R_Anillo_DHielo: 60
  189. C1_Anillo_DHielo: 42
  190. C2_Anillo_DHielo: 42
  192. R_Conge: 50
  193. C1_Conge: 64
  194. C2_Conge: 64
  196. R_AbanicoH: 50
  197. C1_AbanicoH: 32
  198. C2_AbanicoH: 32
  200. R_AbanicoHF: 120
  201. C1_AbanicoHF: 64
  202. C2_AbanicoHF: 64
  204. R_AtaqueH: 120
  205. C1_AtaqueH: 32
  206. C2_AtaqueH: 32
  208. R_MultiH: 35
  209. C1_MultiH: 32
  210. C2_MultiH: 32
  211. #Elemento_Madera
  212. R_AMadera: 56
  213. C1_AMadera: 32
  214. C2_AMadera: 32
  216. R_Bosque: 90
  217. C1_Bosque: 64
  218. C2_Bosque: 64
  220. R_CarcelMa: 70
  221. C1_CarcelMa: 50
  222. C2_CarcelMa: 50
  224. R_DragonMa: 125
  225. C1_DragonMa: 80
  226. C2_DragonMa: 80
  227. on inventory click:
  228. if name of event-inventory is "&2&lELEMENTO MADERA":
  229. cancel event
  230. if event-slot is 27:
  231. make player execute command "/pj kekkei"
  232. stop
  233. set {_r} to "%{Elem1::%player%}% %{Elem2::%player%}% %{Elem3::%player%}% %{Elem4::%player%}% %{Elem5::%player%}%"
  234. if player has permission "CelulasHashirama":
  235. send "&c¡No puedes aprender estos Jutsus!"
  236. stop
  237. else:
  238. if {_r} contains "Madera":
  239. if event-slot is 12:
  240. cesot(player, "Pergamino Tierra", "{@C1_AMadera}", "Pergamino Agua", "{@C2_AMadera}", "{@R_AMadera}", "mokutoncompleto", "mokutoncompleto")
  241. if event-slot is 13:
  242. cesot(player, "Pergamino Tierra", "{@C1_Bosque}", "Pergamino Agua", "{@C2_Bosque}", "{@R_Bosque}", "BosqueMokuton", "BosqueMokuton")
  243. if event-slot is 14:
  244. cesot(player, "Pergamino Tierra", "{@C1_CarcelMa}", "Pergamino Agua", "{@C2_CarcelMa}", "{@R_CarcelMa}", "carcelm1", "carcelcompleto")
  245. if event-slot is 15:
  246. cesot(player, "Pergamino Tierra", "{@C1_DragonMa}", "Pergamino Agua", "{@C2_DragonMa}", "{@R_DragonMa}", "DragonDeMadera", "DragonMadera")
  247. else:
  248. send "&fNo Dominas este Elemento."
  249. if name of event-inventory is "&4&lELEMENTO LAVA":
  250. cancel event
  251. if event-slot is 27:
  252. make player execute command "/pj kekkei"
  253. stop
  254. set {_r} to "%{Elem1::%player%}% %{Elem2::%player%}% %{Elem3::%player%}% %{Elem4::%player%}% %{Elem5::%player%}%"
  255. if {_r} contains "Lava":
  256. if event-slot is 12:
  257. cesot(player, "Pergamino Fuego", "{@C1_Escupitajo}", "Pergamino Tierra", "{@C2_charco}", "{@R_Escupitajo}", "EscupitajoLava", "escupitajo")
  258. if event-slot is 13:
  259. cesot(player, "Pergamino Fuego", "{@C1_charco}", "Pergamino Tierra", "{@C2_charco}", "{@R_charco}", "CharcoLava", "charco")
  260. if event-slot is 14:
  261. cesot(player, "Pergamino Fuego", "{@C1_volcan}", "Pergamino Tierra", "{@C2_volcan}", "{@R_volcan}", "EstiloDeLava:Volcan", "volcan")
  262. if event-slot is 15:
  263. cesot(player, "Pergamino Fuego", "{@C1_erupcion}", "Pergamino Tierra", "{@C2_erupcion}", "{@R_erupcion}", "EstiloDeLava:ErupcionMultiple", "erupcionmultiple")
  264. else:
  265. send "&fNo Dominas este Elemento."
  266. if name of event-inventory is "&f&lELEMENTO HIELO":
  267. cancel event
  268. if event-slot is 27:
  269. make player execute command "/pj kekkei"
  270. stop
  271. set {_r} to "%{Elem1::%player%}% %{Elem2::%player%}% %{Elem3::%player%}% %{Elem4::%player%}% %{Elem5::%player%}%"
  272. if {_r} contains "Hielo":
  273. if event-slot is 12:
  274. cesot(player, "Pergamino Agua", "{@C1_Anillo_DHielo}", "Pergamino Viento", "{@C2_Anillo_DHielo}", "{@R_Anillo_DHielo}", "AnilloDragonH", "anillodragonhielo")
  275. if event-slot is 13:
  276. cesot(player, "Pergamino Agua", "{@C1_Conge}", "Pergamino Viento", "{@C2_Conge}", "{@R_Conge}", "congelamientomultiple", "conjelamientomultiple")
  277. if event-slot is 14:
  278. cesot(player, "Pergamino Agua", "{@C1_AbanicoH}", "Pergamino Viento", "{@C2_AbanicoH}", "{@R_AbanicoH}", "AbanicoHieloF", "abanicohielo")
  279. if event-slot is 15:
  280. cesot(player, "Pergamino Agua", "{@C1_AbanicoHF}", "Pergamino Viento", "{@C2_AbanicoHF}", "{@R_AbanicoHF}", "AbanicoHieloF2", "abanicohielo2")
  281. if event-slot is 16:
  282. cesot(player, "Pergamino Agua", "{@C1_AtaqueH}", "Pergamino Viento", "{@C2_AtaqueH}", "{@R_AtaqueH}", "ataquehielo", "ataquehielo")
  283. if event-slot is 21:
  284. cesot(player, "Pergamino Agua", "{@C1_MultiH}", "Pergamino Viento", "{@C2_MultiH}", "{@R_MultiH}", "SelloHieloMultiple", "hielom")
  285. else:
  286. send "&fNo Dominas este Elemento."
  287. if name of event-inventory is "&2&lTAIJUTSU":
  288. cancel event
  289. if event-slot is 27:
  290. make player execute command "/pj habilidades"
  291. stop
  292. if event-slot is 16:
  293. if player has permission "Parpa1" or "Parpa2" or "Parpa3" or "Parpa4":
  294. if player has permission "Parpa1":
  295. if player has permission "Puerta6" or "Puerta7" or "Puerta8":
  296. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 20:
  297. if player's balance is greater or equal to 25:
  298. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  299. if name of loop-item is equal to "&a&lPARPADEANTE NIVEL 1":
  300. set {_parpa} to loop-item
  301. if amount of {_parpa} in player's inventory is 1:
  302. remove 1 of {_parpa} from the player
  303. subtract 20 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  304. subtract 25 from player's balance
  305. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParpadeanteT6"
  306. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Parpa1" #Aprendio el Parpa 2 asi que borro el permiso este
  307. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Parpa2"
  308. make player run command "/mi give Parpa2" as op
  309. send "{@Listo}" to player
  310. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  311. else:
  312. send "&cNecesistas tener el Parpadeante Nivel 1 en tu inventario"
  313. else:
  314. send "{@NoR}"
  315. else:
  316. send "{@NoP}"
  317. else:
  318. send "&c¡Aun no dominas la Sexta Puerta!"
  319. if player has permission "Parpa2":
  320. if player has permission "Puerta7" or "Puerta8":
  321. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 30:
  322. if player's balance is greater or equal to 35:
  323. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  324. if name of loop-item is equal to "&a&lPARPADEANTE NIVEL 2":
  325. set {_parpa} to loop-item
  326. if amount of {_parpa} in player's inventory is 1:
  327. remove 1 of {_parpa} from the player
  328. subtract 30 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  329. subtract 35 from player's balance
  330. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParpadeanteT7"
  331. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Parpa2" #Aprendio el Parpa 3 asi que borro el permiso este
  332. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Parpa3"
  333. make player run command "/mi give Parpa3" as op
  334. send "{@Listo}" to player
  335. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  336. else:
  337. send "&cNecesistas tener el Parpadeante Nivel 2 en tu inventario"
  338. else:
  339. send "{@NoR}"
  340. else:
  341. send "{@NoP}"
  342. else:
  343. send "&c¡Aun no dominas la Septima Puerta!"
  344. if player has permission "Parpa3":
  345. if player has permission "Puerta8":
  346. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 40:
  347. if player's balance is greater or equal to 62:
  348. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  349. if name of loop-item is equal to "&a&lPARPADEANTE NIVEL 3":
  350. set {_parpa} to loop-item
  351. if amount of {_parpa} in player's inventory is 1:
  352. remove 1 of {_parpa} from the player
  353. subtract 40 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  354. subtract 62 from player's balance
  355. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParpadeanteT8"
  356. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Parpa3" #Aprendio el Parpa 3 asi que borro el permiso este
  357. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Parpa4"
  358. make player run command "/mi give Parpa4" as op
  359. send "{@Listo}" to player
  360. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  361. else:
  362. send "&cNecesistas tener el Parpadeante Nivel 3 en tu inventario"
  363. else:
  364. send "{@NoR}"
  365. else:
  366. send "{@NoP}"
  367. else:
  368. send "&c¡Aun no dominas la Octava Puerta!"
  369. if player has permission "Parpa4":
  370. stop #Dominado
  371. else:
  372. if player has permission "Puerta1" or "Puerta2" or "Puerta3" or "Puerta4" or "Puerta5" or "Puerta6" or "Puerta7" or "Puerta8" or "puerta9":
  373. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 10:
  374. if player's balance is greater or equal to 12:
  375. subtract 10 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  376. subtract 12 from player's balance
  377. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParpadeanteT1"
  378. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Parpa1"
  379. make player run command "/mi give Parpa1" as op
  380. send "{@Listo}" to player
  381. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  382. else:
  383. send "{@NoR}"
  384. else:
  385. send "{@NoP}"
  386. else:
  387. send "&c¡Aun no dominas la Primera Puerta!"
  388. if event-slot is 22:
  389. if player has permission "Atras1" or "Atras2" or "Atras3" or "Atras4":
  390. if player has permission "Atras1":
  391. if player has permission "Puerta5" or "Puerta6" or "Puerta7" or "Puerta8" or "puerta9":
  392. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 20:
  393. if player's balance is greater or equal to 25:
  394. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  395. if name of loop-item is equal to "&a&lATRAS NIVEL 1":
  396. set {_parpa} to loop-item
  397. if amount of {_parpa} in player's inventory is 1:
  398. remove 1 of {_parpa} from the player
  399. subtract 20 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  400. subtract 25 from player's balance
  401. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% AtrasT5"
  402. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Atras1" #Aprendio el Atras 2 asi que borro el permiso este
  403. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Atras2"
  404. make player run command "/mi give Atras2" as op
  405. send "{@Listo}" to player
  406. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  407. else:
  408. send "&cNecesistas tener el Atras Nivel 1 en tu inventario"
  409. else:
  410. send "{@NoR}"
  411. else:
  412. send "{@NoP}"
  413. else:
  414. send "&c¡Aun no dominas la Quinta Puerta!"
  415. if player has permission "Atras2":
  416. if player has permission "Puerta6" or "Puerta7" or "Puerta8" or "puerta9":
  417. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 30:
  418. if player's balance is greater or equal to 35:
  419. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  420. if name of loop-item is equal to "&a&lATRAS NIVEL 2":
  421. set {_parpa} to loop-item
  422. if amount of {_parpa} in player's inventory is 1:
  423. remove 1 of {_parpa} from the player
  424. subtract 30 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  425. subtract 35 from player's balance
  426. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% AtrasT6"
  427. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Atras2" #Aprendio el Atras 3 asi que borro el permiso este
  428. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Atras3"
  429. make player run command "/mi give Atras3" as op
  430. send "{@Listo}" to player
  431. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  432. else:
  433. send "&cNecesistas tener el Atras Nivel 2 en tu inventario"
  434. else:
  435. send "{@NoR}"
  436. else:
  437. send "{@NoP}"
  438. else:
  439. send "&c¡Aun no dominas la Sexta Puerta!"
  440. if player has permission "Atras3":
  441. if player has permission "Puerta7" or "Puerta8" or "puerta9":
  442. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 40:
  443. if player's balance is greater or equal to 60:
  444. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  445. if name of loop-item is equal to "&a&lATRAS NIVEL 3":
  446. set {_parpa} to loop-item
  447. if amount of {_parpa} in player's inventory is 1:
  448. remove 1 of {_parpa} from the player
  449. subtract 40 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  450. subtract 60 from player's balance
  451. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% AtrasT7"
  452. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Atras3" #Aprendio el Atras 4 asi que borro el permiso este
  453. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Atras4"
  454. make player run command "/mi give Atras4" as op
  455. send "{@Listo}" to player
  456. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  457. else:
  458. send "&cNecesistas tener el Atras Nivel 3 en tu inventario"
  459. else:
  460. send "{@NoR}"
  461. else:
  462. send "{@NoP}"
  463. else:
  464. send "&c¡Aun no dominas la Septima Puerta!"
  465. if player has permission "Atras4":
  466. if player has permission "Puerta8" or "Puerta9":
  467. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 100:
  468. if player's balance is greater or equal to 120:
  469. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  470. if name of loop-item is equal to "&a&lATRAS NIVEL 4":
  471. set {_parpa} to loop-item
  472. if amount of {_parpa} in player's inventory is 1:
  473. remove 1 of {_parpa} from the player
  474. subtract 100 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  475. subtract 120 from player's balance
  476. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% AtrasT8"
  477. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Atras4" #Aprendio el Atras 5 asi que borro el permiso este
  478. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Atras5"
  479. make player run command "/mi give Atras5" as op
  480. send "{@Listo}" to player
  481. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  482. else:
  483. send "&cNecesistas tener el Atras Nivel 4 en tu inventario"
  484. else:
  485. send "{@NoR}"
  486. else:
  487. send "{@NoP}"
  488. else:
  489. send "&c¡Aun no dominas la Octava Puerta!"
  490. else:
  491. if player has permission "Puerta1" or "Puerta2" or "Puerta3" or "Puerta4" or "Puerta5" or "Puerta6" or "Puerta7" or "Puerta8" or "Puerta9":
  492. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 10:
  493. if player's balance is greater or equal to 12:
  494. subtract 10 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  495. subtract 12 from player's balance
  496. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% AtrasT1"
  497. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Atras1"
  498. make player run command "/mi give Atras1" as op
  499. send "{@Listo}" to player
  500. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  501. else:
  502. send "{@NoR}"
  503. else:
  504. send "{@NoP}"
  505. else:
  506. send "&c¡Aun no dominas la Primera Puerta!"
  507. if event-slot is 24:
  508. if player has permission "Puerta1" or "Puerta2" or "Puerta3" or "Puerta4" or "Puerta5" or "Puerta6" or "Puerta7" or "Puerta8" or "Puerta9":
  509. if player has permission "Puerta1":
  510. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 30:
  511. if player's balance is greater or equal to 30:
  512. subtract 30 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  513. subtract 30 from player's balance
  514. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParticulasTai1A2"
  515. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Puerta1"
  516. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Puerta2"
  517. make player run command "/mi give P2" as op
  518. send "{@Listo}" to player
  519. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  520. else:
  521. send "{@NoR}"
  522. else:
  523. send "{@NoP}"
  524. if player has permission "Puerta2":
  525. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 55:
  526. if player's balance is greater or equal to 36:
  527. subtract 55 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  528. subtract 36 from player's balance
  529. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParticulasTai1A3"
  530. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Puerta2"
  531. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Puerta3"
  532. make player run command "/mi give P3" as op
  533. send "{@Listo}" to player
  534. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  535. else:
  536. send "{@NoR}"
  537. else:
  538. send "{@NoP}"
  539. if player has permission "Puerta3":
  540. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 64:
  541. if player's balance is greater or equal to 60:
  542. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  543. if name of loop-item is equal to "&2&lHGOLPE TAIJUTSU":
  544. set {_golpe} to loop-item
  545. if amount of {_golpe} in player's inventory is 1:
  546. subtract 64 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  547. subtract 60 from player's balance
  548. remove 1 of {_golpe} from the player
  549. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParticulasTai1A4"
  550. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% 4Pain"
  551. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Puerta3"
  552. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Puerta4"
  553. make player run command "/mi give P4" as op
  554. make player run command "/mi give 4Pain" as op
  555. send "{@Listo}" to player
  556. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  557. else:
  558. send "&cNecesistas tener la &2&lHGOLPE TAIJUTSU&c en tu inventario"
  559. else:
  560. send "{@NoR}"
  561. else:
  562. send "{@NoP}"
  563. if player has permission "Puerta4":
  564. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 96:
  565. if player's balance is greater or equal to 85:
  566. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  567. if name of loop-item is equal to "&2&lHGOLPE TAIJUTSU":
  568. set {_golpe} to loop-item
  569. if amount of {_golpe} in player's inventory is 1:
  570. subtract 96 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  571. subtract 85 from player's balance
  572. remove 1 of {_golpe} from the player
  573. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParticulasTai5"
  574. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% 5Pain"
  575. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Puerta4"
  576. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Puerta5"
  577. make player run command "/mi give P5" as op
  578. make player run command "/mi give 5Pain" as op
  579. send "{@Listo}" to player
  580. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  581. else:
  582. send "&cNecesistas tener &2&lHGOLPE TAIJUTSU&c en tu inventario"
  583. else:
  584. send "{@NoR}"
  585. else:
  586. send "{@NoP}"
  587. if player has permission "Puerta5":
  588. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 128:
  589. if player's balance is greater or equal to 120:
  590. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  591. if name of loop-item is equal to "&2&lHGOLPE TAIJUTSU":
  592. set {_golpe} to loop-item
  593. if amount of {_golpe} in player's inventory is 1:
  594. subtract 128 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  595. subtract 120 from player's balance
  596. remove 1 of {_golpe} from the player
  597. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParticulasTai6"
  598. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% 6Pain"
  599. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Puerta5"
  600. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Puerta6"
  601. make player run command "/mi give P6" as op
  602. make player run command "/mi give 6Pain" as op
  603. send "{@Listo}" to player
  604. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  605. else:
  606. send "&cNecesistas tener &2&lHGOLPE TAIJUTSU&c en tu inventario"
  607. else:
  608. send "{@NoR}"
  609. else:
  610. send "{@NoP}"
  611. if player has permission "Puerta6":
  612. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 128:
  613. if player's balance is greater or equal to 120:
  614. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  615. if name of loop-item is equal to "&2&lHGOLPE TAIJUTSU":
  616. set {_golpe} to loop-item
  617. if amount of {_golpe} in player's inventory is 1:
  618. subtract 128 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  619. subtract 120 from player's balance
  620. remove 1 of {_golpe} from the player
  621. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParticulasTai7"
  622. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% 7Pain"
  623. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Puerta6"
  624. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Puerta7"
  625. make player run command "/mi give P7" as op
  626. make player run command "/mi give 7Pain" as op
  627. send "{@Listo}" to player
  628. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  629. else:
  630. send "&cNecesistas tener la Puerta &2&lHGOLPE TAIJUTSU&c en tu inventario"
  631. else:
  632. send "{@NoR}"
  633. else:
  634. send "{@NoP}"
  635. if player has permission "Puerta7":
  636. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 600:
  637. if player's balance is greater or equal to 800:
  638. subtract 600 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  639. subtract 800 from player's balance
  640. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParticulasTai8"
  641. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% 8Pain"
  642. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission unset Puerta7"
  643. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Puerta8"
  644. make player run command "/mi give P8" as op
  645. make player run command "/mi give 8Pain" as op
  646. send "{@Listo}" to player
  647. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  648. else:
  649. send "{@NoR}"
  650. else:
  651. send "{@NoP}"
  652. if player has permission "Puerta8":
  653. stop #Dominado
  654. else:
  655. if {puntosh::%player%} is greater or equal to 20:
  656. if player's balance is greater or equal to 20:
  657. subtract 20 from {Puntosh::%player%}
  658. subtract 20 from player's balance
  659. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% ParticulasTai1A1"
  660. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% 3Pain"
  661. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set Puerta1"
  662. make player run command "/mi give P1" as op
  663. make player run command "/mi give 3Pain" as op
  664. send "{@Listo}" to player
  665. make player run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  666. else:
  667. send "{@NoR}"
  668. else:
  669. send "{@NoP}"
  670. if event-slot is 13:
  671. canje(player, "{@P_LotoPrimario}", "{@R_LotoPrimario}", "lotoprimario", "lotoprimario")
  672. if event-slot is 14:
  673. canje(player, "{@P_LotoInverso}", "{@R_LotoInverso}", "LotoInverso", "LotoInverso")
  674. if event-slot is 15:
  675. canje(player, "{@P_ComboPatadas}", "{@R_ComboPatadas}", "combopatadas", "combopatadas")
  676. #Puertas ACA
  677. #Jutsus Jounin
  678. if name of event-inventory is "&f&lELEMENTO YANG &8&o(Jounin)":
  679. cancel event
  680. if event-slot is 27:
  681. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Jounin"
  682. stop
  683. if player has permission "jouninquest":
  684. if event-slot is 12:
  685. canje(player, "{@P_SanacionJ}", "{@R_SanacionJ}", "Sanacion3", "Sanacion3")
  686. if name of event-inventory is "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO &8&o(Jounin)":
  687. cancel event
  688. if event-slot is 27:
  689. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Jounin"
  690. stop
  691. if player has permission "vientoquest":
  692. if player has permission "jouninquest":
  693. stop
  694. else:
  695. send "{@NoDomina}"
  696. stop
  697. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO &8&o(Jounin)":
  698. cancel event
  699. if event-slot is 27:
  700. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Jounin"
  701. stop
  702. if player has permission "rayoquest":
  703. if player has permission "jouninquest":
  704. if event-slot is 12:
  705. canje(player, "{@P_GolpeEJ}", "{@R_GolpeEJ}", "GolpeElectrico3", "GolpeElectrico3")
  706. else:
  707. send "{@NoDomina}"
  708. stop
  709. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA &8&o(Jounin)":
  710. cancel event
  711. if event-slot is 27:
  712. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Jounin"
  713. stop
  714. if player has permission "tierraquest":
  715. if player has permission "jouninquest":
  716. if event-slot is 12:
  717. canje(player, "{@P_SerpienteJ}", "{@R_SerpienteJ}", "SerpienteRoca3", "SerpienteRoca3")
  718. if event-slot is 13:
  719. canje(player, "{@P_GolpeRJ}", "{@P_GolpeRJ}", "PunoRoca3", "PunoRoca3")
  720. else:
  721. send "{@NoDomina}"
  722. stop
  723. if name of event-inventory is "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA &8&o(Jounin)":
  724. cancel event
  725. if event-slot is 27:
  726. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Jounin"
  727. stop
  728. if player has permission "aguaquest":
  729. if player has permission "Jouninquest":
  730. stop
  731. else:
  732. send "{@NoDomina}"
  733. stop
  734. if name of event-inventory is "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO &8&o(Jounin)":
  735. cancel event
  736. if event-slot is 27:
  737. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Jounin"
  738. stop
  739. if player has permission "fuegoquest":
  740. if player has permission "Jouninquest":
  741. if event-slot is 12:
  742. canje(player, "{@P_DanzaF}", "{@R_DanzaF}", "danza", "danza")
  743. else:
  744. send "{@NoDomina}"
  745. stop
  746. if name of event-inventory is "&e&lJUTSUS JOUNIN":
  747. cancel event
  748. if event-slot is 27:
  749. make player execute command "/menu jutsus"
  750. if event-slot is 12:
  751. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus FuegoJ"
  752. if event-slot is 13:
  753. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus AguaJ"
  754. if event-slot is 14:
  755. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus TierraJ"
  756. if event-slot is 15:
  757. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus RayoJ"
  758. if event-slot is 16:
  759. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus VientoJ"
  760. if event-slot is 22:
  761. send "&cProximamente..."
  762. if event-slot is 24:
  763. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus YangJ"
  764. #Jutsus Chunin
  765. if name of event-inventory is "&f&lELEMENTO YANG &8&o(Chunin)":
  766. cancel event
  767. if event-slot is 27:
  768. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Chunin"
  769. stop
  770. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  771. canje(player, "{@P_SanacionC}", "{@R_SanacionC}", "Sanacion2", "Sanacion2")
  772. else:
  773. send "{@NoDomina}"
  774. stop
  775. if name of event-inventory is "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO &8&o(Chunin)":
  776. cancel event
  777. if event-slot is 27:
  778. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Chunin"
  779. stop
  780. if player has permission "vientoquest":
  781. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  782. stop
  783. else:
  784. send "{@NoDomina}"
  785. stop
  786. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO &8&o(Chunin)":
  787. cancel event
  788. if event-slot is 27:
  789. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Chunin"
  790. stop
  791. if player has permission "rayoquest":
  792. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  793. if event-slot is 12:
  794. canje(player, "{@P_GolpeEC}", "{@R_GolpeEC}", "GolpeElectrico2", "GolpeElectrico2")
  795. else:
  796. send "{@NoDomina}"
  797. stop
  798. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA &8&o(Chunin)":
  799. cancel event
  800. if event-slot is 27:
  801. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Chunin"
  802. stop
  803. if player has permission "tierraquest":
  804. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  805. if event-slot is 12:
  806. canje(player, "{@P_SerpienteC}", "{@R_SerpienteC}", "SerpienteRoca2", "SerpienteRoca2")
  807. if event-slot is 13:
  808. canje(player, "{@P_PrisionT}", "{@R_PrisionT}", "CarcelR", "CarcelR")
  809. if event-slot is 14:
  810. canje(player, "{@P_GolpeRC}", "{@P_GolpeRC}", "PunoRoca2", "PunoRoca2")
  811. if event-slot is 15:
  812. canje(player, "{@P_Subida}", "{@R_Subida}", "SubidaMultiple", "SubidaMultiple")
  813. else:
  814. send "{@NoDomina}"
  815. stop
  816. if name of event-inventory is "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA &8&o(Chunin)":
  817. cancel event
  818. if event-slot is 27:
  819. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Chunin"
  820. stop
  821. if player has permission "aguaquest":
  822. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  823. if event-slot is 12:
  824. canje(player, "{@P_MeteoroA}", "{@R_MeteoroA}", "MeteoroAgua", "MeteoroAgua")
  825. if event-slot is 13:
  826. canje(player, "{@P_Tsunami}", "{@R_Tsunami}", "TsunamiDeAgua", "TsunamiAgua")
  827. else:
  828. send "{@NoDomina}"
  829. stop
  830. if name of event-inventory is "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO &8&o(Chunin)":
  831. cancel event
  832. if event-slot is 27:
  833. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Chunin"
  834. stop
  835. if player has permission "fuegoquest":
  836. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  837. if event-slot is 12:
  838. canje(player, "{@P_DragonF}", "{@R_DragonF}", "dragonf", "dragonf")
  839. else:
  840. send "{@NoDomina}"
  841. stop
  842. if name of event-inventory is "&2&lJUTSUS CHUNIN":
  843. cancel event
  844. if event-slot is 27:
  845. make player execute command "/menu jutsus"
  846. if event-slot is 12:
  847. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus FuegoC"
  848. if event-slot is 13:
  849. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus AguaC"
  850. if event-slot is 14:
  851. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus TierraC"
  852. if event-slot is 15:
  853. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus RayoC"
  854. if event-slot is 16:
  855. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus VientoC"
  856. if event-slot is 22:
  857. send "&cProximamente..."
  858. if event-slot is 24:
  859. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus YangC"
  860. #Jutsus genin
  861. if name of event-inventory is "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO &8&o(Genin)":
  862. cancel event
  863. if event-slot is 27:
  864. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Genin"
  865. stop
  866. if player has permission "fuegoquest":
  867. if event-slot is 12:
  868. canje(player, "{@P_anillo}", "{@R_anillo}", "AnilloDominado", "anillo")
  869. if event-slot is 13:
  870. canje(player, "{@P_BolaF}", "{@R_BolaF}", "BolaFuego", "BolaFuego")
  871. if event-slot is 14:
  872. canje(player, "{@P_Expulsion}", "{@R_Expulsion}", "expulsiondefuego", "expulsion")
  873. else:
  874. send "{@NoDomina}"
  875. stop
  876. if name of event-inventory is "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA &8&o(Genin)":
  877. cancel event
  878. if event-slot is 27:
  879. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Genin"
  880. if player has permission "aguaquest":
  881. if event-slot is 12:
  882. canje(player, "{@P_TornadoA}", "{@R_TornadoA}", "Tornado", "Tornado")
  883. else:
  884. send "{@NoDomina}"
  885. stop
  886. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO &8&o(Genin)":
  887. cancel event
  888. if event-slot is 27:
  889. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Genin"
  890. if player has permission "rayoquest":
  891. if event-slot is 12:
  892. canje(player, "{@P_GolpeE}", "{@R_GolpeE}", "GolpeElectrico1", "GolpeElectrico1")
  893. else:
  894. send "{@NoDomina}"
  895. stop
  896. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA &8&o(Genin)":
  897. cancel event
  898. if event-slot is 27:
  899. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Genin"
  900. if player has permission "tierraquest":
  901. if event-slot is 12:
  902. canje(player, "20", "25", "SerpienteRoca1", "SerpienteRoca1")
  903. if event-slot is 13:
  904. canje(player, "{@P_CarcelT}", "{@R_CarcelT}", "CarcelT", "CarcelT")
  905. if event-slot is 14:
  906. canje(player, "{@P_GolpeRG}", "{@R_GolpeRG}", "PunoRoca", "PunoRoca")
  907. if event-slot is 15:
  908. canje(player, "{@P_TormentaG}", "{@R_TormentaG}", "TormentaRocosa", "TormentaRocosa")
  909. else:
  910. send "{@NoDomina}"
  911. stop
  912. if name of event-inventory is "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO &8&o(Genin)":
  913. cancel event
  914. if event-slot is 27:
  915. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Genin"
  916. if player has permission "vientoquest":
  917. if event-slot is 12:
  918. canje(player, "{@P_Guadaña}", "{@R_Guadaña}", "GuadanaVacio", "GuadanaVacio")
  919. else:
  920. send "{@NoDomina}"
  921. stop
  922. if name of event-inventory is "&f&lELEMENTO YANG &8&o(Genin)":
  923. cancel event
  924. if event-slot is 27:
  925. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Genin"
  926. if event-slot is 12:
  927. canje(player, "{@P_SanacionG}", "{@R_SanacionG}", "Sanacion1", "Sanacion1")
  928. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lJUTSUS GENIN":
  929. cancel event
  930. if event-slot is 27:
  931. make player execute command "/menu jutsus"
  932. if event-slot is 12:
  933. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus FuegoG"
  934. if event-slot is 13:
  935. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus AguaG"
  936. if event-slot is 14:
  937. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus TierraG"
  938. if event-slot is 15:
  939. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus RayoG"
  940. if event-slot is 16:
  941. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus VientoG"
  942. if event-slot is 22:
  943. send "&cProximamente..."
  944. if event-slot is 24:
  945. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus YangG"
  946. command /TiendaJutsus [<text>]:
  947. trigger:
  948. set {_j} to "%{Elem1::%player%}% %{Elem2::%player%}% %{Elem3::%player%}% %{Elem4::%player%}% %{Elem5::%player%}%"
  949. #
  950. replace "Tierra" with "餐" in {_j}
  951. replace "Agua" with "餒" in {_j}
  952. replace "Rayo" with "餔" in {_j}
  953. replace "Fuego" with "餑" in {_j}
  954. replace "Viento" with "餓" in {_j}
  956. replace "Lava" with "餗" in {_j}
  957. replace "Hielo" with "餘" in {_j}
  958. replace "Madera" with "餕" in {_j}
  959. # Elemento Icon
  960. set {_e} to "%{Afi1::%player%}% %{Afi2::%player%}% %{Afi3::%player%}% %{Afi4::%player%}% %{Afi5::%player%}%"
  961. #Afi Icon
  962. replace "Tierra" with "餐" in {_e}
  963. replace "Agua" with "餒" in {_e}
  964. replace "Rayo" with "餔" in {_e}
  965. replace "Fuego" with "餑" in {_e}
  966. replace "Viento" with "餓" in {_e}
  967. replace "Iman" with "餷" in {_e} #Imanes
  968. replace "Kamizuru" with "餮" in {_e} #Uzumaki icon 餵 Hueso 餶 Shirogane 餸 Sabaku 餷 Uchiha 餼
  970. set {_nombre} to "%{NombreRol::%player%}%"
  971. set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
  972. set {_x2} to MagicSpells.getManaHandler().getMaxMana({_p})
  973. if arg 1 is "ELava":
  974. open chest with 4 rows named "&4&lELEMENTO LAVA" to player
  975. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  976. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  977. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  979. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &4Escupitajo de Lava" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &4Escupitajo de Lava" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_Escupitajo} &fPergamino &4Fuego" and "&e &e &a{@C2_Escupitajo} &fPergamino &6Tierra" and "&e &e &a{@R_Escupitajo} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  980. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &4Charco de Lava" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &4Charco de Lava" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_charco} &fPergamino &4Fuego" and "&e &e &a{@C2_charco} &fPergamino &6Tierra" and "&e &e &a{@R_charco} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  981. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &4Volcan de Lava" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &4Volcan de Lava" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_volcan} &fPergamino &4Fuego" and "&e &e &a{@C2_volcan} &fPergamino &6Tierra" and "&e &e &a{@R_volcan} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  982. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &4Erupcion Multiple" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &4Erupcion multiple" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_erupcion} &fPergamino &4Fuego" and "&e &e &a{@C2_erupcion} &fPergamino &6Tierra" and "&e &e &a{@R_erupcion} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  983. if arg 1 is "EHielo":
  984. open chest with 4 rows named "&f&lELEMENTO HIELO" to player
  985. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  986. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  987. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  989. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &fAnillo Dragon de Hielo" with lore "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_Anillo_DHielo} &fPergaminos &bAgua" and "&e &e &a{@C2_Anillo_DHielo} &fPergaminos &aViento" and "&e &e &a{@R_Anillo_DHielo} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  990. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &fConjelamiento Multiple" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &fConjelamiento Multiple" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_Conge} &fPergaminos &bAgua" and "&e &e &a{@C2_Conge} &fPergaminos &aViento" and "&e &e &a{@R_Conge} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  991. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &fAbanico de Hielo" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &fAbanico de Hielo" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_AbanicoH} &fPergaminos &bAgua" and "&e &e &a{@C2_AbanicoH} &fPergaminos &aViento" and "&e &e &a{@R_AbanicoH} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  992. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &fAbanico de Hielo Poderoso" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &fAbanico de Hielo Poderoso" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_AbanicoHF} &fPergaminos &bAgua" and "&e &e &a{@C2_AbanicoHF} &fPergaminos &aViento" and "&e &e &a{@R_AbanicoHF} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  993. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &fAtaque de Hielo" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &fAtaque de Hielo" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_AtaqueH} &fPergaminos &bAgua" and "&e &e &a{@C2_AtaqueH} &fPergaminos &aViento" and "&e &e &a{@R_AtaqueH} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  994. set slot 21 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &fSello de Hielo Multiple" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &fSello de Hielo Multiple" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_MultiH} &fPergaminos &bAgua" and "&e &e &a{@C2_MultiH} &fPergaminos &aViento" and "&e &e &a{@R_MultiH} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  995. if arg 1 is "EMadera":
  996. open chest with 4 rows named "&2&lELEMENTO MADERA" to player
  997. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  998. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  999. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1001. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &2Ataque Mokuton Completo" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &2Ataque Mokuton Completo" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_AMadera} &fPergaminos &6Tierra" and "&e &e &a{@C2_AMadera} &fPergaminos &bAgua" and "&e &e &a{@R_AMadera} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1002. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &2Bosque de Mokuton" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &2Bosque de Mokuton" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_Bosque} &fPergaminos &6Tierra" and "&e &e &a{@C2_Bosque} &fPergaminos &bAgua" and "&e &e &a{@R_Bosque} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1003. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &2Carcel Mokuton Completo" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &2Carcel Mokuton Completo" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_CarcelMa} &fPergaminos &6Tierra" and "&e &e &a{@C2_CarcelMa} &fPergaminos &bAgua" and "&e &e &a{@R_CarcelMa} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1004. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &2Dragon Mokuton" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &2Dragon Mokuton" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@C1_DragonMa} &fPergaminos &6Tierra" and "&e &e &a{@C2_DragonMa} &fPergaminos &bAgua" and "&e &e &a{@R_DragonMa} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1006. if arg 1 is "Jounin":
  1007. open chest with 4 rows named "&e&lJUTSUS JOUNIN" to player
  1009. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1010. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1011. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1013. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO" with lore "" and "&6• &fExplora el calor de la &aNaturaleza&f de &c&lFUEGO&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1014. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA" with lore "" and "&6• &fSumergete en la &aNaturaleza&f de &b&lAGUA&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1015. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA" with lore "" and "&6• &fAplasta a tus Enemigos con la &aNaturaleza&f &6&lTIERRA" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1016. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO" with lore "" and "&6• &fDeja salir tu chispa interior con la &aNaturaleza&f &9&lRAYO&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1017. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO" with lore "" and "&6• &fSiente la brisa de la &aNaturaleza &lVIENTO&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1019. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&8&lELEMENTO YIN" with lore "" and "&6• &fRealiza grandes &cGenjutsus&f con la &aNaturaleza&f &8&lYIN" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1020. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&f&lELEMENTO YANG" with lore "" and "&6• &fSe un Gran Medico con la &aNaturaleza&f &f&lYANG&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1021. if arg 1 is "Elementos":
  1022. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lAPRENDER ELEMENTOS" to player
  1024. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1025. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1026. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1028. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este elemento para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "" and "&bElementos Disponibles: &a%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1029. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este elemento para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "" and "&bElementos Disponibles: &a%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1030. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este elemento para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "" and "&bElementos Disponibles: &a%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1031. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este elemento para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "" and "&bElementos Disponibles: &a%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1032. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este elemento para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "" and "&bElementos Disponibles: &a%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1034. set slot 32 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&2&lELEMENTO MADERA IMPLANTADO" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Adquiere este Kekkei Genkai!" and "&e⚠ &c&nEste Kekkei Genkai cuenta como 1 Elemento" and "" and "&bElementos Disponibles: &a%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%" and "&cRequiere: &fCelulas Hasirama" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1036. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lELEMENTO LAVA" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este kekkei genkai para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "&e⚠ &c&nEste Kekkei Genkai cuenta como 1 Elemento" and "" and "&bElementos Disponibles: &a%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%" and "&cRequiere: &fAfinidad &r餑 &f& Afinidad &r餐" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1037. set slot 23 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&f&lELEMENTO HIELO" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este kekkei genkai para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "&e⚠ &c&nEste Kekkei Genkai cuenta como 1 Elemento" and "" and "&bElementos Disponibles: &a%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%" and "&cRequiere: &fAfinidad &r餒 &f& Afinidad &r餓" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1038. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&2&lELEMENTO MADERA" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este kekkei genkai para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "&e⚠ &c&nEste Kekkei Genkai cuenta como 1 Elemento" and "" and "&bElementos Disponibles: &a%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%" and "&cRequiere: &fAfinidad &r餒 &f& Afinidad &r餐" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1039. if arg 1 is "FuegoJ":
  1040. open chest with 4 rows named "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO &8&o(Jounin)" to player
  1042. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1043. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1044. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1046. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &cDanza de Fuego Salvaje" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &cDanza de Fuego Salvaje" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_DanzaF} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_DanzaF} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1048. if arg 1 is "TierraJ":
  1049. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA &8&o(Jounin)" to player
  1051. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1052. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1053. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1055. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &6Serpiente de Roca III" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &6Serpiente de Roca III" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_SerpienteJ} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_SerpienteJ} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1056. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &6Puño de Roca III" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &6Puño de Roca III" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_GolpeRJ} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_GolpeRJ} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1058. if arg 1 is "AguaJ":
  1059. open chest with 4 rows named "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA &8&o(Jounin)" to player
  1061. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1062. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1063. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1065. if arg 1 is "RayoJ":
  1066. open chest with 4 rows named "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO &8&o(Jounin)" to player
  1068. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1069. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1070. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1072. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &9Golpe Electrico III" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &9Golpe Electrico III" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_GolpeEJ} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_GolpeEJ} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1073. if arg 1 is "VientoJ":
  1074. open chest with 4 rows named "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO &8&o(Jounin)" to player
  1076. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1077. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1078. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1080. if arg 1 is "YangJ":
  1081. open chest with 4 rows named "&f&lELEMENTO YANG &8&o(Jounin)" to player
  1083. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1084. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1085. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1087. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &dSanacion III" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &dSanacion III" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_SanacionJ} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_SanacionJ} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1089. #chunin
  1090. if arg 1 is "Chunin":
  1091. open chest with 4 rows named "&2&lJUTSUS CHUNIN" to player
  1093. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1094. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1095. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1097. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO" with lore "" and "&6• &fExplora el calor de la &aNaturaleza&f de &c&lFUEGO&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1098. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA" with lore "" and "&6• &fSumergete en la &aNaturaleza&f de &b&lAGUA&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1099. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA" with lore "" and "&6• &fAplasta a tus Enemigos con la &aNaturaleza&f &6&lTIERRA" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1100. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO" with lore "" and "&6• &fDeja salir tu chispa interior con la &aNaturaleza&f &9&lRAYO&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1101. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO" with lore "" and "&6• &fSiente la brisa de la &aNaturaleza &lVIENTO&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1103. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&8&lELEMENTO YIN" with lore "" and "&6• &fRealiza grandes &cGenjutsus&f con la &aNaturaleza&f &8&lYIN" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1104. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&f&lELEMENTO YANG" with lore "" and "&6• &fSe un Gran Medico con la &aNaturaleza&f &f&lYANG&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1106. if arg 1 is "FuegoC":
  1107. open chest with 4 rows named "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO &8&o(Chunin)" to player
  1109. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1110. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1111. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1113. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &cDragon de Fuego" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &cDragon de Fuego" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_DragonF} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_DragonF} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1115. if arg 1 is "TierraC":
  1116. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA &8&o(Chunin)" to player
  1118. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1119. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1120. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1122. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &6Serpiente de Roca II" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &6Serpiente de Roca II" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_SerpienteC} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_SerpienteC} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1123. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &6Prision de Roca" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &6Prision de Roca" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_PrisionT} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_PrisionT} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1124. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &6Puño de Roca II" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &6Puño de Roca II" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_GolpeRC} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_GolpeRC} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1125. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &6Subida Multiple" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &6Subida Multiple" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Subida} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Subida} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1127. if arg 1 is "AguaC":
  1128. open chest with 4 rows named "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA &8&o(Chunin)" to player
  1130. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1131. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1132. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1134. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &bMeteoro de Agua" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &bMeteoro de Agua" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_MeteoroA} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_MeteoroA} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1135. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &bTsunami de Agua" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &bTsunami de Agua" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Tsunami} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Tsunami} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1137. if arg 1 is "RayoC":
  1138. open chest with 4 rows named "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO &8&o(Chunin)" to player
  1140. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1141. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1142. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1144. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &9Golpe Electrico II" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &9Golpe Electrico II" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_GolpeEC} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_GolpeEC} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1145. if arg 1 is "VientoC":
  1146. open chest with 4 rows named "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO &8&o(Chunin)" to player
  1148. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1149. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1150. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1152. if arg 1 is "YangC":
  1153. open chest with 4 rows named "&f&lELEMENTO YANG &8&o(Chunin)" to player
  1155. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1156. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1157. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1159. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &dSanacion II" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &dSanacion II" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_SanacionC} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_SanacionC} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1160. #Genin
  1161. if arg 1 is "Genin":
  1162. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lJUTSUS GENIN" to player
  1164. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1165. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1166. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1168. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO" with lore "" and "&6• &fExplora el calor de la &aNaturaleza&f de &c&lFUEGO&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1169. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA" with lore "" and "&6• &fSumergete en la &aNaturaleza&f de &b&lAGUA&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1170. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA" with lore "" and "&6• &fAplasta a tus Enemigos con la &aNaturaleza&f &6&lTIERRA" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1171. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO" with lore "" and "&6• &fDeja salir tu chispa interior con la &aNaturaleza&f &9&lRAYO&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1172. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO" with lore "" and "&6• &fSiente la brisa de la &aNaturaleza &lVIENTO&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1174. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&8&lELEMENTO YIN" with lore "" and "&6• &fRealiza grandes &cGenjutsus&f con la &aNaturaleza&f &8&lYIN" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1175. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&f&lELEMENTO YANG" with lore "" and "&6• &fSe un Gran Medico con la &aNaturaleza&f &f&lYANG&f" and " " and "&fCambia tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus de este elemento."
  1177. if arg 1 is "FuegoG":
  1178. open chest with 4 rows named "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO &8&o(Genin)" to player
  1180. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1181. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1182. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1184. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &cAnillo de Fuego" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &cAnillo de Fuego" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_anillo} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_anillo} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1185. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &cBola de Fuego" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &cBolsa de Fuego" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_BolaF} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_BolaF} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1186. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &cExpulsion de Fuego" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &cExpulsion de Fuego" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Expulsion} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Expulsion} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1188. if arg 1 is "TierraG":
  1189. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA &8&o(Genin)" to player
  1191. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1192. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1193. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1195. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &6Serpiente de Roca" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &6Serpiente de Roca" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_SerpienteG} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_SerpienteG} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1196. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &6Carcel de Tierra" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &6Carcel de Tierra" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_CarcelT} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_CarcelT} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1197. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &6Puño de Roca" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &6Puño de Roca" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_GolpeRG} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_GolpeRG} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1198. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &6Tormenta Rocosa" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &6Tormenta Rocosa" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_TormentaG} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_TormentaG} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1199. if arg 1 is "AguaG":
  1200. open chest with 4 rows named "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA &8&o(Genin)" to player
  1202. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1203. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1204. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1206. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &bTornado de Agua" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &bTornado de Agua" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_TornadoA} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_TornadoA} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1208. if arg 1 is "RayoG":
  1209. open chest with 4 rows named "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO &8&o(Genin)" to player
  1211. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1212. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1213. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1215. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &9Golpe Electrico" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &9Golpe Electrico" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_GolpeE} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_GolpeE} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1217. if arg 1 is "VientoG":
  1218. open chest with 4 rows named "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO &8&o(Genin)" to player
  1220. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1221. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1222. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1224. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aGuadaña Vacio" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aGuadaña Vacio" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Guadaña} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Guadaña} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1226. if arg 1 is "YangG":
  1227. open chest with 4 rows named "&f&lELEMENTO YANG &8&o(Genin)" to player
  1229. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1230. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1231. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1233. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &dSanacion" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &dSanacion" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_SanacionG} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_SanacionG} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1234. #Taijutsu Menu aca
  1235. if arg 1 is "Taijutsu":
  1236. open chest with 4 rows named "&2&lTAIJUTSU" to player
  1237. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1238. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1239. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1241. #set slot 12 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aPatada Huracan" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aPatada Huracan" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_PatadaHuracan} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_PatadaHuracan} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1242. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aLoto Primario" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aLoto Primario" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_LotoPrimario} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_LotoPrimario} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1243. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aLoto Inverso" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aLoto Inverso" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_LotoInverso} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_LotoInverso} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1244. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aCombo Patadas" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aCombo Patadas" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_ComboPatadas} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_ComboPatadas} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1246. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aParpadeante I" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aParpadeante I" and "" and "&e⚠ &cRequiere: &bPuerta I" and "" and "&eCosto: &a10 &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a12 &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1247. if player has permission "parpa1":
  1248. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aParpadeante II" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aParpadeante II" and "" and "&e⚠ &cRequiere: &bPuerta VI" and "" and "&eCosto: &a20 &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a25 &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1249. if player has permission "parpa2":
  1250. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aParpadeante III" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aParpadeante III" and "" and "&e⚠ &cRequiere: &bPuerta VII" and "" and "&eCosto: &a30 &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a35 &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1251. if player has permission "parpa3":
  1252. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aParpadeante IV" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aParpadeante IV" and "" and "&e⚠ &cRequiere: &bPuerta VIII" and "" and "&eCosto: &a40 &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a62 &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1253. if player has permission "parpa4":
  1254. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to book named "&f¡Ya Dominas el Jutsu &aParpadeante&f!" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Dominaste este jutsu con &aExito&f!"
  1256. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aAtras I" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aAtras I" and "" and "&e⚠ &cRequiere: &bPuerta I" and "" and "&eCosto: &a19 &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a12 &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1257. if player has permission "atras1":
  1258. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aAtras II" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aAtras II" and "" and "&e⚠ &cRequiere: &bPuerta V" and "" and "&eCosto: &a20 &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a25 &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1259. if player has permission "atras2":
  1260. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aAtras III" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aAtras III" and "" and "&e⚠ &cRequiere: &bPuerta VI" and "" and "&eCosto: &a30 &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a35 &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1261. if player has permission "atras3":
  1262. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aAtras IV" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aAtras III" and "" and "&e⚠ &cRequiere: &bPuerta VII" and "" and "&eCosto: &a40 &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a60 &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1263. if player has permission "atras4":
  1264. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aAtras V" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aAtras V" and "" and "&e⚠ &cRequiere: &bPuerta VIII" and "" and "&eCosto: &a100 &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a120 &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1265. if player has permission "atras5":
  1266. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to book named "&f¡Ya Dominas el Jutsu &aParpadeante&f!" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Dominaste este jutsu con &aExito&f!"
  1268. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aPuerta I" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aPuerta I" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Puerta1} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Puerta1} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1269. if player has permission "Puerta1":
  1270. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aPuerta II" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aPuerta II" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Puerta2} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Puerta2} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1271. if player has permission "Puerta2":
  1272. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aPuerta III" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aPuerta III" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Puerta3} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Puerta3} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1273. if player has permission "Puerta3":
  1274. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aPuerta IV" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aPuerta IV" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Puerta4} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Puerta4} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1275. if player has permission "Puerta4":
  1276. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aPuerta V" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aPuerta V" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Puerta5} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Puerta5} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1277. if player has permission "Puerta5":
  1278. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aPuerta VI" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aPuerta VI" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Puerta6} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Puerta6} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1279. if player has permission "Puerta6":
  1280. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aPuerta VII" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aPuerta VII" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Puerta7} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Puerta7} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1281. if player has permission "Puerta7":
  1282. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to book named "&fPergamino &aPuerta VIII" with lore "" and "&6• &fAprende el jutsu &aPuerta VIII" and "" and "&eCosto: &a{@P_Puerta8} &9&lPH &d⏏" and "&e &e &a{@R_Puerta8} &eRyos" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1283. if player has permission "Puerta8":
  1284. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to book named "&f¡Ya Dominas todas las &aPuertas&f!" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Dominaste este jutsu con &aExito&f!"
  1285. function canje(p: player, ph: text, ryo: text, cast: text, item: text):
  1286. set {_ph} to {_ph} parsed as integer
  1287. set {_ryo} to {_ryo} parsed as integer
  1288. if {puntosh::%{_p}%} is greater or equal to {_ph}:
  1289. if {_p}'s balance is greater or equal to {_ryo}:
  1290. subtract {_ph} from {Puntosh::%{_p}%}
  1291. subtract {_ryo} from {_p}'s balance
  1292. make console execute command "/cast teach %{_p}% %{_cast}%"
  1293. make {_p} run command "/mi give %{_item}%" as op
  1294. send "{@Listo}" to {_p}
  1295. make {_p} run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  1296. else:
  1297. send "{@NoR}" to {_p}
  1298. else:
  1299. send "{@NoP}" to {_p}
  1300. function cperms(p: player, ph: text, ryo: text, cast: text, item: text, perm: text, remoperm: text):
  1301. set {_ph} to {_ph} parsed as integer
  1302. set {_ryo} to {_ryo} parsed as integer
  1303. if {puntosh::%{_p}%} is greater or equal to {_ph}:
  1304. if {_p}'s balance is greater or equal to {_ryo}:
  1305. subtract {_ph} from {Puntosh::%{_p}%}
  1306. subtract {_ryo} from {_p}'s balance
  1307. make console execute command "/cast teach %{_p}% {_cast}"
  1308. make console execute command "/lp user %{_p}% permission unset %{_remoperm}%"
  1309. make console execute command "/lp user %{_p}% permission set %{_perm}%"
  1310. make {_p} run command "/mi give {_item}" as op
  1311. send "{@Listo}" to {_p}
  1312. make {_p} run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  1313. else:
  1314. send "{@NoR}" to {_p}
  1315. else:
  1316. send "{@NoP}" to {_p}
  1317. command /Holaed:
  1318. trigger:
  1319. send "HolaED"
  1320. function cesot(p: player, eso1: text, cant1: text, eso2: text, cant2: text, ryo: text, cast: text, item: text):
  1321. set {_ryo} to {_ryo} parsed as integer
  1322. set {_cant1} to {_cant1} parsed as integer
  1323. set {_cant2} to {_cant2} parsed as integer
  1324. loop all items in the inventory of {_p}:
  1325. if name of loop-item is equal to "%{_eso1}%":
  1326. set {_esoterica1} to loop-item
  1327. if name of loop-item is equal to "%{_eso2}%":
  1328. set {_esoterica2} to loop-item
  1329. if amount of {_esoterica1} in {_p}'s inventory is greater or equal to {_cant1}:
  1330. if amount of {_esoterica2} in {_p}'s inventory is greater or equal to {_cant2}:
  1331. if {_p}'s balance is greater or equal to {_ryo}:
  1332. remove {_cant1} of {_esoterica1} from {_p}
  1333. remove {_cant2} of {_esoterica2} from {_p}
  1334. subtract {_ryo} from {_p}'s balance
  1335. make console execute command "/cast teach %{_p}% %{_cast}%"
  1336. make {_p} run command "/mi give %{_item}%" as op
  1337. send "{@Listo}" to {_p}
  1338. send "&a" to {_p}
  1339. stop
  1340. else:
  1341. send "{@NoR}" to {_p}
  1342. stop
  1343. else:
  1344. send "&fTe faltan %{_cant2}% %{_eos2}%" to {_p}
  1345. stop
  1346. else:
  1347. send "&fTe faltan %{_cant1}% %{_eos1}%" to {_p}
  1348. stop
  1349. #
  1351. on store:
  1352. if name of event-inventory is "&2&lCERTIFICADOS" or "&a&lMEJORAR HERRAMIENTAS" or "&9&lHERRAMIENTAS &f&lELEMENTALES" or "&5&lKENJUTSU" or "&4&lHERRAMIENTAS" or "&f&lFORJAR" or "&f&lFABRICAR" or "&c&lMATERIALES" or "&6&lMOCHILAS" or "&9&lKITS" or "&f&lINICIO" or "&5&lATRIBUTOS" or "&9&lCHAT" or "&5&lHABILIDADES" or "&b&lJUTSUS DEL SABIO" or "&6&lAFINIDADES" or "&5&lKEKKEI GENKAIS" or "&e&lJUTSUS" or "&b&lGRUPOS" or "&9&lEQUIPOS" or "&3&lPARTYS" or "&6&lRANKING" or "&a&lCOMANDOS &8(1/2)" or "&a&lCOMANDOS &8(2/2)":
  1353. cancel event
  1354. command /pj [<text>]:
  1355. aliases: /menu
  1356. trigger:
  1357. set {_j} to "%{Elem1::%player%}% %{Elem2::%player%}% %{Elem3::%player%}% %{Elem4::%player%}% %{Elem5::%player%}%"
  1358. #
  1359. replace "Tierra" with "餐" in {_j}
  1360. replace "Agua" with "餒" in {_j}
  1361. replace "Rayo" with "餔" in {_j}
  1362. replace "Fuego" with "餑" in {_j}
  1363. replace "Viento" with "餓" in {_j}
  1365. replace "Lava" with "餗" in {_j}
  1366. replace "Hielo" with "餘" in {_j}
  1367. replace "Madera" with "餕" in {_j}
  1368. # Elemento Icon
  1369. set {_e} to "%{Afi1::%player%}% %{Afi2::%player%}% %{Afi3::%player%}% %{Afi4::%player%}% %{Afi5::%player%}%"
  1370. #Afi Icon
  1371. replace "Tierra" with "餐" in {_e}
  1372. replace "Agua" with "餒" in {_e}
  1373. replace "Rayo" with "餔" in {_e}
  1374. replace "Fuego" with "餑" in {_e}
  1375. replace "Viento" with "餓" in {_e}
  1376. replace "Iman" with "餷" in {_e} #Imanes
  1377. replace "Kamizuru" with "餮" in {_e} #Uzumaki icon 餵 Hueso 餶 Shirogane 餸 Sabaku 餷 Uchiha 餼
  1378. set {_nombre} to "%{NombreRol::%player%}%"
  1379. set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
  1380. set {_x2} to MagicSpells.getManaHandler().getMaxMana({_p})
  1381. if player has permission "Anbu":
  1382. set {_trabajo} to "&7Anbu"
  1383. if player has permission "Guardia":
  1384. set {_trabajo} to "&9Guardia"
  1385. if player has permission "Sensei":
  1386. set {_trabajo} to "&eSensei"
  1387. set {ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%} to {atk::%player%} * 10
  1388. set {ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%} to {nin::%player%} * 10
  1389. set {ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%} to {def::%player%} * 10
  1390. set {ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%} to {vel::%player%} * 10
  1392. set {ESTADISTICAS.costoatk::%player%} to {atk::%player%} + 1
  1393. set {ESTADISTICAS.costodef::%player%} to {def::%player%} + 1
  1394. set {ESTADISTICAS.costodex::%player%} to {dex::%player%} + 1
  1395. set {ESTADISTICAS.costonin::%player%} to {nin::%player%} + 1
  1396. if {con::%player%} is 0:
  1397. set {ESTADISTICAS.costocon::%player%} to {con::%player%} + 1
  1398. else:
  1399. set {ESTADISTICAS.costocon::%player%} to {con::%player%}
  1400. set {ESTADISTICAS.CostoVEL::%player%} to {vel::%player%} + 1
  1401. if arg 1 isn't set:
  1402. open chest with 4 rows named "&f&lINICIO" to player
  1403. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1405. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1406. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Cerrar" with lore "" and "&6• &fCerrar el Menu"
  1408. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&f&lATRIBUTOS" with lore "&6• &fMejora tus Atributos u Desbloquea" and "&fjutsus para el combate!"
  1409. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lCHAT" with lore "&6• &fAjusta tu Estado de Chat, Nombre" and "&fentre otras cosas!"
  1410. #set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lCONOCIMIENTOS" with lore "&6• &fVerifica los nuevos Conocimientos" and "&fque desbloqueaste!"
  1411. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lGRUPOS" with lore "&6• &f¡Forma tu grupo para derrotar enemigos!" and "" and "&7(Comandos para Crear Grupos)"
  1412. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lPERKS" with lore "&6• &f¡Selecciona tu Combinacion de Perks!"
  1414. set slot 21 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&3&lKITS" with lore "&6• &f¡Reclama tus Kits!"
  1415. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lRANKING" with lore "&6• &f¿Te encuentras en alguno de los Ranking?"
  1416. set slot 23 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lVOTAR" with lore "&6• &fVota por el servidor y" and "&fobten una recompensa" #Listo
  1417. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lCOMANDOS" with lore "&6• &fComandos en General"
  1418. set slot 25 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&d&lAYUDA" with lore "&6• &f¿Necesitas Ayuda?"
  1419. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&5&lHABILIDADES" with lore "&6•&f ¡Adquiere Jutsus, Afinidades, Elementos etc!"
  1421. set slot 32 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&2&lCERTIFICADOS" with lore "&6•&f ¡Adquiere Certificados para realizar" and "&ftus examenes de Ascenso de rango!"
  1422. if player has permission "Guia":
  1423. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lGUIAS" with lore "&6• &fComandos para el uso de Guias"
  1424. if player has permission "stafflvl1":
  1425. set slot 35 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&6&lMENU DE STAFF" with lore "&6• &fComandos para el uso del Staff" and "" and "&7(Mayormente relacionados con Skripts)"
  1426. if arg 1 is "Certificados":
  1427. open chest with 4 rows named "&2&lCERTIFICADOS" to player
  1428. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1430. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1431. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1433. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&2&lCERTIFICADO CHUNIN" with lore "&6• &fAdquiere este certificado para realizar" and "&flos examenes chunin!" and "" and "&cRequiere: &aCertificado Examen Academia&f, &ax30 &b&lMERITO&f, &ax10 &9&lPH" and "" and "&2» Click Para Adquirir «"
  1435. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lCERTIFICADO JOUNIN" with lore "&6• &fAdquiere este certificado para realizar" and "&flos examenes Jounin!" and "" and "&cRequiere: &ax300 &b&lMERITO&f, &ax100 &9&lPH" and "" and "&2» Click Para Adquirir «"
  1437. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&5&lCERTIFICADO ANBU" with lore "&6• &fAdquiere este certificado para realizar" and "&flos examenes Anbu!" and "" and "&cRequiere: &ax500 &b&lMERITO&f, &ax200 &9&lPH" and "" and "&2» Click Para Adquirir «"
  1439. if arg 1 is "Staff":
  1440. if player has permission "stafflvl1":
  1441. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lMENU DE STAFF" to player
  1443. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1444. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1445. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1447. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&fSennin Canjear" with lore "&fComandos para canjear el sennin"
  1448. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&fReiniciar Jugador" with lore "&fComando para reiniciar a un jugador"
  1449. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&fMerito" with lore "&fComandos para dar / sacar merito"
  1450. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&fElementos" with lore "&fComando para dar puntos elementales"
  1451. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&fVida Base" with lore "&fComandos para dar / restar o establecer la vida de un jugador"
  1452. set slot 21 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&fChakra Base" with lore "&fComandos para dar / restar o establecer el chakra de un jugador"
  1453. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&fSancion" with lore "&fComandos para Sancion un jugador (Vida y Chakra)"
  1454. set slot 23 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&fDescenso &7(Rango)" with lore "&fComandos para Descender un jugador (Rango)"
  1455. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&fAscenso &7(Rango)" with lore "&fComandos para Acsender un jugador (Rango)"
  1456. set slot 25 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&fCertificados" with lore "&fComandos para sacar certificados"
  1457. else:
  1458. send "&9Ed: &f¿Emm.. Que intentas bro?"
  1459. if arg 1 is "chat":
  1461. open chest with 4 rows named "&9&lCHAT" to player
  1462. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1463. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1464. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1465. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lESTADO" with lore "&6• &fIntercambia el estado de" and "&finteraccion con el entorno." and "" and "&eEstado: %{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "&3Siguiente: %{Chat.EstadoS.%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Cambiar «"
  1466. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&d&lMENSAJE DE ENTORNO" with lore "&6• &fEnvia un mensaje sobre el entorno" and "&eEj: &b""Una Tormenta asola el campo de Batalla!"" " and "" and "&7(Puedes usar el comando /entorno <texto>)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Escribir «"
  1467. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lMENSAJE DE ACCION" with lore "&6• &fEnvia un mensaje sobre tus acciones" and "&eEj: &b""Se toca el menton!"" " and "" and "&7(Puedes usar el comando /me <texto>)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Escribir «"
  1468. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&7&lOFFROL" with lore "&6• &aActiva &fu &cDesactiva &fla opcion de" and "&fver el Chat fuera de Rol!" and "" and "&6Estado: %{EstadoOff::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Cambiar «"
  1469. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&8&lMENSAJE DE OFFROL" with lore "&6• &fEnvia un mensaje sobre lo que quieras" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar el comando /b <texto>)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Escribir «"
  1471. #set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lCHAT DE ALDEA" with lore "&6• &fIntercambia entre el chat de Rol y el Chat de Aldea" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar el comando /c toggle)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Cambiar «"
  1472. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lNOMBRE" with lore "&6• &f¡Escoje un nombre personalizado!" and "" and "&2» Click Para Cambiar «"
  1473. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lMENSAJE DE ALDEA" with lore "&6• &fEnvia un Mensaje a los miembros de tu Aldea" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar el comando /c <texto>)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Escribir «"
  1474. if arg 1 is "Grupo":
  1475. open chest with 4 rows named "&b&lGRUPOS" to player
  1477. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1478. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1479. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1481. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lEQUIPOS" with lore "&6• &fCrea y Administra tu Equipo."
  1482. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&3&lPARTYS" with lore "&6• &fCrea y Administra tu Equipo."
  1483. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&2&lORGANIZACIONES" with lore "&6• &fCrea y Administra tu Equipo."
  1488. if arg 1 is "Equipos":
  1489. open chest with 4 rows named "&9&lEQUIPOS" to player
  1491. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1492. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1493. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1495. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lCREAR EQUIPO" with lore "&6• &fCrea un equipo para no" and "&frecibir daño en combate" and "&fde los miembros del mismo!" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Equipo crear)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Crear «"
  1496. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lINVITAR AL EQUIPO" with lore "&6• &fInvita jugadores a tu equipo" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Equipo invitar <jugador>)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Invitar «"
  1497. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c&lKICKEAR DEL EQUIPO" with lore "&6• &fSaca del equipo al jugador especificado" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Equipo kick <jugador>)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Kickear «"
  1498. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lELIMINAR EL EQUIPO" with lore "&6• &fElimina el equipo." and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Equipo eliminar)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Eliminar «"
  1499. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&d&lMIEMBROS DEL EQUIPO" with lore "&6• &fVerifica quienes pertenecen a tu equipo." and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Equipo list)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Ver «"
  1500. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lSALIR DEL EQUIPO" with lore "&6• &fSalte del Equipo que estes." and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Equipo salir)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Salir «"
  1501. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lCHAT DE EQUIPO" with lore "&6• &fEnvia un mensaje a tus compañeros." and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /E <mensaje>)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Escribir «"
  1502. if arg 1 is "Party":
  1503. open chest with 4 rows named "&3&lPARTYS" to player
  1505. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1506. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1507. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1509. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lCREAR PARTY" with lore "&6• &fCrea una Party para repartir" and "&fla &a&lXP&f de los enemigos!" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Party create <nombre>)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Crear «"
  1510. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lINVITAR A LA PARTY" with lore "&6• &fInvita jugadores a tu Party" and "" and "&2» Click Para Invitar «"
  1511. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c&lKICKEAR DE LA PARTY" with lore "&6• &fSaca de la Party al jugador especificado" and "" and "&2» Click Para Kickear «"
  1512. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lELIMINAR LA PARTY" with lore "&6• &fElimina la Party." and "" and "&2» Click Para Eliminar «"
  1513. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&d&lMIEMBROS DE LA PARTY" with lore "&6• &fVerifica quienes pertenecen a tu Party." and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Party info)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Ver «"
  1514. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lSALIR DE LA PARTY" with lore "&6• &fSalte de la Party que estes." and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Party leave)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Salir «"
  1515. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lCHAT DE PARTY" with lore "&6• &fEnvia un mensaje a tus compañeros." and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /p <mensaje>)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Escribir «"
  1516. if arg 1 is "Organizacion":
  1517. send "&fNecesitas tener mayor &6Rango Shinobi&f para poder hacer esto!"
  1518. if arg 1 is "Tops":
  1519. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lRANKING" to player
  1521. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1522. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1523. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1525. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lTOP VOTOS" with lore "&6• &fVerifica si te encuentras dentro del top!" and "" and "&dTus Votos: %{Votos::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Ver «"
  1526. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c&lTOP KILLS" with lore "&6• &fVerifica si te encuentras dentro del top!" and "" and "&c餝 Asesinatos: %{kills::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Ver «"
  1527. if arg 1 is "Atributos":
  1528. open chest with 4 rows named "&5&lATRIBUTOS" to player
  1529. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1530. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1531. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1533. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lATK" with lore "&6• &fAumenta tu &7(&6Daño 餝&7)&f en &d10%%&f por Nivel." and "" and "&7(⬆ Daño Generado con Taijutsu)" and "" and "&eNivel Actual: &6%{atk::%player%}%" and "" and "&eDaño extra Actual: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "" and "&eCosto: &d%{ESTADISTICAS.Costoatk::%player%}% &5&lPM &d⏏" and "" and "&2» Click Para Mejorar «"
  1534. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&d&lVEL" with lore "&6• &fAumenta tu &7(&bVelocidad &f餪&7)&f en &d10%% &fpor Nivel." and "" and "&eNivel Actual: &6%{vel::%player%}%" and "" and "&eVelocidad extra Actual: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "" and "&eCosto: &d%{ESTADISTICAS.CostoVEL::%player%}% &5&lPM &d⏏" and "" and "&2» Click Para Mejorar «"
  1535. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&3&lDEF" with lore "&6• &fAumenta tu &7(&eResistencia &a餟&7)&f reduciendo" and "&fel daño en &d10%%&f por Nivel." and "" and "&eNivel Actual: &6%{def::%player%}%" and "" and "&eDefensa extra Actual: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "" and "&eCosto: &d%{ESTADISTICAS.Costodef::%player%}% &5&lPM &d⏏" and "" and "&2» Click Para Mejorar «"
  1536. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lDEX" with lore "&6• &fAumenta tu &7(&9Destreza &d餩&7)&f por Nivel." and "" and "&7(⬆ Prob de Critico en 2%% por nivel)" and "&7(⬆ Prob de Esquivar en 1%% por nivel)" and "&6" and "&eNivel Actual: &6%{Dex::%player%}%" and "" and "&eProb de Critico Actual: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&eProb de Esquivar Actual: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d餩" and "" and "&eCosto: &d%{ESTADISTICAS.CostoDex::%player%}% &5&lPM &d⏏" and "" and "&2» Click Para Mejorar «"
  1537. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lNIN" with lore "&6• &fAumenta tu &7(&cPoder &c餞&7)&f en &d10%% &7 por Nivel" and "" and "&7(⬆ Daño Generado con Ninjutsu)" and "" and "&eNivel Actual: &6%{nin::%player%}%" and "" and "&ePoder extra Actual: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "" and "&eCosto: &d%{ESTADISTICAS.CostoNIN::%player%}% &5&lPM &d⏏" and "" and "&2» Click Para Mejorar «"
  1539. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lCHAKRA" with lore "&6• &fAumenta tu &7(&1Chakra Base &b⭐&7)&f en &d5 &fpor nivel" and "" and "&eNivel Actual: &6%{NChakra::%player%}%" and "" and "&eChakra Base Actual: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&eCosto: &d1 &6&lPA &d⏏" and "" and "&2» Click Para Mejorar «"
  1540. set slot 23 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c&lCON" with lore "&6• &fAumenta tu &7(&bConcentracion &b餭&7)&f en &d2 segundo&f por Nivel." and "" and "&7(Reduce el Tiempo de Carga del Chakra)" and "" and "&eNivel Actual: &6%{con::%player%}%" and "" and "&eReduccion Actual: &f- %{con::%player%}% segundos &b餭" and "" and "&eCosto: &d%{ESTADISTICAS.CostoCON::%player%}% &5&lPM &d⏏" and "" and "&2» Click Para Mejorar «"
  1541. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lSALUD" with lore "&6• &fAumenta tu &7(&4Salud Base &c❤&7)" and "" and "&eNivel Actual: &6%{Nvidabase::%player%}%" and "" and "&eSalud Base Actual: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "" and "&eCosto: &d1 &6&lPA &d⏏" and "" and "&2» Click Para Mejorar «"
  1544. set slot 35 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lPRESTIGIO" with lore "&6•&f Al llegar al &aNivel 100&f puedes &4Reiniciar&f" and "&fy &aComenzar&f con &d2 &5&lPM&f e ir aumentando" and "&fel limite Maximo de Mejoras!"
  1545. if arg 1 is "Comandos":
  1546. open chest with 4 rows named "&a&lCOMANDOS &8(1/2)" to player
  1548. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1549. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1550. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1552. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c&lHUB" with lore "&6• &fActiva una canalización para ir al &aHub" and "&e⚠ &cDebes permanecer inmovil durante &n10 segundos&c!" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /regresar)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Activar «"
  1553. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lDAR RYOS" with lore "&6• &fEnvia Ryos a un Amigo o Paga una Deuda" and "&e⚠ &cDebes escribir primero el nombre y luego el monto&c!" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Pay <jugador> <cantidad>)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Enviar «"
  1554. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lUSUARIOS ONLINE" with lore "&6• &fMuestra la Lista de Jugadores Conectados con su Nombre Real" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /list)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Utilizar «"
  1555. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&d&lONLINE TIME" with lore "&6• &fMuestra el tiempo total jugado en el Servidor" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /onlinetime)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Utilizar «"
  1556. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lMISIONES" with lore "&6• &fMuestra tus misiones &aActivas" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /quests journal)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Utilizar «"
  1558. set slot 21 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lSALDO" with lore "&6• &fMuestra tus Ryos" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /Saldo)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Utilizar «"
  1559. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&5&lESTADISTICAS" with lore "&6• &fMuestra tus estadisticas de combate" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /estadisticas)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Utilizar «"
  1560. set slot 23 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lSENTARSE" with lore "&6• &fRealiza la animacion de sentarse." and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /sit)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Utilizar «"
  1561. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c&lSALTO NINJA" with lore "&6• &fActiva u Desactiva el Salto Ninja" and "&e⚠ &cSe utiliza usando Shift + Espacio&c!" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /salto ninja Activar/Desactivar)" and "" and "&2» Click Para Utilizar «"
  1562. set slot 25 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lSKIN" with lore "&6• &fCambia tu Aspecto" and "&e⚠ &cPuedes usar en Nick de un jugador o añadir url&c!" and "" and "&7(Puedes usar /skin url o /skin 'playername')" and "" and "&2» Click Para Utilizar «"
  1564. set slot 35 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&aSiguiente »" with lore "" and "&6• &fSiguiente Pagina"
  1565. if arg 1 is "Comandos2":
  1566. open chest with 4 rows named "&a&lCOMANDOS &8(2/2)" to player
  1568. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1569. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1570. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1572. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lSHOGI" with lore "&6• &fJuega unas Partidas de Shogi con algun Amigo" and "" and "&2» Click Para Jugar «"
  1573. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c&lDUELO" with lore "&6• &fReta a un shinobi a un duelo a cambio de Fama" and "" and "&2» Click Para Retar «"
  1574. if arg 1 is "Habilidades":
  1575. open chest with 4 rows named "&5&lHABILIDADES" to player
  1577. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1578. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1579. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1581. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lJUTSUS DEL SABIO" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea &6Rarezas&f por Jutsus del Sabio!"#Aprender Jutsus Sabio - Menu Tipo de R
  1582. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&3&lJUTSUS DE CLAN" with lore "" and "&6• &fAdquiere Jutsus de tu Clan"#Jutsus Clan - Abre menu segun clan
  1583. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lJUTSUS &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" with lore "" and "&6• &fAdquiere Jutsus con los &9&lPH" #Aprender Jutsus Habilidad - Menu Tipo de Rango Shinobi de Jutsu
  1584. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&5&lKEKKEI GENKAIS" with lore "" and "&6• &fAdquiere Jutsus de tu &5Kekkei Genkai" #Aprender Jutsus Kekkei Genkai - Menu de Elementos
  1585. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&2&lTAIJUTSU" with lore "" and "&6• &fDesbloquea nuevas Habilidades de &2Taijutsu"
  1587. set slot 29 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lAPRENDER AFINIDAD" with lore "" and "&6• &fDesbloquea una Afinidad Elemental!" and "&fCon tus &eRarezas Oro&f" #Aprender Afinidad - Menu lista de afi
  1588. set slot 32 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lCOMBOS" with lore "" and "&6• &fAdquiere &aNuevos Combos&f o &dSelecciona&f los Ya aprendidos!"
  1589. set slot 35 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lAPRENDER ELEMENTO" with lore "" and "&6• &fAdquiere los Conocimientos de un &3Elemento" and "&fo &5Kekkei Genkai&f para &aAdquirir&f jutsus!"#Aprender Elemento - Sin Mas
  1590. if arg 1 is "jutsusabio":
  1591. open chest with 4 rows named "&b&lJUTSUS DEL SABIO" to player
  1593. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1594. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1596. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&f&lRAREZA BLANCA" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus Rarezas Blanca."
  1597. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lRAREZA BRONCE" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus Rarezas Bronce."
  1598. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&7&lRAREZA PLATA" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus Rarezas Plata."
  1599. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lRAREZA ORO" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus Rarezas Oro."
  1600. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&3&lRAREZA PLATINO" with lore "" and "&6• &cProximamente..."
  1602. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1603. if arg 1 is "jutsus":
  1604. open chest with 4 rows named "&e&lJUTSUS" to player
  1606. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1607. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1608. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1610. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lJUTSUS GENIN" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus."
  1611. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&2&lJUTSUS CHUNIN" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus."
  1612. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lJUTSUS JOUNIN" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus &9&lPH&f por jutsus."
  1614. if arg 1 is "kekkei":
  1615. open chest with 4 rows named "&5&lKEKKEI GENKAIS" to player
  1617. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1618. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1619. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1621. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&2&lELEMENTO MADERA" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea Jutsus de tu &5Kekkei Genkai"
  1622. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&f&lELEMENTO HIELO" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea Jutsus de tu &5Kekkei Genkai"
  1623. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lELEMENTO LAVA" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea Jutsus de tu &5Kekkei Genkai"
  1625. if arg 1 is "afinidad":
  1626. if {Afi1::%player%} is "":
  1627. set {_x} to 1
  1628. if {Afi2::%player%} is "":
  1629. set {_x} to {_x} + 1
  1630. if {Afi3::%player%} is "":
  1631. set {_x} to {_x} + 1
  1632. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lAFINIDADES" to player
  1634. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1635. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1636. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  1638. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lAFINIDAD TIERRA" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus &eRareza Oro&f por una afinidad" and "" and "&eAfinidades Disponibles: %{_x}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1639. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lAFINIDAD VIENTO" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus &eRareza Oro&f por una afinidad" and "" and "&eAfinidades Disponibles: %{_x}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1640. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lAFINIDAD FUEGO" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus &eRareza Oro&f por una afinidad" and "" and "&eAfinidades Disponibles: %{_x}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1641. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lAFINIDAD AGUA" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus &eRareza Oro&f por una afinidad" and "" and "&eAfinidades Disponibles: %{_x}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1642. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lAFINIDAD RAYO" with lore "" and "&6• &fCanjea tus &eRareza Oro&f por una afinidad" and "" and "&eAfinidades Disponibles: %{_x}%" and "" and "&2» Click Para Obtener «"
  1643. if arg 1 is "kits":
  1644. open chest with 4 rows named "&9&lKITS" to player
  1645. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1647. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  1648. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresar el Menu Anterior!"
  1650. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to chest named "&6&lBRUJULA MISIONES" with lore "" and "&fRecibe tu &6Brujula&f con la cual guiarte a donde ir" and "&fen las quests que decidas realizar."
  1651. on inventory click:
  1652. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lKITS":
  1653. cancel event
  1654. if event-slot is 27:
  1655. make player execute command "/pj"
  1656. if event-slot is 12:
  1657. make player execute command "/kit brujula"
  1658. if event-slot is 0:
  1659. set {_j} to "%{Elem1::%player%}% %{Elem2::%player%}% %{Elem3::%player%}% %{Elem4::%player%}% %{Elem5::%player%}%"
  1660. #
  1661. replace "Tierra" with "餐" in {_j}
  1662. replace "Agua" with "餒" in {_j}
  1663. replace "Rayo" with "餔" in {_j}
  1664. replace "Fuego" with "餑" in {_j}
  1665. replace "Viento" with "餓" in {_j}
  1667. replace "Lava" with "餗" in {_j}
  1668. replace "Hielo" with "餘" in {_j}
  1669. replace "Madera" with "餕" in {_j}
  1670. # Elemento Icon
  1671. set {_e} to "%{Afi1::%player%}% %{Afi2::%player%}% %{Afi3::%player%}% %{Afi4::%player%}% %{Afi5::%player%}%"
  1672. #Afi Icon
  1673. replace "Tierra" with "餐" in {_e}
  1674. replace "Agua" with "餒" in {_e}
  1675. replace "Rayo" with "餔" in {_e}
  1676. replace "Fuego" with "餑" in {_e}
  1677. replace "Viento" with "餓" in {_e}
  1678. replace "Iman" with "餷" in {_e} #Imanes
  1679. replace "Kamizuru" with "餮" in {_e} #Uzumaki icon 餵 Hueso 餶 Shirogane 餸 Sabaku 餷 Uchiha 餼
  1680. set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
  1681. set {_x2} to MagicSpells.getManaHandler().getMaxMana({_p})
  1682. if player has permission "Anbu":
  1683. set {_trabajo} to "&7Anbu"
  1684. if player has permission "Guardia":
  1685. set {_trabajo} to "&9Guardia"
  1686. if player has permission "Sensei":
  1687. set {_trabajo} to "&eSensei"
  1688. if {NombreRol::%player%} is set:
  1689. set {_nombre} to "%{NombreRol::%player%}%"
  1690. else:
  1691. set {_nombre} to "%player%"
  1692. if name of event-item is "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)":
  1693. cancel event
  1694. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tu Informacion «"
  1695. stop
  1696. if name of event-item is "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/2)":
  1697. cancel event
  1698. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(1/2)" with lore "" and "&6• Rango Shinobi: &a%{VRank.%player%}%" and "&6• &bFama: &a%{fama::%player%}%" and "&6• &9Merito: &a%{merito::%player%}%" and "&6• &eRyos: &f%player's balance%" and "" and "&6• &dAldea: &f%{aldea::%player%}%" and "&6• Rango: &f%colored player's prefix%" and "&6• &cTrabajo: &f%{_trabajo}%" and "&6• &3Estado: &f%{chatEstado::%player%}%" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Atributos «"
  1699. stop
  1700. if name of event-inventory is "&5&lKEKKEI GENKAIS":
  1701. cancel event
  1702. if event-slot is 27:
  1703. make player execute command "/menu habilidades"
  1704. if event-slot is 12:
  1705. make player run command "/TiendaJutsus EMadera" as op
  1706. if event-slot is 14:
  1707. make player run command "/TiendaJutsus EHielo" as op
  1708. if event-slot is 16:
  1709. make player run command "/TiendaJutsus ELava" as op
  1710. if name of event-inventory is "&b&lJUTSUS DEL SABIO":
  1711. cancel event
  1712. if event-slot is 27:
  1713. make player execute command "/menu habilidades"
  1714. if event-slot is 12:
  1715. make player run command "/shop page open BLANCASABIO" as op
  1716. if event-slot is 13:
  1717. make player run command "/shop page open BRONCESABIO" as op
  1718. if event-slot is 14:
  1719. make player run command "/shop page open PLATASABIO" as op
  1720. if event-slot is 15:
  1721. make player run command "/shop page open OROSABIO1" as op
  1722. if name of event-inventory is "&e&lJUTSUS":
  1723. cancel event
  1724. if event-slot is 27:
  1725. make player execute command "/menu habilidades"
  1726. if event-slot is 12:
  1727. make player run command "/TiendaJutsus Genin" as op
  1728. if event-slot is 14:
  1729. make player run command "/TiendaJutsus Chunin" as op
  1730. if event-slot is 16:
  1731. make player run command "/TiendaJutsus Jounin" as op
  1733. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lAFINIDADES":
  1734. set {_j} to "%{Afi1::%player%}% %{Afi2::%player%}% %{Afi3::%player%}% %{Afi4::%player%}% %{Afi5::%player%}%"
  1735. set {_r} to "%{Elem1::%player%}% %{Elem2::%player%}% %{Elem3::%player%}% %{Elem4::%player%}% %{Elem5::%player%}%"
  1736. cancel event
  1737. if event-slot is 27:
  1738. make player execute command "/menu habilidades"
  1739. if event-slot is 12:
  1740. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  1741. if name of loop-item is equal to "&e&lRAREZA ORO":
  1742. set {_oro} to loop-item
  1743. if amount of {_oro} in player's inventory is greater or equal to 1:
  1744. if {_r} contains "Tierra":
  1745. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  1746. if {_j} contains "Tierra":
  1747. send "¡Ya tienes esta Afinidad!" to player
  1748. stop
  1749. if {Afi1::%player%} is "":
  1750. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1751. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% cuevaderoca2"
  1752. make player run command "/mi give cuevaderoca2" as op
  1753. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1754. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadTierra"
  1755. set {Afi1::%player%} to "Tierra"
  1756. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad1 = ""%{Afi1::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1757. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1758. stop
  1759. else:
  1760. if player has permission "jouninquest":
  1761. if {Afi2::%player%} is "":
  1762. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1763. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% cuevaderoca2"
  1764. make player run command "/mi give cuevaderoca2" as op
  1765. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadTierra"
  1766. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1767. set {Afi2::%player%} to "Tierra"
  1768. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad2 = ""%{Afi2::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1769. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1770. stop
  1771. else:
  1772. if player has permission "afi3" or "Rinnegan":
  1773. if {Afi3::%player%} is "":
  1774. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1775. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% cuevaderoca2"
  1776. make player run command "/mi give cuevaderoca2" as op
  1777. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadTierra"
  1778. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1779. set {Afi3::%player%} to "Tierra"
  1780. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad3 = ""%{Afi3::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1781. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1782. stop
  1783. else:
  1784. if player has permission "AnbuRinne":
  1785. if {Afi4::%player%} is "":
  1786. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1787. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% cuevaderoca2"
  1788. make player run command "/mi give cuevaderoca2" as op
  1789. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadTierra"
  1790. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1791. set {Afi4::%player%} to "Tierra"
  1792. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad4 = ""%{Afi4::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1793. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1794. stop
  1795. else:
  1796. send "&c¡Ya no puedes tener mas Afinidades!"
  1797. stop
  1798. else:
  1799. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Anbu para tener otra afinidad" to player
  1800. else:
  1801. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Anbu para tener otra afinidad o poseer Rinnegan!" to player
  1802. else:
  1803. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Jounin para tener otra afinidad!" to player
  1804. else:
  1805. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Chunin para tener una afinidad!" to player
  1806. else:
  1807. send "&f¡Tienes que tener el elemento 餐" to player
  1808. else:
  1809. send "&fTe falta la rareza oro" to player
  1810. stop
  1811. if event-slot is 13:
  1812. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  1813. if name of loop-item is equal to "&e&lRAREZA ORO":
  1814. set {_oro} to loop-item
  1815. if amount of {_oro} in player's inventory is greater or equal to 1:
  1816. if {_r} contains "Viento":
  1817. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  1818. if {_j} contains "Viento":
  1819. send "¡Ya tienes esta Afinidad!" to player
  1820. stop
  1821. if {Afi1::%player%} is "":
  1822. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1823. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% rasenshuriken"
  1824. make player run command "/mi give rasenshuriken" as op
  1825. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1826. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadViento"
  1827. set {Afi1::%player%} to "Viento"
  1828. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad1 = ""%{Afi1::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1829. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1830. stop
  1831. else:
  1832. if player has permission "jouninquest":
  1833. if {Afi2::%player%} is "":
  1834. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1835. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% rasenshuriken"
  1836. make player run command "/mi give rasenshuriken" as op
  1837. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadViento"
  1838. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1839. set {Afi2::%player%} to "Viento"
  1840. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad2 = ""%{Afi2::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1841. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1842. stop
  1843. else:
  1844. if player has permission "afi3" or "Rinnegan":
  1845. if {Afi3::%player%} is "":
  1846. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1847. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% rasenshuriken"
  1848. make player run command "/mi give rasenshuriken" as op
  1849. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadViento"
  1850. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1851. set {Afi3::%player%} to "Viento"
  1852. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad3 = ""%{Afi3::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1853. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1854. stop
  1855. else:
  1856. if player has permission "AnbuRinne":
  1857. if {Afi4::%player%} is "":
  1858. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1859. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% rasenshuriken"
  1860. make player run command "/mi give rasenshuriken" as op
  1861. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadViento"
  1862. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1863. set {Afi4::%player%} to "Viento"
  1864. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad4 = ""%{Afi4::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1865. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1866. stop
  1867. else:
  1868. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Anbu para tener otra afinidad" to player
  1869. else:
  1870. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Anbu para tener otra afinidad o poseer Rinnegan!" to player
  1871. else:
  1872. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Jounin para tener otra afinidad!" to player
  1873. else:
  1874. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Chunin para tener una afinidad!" to player
  1875. else:
  1876. send "&f¡Tienes que tener el elemento 餓" to player
  1877. else:
  1878. send "&fTe falta la rareza oro" to player
  1879. stop
  1880. if event-slot is 14:
  1881. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  1882. if name of loop-item is equal to "&e&lRAREZA ORO":
  1883. set {_oro} to loop-item
  1884. if amount of {_oro} in player's inventory is greater or equal to 1:
  1885. if {_r} contains "Fuego":
  1886. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  1887. if {_j} contains "&4Fuego":
  1888. send "¡Ya tienes esta Afinidad!" to player
  1889. stop
  1890. if {Afi1::%player%} is "":
  1891. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1892. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% FlorLlama"
  1893. make player run command "/mi give FlorLlama" as op
  1894. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadFuego"
  1895. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1896. set {Afi1::%player%} to "Fuego"
  1897. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad1 = ""%{Afi1::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1898. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1899. stop
  1900. else:
  1901. if player has permission "jouninquest":
  1902. if {Afi2::%player%} is "":
  1903. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1904. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% FlorLlama"
  1905. make player run command "/mi give FlorLlama" as op
  1906. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadFuego"
  1907. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1908. set {Afi2::%player%} to "Fuego"
  1909. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad2 = ""%{Afi2::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1910. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1911. stop
  1912. else:
  1913. if player has permission "afi3" or "Rinnegan":
  1914. if {Afi3::%player%} is "":
  1915. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1916. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% FlorLlama"
  1917. make player run command "/mi give FlorLlama" as op
  1918. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadFuego"
  1919. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1920. set {Afi3::%player%} to "Fuego"
  1921. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad3 = ""%{Afi3::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1922. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1923. stop
  1924. else:
  1925. if player has permission "AnbuRinne":
  1926. if {Afi4::%player%} is "":
  1927. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1928. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% FlorLlama"
  1929. make player run command "/mi give FlorLlama" as op
  1930. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadFuego"
  1931. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1932. set {Afi4::%player%} to "Fuego"
  1933. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad3 = ""%{Afi4::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1934. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1935. stop
  1936. else:
  1937. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Anbu para tener otra afinidad" to player
  1938. else:
  1939. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Anbu para tener otra afinidad o poseer Rinnegan!" to player
  1940. else:
  1941. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Jounin para tener otra afinidad!" to player
  1942. else:
  1943. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Chunin para tener una afinidad!" to player
  1944. else:
  1945. send "&f¡Tienes que tener el elemento 餑" to player
  1946. else:
  1947. send "&fTe falta la rareza oro" to player
  1948. stop
  1949. if event-slot is 15:
  1950. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  1951. if name of loop-item is equal to "&e&lRAREZA ORO":
  1952. set {_oro} to loop-item
  1953. if amount of {_oro} in player's inventory is greater or equal to 1:
  1954. if {_r} contains "Agua":
  1955. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  1956. if {_j} contains "Agua":
  1957. send "¡Ya tienes esta Afinidad!" to player
  1958. stop
  1959. if {Afi1::%player%} is "":
  1960. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1961. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% agua"
  1962. make player run command "/mi give agua" as op
  1963. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadAgua"
  1964. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1965. set {Afi1::%player%} to "Agua"
  1966. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad1 = ""%{Afi1::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1967. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1968. stop
  1969. else:
  1970. if player has permission "jouninquest":
  1971. if {Afi2::%player%} is "":
  1972. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1973. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% agua"
  1974. make player run command "/mi give agua" as op
  1975. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadAgua"
  1976. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1977. set {Afi2::%player%} to "Agua"
  1978. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad2 = ""%{Afi2::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1979. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1980. stop
  1981. else:
  1982. if player has permission "afi3" or "Rinnegan":
  1983. if {Afi3::%player%} is "":
  1984. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1985. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% agua"
  1986. make player run command "/mi give agua" as op
  1987. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadAgua"
  1988. send "{@Listo}" to player
  1989. set {Afi3::%player%} to "Agua"
  1990. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad3 = ""%{Afi3::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  1991. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  1992. stop
  1993. else:
  1994. if player has permission "AnbuRinne":
  1995. if {Afi4::%player%} is "":
  1996. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  1997. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% agua"
  1998. make player run command "/mi give agua" as op
  1999. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadAgua"
  2000. send "{@Listo}" to player
  2001. set {Afi4::%player%} to "Agua"
  2002. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad3 = ""%{Afi4::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2003. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2004. stop
  2005. else:
  2006. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Anbu para tener otra afinidad" to player
  2007. else:
  2008. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Anbu para tener otra afinidad o poseer Rinnegan!" to player
  2009. else:
  2010. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Jounin para tener otra afinidad!" to player
  2011. else:
  2012. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Chunin para tener una afinidad!" to player
  2013. else:
  2014. send "&f¡Tienes que tener el elemento 餒" to player
  2015. else:
  2016. send "&fTe falta la rareza oro" to player
  2017. stop
  2018. if event-slot is 16:
  2019. loop all items in the inventory of player:
  2020. if name of loop-item is equal to "&e&lRAREZA ORO":
  2021. set {_oro} to loop-item
  2022. if amount of {_oro} in player's inventory is greater or equal to 1:
  2023. if {_r} contains "Rayo":
  2024. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  2025. if {_j} contains "Rayo":
  2026. send "¡Ya tienes esta Afinidad!" to player
  2027. stop
  2028. if {Afi1::%player%} is "":
  2029. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  2030. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% VelocidadR"
  2031. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% VelocidadRayoPassive"
  2032. make player run command "/mi give velor" as op
  2033. send "{@Listo}" to player
  2034. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadRayo"
  2035. set {Afi1::%player%} to "Rayo"
  2036. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad1 = ""%{Afi1::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2037. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2038. stop
  2039. else:
  2040. if player has permission "jouninquest":
  2041. if {Afi2::%player%} is "":
  2042. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  2043. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% VelocidadR"
  2044. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% VelocidadRayoPassive"
  2045. make player run command "/mi give velor" as op
  2046. send "{@Listo}" to player
  2047. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadRayo"
  2048. set {Afi2::%player%} to "Rayo"
  2049. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad2 = ""%{Afi2::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2050. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2051. stop
  2052. else:
  2053. if player has permission "afi3" or "Rinnegan":
  2054. if {Afi3::%player%} is "":
  2055. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  2056. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% VelocidadR"
  2057. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% VelocidadRayoPassive"
  2058. make player run command "/mi give velor" as op
  2059. send "{@Listo}" to player
  2060. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadRayo"
  2061. set {Afi3::%player%} to "Rayo"
  2062. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad3 = ""%{Afi3::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2063. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2064. stop
  2065. else:
  2066. if player has permission "AnbuRinne":
  2067. if {Afi4::%player%} is "":
  2068. remove 1 of {_oro} from the player
  2069. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% VelocidadR"
  2070. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% VelocidadRayoPassive"
  2071. make player run command "/mi give velor" as op
  2072. send "{@Listo}" to player
  2073. make console execute command "/lp user %player% permission set AfinidadRayo"
  2074. set {Afi4::%player%} to "Rayo"
  2075. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Afinidad4 = ""%{Afi4::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2076. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2077. stop
  2078. else:
  2079. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Anbu para tener otra afinidad" to player
  2080. else:
  2081. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Anbu para tener otra afinidad o poseer Rinnegan!" to player
  2082. else:
  2083. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Jounin para tener otra afinidad!" to player
  2084. else:
  2085. send "&f¡Tienes que ser Chunin para tener una afinidad!" to player
  2086. else:
  2087. send "&f¡Tienes que tener el elemento 餔" to player
  2088. else:
  2089. send "&fTe falta la rareza oro" to player
  2090. stop
  2091. if name of event-inventory is "&5&lHABILIDADES":
  2092. cancel event
  2093. if event-slot is 27:
  2094. make player execute command "/menu"
  2095. if event-slot is 12:
  2096. make player execute command "/pj jutsusabio"
  2097. if event-slot is 13:
  2098. if player has permission "kamizuru":
  2099. make player run command "/shop page open KAMIZURU" as op
  2100. if player has permission "explosivo":
  2101. make player run command "/shop page open EXPLOSIVO" as op
  2102. if player has permission "hyuga":
  2103. make player run command "/shop page open HYUGA" as op
  2104. if player has permission "uchiha":
  2105. make player run command "/shop page open UCHIHA" as op
  2106. if player has permission "raisoku":
  2107. make player run command "/shop page open RAISOKU" as op
  2108. if player has permission "yotsuki":
  2109. make player run command "/shop page open YOTSUKI" as op
  2110. if player has permission "sabaku":
  2111. make player run command "/shop page open IMAN" as op
  2112. if player has permission "shirogane":
  2113. make player run command "/shop page open SHIROGANE" as op
  2114. if player has permission "kaguya":
  2115. make player run command "/shop page open KAGUYA" as op
  2116. if player has permission "uzumaki":
  2117. make player run command "/shop page open UZUMAKI" as op
  2118. if event-slot is 14:
  2119. make player execute command "/pj jutsus"
  2120. if event-slot is 15:
  2121. make player execute command "/pj kekkei"
  2122. if event-slot is 16:
  2123. if player has permission "taijutsuquest":
  2124. make player execute command "/TiendaJutsus Taijutsu"
  2125. else:
  2126. send "&6• &fPara adquirir las Habilidades &2Taijutsu&f Visita a &6Maito Gai&f en el &bTemplo&f de tu Aldea!"
  2127. if event-slot is 29:
  2128. make player execute command "/pj afinidad"
  2129. if event-slot is 32:
  2130. send "&cProximamente..."
  2131. #make player execute command "/pj combos"
  2132. if event-slot is 35:
  2133. make player run command "/TiendaJutsus Elementos" as op
  2134. if name of event-inventory is "&a&lCOMANDOS &8(2/2)":
  2135. cancel event
  2136. if event-slot is 27:
  2137. make player execute command "/pj comandos"
  2138. if event-slot is 12:
  2139. make player execute command "/gb connectfour"
  2140. if event-slot is 13:
  2141. send "&fUtiliza &d/Duelo retar jugador"
  2142. if name of event-inventory is "&a&lCOMANDOS &8(1/2)":
  2143. cancel event
  2144. if event-slot is 27:
  2145. make player execute command "/menu"
  2146. if event-slot is 12:
  2147. make player execute command "/regresar"
  2148. if event-slot is 13:
  2149. open an anvil gui named "&e&lENVIAR RYOS" to player with a andesite named "&a<jugador> <cantidad>":
  2150. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2151. cancel event
  2152. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2153. cancel event
  2154. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2155. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2156. if {_result} isn't set:
  2157. cancel event
  2158. stop
  2159. if {_result} is "a<jugador> <cantidad>":
  2160. cancel event
  2161. stop
  2162. else:
  2163. make player execute command "/pay %{_result}%"
  2164. wait 5 ticks
  2165. make player execute command "/menu party"
  2166. if event-slot is 14:
  2167. make player execute command "/list"
  2168. if event-slot is 15:
  2169. make player execute command "/onlinetime"
  2170. if event-slot is 16:
  2171. make player execute command "/quests journal"
  2172. if event-slot is 21:
  2173. make player execute command "/saldo"
  2174. if event-slot is 25:
  2175. open an anvil gui named "&9&lCAMBIAR SKIN" to player with a magma cream named "&a'jugador' o url 'url'":
  2176. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2177. cancel event
  2178. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2179. cancel event
  2180. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2181. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2182. if {_result} isn't set:
  2183. cancel event
  2184. stop
  2185. if {_result} is "a'jugador' o url 'url'":
  2186. cancel event
  2187. stop
  2188. else:
  2189. make player execute command "/skin %{_result}%"
  2190. wait 5 ticks
  2191. make player execute command "/menu comandos"
  2192. if event-slot is 22:
  2193. make player execute command "/estadisticas"
  2194. if event-slot is 23:
  2195. make player execute command "/sit"
  2196. if event-slot is 24:
  2197. if {saltoninja::%player%} is true:
  2198. set {saltoninja::%player%} to false
  2199. send "&9Salto Ninja &7- &cDesactivado"
  2200. else:
  2201. send "&9Salto Ninja &7- &aActivado"
  2202. set {saltoninja::%player%} to true
  2203. set {_query} to "UPDATE Ajustes SET saltoninja = ""%{saltoninja::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2204. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2205. if event-slot is 35:
  2206. make player execute command "/pj comandos2"
  2207. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lRANKING":
  2208. cancel event
  2209. if event-slot is 27:
  2210. make player execute command "/menu"
  2211. if event-slot is 12:
  2212. make player execute command "/Ranking"
  2213. if event-slot is 16:
  2214. make player execute command "/voto top"
  2215. if name of event-inventory is "&5&lATRIBUTOS":
  2216. cancel event
  2217. if event-slot is 27:
  2218. make player execute command "/menu"
  2219. if event-slot is 12:
  2220. puntosm(player, "ATK")
  2221. if event-slot is 13:
  2222. puntosm(player, "VEL")
  2223. if event-slot is 14:
  2224. puntosm(player, "DEF")
  2225. if event-slot is 15:
  2226. puntosm(player, "DEX")
  2227. if event-slot is 16:
  2228. puntosm(player, "NIN")
  2229. if event-slot is 22: #Chakra
  2230. puntosa(player, "Chakra")
  2231. if event-slot is 24: #Vida
  2232. puntosa(player, "vidabase")
  2233. if event-slot is 23:
  2234. puntosm(player, "CON")
  2235. if name of event-inventory is "&3&lPARTYS":
  2236. cancel event
  2237. if event-slot is 27:
  2238. make player execute command "/menu grupo"
  2239. if event-slot is 12:
  2240. open an anvil gui named "&a&lCREAR PARTY" to player with a magma cream named "&aEscribe el nombre de la Party":
  2241. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2242. cancel event
  2243. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2244. cancel event
  2245. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2246. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2247. if {_result} isn't set:
  2248. cancel event
  2249. stop
  2250. if {_result} is "aEscribe el nombre de la Party":
  2251. cancel event
  2252. stop
  2253. else:
  2254. make player run command "/Party create %{_result}%" as op
  2255. wait 5 ticks
  2256. make player execute command "/menu party"
  2257. if event-slot is 13:
  2258. send "&fUtiliza &d/Party invite nombre"
  2259. if event-slot is 14:
  2260. send "&fUtiliza &d/Party kick nombre"
  2261. send "&7(Tienes que ser el Dueño de la Party para hacer esto!)"
  2262. if event-slot is 24:
  2263. open an anvil gui named "&e&lCHAT DE PARTY" to player with a magma cream named "&aEscribe tu mensaje":
  2264. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2265. cancel event
  2266. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2267. cancel event
  2268. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2269. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2270. if {_result} isn't set:
  2271. cancel event
  2272. stop
  2273. if {_result} is "aEscribe tu mensaje":
  2274. cancel event
  2275. stop
  2276. else:
  2277. make player execute command "/p %{_result}%"
  2278. wait 5 ticks
  2279. make player execute command "/menu party"
  2280. if event-slot is 15:
  2281. make player run command "/Party leave" as op
  2282. if event-slot is 16:
  2283. make player run command "/Party info" as op
  2284. if event-slot is 22:
  2285. make player run command "/Party leave" as op
  2286. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lEQUIPOS":
  2287. cancel event
  2288. if event-slot is 27:
  2289. make player execute command "/menu grupo"
  2290. if event-slot is 12:
  2291. make player execute command "/equipo crear"
  2292. if event-slot is 13:
  2293. open an anvil gui named "&a&lINVITAR AL EQUIPO" to player with a magma cream named "&aEscribe el nombre del Jugador":
  2294. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2295. cancel event
  2296. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2297. cancel event
  2298. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2299. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2300. if {_result} isn't set:
  2301. cancel event
  2302. stop
  2303. if {_result} is "aEscribe el nombre del Jugador":
  2304. cancel event
  2305. stop
  2306. else:
  2307. make player execute command "/equipo invitar %{_result}%"
  2308. wait 5 ticks
  2309. make player execute command "/menu equipos"
  2310. if event-slot is 14:
  2311. open an anvil gui named "&c&lKICKEAR DEL EQUIPO" to player with a magma cream named "&aEscribe el nombre del Jugador":
  2312. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2313. cancel event
  2314. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2315. cancel event
  2316. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2317. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2318. if {_result} isn't set:
  2319. cancel event
  2320. stop
  2321. if {_result} is "aEscribe el nombre del Jugador":
  2322. cancel event
  2323. stop
  2324. else:
  2325. make player execute command "/equipo kick %{_result}%"
  2326. wait 5 ticks
  2327. make player execute command "/menu equipos"
  2328. if event-slot is 24:
  2329. open an anvil gui named "&e&lCHAT DE EQUIPO" to player with a magma cream named "&aEscribe tu mensaje":
  2330. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2331. cancel event
  2332. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2333. cancel event
  2334. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2335. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2336. if {_result} isn't set:
  2337. cancel event
  2338. stop
  2339. if {_result} is "aEscribe tu Mensaje":
  2340. cancel event
  2341. stop
  2342. else:
  2343. make player execute command "/e %{_result}%"
  2344. wait 5 ticks
  2345. make player execute command "/menu equipos"
  2348. if event-slot is 15:
  2349. make player execute command "/equipo eliminar"
  2350. if event-slot is 16:
  2351. make player execute command "/equipo list"
  2352. if event-slot is 22:
  2353. make player execute command "/equipo salir"
  2355. if name of event-inventory is "&b&lGRUPOS":
  2356. cancel event
  2357. if event-slot is 27:
  2358. make player execute command "/menu"
  2359. if event-slot is 12:
  2360. make player execute command "/menu Equipos"
  2361. if event-slot is 14:
  2362. make player execute command "/menu Party"
  2363. if event-slot is 16:
  2364. make player execute command "/menu Organizacion"
  2365. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lMENU DE STAFF":
  2366. cancel event
  2367. if event-slot is 27:
  2368. make player execute command "/menu"
  2369. if event-slot is 12:
  2370. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/Sennin jugador &e25/50/75/100"
  2371. if event-slot is 13:
  2372. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/Reiniciar jugador&f (Deberas kickear al jugador para que cargue de 0)"
  2373. if event-slot is 14:
  2374. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/Merito &edar/sacar &dcantidad &bjugador"
  2375. if event-slot is 15:
  2376. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/Elemento &bjugador &dcantidad"
  2377. if event-slot is 16:
  2378. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/vidabase add &ejugador &dcantidad&f (Aumenta la salud en la cantidad colocada)"
  2379. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/vidabase set &ejugador &dcantidad&f (Establece la salud del jugador a la cantidad colocada)"
  2380. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/vidabase remove &ejugador &dcantidad&f (Disminuye la salud del jugador en la cantidad colocada)"
  2381. if event-slot is 21:
  2382. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/chakra add &ejugador &dcantidad&f (Aumenta el chakra en la cantidad colocada)"
  2383. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/chakra set &ejugador &dcantidad&f (Establece el chakra del jugador a la cantidad colocada)"
  2384. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/chakra remove &ejugador &dcantidad&f (Disminuye el chakra del jugador en la cantidad colocada)"
  2385. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/chakra ver &ejugador (Muestra cuanto chakra maximo puede tener)"
  2386. if event-slot is 22:
  2387. make player execute command "/sancion"
  2388. if event-slot is 23:
  2389. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/ascender &ejugador (Sube automaticamente el rango del jugador)"
  2390. if event-slot is 24:
  2391. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/descender &ejugador (Baja automaticamente el rango del jugador)"
  2392. if event-slot is 25:
  2393. send "&aEjecuta&f: &b/certificados sacar jugador &b(Chunin, Jounin, Anbu)"
  2394. if name of event-inventory is "&2&lCERTIFICADOS":
  2395. cancel event
  2396. if event-slot is 27:
  2397. make player execute command "/menu"
  2398. if event-slot is 12:
  2399. ACertificado(player, "Chunin" ,"%player's uuid%")
  2400. if event-slot is 14:
  2401. ACertificado(player, "Jounin" ,"%player's uuid%")
  2402. if event-slot is 16:
  2403. ACertificado(player, "Anbu" ,"%player's uuid%")
  2404. if name of event-inventory is "&f&lINICIO":
  2405. cancel event
  2406. if event-slot is 27:
  2407. close player's inventory
  2408. if event-slot is 12:
  2409. make player execute command "/menu Atributos"
  2410. if event-slot is 13:
  2411. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2412. if event-slot is 15:
  2413. make player execute command "/menu grupo"
  2414. if event-slot is 14:
  2415. make player execute command "/menu habilidades"
  2416. if event-slot is 16:
  2417. send "&cProximamente..."
  2418. if event-slot is 21:
  2419. make player execute command "/menu kits"
  2420. if event-slot is 22:
  2421. make player execute command "/menu Tops"
  2422. if event-slot is 23:
  2423. make player execute command "/vote40"
  2424. if event-slot is 24:
  2425. make player execute command "/menu comandos"
  2426. if event-slot is 25:
  2427. make player execute command "/ayudaG"
  2428. if event-slot is 32:
  2429. make player execute command "/menu Certificados"
  2430. if event-slot is 34:
  2431. wait 5 ticks
  2432. make player execute command "/menuguias"
  2433. if event-slot is 35:
  2434. if player has permission "stafflvl1":
  2435. make player execute command "/menu Staff"
  2436. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lCHAT":
  2437. cancel event
  2438. if event-slot is 27:
  2439. make player execute command "/menu"
  2440. if event-slot is 13:
  2441. open an anvil gui named "&9&lENTORNO" to player with a magma cream named "&aEscribe tu Mensaje":
  2442. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2443. cancel event
  2444. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2445. cancel event
  2446. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2447. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2448. if {_result} isn't set:
  2449. cancel event
  2450. stop
  2451. if {_result} is "aEscribe tu Mensaje":
  2452. cancel event
  2453. stop
  2454. else:
  2455. make player execute command "/entorno %{_result}%"
  2456. wait 5 ticks
  2457. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2458. if event-slot is 14:
  2459. open an anvil gui named "&6&lACCION" to player with a magma cream named "&aEscribe tu Mensaje":
  2460. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2461. cancel event
  2462. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2463. cancel event
  2464. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2465. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2466. if {_result} isn't set:
  2467. cancel event
  2468. stop
  2469. if {_result} is "aEscribe tu Mensaje":
  2470. cancel event
  2471. stop
  2472. else:
  2473. make player execute command "/me %{_result}%"
  2474. wait 5 ticks
  2475. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2476. if event-slot is 15:
  2477. if {EstadoOff::%player%} is "&cDesactivado":
  2478. set {EstadoOff::%player%} to "&aActivado"
  2479. set {offrol::%player%} to true
  2480. wait 10 ticks
  2481. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2482. set {_query} to "UPDATE Ajustes SET offrol = ""%{offrol::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2483. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2484. stop
  2485. else:
  2486. set {EstadoOff::%player%} to "&cDesactivado"
  2487. set {offrol::%player%} to false
  2488. wait 10 ticks
  2489. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2490. set {_query} to "UPDATE Ajustes SET offrol = ""%{offrol::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2491. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2492. stop
  2493. if event-slot is 16:
  2494. open an anvil gui named "&8&lOFFROL" to player with a magma cream named "&aEscribe tu Mensaje":
  2495. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2496. cancel event
  2497. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2498. cancel event
  2499. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2500. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2502. if {_result} isn't set:
  2503. cancel event
  2504. stop
  2505. if {_result} is "aEscribe tu Mensaje":
  2506. cancel event
  2507. stop
  2508. else:
  2509. make player execute command "/b %{_result}%"
  2510. wait 5 ticks
  2511. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2512. if event-slot is 22:
  2513. if player has permission "chuninquest":
  2514. open an anvil gui named "&5&lNOMBRE NINJA" to player with a nametag named "&aEscribe tu nuevo Nombre":
  2515. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2516. cancel event
  2517. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2518. cancel event
  2519. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2520. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2521. if {_result} isn't set:
  2522. cancel event
  2523. stop
  2524. if {_result} is "aEscribe tu nuevo Nombre":
  2525. cancel event
  2526. stop
  2527. else:
  2528. set {NombreRol::%player%} to {_result}
  2529. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2530. send "&6[NarutoRPG] &fTu nombre cambio a &d%{_result}%"
  2531. set {_query} to "UPDATE Ajustes SET nombrerol = ""%{nombrerol::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2532. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2533. else:
  2534. send "&6¡Tienes que ser Chunin para hacer esto!"
  2535. if event-slot is 24:
  2536. open an anvil gui named "&b&lMENSAJE ALDEA" to player with a magma cream named "&aEscribe tu Mensaje":
  2537. if clicked raw slot is 0:
  2538. cancel event
  2539. if clicked raw slot is 1:
  2540. cancel event
  2541. if clicked raw slot is 2:
  2542. set {_result} to name of slot clicked raw slot of event-inventory
  2543. if {_result} isn't set:
  2544. cancel event
  2545. stop
  2546. if {_result} is "aEscribe tu Mensaje":
  2547. cancel event
  2548. stop
  2549. else:
  2550. make player execute command "/c %{_result}%"
  2551. wait 5 ticks
  2552. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2553. if event-slot is 12:
  2554. if {chatEstado::%player%} is "&9&lHablando":
  2555. make player execute command "/g"
  2556. set {Chat.EstadoS.%player%} to "&b&lSusurrando"
  2557. wait 10 ticks
  2558. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2559. stop
  2560. if {chatEstado::%player%} is "&c&lGritando":
  2561. make player execute command "/su"
  2562. set {Chat.EstadoS.%player%} to "&9&lHablando"
  2563. wait 10 ticks
  2564. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2565. stop
  2566. if {chatEstado::%player%} is "&b&lSusurrando":
  2567. make player execute command "/ha"
  2568. set {Chat.EstadoS.%player%} to "&c&lGritando"
  2569. wait 10 ticks
  2570. make player execute command "/menu chat"
  2571. stop
  2572. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lAPRENDER ELEMENTOS":
  2573. set {_r} to "%{Elem1::%player%}% %{Elem2::%player%}% %{Elem3::%player%}% %{Elem4::%player%}% %{Elem5::%player%}%"
  2574. set {_j} to "%{Afi1::%player%}% %{Afi2::%player%}% %{Afi3::%player%}%"
  2575. cancel event
  2576. if event-slot is 27:
  2577. make player execute command "/menu habilidades"
  2578. if player has permission "kamizuruquest" or "hyugaquest" or "Sabaku" or "taijutsu":
  2579. send "¡No puedes tener Elementos!"
  2580. else:
  2581. if {elementosdisponibles::%player%} is greater or equal to 1:
  2582. if event-slot is 12:
  2583. if {_r} contains "Tierra": #餐
  2584. send "&fYa Tienes este Elemento!"
  2585. else:
  2586. if {Elem1::%player%} is "":
  2587. AprenderElemento(player, "Tierra", 1, "%player's uuid%")
  2588. else:
  2589. if {Elem2::%player%} is "":
  2590. AprenderElemento(player, "Tierra", 2, "%player's uuid%")
  2591. else:
  2592. if {Elem3::%player%} is "":
  2593. AprenderElemento(player, "Tierra", 3, "%player's uuid%")
  2594. else:
  2595. if {Elem4::%player%} is "":
  2596. AprenderElemento(player, "Tierra", 4, "%player's uuid%")
  2597. else:
  2598. if {Elem5::%player%} is "":
  2599. AprenderElemento(player, "Tierra", 5, "%player's uuid%")
  2600. make player execute command "/tiendajutsus elementos"
  2601. if event-slot is 13:
  2602. if player has permission "explosivoquest":
  2603. send "&fSolo puedes Aprender el Elemento 餐"
  2604. stop
  2605. if {_r} contains "Viento":#餓
  2606. send "&fYa Tienes este Elemento!"
  2607. else:
  2608. if {Elem1::%player%} is "":
  2609. AprenderElemento(player, "Viento", 1, "%player's uuid%")
  2610. else:
  2611. if {Elem2::%player%} is "":
  2612. AprenderElemento(player, "Viento", 2, "%player's uuid%")
  2613. else:
  2614. if {Elem3::%player%} is "":
  2615. AprenderElemento(player, "Viento", 3, "%player's uuid%")
  2616. else:
  2617. if {Elem4::%player%} is "":
  2618. AprenderElemento(player, "Viento", 4, "%player's uuid%")
  2619. else:
  2620. if {Elem5::%player%} is "":
  2621. AprenderElemento(player, "Viento", 5, "%player's uuid%")
  2622. make player execute command "/tiendajutsus elementos"
  2623. if event-slot is 14:
  2624. if player has permission "explosivoquest":
  2625. send "&fSolo puedes Aprender el Elemento 餐"
  2626. stop
  2627. if {_r} contains "Fuego":#餑
  2628. send "&fYa Tienes este Elemento!"
  2629. else:
  2630. if {Elem1::%player%} is "":
  2631. AprenderElemento(player, "Fuego", 1, "%player's uuid%")
  2632. else:
  2633. if {Elem2::%player%} is "":
  2634. AprenderElemento(player, "Fuego", 2, "%player's uuid%")
  2635. else:
  2636. if {Elem3::%player%} is "":
  2637. AprenderElemento(player, "Fuego", 3, "%player's uuid%")
  2638. else:
  2639. if {Elem4::%player%} is "":
  2640. AprenderElemento(player, "Fuego", 4, "%player's uuid%")
  2641. else:
  2642. if {Elem5::%player%} is "":
  2643. AprenderElemento(player, "Fuego", 5, "%player's uuid%")
  2644. make player execute command "/tiendajutsus elementos"
  2645. if event-slot is 15:
  2646. if player has permission "explosivoquest":
  2647. send "&fSolo puedes Aprender el Elemento 餐"
  2648. stop
  2649. if {_r} contains "Agua":#餒
  2650. send "&fYa Tienes este Elemento!"
  2651. else:
  2652. if {Elem1::%player%} is "":
  2653. AprenderElemento(player, "Agua", 1, "%player's uuid%")
  2654. else:
  2655. if {Elem2::%player%} is "":
  2656. AprenderElemento(player, "Agua", 2, "%player's uuid%")
  2657. else:
  2658. if {Elem3::%player%} is "":
  2659. AprenderElemento(player, "Agua", 3, "%player's uuid%")
  2660. else:
  2661. if {Elem4::%player%} is "":
  2662. AprenderElemento(player, "Agua", 4, "%player's uuid%")
  2663. else:
  2664. if {Elem5::%player%} is "":
  2665. AprenderElemento(player, "Agua", 5, "%player's uuid%")
  2666. make player execute command "/tiendajutsus elementos"
  2667. if event-slot is 16:
  2668. if player has permission "explosivoquest":
  2669. send "&fSolo puedes Aprender el Elemento 餐"
  2670. stop
  2671. if {_r} contains "Rayo":#餔
  2672. send "&fYa Tienes este Elemento!"
  2673. else:
  2674. if {Elem1::%player%} is "":
  2675. AprenderElemento(player, "Rayo", 1, "%player's uuid%")
  2676. else:
  2677. if {Elem2::%player%} is "":
  2678. AprenderElemento(player, "Rayo", 2, "%player's uuid%")
  2679. else:
  2680. if {Elem3::%player%} is "":
  2681. AprenderElemento(player, "Rayo", 3, "%player's uuid%")
  2682. else:
  2683. if {Elem4::%player%} is "":
  2684. AprenderElemento(player, "Rayo", 4, "%player's uuid%")
  2685. else:
  2686. if {Elem5::%player%} is "":
  2687. AprenderElemento(player, "Rayo", 5, "%player's uuid%")
  2688. make player execute command "/tiendajutsus elementos"
  2689. else:
  2690. send "&f¡No tienes Elementos Disponibles Ahora Mismo!"
  2692. if player has permission "explosivoquest" or "uchihaquest" or "raisokuquest" or "yotsukiquest" or "kamizuruquest" or "hyugaquest":
  2693. send "&fNo puedes tener un Kekkei Genkai"
  2694. else:
  2695. if event-slot is 22:
  2696. if {_r} contains "Lava":#餗
  2697. send "Ya Tienes este Kekkei Genkai"
  2698. stop
  2699. if {elementosdisponibles::%player%} is greater or equal to 1:
  2700. if {_j} contains "Tierra" and "Fuego":
  2701. if {Elem3::%player%} is "":
  2702. set {Elem3::%player%} to "Lava"
  2703. send "{@Listo}"
  2704. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2705. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento3 = ""%{Elem3::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2706. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2707. stop
  2708. else:
  2709. if {Elem4::%player%} is "":
  2710. set {Elem4::%player%} to "Lava"
  2711. send "{@Listo}"
  2712. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2713. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento4 = ""%{Elem4::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2714. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2715. stop
  2716. else:
  2717. if {Elem5::%player%} is "":
  2718. set {Elem5::%player%} to "Lava"
  2719. send "{@Listo}"
  2720. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2721. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento5 = ""%{Elem5::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2722. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2723. stop
  2724. else:
  2725. send "&fSin Espacio para Aprender Este Elemento"
  2726. make player execute command "/tiendajutsus elementos"
  2727. else:
  2728. send "&fNecesitas dominar la Afinidad &r餐&f y &r餑"
  2729. else:
  2730. send "&f¡Debes contar aun que sea con 1 elemento disponible!"
  2731. if event-slot is 23:
  2732. if {_r} contains "Hielo":#Hielo餘
  2733. send "Ya Tienes este Kekkei Genkai"
  2734. stop
  2735. if {elementosdisponibles::%player%} is greater or equal to 1:
  2736. if {_j} contains "Agua" and "Viento":
  2737. if {Elem3::%player%} is "":
  2738. set {Elem3::%player%} to "Hielo"
  2739. send "{@Listo}"
  2740. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2741. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento3 = ""%{Elem3::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2742. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2743. stop
  2744. else:
  2745. if {Elem4::%player%} is "":
  2746. set {Elem4::%player%} to "Hielo"
  2747. send "{@Listo}"
  2748. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2749. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento4 = ""%{Elem4::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2750. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2751. stop
  2752. else:
  2753. if {Elem5::%player%} is "":
  2754. set {Elem5::%player%} to "Hielo"
  2755. send "{@Listo}"
  2756. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2757. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento5 = ""%{Elem5::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2758. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2759. stop
  2760. else:
  2761. send "&fSin Espacio para Aprender Este Elemento"
  2762. make player execute command "/tiendajutsus elementos"
  2763. else:
  2764. send "&fNecesitas dominar la Afinidad &r餒&f y &r餓"
  2765. else:
  2766. send "&f¡Debes contar aun que sea con 1 elemento disponible!"
  2767. if event-slot is 24:
  2768. if {_r} contains "Madera":#餕
  2769. send "Ya Tienes este Kekkei Genkai"
  2770. stop
  2771. if {elementosdisponibles::%player%} is greater or equal to 1:
  2772. if {_j} contains "Agua" and "Tierra":
  2773. if {Elem3::%player%} is "":
  2774. set {Elem3::%player%} to "Madera"
  2775. send "{@Listo}"
  2776. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2777. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento3 = ""%{Elem3::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2778. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2779. stop
  2780. else:
  2781. if {Elem4::%player%} is "":
  2782. set {Elem4::%player%} to "Madera"
  2783. send "{@Listo}"
  2784. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2785. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento4 = ""%{Elem4::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2786. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2787. stop
  2788. else:
  2789. if {Elem5::%player%} is "":
  2790. set {Elem5::%player%} to "Madera"
  2791. send "{@Listo}"
  2792. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2793. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento5 = ""%{Elem5::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2794. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2795. stop
  2796. else:
  2797. send "&fSin Espacio para Aprender Este Elemento"
  2798. make player execute command "/tiendajutsus elementos"
  2799. else:
  2800. send "&fNecesitas dominar la Afinidad &r餒&f y &r餐"
  2801. else:
  2802. send "&f¡Debes contar aun que sea con 1 elemento disponible!"
  2803. if event-slot is 32:
  2804. if {_r} contains "&aMadera":
  2805. send "Ya Tienes este Kekkei Genkai"
  2806. stop
  2807. if {elementosdisponibles::%player%} is greater or equal to 1:
  2808. if player has permission "CelulasHashirama":
  2809. if {Elem2::%player%} is "":
  2810. set {Elem2::%player%} to "&aMadera"
  2811. send "{@Listo}"
  2812. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2813. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento2 = ""%{Elem2::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2814. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2815. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% carcelm1"
  2816. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% MokutonC1"
  2817. make player run command "/mi give MokutonC1" as op
  2818. stop
  2819. else:
  2820. if {Elem3::%player%} is "":
  2821. set {Elem3::%player%} to "&aMadera"
  2822. send "{@Listo}"
  2823. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2824. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento3 = ""%{Elem3::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2825. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2826. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% carcelm1"
  2827. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% MokutonC1"
  2828. make player run command "/mi give MokutonC1" as op
  2829. stop
  2830. else:
  2831. if {Elem4::%player%} is "":
  2832. set {Elem4::%player%} to "&aMadera"
  2833. send "{@Listo}"
  2834. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2835. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento4 = ""%{Elem4::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2836. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2837. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% carcelm1"
  2838. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% MokutonC1"
  2839. make player run command "/mi give MokutonC1" as op
  2840. stop
  2841. else:
  2842. if {Elem5::%player%} is "":
  2843. set {Elem5::%player%} to "&aMadera"
  2844. send "{@Listo}"
  2845. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%player%}
  2846. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento5 = ""%{Elem5::%player%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  2847. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2848. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% carcelm1"
  2849. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% MokutonC1"
  2850. make player run command "/mi give MokutonC1" as op
  2851. stop
  2852. else:
  2853. send "&fSin Espacio para Aprender Este Elemento"
  2854. make player execute command "/tiendajutsus elementos"
  2855. else:
  2856. send "&f¡Necesitas tener implantadas las Celulas de Hasirama!"
  2858. command /Elemento [<player>] [<number>]:
  2859. permission: Staff
  2860. trigger:
  2861. add arg-2 to {elementosdisponibles::%arg-1%}
  2862. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%arg-1%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%arg-1's uuid%"""
  2863. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2864. send "Listo" to player
  2865. function AprenderElemento(p: player, e: text, s: number, x: text):
  2866. subtract 1 from {elementosdisponibles::%{_p}%}
  2867. set {Elem%{_s}%::%{_p}%} to "%{_e}%"
  2868. make console execute command "/lp user %{_p}% permission set %{_e}%quest"
  2869. set {_query} to "UPDATE Elementos SET Elemento1 = ""%{Elem1::%{_p}%}%"", Elemento2 = ""%{Elem2::%{_p}%}%"", Elemento3 = ""%{Elem3::%{_p}%}%"", Elemento4 = ""%{Elem4::%{_p}%}%"", Elemento5 = ""%{Elem5::%{_p}%}%"", PuntoE = ""%{elementosdisponibles::%{_p}%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%{_x}%"""
  2870. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  2871. send "{@Listo}" to {_p}
  2873. function puntosa(p: player, stat: text):
  2874. if {N%{_stat}%::%{_p}%} is smaller than 10:
  2875. if {Puntosa::%{_p}%} is greater or equal to 1:
  2876. add 5 to {%{_stat}%::%{_p}%}
  2877. add 1 to {N%{_stat}%::%{_p}%}
  2878. send "&6[*] &fSubiste de Nivel tu &a&l%{_Stat}% &5&l⬆ &7&o(- &71 &6&lPA&7&o)" to {_p}
  2879. subtract 1 from {Puntosa::%{_p}%}
  2880. make {_p} run command "/GuardarStats" as op
  2881. make {_p} execute command "/pj atributos"
  2882. make {_p} run command "/chakra adjust" as op
  2883. else:
  2884. send "&6[*]&f No tienes &6&lPA&c suficientes!" to {_p}
  2885. command /AyudaG [<text>] [<player>]:
  2886. cooldown: 10 minutes
  2887. cooldown message: &7[&bSistema&7] &fEsta accion esta Disponible cada 10 minutos.
  2888. trigger:
  2889. if arg 1 isn't set:
  2890. send "&7[&bSistema&7] &f¡Solicitud de Ayuda Enviada a los Guias y Staff conectados!" to player
  2891. delete {Atendido::%player%}
  2892. add player to {Atendidos::Lista::*}
  2893. loop all players:
  2894. if loop-player has permission "Guia":
  2895. send "&d%player% &fSolicita ayuda" to loop-player
  2896. json("%loop-player%", "&a&lAtender||cmd:/AyudaGStaff %player%||ttp:&fAtender al jugador %player%||")
  2897. command /AyudaGStaff [<player>]:
  2898. permission: Guia
  2899. trigger:
  2900. if arg 1 is set:
  2901. if {Atendido::%arg-1%} is set:
  2902. send "&7[&bSistema&7] &fEl Jugador &d%arg-1% &festa siendo atendido por &6%{Atendido::%arg-1%}%"
  2903. else:
  2904. set {Atendido::%arg-1%} to player
  2905. send "&7[&bSistema&7]&f ¡El &6Guia &a%player%&f atendera tu caso!" to arg-1
  2906. remove arg-1 from {Atendidos::Lista::*}
  2907. teleport player to arg-1
  2908. loop all players:
  2909. if loop-player has permission "Guia":
  2910. send "&7[&bSistema&7]&f &6%player% &fatendera el caso de &d%arg-1%" to loop-player
  2911. wait 30 seconds
  2912. delete {Atendido::%arg-1%}
  2913. command /MenuGuias:
  2914. permission: Guia
  2915. trigger:
  2916. wait 20 ticks
  2917. open chest inventory with 5 rows named "Casos Sin Atender" to player
  2918. set {_slot} to 0
  2919. loop {Atendidos::Lista::*}:
  2920. set {_player} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  2921. set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to skull of {_player} named "&a&l%{_player}%" with lore "&fEste usuario necesita ayuda. &a¡Click para Atender!"
  2922. add 1 to {_slot}
  2924. on inventory click:
  2925. if name of player's current inventory is "Casos Sin Atender":
  2926. cancel event
  2927. if event-item is set:
  2928. set {_pl} to uncoloured name of event-item
  2929. close player's inventory
  2930. make player execute command "/AyudaGStaff %{_pl}%"
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