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a guest
Dec 10th, 2019
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text 22.55 KB | None | 0 0
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  645. _renderStyles: [Function: renderStyles],
  646. _styles:
  647. { '71f83a6d:0': [Object],
  648. '32df6d42:0': [Object],
  649. '5764bbd8:0': [Object] },
  650. redirected: false,
  651. next: [Function],
  652. beforeRenderFns: [ [Function] ],
  653. nuxt:
  654. { layout: 'default',
  655. data: [],
  656. error: null,
  657. state: null,
  658. serverRendered: true },
  659. meta:
  660. { getOptions: [Function: getOptions$1],
  661. setOptions: [Function: setOptions],
  662. refresh: [Function: refresh$1],
  663. inject: [Function: inject$1],
  664. pause: [Function: pause$1],
  665. resume: [Function: resume$1],
  666. addApp: [Function: addApp$1] },
  667. asyncData: {} },
  668. redirect: [Function],
  669. beforeNuxtRender: [Function],
  670. route:
  671. { name: 'Dokument',
  672. meta: [ {} ],
  673. path: '/dokument/95292561-9c04-427b-97e6-0c74b66f619a',
  674. hash: '',
  675. query: {},
  676. params: { name: '95292561-9c04-427b-97e6-0c74b66f619a' },
  677. fullPath: '/dokument/95292561-9c04-427b-97e6-0c74b66f619a',
  678. matched: [ [Object] ] },
  679. next: [Function],
  680. _redirected: false,
  681. _errored: false,
  682. params: { name: '95292561-9c04-427b-97e6-0c74b66f619a' },
  683. query: {},
  684. '$axios':
  685. { [Function: wrap]
  686. request: [Function: wrap],
  687. getUri: [Function: wrap],
  688. delete: [Function: wrap],
  689. get: [Function: wrap],
  690. head: [Function: wrap],
  691. options: [Function: wrap],
  692. post: [Function: wrap],
  693. put: [Function: wrap],
  694. patch: [Function: wrap],
  695. defaults:
  696. { headers: [Object],
  697. baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000/',
  698. transformRequest: [Array],
  699. transformResponse: [Array],
  700. timeout: 0,
  701. adapter: [Function: httpAdapter],
  702. xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
  703. xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
  704. maxContentLength: -1,
  705. validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus] },
  706. interceptors:
  707. { request: [InterceptorManager],
  708. response: [InterceptorManager] },
  709. CancelToken: { [Function: CancelToken] source: [Function: source] },
  710. isCancel: [Function: isCancel],
  711. setBaseURL: [Function: bound setBaseURL],
  712. setHeader: [Function: bound setHeader],
  713. setToken: [Function: bound setToken],
  714. onRequest: [Function: bound onRequest],
  715. onResponse: [Function: bound onResponse],
  716. onRequestError: [Function: bound onRequestError],
  717. onResponseError: [Function: bound onResponseError],
  718. onError: [Function: bound onError],
  719. '$request': [Function: bound ],
  720. '$delete': [Function: bound ],
  721. '$get': [Function: bound ],
  722. '$head': [Function: bound ],
  723. '$options': [Function: bound ],
  724. '$post': [Function: bound ],
  725. '$put': [Function: bound ],
  726. '$patch': [Function: bound ] } }
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