

Nov 2nd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. What is the price of your sanity, And the smell of rotting flesh and bones?|Death,*A madhouse,Patient,Doctor,Ghost
  2. What is born from death, and feeds on the living, And dances in the moonlight, and whispers in the night?|Banshee,Ghost,*Vampire, Werewolf
  3. What is trapped between worlds, forever seeking revenge, And weeps for the life it lost, and haunts the living?|Poltergeist,Revenant, *Wraith,Ghost
  4.  What is the sound of a scream that can't be heard, And echoes through the mind, and drives people insane?|Dementia,*Madness,Paranoia, Schizophrenia
  5. What is the taste of fear, And coats the tongue with a metallic bitterness, and turns the stomach?|Adrenaline,Bile,Dread,*Terror
  6. What is the smell of death, And lingers in the air, and causes nausea and vomiting?|*Decay,Putrefaction,Rotting flesh,Sulfur
  7. Riddle: What is the touch of the undead, And is icy cold, and drains the life force from its victims?|*A ghost's touch,A lich's kiss, A vampire's bite,A zombie's caress
  8. What is the sight of hell, And burns the eyes, and fills the heart with despair?|Demons,*Fire,The damned,Brimstone
  9. What is the price of your soul, And is paid in blood, and seals your fate for all eternity?|A necromancer's ritual,*A demonic pact, A vampire's embrace,A witch's curse
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