

Dec 7th, 2016
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  1. In ro.zonga.music:3.7.0:71.
  2. * ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity has leaked:
  3. * GC ROOT com.android.volley.NetworkDispatcher.<Java Local>
  4. * references ro.zonga.music.sync.requests.HintsEnumerateRequest.mListener
  5. * references ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$22.this$0 (anonymous implementation of com.android.volley.Response$Listener)
  6. * leaks ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity instance
  8. * Retaining: 371 KO.
  9. * Reference Key: 113706ba-5c98-482d-8de9-09b0e8e12efe
  10. * Device: samsung samsung GT-S6310N royssnfcxx
  11. * Android Version: 4.1.2 API: 16 LeakCanary: 1.5 00f37f5
  12. * Durations: watch=82555ms, gc=253ms, heap dump=3470ms, analysis=139271ms
  14. * Details:
  15. * Instance of com.android.volley.NetworkDispatcher
  16. | mCache = com.android.volley.toolbox.DiskBasedCache@1101573848 (0x41a8aed8)
  17. | mDelivery = com.android.volley.ExecutorDelivery@1101575648 (0x41a8b5e0)
  18. | mNetwork = com.android.volley.toolbox.BasicNetwork@1101569712 (0x41a89eb0)
  19. | mQueue = java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue@1101576760 (0x41a8ba38)
  20. | mQuit = false
  21. | contextClassLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@1096389248 (0x41599280)
  22. | vmThread = java.lang.VMThread@1101415016 (0x41a64268)
  23. | group = java.lang.ThreadGroup@1088328760 (0x40de9438)
  24. | uncaughtHandler = null
  25. | target = null
  26. | inheritableValues = null
  27. | interruptActions = java.util.ArrayList@1101422368 (0x41a65f20)
  28. | localValues = java.lang.ThreadLocal$Values@1100783472 (0x419c9f70)
  29. | name = java.lang.String@1100681280 (0x419b1040)
  30. | parkBlocker = java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject@1101576848 (0x41a8ba90)
  31. | id = 446
  32. | stackSize = 0
  33. | priority = 5
  34. | parkState = 3
  35. | hasBeenStarted = true
  36. | daemon = false
  37. * Instance of ro.zonga.music.sync.requests.HintsEnumerateRequest
  38. | mListener = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$22@1109336288 (0x421f20e0)
  39. | mRequestBody = java.lang.String@1108673288 (0x42150308)
  40. | mCacheEntry = null
  41. | mUrl = java.lang.String@1108933768 (0x4218fc88)
  42. | mTag = java.lang.String@1100589864 (0x4199ab28)
  43. | mErrorListener = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$23@1123120936 (0x42f17728)
  44. | mEventLog = null
  45. | mIdentifier = java.lang.String@1108389424 (0x4210ae30)
  46. | mSequence = java.lang.Integer@1088345456 (0x40ded570)
  47. | mRedirectUrl = null
  48. | mRetryPolicy = com.android.volley.DefaultRetryPolicy@1108363480 (0x421048d8)
  49. | mRequestQueue = com.android.volley.RequestQueue@1101572312 (0x41a8a8d8)
  50. | mRequestBirthTime = 732217
  51. | mResponseDelivered = true
  52. | mMethod = 1
  53. | mShouldCache = true
  54. | mDefaultTrafficStatsTag = 393848044
  55. | mCanceled = false
  56. * Instance of ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$22
  57. | this$0 = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity@1099028728 (0x4181d8f8)
  58. * Instance of ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity
  59. | static SEARCH_TAG = java.lang.String@1100589648 (0x4199aa50)
  60. | static HINT_CLOSE_DELAY = 10000
  61. | static FROM_TAG_DESCOPERA = java.lang.String@1100589264 (0x4199a8d0)
  62. | static popup = null
  63. | static FROM_TAG_SHARE = java.lang.String@1100589576 (0x4199aa08)
  64. | static FROM_TAG_MINE = java.lang.String@1100589424 (0x4199a970)
  65. | static $staticOverhead = byte[336]@1100987657 (0x419fbd09)
  66. | static FROM_TAG_FOLLOW = java.lang.String@1100589344 (0x4199a920)
  67. | static VOLUME_INCREMENT = 0.03
  68. | static DOWNLOAD_STATUS_NO_SPACE = -3
  69. | static REFRESH = 1
  70. | static DOWNLOAD_STATUS_FAILED = -2
  71. | static TAG = java.lang.String@1100589864 (0x4199ab28)
  72. | static DOWNLOAD_STATUS_SUCCESS = -1
  73. | static FROM_TAG_SEARCH = java.lang.String@1100589496 (0x4199a9b8)
  74. | toolbar = android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar@1097646600 (0x416cc208)
  75. | rs = null
  76. | croutonView = android.widget.FrameLayout@1100739800 (0x419bf4d8)
  77. | pd = null
  78. | headerFragment = null
  79. | menuSearch = android.support.v7.view.menu.MenuItemImpl@1100256912 (0x41949690)
  80. | mUiHandler = android.os.Handler@1110542944 (0x42318a60)
  81. | mSongTitle = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatTextView@1109409608 (0x42203f48)
  82. | mSongThumb = ro.zonga.music.ui.widgets.SquareImageViewPicasso@1097628048 (0x416c7990)
  83. | mSongCenterTitle = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatTextView@1110018808 (0x42298af8)
  84. | logoutFromFacebookInteractor = ro.zonga.music.interactor.LogoutFromFacebookInteractor@1109359392 (0x421f7b20)
  85. | mArtistCenterTitle = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatTextView@1099940512 (0x418fc2a0)
  86. | mArtistTitle = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatTextView@1109461824 (0x42210b40)
  87. | mCastConsumer = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$38@1100638976 (0x419a6b00)
  88. | mCastManager = com.google.android.libraries.cast.companionlibrary.cast.VideoCastManager@1101217432 (0x41a33e98)
  89. | mContent = ro.zonga.music.ui.TabbedFragment@1124793112 (0x430afb18)
  90. | mContentFrame = android.widget.FrameLayout@1100286200 (0x419508f8)
  91. | mCurrentHint = null
  92. | mSlidingPlayerOpenListener = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$6@1101541464 (0x41a83058)
  93. | mDrawerLayout = android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout@1097713688 (0x416dc818)
  94. | mDrawerToggle = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$30@1100089096 (0x41920708)
  95. | mHandler = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$1@1110554512 (0x4231b790)
  96. | mSlidingPlayerOnScrollListener = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$8@1101408392 (0x41a62888)
  97. | mHideAnimation = android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation@1109924208 (0x42281970)
  98. | mHintActionBtn = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatButton@1108449504 (0x421198e0)
  99. | mHintCloseIB = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageButton@1126214232 (0x4320aa58)
  100. | mHintContainer = android.widget.LinearLayout@1099958592 (0x41900940)
  101. | mHintStaticImageIV = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageView@1124806928 (0x430b3110)
  102. | mHintSubtitleTV = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatTextView@1105928368 (0x41eb20b0)
  103. | mHintThumbNIV = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageView@1124687496 (0x43095e88)
  104. | mHintTitleTV = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatTextView@1103320696 (0x41c35678)
  105. | mInterstitialAd = com.google.android.gms.ads.doubleclick.PublisherInterstitialAd@1098035304 (0x4172b068)
  106. | mLanguageListener = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$9@1110472456 (0x42307708)
  107. | mSlidingPlayerCloseListener = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$7@1101438416 (0x41a69dd0)
  108. | mListenContainerListener = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$4@1102936192 (0x41bd7880)
  109. | mListenFromContainer = android.widget.LinearLayout@1103702048 (0x41c92820)
  110. | mLoadingProgress = android.widget.ProgressBar@1099428480 (0x4187f280)
  111. | mLoadingProgressOpen = android.widget.ProgressBar@1099911496 (0x418f5148)
  112. | mLoginStatus = null
  113. | mMediaRouteButton = ro.zonga.music.ui.widgets.CustomMediaRouteButton@1097777744 (0x416ec250)
  114. | mMediaRouteButtonMini = ro.zonga.music.ui.widgets.CustomMediaRouteButton@1097485912 (0x416a4e58)
  115. | mMenuFragment = ro.zonga.music.ui.MenuFragment@1104117520 (0x41cf7f10)
  116. | mMiniNextListener = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$5@1102191088 (0x41b219f0)
  117. | mMiniPlayListener = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$2@1103350088 (0x41c3c948)
  118. | mNetworkReceiver = ro.zonga.music.sync.offline.NetworkStateReceiver@1099585000 (0x418a55e8)
  119. | mNext = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageButton@1096349048 (0x4158f578)
  120. | mNoInternetTV = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatTextView@1099196688 (0x41846910)
  121. | mNoInternetView = android.widget.RelativeLayout@1101356992 (0x41a55fc0)
  122. | mOfflineReceiver = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$OfflineReceiver@1108363512 (0x421048f8)
  123. | mPlay = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageButton@1110316520 (0x422e15e8)
  124. | mPlayerContainer = android.view.View@1097545512 (0x416b3728)
  125. | mPlayerFragment = ro.zonga.music.ui.PlayerFragment@1099813920 (0x418dd420)
  126. | mPlayerPin = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageView@1097857968 (0x416ffbb0)
  127. | mPlayerQuicklist = android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageView@1099570848 (0x418a1ea0)
  128. | mPlayerReceiver = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$PlayerReceiver@1097625832 (0x416c70e8)
  129. | mProgress = android.widget.ProgressBar@1100166128 (0x419333f0)
  130. | mProgressTop = android.widget.ProgressBar@1099555872 (0x4189e420)
  131. | mQuickListener = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$3@1103272208 (0x41c29910)
  132. | mQuicklistFragment = ro.zonga.music.ui.QuicklistFragment@1097560240 (0x416b70b0)
  133. | mRadioLoadReceiver = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.MainActivity$RadioLoadingReceiver@1099584320 (0x418a5340)
  134. | mSavedInstanceState = null
  135. | mShowAnimation = android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation@1109924536 (0x42281ab8)
  136. | mSlidingPlayer = ro.zonga.music.ui.widgets.SlidingPlayer@1098502408 (0x4179d108)
  137. | mLastClickTime = 743336
  138. | mHasBeenDecorated = true
  139. | mCurrentHintVisible = false
  140. | isRadioLoading = false
  141. | isPressed = false
  142. | isMiniPlayerShown = true
  143. | isLoggingIn = false
  144. | isLink = false
  145. | paused = true
  146. | fromQuick = false
  147. | backStackCount = 0
  148. | backPressCount = 0
  149. | logoutReceiver = ro.zonga.music.ui.phone.BaseActivity$1@1110191696 (0x422c2e50)
  150. | mDelegate = android.support.v7.app.AppCompatDelegateImplV14@1125979672 (0x431d1618)
  151. | mResources = null
  152. | mEatKeyUpEvent = false
  153. | mThemeId = 2131558465
  154. | mPendingFragmentActivityResults = android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat@1109878408 (0x42276688)
  155. | mFragments = android.support.v4.app.FragmentController@1109470952 (0x42212ee8)
  156. | mHandler = android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity$1@1110627648 (0x4232d540)
  157. | mMediaController = null
  158. | mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0
  159. | mOptionsMenuInvalidated = false
  160. | mCreated = true
  161. | mReallyStopped = true
  162. | mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false
  163. | mResumed = false
  164. | mRetaining = false
  165. | mStopped = true
  166. | mStartedActivityFromFragment = false
  167. | mStartedIntentSenderFromFragment = false
  168. | mActionBar = null
  169. | mActivityInfo = android.content.pm.ActivityInfo@1127450720 (0x43338860)
  170. | mAllLoaderManagers = android.util.SparseArray@1097237288 (0x41668328)
  171. | mApplication = ro.zonga.music.ZongaApplication@1097457840 (0x4169e0b0)
  172. | mWindowManager = android.view.Window$LocalWindowManager@1110315152 (0x422e1090)
  173. | mWindow = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow@1102138152 (0x41b14b28)
  174. | mUiThread = java.lang.Thread@1088333472 (0x40dea6a0)
  175. | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@1125802128 (0x431a6090)
  176. | mComponent = android.content.ComponentName@1126419888 (0x4323cdb0)
  177. | mTitle = java.lang.String@1099576648 (0x418a3548)
  178. | mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration@1124775096 (0x430ab4b8)
  179. | mDecor = null
  180. | mSearchManager = null
  181. | mDefaultKeySsb = null
  182. | mEmbeddedID = null
  183. | mResultData = null
  184. | mParent = null
  185. | mFragments = android.app.FragmentManagerImpl@1110413536 (0x422f90e0)
  186. | mGestureDetector = null
  187. | mHandler = android.os.Handler@1123017096 (0x42efe188)
  188. | mMenuInflater = null
  189. | mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker@1109683112 (0x42246ba8)
  190. | mInstrumentation = android.app.Instrumentation@1096389040 (0x415991b0)
  191. | mIntent = android.content.Intent@1124586656 (0x4307d4a0)
  192. | mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null
  193. | mLoaderManager = null
  194. | mManagedDialogs = null
  195. | mMainThread = android.app.ActivityThread@1096384672 (0x415980a0)
  196. | mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList@1110474864 (0x42308070)
  197. | mLoadersStarted = false
  198. | mIdent = 1104288392
  199. | mFinished = true
  200. | mResultCode = 0
  201. | mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false
  202. | mResumed = false
  203. | mDefaultKeyMode = 0
  204. | mStartedActivity = false
  205. | mStopped = true
  206. | mTemporaryPause = false
  207. | mConfigChangeFlags = 0
  208. | mTitleColor = 0
  209. | mTitleReady = true
  210. | mCheckedForLoaderManager = true
  211. | mChangingConfigurations = false
  212. | mVisibleFromClient = true
  213. | mVisibleFromServer = true
  214. | mCalled = true
  215. | mWindowAdded = true
  216. | mByPassTouchEvent = false
  217. | mBase = android.app.ContextImpl@1110381488 (0x422f13b0)
  218. | mInflater = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneLayoutInflater@1124803272 (0x430b22c8)
  219. | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@1110373728 (0x422ef560)
  220. | mThemeResource = 2131558465
  221. | mBase = android.app.ContextImpl@1110381488 (0x422f13b0)
  222. * Excluded Refs:
  223. | Field: android.widget.Editor$EasyEditSpanController.this$0
  224. | Field: android.widget.Editor$SpanController.this$0
  225. | Field: android.os.Message.obj
  226. | Field: android.os.Message.next
  227. | Field: android.os.Message.target
  228. | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mNextServedView
  229. | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedView
  230. | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedInputConnection
  231. | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mCurRootView
  232. | Field: android.animation.LayoutTransition$1.val$parent
  233. | Field: android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession$1.this$0
  234. | Field: android.support.v7.internal.widget.ActivityChooserModel.mActivityChoserModelPolicy
  235. | Field: android.widget.ActivityChooserModel.mActivityChoserModelPolicy
  236. | Field: android.speech.SpeechRecognizer$InternalListener.this$0
  237. | Field: android.accounts.AccountManager$AmsTask$Response.this$1
  238. | Field: android.media.MediaScannerConnection.mContext
  239. | Field: android.os.UserManager.mContext
  240. | Field: android.appwidget.AppWidgetHost$Callbacks.this$0
  241. | Field: android.media.AudioManager$1.this$0
  242. | Field: android.widget.Editor$Blink.this$0
  243. | Field: android.net.ConnectivityManager.sInstance
  244. | Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always)
  245. | Static field: android.text.TextLine.sCached
  246. | Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always)
  247. | Thread:main (always)
  248. | Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always)
  249. | Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always)
  250. | Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always)
  251. | Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always)
  252. | Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always)
  253. | Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always)
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