
ORH 65

Aug 28th, 2017
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  1. app based sum. a bit rushed and not sure since it has tons of slang.
  3. Ch name is: defenseless Lee Si-hyun. Guy on phone asks rapist why did he dragged the girl all the way up here again. Guy repeats her name again and how all they have to do is keep her there and guard her.(not sure). Some talk about the excuse of rapist for doing this, not to worry and how he does this more than once(not sure here). Bald guys asks if there's smth to eat. Phone guy goes how rapist will be afk for a few days or so(not sure) and smth for him not to worry about this and take care of his mom(not sure). Guy then gets pissed rapist called him out of nowhere and how he calls him when he locked a girl in this mountain villa and more how rapist has to stay at his mom and how he has a girl locked in the mountains and he has to guard it. Bald guy asks for food and phone guy tells him he will go check on the girl. Bald guy goes how they have a lot of expensive drinks. Phone guy wonders what's up with rapists, how when he gets upset the drags girls up here. Guy goes how he needs to stay cool this time and not go crazy like with the last girl(not sure). Guy is relived she is sleeping, how there's no alcohol smell so prbly drugs was used on her. He feels this is more appropriate for the situation but ..and baldy surprises him. He asks phone guy if he can check her out since she's cute and nice and how he's not kidding she has a nice figure. Phone guy asks him why he came up and how she'll wake up and to be quiet. More compliments for her body, if shes an idol, what does she do. Asks if he can turn her face up and phone guy asks him what is he doing and if he drank and smth how if she wakes up it will give them trouble(not sure). Baldy insists just how one time how he wants to see it since he's completely take in. PG tells him to get out and how baldy acts like he doesn't know what he is saying and baldy compliments her more on her skin, and how pretty she looks when she's sleeping. Goes how he cant bare it and has to see inside too. PG tells him to stop it on a harsh tone and insults him too. He turns her over and goes wow and jackpot. Words of surprise for her boobs. PG tells baldy to stay quiet and not get excited. Asks PG how she looks like a sleeping angel and among all the women he has seen she is the cutest and PG agrees with him. Some slang related to rapist and his habits and FMC's body i guess(not sure..) and more slang related to rapist's whore ..idk for sure but nothing nice or good.
  5. Rapist is pissed they keep calling and tells them how he's on his way now. Asks to stop calling him and and goes as to why do ppl don't believe him. Smth about his mother and breathing and once or twice and fuss about it all. Turns out he's talking to his dad and how tells dad how he has smth important in front of him now. He cusses out how the timing is shitty for him. Thinks how it was a mistake to wait for her until she woke up. How if he knew this was gonna happen he would have woke her up forcefully, and swears at his mother's problem/phone call. How he dragged FMC and calls her a bitch to that expensive villa(not sure) and wtf is he doing here on the streets. Hits the car and goes 'FUCK' and how it's a shitty day(not sure). A couple laughs and he goes off at them asking them why they laugh and smile and then screams how he wants to fuck FMC badly and hits the car.
  7. Creep baldy calls out PG to see if he's awake and has that rapist look on him. Then a wild '... going over there?!'. Tbc..
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