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a guest
May 10th, 2019
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  1. <div style="margin-left:11.25em;margin-top:-3.125em;margin-bottom:5em">
  2. <img src=""style="position:relative;top:5.3em;"/>
  3. <img src=""style="position:relative;top:7.5em;left:-2.75em"/>
  4. <img src=""style="position:relative;top:9.7em;left:-5.563em"/>
  5. <img src=""style="position:relative;top:11.8em;left:-8.375em"/>
  6. <img src=""style="position:relative;top:14em;left:-11.063em"/>
  7. <img src=""style="position:relative;top:5.3em;"/>
  8. <img src=""style="position:relative;top:7.5em;left:-2.750em"/>
  9. <img src=""style="position:relative;top:9.7em;left:-5.563em"/>
  10. <img src=""style="position:relative;top:11.8em;left:-8.375em"/>
  11. <img src=""style="position:relative;top:14em;left:-11.063em"/>
  12. <form>
  13. <div style="margin-bottom:1em;margin-left:-0.5em">
  14. <span>Current Levels</span>
  15. <span style="margin-left:4.4em">Desired Levels</span>
  16. </div>
  17. <div>
  18. <input type="number" id="attack1" value="1" min="1" max="99" style="width:30px;margin-left:40px;margin-top:1em">
  19. <input type="number" id="attack2" value="1" min="1" max="99" style="width:30px;margin-left:100px;margin-top:1em">
  20. </div>
  21. <div>
  22. <input type="number" id="strength1" value="1" min="1" max="99" style="width:30px;margin-left:40px;margin-top:1em">
  23. <input type="number" id="strength2" value="1" min="1" max="99" style="width:30px;margin-left:100px;margin-top:1em">
  24. </div>
  25. <div>
  26. <input type="number" id="defence1" value="1" min="1" max="99" style="width:30px;margin-left:40px;margin-top:1em">
  27. <input type="number" id="defence2" value="1" min="1" max="99" style="width:30px;margin-left:100px;margin-top:1em">
  28. </div>
  29. <div>
  30. <input type="number" id="range1" value="1" min="1" max="99" style="width:30px;margin-left:40px;margin-top:1em">
  31. <input type="number" id="range2" value="1" min="1" max="99" style="width:30px;margin-left:100px;margin-top:1em">
  32. </div>
  33. <div>
  34. <input type="number" id="magic1" value="1" min="1" max="99" style="width:30px;margin-left:40px;margin-top:1em">
  35. <input type="number" id="magic2" value="1" min="1" max="99" style="width:30px;margin-left:100px;margin-top:1em">
  36. </div>
  37. <div>
  38. <input type="checkbox" id="pure" name="pure" value="Pure" style="margin-left:3em;margin-top:3em;margin-bottom:1em">Is the account a pure?<br>
  39. &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp(Prayer potions required)
  40. </div>
  41. <input type=button onClick="compute()" value="Compute" style="margin-left:1em;margin-top:2em">
  42. <input type="text" id="result" value="0" style="width:8em;margin-left:3em" readonly>
  43. </form>
  44. <input onClick="payWithPayPal()" type="image" src="" height="40" style="position:relative;left:-10px;top:30px"/>
  45. <input onClick="payWithBitcoin()" type="image" src="" height="40" style="position:relative;left:0px;top:30px"/>
  46. <input onClick="payWithGp()" type="image" src="" height="40" style="position:relative;left:10px;top:30px"/>
  47. </div>
  51. <script>
  52. var xpTable = {
  53. 1: 0,
  54. 2: 83,
  55. 3: 174,
  56. 4: 276,
  57. 5: 388,
  58. 6: 512,
  59. 7: 650,
  60. 8: 801,
  61. 9: 969,
  62. 10: 1154,
  63. 11: 1358,
  64. 12: 1584,
  65. 13: 1833,
  66. 14: 2107,
  67. 15: 2411,
  68. 16: 2746,
  69. 17: 3115,
  70. 18: 3523,
  71. 19: 3973,
  72. 20: 4470,
  73. 21: 5018,
  74. 22: 5624,
  75. 23: 6291,
  76. 24: 7028,
  77. 25: 7842,
  78. 26: 8740,
  79. 27: 9730,
  80. 28: 10824,
  81. 29: 12031,
  82. 30: 13363,
  83. 31: 14833,
  84. 32: 16456,
  85. 33: 18247,
  86. 34: 20224,
  87. 35: 22406,
  88. 36: 24815,
  89. 37: 27473,
  90. 38: 30408,
  91. 39: 33648,
  92. 40: 37224,
  93. 41: 41171,
  94. 42: 45529,
  95. 43: 50339,
  96. 44: 55649,
  97. 45: 61512,
  98. 46: 67983,
  99. 47: 75127,
  100. 48: 83014,
  101. 49: 91721,
  102. 50: 101333,
  103. 51: 111945,
  104. 52: 123660,
  105. 53: 136594,
  106. 54: 150872,
  107. 55: 166636,
  108. 56: 184040,
  109. 57: 203254,
  110. 58: 224466,
  111. 59: 247886,
  112. 60: 273742,
  113. 61: 302288,
  114. 62: 333804,
  115. 63: 368599,
  116. 64: 407015,
  117. 65: 449428,
  118. 66: 496254,
  119. 67: 547953,
  120. 68: 605032,
  121. 69: 668051,
  122. 70: 737627,
  123. 71: 814445,
  124. 72: 899257,
  125. 73: 992895,
  126. 74: 1096278,
  127. 75: 1210421,
  128. 76: 1336443,
  129. 77: 1475581,
  130. 78: 1629200,
  131. 79: 1798808,
  132. 80: 1986068,
  133. 81: 2192818,
  134. 82: 2421087,
  135. 83: 2673114,
  136. 84: 2951373,
  137. 85: 3258594,
  138. 86: 3597792,
  139. 87: 3972294,
  140. 88: 4385776,
  141. 89: 4842295,
  142. 90: 5346332,
  143. 91: 5902831,
  144. 92: 6517253,
  145. 93: 7195629,
  146. 94: 7944614,
  147. 95: 8771558,
  148. 96: 9684577,
  149. 97: 10692629,
  150. 98: 11805606,
  151. 99: 13034431
  152. };
  153. function compute() {
  154. resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
  155. totalCost = 0;
  156. multiplier = 8;
  157. if (document.getElementById("pure").checked) {
  158. multiplier = 16;
  159. }
  161. attackXp = xpTable[parseInt(document.getElementById("attack2").value)] -
  162. xpTable[parseInt(document.getElementById("attack1").value)];
  163. if (attackXp > 0) {
  164. totalCost += attackXp * multiplier;
  165. }
  167. strengthXp = xpTable[parseInt(document.getElementById("strength2").value)] -
  168. xpTable[parseInt(document.getElementById("strength1").value)];
  169. if (strengthXp > 0) {
  170. totalCost += strengthXp * multiplier;
  171. }
  173. defenceXp = xpTable[parseInt(document.getElementById("defence2").value)] -
  174. xpTable[parseInt(document.getElementById("defence1").value)];
  175. if (defenceXp > 0) {
  176. totalCost += defenceXp * multiplier;
  177. }
  179. rangeXp = xpTable[parseInt(document.getElementById("range2").value)] -
  180. xpTable[parseInt(document.getElementById("range1").value)];
  181. if (rangeXp > 0) {
  182. totalCost += rangeXp * multiplier;
  183. }
  185. magicXp = xpTable[parseInt(document.getElementById("magic2").value)] -
  186. xpTable[parseInt(document.getElementById("magic1").value)];
  187. if (magicXp > 0) {
  188. totalCost += magicXp * multiplier;
  189. }
  191. millions = (totalCost / 1000000).toFixed(1) + "M ($" + (totalCost / 1000000 * 0.8).toFixed(1) + ")";
  193. resultElement.value = millions;
  194. }
  195. function payWithBitcoin() {
  196. alert("\tInstructions For Paying with Bitcoin\n\n" +
  197. "Contact us through email or discord for Bitcoin payment:\n" +
  198. "\tDiscord: nmzslavegod1990#4606\n" +
  199. "\tEmail:");
  200. }
  201. function payWithPayPal() {
  202. alert("\tInstructions For Paying with PayPal\n\nLeave the required gear in your inventory.\n" +
  203. "Send $" + (totalCost / 1000000 * 0.80).toFixed(1) + " through PayPal to\n" +
  204. "The payment should be sent as Friends & Family!\n" +
  205. "Add the following information in the payment note:\n" +
  206. "- current stats\n" +
  207. "- desired stats\n" +
  208. "- account login information\n\n" +
  209. "\tContact us for assistance\n" +
  210. "Discord: nmzslavegod1990#4606\n" +
  211. "Email:");
  212. }
  213. function payWithGp() {
  214. alert("\tInstructions For Paying with RSGP\n\nLeave " + (totalCost / 1000000).toFixed(1) +
  215. "M in your inventory, as well as the required gear.\n" +
  216. "Contact us through email or discord with the following information:\n" +
  217. "- current stats\n" +
  218. "- desired stats\n" +
  219. "- account login information\n\n" +
  220. "\tContact us for assistance\n" +
  221. "Discord: nmzslavegod1990#4606\n" +
  222. "Email:");
  223. }
  224. </script>
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