

Oct 2nd, 2021
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  1. I had a dream today that began with me being in some sort of high rise building with some sort of other guy there. My nephew called me, this was set at least 10-20 years in the future although the date itself was unclear. The way he called me wasn't through my phone but by then, we had some sort of technology that projects people's calls over the world into our minds. He called me about seeing a UFO over the water in Australia and asked me about what UFOs were and I told him. From what I imagined, it was a silvery black grey disk just hovering over the water.
  3. There was a white truck that pulled up down below. That was trouble. A CIA agent came in and brutally murdered someone in front of me. I didn't know the reason. I beat him over the head with a chair, before escaping. The scene changed, I escaped out the backdoor of my house and then flew off over the trees. The scene changed to there being this orange smoke that hung low over the trees. I flew more and more, smelling the smoke. I bursted through the layer of smoke and found out I was somehow on the west coast in the British Columbia region.
  5. I could see evergreen trees along the coast as far as I could see, I flew over some sort of small little village in the woods and landed at a bar and went in. I somehow knew one of the guys there and he was telling me about the problems he had with his finances. I was in there and I met one of my favorite youtubers, Joe Bump in there and we were quietly talking about how he was being hunted down by the CIA and I revealed to him that he was a target and other such information.
  7. A woman overheard me, the woman's hair was silvery white and she had a wily smirk and told me that I shouldn't have said what I said to him. She chased me out of the building. In all reality, she was a hologram. There was a transformer in the area (like you see in the shows) in the form of a 1966 Chevrolet Impala. I ran into the water and vanished under the dark waters. The transformer followed me, transforming into a submarine and following me. I pulled out my two guns and shot at what looked like fans on the bottom side of it and then at the front. For some reason I thought I destroyed this transformer but she kept following me.
  9. An orange and red aircraft carrier arrived. For some reason it was also involved in this situation and there was a similarly colored jet there too, he was a transformer too named Huey Long. I was going to join up with him and his crew but the transformer from before transformed and came up onto the aircraft carrier. Her eyes were blood red, her body was white with purple highlights and black components.
  11. She was very intimidating, sly, and dangerous and worked for the Deep State (shadow government of the US), and her name was HeardCircle. I was unclear what happened next.
  13. In my other dream this morning I was on a voice call with one of my friends. For some reason her webcam was on and I saw her parents. Parts of it were very lucid.
  15. I did some really intense Mongolian throat singing and flew out the window on my phone and showing her that I could fly. She couldn’t really believe it. I also began to do some Mongolian throat singing and repeated specific tones and patterns.
  17. There were some strange moments where I had people from my school and showed them my ability. I enjoyed showing them it and playing with their minds since I was totally aware it was a dream while they weren’t. Amelia (a girl I once knew) seemed to be the main focus there. Was trying to download the throat singing, it also had a bit of a nordic accent to it as well. The word “Chia” was part of it.
  19. At the end of the dream there was something where I was in some sort of old classroom where everything was from the 50s and it was white, with some old instruments. I had everyone there and then I had some sort of battle against satan. My character Magloria was there and had a fire ability instead of ice.
  21. When I battled Satan it occurred over a massive vortex of sorts, It was extremely hot.
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