
Yoshi - Making Cake

Feb 9th, 2014
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  1. [15:56] <Deedles> Leewan could be found in the kitchen of the Fire Temple, currently in the middle of frying some rice mixed with various vegetables and meat, putting a bit to the side to spice and taste before shaking his head and trying again.
  2. [16:00] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro enters the kitchen with a big grin, carrying a bag of flour in one hand and a bag of sugar in the other. "Ah, master, good to see you!" he places the two bags on the table before dusting off his hands. "There's something I wanted to ask you...well, a few things really."
  3. [16:00] <Deedles> "Oh?" Leewan glanced away from the food he was cooking to look at his student "Well, don't keep me waiting!" he prompted him
  4. [16:06] <Zero_Atma> "Shen, Jian, and a few of the other mentors are going deeper into the mountains to train and they wanted me to tag along. I figured, since we're all looking to improve ourselves, I thought I'd invite you to join us."
  5. [16:08] <Deedles> The Fire Mentor chuckled "Sure, why not? My students should be able to do without me for a couple of weeks." he said as he turned back to the rice, throwing on some spice before mixing it in and pouring the food into a bowl. He glanced at the flour and sugar that Yoshi had brought with him. "Making something?" he wondered as he moved the rice-filled bowl onto the kitchen table.
  6. [16:11] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi chuckles softly with a nod. "Sure am! the Empress requested a strawberry cake to have with her tea, her favorite as it happens, so I'm going to bake it and bring it to her."
  7. [16:13] <Deedles> Leewan laughed faintly "Ever thought you'd be cooking for royalty, Yoshi?" he asked as he dished himself up some of the rice into a smaller bowl, before grabbing a pair of chopsticks.
  8. [16:15] <Zero_Atma> "Honestly? no. But, that's not going to stop me from trying!" Yoshi replies before rummaging through the kitchen to grab the utensils he would need. "If you have any suggestions I'd like to hear them."
  9. [16:18] <Deedles> "Put plenty of vanilla in the whipped cream. Works great with strawberry and makes the cream less over-powering." Leewan replied between mouthfuls "Usually do that with any chocolate cakes I make, evens things out nicely."
  10. [16:24] <Zero_Atma> "Right!" Yoshi grins broadly, a whisk in one hand and a spatula in the other. "Lets do this!" he starts by tossing milk, eggs, flour, and sugar into a large mixing bowl and stirring it into a nice batter. Next come the strawberries, cut up and layered once the batter was in the pan, he'd add some more to the top once it was finished baking.
  11. [16:26] <Deedles> Leewan watched in silence as Yoshihiro got to work, putting his bowl to the side once he was done eating.
  12. [16:29] <Zero_Atma> While the cake is baking he whips up the cream, adding vanilla per his mentor's instruction, whistling idly as he stirs. "So, how long did it take Chiyoko how to make a fire sword?"
  13. [16:33] <Deedles> "A couple of weeks. She took to creating fire quickly and instantly wondered what kind of cool shapes she could make it into and how long she could sustain them." Leewan chuckled as he thought about it. "She works hard, that one."
  14. [16:35] <Zero_Atma> "She wated to be strong so she could protect her home. It turns out her old mentor, the one she looked up to, was some sort of corrupt creature preying on the village." Yoshi recalls. "If not for Shen she probably wouldn't be here right now..."
  15. [16:38] <Deedles> The Fire Mentor nodded slowly, looking a bit somber. "She told me as much. When she first arrived she trained hard from the get-go, but was very distant towards me, and uneasy around me. After a bit of time and patience though I got her to open up."
  16. [16:43] <Zero_Atma> "I can't say I blame her, the last person to teach her was also the one who tried to kill her, but I'm glad she warmed up to you." Yoshi smiles faintly. Soon enough the cake had finished baking, now all thatwas left was the icing on top! He spreads the vanilla whipping over the outside before adding more strawberries to the top, making a few rings along the edges until only a single berry could be placed in the center.
  17. [16:49] <Deedles> Leewan studied him as he worked with the decoration, nodding silently in approval as he pushed off the kitchen table and moved over. "Good job." he told his student with a smile.
  18. [16:53] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi takes a step back to admire his work with a broad smile. "Thanks! now I just have to get it there in one piece." he chuckles, looking about the kitchen for a container to carry it in.
  19. [16:56] <Deedles> "There's boxes in the lower cupboard to your right." His mentor chimed
  20. [17:00] <Zero_Atma> "Thanks again!" Yoshi pipes up, retrieving a box in which to safely pack away the cake. "I'll be off now, I'll be sure to send the Empress your regards."
  21. [17:01] <Deedles> "You do that!" Leewan grinned as he folded his arms
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