
Guilt Trip

Aug 7th, 2012
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  1. >Be the owner of Terra, a brown earth fluffy with a green mane and tail
  2. >On the whole, Terra is a good fluffy, she rarely whines and is always there to greet you after a hard day of work
  3. >Today, though, Terra has done something bad
  4. >Apparently, the door to her kennel came loose after she ran into while playing, giving her the idea to explore the apartment while you were gone
  5. >Predictably, the small 'living room' area is a mess, the piece de resistance being when she knocked over your TV and broke it
  6. >It may have been small and had distorted colors, but at your current salary, it'll take awhile to replace
  7. >So now you're angry and are staring at a terrified ball of fluff, who knows you're mad but can't quite make the connection of why
  8. >Other owners would break out the sorry stick, or put her time out, or invent some overly-elaborate physical or psychological torture that lasts for months
  9. >Your fluffy wishes you would do that
  10. >You begin to sniffle a little, then cover your face and pretend to cry
  11. >Fluffies, being a toy designed for humans, were imprinted with innate needs to hug anything that cried and to interact with nearby humans
  12. >A crying human is a black hole for fluffy pony attention and affection
  13. >The effect is almost immediate
  14. "Why daddeh cwy? Daddeh huwt? Nu cwy! Tewwa gib huggies, su nu cwy!"
  15. >Terra runs up to your shin and starts hugging it for all she's worth, you gently push her back with your foot and start sobbing louder
  16. "Boohoohoo… Why is my fluffy so mean?"
  17. >Terra begins running around you in circles, her face clearly distressed
  18. "Nuu! Tewwa nu meanie! Tewwa guud fwuffy! Daddeh pwease nu cwy!"
  19. "Then why did she leave her safe box? Why did she break my TV? Boohoohoo…"
  20. >Terra, completely taken in by your Oscar-worthy performance, stops dead in her tracks, her pupils becoming tiny pinpricks
  21. "Tewwa sowwy! Tewwa nu mean-"
  22. "I try so hard to be a good daddy, but Terra still acts so mean! I must be a *pause for dramatic effect* BAD DADDY!"
  23. >And that's the straw that broke the fluffy's back
  24. >Terra begins crying up a storm and latches herself firmly to your leg
  26. >You listen to Terra list every punishment you've ever given her, as well as requesting things she just doesn't like such as cold baths and going to the vet
  27. >You lighten up on your crying and lower your hands a little, looking Terra right in the eyes
  28. *sniffle* "If Daddy does those things, Terra will be a good fluffy?"
  29. >Terra looks up at you with tears in her yes
  30. "Tewwa wiww be best fwuffy!"
  31. >You pick Terra up and smile at her
  32. "Alright, then Daddy will do just that."
  33. >And you do: you give Terra the paddling of a lifetime, give her a freezing cold bath, then shove her in the sorry box while you go make an appointment with the vet for next week
  34. >Through out it all, Terra just keeps repeating the same phrase in a kind of creepy monotone
  35. "Tewwa wiww be best fwuffy. Tewwa wiww be best fwuffy. Tewwa wiww be best fwuffy."
  36. >After keeping her in the sorry box for an hour, you extract Terra and let her use the litterbox
  37. "Tewwa sowwy Tewwa weft box an' bwoke teebee…"
  38. >And you can tell she actually means it
  39. "Alright, Terra. How 'bout some dinner?
  40. >Terra looks at you hopefully
  41. "Tewwa hab sketties?"
  42. >You begin to sniffle again
  43. >Terra's pupils shrink and her whole body begins to shake in terror
  44. "Ow Fwuffy chow? Tewwa wuv yummy, dwy, icky Fwuffy chow!"
  45. "Ok, fluffy chow it is!"
  46. "Yay…"
  47. >You smile as you carry your fluffy to the countertop your landlord dares advertise as a kitchenette
  48. >Guilt, the fluffy owner's cheat code
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