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a guest
Mar 26th, 2018
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  1. function FixColumnBrightness(clip c, int column, int input_low, int input_high, int output_low, int output_high){
  2. c
  3. ConvertToY8()
  4. Crop(column,0,1,0)
  5. Ylevels(input_low,1,input_high,output_low,output_high)
  6. Overlay(c,last,column,0,mode="luma")
  7. }
  8. function FixRowBrightness(clip c, int row, int input_low, int input_high, int output_low, int output_high){
  9. c
  10. ConvertToY8()
  11. Crop(0,row,0,1)
  12. Ylevels(input_low,1,input_high,output_low,output_high)
  13. Overlay(c,last,0,row,mode="luma")
  14. }
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