
meetra surik rp

Feb 18th, 2016
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  1. [i]Awaken[/i][br]Waking up rather suddenly, you open your eyes to reveal you're in the cockpit of your ship the Ebon Hawk. Looking out the viewport you notice a planet that doesn't look too civilized, and a space station. Having no clue where you are or how you got here, going to a space station would be your best bet. If everything is pear shaped there you do still have your lightsabers, it isn't like you can't fight. [br]
  2. Piloting your ship carefully, you manage to land it in an empty docking bay on the spacestation. With the help of your little droid T3-M4 you make a smooth landing, you're so happy he was aboard when you woke up, but it appear the rest of your crew has gone wayward, and you wouldn't know where to start looking for them. [br] All you can remember before you mysteriously blacked out was leaving the atmosphere of Malachor V as it blew up, you had you entire crew aboard when you did, but when you woke up you only had you little Utility droid aboard. It's very strange, but you feel entering the space station you might find some answers.
  4. As you dock on this space station which doesn't seem to require any codes for landing or protocols, you simply leave the ship with T3-M4 with the instructions to stay put, you know he will. He is a very trustworthy droid and likes you. You've always been good with droids anyways. Leaving the ship you looking around for the airlock, as you exit the hanger, you make your way to what you're going to assume is the center of the station. With your dual lightsabers clipped carefully to your belt, you make your way inside, as if to warn anyone who may have a problem or if you still have the ever lingering bounty on your head. You could take them on, but you would prefer to lay low and maybe have a drink or too. Sure it's not the Jedi way, but they did exile you, you don't count as a Jedi.
  6. Making your way to the bar, you almost instantly order a drink, nothing alcoholic, just a Caf to keep you running. Although you had been sleeping, a Caf never fails to help wake you up in the morning, or evening, or whatever time it may be. As you sit at the bar you take out a datapad and attempt to read anything that could help you. Your datapad is an ancient piece of junk you picked up on the Ebon Hawk when you escaped on it from Peragus II. You snap out of you thought and see someone talking to you. An alien it appears to be. You look her up to see if she has any weapons, she seems pretty safe. "No, I've never been in this system in my time, may I ask where I am?" You speak in a gentle tone, trying not to sound too eager for answers, or rude. The last thing you need is to anger some alien.
  8. You turn away from the alien, she wasn't talking to you or paying attention to you. You feel a bit embarrassed. Swinging back to facing the bar you sip at the Caf placed in-front of you. You rub gently at your eyes, trying to think where you might be. You hope to all that is mighty, the force, all that nonsense that someone can come and give you answers, and that there isn't any exchange thugs around. Glancing around at the few people in the cantina, the place seems somewhat empty. You wonder if there's a reason for that.
  10. Taking another glance around the room, you see a new face has appeared in the bar, a man wearing very dark robes, somewhat similar to that of a Dark Jedi, with the force power to match, you hadn't felt someone that powerful since your days as a general under Revan. This was just the last thing you needed, a force-damned dark Jedi. At least he hadn't noticed you. You order another Caf, seeing as you drank your first one so quickly and pull up your hood. Hopefully this force sensitive hasn't noticed your presence.
  12. You look up too quickly and catch eyes with the Man. Oh god, he definitely saw you. With eyes locked with his, you need to think up something quick and witty, that usually catches sith of guard. They love a good Argument. "Hey buddy, like what you see?" Perfect, that usually confuses Sith well, and well everyone to be honest. You've used that one more times than you can count. You truly are the master of distracting people. That and somehow ending up with half the galaxy trying to kill you. You win and you lose.
  14. Your actually surprised at his words. He's a Jedi? The Order must of dropped their standards pretty low. "So you're a Jedi, well sith be damned, I was sitting here thinking you were some kind of dark Jedi with all that black, I wasn't aware the order allowed such dark colors, I've been out longer than I expected..." You trail off, laughing and taking a sip of your Caf. You should really tone down on your sass, but you're not going to.
  16. "You don't have to tell me twice kid, I am an Exile after all, former Jedi Master." You drop the bomb so the kid stops the act, you can see he's trying to seem like a more respectful Jedi around you incase you're actually with the Order. Honestly, the last thing you ever want is anything to do with the Jedi Order, as it's obvious wherever they are they seem to be back, and as it isn't every day Jedi's get Exiled, they probably have your lovely name somewhere on record. They don't forget things.
  18. "Well, I actually didn't. All I did was follow to war with two of the strongest Jedi I'd ever known, Malak and Revan. I was helping people and saving lives, but when everyone I knew turned to the dark side and I was asked if I wanted to join them, I turned away from them and went back to the Order, and they Exiled me, because they're kind of assholes. It was for the better though, but I can tell you my life story another time." You had just told this Jedi alot more than you would of wanted to, but you felt you needed to make sure he didn't think you were a threat or worse, a Sith.
  20. "Did I mention three fellow Masters and Council members tried to take away my tie to the force? Because they did." You honestly still don't believe that happened, but it did. It was such a severe punishment, and it would of surely killed you a second time. You had already had your tie to the force cut of by yourself to shield yourself from the sheer pain of the Malachor, but having it happen again would be too much. You have not had a very good experience with the Jedi.
  22. "If being able to form force bond quickly is a good reason to strip away the force from someone, force be damned." You can't believe this Jedi is trying to justify the actions of the council, but it must be a different time. "It doesn't matter, the force isn't that important anyways, and what do I know? I'm just a former Jedi Master." Yeah, it's not like you didn't kill three Sith Lords, train an entire new generation of Jedi and bring peace back to the Galaxy. Nah you're just an old Jedi.
  24. "Well you probably know already, that the force runs through every living creature in the Galaxy, whether it's only a few midichlorians or thousands. But for a Jedi, it's a whole different story. Jedi rely on the force like someone in a critical condition relies on life support. Could you imagine not living with the force?" You break for a moment in your speech to take a sip at your own drink, it's cold but you weren't going to let it go to waste. "I can, because I did. I lived through something so traumatic, that I had subconsciously cut my connection to the force, and lived. I slowly gained it back, but if you lived without the force for a decade, you too would consider it unimportant."
  26. "Do you think I had a choice? The force works in very annoying ways. I had also regained a connection due to my former Master turned Sith Lord, who I had formed a special type of Force bond, but that's another story." You cut yourself off before saying too much, you don't want this Jedi to know too much about you, it's never good to have strangers know too much about you. "So anyways, you got a name or am I going to have to invent some form of insulting nickname to call you, because the latter is always good. I do quite enjoy calling people Organic Meatbags." You chuckle, remembering your favourite droid, he was quite the riot.
  28. "Organic Meatbag, I see nice name." You smile, taking a final swig of your cold Caf, downing the rest of it. "Anakin, that's a unique name. I'm Meetra Surik. Say what rank in the order are you? Are you a padawan or do they not have those anymore, I mean none of the Jedi i've trained were padawans I just passed them straight to Jedi Knights, The council would of argued but they kind of died. It wasn't the greatest year for anyone." You maintain your facial expression, despite missing your crew substantially, hell you even miss that annoying as hell little droid that used to follow Bao-Dur around.
  30. "You sure you're not a Padawan kiddo? You seem too young to be a Jedi Knight." You joke with the kid, and hope to whatever is holy he understands your joke. "Do you happen to know where I am by the way, because I kind of fell asleep on my ship and woke up here. Last thing I know is I was escaping Malachor V imploding on itself." You wander if this kid even knows what Malachor V was, not many younger generations knew about it, or really anyone who didn't know about the Mandalorian wars, it wasn't important to know about it otherwise.
  32. "I figured it was a space station, a lot better than the last one i was on, I had nothing but stupid droids trying to kill me and a rather homicidal Assassin Droid pulling the strings trying to kidnap me because he thought I was a Jedi. It was a pretty wild day." You vaguely remember that situation now, it feels like it happened a lifetime ago to you. "They do make a pretty good Caf, also i'm going to guess you don't know where Malachor V is , do you know anything about the Mandalorian Wars?" The questions you ask must seem confusing, but you're really trying to figure out where you are, and if you somehow appeared in a time different to your own.
  34. You're confused, how has he not even heard of the Mandalorian Wars, everyone knew about that war because it affected everyone. You are substantially confused. "You don't know anything about it? It was one of the biggest wars. How about Darth Revan, do you know who he is?" He's gotta know who Revan is, everyone does, he was a hero of the Republic, turned Sith Lord, turned hero and husband. The first Jedi in a long time to have a relationship while being a Jedi. He was the most well known name in the Galaxy in your time.
  36. "Revan was too important to not know about kid." You take a rather deep breath, before adjusting your seat and getting more comfortable before you give Anakin a small history lesson. "[i]Revan was power. Staring into his eyes was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi he would slay etched on his soul.[/i] Revan was one of the greatest Jedi to ever grace the presence of the universe, he understood the force unlike anyone else, and manipulated it as if it was an extension of his body. Although he had at one point been one of the most Brutal Sith Lords ever, he later became a Hero of the Republic, and the first Jedi in centuries, probably millennium to have an open relationship. But don't be fooled , Revan was a Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. he was all these things, yet nothing. In the end, he belonged to neither the light nor the darkness. He forever stood alone." Finishing up your history lesson, you order something light to drink, you were really thirsty from everything you had just said.
  38. "Of course they did, he was an amazing, compassionate Jedi and he literally saved the Republic from falling, they weren't just going to banish him for that or kill him, and if they did they would of lost not only him but Bastila, his wife who was a very skilled Jedi born with a special force power called battle meditation. However they did lose him in the end, but he left on his own accord, leaving the Jedi and his wife. Where he walks now I don't know, but if he asked, I would follow him to the end of the Galaxy and more. I would always follow him." You frown, thinking about the faint memory of when you had decided to leave Revan and Malak, they had asked you to join them, Revan had even offered to make you his second in command, he would of given you anything, but you had nothing to give in return, you had already lost your connection to the force by then from the Mass Shadow Generator that ended the Scourge of Malachor V.
  40. "Yes, That was his name. Is there anything else you would like to know about him or anything else? I'm pretty knowledgeable on these things, I wasn't a Jedi Master for nothing." You take a sip of the long waiting drink you had order, making a face at how sweet it was. It was as if an Ithorian Child had just handed you flower, almost sickeningly sweet, even by your fairly neutral standards. You push the drink aside, and order something stronger and more bitter, you weren't having any of that sugar water.
  42. "I'm amazed you even became a Padawan, if I didn't pay attention I would of got kicked out before I could even say my first words!" You laugh before realizing the next question he asked, furrowing your brows you begin thinking of excuses , but there was really no point lying to him because a. he's a Jedi, they know when people are lying and b. there was no point really. Taking a deep breath and long sip of the newly more bitter drink in front of you, you begin on your tangent.
  43. "Revan was... Alot more than just a General and Leader to me, he was my idol, I looked up to him and cared for him deeply, and he did two, he did well to hide his feelings, when the Mandalorian Wars had first began we talked alot, but when they slowly came to a hault, something had happened to him, he had changed in a way. He never took off that force damned mask, and I couldn't talk to him like I used to do. He was spiraling into darkness and there was nothing I could do. When it came to the great Scourge of Malachor, when I activated that Mass Shadow Generator, I stared at one of my best men, and engineer who had designed one of the most devastating , destructive pieces of machinery in history, and I said nothing. I had lost my connection, cut off from the force. When I had seen Revan next, the transformation had been complete, he was a Sith Lord, he asked me to come with him, to indulge in the power of the Dark side, be right by his side. But I couldn't for many reasons, I was a Jedi, not a Sith, I had no connection to the force, and the man I had loved wasn't there anymore. He was a shell of the once warm Jedi I had met a long time ago..." You actually feel the warm sensation of tears run down your face, it had been some time since you had shown emotion, but you were just another person, you could feel however the hell you wanted to.
  45. "Yeah, emotions are kriffing annoying." You half ass a laugh, wiping the tears on your face away with the sleeve of your Jedi Robe. They were definitely not designed to wipe tears but here we are. "Enough about me though, Who are you Anakin, what do you do? Because at the moment I don't know anything about you and you know about half my life story. You can tell me , it's not like i'm a sith lord waiting for the right moment to take you down, if I was I can assure you I would actually look my age." You didn't at all look it, but you were pretty old, you had nearly been around for 4 decades, being 38 and an Exile was intense, and you had seen too much in this galaxy, but you weren't about to let that affect you.
  47. "I'm sure you have a story, what planet were you from? How long have you been a Jedi for, who was your master, who do you dislike the most, do you have anyone special." You smile, realizing that last one probably sounds weird, you need to quickly add something that that. "Don't worry about telling me that last one, I am a [i]former[/i] Jedi Master, I can't do anything if you have one or not. I had a few flings in my time, even as a Jedi. You just gotta be very sneaky about it, Jedi are snitches, and snitches are bitches." You don't believe you just used the phrase snitches are bitches.
  50. You pull an expression along the lines of 'Yikes'. You have obviously somehow offended or brought up something too sensitive, that or pushed to hard. "I'm sorry kid, I'm not used to talking to actual Jedi, just fallen Masters, cryptic Sith Lords in love with me and non force users." You feel somewhat awful for making Anakin frown, the kid probably had enough on his mind without you pushing more worried thoughts into his mind. "Hey you wanna see something cool?"
  52. You grin at him, before placing your hand above the glass of the bitter drink you had order. With a gentle movement you channel pure energy and let out a flash of force lightning, shattering the glass. You instantly place a hand over your mouth, staring at the mess on the bar and the broken glass. "Oh shit, that's gonna cost a few credits."
  54. You eyes widen at the sudden panic of Anakin, he had physically jumped from his seat and clearly had his lightsaber in his hand. "Holy Banthashit kid! It was just force lighting, It was meant to just sizzle the liquid but the last time I used it I fried a Sith Assassin, sorry." You're actually holding back laughing at him, but that would be too cruel. There's probably a very valid reason he was so terrified of force lighting. Either that or he got struck by lightning as a kid.
  56. "Agreed." You watch him as he stashes his lightsaber away, and takes a seat back where he was sitting. You feel ever worse, you surely aren't making a very good impression with this kid. "So, uhh... What colour is your lightsabers? Mine are Silver and Cyan, I got my crystals from a Crystal cave in the ruins of Dantooine, I also somehow aquired a pet lightsaber crystal, which was a rare focusing crystal perfectly attuned to my behavior and alignment, isn't that cool?" You speak in a rather exciting tone, you were pretty excited when you had first obtained the crystal and talking about it makes you happy, it was a very good day, apart from nearly being torn apart by Kinrath that is.
  58. "It means it's a focusing Crystal perfectly attune to me, and the lightsaber its in can only be wielded by me due to the sheer amount of force inside of it." You got told this a long time ago by your former Master Kreia, even she was surprised when you had found it, as it was such a rare occurrence for a Crystal to be linked with one through the force "Mine are somewhat unique, would you like to see the colour?"
  60. You grin, standing from the bar stool and going to a part close to the bar that has a rather clear surrounding. Unclipping your lightsabers from your belt, you ignite them in a inverted twirling movement, holding them both with a tight grip, you let them idly glow for a bit, they obviously hadn't been ignited for a very long time. Looking at the colours, in your left hand, the Saber was Silver, like the streams in the Room of a Thousands Fountains on Coruscant, and the other in the opposite glowed a bright Cyan colour, quite similar to the colour of your eyes. So unique as well.
  62. "I am very grateful to have them, If I didn't I wouldn't be here now, lightsabers are very good weapons when you actually know a useful form, I myself variant between Shien and Juyo, which are both pretty aggressive forms, Juyo being the more aggressive, but not useful against multiple appointments, however they are utilized well with two lightsabers." You a proud to call yourself a lightsaber specialist, as it was probably the thing you focused the most on as a young jedi, that and the more dark aligned force powers, you always enjoyed having a bit of power over your opponents.
  64. "I don't think you would want to honestly, the amount of times i've nearly lost an arm in training just from poor placement, you have to be extremely careful and fluid in your movements, but still maintain strong, in sync cuts and swipes." You press the carefully placed buttons on your shiny lightsabers, retracting the energy blades and clipping both of the sabers back onto your belt. You think briefly about how long its been since you've actually had to use your lightsabers for fighting, too long in your opinion if you have to think about it.
  66. "Robot arms are pretty cool, I considered giving myself one when I was inspired by one of my old crew mates Bao-Dur's robot arm which could break through almost any type of shields, but I convinced myself out of it when I realized I wouldn't be able to dual wield as well anymore." You almost sound disappointed, which you were, you really wanted to be able to have a cool robot arm that would punch through shields, because the amount of times you had been stuck behind a force damned energy shield.
  68. "It sure as Malachor would, force be damned now I want a robot ar-" You're suddenly cut off by the beeping of your comm link, it's probably T3-M4. "If you'll excuse me for a moment." You turn away from Anakin, clicking and answering the commlink, through the speaker comes a loud arrayment of beeping and whirling. "Teethree i'm okay. No I haven't been drinking, no i HAVEN'T been sleeping around either! I should leave you for scrap for saying such rude things to me... No I didn't find any of our friends or Revan. I know you miss him too teethree we'll find him one day. Yeah i'll be there in a bit. See you soon." Shutting the commlink off and silencing the goodbye beeps of your utility droid you turn back to Anakin. "So if you didn't hear, I gotta go, my droid has found something I need to check out and he's worried about me, it was nice to meet you." You hold out your hand, offering a handshake to the man.
  70. "You too Anakin, or should I say Organic Meatbag, try not to lose any limbs, if we cross paths again, I can probably teach you some cool force powers, I do know how to disable droids with the force..." You bring back your hand to your side, smiling into your words. "May the force be with you." You walk away from the bar, and back to your ship, it's time you found Revan, you didn't get his mask from his wife just to keep it stored in your chamber for the rest of time. You have a mission now.
  72. You were back to this place alot sooner than you had expected, but managed to keep away from all the patrons in the bar. Sitting in a far corner on the other side of the bar, you brood quietly into your drink, with is a semi-warm Caf you had ordered a while ago. With your hood up, your identity is hidden, but it wasn't as if anyone would of recognized you anyways, you were nobody in this Galaxy.
  74. You just couldn't get over the fact the only loose end T3 had on the whereabouts of Revan has been a dead end. Possibly the most heartbreaking, disappointing dead end possibly. You only had one job to do, and it was you duty to find Revan. You had brought down the Sith Triumvirate and trained an entire new generation of Jedi, but you couldn't find a single, old Jedi. You felt utterly useless in every way.
  76. You push your hood off of your head, running your fingers through you hair. It was greasy and unwashed and you're sure there was a bit of blood caked into it. You really should go to a Refresher at some point and wash your hair, but you just don't have the time or Energy to do anything really. Idly stiring your Caf, you think of irrelevant thoughts, things like what if you did thing different, what if you stayed with Revan and Malak and join the sith, would it of been different?
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