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Jul 16th, 2016
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  1. conversation #1 : if you think this is going to go away you are wrong. banning me just gives me more proof the company you guys are. thanks [Mock] Luckey is now Online. [Mock] Luckey: aye [Mock] Luckey: i am just seeing this [Mock] Luckey: i did not ban you [Mock] Luckey: at all [Mock] Luckey: but check this out [Mock] Luckey: aye dude where are those hoverboards i got ppl screaming at me wtf is happening over there lmk whats up
  3. shit I'll send them asap was gonna hit you up let's figure out how to wholesale the rest of them I'm paying for storage for them right now ok but ship these right fuckin now god damn you costin me money boy!!! but yeah lets jam ill payu for the warehouse not issues there
  5. ok Chat Conversation End [Mock] Luckey: this is aconvo i just had between me and my shipping guy [Mock] Luckey: getting you a better view [Mock] Luckey: standby [Mock] Luckey: [Mock] Luckey: there you go [Mock] Luckey: sorry for the delay [Mock] Luckey: if you were banned let me fix that [Mock] Luckey: just unbanned you in twitch [Mock] Luckey: ill be sure to get you tracking once henry shoots it to me [Mock] Luckey: are we cool here or is there something else that is needed. lmk Call from [Mock] Luckey started. Call with [Mock] Luckey ended. [Mock] Luckey: Thanks for letting me know my shipping guy needs the boot. Sorry again for the delay buddy [Mock] Luckey: [Mock] Luckey is now Online. [Mock] Luckey: hello? Call from [Mock] Luckey started. Call with [Mock] Luckey ended. [Mock] Luckey is now Online. Ikillforwork: sorry was afk [Mock] Luckey: no worries [Mock] Luckey: read through those links [Mock] Luckey: should explain the story pretty well [Mock] Luckey: ill let you know what henry says tomorrow for sure [Mock] Luckey: If he is going to be a bitch ill fuckin buy one of ebay if i need to [Mock] Luckey: sorry you are getting fucked in this crossfire here buddy Ikillforwork: listen man, i do apllogize for dropping the stream and leaving the server that evening, that wasnt the right way to go about it. I've been here as a supporter of mock it for a long time. Im sure it wasnt you who banned me, but it did raise a flag to a few people in chat when a Mod gets timed out for asking a legit question. Me winning the giveaway, is a completely seperate thing then me leaving mock it "staff" i dont want trouble i want to support you guys. [Mock] Luckey: ok so tell me what we need bud [Mock] Luckey: and dropping the stream was not a good look but its in the past. it happened. nothing to do with it now. ANd yeah you were a day 1 dude for sure [Mock] Luckey: And i dont know anything about the banning business [Mock] Luckey: at all [Mock] Luckey: so i cannot speak to that Ikillforwork: i know that now, after i messaged izzail. [Mock] Luckey: additionally, after we resolve our issues here, i would appreciate it if you went back to the people you messaged and tell them that we are indeed an altruistic company Ikillforwork: I wasnt in this for the hoverboard, or the copy of OW. I truly feel that i have been wronged, and as soon as thats settled i will clear anything i said up. [Mock] Luckey: ok tell me how you were wronged Ikillforwork: 1st we will talk about the giveaway. this happened on 6-5-16 well over a month now. I never got 1 single thing on it other than "its shipped" and "i need to get tracking". This was the same week i had launched the overwatch tournaments. I understand you are having some internal issues and im sure you will clear them up. [Mock] Luckey: i sent screenshots there. Literally had a conversation with Mike tonight. So i will have tracking tomorrow [Mock] Luckey: So we are good there. What else you got? [Mock] Luckey: if he doesnt send tracking ill amazon something Ikillforwork: yea i need a new bumper for my jeep, jk Ikillforwork: Then lets talk about the streaming situation, like i said before i wanted to help grow the Mock It community, from my joy of playing with you and several other admins, i was fond of the community that was forming so i started to stream another angle on which lead to streaming overwatch. Ikillforwork: not once did i ask for payment or expect payment, you did buy Overwatch for me to benefit your company, i also offered to pay that money back when i left, i dont know if izzail mentioned that so you didnt have to go through a chargeback. [Mock] Luckey: i was not interested in charging back [Mock] Luckey: You did a good job [Mock] Luckey: and running the camera i thought it best for you to keep the game [Mock] Luckey: no prob there [Mock] Luckey: and agreed. it was always fun playin with u. Ikillforwork: I told you guys in a short notice that i no longer wanted to stream because the way it came of to me was that Mock It thought it was a privilege for me to stream for them,when in fact its the other way around, my time is worth something, the strain on my system is worth something, and again im not seeking monetary gains. but then i said i would still stream because i knew it was short notice, again trying to be the good guy because i still did want to be around etc. Ikillforwork: but then we had 5 teams enter, and someone decided to do a round robin which increased wait times, and you acted like it was my fault somehow that i did that. So that had been grating on my nerves. and finally we got into a game and i simply ask the teams if they were ready, and you said "if they arent ready they forfiet" "start the fucking game" at that poiint i knew i was done, some of the player had just got finished with an hour long series maybe a bathroom break didnt tie into there last game, they needed that chance to do domething so i wanted to be fair and allow them to ready up [Mock] Luckey: i understand the gravity of all of that [Mock] Luckey: And it was a bad decision on mockits part to do round tobin [Mock] Luckey: Additionally, we were priviledged to have you stream for us for sure [Mock] Luckey: no debating that at all Ikillforwork: again like i started this conversation, the way i handle it wasnt ok either [Mock] Luckey: its all good now [Mock] Luckey: so tell me where we are at [Mock] Luckey: ill give you shipping tracking tomorrow [Mock] Luckey: we will squash that for sure [Mock] Luckey: and appreciate the elaborated response [Mock] Luckey: it clarified many things for me [Mock] Luckey: can we move past this? [Mock] Luckey: or is there more on your mind [Mock] Luckey: just trying to make your whole again my brother [Mock] Luckey is now Away. Ikillforwork: the same thing i told izzail, and ive told you before, im a 27 year old Combat Wounded Marine, not some punk ass kids thats goig to lick your toes for bitcoin. I know how this stuff works. i will let the community know that i received my hoverboard, or value based item of my choosing, when that happens, however that doesnt stop the fact that it has been well over a month, cant go back and change time. but i promise when i receive something i will clear the company as an altruistic company despite the time frame it took. [Mock] Luckey is now Online. [Mock] Luckey: Lick my toes for bitcoin? Hey man ive been super civil here [Mock] Luckey: You have been quite nasty but that is all fine. I know you were upset. [Mock] Luckey: I am treating you with respect as I have always. I am only asking for the same in return Ikillforwork: it was a figure of speech per se, not an attack. there are plenty of people to work for nothing, and dont even care if they are respected [Mock] Luckey: everyone that helps mockit is duely respected [Mock] Luckey: however, all i am asking is that you refrain from debasing a good company due to some shipping complications and a lack of communication on all sides. If you dont want to repair the bridges you tried to burn until you get a hoverboard, fine by me. Ikillforwork: but why did i have to go there to get answers in the first place. [Mock] Luckey: i showed you that i was unaware of shipping issues until literally after you sent a message today Ikillforwork: i shouldnt have to make a reddit post take off like a rocket ship to get answers [Mock] Luckey: how can i know there are issues if nobody tells me [Mock] Luckey: did you make a reddit post [Mock] Luckey: ? [Mock] Luckey: i literally just saw that Ikillforwork: the issues been going on since the 24th of last month, when you said its been shipped i just need to get tracking Ikillforwork: you've known about the issue [Mock] Luckey: i literally proved to you [Mock] Luckey: and your post [Mock] Luckey: awesome [Mock] Luckey: reading it now [Mock] Luckey: wow [Mock] Luckey: you have ALOT of cleaning up to do [Mock] Luckey: we never wronged you [Mock] Luckey: and now you are promoting a competitor [Mock] Luckey: additionally half of the things you said are untrue [Mock] Luckey: nobody attacked you [Mock] Luckey: NOT A SINGLE PERSON [Mock] Luckey: and no i was not cursing at you [Mock] Luckey: not once [Mock] Luckey: that was aimed at the players [Mock] Luckey: and you knew that [Mock] Luckey: when your hoverboard comes i expect a full apology for your lying to the community [Mock] Luckey: i would ask that you post this entire conversation on that reddit [Mock] Luckey: for transparency sake Ikillforwork: np [Mock] Luckey: additionally, i want you to clarify the things in your post that are not ture [Mock] Luckey: *true [Mock] Luckey: I never cursed at you.
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