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Mar 8th, 2011
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  1. <NE`Robaciek> -.-
  2. <NE`Robaciek> admincomment
  3. <NE`Robaciek> not comment
  4. <NE`Robaciek> omfg
  5. <NE`Robaciek> you tazyaa's brother?
  6. <crono77777> probably
  7. <NE`Robaciek> that would make sense
  8. <crono77777> Comments
  9. <crono77777> Robaciek Today 15:15 Status: challenge
  10. * oxid`chosen is now known as oxid`chosenoff
  11. <iNtakE|taZyaa> crono aint my brother. lul
  12. <NE`Robaciek> see
  13. <iNtakE|taZyaa> hes french, im italian.
  14. <NE`Robaciek> he's as stupid as you are
  15. <NE`Robaciek> that's how I assumed you are somehow connected
  16. <iNtakE|taZyaa> he lives like 7000 miles away
  17. <Artstar> same continent
  18. <crono77777> lol @ u goof ball like i request match all days
  19. <NE`Robaciek> your opponent didn't accept challenge on ESL
  20. <iNtakE|taZyaa> dude
  21. <iNtakE|taZyaa> im taljking to them on esl messanger
  22. <iNtakE|taZyaa> right now.
  23. <iNtakE|taZyaa> match is to be played ibn fucking 20 mins
  24. <NE`Robaciek> sure
  25. <NE`Robaciek> all I see is that you're still agressive and disrespectful
  26. <NE`Robaciek> and also status=challenge
  27. <iNtakE|taZyaa> lol
  28. <NE`Robaciek> so please
  29. <NE`Robaciek> shut up
  30. <iNtakE|taZyaa> Rob = polish
  31. <iNtakE|taZyaa> shut up
  32. <iNtakE|taZyaa> please
  33. <Artstar> NE`Robaciek so hostile
  34. <NE`Robaciek> you're more retarded than a polak
  35. <iNtakE|taZyaa> your the one who cant accept a mtch on gtv.
  36. <iNtakE|taZyaa> and you think your so smart
  37. <NE`Robaciek> gratz
  38. <iNtakE|taZyaa> you don't know shit all
  39. <Artstar> iNtakE|taZyaa so mongolian
  40. <crono77777> angry kids on irc
  41. <NE`Robaciek> I can accept but I won't
  42. <Artstar> angry americans at mcdonalds
  43. <NE`Robaciek> simply because the game is not accepted by your opponent on ESL
  44. <iNtakE|taZyaa> the game is you goof fuck.
  45. <iNtakE|taZyaa> the time isn't
  46. <iNtakE|taZyaa> but the match is
  47. <iNtakE|taZyaa> open your eyes
  48. <iNtakE|taZyaa> you chinck and nigga
  49. <crono77777> hahaha
  50. <iNtakE|taZyaa> fucking failure to man kind
  51. <iNtakE|taZyaa> suck my white cock
  52. <iNtakE|taZyaa> nigger lipz
  53. <iNtakE|taZyaa> suck that shit
  54. <iNtakE|taZyaa> B
  55. <iNtakE|taZyaa> I
  56. <iNtakE|taZyaa> T
  57. <iNtakE|taZyaa> C
  58. <iNtakE|taZyaa> H
  59. <iNtakE|taZyaa> N
  60. <iNtakE|taZyaa> I
  61. <iNtakE|taZyaa> G
  62. <iNtakE|taZyaa> G
  63. <iNtakE|taZyaa> E
  64. <iNtakE|taZyaa> R
  65. <iNtakE|taZyaa> L
  67. <iNtakE|taZyaa> I
  68. <iNtakE|taZyaa> P
  69. <iNtakE|taZyaa> Z
  70. <iNtakE|taZyaa> Z
  71. <iNtakE|taZyaa> Z
  72. <iNtakE|taZyaa> Z
  73. <iNtakE|taZyaa> Z
  74. * iNtakE|taZyaa ( has left
  75. <Artstar> really showing how smart americans are
  76. <Artstar> keep going retard
  77. <NE`Robaciek> he's canadian
  78. <NE`Robaciek> even worse
  79. * iNtakE|taZyaa ( has joined
  80. <Cory_> my team accepted the match, please accept coverage
  81. <iNtakE|taZyaa> YEAH
  82. <iNtakE|taZyaa> LEARN YOUR COUNTRYS
  83. <iNtakE|taZyaa> FUCK
  84. <iNtakE|taZyaa> see
  85. <Cory_> *countries
  86. <iNtakE|taZyaa> cory is from solar
  87. <iNtakE|taZyaa> accept the fucking match robplox
  88. <iNtakE|taZyaa> stop power trippin
  89. <iNtakE|taZyaa> your worse then tosspotty
  90. <Cory_> iNtakE|taZyaa- chill out :/
  91. <iNtakE|taZyaa> polish piss me off
  92. <iNtakE|taZyaa> FUCK
  93. <NE`Robaciek> and you really expect me to do that after what you showed in here?
  94. <crono77777> HSHSHSHHSHS
  95. <iNtakE|taZyaa> it's not for me
  96. <iNtakE|taZyaa> its for crono and solar
  97. iNtakE|taZyaa iN|Element
  98. <crono77777> u should heard tazyaa loling in vent
  99. <NE`Robaciek> it's for your team
  100. <Cory_> NE`Robaciek- Please accept it, ignore iNtakE|taZyaa..
  101. <iNtakE|taZyaa> im bitching between you and me.
  102. <NE`Robaciek> Cory_ no can do
  103. <iNtakE|taZyaa> nothing between them.
  104. <Cory_> NE`Robaciek- Why? I'm on the other team
  105. * NE`Robaciek is now known as NE`RobaAFK
  106. <Cory_> good one, tazyaa..
  107. <iNtakE|taZyaa> lul
  108. <iNtakE|taZyaa> mongolian tool
  109. * pierzak is away [a kiedy mrok pochwycie mnie..]
  110. * pierzak is now known as pierzak`off
  111. <crono77777> lol
  112. <crono77777> tazyaa sure know how to get ban
  113. * NE`RobaAFK is now known as NE`Robaciek
  114. <crono77777> sorry for what taz said
  115. <crono77777> he a goof ball
  116. <crono77777> accept match
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