

Nov 20th, 2014
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  1. Bethan Jones (7:03:13 PM): I've been contemplating putting Selina in Mways eventually. But my tagging ... idk, oomph, isn't as reliable as it should be for apping.
  2. requiem2adream86 (7:04:30 PM): Yeeeeeeeeeah.
  3. AvarielWings (7:04:54 PM): bedtime. night, allk
  4. Fractal Dawn (7:06:06 PM): ? But we've got a Selina already, I thought? Unless we've changed the rule about allowing different continuities
  5. Bethan Jones (7:06:15 PM): We have.
  6. Bethan Jones (7:06:34 PM): That's how come we have/had multiple Sherlock
  7. Fractal Dawn (7:06:57 PM): I thought that had more to do with variants on public domain things.
  8. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:07:28 PM): Holmes is public domain. Selina is currently under copyright to DC.
  9. Fractal Dawn (7:07:40 PM): That's what I thought.
  10. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:07:50 PM): Only one person gets to bring SElina into the Bar; Holmes, various gods, etc. can be apped by as many people as can find canon variants.
  11. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:10:24 PM): my apologies.
  12. Bethan Jones (7:10:25 PM): Oh well. I wasn't aware that public domain had anything to do with it.
  13. requiem2adream86 (7:11:31 PM): I'm not sure I get why Public domain makes a difference.
  14. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:11:43 PM): Basically yeah. It's an old-ish rule from when Sophie was still an active mod; if a character still belongs to one source, which in this case is DC, then there's only one of them allowed at a time, but if anyone is allowed to write or produce material about the character, then multiple people can app them.
  15. Bethan Jones (7:12:55 PM): I'll have to talk to Write, then. I'd discussed bringing Selina in with her.
  16. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:13:47 PM): essentially it's to keep us from having brain aneurysms from settling cases of "Wait, just how many of me ARE there" when six different people bring in, say, Golden Age Superman, Crisis on Infinite Earths Superman, New 52 Superman, Silver Age Superman, Red Son Superman, and JLA: The Nail's version of Supes, type of thing and they all ncounter each other.
  17. Bethan Jones (7:13:49 PM): It's not a rule I agree with, honestly, but them's the breaks. There's always PFSB.
  18. requiem2adream86 (7:14:17 PM): And multiple sherlocks is different to that how?
  19. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:14:40 PM): They're not all variants of the same universe.
  20. Fractal Dawn (7:14:46 PM): Game I used to play at had a cap of 'two variants of this character.'
  21. Fractal Dawn (7:14:54 PM): And yeah, that.
  22. Fractal Dawn (7:15:05 PM): BBC Sherlock is very much not Doyle's
  23. Bethan Jones (7:15:16 PM): BBC Sherlock versus Elementary Sherlock, though...
  24. requiem2adream86 (7:15:37 PM): And golden age superman is very much not red son superman.
  25. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:15:49 PM): *pinches bridge of nose*
  26. Fractal Dawn (7:15:55 PM): My dad saw Elementary and was like "....This is amazingly derivative."
  27. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:16:43 PM): Look, this kind of thing doesn't happen all that often, unless you guys are all secretly emailing and chatting with each other to complain about the rules where the mods can't hear it. We try not to bring it up much because it hasn't really been a matter of concern.
  28. requiem2adream86 (7:17:00 PM): Don't get me wrong, I understand where the rule is coming from. But I also feel like Sherlock has twisted that rule in an unfair manner.
  29. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:17:02 PM): And we try not to put a whole lot of rules or restrictions on people or characters in general.
  30. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:17:21 PM): And frankly Sherlock's a lousy example, because when was the last time any of our Sherlock muns gave enough of a shit to bother playing him?
  31. requiem2adream86 (7:17:41 PM): And I genuinely don't get why it deserves special treatment.
  32. Austin Loomis (7:17:51 PM): The combination of transformation.
  33. Austin Loomis (7:17:54 PM): hey Jake
  34. requiem2adream86 (7:17:56 PM): No, but it's a precedent.
  35. darktriojake (7:17:58 PM): wibbly ray
  36. requiem2adream86 (7:18:54 PM): It's not something I massively care about, but since it was brought up it seemed a good time to question it.
  37. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:19:05 PM): Right, because we have that many people making a stink about it... I'm really not understanding why this bothers you so much. At this point anyone in the US and the UK is allowed to produce their own variations on Holmes, up through and including the Harlem based versions from the comic Holmes and Watson.
  38. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:19:15 PM): Anyone who wants to produce a story about Superman has to get the okay from DC COmics.
  39. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:19:26 PM): It seemed like a reasonable enough place to draw the line.
  40. requiem2adream86 (7:20:07 PM): Like I said, It was brought up, so I'm questioning it.
  41. stuckmynock (7:20:54 PM): On the other hand, though, what are people's favourite breeds of dog?
  42. stuckmynock (7:21:22 PM): I know that may seem like an obvious push for a subject change because I'm feeling awkward, but I just want to make it clear that it is. It is an obvious push for a subject change because I'm feeling awkward.
  43. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:21:38 PM): Well, that's your answer. It was a rule that made sense at the time, and it hasn't been enough of a problem overall for us to really worry abuot changing it, and if it's really a problem and people really really want to talk to us about having the rule changed, I'd appreciate it if they did so in an email instead of in crackchat so that we'd have time to discuss it and think about it instead of putting me on the defensive.
  44. Fractal Dawn (7:21:39 PM): I like Westies and Shelties, myself
  45. Camwyn Megaloceros (7:22:17 PM): .... my apologies. I've had a long day and it's Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, so to speak, and I'm kinda relying on a double dose of ibuprofen right now.
  46. fionall8 (7:23:03 PM): I hope you feel better. I'm going to disappear for a bit as I've been working on fact checking and need a computer break. Till later, also Westies are adorable and Irish Setters are lovely.
  47. Fractal Dawn (7:23:31 PM): I had a Sheltie and a Westie when I was a kid. *wistful*
  48. stuckmynock (7:23:34 PM): I have a fondness for lurchers and alsatians.
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