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Mar 29th, 2017
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  1. EmoMoy
  2. 80085
  3. : ez
  4. Shabih12 left the lobby
  5. mclydesdale left the lobby
  6. Himesisgod: no shit lol feeder
  7. I2ainrain left the lobby
  8. Presteej
  9. CTL
  10. : Not always about the kills
  11. KoiHero left the lobby
  12. Presteej
  13. CTL
  14. : Objectives > Kills
  15. EmoMoy
  16. 80085
  17. : bruh udyr
  18. Iron Nghi
  19. 80085
  20. : why can't people in silver just admit they play badly sometimes
  21. EmoMoy
  22. 80085
  23. : I did your job for you lmao
  24. Himesisgod: lol yeah but feedin gthe bird is a stupid stupid idea
  25. M1key: - the control jg udyr that had no control
  26. M1key: lol you farmed all game while top bullied every other lane
  27. M1key: and then are talking about objectives
  28. Himesisgod: i know he only ganked like 2 times
  29. M1key: ya it's ez when every lane wins to get objectives
  30. M1key: you still didn't get any minus the first dragon
  31. Iron Nghi
  32. 80085
  33. : he ganked my more than udyr ganked you
  34. Iron Nghi
  35. 80085
  36. : but you still flashed into me without ult or anything and gave me a free kill
  37. Iron Nghi
  38. 80085
  39. : so you can't really blame shaco
  40. Presteej
  41. CTL
  42. : Team game
  43. Iron Nghi
  44. 80085
  45. : and be toxic
  46. M1key: oh he will
  47. Himesisgod: i didnt lose my lane shaco lol
  48. Presteej
  49. CTL
  50. : Don't get mad because your team fed Anivia
  51. Himesisgod: we were 1 for 1
  52. Iron Nghi
  53. 80085
  54. : being toxic and flaming just make the game worse
  55. Iron Nghi
  56. 80085
  57. : you start typing instead of playing and trying to get back in
  58. Himesisgod: well when you ask to stop doing somehting like 4 times
  59. Iron Nghi
  60. 80085
  61. : shaco was actually doing work and blowing us up
  62. M1key: wish you could've seen the chat log
  63. M1key: lol
  64. EmoMoy
  65. 80085
  66. : Jayce was still pretty relevant late game
  67. Himesisgod: you cant keep asking nicelt
  68. Himesisgod: y
  69. M1key: it was incredible
  70. EmoMoy
  71. 80085
  72. : his poke was retarded
  73. Iron Nghi
  74. 80085
  75. : just report him man
  76. EmoMoy
  77. 80085
  78. : wait...
  79. Presteej
  80. CTL
  81. : I kept pressure in all of the lanes while they sieged
  82. EmoMoy
  83. 80085
  84. : jayuce spent
  85. M1key: oh i did
  86. Himesisgod: yeah plz report me shaco lol
  87. EmoMoy
  88. 80085
  89. : like 50% of the game dead
  90. EmoMoy
  91. 80085
  92. : ...
  93. EmoMoy
  94. 80085
  95. : and he has more farm
  96. Presteej
  97. CTL
  98. : and became a threat when I hit 18 before everyone else
  99. EmoMoy
  100. 80085
  101. : THAN A SWAIN?!
  102. M1key: he's just one of those
  103. Presteej
  104. CTL
  105. : :D
  106. EmoMoy
  107. 80085
  109. M1key: MY TEAM IS SO BAD
  111. M1key: 100%
  112. Himesisgod: no lol
  113. Iron Nghi
  114. 80085
  115. : yeah I feel you
  116. Himesisgod: was i feeding mid no were you going top feeding top with jayce yes
  117. Iron Nghi
  118. 80085
  119. : they play bad and then they flame otehrs
  120. M1key: lol
  121. M1key: i die once ganking top
  122. Iron Nghi
  123. 80085
  124. : and they blame you for not carrying them lol
  125. M1key: still go 9-6
  126. M1key: right
  127. Himesisgod: i wasnt playing bad i bet ahir in cs and killed here the same amount she killed me
  128. M1key: like i can't carry 3 lanes losing
  129. M1key: mid you didn't lose fine
  130. M1key: did you win?
  131. M1key: 1-1 isn't winning
  132. Iron Nghi
  133. 80085
  134. : no you didn't LOL
  135. M1key: she out farmed you
  136. M1key: and you did nothing
  137. M1key: at any point
  138. M1key: to anyone
  139. Himesisgod: i beat her in cs and took her tower
  140. M1key: congrats
  141. M1key: OMG
  142. Iron Nghi
  143. 80085
  144. : I roamed to get kills you didn't
  145. M1key: as swain
  146. M1key: sick dude
  147. M1key: how did you possibly get a tower as swain
  148. M1key: you sat there
  149. M1key: while she ganked
  150. Iron Nghi
  151. 80085
  152. : you took my tower because my bot lane came to feed
  153. M1key: and you did dick
  154. Iron Nghi
  155. 80085
  156. : and your bot lane killed you
  157. Himesisgod: so if ther rest of my team did the same we wouldnt have been rekt lol
  158. Iron Nghi
  159. 80085
  160. : so technically
  161. Iron Nghi
  162. 80085
  163. : your bot lane took my tower
  164. Presteej left the lobby
  165. Iron Nghi
  166. 80085
  167. : you never roamed. you never did anything.
  168. M1key: was about to say
  169. M1key: i was there when that tower went down
  170. M1key: along with bot
  171. Himesisgod: roaming doest really work in ranked due to most know how to ward
  172. Iron Nghi
  173. 80085
  174. : yea...
  175. M1key: lol
  176. Iron Nghi
  177. 80085
  178. : uhhh
  179. M1key: bitches at me for a failed gank
  180. Iron Nghi
  181. 80085
  182. : they explain why i got ahead in kills
  183. Iron Nghi
  184. 80085
  185. : thanks to my roams
  186. M1key: but roaming doesn't work because people ward
  187. EmoMoy
  188. 80085
  189. : bruh roaming is what got bot lane in the game
  190. Iron Nghi
  191. 80085
  192. : smh
  193. M1key: LMAO
  194. Iron Nghi
  195. 80085
  196. : this guy
  197. M1key: right
  198. Iron Nghi
  199. 80085
  200. : sorry shaco
  201. M1key: no point reasoning
  202. M1key: yea gg
  203. Iron Nghi
  204. 80085
  205. : I'll drop a report for ya
  206. M1key: wp top and mid
  207. Himesisgod: bot lane was diing to fucking bot lane thats why they came mid
  208. M1key: thanks bud
  209. EmoMoy
  210. 80085
  211. : bot lane was rekt until people roamed
  212. Iron Nghi
  213. 80085
  214. : fuck you still for blowing me up <3
  215. EmoMoy
  216. 80085
  217. : udyr didn't gank shit
  218. M1key: haha i did my job
  219. M1key: idk why this kid is still bitching at me
  220. Iron Nghi
  221. 80085
  222. : yea annoying af lol
  223. Iron Nghi
  224. 80085
  225. : hes a swain player
  226. M1key: qq you didn't go 25-0 and get me and top fed
  227. Iron Nghi
  228. 80085
  229. : literally takes no skill
  230. M1key: therefore bad jg
  231. Himesisgod: i never said you didint shaco but you gave avian and easy win by trying to kill her when you were low 2 times
  232. M1key: dude i watched him
  233. M1key: miss snares all day
  234. M1key: like it's a huge hitbox
  235. EmoMoy
  236. 80085
  237. : bruh what
  238. M1key: how do you even miss
  239. EmoMoy
  240. 80085
  241. : shaco came top full health lmao
  242. Iron Nghi
  243. 80085
  244. : if you guys had followed up
  245. M1key: ya what
  246. Iron Nghi
  247. 80085
  248. : anivia would have shut down
  249. M1key: jayce watched me get blown up
  250. Himesisgod: its not hard to dodge the snare as ahira
  251. M1key: that gank was prime
  252. Himesisgod: ahir
  253. M1key: jayce watched while anivia combo'd me
  254. Himesisgod: she has built in MS
  255. M1key: as she should
  256. M1key: i'm not talking about ahri
  257. M1key: i watched you miss several on leona
  258. M1key: in a straight line
  259. M1key: and anivia
  260. M1key: they mobile too?
  261. Himesisgod: yes and i blame jayce more than you
  262. M1key: blame me for what buddy
  263. EmoMoy
  264. 80085
  265. : swain my nigga
  266. M1key: i carried that
  267. M1key: i'm the reason we didn't lose 15 minutes ago
  268. M1key: lol
  269. EmoMoy
  270. 80085
  271. : shaco was the only one doing shit my nigga
  272. Iron Nghi
  273. 80085
  274. : stop blaming people. stop being toxic.
  275. EmoMoy
  276. 80085
  277. : he's the only one that actually focused our carries
  278. Himesisgod: shaco you were next to last dmg bro you did carry shit
  279. Iron Nghi
  280. 80085
  281. : I'm pretty sure if you just play the game instead of typing, you'd actually be able to get back
  282. M1key: LOL
  283. EmoMoy
  284. 80085
  285. : you didn't even build a zhonya's my nigga
  286. M1key: damage means nothing
  287. M1key: when i'm a burst assassin
  288. M1key: my damage killed carries
  289. M1key: i don't sit there and aoe a whole lane
  290. M1key: that's all your damage
  291. M1key: congrats
  292. EmoMoy
  293. 80085
  294. : who dafuck you not gonna build a zhonya's on swain my nigga?
  295. M1key: you hit everything for 200
  296. Himesisgod: really b/c if you had so much dmg like you said i can 2 shot the non fed ez why the fuck arent you top
  297. M1key: because 1 shotting an ez doesn't give you 45k damage
  298. M1key: how is math that hard
  299. Iron Nghi
  300. 80085
  301. : swain just stay silver
  302. M1key: you sit there and do poison damage to their whole team when you miss
  303. M1key: you press R and hurt everyone
  304. M1key: for like 100+
  305. Himesisgod: reall dmg is dmg if you did 1.2k on himn you should be doing the same on the other carrys right ???
  306. M1key: and then you die
  307. Iron Nghi
  308. 80085
  309. : yeah press r and zhonya and everyone dies
  310. M1key: that doesn't make sense at all
  311. M1key: literally
  312. Iron Nghi
  313. 80085
  314. : theres no way you should have died 8 times
  315. M1key: none
  316. M1key: if i can 1 hit their adc squish
  317. Iron Nghi
  318. 80085
  319. : swain takes no skills
  320. M1key: i should hit everyone else for just as much?
  321. Himesisgod: it does heal for that fucking much if 3 out of 5 are fed
  322. M1key: ever heard of...armor?
  323. EmoMoy
  324. 80085
  325. : tbh tho, ez didn't do much but ks me :(
  326. M1key: right
  327. Himesisgod: i said carrys look at the carrys builds
  328. M1key: and this kid is whining he's the problem
  329. M1key: i'm like no
  330. M1key: again anivia is the issue
  331. Iron Nghi
  332. 80085
  333. : dude our bot lane sucked dick.
  334. M1key: because i can't kill her
  335. M1key: in 1 burst
  336. EmoMoy
  337. 80085
  338. : yea our bot lane sucked mad weewees
  339. Himesisgod: alot of armor on ez aniva and ahir right lol
  340. Iron Nghi
  341. 80085
  342. : if you guys actually played the game instead of fighting each other, would have been a close game
  343. EmoMoy
  344. 80085
  345. : I had to tele bot and they still die
  347. M1key: as i 1 shot ez
  348. M1key: again
  349. M1key: whatever bro he's still fed
  350. M1key: ???
  351. Himesisgod: the game was lost as soon as aniva was 7/0 lol
  352. EmoMoy
  353. 80085
  354. : bruh the game was lost
  355. EmoMoy
  356. 80085
  357. : as soon as you tilted
  358. M1key: ^
  359. EmoMoy
  360. 80085
  361. : :^)
  362. Himesisgod: that when i did lol
  363. M1key: if it's lost the second any champ hits 7-0
  364. M1key: then just leave
  365. M1key: ?
  366. Himesisgod: 7/0 top
  367. Himesisgod: lol
  368. EmoMoy
  369. 80085
  370. : My nigga I've lost games where I'm 12-0 my nigga
  371. M1key: easily
  372. Iron Nghi
  373. 80085
  374. : i've lost games being really fed
  375. M1key: 20+ kills you can lose
  376. M1key: when you cry and say it's over
  377. Iron Nghi
  378. 80085
  379. : when it's late game everyone's full built = all about skills
  380. Himesisgod: it was over lol
  381. M1key: and spend 60% of the rest of the game crying in chat
  382. M1key: it's over
  383. Iron Nghi
  384. 80085
  385. : you just have to play it out
  386. Himesisgod: we had a jayce that wasnt even playing half the fucking time
  387. Iron Nghi
  388. 80085
  389. : instead of typing and fighting with each other
  390. EmoMoy
  391. 80085
  392. : hey swain, you know if you're doing well in lane... and you don't plan on roaming... you could always iunno... swap lanes?
  393. Himesisgod: he would run in late to fights 1v4 and get a kill and die
  394. EmoMoy
  395. 80085
  396. : instead of just tilting the team
  397. Himesisgod: so we could have spread out the feeding lol
  398. Himesisgod: so ahir could have been fed too lol
  399. Iron Nghi
  400. 80085
  401. : I was fed already stupid
  402. M1key: what
  403. EmoMoy
  404. 80085
  405. : he has more farm than you my nigga
  406. EmoMoy
  407. 80085
  408. : more gold than you my nigga
  409. M1key: as swain
  410. M1key: press one button
  411. Himesisgod: thats all he was doing was farm die farm die
  412. M1key: whole wave dies
  413. EmoMoy
  414. 80085
  415. : who seems to be theproblem here my nigga
  416. Iron Nghi
  417. 80085
  418. : yeah well if you keep farming, by late game, it doesn't matter.
  419. EmoMoy
  420. 80085
  421. : wait... swain made the least amount of gold on the whole team
  422. Iron Nghi
  423. 80085
  424. : you guys would have won late game
  425. EmoMoy
  426. 80085
  427. : lmao
  428. M1key: lol
  429. M1key: lololol
  430. Iron Nghi
  431. 80085
  432. : but instead you all just fought with each other
  433. M1key: sadly it wasn't even
  434. M1key: proud of everyone else
  435. M1key: it was swain vs team
  436. Himesisgod: but yet did the most dmg least gold most dmg i wonder how
  437. M1key: how do you wonder
  438. M1key: all of your shit is aoe
  439. M1key: you inbred
  440. M1key: lmao
  441. M1key: you do damage
  442. M1key: but standing next to people
  443. Himesisgod: really 1 atk is aoe lol
  444. M1key: obviously your damage is high
  445. Iron Nghi
  446. 80085
  447. : because your champion is stupid
  448. Iron Nghi
  449. 80085
  450. : you press on fucking button
  451. M1key: your damage is high and you have no kills though
  452. Himesisgod: my ult only aoe lol
  453. Iron Nghi
  454. 80085
  455. : bruh
  456. M1key: where's your logic now
  457. Iron Nghi
  458. 80085
  459. : everything in your kit is aoe
  460. Iron Nghi
  461. 80085
  462. : youre so helpless
  463. M1key: lol
  464. M1key: right
  465. M1key: google aoe
  466. Himesisgod: i would go in do the dmg die b/c no one was focus on anything also 4v5 90% of the time
  467. Iron Nghi
  468. 80085
  469. : sorry shaco you got unlucky
  470. M1key: real quick
  471. Iron Nghi
  472. 80085
  473. : you'll win next game
  474. M1key: meh it's silver
  475. M1key: happens
  476. Iron Nghi
  477. 80085
  478. : just let him be bad
  479. Iron Nghi
  480. 80085
  481. : <3
  482. M1key: nothing you can do for them
  483. EmoMoy
  484. 80085
  485. : its k fam
  486. Himesisgod: lol yeah i am so so bad that why i have a 60% win rate with most of my champs i play
  487. M1key: sigh
  488. Himesisgod: teemo is 56% lol
  489. M1key: teemo and swain player
  490. M1key: damn this kid is going to master
  491. EmoMoy
  492. 80085
  493. : I had to go 11/1 to win this game
  494. M1key: watch out
  495. Himesisgod: that is true anvia you won this game
  496. Himesisgod: if you would have done shit would have been a totally different match still not a win for us but different
  497. Iron Nghi
  498. 80085
  499. : doesn't give you the excuse to be toxic to your teamates
  500. M1key: this kid is full retard
  501. Iron Nghi
  502. 80085
  503. : just mute everyone and carry harder dude
  504. M1key: what
  505. Himesisgod: i was toxic to them till they keep doing the smae shit over and over
  506. M1key: english is hard
  507. Iron Nghi
  508. 80085
  509. : if you're so good why didn't you carry
  510. Himesisgod: after you ask 3 times nicely the 4th is not going to be nice
  511. Himesisgod: cant carry 1v5 sorry
  512. M1key: you say it like asking someone to not feed is a thing
  513. M1key: lol
  514. M1key: he's not trying to feed
  515. M1key: it's happening
  516. M1key: how about you
  517. M1key: fuckin roam
  518. M1key: and help?
  519. Himesisgod: i ask you and jayc to plz stop
  520. M1key: instead of whining
  521. Himesisgod: 3 times
  522. Iron Nghi left the lobby
  523. M1key: plz stop what
  524. M1key: you fucking moron\
  525. M1key: i went top once
  526. M1key: literally once
  527. Himesisgod: going top and dieing
  528. EmoMoy left the lobby
  529. M1key: the second time i backed off
  530. M1key: and he flashed in and died
  531. Himesisgod: you are full of shit shaco
  532. M1key: for some reason
  533. M1key: how so
  534. Himesisgod: you went up there 2 times she got doubles
  535. M1key: lol
  536. M1key: nope
  537. Himesisgod: yup lol
  538. M1key: literally just wrong
  539. M1key: can't even argue
  540. M1key: you're wrong
  541. Himesisgod: watch replay
  542. M1key: do so yourself sweetheart
  543. M1key: maybe you'll see where you fed
  544. M1key: :)
  545. Himesisgod: he gave he 2 kills you went up there she went to 4 then you went back she went to 6
  546. M1key: LOL
  547. M1key: map awareness is hard
  548. M1key: stay in silver budd
  549. Himesisgod: after she and bot were already to strong it doesnt matter i didnt feed my lane did i
  550. M1key: wonder why your team always sucks
  551. M1key: 4-8
  552. M1key: 2pro
  553. M1key: quite the carry
  554. Himesisgod: i died 1 time to a gank mid
  555. M1key: and 7 times
  556. M1key: to being bad
  557. Himesisgod: after that she did kill me again
  558. M1key: elsewhere?
  559. Himesisgod: yes after the fact top had 6 kills and ez had fucking 6 kills
  560. M1key: and you're swain
  561. M1key: you're a fucking tank
  562. M1key: you retard
  563. Himesisgod: when they started to come kill me
  564. M1key: if ez can kill you
  565. M1key: you're bad
  566. M1key: period
  567. Himesisgod: do you see a fucking tank build dude
  568. M1key: so you built like a tard
  569. M1key: congrats
  570. Himesisgod: ez was fed i wasnt are you stupid he should be able to kill me with his fucking sup
  571. M1key: ?
  572. Himesisgod: oh yeah that would have worked out great now we have even lower dmg
  573. Himesisgod: smart move
  574. M1key: damage wasn't the issue
  575. M1key: which you clearly can't see
  576. M1key: jayce and i had all the damage we needed
  577. Himesisgod: yesit was
  578. M1key: we had no one to tank damage
  579. M1key: you died in 2 seconds
  580. M1key: every fight
  581. Himesisgod: we would team fight we all die they barely live
  582. M1key: that doesn't mean we need more damage
  583. M1key: it means all of us need to not die immediately
  584. Himesisgod: that what fuck zac is for
  585. Himesisgod: he is a fucking tsnk
  586. M1key: yep
  587. M1key: and so are you
  588. Himesisgod: and i didnt how the fuck do you think i was top dmg
  589. M1key: but you wanted to build like a squishy
  590. M1key: despite us having a shaco jg and squishy top
  591. M1key: look at the team comp
  592. M1key: jesus christ
  593. Himesisgod: i had over 2.5k hgp
  594. M1key: congrats
  595. M1key: that's not a lot
  596. M1key: for one
  597. Himesisgod: yeah look we had a weak adc a weak ass top
  598. M1key: 2 hp isn't shit when he has a botrk
  599. Himesisgod: if i was tank we would have never kill any of them that would ahve removed nearly 17k dmg to them
  600. Himesisgod: i would have done maybe 10k dmg at best
  601. M1key: your damage to them was irrelevant
  602. M1key: jesus christ
  603. M1key: you're 4-8
  604. M1key: you didn't kill people
  605. M1key: tank up
  606. M1key: it's not a hard concept
  607. M1key: you aren't getting kills
  608. M1key: you're not about to get more late game
  609. M1key: fucking beef up
  610. M1key: i'm getting kills
  611. M1key: i hurt
  612. Himesisgod: really so those assits were jsut me doing 1 dmg to them right
  613. M1key: tank for me and we win
  614. M1key: yea
  615. M1key: basically
  616. M1key: i have almost as many as you
  617. M1key: with no aoe
  618. M1key: at all
  619. M1key: lmao
  620. Himesisgod: no you only got kills b/c we lowered them then you would jump in and ks
  621. M1key: there it is
  622. M1key: surprised it took that long
  623. M1key: lmao
  624. Himesisgod: wath the fucking replay
  625. M1key: nah i played well
  626. Himesisgod: you were the next to last in before jayce
  627. M1key: can't carry a worthless mid and top
  628. Himesisgod: and he was 5 mins late
  629. M1key: oh my bad
  630. Himesisgod: lol ok bud lol
  631. M1key: you're right
  632. M1key: i should've initiated with shaco
  633. M1key: that would make more sense
  634. M1key: the squishy assassin who can blow up carries
  635. Himesisgod: no but you could have came in earlier
  636. M1key: i should jump in and soak up the cc
  637. Himesisgod: you didnt blow up shit
  638. M1key: so you can run in and miss your snare
  639. M1key: and do no damage
  640. M1key: the 2 carries on the other team literally both just said i did
  641. Himesisgod: yet top dmg so you point in not vaild lol
  642. M1key: the fuck you smoking pal
  643. M1key: how do you not understand that you having more damage than me means nothing
  644. M1key: i can't comprehend how someone is that dumb
  645. Himesisgod: you said i did no dmg but yet top dmg
  646. M1key: truly
  647. M1key: you don't do damage
  648. M1key: real damage
  649. M1key: hitting all 5 of them
  650. M1key: for 85 damage
  651. M1key: doesn't mean shit
  652. Himesisgod: you said you jump in an nuke carry yet you never did till they were low
  653. M1key: all that does
  654. M1key: is pad your stat
  655. M1key: i full healthed the ez and ahri multiple times
  656. Himesisgod: 1 fuckign atk is aoe lol
  657. M1key: what shit country are you from
  658. M1key: lmao
  659. M1key: because that education system
  660. Himesisgod: you keep thinking i have aoe 1 fucking atk of mine is aoe lol
  661. M1key: has truly let you down
  662. M1key: it's your main attack
  663. M1key: lmao
  664. M1key: you walk into all 5 of them
  665. M1key: and press r
  666. M1key: and hit everyone repeatedly
  667. Himesisgod: yeah tell me about if mister 1/5 when i was 1/2 lol
  668. M1key: that's why your damage stat is high
  669. Himesisgod: 1 time a sec lol
  670. M1key: not because you did anything useful
  671. Himesisgod: so that is like at best 100x5 so 500 sec and i died from the fed fuckign ppl in like 4 secs
  672. M1key: jesus christ kid
  673. M1key: your english and math are bad
  674. M1key: give it up
  675. M1key: you're bad
  676. M1key: we lost
  677. M1key: it's all good
  678. M1key: 1 day you'll maybe get out of silver
  679. Himesisgod: yeah tell me about it what rank are you again ???
  680. M1key: if you stop blaming everyone else
  681. Himesisgod: oh wait you are silver too right lol
  682. M1key: point?
  683. Himesisgod: you are jsut as bad as me you are in the same league as me kiddo lol
  684. M1key: clearly not though
  685. Himesisgod: so which rank are you is s3 s4
  686. M1key: seeing as i did better than you in every fashion
  687. M1key: didn't troll my team
  688. Himesisgod: you didnt beat me in dmg you didnt beat me assits
  689. M1key: and haven't been silver in 3 years
  690. M1key: you beat me in damage by 2k
  691. M1key: LOL
  692. Himesisgod: really you are stting in it right now lol
  693. M1key: all of my shit is single target
  694. M1key: you beat me by 2k
  695. M1key: you walk into the team
  696. M1key: and get 500
  697. M1key: every fight
  698. M1key: by pressing R
  699. M1key: that's pathetic
  700. Himesisgod: really b/c i have a built in auto crit for 200% dmg
  701. Himesisgod: i also i have a invis lol
  702. M1key: sigh
  703. Himesisgod: i also have a fear
  704. M1key: your mom's your sister isn't she
  705. M1key: lmao
  706. Himesisgod: oh i also have a clone to escape or do more dmg
  707. M1key: good luck with life pal
  708. M1key: it's not gonna be easy
  709. M1key: but you'll maybe get through it
  710. M1key: have fun with the rest of high school
  711. M1key: 1st period is pretty soon isn't it though
  712. M1key: should get to bed
  713. Himesisgod: once agian you are not saying your rank so plz till you do shut the fuck up
  714. M1key: instead of losing games and arguments on the internet
  715. M1key: sooooooooooooo fucking dumb
  716. Himesisgod: lol i am retired kid at the fun age of 30 so plz give me life advice
  717. M1key: jesus christ
  718. Himesisgod: give me your wisdom lol
  719. M1key: go back and get the GID
  720. M1key: omfg
  721. M1key: you need it
  722. M1key: read a book
  723. M1key: GED*
  724. M1key: i hope english isn't your first language
  725. Himesisgod: lol once again let me know when you get out of high school and do something with your life so you can retire at the age of 30 lol
  726. M1key: cuz you sound like you have aspergers
  727. M1key: no offense
  728. M1key: but you seem to
  729. M1key: or some pretty severe form of a mental disability if not autism
  730. Himesisgod: but thats like 15 years right buddy lol
  731. M1key: what?
  732. Himesisgod: you are about 15 right ?
  733. M1key: again what?
  734. Himesisgod: 15 years of age kid understand it better now
  735. M1key: lol
  736. M1key: sick insult
  737. M1key: really turned that one around on me
  738. M1key: nicely done
  739. Himesisgod: its not an insult you had a hard time understanding so i went as simple as i could for you
  740. M1key: all your buddies will laugh at the lunch table about that with you tomorrow i'm sure
  741. M1key: Himesisgod: but thats like 15 years right buddy lol
  742. M1key: that doesn't make sense
  743. M1key: sweetheart
  744. Himesisgod: once again i am 30 years old and retired lol
  745. M1key: no you're not?
  746. M1key: 30 year old retirees don't play league at 4 in the morning
  747. M1key: lmao
  748. M1key: stop trying so hard
  749. M1key: it's embarassing
  750. Himesisgod: lol would you like my fb so you can see lol
  751. M1key: oh my god
  752. M1key: how sad is your life dude
  753. M1key: are you serious
  754. Himesisgod: or how about you can skype me lol
  755. Himesisgod: and when you are retired you can do whatever you want lol
  756. M1key: you trying to fuck me now
  757. M1key: lol
  758. M1key: what did you retire from
  759. Himesisgod: the military
  760. M1key: oh lol
  761. M1key: that makes sense
  762. Himesisgod: yup with an asvab score of 89 lol
  763. M1key: sick dude
  764. M1key: so you're rolling in all that money
  765. M1key: from leaving the military at 30
  766. M1key: hahaha
  767. Himesisgod: and an iq of 149
  768. M1key: retiree
  769. M1key: hahahahahahahahaha
  770. Himesisgod: well if you would like to know i bring home 3k a month
  771. M1key: oh shit dude that's impressive
  772. M1key: oh wait
  773. M1key: <40k a year
  774. M1key: cuz math isn't hard
  775. Himesisgod: for being retired and then i also own a juice company for vaping
  776. M1key: jesus christ
  777. Himesisgod: thats bring home scooter lol
  778. M1key: LOL
  779. M1key: 40k a year
  780. M1key: you're either full retard
  781. M1key: or a child
  782. M1key: either way
  783. M1key: this is hilarious
  784. M1key: keep going please
  785. M1key: let me see your fb
  786. Himesisgod: son 40k bring hom is about 60k gross
  787. M1key: that's still not impressive
  788. M1key: for 30
  789. Himesisgod: look up James Himes
  790. M1key: ?
  791. M1key: no
  792. M1key: that's a common fucking name and i don't live near you
  793. Himesisgod: or do you need a liek
  794. M1key: link me the profile
  795. M1key: i hope anyway
  796. Himesisgod: one sec
  797. M1key: 60k at age 30 gross
  798. M1key: is not impressive
  799. M1key: why you talking like youre some millionaire retiree
  800. M1key: lol
  801. Himesisgod:
  802. M1key: i'll make that right out of college next year
  803. M1key: congrats
  804. M1key: and yes i'm 15
  805. M1key: totally
  806. Himesisgod: yeah you will make that working 40 hours a week 2000hrs a year
  807. Himesisgod: i make that sitting here playing video games lol
  808. Himesisgod: and fucking off lol
  809. M1key: way to live life to the fullest buddy
  810. M1key: you fucking won
  811. Himesisgod: well then you add in the about 100k i get form the company and its a fun ass fuckign life lol
  812. M1key: oh god you're from texas
  813. M1key: why
  814. M1key: fucking why
  815. Himesisgod: i go where i want when i want and need nothing
  816. Himesisgod: no i was in texas when i was in teh military
  817. M1key: except a friend
  818. M1key: jesus christ
  819. Himesisgod: i have plenty of friends do you think you have to work to have friends lol
  820. M1key: no just the way you talk
  821. M1key: christ
  822. M1key: this is so much more entertaining than the game
  823. M1key: brag more about your sick lyfe bro
  824. Himesisgod: well let me know how much fun it is to work 40hr a week since i doubt you ever have lol
  825. M1key: nope never
  826. M1key: yet still more intelligent than you
  827. M1key: and soon to be making more money
  828. Himesisgod: college was fun, and the next 9 years of it is free for me lol
  829. M1key: 2ez
  830. M1key: lmao
  831. M1key: lol college was fun
  832. M1key: northwestern kentucky a&m community college doesn't count
  833. M1key: sweetheart
  834. Himesisgod: lol
  835. M1key: hit that english 1 class again
  836. M1key: for all of us here in the us
  837. Himesisgod: aubrun is where i went and finished lol
  838. M1key: HAHA
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