
WTF was this

Jul 17th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((Are you guys here?)
  2. TheIridescentHollow: (yup)
  3. BlSOU: -Stan went back to stirring the pasta "So you fuckin bitches now? I thought you was gay" He said in a monotone "I mean whatever...a hole's a hole right?" Stan didnt say much...he stood quietly and stirred for a moment before replying. "Hmmh...i see...So how long you and London been dating then?" Barent froze. he hadn't mentioned her name... "You must think im pretty stupid Barent. You think I ain't one step ahead of you? cause I always am... I seen you with her...a few times....I figured it would be a matter of time before you caught on." He laughed out loud and then turned to face Barent. "You ain't that fuckin forgot to put the picture back in the drawer" Barent reached for his gun but it was too late. Stan had already grabbed his own gun and pointed it at Barent, shooting him three times in the chest. Barent fell backwards over the chair and Stan ran upstairs to pack his shit. he knew he wouldnt be able to stay there. someone was coming for him, he'd seen barent on the phone outside his house through the window and he thought a mob of people would surely be coming for him. it would take him as long as it would take London to pull up in front of his house
  4. TheIridescentHollow: (was waiting on that ^)
  5. Tsaaq: ((Where are they exactly))
  6. BlSOU: ((Barent's cousin's house...Martin Luther King street downtown...the worst part of the ghetto))
  7. Tsaaq: ((It would be Martin Luther King Jr
  8. Tsaaq: ((And where in context to damian's house i meant))
  9. BlSOU: ((I have no idea who Damian is...we just using the room for scenery))
  10. Tsaaq: ((A character, obvs))
  11. iKamal: [i would just say the street behind damian's apartment]
  12. iKamal: [idk what street damian lives on ]
  13. Tsaaq: ((Behind?)_)_
  14. Tsaaq: ((Parks Street!))
  15. Tsaaq: ((its in the room title))
  16. iKamal: [that sing say martin the one beside the garage here]
  17. iKamal: [sign
  18. TheIridescentHollow: "Are you absolutely sure?" Shanee was prepared for this kind of thing. She grew up in the hood. But London? She cast a nervous glance towards her as they pulled up to the house. She heard three loud pops come from the house. Rosco barked towards the sound of the gun fire scratching at the door. "Is that it?" Shanee was unbuckling her seatbelt and shoved her can of mace frm the glove compartment into her pocket.
  19. iKamal: Lonnie sat toyed with the knife she had in her pocket as her hands never left her hoodie pocket. she heard the pop sound from the apartment. she nodded her head."Looks like it..." she got out of the car and walked around the car waiting for shanee to join her. she made her way up to the door and took a deep breath waiting
  20. iKamal: [i didnt mean street behind i meant like street over sorry mani]
  21. iKamal: [like the street behind the building]
  22. TheIridescentHollow: Shanee had her supplies already. In the spare tire compartment she had some sweat clothes and hurried into a pair of dark sweat pants and shirt and pulled out a chain length of chain that she wrapped around her fist ticking her hand into her hoodie. "Rosco, shh. Come." Rosco stopped his barks and climbed out of the car stalking low to the ground. Shanee hunched low taking quick steps to the front door staying below the window if there was one. "This is the last chance. You're sure?"
  23. Tsaaq: ((I guess I'll think of a post.))
  24. BlSOU: *Stan rushed to pack his bag and ran down the stairs...he paused for a moment and looked down at Barent as he lay on the floor in a small pool of his own blood, he cocked his gun and moved toward the front door. as he opened it he was shocked to see two figures before him "What the fuck?" He said as his eyes focused on London's face.
  25. iKamal: Lonnie ducked low and she whispered to Shanee."Yea i'm sure but barent's in there and he might need our help.." She was startled when Stan opened the door. Her eyes widen as she was staring at his face. She just froze gripping the pocket knife that was in her hoodie. She felt like she couldn't breath. it was like he had his hands wrapped around her throat again and she just stood there. Her legs started to feel like wet noodles. Her mind flooded with images and then just straight red. all she saw was red because she was angry. She was so angry at him.
  26. TheIridescentHollow: The options had been taken out of their hands. Shanee pulled the chain out of her hood and swung it at his gun and trying to disarm him while shouting "Rosco sick em!" Rosco's dark coat helped him blend in the shadows of the night, so to Stand it would look as if Rosco had sprang forth from pure nothing with pearly teet bared as the big dog went in for the tackle.
  27. BlSOU: ((what kinda dog is Rosco?))
  28. TheIridescentHollow: (pure rottweiler)
  29. BlSOU: ((cool))
  30. BlSOU: *his eyes widened and a look of disbelief came upon his face. Stan pointed his gun at London's face but as he was about to pull the trigger, the chain whip caused the gun to shift and luckly the bullet only hit the doorframe, causing the wood to splinter. the gun remained in his hand however and before he could react a dog lunged at him out of nowhere. he fell back onto the ground as the rottweiler bit on the arm he used to shield his face. he struggled, trying to unlatch the dogs firmly clenched jaw from his arm, blood trickling down to his face, he shouted and writhed violently til finally he got the barrel of the gun against the Dog's hip, shooting him. the dog yelped loudly and he pushed him off of himself. he rose to his feet and pointed the gun in direction of the two women. "What did you think? that you'd come here to kill me? You pathetic fuckin bitch. how's it feel to know you're gonna die in a place you fuckin hate?" He lifted his gun and the sound of a gunshot echoed across the house. but it hadnt been Stanley's gun. Stan fell to the ground and began to bleed from the head. he was dead. Barent was behind him, holding himself up against the doorframe to the kitchen, he bled from his chest and his whole body trembled. looking as pale as a ghost. he fell onto the floor again and began to groan in agonizing pain.
  31. TheIridescentHollow: (nuuu meh babeh!)
  32. BlSOU: ((it's just his hip...he'll live))
  33. iKamal: [imma wait for mani to post ]
  34. BlSOU: ((I definitely need an the very least a shady doctor to come dig these bullets out and stitch me up or im a die))
  35. BlSOU: ((or shanees mama...she a nurse right?))
  36. TheIridescentHollow: (she has some nursing education but mainly first aid stuff. Home care worker)
  37. BlSOU: ((gotcha))
  38. iKamal: [ish got you homie]
  39. Tsaaq: ((Don't wait for me to post I don't even know if I should.))
  40. Tsaaq: ((Seems like you guys are about to be going elsewhere.))
  41. iKamal: Lonnie looked at the barrel of the gun and winced when the shot went off and it was just the doorframe that got hit. She made her way into the apartment looking around for Barent before she heard another shot and yelp. her eyes widen as she looked at Stan. sHe couldn't speak. she just stared at it like a deer in head lights and joltedwhen she heard the third shot ring. she looked over to see Barent and she made her way over to him."What the hell Barent..what did you do..."she got his blood al over her as she sat him up the best she could."Shanee call for help." she patted his face to keep him awake."hey hey look at me stay awake ok..."
  42. BlSOU: ((I need to go to bed so lets pretend i go guys can NPC me if you want))
  43. BlSOU: -Barent loses conciousness in Lonnie's arms, but he was still breathing...though very hollow-
  44. BlSOU: ((night guys))
  45. TheIridescentHollow: "Asshole shot my dog." She kicked the guy in the ribs just to make sure he was down and staying down. Yup, dead. Rosco layed on his seed whining. The danger was over. Shanee called 911 she gave them the address and hung up. "Shit." She snatched up the chain. "London, listen to me. Check if they have te same gun. Quick. The cops will be here soon."
  46. TheIridescentHollow: (waaait)
  47. TheIridescentHollow: (do they have the same gun?)
  48. BlSOU: ((Sure))
  49. BlSOU: ((I never specified what kind of gun. they can be matching guns))
  50. BlSOU: ((I'll let you guys decide based on what you have planned))
  51. BlSOU: ((Nini))
  52. iKamal: Lonnie saw Barent go unconcious. she looked over at Stan and Shanee. She laid Barent down and grabbed the gun he had been holding and she looked around. Her eyes fell on to stan and she started to stomp on his face."Fucking piece of shit!" she stopped after a few stomps and looks at rosco and shanee."let's get out of here..shit nanner is really going to beat my ass big time."
  53. Tsaaq: ((Oh you guys are definitely going elsewhere now right))
  54. TheIridescentHollow: "No, stop, stop!! That's shoe prints." She was leaving more evidence. She pulled her sleeves over her hands taking Stan's gun wiping it and placing it near Barent. She took Barent's gun and stashed in and her chain in her hoodie. "Lets go." She hefted Rosco over her shoulders. The adrenaline couring through her making her not even pay attention to how heavy he was as she put him in the back of the car and jumped into the seat. She started up her engine pulling out of park and not reversing but going forward. She drove several blocks before the cop sirens could be heard and the police cars whizzed past.
  55. iKamal: Lonnie followed Shanee to the car and took a deep breath."I'm srry shanee i'm so sorry...I didn't know this would happen..." she tried to calm herself down."We can't tell anyone....promise me you won't tell anyone...this night never happen." Lonnie was slightly freaking out. she never had something like this happen to her before
  56. Tsaaq: ((>.>))
  57. TheIridescentHollow: "Calm down. Look straight. Just...relax. Take that hoodie off it's covered in blood someone'll see it. At best it'll look like self defense." That was IF it wasn't looked into closely. "We weren't here. If we were here, Barent was protected us from a rapist. He shot Barent, there was a struggle, Barent got the gun and shot him."
  58. iKamal: Lonnie pushed her hoodie down and she took deep breaths nodding her head and looking straight "Okay okay..." she felt her leg shaking and her stomach twisted and turned as she tried to calm down. How the hell could shanee be so calm
  59. TheIridescentHollow: "Just breathe. Just breathe." She wanted to push her foot down on the gas peddle and speed to the vets, but that's how they always got caught. It wasn't suspecious for two girls covered in blood to bring in a wounded animal to the vets. She gave them the story that they were downtown visiting a friend and were headed to the car when a guy tried to mug them. Rosco defended them and took a bullet to the hip. Simple.
  60. iKamal: Lonnie nodded her head and she closed her eyes breathing in through her nose and out through mouth counting to herself .
  61. TheIridescentHollow: They waited in the lobby of the vet clinic for what seemed like an eternity. Shanee was strangely calm the whole time. The doctor came out with good news. "He'll be just fine. We dug the bullet out, it doesn't look like anything vital was hit. We'll keep him a couple days to monitor for infection then he'll be good to go home and recooperate." Shanee signed putting her head in her hands. "Thank you."
  62. iKamal: Lonnie sat up and opened her eyes as the doctor came out. She looked at Shanee and rubbed her back slightly."HI think we both need to go home for a hot bath."
  63. TheIridescentHollow: "Yeah. Thank you, Doc. I'll come get him as soon as he's ready." She left the vets. "What shoe size do you wear?" She glanced at London driving towards uptown.
  64. TheIridescentHollow: (brb)
  65. iKamal: "Size 8 why?" she looked at Shanee
  66. TheIridescentHollow: (bk)
  67. Tsaaq: Libi walked up the stairs of Damian's porch then went to knock on the door of his home. She glanced over her shoulder then glanced at the door once more, waiting for an answer as she bit her lip.
  68. Artificer: Damian was lounging on the futon, enjoying the quiet of an empty apartment. He heard the knock and lifted his head up looking at the door. He slowly got up and wandered to the door, wearing on his boxers. "What? Who is it?" He asked before he opened the door and saw Libi.
  69. TheIridescentHollow: "Because we have to stop somewhere and you're covering in blood. It's going to be a long night, London." Figures when she finally has a man at home she's out late caught up in some shit with London. "And you're gonna write me a check to cover the cost of getting my car cleaned." Shanee was being surprisingly thorough. And calm. She stopped at a 24 hr store picking them up changes of clothes and shoes and a few other things. Then stopped at a self service car wash to shampoo and vacuum the inside of her car and run it through the wash on the outside. Shanee didn't speak the whole time. Then they stopped at a motel to rent a room to shower.
  70. Tsaaq: "Guess who?" She replied at his inquiry. She half expected his mother to anwer but smirked a bit once she saw that he'd answered. "Heeeyy." She grinned as she peeked inside. "Little pig, little pig, let me in." Libi said in a sultry tone.
  71. Artificer: Damian opened the door wider once he saw Libi. "Little? You werent saying it was little te other night." He teased before reaching out for her arm and pulling her into the house. He gave her a smooch and looked at her for a moment. "Whats up? I didnt expect you here."
  72. Tsaaq: Libi bit the inside of her lip and looked around at his apartment. "Want me to get the fuck out of here?" She asked him gently. She sputtered her lips. "Yeah of course it seems huge when your pounding it into my pussy." She shrugged with a giggle.
  73. Artificer: "Oh thats it? Just SEEMS big?" He asked and looked her up and down for a moment. "You better not get the fuck out of here." H
  74. Tsaaq: She went over to him and flung her arms around him. "Fine. It's big. Big enough to make my hole sore when you're done with it." She smirked.
  75. Artificer: Damian smirked and gave her a kiss. "Thats more like it." He turened and walked with her towards the couch, plopping down on it. "How are you babe?"
  76. Tsaaq: "I'm okay." She shrugged as she tipped her head up and kissed him once more. "You know me..." She trailed off. "How're you?" She asked.
  77. Artificer: "Great now." He said, looking up at her with a grin. "Everything is pefect when you are around."
  78. Tsaaq: She shook her head as she began to laugh. "Stop. How can it be?" She whispered as she went to move closer to him, her hand running up and down his chest.
  79. Artificer: "How can it be? Perfect?" Damian smirked and leaned over giving her a peck on the cheek. "How isnt everything perfect when the girl I love is with me?"
  80. Tsaaq: "Stop being so fucking-" Libi began to shake her head. "I don't know... Hot...?" She couldn't put words to the fuzzies he was currently giving her.
  81. Artificer: "Make me." He teased and reached out for her so they could like cuddle or whatever on the couch. "How was your day?"
  82. Tsaaq: She stuck out her tongue. "I don't want to talk about me." Libi cuddled on the couch with him and pulled off her leather vest as she went to straddle him. "Where's the family."
  83. Artificer: "Out. We've got this place all to ourselves." HE leaned in and kissed up her chest, creating a trail up to her neck. He his went to her hip, holding her in place.
  84. Tsaaq: "Good. I like when we're alone." Libi said, purposefully grinding against him as she smirked down at him. "Missed me?" She asked him playfully.
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