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a guest
Feb 28th, 2021
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  1. - platform: mqtt
  2. state_topic: "Batrium/3913/5732"
  3. unit_of_measurement: "Volt"
  4. value_template: "{{ value_json.MaxCellVolt }}"
  5. name: "Batrium max Cellvolt"
  6. - platform: mqtt
  7. state_topic: "Batrium/3913/5732"
  8. unit_of_measurement: "Volt"
  9. value_template: "{{ value_json.MinCellVolt }}"
  10. name: "Batrium min Cellvolt"
  11. - platform: mqtt
  12. state_topic: "Batrium/3913/5732"
  13. unit_of_measurement: "Volt"
  14. value_template: "{{ value_json.AvgCellVolt }}"
  15. name: "Batrium avg Cellvolt"
  16. - platform: mqtt
  17. state_topic: "Batrium/3913/5732"
  18. unit_of_measurement: "%"
  19. value_template: "{{ value_json.ShuntSOC }}"
  20. name: "Batrium SOC"
  21. - platform: mqtt
  22. state_topic: "Batrium/3913/5732"
  23. unit_of_measurement: "Volt"
  24. value_template: "{{ value_json.ShuntVoltage }}"
  25. name: "Batrium shunt volt"
  26. - platform: mqtt
  27. state_topic: "Batrium/3913/5732"
  28. unit_of_measurement: "Ampere"
  29. value_template: "{{ value_json.ShuntCurrent | round(2) }}"
  30. name: "Batrium shunt Current"
  31. - platform: mqtt
  32. state_topic: "Batrium/3913/5732"
  33. unit_of_measurement: "Wattage"
  34. value_template: "{{ value_json.ShuntCurrent * value_json.ShuntVoltage | round(1) }}"
  35. name: "Batrium Shunt wattage"
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