

Apr 25th, 2018
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  1. Genzai had battled countlessly in his small lifetime and had never ever seen or heard of the legend that he had saw on that very day. The day he would now call the Day of Demise. He was in the midst of batting with a fine warrior, Raiza, who showed a strength beyond anything he had ever come across before and proof of that was his defeat at her hand. But that wasn’t the important thing. It is what happened next. A voice rang through his ears like a telecom and that voice was a dark cold one. It was none other than the evil tyrant and new Lord of the might Empire, Emperor Sleet. He’d inform and command Genzai to bolster the army and march them onward to Namek because it was that time. And that time was war. But what Genzai and the rest of the army didn’t know is that it wasn’t a war at all….It was a one sided slaughter. With that being said Genzai had fought bravely and brazenly in battle but in the end he was defeated effortlessly against Brakku and Zither. It was shameful and the losses he took would soon haunt him in his sleep. Giving it all that you have and more to only fail in the end can hurt one’s mentality. Even more so when your failure can get you killed at any moment. And for Genzai his failure could have brought the end of him from either his enemy or Sleet himself. Therefore failure was not an option and he knew that he trespassed into that taboo world with his defeat. Luckily luck seem to be on his side that day because what came next drew everyone’s attention. And of course it was none other than Sleet’s overwhelming high battle power that no matter what you did it demanded your attention. If one had a weak scouter it would have surely blown it up with critical malfunctions, but if you had the most state of the art equipment you would see numbers that you wished you never had. And on the Day of Demise you would have seen numbers that danced far above seven million. Sleet was put simply a monstrosity. A monster that Genzai had no choice but to serve, and with reason as you could see and everyone surely found out. Sleet had went on a demonic rampage as he kill Kanetsu and soon after defeated all of his allies, he killed Kogu who might be the second most influential person on this day because with his death triggered a very legend that Genzai found himself to be chasing since the day he was born. Three warriors of saiyan heritage rose up against Sleet with that new found strength which was fueled by the anger and regret of Kogu’s head being punctured through by one of those iconic ray beams Sleet and he late brother Hail loved to use to torture others. Three mighty Super Saiyans had emerged and a glorious sight it was to behold from Genzai’s point of view because deep down inside he stirred something around that made him want it. He had to have that power and it felt as if his hunger for power such as a Super Saiyan consumed him from the inside out at that very moment. You see long ago Genzai was found by the lowly but strong saiyan, Tarlic, who took him in and there they lived together with the Fetts until one day saiyans that had been corrupted by Demons attacked. They had weird blood red auras and it seemed as though they only wanted to kill, kill, and kill. And for the first time Genzai knew fear and what it meant to be weak. Because of his weakness he was forced to run away while his friends whom he tried to protect died. After that day he vowed to never run away and to seek a strength beyond all so that he could always back up that promise. And that brings us to the present day. After two of those Super Saiyans were killed by Sleet and the last fled he knew that it would come a time with that saiyan would try to stand up against Sleet again. And he knew that Commander Dai who he held dear to his heart out of mutual respect would with no doubt try to stand up against Mars. They all would. And if anything Genzai wanted to at least be able to protect her and the rest of his crew. So he made it his mission to train himself vigorously until he too had reached the mantle known as the Super Saiyan.
  2. From that day onward he constantly trained day in and day out with Dai and his other companions to his upmost abilities. Because before, what he thought was gruesome training turned out to be child’s play as everyone around him became much stronger than he himself could manage. As this became more apparent with the passing of time he realized that maybe he had been going on about things wrongly. He wanted nothing more but to become the strongest warrior the universe had ever seen and even stronger than Sleet himself because he knew one day would come when Sleet would eventually kill them all but the way he was carrying on wasn’t going to help him accomplish that. With a long subtle sigh he glanced around the gravity induced room before silently lifting into the air. Slowly he levitated to the exit of the Chamber and made his way out. His mind was made up it was time for his journey to ascend. He took his time and recollected on the things he had saw when Mars, Lilith, and Cellerie had first transformed. He kind of know what he had to do in order to achieve this next level transformation. While gathering his thoughts he flew through the skies of Vegeta and ventured his way onto the top of the highest mountain that rested in the Northern part of a gigantic island off the coast of the main continent. And there is where he would begin his training of solitude to become a super saiyan. Standing at the top of the mountain he peered deep into the skies and let his thoughts wander around aimless at first as he tried to clear his mind of all things that could restrain him mentally. He was as still as could be. A statue in every sense of the word. His arms crossed and his head held highly signifying his dominant stature as a saiyan. You could see the pride in his very stance. He then became lost in his thoughts. His vision of reality became a dream in which he stood there in a white void that went on farther than the eye could see. It would’ve drawn a normal man into a fit of madness but not Genzai. As he stood there in this void of nothingness his body suddenly erupted into a flame that quickly spread around him, swirling as it did so. His body became hot beyond measure and his mind made him want to give up due to the extreme heat that peeled at each layer of his skin. The raging flames threatened to swallow him whole, completely, and in that instant all of his fears and all of his pain went away. At that moment he knew he had to be beyond the concept of strength and instantly everything became clear. This was his inner heart. Those raging flames was the intensity nourished by the one burning desire that consumed and fueled him. The desire to be the best. The desire to be the strongest. The desire to never fear again. He had to achieve his goal. He had to become the legendary super saiyan just as Mars had accomplished. And he had to do it alone, away from the others. For weeks and months he will have to put himself through endless sessions of the most grueling training his mind could conjure up. Never has he known such effort. He would have to push his mind and body to its breaking point. And through his persistence he would only be fueled by the shadow of those three that loomed over him. A constant reminder of his goal. His every thought and his every action was going to be directed towards this single purpose. “I will achieve ascension….” And so he began his first night of training.
  3. Genzai’s training was on a whole new level than before. He push himself and pushed himself. His whole entire day was filled with exercise after exercise, workout after workout. Plyometric, aerobics, endurance training, strength training, training on his balance, and flexibility training while weighted was all rolled into one huge session that lasted sunrise all the way down till sunset. He wouldn’t allow himself a moments rest with the other saiyan’s success being a demon in his head that kept probing at his mind. The intensity of Genzai’s training was maddening with the enhanced hardships of one hundred times gravity baring down on him and even the simplest of moves require every ounce of will power he had. His training in every sense became a desperate struggle for survival. Completing just one day took everything he had and more. For months on in he trained in this fashion, nearly killing himself on good days and left himself unconscious on the better ones. His power had rose greatly over the months but still it was not enough. It was nothing compared to what the other saiyans had accomplished. He was missing something but he didn’t know what it was. He was missing the secret ingredient.
  4. He knew he had to take the future into his own hands before another war erupted between the empire and the rebels and he would begin with continuing his training to ascend. He strapped ten ton weights around his ankles and legs equaling a total of forty tons and it was the most he had ever trained with. If he was going to ascend so was his training. He strapped seven ton weights around his ankles and legs equaling a total of twenty-eight tons and it was the most he had ever trained with. If he was going to ascend so was his training. The weights clamped around his extremities placed a strain on him that caused his arms and legs to fight against his own will and only listen to the will of gravity. Struggling to lift up he floated into the air. “Arrgggh…” Sweat poured from his face and he hadn’t even began to do anything yet. Barely able to move he utilized nothing but his ki in which his body twirled in a circular motion going upside down and then right side up continuously. This was just the warmup but the total burden it put on his body was nothing the average warrior could stand. After ten thousand reps he moved on to the next step. His body gradually adjusting to the new weight he lowered himself back to the ground. Free form sparring was next. “Alright…” He fastened the belt on his gi before he slowly transitioned into his sparring stance. He lifted both arms into the air crossing them. And as they retracted he brought his right arm down to his waist, bent at the elbow. His non dominant arm went outwards and his fingers were curved downwards by the knuckles. His left leg in front and his dominant leg slightly behind but shoulder length apart. He took a deep long breath. When he exhaled his right hand formed a fist and he commanded the arm to thrust forward. It swooshed through the air. The power behind it could be felt by the way it pushed the air around it into a frenzy and it howled throughout the area. Small fern that grew in the soils of the mountain caught wind and blew in the appropriate direction. His left arm then followed as his right arm pulled back like the tongue of a chameleon that caught its prey. Punch after punch flew by like a streak of lightening. Looking at his arms it would seem as if they had blurred and merged together. “Whuhn! Huhn! Huhn! Huh!” Even though he was able to strike so fast it didn’t take anything away from the strain placed on his arms by the weights. With each punch his arms became heavier and heavier. He threw a combo every now and then to deviate from the left, right, left, right pattern he was fixated to primarily. After a while of that he would make his movements more difficult. Sending a single punch forward he coupled with the spinning of his left foot which quickly switched with his right about half way through. His left leg lifted high. His knee next to his chest right before his foot stabbed in front of him like a knife stabbing into cake. He kept up his free form sparring for hours on in until he could barely move anymore due to the extreme fatigue. And at the end of the day he would begin his training to force himself into a super saiyan. This was the most important part of his training. Every night after his physical training he stood atop the mountain and cleared his mind. . He then allowed the images of Dai being nearly killed by the empire’s enemies replay in his mind over and over. This affected his psyche and enraged him. The anger, the emptiness, the loneness, the regret, the desire to change it all. Those emotions stirred inside of him and he tried to use them to push himself over the edge. “Aaaaaaaaargghhhh!” He grunted while in the horse stance, pushing his power up to it very limits. “Haaaaaargh…” He let his emotions run wild…”Grrrraaaaaaaahhh!” His hair stood on end and his muscles tightened. Dai being killed flashed through his mind. “Gaaaaah!” Static electricity danced around his body. His power began to increase even more passed its threshold. And suddenly his hair flashed yellow for a moment before returning to its natural dark black. For an entire month he repeated this process day in and day out.
  5. After a month or so, he once again stood tall on top of the mountain isolated from everything that could distract his mind and focus. He sat down Indian style and began to meditate on what he was about to do. It was time for him to make his final attempt. A slight breeze swepted by and carried his hair into the air and made it wave like ripples in a puddle of water. He took a deep breath and began to clear his mind of all ill thoughts. His eyes were closed shut and his body was motionless. You could hear everything around that one normally wouldn’t due to the depth of the silence. A small bug’s wings could be heard buzzing about. The rustling of the wind swiping across the surface of various different plants on the ground. It was harmonious and serene. He only allowed himself to think of one thing. A super saiyan. He could vividly see himself standing ascended to his very core. It was surreal the way it felt so lifelike. He could feel the passion it took to take upon the transcending form. Everything that pushed him towards it. The consecutive losses in battle with the warriors of Namek. The hard training he subjected himself to every single day but still he was being defeated by all his crewmates, and even Commander Dai herself. He did everything he could possibly think about to help him break passed his previous limitations but he was always left in the dust. This was always eating away at his heart. He looked at himself as insignificant in the important times or when he is really needed. This could possibly be the blockade he needed to get passed mentally. He stood up slowly from his meditated position first uncrossing his legs then placing one hand onto his leg to prop himself up with leverage. He then remembered when he used to play around with Terra, and Odiseas, and then the day Odiseas went missing and came back with one of his arms gone. He remember the loneliness he felt every day before meeting up with Chardeki’s crew and how he wondered if he’d ever see the Fetts again. Genzai began to feel a tingling sensation sweep across his body. The hair on his skin reacting and stood up. He remembered it all. How hails killed Odiseas in cold blood and he couldn’t do anything but watch. And again Hail killed a group of saiyans and all he did was turn a blind eye to it. Was this regret that he began to feel? He thought that he was doing what was right in his heart. The weak died and the strong survived…Then why was he still alive? He questioned himself. He harbored so much hatred in his heart towards himself for allowing those things to happen and even Brakku reminded him of that fact. Genzai began to grunt and grit his teeth as his anger with himself accumulated. He say Mars and Lilith once again transform. The jealously he felt when he found out that the other saiyans were able to achieve it before he did it became overbearing as well. His breathing began to speed up and became heavy as if he was entering respiratory distress. . He clenched his hands into fists and his nails broke the skin of his palms revealing a little drip of blood that slid down his wrists. Everything was just adding up. He couldn’t take it anymore. At that moment he saw Odiseas….”Odiseas…” An overwhelming feeling of guilt showered over him. “It’s my-It’s my fault….” A quick vision of Hail flashed through his mind. The murderer of all of his old comrades. He just lowered his head and it began to tremble. “Would I stand idly by and do the same if Sleet wanted to kill Dai?” At the thought of that his vision became blurry and he pupils vanished and became pure white. Gritting his teeth harder he was trying to cope with what had happen but it was of no use. He had to let it all out. All the pain. The anger. The fear. The sadness. The confusion. It all had swelled to an intolerable level and meshed together. It had become something no man wished to ever feel. Suddenly the air around him began to heat up as well. It became thick enough to see with the naked eye. The ground began to shake causing rocks to break apart and rise vertically around him. His hair wavered in the wind as his power ignited and began to rocket upwards. The sky darkened at an alarming rate and out of those storm clouds came vicious white and yellow bolts of lightning. A large vein in his head popped out and his hair rose standing on end. Quickly it flickered from dark black to a golden yellow. It flashed again from black to gold and again black to gold. On cue with his hair a large golden bolt sparked the area and engulfed his body entirely. "Grrrrrrrrraaaaaaahhhhhhh!" He yelled as his golden aura of power manifested and erupted outwards. Causing his transformation to stable itself finally. His eyes were now forest green and his hair golden yellow. He had gained a well-toned mass of muscle and his power…his power was ascended. He stood proudly, a super saiyan.
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