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Warriors Lucina x Frederick

a guest
Sep 30th, 2017
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  1. Frederick: Ah, Lucina. I've prepared some tea and a little snack for you.
  2. Lucina: Oh! Well, thank you, Frederick.
  3. Frederick: Additionally, I have repaired the seams in your tent and done some tidying up.
  4. Lucina: Uhh...thank you. But really, that's too much. You shouldn't have.
  5. Frederick: Nonsense. It is my duty. Incidentally, how long would your ideal scarf be?
  6. Lucina: Now, this is really too much! Frederick, I can knit my own scarf. Hand that over!
  7. Frederick: No, that's for Chrom!
  8. Lucina: Wha--oh no! It's unraveling!
  9. Frederick: Do not move! The yarn is tangled, but I believe it can be salvaged...
  10. Lucina: No! Ugh... There goes the whole ball of yarn... I'm sorry, Frederick. I've messed it all up. This will take forever to untangle.
  11. Frederick: No, it's my fault. Clearly the knitting wasn't tight enough. But please, leave the untangling to me. You should not be doing menial work. Your time is better spent doing more important things.
  12. Lucina: Frederick, I appreciate your help, but you can't dote on me like this. There are others who need your aid more than I do.
  13. Frederick: Well, I would defer to Chrom's judgment... ...Ah. Of course. You must be speaking of Chrom himself. Is that what you meant?
  14. Lucina: ...Yes! Imagine if something happened while you were busy with me... I won't be the straw that breaks the pegasus's back... Meaning you, obviously.
  15. Frederick: Yes, I understand this expression. But you must know that protecting you is as important as protecting Chrom. That doesn't mean I will neglect my duties to Chrom, though. Not ever.
  16. Lucina: I'm so glad to hear you say that. I've been feeling so guilty...
  17. Frederick: Do you find it hard, depending on others?
  18. Lucina: Well...yes! I suppose I share my father's responsibility to defend our people. I feel I should not rely on anyone else... And I guess I can be a bit stubborn.
  19. Frederick: Surely I have demonstrated that you can rely on me, Lucina. And moreover, I am not the only one who can help. So, please... Allow all of us to serve you and do not feel guilty for accepting it.
  20. Lucina: ...Yes. Thank you again, Frederick. I will do my best.
  21. Frederick: That said, you must not worry yourself with such trivial things. Like knitting!
  22. Lucina: But...I enjoy knitting. #
  23. Frederick: Well, that makes two of us. I suppose if you insist...
  24. Lucina: We can finish knitting this scarf together!
  25. Frederick: Very well. Now, let me show you a little secret called knit one, purl two...
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