

Nov 20th, 2020
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  1. [08:24] The tapping away of a walking cane against cobblestone grew in close to the new staff wielder and passer-by. Their voices, acted like a hone-in, for the blind soul, calling out to either of them.
  3. "Excuse me? If you wouldn't mind..." He waved their cane vaguely in their direction, hoping he'd get their attention.
  4. "Would you know if there is a teacher around these parts? For the non-magus brand? I've been meaning to see what I could possibly find around here." He explained.
  6. Who wasn't trying to become a magi these days? It was worth it, right?
  7. (Nathan Elbi)
  8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [08:27] With a slow caress, the boy felt the tiny curves and grooves of his new weapon before responding to Ares. "Yeah I'll be super careful! Don't think I'll go on mining trips for reckless fun until I've secured on my magic hehe. Also I heard the Stellus at the Church is hosting some kind of seminar which seems will be super helpful with the path I want to go."
  13. Excited nods would come from Paca as he spoke over before he turned over towards Nathan. "A teacher huh...?" He'd say as the boy searched his mind for anyone to help. "Do you need lessons for learning magic? Or were you looking for a physical fighter teacher?" He'd ask towards the man, all his attention on his new staff and not at the man so he'd have no idea he'd be blind.
  14. (Paca Elementa)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. [08:31] Ah, Geztelle and her A-Men squad, yes. He forgot about that, a nod given off.
  18. "Yes, look for Gez-..the Stellus, yes. She is a good person."
  20. "What kind of Magic are you willing to learn, blind man?"
  22. That much he said, some warmth in his voice, albeit not all too much; he wasn't the type to do so.
  23. (Ares Starchaser)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [08:35] Had it gotten that bad already? Were his eyes so gray that they could be spotted at a mere glance? Perhaps, but the walking stick certainly didn't help his cause either. The mention tore a bit at him, but he neglected to speak out on it.
  28. "I can't say I have a particular one in mind." He claimed, "I simply wanted to learn the basics and grow from there." It felt like a simple request, mostly because of their obliviousness as to how it all worked. A complete outsider looking in, with only scraps to taste in stead of real power.
  30. He couldn't even -see- what real power looked like anymore.
  31. "A physical fighter or magic? I never really thought too much on it. While I'd prefer to understand the fundaments of magic, learning a thing or two about self-defense would be nice too."
  32. An encounter with someone interested in running his pockets clean did not sound too appealing.
  33. (Nathan Elbi)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [08:39] Finally taking his eyes off his new staff, Paca would look up towards Nathan to see what kind of person who was giving advice to. A bit of shock came over him as he noticed the walking stick. "Oh... Haha... Well I'm still brand new to magic myself. I'm not any good with it..." He'd say as he'd try and think of if there was anything he could offer as advice. "But Mister Ares here is a super helpful man. I'm sure he could help point you in the right direction... Oh and I'm Paca, up and coming mage myself"
  36. (Paca Elementa)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [08:43] In truth, Ares had his fair experiences with people that are blind; Amori, one of his friends, once was like that, after all.
  41. "Are you able to manifest Mana at all?"
  43. Then, the man's eyes got a peach-like colour about them, manifesting his Visualiser type of analysis. He took his time, keeping the blind man's Mana Circuitry in mind, observing them.
  45. "There are many types of Magic you can study. Depending on you, you get to learn just about everything."
  46. (Ares Starchaser)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [08:49] To gaze upon Nathan's circuitry would mean they would note what was shrouded beyond the veil of a fragile, blind man. Several circuitry points were stifled along the crown of the head, weakening the flow throughout the region. Something, that mostly likely occurred through excessive force. Whether it'd be his own or a third party. Though, otherwise? The circuitry seemed active, bustling even... Though, untapped? A well of essence that had managed to flood with content, albeit never see a release.
  51. Nathan, on the outside however, did not radiate any potent aura or hints of a magical knowledge.
  53. "I'm not sure. I've tried in the past, though it feels as though I've yet to understand the processes involved. It's beyond me as of the moment."
  54. Surely, that wasn't possible, though it didn't mean he couldn't at least try until something his attention crossed over caught his attention.
  56. "Many types of magic?" He parroted, "Then, I suppose then, that's exactly what I'll do."
  58. "Learn just about everything." Everything he could under the guidance of the willing, at least.
  59. (Nathan Elbi)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [08:53] Ares Starchaser says, "A Jack-of-All-Trades, then. You should ask around."
  64. [08:54] Paca could tell that the conversation would start to become one that would be way to complicated for what he could understand. With a light bow towards Nathan, the boy would just about start to say a brief farewell before he found himself nervously laughing as to why he was doing a physical gesture to someone who couldn't see. With a quick cough, the boy fixed himself and continued.
  66. "Right well I'll leave you to it mister. I'm new but I know lots of people who hang out around these shops are really good with magic so they'll be able to help you heaps!" Turning towards Ares he'd give him a quick bow as well. "And thanks once more Mister Ares! I'll do my best to become strong enough to make the most of this staff!"
  67. (Paca Elementa)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [08:54] Ares Starchaser says, "For now, I will go take a few moments to rest, however. Paca can guide you about the place, after all."
  71. [08:54] Ares Starchaser says, "You do that, Paca. You are Osrona's new generation, one that should eventually replace us, the old goats."
  72. [08:54] Ares Starchaser says, "You need to be in pristine shape. Until then, I bid you farewell."
  74. [08:54] Nathan Elbi says, "Hmm... Well then."
  75. [08:55] Ares Starchaser says, "You could also talk to our young Astor, his house is specialized in such things."
  76. [08:55] Nathan Elbi asks, "Where would I find this 'Astor'?"
  77. [08:57] Ares Starchaser says, "Follow along."
  78. [08:57] Nathan blindly reached out to grab a piece of fabric to follow with.
  79. (Nathan Elbi)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [08:58] Ares Starchaser says, "Young Astor."
  83. [08:58] Adrastos ven Astor says, "Greetings."
  84. [08:58] Nathan Elbi says, "We didn't go very far."
  85. [08:58] Ares Starchaser says, "Given the background of your house, I want of you to guide this man in the fields of Magic, to your best capabilities."
  86. [08:59] Adrastos ven Astor asks, "What sort of magic is this one interested in?"
  87. [08:59] Ares Starchaser says, "I will let you two talk it out."
  88. [08:59] Adrastos ven Astor says, "So be it."
  89. [08:59] Ares Starchaser says, "I must depart for the time."
  90. [08:59] Adrastos nods.
  91. (Adrastos ven Astor)
  92. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [08:59] Adrastos ven Astor says, "Stay safe."
  95. [08:59] Nathan Elbi says, "< It was like... Maybe two steps... Maybe three... >"
  96. [09:00] Nathan Elbi says, "< Right, there probably giving me a look... I should get right to it then. >"
  97. [09:00] Nathan Elbi asks, "Astor, right?"
  98. [09:00] Adrastos ven Astor says, "Adrastos ven Astor."
  99. [09:00] Nathan Elbi asks, "Ah, then should I call you 'Adrastos' then?"
  100. [09:00] Adrastos ven Astor says, "If you wish."
  101. [09:00] Nathan Elbi says, "I was referred to you to try understanding the fundamentals of magic and self-defense."
  102. [09:00] Nathan Elbi says, "I was hoping to learn all that I could from you."
  103. [09:02] Adrastos ven Astor says, "Ah. I suppose that makes sense."
  104. [09:03] Adrastos ven Astor says, "As it stands right now, I'm not presently occupied. "
  105. [09:03] Adrastos ven Astor asks, "Do you wish to learn now, or later?"
  106. [09:04] Nathan Elbi says, "I do not mind when, though the sooner the better."
  107. [09:04] Adrastos ven Astor says, "We can do it now then."
  108. [09:04] Adrastos ven Astor says, "Gareth, do you wish to tag along? You may be able to offer some more insight."
  109. [09:05] Gareth says, "Hm? Sure."
  110. [09:05] Adrastos ven Astor asks, "Next question. Do you know of a good location to give this lesson?"
  111. [09:06] Gareth says, "Hm. The arena if it isn't occupied, or the park."
  112. [09:06] Adrastos ven Astor says, "Both work."
  113. [09:06] Adrastos ven Astor says, "Come then- Ah, I don't believe you told me your name."
  114. [09:07] Nathan Elbi says, "Nate."
  115. [09:07] Adrastos ven Astor says, "Well met, Nate."
  116. [09:19] "This location seems sufficient."
  118. Emerald hues drift around his surroundings. It wasn't the park, or the arena, but it would be a sufficient location to offer a bit of guidance. That, and it had been too long since he's ventured into the Mesarris, and it is rather lovely this time of year.
  120. "I shall begin with the basics then."
  122. That seemed like a decent enough place to begin.
  124. "First, within all magi are magical circuits. They're an intricate pattern of lines and shapes that connect a person's body to their soul, the wiring of their magic."
  126. "By closing their eyes, a Magi is able to visualize their circuit and they can see it light up when they try to use their magic, almost like watching muscles react to movements."
  128. A swift nod of his head follows, as he slowly closes those emerald eyes of his.
  130. "The soul is linked to the Magic Circuit, and it can provide a limitless amount of mana... however, this is restricted by how much the circuit is able to tap into."
  132. A brief demonstration would be in order. With his eyes still firmly shut, a thin layer of clear mana would begin to slowly seep out from the Astor's skin, until he was enshrouded with it.
  134. "Provided you have the aptitude for it, learning how to draw forth your latent mana isn't too difficult."
  136. A pause.
  138. "There's of course more to it than just that, but I'd rather not overload you with too much information."
  139. (Adrastos ven Astor)
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. [09:32] The basics.
  144. He had heard bits and pieces, but for the first time he was going to get the full course. No shortcuts. No snippets. No omitted bits of information, or so one would hope.
  146. "Circuits." He parroted to himself, thinking into what that really meant. "Like pressure points?" It wasn't intended to be a question seeking an answer but rather affirmation to himself.
  148. 'By closing your eyes' - he somewhat tuned out with that.
  149. What use did a blind man have to close his eyes? It wasn't as though they reacted to anything around him anyways.
  150. Speaking of which, didn't he forget to take his medicine this morning?
  152. … What did it matter anyway? Would it even work?
  153. What was he thinking?! Of course it'd work! No, his mind was digressing -- every fiber of his being want to explore every doubt and concern he had at once. If only he wasn't limited to the mortal coil.
  155. Though, if what Adrastos was saying held any merit, then focus would permit him to at least see his own appendages and circuitry, constantly. That'd be one less thing he couldn't see.
  157. "Alright." He claimed, eyes open and giving a generic flat expression. As he internally monologued, he had no intention of closing them.
  159. He took his mind back to the memories...
  160. The memories of that sensation that rattled through his body and veins so many times before.
  162. The feeling of aquamancy permitting him sensation and sight of his circuit for the first time.
  163. The feeling of the shadows that coddled him stinging at his points and tainted the very soul within.
  165. All he supposedly had to do... Was remember.
  166. A deep inhale, and exhale...
  167. And the light came forth, but not to provide definition to a voidless space he had come to know through his lack-of-vision, but an idle sapphire glow.
  169. The faint miasma tainted everything around him from his perspective, to which he'd turn his eyes down to witness it.
  170. Blue spots littered his body, with thin veins of the ambiguious essence trailing them all together.
  172. That was... Surprisingly easy?
  174. "I see..." He meant in so many different ways than one.
  175. There was something else that was prodding at him, as though he were just within reach of another tool to use to his volition. An idle glow, much like himself but without definition just feet before him.
  177. At least, it appeared to have some depth to it...
  178. Was that... Adrastos? His circuit? No, it was naught but a faint ora… But him nonetheless.
  180. An alternate means of sight on the horizon?
  181. (Nathan Elbi)
  182. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. [09:47] Perhaps telling a blind man to close their eyes was a poor idea, but then again no one had actually told him that the man before him couldn't see. Sure, the hints were there, but the Astor hadn't been paying the most attention.
  186. He was focused on trying to come up with a proper lesson plan on the fly.
  188. None of that truly mattered anyways.
  190. "Hm." The Noble would mutter, as he folded his arms across his chest, emerald hues remaining firmly trained onto the Elbi, as he awaited any sort of question from them, but it seemed like he wouldn't be getting any. Which suited him fine enough.
  192. All he needed to do now was wait.
  194. So, wait he would.
  196. "Well done."
  198. "As I said, provided you have the aptitude for it." He'd state in his usual deadpan voice, as he witness the thin veil of clear mana enshroud Nathan. It seems they had a knack for it. "It's not too difficult."
  200. A swift nod of his head would follow his statement, as he readied himself to move onto the next portion of the lesson, but not before properly clearing his throat.
  202. "Seeing as you figured that out with ease, I imagine this next portion will be rather simple for you. Now that you're able to draw upon your latent mana, you'll need a way to actually cast it, correct?"
  204. There's a brief pause.
  206. "There are four ways to go about that. Symbolic, Visionary, Runecasting, Wordcasting."
  208. "Symbolic would be considered the basic style of casting magic. So, I shall start with that one. Simply put, you draw upon your emotions to amplify, and control your magic. It's best to master this style, before working towards learning any of the other styles.."
  210. Another pause.
  212. "Any questions?"
  213. (Adrastos ven Astor)
  214. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  216. [10:01] Symbolic Casting.
  218. 'Draw upon your emotion to amplify, and control your magic' - Adrastos
  220. "My emotions?"
  222. If this was the first lesson, then so be it.
  224. "No. No questions." He answered, before taking a deep breath, and letting this new enlightened sensation take him over. All he focused on now, would be how he... Felt.
  226. A man, cursed to lose his sight throughout his age, tormented by his handicap and always left wanting. What couldn't he feel but envy for those that could see? What couldn't he feel but anger against those that took such ability for granted? What couldn't he understand but fury for those that took advantage of his weakness?
  228. Someone who was a nobody, lost of his family and friends traveling in their caravan, and devoid of purpose. What couldn't he feel but a lustful desire of fulfillment? To attain the ultimate means of success? Money. Power. Relations. He wanted it all, though he felt so alone.
  230. What wrath bottled up within his person, for the times he was fallen victim to pending threats he lacked the strength to combat. It was what kept him moving at times, but without an outlet? Without actual strength to back up his spirit? It amounted to nothing, demanding of him to let it eat away at him from the inside whilst wolves met his body with teeth and malevolent magi struck him down with righteous fury.
  232. All he, as a non-mage had come to experience was wanting... And disdain.
  233. That was all the emotion he could bring to the surface... and the planted seed from an earlier encounter was nourished by this misery.
  234. Its seeds already rooted, but its stalks winded around the very soul. It stabbing thorns complemented his already stringent pains, almost driving him into a masochistic daze.
  236. The very dopamine-like reaction funneled through his vessel to taint the sapphire glow he gave off. Like an ethereal flame, being starved of its fuel, his aura wavered, flickered only to find itself steadfast. Something was fed into it from within, strengthening its glow. The color tinted, transcending for a stygian counterpart, based on a lavender palette.
  238. The morbid radiance once reared its head in the face of Holy energies, but now was being tapped into willingly. The grasses by one's feet twisted and wilted at his presence, sapped of their very vitality to leave them browned and drowned in their once-held moisture for a soft, blackened rot.
  240. Nathan hissed through his teeth, finding himself spited by his very unveiling, though there was a realization in doing this.
  241. Even if he was likely alone with these individuals, what was to say they wouldn't immediately realize what they were bearing witness to?
  242. Then again... Did he care?
  243. Why would he?
  244. This sensation trickling through his very soul, finally felt good.
  246. The whispers that came to him once returned, to usher their intimidate sweet nothings. At last, he felt at peace... Though, the aura didn't hold for too long, exhausting him shortly after taking appearance, as implied by his heavy breathing.
  248. (Nathan Elbi)
  249. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  251. [10:18] With his arms still firmly folded across his chest, the teenager's emerald hues would remain trained onto Nathan, as he once again found himself awaiting some form of results from the blind man.
  253. Yet, the results weren't exactly what he was expecting.
  255. He felt it, before he saw it. A horrible nagging sensation that tugged upon his very soul. "Wha-" Lips part to further comment on what he was witnessing, but his lips are firmly shut mere moments as he witnesses it.
  257. The malefic magic that radiated from the man, and the destruction that it brought with it. Vibrant grass found itself drained of all life, at the mere touch of it.
  259. "I see."
  261. Almost instinctively, the teen's hands reach down towards the hilt of his blade, as his emerald hues narrowed in on the man further. The magic they were using was unmistakable to the Astor.
  263. The occult.
  265. "I shall make this very simple for you, Nate." He'd mutter, as the clear aura that enshrouded the youth began to warp. What was once a shroud of unrefined mana, began to radiate an incredible heat, as flames began to dance around the Astor's frame. Flames that seemed to burn brighter, and brighter, until they took on a far more purplish hue.
  267. "Surrender yourself at once, so you may get that taint purged from you." This lesson hadn't quite gone the way he had expected it to. "Failure will result in me using force to make you comply."
  269. The options were there for him.
  271. As far as Adrastos was aware, the occult wouldn't be tolerated within Osrona, and as such, it was his duty as an Astor to keep Osrona's people safe from it. Even if he wasn't a knight, or a cadet for that matter.
  273. "I suggest you make your choice swiftly."
  274. (Adrastos ven Astor)
  275. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  277. [10:26] Gareth was content with doing no more than observing this training session. With his own daily training completed, the rest of the day could be spent doing whatever it was that he pleased.
  279. Both hands rest within his pockets, as he remains idle against a tree. On occasion, he'd squirm, or push into it, dealing with the itches mere arms couldn't reach.
  281. Still, Nathan's progress was something to be admired. It'd taken him weeks of practice just to get basic control of his mana flow down. Yet, what follows results in a sudden torrent of unwanted emotions.
  283. As diabolical mana wafts from Nathan, Gareth's mana reflectively reacts. Wisps of ivory and gold form from the once dormant mana within his circuits. Sick feelings of malice and sin are rejected with the desire to protect, and save.
  285. Where Adrastos moves into action, Gareth finds himself a bit shaken. Saul and Melody warned him of the eternal battle between occult, and holy, of darkness and of light. Warned him that the light may make him zealous and overbearing.
  287. And in this moment, he understand why he'd been, for he wants this darkness gone. It conflicted with his nigh pacifistic nature. "Please," He speaks, as if almost pleading with the budding occultist.
  289. "He's only trying to help you, so please, don't be difficult."
  290. (Gareth)
  291. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  293. [10:36] In the moment, he simply did as he was told. That was why he came here! Not so much to taunt any parties in the slightest, though he should've known.
  294. He was cursed.
  295. He was revolting...
  297. He deserved a fate like this... Right?
  298. No! He didn't! He was human just like him! All he wanted to do was live a life that wasn't at the bottom. One that didn't leave him relinquished to the pleasures of the many at his own dismay. Sure, he sought experiences that'd ultimately taint his soul, but only for some form of hope where none remained.
  300. It didn't take much to realize that flames were being used against him. He could feel their radiating heat -- pending wrath to singe his flesh once more.
  302. ' I shall make this very simple for you, Nate.'
  304. He knew that tone well, and it struck him at his very core.
  306. "Wait... Please..." He pleaded, "I meant no harm. I swear." He held his hands out, walking cane dropped. "I just... It just..." What explanation could a wanting man give to another that sought no interest in the presented product?
  308. That was when the trickling doubt came in.
  309. The panic... The fear. The regret and the anger...
  310. It festered further to drive him to a desperate flurry of thoughts. Sure, the situation demanded of a simple result, but Nathan could see none.
  311. All he could imagine, was a series of fates all ending with him at the end of Astor's blade.
  313. "I- I'll... Leave. I'll begone from this place. You won't even know I was here!" He panicked. Though, all the same the raging headache throbbed in, further agitating the situation as it were. The world felt so heavy. Why couldn't he just throw it all away?! Why couldn't he simply be lifted from the burdens of it, and crush the very earth beneath his feet.
  315. Thatrequired power...
  316. But wasn't he on the fringe? Couldn't he finally find release from this binding to earth? The fear of hostilities only fed into the subtle presence further.
  318. "Please just... I don't.... I don't want any trouble..."
  320. He could feel it ebbing and churning away from within, scratching and clawing. His heart pounded in his ears and all he could find his thoughts trailing to one thing:
  322. S U R V I V A L
  323. (Nathan Elbi)
  324. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  326. [10:46] The man's pleading causes the Astor to halt what seemed like an investable fate. Emerald hues study the man cautiously. In truth, he might've accidentally caused this, but-
  328. No, the occult was something that one sought out. It wasn't something they just stumbled into. More than likely this wasn't the man's first time tapping into this particular brand of tainted mana.
  330. "..."
  332. His grip on his blade wavers for a moment, as the continued pleading reached his ears. Lips part to say something, yet he remains silent, contemplating what exactly it is that he should do here.
  334. The man before him was blind, and seemingly defenseless, and yet they were able to tap into an incredibly dangerous magic. One that not only put others in danger, but himself as well.
  336. There was only one thing to do here.
  338. "For your own sake. I cannot allow you to simply walk out of here." His grip on his hilt tightens, as the gladius is slowly drawn out from it's sheathe. "That magic is a blight upon the world, and yourself."
  340. A step forward would be taken, as his flames continued to burn brightly around him.
  342. "I only seek to free you from it's corruption."
  344. The Astor's blade would be aimed directly at the Elbi now, but no steps would be taken to actually strike out against the man as of now. If there was any chance to try, and escape...
  346. It would be now.
  348. "This is your last chance."
  350. "Surrender yourself, or else."
  351. (Adrastos ven Astor)
  352. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  354. [10:54] "There doesn't have to be any trouble. Just come with us. No one has to get hurt."
  356. Gareth can only see the situation getting grim from here. While he could feel a budding desire to purge that wicked taint, he felt no desire to harm the occultist. That distinct difference put his mind at ease, but-
  358. You'll have to pick a side, one day, Gareth.
  360. Steady hands reach towards his exorcists staff, flooding it with a weak flow of holy energies. Gareth whispers something to Adrastos, and begins to move towards the pathways.
  362. Expecting violence, yet hoping this resolves peacefully.
  363. (Gareth)
  364. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  366. [11:06] Free himself from this corruption?
  368. But was this not him simply acting on his emotion? All of the other bits that wrought this seed to fruition was simply planted by another party. Then again, who cared to know. He was something to be cleansed
  369. Such a fate felt horrifying -- this essence had been a part of him both reluctantly and soon after willingly for so long, that he couldn't tell with shadow ended and human began.
  371. A single backpedal from the unarmed man, and he felt his breath halt.
  372. He was going to use his blade on him, wasn't he?
  373. He was going to incinerate him where he stood.
  374. He was going to make him suffer, that was what the tone implied of him.
  376. 'Surrender yourself, or else.'
  378. Or else...
  380. Yes, that was what he had come to know now.
  381. Only the wrath of magi, far more capable than him, intent on enforcing their will upon him. He had no life to live buttheirs, and alas, he was tired of it. At least, the more malevolent side of him was...
  383. "Please..." He sought to take another step, clutching at his head with tears budding at his eyes.
  384. "Leave me be... Leave me alone... Please."
  385. Why could he never be accepted?
  386. Why was his life so perpetual?
  387. Everything pushing him further down and down the rabbit hole, only to be surprised to see him fall. Perhaps, fate was cruel after-all.
  389. Through his sadness, corruption fed -- going on a frenzy to unlock doors unknown to the unfortunate soul. "I don't want to go." He cried, "I just wanted to be able to defend myself."
  391. Yet, in his quest to defend himself from threats of mages, he found himself conflicted with yet another mage - what hope did he truly have?
  392. This warrior may've been intent on striking him down... But at least, the darkness would cradle him. Comfort him... It sought to nurture him in a way, Adrastos didn't portray.
  394. Judging from the looks of things, the man was getting ready to run... Where? He was blind, he couldn't tell where he was going...
  395. But anywhere but here was good enough. Perhaps Osrona was just the wrong place to be.
  397. (Nathan Elbi)
  398. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  400. [11:09] Alas, fear had overwhelmed him. Nathan left his walking cane and ran for the west, further away from the heat of the flames. He didn't want to learn how to use his magic any further. He just wanted to see a world where he wasn't subject to the very fate he was put before.
  402. Though, it seemed such a fate was inevitible. Scum deserved no less.
  403. (Nathan Elbi)
  404. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  406. [11:09] * You have been awarded 3 Roleplay Points! *
  407. [11:11] The very moment Nathan took off, the Astor would lunge at them. It didn't feel right attacking a blind man, but it was necessary evil. He couldn't afford to let them get away, and fall further, and further into the depths of the occult. There was still a chance to save them from the madness.
  408. (Adrastos ven Astor)
  409. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  411. [11:17] "You can defend yourself. But, that magic, it's only purpose is to hurt. That isn't-" Gareth could understand it, even if he didn't feel it. To him, it's entirely plausible that someone wronged would want to lash out. That someone in a dark place, would learn to cope with an accept the darkness.
  413. To befriend it, and nurture it.
  415. But, understanding, and accepting, are not one and the same.
  417. "There are other ways to defend yourself, other ways to help yourself, please. Do not-" Gareth's words fall on deaf ears, and while he'd grown used to being ignored, this is one of the rare times where it bothers him.
  419. Where Adrastos lunges, Gareth raises his staff. Aiming to encase the duo in an aegis of light. If he couldn't stop the violence, the least he could do is try to keep the lands and non-magi safe.
  420. (Gareth)
  421. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  423. [11:20] The very moment Nathan took off, his fate had been sealed. Emerald hues would briefly shut, as the teen slowly shook his head back, and forth. This was what he had wanted to avoid.
  425. Yet, it seems this was inevitable.
  427. "I truly had hoped you'd come in willingly."
  429. A few words, uttered in his usually emotionless tone, and with that, his eyes would shoot open, as he rushed the fleeing man. None of this felt right, they were blind, and from what he could tell mostly, if not completely defenseless, and yet...
  431. This was something that must be done.
  433. The magic they sought to yield was unstable, it drove the user to madness, as it harmed the very world around them. That magic couldn't be allowed to be honed further.
  435. For Osrona, and her people, as well as for the man himself.
  437. He would save this man from the taint of the occult.
  439. "I am sorry."
  441. Albeit briefly, genuine signs of emotions filled the Astor's words. Yet, they weren't of joy, or even anger. No, it would be sorrow that filled each of those three words.
  443. With that, he'd rush the man, leaving a trail of brilliant flames in his wake, without fear of anyone else being harmed by their potential bout. He had placed his complete, and utter faith within his companion Gareth. He would make sure no one else was harmed this day.
  444. (Adrastos ven Astor)
  445. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  447. [11:30] His early suspicion of hit not feeling right, was tragically correct.
  449. There was a reason the man had sought him out to learn the basics of magic, and self defense, and well, it was because he lacked any real way to properly defend himself.
  451. At least on the surface.
  453. The magic that was boiling within him, if properly unleashed would prove to make thing incredibly difficult for him. So he'd need to best them, and take them captive before it even came to that. Which is why he rushes the man with such fervor.
  455. Each swing of his blade was meant to harm, but not leave any form of lasting damage. He wanted to halt them man from departing, not leave him crippled for life.
  457. Yet, perhaps he overdoes it...!
  459. Seeing as a few blows later from his trusty gladius, and Nathan is sent sliding across the grass, potentially causing him to fall over, yet that remains to be seen.
  461. "You don't stand a chance. Surrender yourself now, and avoid further harm."
  463. The Astor inhales sharply through his nostrils, as he readies himself for another charge. This time he wouldn't be aiming to simply grab the man, and drag them off towards the church.
  465. "This is for your own good."
  466. (Adrastos ven Astor)
  467. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  469. [11:47] Gareth stands back, tapping into the depths of his reserves in order to maintain enough mana to keep his shield steady. One large, albeit somewhat fragile, aegis covers what has now become their battlefield.
  471. Internally, he pleads for them to stop, even if the fighting had already begun. Where he knows Adrastos' actions are necessary, he doesn't particularly like it. The boy is far from naïve enough to believe that all situations can be handled without violence, but he's a pacifist at heart.
  473. Still.
  475. That yearning to protect and save is what drives him to dig deeper. Thin unrefined shrouds of holy light begin to wrap around the nearby non-magi, where orbs of warmth and light push and guide them away from the engaging Astor and Nate.
  477. "Everything is under control, you're all safe. All is well. Nothing to see here. We'll keep everyone safe, and save that misunderstood man while we're at it."
  479. Small words of encouragement are offered to those who needn't be involved in this, as they're guided away like innocent cattle.
  480. (Gareth)
  481. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  483. [11:51] 'You don't stand a chance' - Adrastos
  485. Those words... So painful and familiar.
  486. The same words he heard from a drakanite that bashed in his sternum.
  487. --and he was right... Nathan, didn't stand a chance in Hel.
  488. He was damned to the same fate, subjected to others... Like this.
  489. Beaten to the ground.
  491. Time... After time... After time... After time...
  492. Couldn't the warrior tell that he was pushing the budding magi further into the dark?
  494. "Why... Why can't I... Just be left alone..." He muttered under his breath, pushing himself up to his hands and knees.
  496. Was the earth quaking beneath one's feet? The very air growing lighter? Thin maybe? There was something else beyond the chill manifesting in the air. It was almost as though the ground was cackling it uneasy murmur. In fact, it did!
  497. Jutting and tearing at a force beyond its own, defying the very nature that would be gravity itself. Pebbles and dust were entangled by the faceless and metaphysical now employed under the extent of the enigmatic essence within.
  499. "Every waking moment of my life... I've spent constantly being stepped on by mages... Mages like yourself." He spoke through his tears, "All I ever wanted... Was to feel safe. To know I can live being able to understand how to defend myself." The shadows that warped at him, finally sought to provide him some leeway. Finally, something to work with. Some substance!
  500. The words of encouragement felt as though they were riddled with lies.
  502. Only spiting him further.
  503. "I won't... I can't... I can't keep it up. I won't... I WON'T LET YOU!" Finally, the explosion.
  504. An eruption of metaphysical energies tore through the battlefield, shredding earth in every which way to leave terrain rendered into levitating debris.
  505. (Nathan Elbi)
  506. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  508. [12:07] "If all you sought was safety-"
  510. The Astor states, voice still emotionless, as he slowly marched closer, and closer to the budding occultist, as his brilliant flames continued to flicker around his form, growing more vibrant, as the air around them grew far more torrid.
  512. "Then you have chosen the wrong path."
  514. There was a fair, well, more than a fair chance that his words, and actiosn were pushing the youth further, and further down this dark path, and yet, this was the only option he knew of. They had refused to be brought in peacefully, so it was his duty to bring them in via force.
  516. Perhaps it was his Duran blood flowing through his veins that pushed him to purge the taint of the occult from the youth.
  518. Though as he rushed in once more, his path to victory was not as simple as before. His initial plan of simply rushing in, and grabbing the blind man, and carrying him off was thwarted by the sudden change within the Elbi. In the midst of their rather brief brawl, he had found something within himself.
  520. And with it, the world began to change around the Astor.
  522. The ground beneath his feet began to quake, making the mere action of moving that much more difficult for the youth. Not only that, but the very air he sought to breath was thinner, causing each of his actions to be more, and more strained.
  524. "YET!" He yells out, as he pushes through the new sensations, to lunge at the man once more, dealing a series of swift blows to them, before once again sending them sliding off, though this time they'd simply crash into a tree. More than likely still standing.
  526. "If it is safety you yearn for, then cease this foolishness, and turn yourself in. It is not too late to get that taint purged from you. With it gone, you can live in peace!"
  528. Adrastos was practically pleading at this point, and yet deep down he knew, the chances of them willingly giving themselves up were slim. Perhaps that's why his grip on his blade never waivers.
  529. (Adrastos ven Astor)
  530. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  532. [12:24] It was through the very negative emotions that this fight was feeding that fostered him greater strength. All through his desire to be free from the accursed threats of this forsaken world. To finally see it departed from him, himself liberated from its burdens. Combined with his surmounting anger and fury, it involuntarily wrought birth to yet another opening door.
  534. His body briefly soared to bring weight upon the land abroad, all in an encompassing scream for the heavens. An incoherent curse to the reality he was forced to live.
  535. A damned cry for a break from the Hel he was forced to undergo.
  536. It all coalesced into a faceless weight that'd slam down upon the battlefield, even extending further as to stress the integrity of the very barrier that contained them. The air grew strained, festering stress-lines into the visual domain, as earth shattered under its own weight.
  538. Nathan gave a guttural call of vicious hatred that sought to rattle the battlefield. The refraction through the air imitated an incrementing temperature but the sensations felt throughout the atmosphere couldn't be any more opposing. The pain that the occult panged upon him, the sting of Adrastos' sword... The singe of his flames! All of it, combined with the effort to capture him to cleanse him of the very thing that developed to defend him? That reared its head seemingly because of the help allotted to him?
  540. It wasn't enough. It was never enough, but as the battle waged onward, he could feel it returning to him. The very circuitry utilized of the Osronian took up a glow in the blind man, giving him brief glimpses as to where he was.
  542. He was learning further as he fought!
  544. Perhaps it was him tapping further into his anger... Embracing the pain as time went onward, but his body came across as more durable, capable of taking more punishment.
  545. More flashbacks barraged at him, forcing him to clutch at his head.
  546. All of them from downfalls...
  547. All of them from subjugations of some brand.
  548. All of them, enforcing his submission.
  550. 'Give up.'
  551. 'There's no use.'
  552. 'You have no chance in Hel.'
  553. 'It's pointless'
  554. 'You're weak'
  555. 'Roll over and die already.'
  557. It was a combination of both reality and contrivances of a chaotic darkness.
  558. As far as the lost Nathan could tell, this man was no different. Did they not sputter more lies?!
  560. "I'll never live in peace! You and the many others, will just use my weakness to hold me down. To hurt me! My family! My friends! Everything I've come to know and love! Just like you sought to do now! I can save them. I can save it all..."
  562. That was just it. He was no villain to be despised... He had only brought himself to believe that. Everyone did.
  563. If anything, the whispers in his head denied that. They made him stronger...
  564. Look at how far he was going, in such a short frame of time!
  566. "... I -WILL- save it."
  567. No one was going to hurt him ever again, without a fight.
  568. --but, that's when the pains came back... His head palpitated, bringing him to his knees. He couldn't help but groan. The pain was so intense that it seemed to slow time itself. How he hated it so.
  569. How he dreamed that everyone else could know what it was like to be in his shoes.
  571. That would do it, wouldn't it? Finally, everyone would know exactly how it felt to be at the bottom! Gravity rattled the ground beneath him once more, but not without the emergence of another arcane. The very image of his person warped, soon drained of light itself through a manipulation that transcended the physical -- though, this was not gravity, for it did not normally alter the course of light.
  573. … Right?
  575. Yet, even through all of it, the world seemed to sap away, consumed by an ever-spanning void of blackness. One's control reached out to extend to even perception as well, leaving invisible tendrils of Nathan's mana to stab and prod at his adversary, threatening to break into his mind and addle it. It was all subconscious, in the heat of the moment...
  577. "LEAVE. ME. ALONE!"
  578. (Nathan Elbi)
  579. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  581. [12:41] What had started off as an assured victory, had taken a turn that the Astor had honestly not expected. Each time he pushed the budding occultist, the more they learned to push back.
  583. Each blow that he struck against them, caused them awaken something within them.
  585. Now? Now he felt the forces of gravity conspiring to crush his body, all while illusions crept into his mind. The mere action of raising his blade was a difficult one, each breath that parted from his lips were equally labored.
  587. He was struggling.
  589. Which is perhaps why the emotionless exterior of the Astor shatters, albeit it briefly. "YOU'RE WRONG!" He roars out, as his flames began to burn brighter, and brighter, yet now they weren't alone, sprinkles of celestial mana began to pour into his flames, causing them to burn brighter, and brighter.
  591. "Being strong isn't only about physical might." With each word that flows from his lips, his grip on his weapon tightens, as his mind falls further, and further at ease with what he's doing. "Being strong means no matter how many times you get knocked down-"
  593. There are brief flashbacks within the Astor's mind. Days spent during his youth getting easily bested by his brother, Aether, over, and over again, but- He always got back up. He endured, and pushed forwards.
  595. "You get back up!"
  597. With that, his blade would come crashing into the side of the youth, searing clothing, and flesh alike, as the force of the blow is enough to send the man sliding off into the distance, and out of his reach. As it stood right now, the blind man could easily escape.
  599. "You're only weak when you allow yourself to give up." Words that probably wouldn't reach the occultist, but words he desired to say nonetheless. "You've given up, and allow the occult to taint your heart. That... That is why you lost here."
  601. The flames began to die down around him, as his blade found it's way back into his sheathe, as emerald hues scanned his surroundings, to check to see how much their fight had actually damaged, but- Thanks to Gareth's efforts, it was mostly just the foliage.
  603. "Hm." A swift shake of his head follows, as he moves towards his friend's side. "I truly wish it hadn't come to that, but- Thank you. For keeping people safe."
  604. (Adrastos ven Astor)
  605. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  606. [13:04] That motivational speech made its way to a struggling Nathan, trying with everything within his power to fight for freedom. Callous as to the effect he had on the environment, what reason did he have to care anyways?! What he was truly concerned about, was the barrier keeping him restrained here. He wasn't winning, not in the slightest... But it didn't mean his evolving hatred would falter.
  608. This, was the spark he needed.
  610. There was one thing Astor didn't know about him...
  611. He was not devoid of willpower.
  612. At least... Not in the fashion, as he saw it. Certainly, he'd succumb to the darkness, but he'd make it his strength. It was through weakness and loss, through constant batterings of his body, mind and soul, that he finally forged resilience.
  614. The taste of heated steel shredding through cloth, armor and flesh was met with his curdling scream. It was to be accepted... Though, in the moment of such pain, the world seemed to cloud out of perception.
  615. With hearing gone, all he knew was the void. Himself? In free-fall, whilst it took the form of a gargantuan silhouette staring down upon him with crimson hues.
  618. "I-..." He was defeated, but not out. Not restrained, but certainly no longer in fighting shape.
  619. "I won't go out like this..."
  620. A spike of his feeble essence ascended his radiance for something pure -- The transmundane made manifest. To think, it'd fully develop in an attempt to stop it - a vicious self-fulfilling prophecy.
  622. … Or was it already destiny?
  624. The transparent sheath of sapphire cloak had transcend for a deep lavender. A descent through the auditory spectrum wrought bass to quiver at the very façade of the encompassing realm upon its emergence.
  625. The pyre knew no heat like Adrastos, but instead a morbid chill - realized now: An occultist.
  627. Though, in this awakening he warped at gravity once more, in a surge that spanned over the battlefield. A battle-cry climbed for the heavens, but it was far too spastic and stretched out to be meant for the combatant... No. He was far, but not relinquished yet.
  628. Foliage began to splinter within the close proximity, and the barrier was taking a toll.
  630. It was Nathan's full unbridled fury against Gareth's attempt to retrain the conflict. It didn't matter if he willingly let it down, or it'd succumb to his volition, but alas, instantaneous combustion of foliage under the splitting pressures imposed upon them shrouded his position in dust.
  632. There was visual cover for the blind, now capable of seeing only in the limited fashion that this forced mana-sense bestowed upon him. Using the very magic he used to crush instances in his wake? He pushed away at the ground, managing to launch himself for the skies... Surely, this wasn't flight, but rather, toiling his body away. It was the thought that mattered... The assumption and hope that he could fly, even if he was doomed to careen into either a battlement of the surrounding wall? Or the ground behind it.
  633. (Nathan Elbi)
  634. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  636. [13:16] While the surrounding light could prevent stray spells from damaging their surroundings, he was far from capable from preventing a person from escaping. Where Nathan flies away, he may pass through a film of weak light. Far from capable of hurting the magi, the feelings of warmth and compassion likely conflict with the occultists mana.
  638. Perhaps, even, making him very uncomfortable as he escapes.
  640. "I tried. I-" Gareth takes a few heavy breaths, as exhaustion overwhelms him. His control of humanities light is far from perfected, and the amount of mana required to erect shields and wisps is near all the mana he can afford to expend.
  642. "Really hope someone is capable of helping him. I don't want to hurt that man, or anyone, but..." His words are cut short and his lips curve inward.
  644. "I guess, sometimes, that can't be helped."
  645. (Gareth)
  646. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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