
WK's Town of Aerilon #2

Aug 10th, 2014
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  1. The unlikely team of four had prepared for an hour in the back rooms of the club. Team LHMG, as Gacko had started to refer to them, had chosen equipment suited for their roles in the mission: Leonard wore a slick leather jacket and jeans, a pair of sneakers provided by Gacko replacing his cowboy boots.He had also been given a custom scope to place on his Winchester, even though he claimed that he didn't need it at all. Hank had replaced his suit with his everyday clothing. Mors had manifested a new outfit- a long, black coat with cuts in the back and the sleeves, seemingly nothing more than a decor. Gacko had spent the most time on his outfit- orange elbow, shoulder and shin pads, hard-heeled boots, A brown, padded, sleeveless jacket and Ember Celica replicas. The whole outfit seemed much like a custom modified Yang outfit, actually. Weapon wise Hank was the only one who picked something up- A crowbar and an H&K MP-5.
  2. The group now stood in front of The Club, Morspallidum explaining where each one of them would enter the club, and even more importantly- what will they be facing. After a half an hour, he went into the back alleyway yet again and opened a portal, summoning his most trusted minion to his side. Meanwhile Hank and Gacko took a few steps away from Leonard to discuss with each other. "Gacko. I don't like this... You and him will be closer to each other than you'll be to me. If you see him to [i]anything[/i] suspicious... Just kick his ass and get out of there." "Don't worry, Hank. I can handle myself. You know that." Hank smirked and pat the cosplayer on the shoulder. "Yeah. I do know."
  4. Bloodstained Koi may or may not be sitting on a rooftop in Aerilon, playing with Jahmzji as she ate a candy bar. She had gotten lots of candy bars, but the rest of them were safely in her tree, in Mors dimension. She hummed quietly and looked up at the stars happily. Jahmzji did the same. Luca coiled up against the crook of her neck, hissing in contentment. Koi had to smile at that. She really didn't need anyone else. Just Mors, Karkat, Noah, and Ben. But Jahmzji, Luca, and Mors topped them off. Suddenly alert of a portal, Koi insta-poofed to her tree, dropped Jahmzji and Luca off, and poofed back. Somehow in those three and a half seconds, Koi had poofed into her battle attire, and had her hair pinned up. Her trusty gun clipped to her belt, and her staff in her hand. She casually jumped into the portal and giggled childishly, smiling at Mors happily. "Hi, Mr. Mors!" Koi said, beaming at the deathghoul. But then again, this was a usual thing for Koi to do.
  6. Morspallidum grinned and gestured to the streets. "Come along now, child. I have some old... Acquaintances I must introduce you to." With that the lord of his realm turned around and walked up to the lunatic cowboy, whispering "Did they say anything while In was gone?" To which he responded: "I didn't not hear nothing, Mors. [i]I think they may be dead.[/i]" The psychopath said the last part an overly hushed voice, pointing his thumb at the two men behind him.
  8. "Ah, so you already know Leonard Castello, marksman and pathfin-" "Gunsssssssss." "...Right. Over there, the dark haired man in white is Hank Lijon. The two of us have had our... run-ins before." "You're sugar-coating trying to slaughter each other, Morsy." Hank said and glared at the lord of his realm. Deathghoul ignored it and pointed at Gacko. "And this is Gacko Flame. Club owner and fighting expert." "AND THE WORLDS GREATEST RWBY FAN. DON'T FORGET THAT." "Yes, whatever that is... Lijon, Castello, Flame. Meet my most trusted minion and friend. Koi." The bringer of death smiled and gestured at the girl besides him. Hank squinted, feeling like he had seen her before, Gacko's eyes widened and Leonard just smiled and waved like he does.
  10. Bloodstained Koi merely giggled childishly and held her hands out like a gun. "Bang." Koi said, pointing the finger gun at Leonard. A blast of air was directed at Leonard. The force of the blast was enough to push Leonard a few feet back. "Mr. Mors is kind and respectful when he speaks. I expect no less for the rest of you. Do not interrupt Mr. Mors, please. It is considered rude. I don't take lightly to those who are rude to Mr. Mors." Koi turned towards the rest of them and her sudden serious and icy demeanor changed again. Koi gave a closed-eyed giggle and smiled at the rest of them. "Koikoi says hello, and--" Koi studied Hank, and leaned in slightly. "I saved you when you first entered Mors's dimension... Oh! And you were the guy at the Book-Man's place!" Koi clapped her hands in recognition. She turned back to Mors with a grin. "Right, Mr. Mors?" Koi said, her eyes bright with innocence, although she really didn't have any. She was just too childish for her own good.
  12. "You are correct, Koi." Mors nodded and smiled at the girl. He then turned to the rest. "You all know your positions. Head to the club and await my signal. I have to introduce Koi to her task." He spoke. Leonard promptly turned on his heel and started walking off. Gacko sighed. "I'll go turn him into the right direction..." The cosplayer said and followed the cowboy, Stopping him and walking off together with him. Hank gave Morspallidum another glare and turned to Koi before following the two. "You have a weird choice for friends. And as for you, Mors... I'm keeping a close eye on you." Once all three were gone, Morspallidum turned to Koi. "You know what today's mission is about, right?"
  14. Bloodstained Koi shot an air bullet at the retreating figure of Hank. "He gives off bad vibes..." Koi murmured in explanation, a thoughtful look on her face. She snapped to attention after Mors began to speak again. "Yes sir, Mr. Mors. Get the book that the mean people stole from Koikoi, right?" Koi said, putting her staff away.
  16. "Indeed. Me, Lijon, Castello and Flame will take care of securing the book. But you'll have to secure a safe way back. I know that Lijon and therefore Flame won't rust me enough to go back to my realm, most likely to even travel through one of my portals. Therefore we will need a vehicle. And I have seen just the perfect one here in Aerilon. I'll need you to get it- it is a large, tank-like armored vehicle. But there will be a man guarding it. My spies have informed me he is incredibly powerful- take some soldiers with you. And be safe, Koi."
  17. "Oh! I met him! I'll get the soldiers if he refuses to help me, okay, Mr. Mors? And I'll be fine. Koikoi has to stay fine so she can protect Mr. Mors like he does to Koikoi!" Koi said. Koi had an idea then. "Mr. Mors, what if instead I lure him here? He knows Jahmzji, so that shouldn't be too hard..."
  19. "Do whatever you see fit. Make sure you have the vehicle there in the next hour. I trust you, Koi. I know you won't let me down." Mors said and turned around to head in the same direction the other three went. This was going to be one rough hour.
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