
gravity app done

Apr 14th, 2018
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  1. Key:Tairee
  2. Application for:Gravity machine(Public)
  5. Kai-Lin sighed as she looked at the area of the civilian sector of the planet Arconia. She had begun to scout out a place for her to set up some form of a home. She took a breath and closed her eyes as she tried to remember what she wanted in a home. She took a moment and relaxed before she opened her eyes again. She then started to clear an are to build a house.
  7. She started flying up and focused on the area of the forest she wanted to start working with. She then unleashed a barrage of blasts upon the area. The blasts flew straight and soon found their way to the ground. Each ki blast caused a small controlled explosion tossing up the ground before flattening the area so that it could be used as the foundation for the home.
  9. She slowly began to lower herself from the sky to examine her work. The ground had small craters but it all could be flattened out easily enough. She nodded and started to move around the area after she caught sight of an area that seemed to have taken a little less damage. She soon came upon a large metal cylinder. It reminded her of a few of the jettison pods from her time on Zeeta’s Station. She sighed and remembered that most of the things from those pods included stolen technology that no one could figure out how to work as the incinerator onboard the ship served to get rid of trash. She sighed and moved to inspect it to see what was inside. AS she approached she could feel a pressure begin to build up over her body. She sighed and decided to push through and open the pod.
  11. On the inside of the container she could find a rectangular object similar in appearance to the hard light sparring simulator that was common place in every day life for her. She moved to pick up the device and felt the pressure increase the closer she got. She quickly pulled her hand back and mumbled that it felt like the machine was trying to crush her from some outside force. She sighed and walked towards the nearest tree and pulled off a few branches to try and poke a number. Her idea was to go for the big red button to see if that would turn it off.
  12. She soon returned and picked up one of the smaller branches she sighed as she held it with one hand. She then moved the branch into thee capsule and used it to turn the device off. As soon as the button was pressed the overwhelming pressure was released but on the screen an error message came up. It read Power Core Low before it blinked and revealed Device Overheating. Kai-Lin didn't like the sound of either of those but as she picked p the device she did notice that it was deceptively cool to the touch along with quite light weight wise.
  14. Kai-lin decided to head to the town knowing there was a rumor of one of the survivors of the last Kalze attack opening an electronics repair shop. As she walked into the shop she noticed a few things that were giving her the vibe that she should get out while she could. First was the lack of electronics being displayed around the shop. Second was something she noticed upon initially approaching the shop. The two children outside playing an odd game with a ball and tree branch. She shrugged and rang the modest bell on the table. And after a moment she saw a male walk from the back of the shop and she sighed.
  16. The man was dressed simply in a black lab coat and casual attire of jeans and a hoodie beneath the lab coat. The man gave her a wide smile as he said “Welcome to my humble store how may I help you Ma’am?” He was giving off an odd aura as she followed his eyes and realized where his eyes had glanced. Clearing her throat she regained his attention and sighed. “Look I just need to see if you can fix this item.” She pulled the machine out of her pocket and placed it on the counter.
  18. The man picked up the machine and took out a precision screwdriver set and began to unscrew the back panel. He didn't speak as his eyes narrowed. He seemed to be more interested in the technology as a wide smile crossed his face. He then began to speak and said “I can fix this but it will cost a pretty penny. How wold you like to pay.” Kai-Lin raised an eyebrow at the man and took a breath. She had a feeling this man was trying to get something out of her that she was not comfortable with. She then asked and said “Credit” The man nodded although he seemed disappointed as she caught his eyes on her body again. She sighed and took a breath as the man brought out a note pad and began taking notes. As he began to repair the device the man wrote down a price for the device and began to speak again. He then said “How about we make a deal you sign over the rights to this invention and I will sell it in my shop. As such you get the first completed version and I can release this to the public so everyone can benefit from this device. Because as far as I can tell from the technology. This device seems to simulate gravitational forces in a room. This could be great for when new colonizers come. They can be made to use this device and in doing so it would lower the mortality rate at which we lose the new members to both of our recovering rights.” Kai-lin thought about it and nodded not realizing that this device would make the man rich beyond his wildest dreams as he was going to approach the queen and make a contract as the only producer of this device. The man was almost bouncing in his seat as he finished repairing the device and decided to test it out only to turn it off moments later. “Here is your device Ma’am It was a pleasure doing business with you.” AS kai-lin took the device and left the shop she looked around and noticed she had been in the shop for seven hours waiting on the man to repair the device.
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