
Flit's a dumb tom

Nov 8th, 2012
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  1. Nov 07 19:02:00 <Sleeplutonis> (hm be free to continue yeah)
  2. Nov 07 19:02:03 <Sleeplutonis> (nighty)
  3. Nov 07 19:02:36 <Morty> (Nightnight)
  4. Nov 07 19:02:40 <Odes> (Nights)
  5. Nov 07 19:03:43 <DamienLunas> Anyway yes you can find that, morty
  6. Nov 07 19:03:48 <DamienLunas> for the right price
  7. Nov 07 19:03:58 <Morty> 700g by the book price.
  8. Nov 07 19:04:05 <Morty> Expensive but they kind of need the firepower!
  9. Nov 07 19:04:16 <DamienLunas> then there you go
  10. Nov 07 19:04:34 <Odes> (Are we able to sell old equipment, by the way?)
  11. Nov 07 19:05:02 <Morty> I'll sell my Iron Lance for 75g, half of its original price.
  12. Nov 07 19:06:27 <DamienLunas> k
  13. Nov 07 19:06:33 <DamienLunas> sure
  14. Nov 07 19:06:46 <DamienLunas> though if you like you can do shopping here after session if you want to continue on to kazham./
  15. Nov 07 19:06:46 <Morty> (Shay, want those Battle Boots now for +2 Dex?)
  16. Nov 07 19:06:57 <Flit> (Sure)
  17. Nov 07 19:07:04 <Morty> (Hm, well, alright)
  18. Nov 07 19:07:29 <Flit> (Well if you're planning on replacing them that is)
  19. Nov 07 19:07:40 <Morty> (I have a wind cape I like)
  20. Nov 07 19:07:46 <Odes> (Yeah, worrying about the shopping later might be good. I'll probably want to alchemize a bunch of consumables and stuff)
  21. Nov 07 19:08:39 <DamienLunas> so, proceed to Kazham?
  22. Nov 07 19:08:44 <Morty> Sure.
  23. Nov 07 19:08:49 <DamienLunas> Mkay
  24. Nov 07 19:09:10 <Odes> Yup
  25. Nov 07 19:09:39 <DamienLunas> Customs lets you pass without any fuss. Letter from the king gets you each a shiny new airship pass! You could fly to allllll the places with this.
  26. Nov 07 19:10:22 -Global- [LordLicorice] movietime
  27. Nov 07 19:10:29 <DamienLunas> You board the airship, which is docked at the water. These ships can't take off just by flying straight up, and need to use the water before they can start gaining altitude.
  28. Nov 07 19:10:54  Morty boards, excitedly. "Kupopopo kuPOPPO!"
  29. Nov 07 19:11:09 <DamienLunas> Once you're up in the air though, you stay up. For the most part, it's a beautiful view of the ocean, though for a brief moment you can see the entirety of whitegate city from above. Flit can see his house from here.
  30. Nov 07 19:11:46  Odes looks a little nervous at being so high up, but he seems to grow comfortable with it fairly fast.
  31. Nov 07 19:12:28 <DamienLunas> The whole affair is pretty classy. Mostly the richer folk are the ones able to afford airship passes. Some refreshments are available so you don't starve.
  32. Nov 07 19:12:35 <Morty> "Look at this view... I don't think Ms. Feathers and I have ever jumped this high before!" he leans over the rails, the chocobo next to him and making sure the excited moogle doesn't fall off.
  33. Nov 07 19:13:14 <DamienLunas> Several hours of flying later, the island of Kazham comes into sight and you are all asked to return below deck while they dock.
  34. Nov 07 19:13:41  Morty eventually does.
  35. Nov 07 19:13:50 <Odes> "I should hope Ms. Feathers can't jump this high..."
  36. Nov 07 19:14:26 <DamienLunas> You're finally here, as the Mithran lady at the counter for arrivals greets you with a smile. "Welcome to Kazham. We hope that you enjoy yourrr stay."
  37. Nov 07 19:15:29  Odes chances a glance at her and kind of chokes a little and diverts his gaze. "Ah... thank you."
  38. Nov 07 19:15:40 <DamienLunas> Kazham reminds you a little bit of the Galkan village you were at. Many of the buildings are made from wood and straw, and the area is full of lush greenery, flowering plants growing twice your size, and mithran ladies absolutely everywhere.
  39. Nov 07 19:15:45 <Morty> "Thank you, kupo!"
  40. Nov 07 19:16:17 <Morty> "I bet it's fun to live here, kupo! It's beautiful!"
  41. Nov 07 19:17:04  Odes throws his hood up and keeps his eyes either up high or down low.
  42. Nov 07 19:17:04 <Flit> "Indeed, such beautiful flora." He says, not entirely looking at the plants.
  43. Nov 07 19:17:21 <DamienLunas> You'd say that about 90% of the population here seems to be mithran women. Other races you see mostly seem to be tourists, merchants, or missionaries.
  44. Nov 07 19:17:31 <Odes> "Yup. Beautiful fauna." Odes' tongue slips.
  45. Nov 07 19:17:56  Morty seems confused on where there don't seem to be any men, but doesn't say anything. "Those flowers are huge..."
  46. Nov 07 19:18:15  Morty stares up at one of the stalks with wonder. :O
  47. Nov 07 19:19:54 <DamienLunas> While morty is looking at the plants, a young mithra girl comes up to him. "Excuse me, Misterrr. Would you like to buy some flowerrrs from me?" :3
  48. Nov 07 19:20:18  Morty looks down, smiling, and hops off of the chocobo. "Sure, kupo! How much?"
  49. Nov 07 19:21:49 <Morty> Ms. Feathers studies the girl suspiciously.
  50. Nov 07 19:22:01 <DamienLunas> "Five gil for this bouquet, Mister." She shows you a little bouquet of carnations.
  51. Nov 07 19:22:43  Morty gives her twenty. "They're beautiful! You did very nice work arranging them, kupo... Thank you~"
  52. Nov 07 19:22:50 <DamienLunas> :o
  53. Nov 07 19:22:55 <DamienLunas> "Yay! Thank you so much, Mister!"
  54. Nov 07 19:23:10 <DamienLunas> Her ears perk up happily and she skips off.
  55. Nov 07 19:23:15  Morty nods, smiling.
  56. Nov 07 19:23:34  Morty gently holds on to the bouquet for now, with a lack of a good place to put it.
  57. Nov 07 19:23:42 <Morty> "The people here are so nice, huh?"
  58. Nov 07 19:23:57 <Odes> "...Yep. Really nice." Staring up at the air.
  59. Nov 07 19:25:54  Morty walks alongside his chocobo now. "Something wrong, Odes?"
  60. Nov 07 19:27:06  Morty sniffs his flowers appreciatively.
  61. Nov 07 19:27:14 <Odes> "...Nothing. Nothing's wrong." Down goes his eyes again, back down to look at Morty's level. "We're headed to... a volcano, right?"
  62. Nov 07 19:27:32 <Morty> "Past the jungle, I think." he nods.
  63. Nov 07 19:27:56 <DamienLunas> By the way
  64. Nov 07 19:28:01 <DamienLunas> since I guess you saw the place from the air
  65. Nov 07 19:28:21 <DamienLunas> you should know that the jungle is pretty dense, and that the volcano is sort of on the other side of the island.
  66. Nov 07 19:29:12 <Morty> "We've got a long journey ahead of us, kupo, probably best to stock up on supplies now and prepare ourselves..."
  67. Nov 07 19:29:51 <Odes> "Yeah. ...We should probably rest in town, too," Odes nods. "...To be at our best. ...The monsters on an island here could be... interesting."
  68. Nov 07 19:29:55  Morty would probably be offering the bouquet to Niki or attempting to stick flowers in her hair if Plut were still around. :3c
  69. Nov 07 19:31:10 <DamienLunas> it's not nighttime just yet. Around here though you don't exactly see any shops except a welcoming looking tavern. To find anything else it might be good to ask someone for directions.
  70. Nov 07 19:33:00 <Morty> Oh hey, something for Flit to do? :D
  71. Nov 07 19:33:13 <DamienLunas> (get crunk?)
  72. Nov 07 19:33:46 <Morty> (I meant asking for directions but sure)
  73. Nov 07 19:34:09 <Flit> (Crunk?)
  74. Nov 07 19:34:31 <Odes> "...Well, let's start getting information. ...The more we know about where we're going, the better."
  75. Nov 07 19:35:08 <DamienLunas> (Crunk: To leave for Hawaii and remain unavailable for contact until two weeks later upon your return. Slang - Drunk)
  76. Nov 07 19:35:43 <Flit> (I like how both are applicable here.)
  77. Nov 07 19:35:47 <DamienLunas> (Usage: Could you watch my dogs while I get crunk?)
  78. Nov 07 19:36:17 <Morty> "Maybe in the tavern? I'm thirsty, kupo, a nice fruit juice or a milkshake sounds good!"
  79. Nov 07 19:40:51 <Odes> "...Yeah." A simple agreement.
  80. Nov 07 19:41:11 <DamienLunas> (I like to imagine it actually took that long for odes to answer in character)
  81. Nov 07 19:41:25 <Odes> (It really probably did)
  82. Nov 07 19:43:28 <Flit> "Well then. Shall we?"
  83. Nov 07 19:43:30 <DamienLunas> so then, enter Salaheem's Tavern?
  84. Nov 07 19:44:02 <Flit> (Y)
  85. Nov 07 19:44:04 <Odes> (I read that as Saheed's tavern and was momentarily very confused)
  86. Nov 07 19:44:07 <Odes> (Y)
  87. Nov 07 19:44:55 <DamienLunas> you enter the tavern. It seems fairly busy, and you can see some of your fellow passengers having a drink. There's still certainly plenty of mithra clientele, and the staff as well seems to be exclusively mithra. Of course, since you've got here, you haven't seen a single male mithra.
  88. Nov 07 19:45:10 <DamienLunas> Do you have a seat at the bar or at a table?
  89. Nov 07 19:45:37  Odes is too young to sit right at the bar and assumedly Morty is too short to not disappear behind it so
  90. Nov 07 19:46:13  Morty doesn't mind a table!
  91. Nov 07 19:46:58 <DamienLunas> Looks like table it is then. You have a seat at one of the unoccupied ones, and a waitress soon comes by to take your order. "Hello therrre, gents. What can I get you?"
  92. Nov 07 19:48:18  Flit takes a seat with the other two, momentarily. "Nothing for me, thanks."
  93. Nov 07 19:49:03  Odes stares down pointedly at the table and not at her, nevermind how rude it might look. "...Apple cider?" he's not even sure if they'd carry it. Or, depending on the strength of the cider, serve to him.
  94. Nov 07 19:49:39 <DamienLunas> She scowls at Flit, but perks up when Odes makes his order. "Sure thing! And for you?" she looks down at Morty.
  95. Nov 07 19:51:32 <Morty> "I'll have a strawberry milkshake, please!"
  96. Nov 07 19:52:00 <DamienLunas> "All rrright. I'll have those for you in just a moment."
  97. Nov 07 19:52:15 <Morty> Was Ms. Feathers allowed in?
  98. Nov 07 19:52:17 <DamienLunas> She heads off to the back to get your order ready, leaving you alone.
  99. Nov 07 19:52:41 <DamienLunas> Ms. Feathers is allowed in, sure.
  100. Nov 07 19:52:46  Morty ordered some water for her as well then.
  101. Nov 07 19:53:36 <Odes> "..." he fidgets nervously. "...I think I'm... going to have trouble asking locals. ...For information."
  102. Nov 07 19:54:03  Flit waits until the waitress is gone. "Don't worry about that. You two have fun, I have to go discuss something with that bartender over there." he says, motioning to the bar counter.
  103. Nov 07 19:54:36 <Morty> "Why's that?"
  104. Nov 07 19:54:39  Morty asks Odes.
  105. Nov 07 19:54:41 <Morty> "Okay, Flit!"
  106. Nov 07 19:55:19 <DamienLunas> So then flit goes over to the bar to talk?
  107. Nov 07 19:55:57 <DamienLunas> The bartender seems free at the moment.
  108. Nov 07 19:56:01 <Flit> "When you want information, there are three people you go to. The merchant, the innkeeper, and the bartender." With that, he heads to the counter.
  109. Nov 07 19:56:27 <Odes> "...Good. You can handle this!" Odes politely avoids Morty's question for the moment, or maybe he just didn't hear it
  110. Nov 07 19:56:48 <Morty> He flicks his ears. :<
  111. Nov 07 19:57:07 <DamienLunas> Morty and Odes get their drinks while flit goes to get some information.
  112. Nov 07 19:57:22 <DamienLunas> The bartender looks up at Flit as he approaches, "What can I do you forrr?"
  113. Nov 07 19:58:18 <Morty> "Thanks~"
  114. Nov 07 19:58:44 <Flit> "I'll have a pint of mead, thanks. You really have a wonderful little island, here."
  115. Nov 07 19:59:05 <DamienLunas> "Furrrst time here?" she asks as she fills up a glass.
  116. Nov 07 19:59:47 <Flit> "Yeah. Here with a few friends. I suppose one could call us tourists."
  117. Nov 07 20:00:02  Odes accepts the drink and takes a cautious sip; he's not expecting death by cider like dwarven drinks, but you never know
  118. Nov 07 20:00:04 <DamienLunas> "Customerrrs are customerrrs."
  119. Nov 07 20:00:13 <DamienLunas> It's fairly light, Odes.
  120. Nov 07 20:00:31 <DamienLunas> plenty sweet. Being a tropical island, they've got good fruit.
  121. Nov 07 20:00:45  Odes licks his lips. Just perfect, then!
  122. Nov 07 20:00:52  Morty plunks in a straw and siiiip.
  123. Nov 07 20:01:19 <Morty> "Everyone here seems nice! That's what I said before. Are you afraid of nice people, Odes? You do seem a little gloomy sometimes, kupo..."
  124. Nov 07 20:03:09 <Odes> "...Well they're nice, just..." he coughs, and mutters out the addendum. "...itsjustawkwardtheyrereallygoodlookingandimafreak."
  125. Nov 07 20:03:43 <Morty> He just flicks his ears, not really getting it for a moment.
  126. Nov 07 20:03:56 <Morty> "Ooooh, you're shy around girls, kupo." he says quietly.
  127. Nov 07 20:04:31 <Odes> "...That's one way to put it."
  128. Nov 07 20:04:39 <DamienLunas> She hands flit his mead. "I have a feeling you've got some questions though. Why don't you tell me what they arrre?"
  129. Nov 07 20:05:02 <Morty> (And it's 10, you have to leave, right Gar?)
  130. Nov 07 20:05:18 <Morty> (I'm good with Morty being by himself, you go on ahead if need be)
  131. Nov 07 20:05:23 <DamienLunas> (hnngrar)
  132. Nov 07 20:05:35 <Odes> (Yup! I do need to gtfo; conversation can be continued in a mini later or something?)
  133. Nov 07 20:05:40 <Morty> (Mhm)
  134. Nov 07 20:05:42 <DamienLunas> (if gabe does have to go right now then I want to do something quickly before he does. Do you?)
  135. Nov 07 20:05:43  Flit takes a swig of mead. "Customers are customers and money is money. True enough. Can't help but notice I stand out like a sore thumb. You get many "outsiders" around here?"
  136. Nov 07 20:05:45 <DamienLunas> (okay.)
  137. Nov 07 20:06:10 <DamienLunas> Odes is brought a tall orange drink, alcoholic from the smell, by one of the waitresses.
  138. Nov 07 20:06:11 <Odes> (I should be out the door like, now, because I need to grab dinner on the way there)
  139. Nov 07 20:06:41 <DamienLunas> "Frrrom the lady over there." she gestures to a white haired mithra lady in a red dress sitting at a table on the other side of the tavern, giving you a little wave.
  140. Nov 07 20:06:59  Morty suppresses a bit of a giggle.
  141. Nov 07 20:07:24 <Odes> (Oh this is going to be a thing. Definite mini material for later)
  142. Nov 07 20:07:30 <Odes> (But I need to oust; see you later)
  143. Nov 07 20:07:44 <DamienLunas> fore you go though does he go over to her?
  144. Nov 07 20:07:49 <DamienLunas> just want to make sure.
  145. Nov 07 20:07:59 <Morty> (Byebye~)
  146. Nov 07 20:08:01 <Odes> (Probably, yeah)
  147. Nov 07 20:08:19 <Odes> (Well we'll make that a yes because it's more interesting that way)
  148. Nov 07 20:08:21 <Odes> (anyway, I'm off!)
  149. Nov 07 20:08:34 <DamienLunas> bye bye~
  150. Nov 07 20:08:48  Morty_ ( has joined #crystalsoflight
  151. Nov 07 20:09:10 <Morty_> !dm9001 lastlines #10
  152. Nov 07 20:09:46  Odes has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  153. Nov 07 20:11:06  Morty has quit (Ping timeout)
  154. Nov 07 20:12:09 <DamienLunas> oh I didn't answer flit's question.
  155. Nov 07 20:12:22 <DamienLunas> "Not a lot. Airrrship passes are expensive after all."
  156. Nov 07 20:13:44 <Flit> "Anyone recently that stand out?"
  157. Nov 07 20:15:11 <DamienLunas> "Can't say therrre's anyone that rrreally caught my eye."
  158. Nov 07 20:16:12 <DamienLunas> "Usual fare. Tourrrists, merrrchants... oh! That does rrremind me. A goblin came into town a bit ago. I suppose I don't exactly consider him a perrrson though."
  159. Nov 07 20:16:48 <DamienLunas> "Haven't seen him perrrsonally."
  160. Nov 07 20:17:13 <DamienLunas> "But that's just the worrrd around town."
  161. Nov 07 20:18:54 <Flit> "Well, thanks anyways." He goes back to his mead. "Oh, one more thing."
  162. Nov 07 20:19:53 <Flit> "My friends and I are wanting to take a trip into the jungle. Think you could point me in the direction of someone willing to act as a guide?"
  163. Nov 07 20:20:31  Flit remembers the view of the dense forest from the airship.
  164. Nov 07 20:20:59 <DamienLunas> she raises an eyebrow. "How deep? Just thrrrough Yutunga? Or all the way to Yhoator?"
  165. Nov 07 20:21:28 <Flit> "Deep as we can get."
  166. Nov 07 20:22:05 <DamienLunas> She smirks, "Kid, no one in their rrright mind would go that deep these days."
  167. Nov 07 20:23:04  Flit puts his mug down and leans in slightly. "Then name someone who will."
  168. Nov 07 20:24:09 <DamienLunas> "You've got no clue what's out therrre do you?"
  169. Nov 07 20:24:32 <Flit> "I like surprises."
  170. Nov 07 20:24:59 <DamienLunas> "Well I don't like being rrresponsible for sending kids off to theirrr gruesome and terrrible deaths."
  171. Nov 07 20:25:35 <DamienLunas> "Have you ever hearrrd of 'Tonberries'?"
  172. Nov 07 20:25:52 <Morty_> (God dammit this place)
  173. Nov 07 20:25:55 <Morty_> (I had a feeling)
  174. Nov 07 20:26:21 <Flit> "Tonberries shmonberries. What about sending someone who paid you to off to their death?"
  175. Nov 07 20:27:03  Morty_ pokes up from behind the counter, holding his milkshake. "What's a Tonberry?"
  176. Nov 07 20:27:04 <Flit> "Either we go with a guide or without. You'd be helping us."
  177. Nov 07 20:27:18 <DamienLunas> *WHAM*.
  178. Nov 07 20:27:54 <DamienLunas> The floor shakes as she pounds a mace against the counter and gives you a bit of an annoyed smile.
  179. Nov 07 20:28:08 <DamienLunas> "Don't act like I'm scarrred little pussycat, boy."
  180. Nov 07 20:28:57 <DamienLunas> "These things arrren't to be taken lightly. They don't look like much but they'rrre the most deadly and terrrible beastmen that walk this earrrth."
  181. Nov 07 20:29:34 <DamienLunas> "Small little grrreen things with lanterns and tiny butcherrr knives."
  182. Nov 07 20:29:46 <DamienLunas> "Almost... cute looking."
  183. Nov 07 20:30:25 <DamienLunas> "But they've killed anyone and everrryone who has trrried fighting them."
  184. Nov 07 20:30:31 <Morty_> "So as long as we're good at running, right?"
  185. Nov 07 20:30:58 <DamienLunas> "If you think you can."
  186. Nov 07 20:31:23 <DamienLunas> "But these things are farrr more deadly than they look."
  187. Nov 07 20:31:31  Morty_ nods. "I believe you!"
  188. Nov 07 20:32:10 <DamienLunas> "Those knives cut deep. They use them to flay the verrry skin off of the bodies of their enemies. Carrrving symbols in their stomachs like they'rrre pumpkins."
  189. Nov 07 20:32:28 <Morty_> "That sounds painful, kupo..."
  190. Nov 07 20:32:31  Flit cuts her off. "Fine. You want to protect strangers who stumble into your bar, fine. We'll avoid them. We're going into the jungle, guide or no guide, and if you won't help us find one, we'll find someone who will."
  191. Nov 07 20:32:43 <DamienLunas> "If that's not enough, they've got powerrrful magic. Not just black and white eitherrr. Forbidden Magic."
  192. Nov 07 20:32:46 <DamienLunas> "Summoning Magic."
  193. Nov 07 20:33:03 <DamienLunas> "Listen, Buddy. I'm trrrying to help you herrre."
  194. Nov 07 20:33:20 <Morty_> "Please don't mind him, ma'am.."
  195. Nov 07 20:33:26 <DamienLunas> "If you go out there you'd damn well betterrr know what you're in for."
  196. Nov 07 20:33:39 <Morty_> "Honestly, there's a reason we have to go out there, kupo, we need all the help we can get..."
  197. Nov 07 20:33:40 <DamienLunas> "I've lost too many sisters to those fucking beastmen."
  198. Nov 07 20:34:00 <Morty_> "And if you havve advice to give, I'll gladly listen!"
  199. Nov 07 20:34:35 <Morty_> "Summoning magic, though... there are still those capable of practicing it, kupo?"
  200. Nov 07 20:35:25 <DamienLunas> "... The worrrst part about them though is that the morrre you kill, the strrronger they become, and the harderrr they fight."
  201. Nov 07 20:35:45 <Morty_> "That does sound scary, kupo!"
  202. Nov 07 20:35:57 <Morty_> "Who do the tonberries call upon?"
  203. Nov 07 20:36:28 <DamienLunas> "Spirrrits mostly. But I don't doubt that therrre's some who could call something much nastierrr."
  204. Nov 07 20:37:12  Morty_ glances at Flit.
  205. Nov 07 20:37:43  Morty_ siips his milkshake, thinking.
  206. Nov 07 20:38:19 <DamienLunas> "My advice? Stay out of Yhoator Jungle. Malboro we could handle. Giant Wasps are just parrrt of life. Goblins, Opo Opos, lizarrrds, no sweat for warrriors from ourrr lands."
  207. Nov 07 20:38:31 <DamienLunas> "But that place is currrsed."
  208. Nov 07 20:38:38 <DamienLunas> "Whole damn place..."
  209. Nov 07 20:38:57  Morty_ leans in and asks a little quietly. "What can you tell us about Ifrit's Cauldron, kupo?"
  210. Nov 07 20:39:23 <DamienLunas> "That what you'rrre going for?"
  211. Nov 07 20:39:43 <DamienLunas> "Yeah, you'd have to go thrrrough Yhoator to even get to therrre."
  212. Nov 07 20:39:56 <Morty_> "There's something really important we have to do... I'm sorry, I don't think I can talk about it much..."
  213. Nov 07 20:40:23 <DamienLunas> "Thing is, even if you get past those tonberrries, it doesn't mean you'rrre safe just yet."
  214. Nov 07 20:40:35  Flit sighs. "...which is precisely why I didn't mention it, Morty."
  215. Nov 07 20:40:49 <DamienLunas> "Therrre's a dragon been taking up roost in Ifrit's Cauldron."
  216. Nov 07 20:41:08 <Morty_> "And if we hadn't, we wouldn't have found -that- out, Flit... A dragon?"
  217. Nov 07 20:41:16 <Morty_> "That sounds -reaaally- nasty, kupo..."
  218. Nov 07 20:41:24  Morty_ seems worried.
  219. Nov 07 20:41:35 <DamienLunas> "Yeah, bounty poster on the hunting guild an' everrrything."
  220. Nov 07 20:41:44 <Morty_> "Hunting guild?"
  221. Nov 07 20:42:20 <DamienLunas> "Neverrr heard of one? Guess they'rrre called Adventurer Guilds orrr somethin' acrrross the pond?"
  222. Nov 07 20:43:42 <DamienLunas> "Eitherrr way they handle job rrrequests that require a bit of muscle orrr skill. Takin' down tough monsterrrs, harrrvesting items from dangerous areas... the works."
  223. Nov 07 20:44:32 <Flit> "Probably find a decent guide there, providing they aren't afraid of a simple jungle."
  224. Nov 07 20:44:56 <Morty_> "Could you tell us where it is, kupo? Maybe some other places around town too?" he fishes through his things and puts a tip on the bar, sliding it over. Thirty gil this time. "I'm sorry for imposing on you, ma'am."
  225. Nov 07 20:44:56 <DamienLunas> *WHAM*
  226. Nov 07 20:45:01  Morty_ winces
  227. Nov 07 20:45:05 <DamienLunas> "Who's afrrraid now?"
  228. Nov 07 20:45:15 <DamienLunas> she leans over the counter, smiling
  229. Nov 07 20:45:40 <Flit> "...still all you."
  230. Nov 07 20:45:48  Morty_ rubs his poor, oversized ears.
  231. Nov 07 20:48:16 <DamienLunas> "I believe I'm going to give you one last chance to get the fuck out of my tavern beforrre I paint the bar with your rotted brains."
  232. Nov 07 20:50:47  Flit waves her off, heading out of the tavern. "See you in the morning, moogle."
  233. Nov 07 20:50:54  Morty_ sighs.
  234. Nov 07 20:51:04 <Morty_> "I'm sorry about that, kupo."
  235. Nov 07 20:51:51 <DamienLunas> She spits off to the side, "Stupid fucking tom."
  236. Nov 07 20:54:49 <Morty_> "He and another one of my companions don't get along, and I think he's kept the mood from it... that or he really didn't take the advice earlier to heart, kupo... either way, I'm sorry he acted like that. Is there a way to make it up to you?"
  237. Nov 07 20:55:42 <Morty_> *is there a way we can make it up to you
  238. Nov 07 20:55:51 <DamienLunas> "Whateverrr. He's worrrth no fur off my back."
  239. Nov 07 20:56:37 <DamienLunas> "Unless you feel like castrrrating him in the middle of the night. In which case I'll prrrovide the knife."
  240. Nov 07 20:57:35  Morty_ shakes his head. "I don't want to go there... I'm sorry we can't just follow your advice to stay out of Yhoator either... but I'm not about to ignore the rest of your advice. You just wanted to look out for us... Can you tell me more about the place? You say it's cursed, is there more than tonberries there to worry about?"
  241. Nov 07 20:58:12 <DamienLunas> "If it weren't for the tonberries? It'd be tough, but manageable."
  242. Nov 07 20:58:23  Anise has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  243. Nov 07 20:59:17 <DamienLunas> "But those damn tonberries are a curse on us all."
  244. Nov 07 20:59:26 <DamienLunas> "Of course there's still that dragon to be worried about."
  245. Nov 07 20:59:40  Anise ( has joined #crystalsoflight
  246. Nov 07 20:59:57  Morty_ nods.
  247. Nov 07 21:00:07 <Morty_> "I guess we can find out more information on that at the guild..."
  248. Nov 07 21:00:08 <DamienLunas> "Climbing up the face of ifrrrit's cauldron would be suicide. He could pick you off like sitting ducks out there."
  249. Nov 07 21:00:30 <Morty_> "Going inside doesn't sound like a smart plan either, kupo..."
  250. Nov 07 21:00:59 <Morty_> "We're definitely going to have to plan this out hard."
  251. Nov 07 21:01:16 <DamienLunas> "Heh, inside would be safer if you could get there."
  252. Nov 07 21:01:33 <DamienLunas> "But I don't think anyone can since... since a long while."
  253. Nov 07 21:02:38 <DamienLunas> "I think you'rrre better off getting the rrrest of your information from that guild."
  254. Nov 07 21:02:54 <Morty_> "We're going to try at least... what we're trying to do could save a lot of lives... it's worth doing it or to die trying, kupo... not that we're looking to rush in just to die, either." he shakes his head, then nods. "Thank you for all your help. What's your name, miss?"
  255. Nov 07 21:03:03 <Morty_> "I'm Morty, by the way."
  256. Nov 07 21:03:13 <DamienLunas> "Naja Salaheem."
  257. Nov 07 21:05:04 <DamienLunas> "Just trrry to keep your frrriends out of trouble. They're asking about something verrrry risky."
  258. Nov 07 21:06:04  Morty_ nodnods
  259. Nov 07 21:06:32 <Morty_> "Thanks, kupo..."
  260. Nov 07 21:07:18  Morty_ takes his milkshake and heads back over to the table, then, with Ms. Feathers.
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