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  2. Eric Aboadwe
  3. September 26, 2017 ·
  7. Our Scripture reading is once again taken from Psalm 103 where it says:
  9. “But the MERCY of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his RIGHTEOUSNESS unto children’s children; To such as keep His COVENANT, and to those who remembers His COMMANDMENTS to do them” (Psalm 103:17-18).
  11. In the Previous day we were able to study in detail the first part of the passage above which says, “But the MERCY of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his RIGHTEOUSNESS unto children’s children.” So today we are going to look at the second part which says, “To such as keep His COVENANT, and to those who remembers His COMMANDMENTS to do them.”
  13. But the second part of our Scripture reading is also subdivided into two. So we will look at the first part which says “To such as Keep His COVENANT,” and then we will look at the second part the next day which says, “And to those who remembers His COMMANDMENTS to do them.”
  15. So when David says, “To such as keep His COVENANT,” what COVENANT was he talking about? In the previous day, I told you that David studied the Holy Scriptures which is the Pentateuch (the five books of Moses) and so he understood God’s SALVATION plan for mankind. And the “COVENANT” that he was talking about is not the “New COVENANT” (Jeremiah 31:31) because David preceded before Jeremiah and so he wasn't aware of the “New COVENANT” even though he believed that JESUS was coming to fulfill all things.
  17. Therefore David was talking about the “COVENANT” in the Pentateuch where God told Abraham, “This is My COVENANT which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be CIRCUMCISED; and you shall be CIRCUMCISED in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the COVENANT between Me and you” (Genesis 17:10-11).
  19. When anyone broke this COVENANT, God’s judgment was that, “And the UNCIRCUMCISED male child, who is not CIRCUMCISED in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be CUT OFF from his people; he has BROKEN My COVENANT” (John 17:14). Nobody can break God’s COVENANT and go scot free. That’s why He said that such a person shall be “CUT OFF” from his people, and He is talking about the judgment of “hell.” This is because if you don’t belongs to God’s people, then you belong to Satan’s people.
  21. One thing we must put in the back of our minds is the fact that when God does something, it has a SPIRITUAL significance because He is “Spirit” (John 4:24). Therefore when the people of Israel began to practice “CIRCUMCISION” as a mere ritual and boasting about it in a CANAL way, God used Jeremiah to let them know that “those who are in the FLESH cannot please” Him (Romans 8:8).
  23. Therefore He told them, “CIRCUMCISE yourselves to the LORD, and take away the foreskins of your HEARTS” (Jeremiah 4:4). At this time, God could no longer endure His “COVENANT” which the Israelites were just practicing as a CANAL thing. Therefore when He told them, take away the foreskins of your HEARTS,” He was talking about the spiritual “CIRCUMCISION.”
  25. JESUS is the one who came to fulfill this “COVENANT” of CIRCUMCISION of our “HEARTS” when He became “The LAMB of God who takes away the SIN of the world” (John 1:29) from people’s “HEARTS.” Therefore just as in the Old Testament, God told them that CIRCUMCISION was the removal of the “foreskins” of their “HEARTS,” in the New Testament, JESUS told us that the “foreskins” of our “HEARTS” are the 12 kinds of SINS which He said “comes from the HEART and defiles a man” (Mark 7: 21-23).
  27. As a Christian, unless you allow JESUS CHRIST to CIRCUMCISE you with the knife of His “Word” which is “powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12) in order to remove all the 12 kinds of SINS from you “HEART” (foreskins), you will continue to pray for the Prayers of Repentance until God throw you into “hell.” Therefore if a Christian uses the Prayers of Repentance to “CIRCUMCISE” himself, it will not work. That’s why they offer this prayers in the morning, afternoon, and evening from Monday to Sunday.
  29. But the Apostle Paul tells us how the “CIRCUMCISION” of JESUS works by removing our SINS away. He said, “In Him also you were CIRCUMCISED with the CIRCUMCISION made without hands, but PUTTING OFF the body of the SINS of the flesh, by the CIRCUMCISION of CHRIST” (Colossians 2:11). JESUS did this when He was baptized by John the Baptist for our SINS to be laid on Him before dying on the Cross to shed His blood.
  31. Therefore all Christian who are offering the Prayers of Repentance have not be “CIRCUMCISED” by JESUS CHRIST because if the SINS have truly been “removed” from their “HEARTS,” then where are they to confess them? It is all because they don’t believe in His BAPTISM, but they were circumcised by false pastors who were using their own knife of religion to CIRCUMCISE them. Meanwhile their knife is blunt (not sharp) and so it cannot “CUT” the SINS from people’s “HEARTS.”
  33. However when you are CIRCUMCISED by the “two-edged sword” of the water, blood and the Spirit of the “Word” (JESUS), you will get a successful operation of “CIRCUMCISION” in your “HEART,” and you will become a “RIGHTEOUS” person to the glory of God. So as a Christian, just put it in your mind that denominational doctrines cannot CIRCUMCISE you, but rather it is JESUS CHRIST who “CIRCUMCISED” you through His water baptism of removing all your SINS away from your “HEART.”
  35. It is the “COVENANT” of FAITH in His water baptism which gives you a the SPIRITUAL “CIRCUMCISION” made without hands, and this “CIRCUMCISION of CHRIST” is the COVENANT which fulfilled the one which God gave to Abraham. The only difference is that the one given to Abraham was physical whiles the one by JESUS is spiritual.
  37. Therefore when the spiritual “CIRCUMCISION” which is done by JESUS CHRIST takes place successfully in a person’s “HEARTS,” God strengthens the “COVENANT” with a guarantee and assurance by saying, “Their SINS and lawless deeds I will remember NO MORE” (Hebrews 10:17).
  39. This is the “COVENANT” of BLESSINGS which king David was talking about in our Scripture reading which was fulfilled by JESUS CHRIST. And when we keep this “COVENANT,” David said that God’s “MERCY” and “RIGHTEOUSNESS” will be on us from “everlasting to everlasting.”
  41. When your parents gave birth to you, how many times were you circumcised? Is it not ONCE? If YES, then how many times to you want JESUS CHRIST to “CIRCUMCISE” you as a Christian? How many times to you want Him to remove the SINS from your “HEART?” Why don’t you understand that “By that will we have been SANCTIFIED through the BODY of JESUS CHRIST once and for all” (Hebrews 10:10). Be wise as a Christian, else Satan will deceive you through the false pastors and prophets.
  43. There is so much to talk about concerning this “COVENANT” of “CIRCUMCISION,” but let us end it here for now and continue our study on this same verse in Psalms under a different topic the next day.
  45. We are BLESSED!
  50. Eric Aboadwe
  51. September 28, 2017 ·
  55. Our Bible reading is in the Psalms of king David where he said:
  57. “To such as keep His COVENANT, and to those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them” (Psalm 103:18).
  59. My dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters, we are still looking at the second aspect of God’s “Word” spoken to us from the above passage which says, “and to those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them.” In the previous day, God taught us the two GOOD” aspects of the “COMMANDMENTS” and the reason why we cannot keep them in its entirety.
  61. When David says, “those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them” is also draws our minds to what God told us in Malachi to close the Old Testament and to open the New Testament era of FAITH with the coming of our BLESSED Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. He said, “REMEMBER the LAW of Moses, My servant, which I COMMANDED him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD” (Malachi 4:5)
  63. Therefore when king David says, “those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them” and God also tells us by the close of Malachi that we should “REMEMBER the LAW of Moses, My servant, which I COMMANDED him in Horeb for all Israel,” then we must know that they have inter-connection.
  65. Therefore when God speak these things to us, it also reminds us of what He told the people of Israel through Moses when he said, “The secret things belongs to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may DO the WORDS of this LAW” (Deuteronomy 29:29).
  67. So let’s take not of the following points very well: (1) In Deuteronomy it says “that we may DO the WORDS of this LAW.” (2) In Psalms it says “those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them,” and (3) In Malachi it says “REMEMBER the LAW of Moses, My servant, which I COMMANDED him.” So when we summarize all these things which God is telling us, what does it mean? I told you the previous day that when you read these passages in “CHRIST,” it is the key to unveil the mysteries of the Canon.
  69. When many Christian denominations including the Seventh Day Adventist people read the three (3) points above, they get CONFUSED and they misinterpret and misapply it. This is because they don’t read these passages in “CHRIST” who “came by the water and the Spirit” (1 John 5:6) to fulfill all things. That’s why the Saviour Himself told us, “For assuredly, I say to you, till Heaven and Earth pass away, one jot or title will by no means PASS from the LAW till all is fulfilled” (Matthew 5:18).
  71. Dear reader of (The True Living Bread & Water), the words above was spoken by JESUS, and He is the one who came to “fulfill” all that is contained in the “LAW.” Therefore if any denomination or pastor tells you to “fulfill” them by yourself through your own “ACTS,” then it is like telling a BLIND person to run. And we all know that this has a FATAL consequences. That’s why many Christians are “DEAD” because they wanted to obey “the letter” which “kills” (2 Corinthians 3:6).
  73. Therefore when the holy Scriptures tells us that (1) “that we may DO the WORDS of this LAW.” (2) “REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them,” and (3) “REMEMBER the LAW of Moses, My servant, which I COMMANDED him,” we must know that the “COMMANDMENTS” and the “LAW” was not only about “do” and “don’t,” but it also contains the SACRIFICIAL SYSTEM of using animals to “atone” for one’s SINS.
  75. God knew very well that human being the will not be able to obey all the articles of His LAW and COMMANDMENTS. In fact before God even created Adman and Eve, He knew very well that they will break His “LAW” and “COMMANDMENTS” which was standing in the midst of the Garden as “The tree of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL” (Genesis 2:17).
  77. It was a “COMMANDMENT” that was not written on “Tablets of Stone” but it was a “Tree.” So we can call it “The Tree COMMANDMENT.” So just as we have the “Ten (10) COMMANDMENTS” for all human beings, there was also the “Tree COMMANDMENTS” for Adam and Eve. But whiles ours is Ten (10) COMMANDMENTS, the one given to Adam and Eve was Two (2) COMMANDMENTS.
  79. We all know the Ten (10) COMMANDMENT, so I will not list them one by one. However God wants us to know the Two (2) COMMANDMENTS which He gave to Adam and Eve. They were (1) “Of every Tree of the Garden you may free eat,” (2) “But of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely DIE” (Genesis 2:16-17).
  81. My beloved Christian, if Adam and Eve could not even obey just Two (2) COMMANDMENTS, can you obey the Ten (10) COMMANDMENTS? That’s why JESUS told the Pharisees, “Did not Moses give you the LAW, yet none of you keeps the LAW? Why did you seek to kill Me?” (John 7:19). The disciples of JESUS believed in His word spoken here, therefore they told the lawyers, “...why do you test God by putting a YOKE on the NECK of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear” (Acts 15:10).
  83. When JESUS says that “none of you keeps the LAW,” it includes everybody whether you go to Pentecost, Methodist, Roman Catholic, Adventist, Presbyterian, Anglican etc. In other words, when JESUS says “none of you,” we must accept His Word by knowing that we have not obeyed the COMMANDMENTS, and neither can we. When you surrender to Him like this, He will give you His “RIGHTEOUSNESS.”
  85. Therefore when God gave says to Adam, “for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely DIE,” that is what the Apostle Paul mean by “for the Letter KILLS, but the Spirit gives LIFE” (2 Corinthians 3:6). So in the Garden of Eden, we can say “The Tree of knowledge and Evil KILLS, but “The Tree of LIFE” (JESUS CHRIST) “gives LIFE.”
  87. Therefore after Adam broke the “Tree COMMANDMENTS,” God killed a lamb (JESUS CHRIST) and clothed them. That’s why it is written that “Also for Adam and his wife the LORD God made tunics of skin, and CLOTHED them” (Genesis 3:21). Here, the words “tunics of skin” refers to God’s “RIGHTEOUSNESS” which JESUS fulfilled by being baptized by John the Baptist, and dying on the cross to shed His blood for the judgment of our SINS. What a wonderful God we have!
  89. Our study continues.............
  91. Let’s give PRAISE to God for His “Spirit” teaching us these things (John 16:13-14).
  98. Eric Aboadwe
  99. September 30, 2017 ·
  103. We are taken our reading once again from the Psalms David where he proclaimed:
  105. “To such as keep His COVENANT, and to those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them” (Psalm 103:18).
  107. Greetings to you all who are “...partakers with me of GRACE” (Philippians 1:7). In our previous study, we were able to look at our Scripture reading above in relation with other similar passages which God spoke to us in Deuteronomy 29:29 and Malachi 4:5. And we understood what all these Scripture passages mean.
  109. We also learn that if Adam and Eve could not obey “The Tree COMMANDMENT” which was just only two (2), then it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for us to obey “The 10 COMMANDMENTS” which JESUS Himself confirmed to us in John 7:19 and in Luke 18:19. So now that we have realized that we cannot keep the “COMMANDMENTS” in its totality, does it then mean that if David says “those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them,” he is WRONG? This is what I want us to look at for today.
  111. Brothers and Sisters, king David was not WRONG to tells to “REMEMBER His Commandments to do them.” But the only thing we must know is that, JESUS CHRIST our merciful Saviour has already fulfilled the “COMMANDMENTS” for us. And because He did this, He brought in a “NEW COMMANDMENT.”
  113. Therefore when the Holy Bible says that “For God so LOVE the word that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16), we must know that God did this to bring a “CHANGE” in the COMMANDMENTS. That’s why the Apostle Paul said that, “For on the other hand there is an ANNULLING of the former COMMANDMENT because of its weakness and unprofitableness” (Hebrews 7:18).
  115. But let us also understand that it was not only the “COMMANDMENTS” which was affected by a “CHANGE,” but the “LAW” was also affected by it. That’s why the same Paul said that, “For the priesthood being CHANGED of necessity there is also a CHANGE of the LAW” (Hebrews 7:12). What Paul is saying here is very clear and free from any confusion and doubt, but many Christian denominations have been reading these passages in the Bible, but their understanding is still unfruitful.
  117. When the Scripture says that there is an “ANNULLING” of the “former COMMANDMENTS,” and there is also a “CHANGE of the LAW,” it means that the former COMMANDMENTS and the LAW has officially been canceled by God as the standard of "RIGHTEOUSNESS," and so He brought in a “NEW COMMANDMENT” and a NEW LAW through our Lord JESUS CHRIST who came by the “LOVE” of His “water and the Spirit” to save the entire human race from SIN and its consequences.
  119. So what is the “NEW COMMANDMENT” and the NEW LAW which God has given to us?
  121. First of all, our blessed LORD and Saviour told us about the NEW COMMANDMENT when He said, “A NEW COMMANDMENT I give to you, that you LOVE one another, as I have LOVED you, that you also LOVE one another” (John 13:34). Here when JESUS says “as I have LOVED you,” He is talking about how He gave Himself for our SINS (Galatians 1:4) by being baptized by John the Baptist and dying for us on the Cross. This is how JESUS “LOVED” us.
  123. That’s why He said that “Greater LOVE has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. You are my friends if you do whatever I COMMAND you” (John 15:13). You see, JESUS is everything to us. He is our God, Saviour, Redeemer, Helper, Husband, Righteousness, Justification, Sanctification, Glory, Riches etc. That’s why the Apostle Paul said that, “If anyone does not LOVE the Lord JESUS CHRIST, let him be accursed. O Lord, come” (1 Corinthians 16:22).
  125. Therefore when JESUS says “A NEW COMMANDMENT I give to you, that you LOVE one another,” He is telling us to live and walk in His “LOVE” of the “REMISSION of SINS” by which He took away our SINS of breaking the “COMMANDMENTS.” And because JESUS did this and He has “FORGIVEN” us forever, He is telling us to also “FORGIVE” one another and care for each other. This is what He mean by “you LOVE one another.”
  127. The Apostle Paul confirmed this when he said, “Bearing with one another, and FORGIVEN one another, if anyone has a complaint against another, even as CHRIST FORGAVE you, so you also must do” (Colossians 3:13). My dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters, this is the NEW COMMANDMENT which JESUS gave to us, and it is called the “COMMANDMENT of LOVE.”
  129. So when king David says in His Psalms that “those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them,” please don’t get confused, but read it in “CHRIST” who is the author of our eternal SALVATION (Hebrews 5:9). Our LORD did not tell us to obey any 10 COMMANDMENTS, but He told us to obey His “COMMANDMENT of LOVE” which is not difficult at all.
  131. The reason why this “NEW COMMANDMENT” is so easy is because we don’t have any “love” of our own, but God gave us His own “LOVE” of having forgiven us all our SINS, and He is telling us to also “LOVE” others with His “LOVE.” This the most simple and the easiest “COMMANDMENT” in the whole wide world.
  133. Brethren, the “LOVE” of JESUS CHRIST is too much for us, and His “NEW COMMANDMENT” is very sweet if only we understand the “REMISSION of SINS” which He gave to us free of charge through His baptism and blood of the Cross, and His justification given to us through His resurrection (Romans 4:25).
  135. Therefore when king David says, “those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them,” it is talking about those who “REMEMBERS” the “NEW COMMANDMENT” of JESUS “to do them.” It does not mean you must “REMEMBER” the Ten (10) Commandments to do them. But if you live like this as a Christian, then you will not be able to walk in the “LOVE of the Father” (1 John 3:1), but you will be walking in “judgment.”
  137. So let us give all the PRAISE to JESUS CHRIST who set the pace for us to walk in His “LOVE” and not in the “judgment” of breaking any of the Ten (10) Commandment. That’s why king David himself confessed that God’s “Word” (JESUS CHRIST) is a “Lamp” unto his feet, and a “Light” for his path (Psalm 119:105).
  139. Our study continues................
  141. Let’s give THANKS to our Dear Lord JESUS forever.
  147. Eric Aboadwe
  148. October 1, 2017 ·
  152. Let us take our reading once again from Psalms where it is written:
  154. “To such as keep His COVENANT, and to those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them” (Psalm 103:18).
  156. We THANK God that through His tender mercies “the Dayspring from on high has visited us” through our Lord JESUS, and it has given “Light” to those of us who were formerly sitting in “darkness and the shadow of DEATH.” And He did this in order “to guide us into the way of PEACE” (Luke 1:78-79).
  158. In the previous day we were taught by the Scriptures that if David says we should “REMEMBER” God’s “COMMANDMENTS to do them” he is not WRONG, but he is RIGHT. However we learnt that JESUS fulfilled all the contents of the “COMMANDMENTS” and the “LAW,” and so He brought a “CHANGE” in these two. Therefore He brought in a “NEW COMMANDMENT” called the “COMMANDMENT of LOVE.”
  160. JESUS therefore told us what He will do to us when we keep His “NEW COMMANDMENT.” So I want us to take a look at that. He said, “He who has My COMMANDMENTS and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be LOVED by My Father, and I will LOVE Him and manifest Myself to him” (John 14:21).
  162. Here, when the LORD says He will “manifest” Himself to anyone who keeps His “COMMANDMENTS,” it means that He will make Himself known to us more and more through the “Holy Spirit” of Whom JESUS said, “He will glorify Me, for He will take what is Mine and declare it to you” (John 16:14). Brothers and Sisters, it is a great blessing for the “Holy Spirit” to take what is CHRIST’S and declare them to us.
  164. The Apostle Paul referred to this as, “That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthen with might through His Spirit in the INNER MAN, that CHRIST may dwell in your HEARTS through FAITH...” (Ephesians 3:16-17). Therefore when JESUS says He will “manifest” Himself to us, it means that He will dwell in our HEARTS through our FAITH in His “water, blood and the Spirit” (1 John 5:6). This is how we can keep His COMMANDMENTS.
  166. Keeping the “COMMANDMENTS” of JESUS is only possible through our “FAITH” in His water baptism, blood, and the Spirit. And this is not burdensome (difficult) at all. That’s why the Apostle John said that, “And this is His COMMANDMENT: that we should BELIEVE on the name of His only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST and LOVE one another, as He gave us COMMANDMENT” (1 John 3:23).
  168. The passage above tells us that God has given us Two (2) Commandments which are (1) “Believe on the name of His only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST,” and (2) “LOVE one another.” These two “COMMANDMENTS” are completely different from the Two COMMANDMENTS which God gave to Adam and Eve which represent the Law (Genesis 2:16-17). The two “COMMANDMENTS” which God gave to us through JESUS is so easy that words cannot describe it.
  170. Now if God says in the first (1st) COMMANDMENT that we should “BELIEVE” in the name of His only begotten Son who came by His water baptism and blood to wash away all your SINS, we must understand that BELIEVING is even easier than BREATHING. This is because you don’t do anything but you just have to “BELIEVE.”
  172. Also if God says in the second (2nd) COMMANDMENT that we should “LOVE one another,” it is very easy because we are not LOVING with our own love, but with God’s “LOVE.” The Apostle Paul spoke about this “LOVE” when He said, “...the LOVE of God has been poured in our HEARTS through the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:5).
  174. So if we “LOVE” one another with God’s “LOVE” which has been poured in our HEART, is this a difficult “COMMANDMENT?” This is the easiest because we haven’t done anything when we “LOVE” with God’s “LOVE” given to us through the gift of the “Holy Spirit.” That’s why the Apostle John said that, “For this is the LOVE of God that we keep His COMMANDMENTS. And His COMMANDMENTS are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3).
  176. When it says here that “His COMMANDMENTS are not burdensome,” it shows clearly that this is completely different from the one given to Moses on the tablets of stone. That’s why those who have the “NEW COMMANDMENT” of JESUS cannot become SINNERS again. This is because the COMMANDMENTS of Moses make us SINNERS, whiles the COMMANDMENTS of CHRIST makes us RIGHTEOUS.
  178. That’s why the Apostle Paul said that, “I was ALIVE once without the LAW, but when the COMMANDMENT came, SIN revived and I DIED” (Romans 6:9). Therefore if Paul says here that when the COMMANDMENT of Moses came, “SIN” revived and he “DIED,” it means also that when the “NEW COMMANDMENT” of JESUS came “RIGHTEOUSNESS” revived and we “LIVE.”
  180. This is the POWER of the “NEW COMMANDMENT” which was given to us through JESUS CHRIST. Therefore when the Scripture says that, “For the LAW WAS given through Moses, but GRACE and TRUTH came through JESUS CHRIST” (John 1:17), we must understand it very well.
  182. Our study continues..............
  184. Let us give PRAISE to JESUS for His “NEW COMMANDMENTS.”
  189. Eric Aboadwe
  190. October 2, 2017 ·
  194. Our Scripture reading for this day is from the same Psalms which says:
  196. “To such as keep His COVENANT, and to those who REMEMBERS His COMMANDMENTS to do them” (Psalm 103:18).
  198. Today marks our final study of Psalm 103 under this topic. So far we have learnt that THE salvation works of JESUS brought a “CHANGE” in the “COMMANDMENT,” and so He brought in a “NEW COMMANDMENT.” Not only this, but He also brought a “CHANGE of the LAW” (Hebrews 7:12). The Law is a counterpart of the Commandments, and they have the same functions. Due to this, a change in one affects the other.
  200. Therefore if the “LAW” was also affected by a “CHANGE,” then what is the “NEW LAW” which JESUS brought? This is what we are going to study for today and bring our study on this topic into a final conclusion.
  201. The Apostle Pal spoke about this “CHANGE” of the “LAW” when he said, “For the LAW of the Spirit of LIFE in CHRIST JESUS has made me free from the LAW of Sin and DEATH” (Romans 8:2). Here, two (2) Laws are mentioned. The Old LAW is called “The LAW of Sin and Death” whiles the New LAW is called “The LAW of the Spirit of LIFE in CHRIST JESUS.”
  203. We must know that these two Laws were standing in the “Garden of Eden.” So let us understand that the SALVATION which God gave to Adam and Eve is not different from ours, but it is the same. Therefore as Christians, unless we comprehend the “FALL” of our first parents (Adam and Eve) and how God “SAVED” them, we cannot get a full understanding of God’s PERFECT SALVATION.
  205. Now when we go back to the first home of our ancestor Adam and Eve (Garden of Eden), what the Apostle Paul was saying also explains how God “SAVED” Adam and Eve from their SIN of disobedience. Therefore when Paul spoke about, “The LAW of the Spirit of LIFE in CHRIST JESUS,” he was talking about the “The Tree of LIFE” (Genesis 2:9). And when he spoke about “The LAW of Sin and Death,” he was referring to “The Tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:17) which was given to Adam, and which made him and his descendants SINNERS.
  207. Therefore if our ancestor Adam were to make a confession like the Apostle Paul, he would say that, “The Tree of LIFE in CHRIST JESUS” has set us free from “The Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” This is the mystery of the SALVATION which God accomplished for Adam and all humanity through the Lord JESUS by the “RIGHTEOUS” acts of His baptism, blood and resurrection.
  209. Paul went further to tell us the reason why God brought a CHANGE of the LAW through JESUS. He said, “For what the LAW could not do in that it was WEAK through the FLESH, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of SINFUL FLESH, on account of SIN; He condemned SIN In the FLESH, that the RIGHTEOUS requirement of the LAW will be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the FLESH but according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:3-4).
  211. It says here that the “LAW could not” SAVE us because our “FLESH” is “WEAK” to obey it’s “RIGHTEOUS requirements.” But as we speak now, there are many Christians who want to challenge the Word of God in order to prove Him WRONG. Therefore they have been deceived to believe that their “FLESH” is “STRONG” to obey the holy “LAW” of God. This is what the false preachers have been telling them.
  213. When Paul says that “what the LAW could not do in that it was WEAK through the FLESH,” it is the same thing that he spoke in Hebrews when he said that, “there is annulling of the former commandments because of its WEAKNESS and unprofitableness, for the LAW made nothing PERFECT; on the other hand, there is the bringing in of a BETTER HOPE, through which we draw near to God” (Hebrews 7:18-19).
  215. Here, when the Apostle Paul says that “there is the bringing in of a BETTER HOPE,” he is talking about the New LAW which JESUS brought, and which is called “The LAW of the Spirit of LIFE in CHRIST JESUS.” We must understand that it is through this New LAW that we “draw near to God.” Therefore nobody can draw near to God with the LAW of Moses.
  217. For this reason, when those who want to “draw near to God” through the LAW of Moses comes before God, it doesn't work because their SINS are manifest. Therefore the only thing they can do is to offer the Prayers of Repentance for their SINS which separate them from God (Isaiah 59:1-2). But those who have been set free by the NEW LAW of CHRIST will not do this, but rather, they thank God that “The LAW of the Spirit of LIFE in CHRIST JESUS” has already made them “RIGHTEOUS” through His water and blood.
  219. Even Prophet Habakkuk believed that a NEW LAW was very necessary because he realized that the LAW of Moses is could not make people STOP the committal of SINS. That’s why the prophet confessed, “...Therefore the LAW is POWERLESS” (Habakkuk 1:4). When Habakkuk spoke these words, God told him, “Look among the nations and watch –Be utterly astounded! For I will WORK a WORK in your days which you would not BELIEVE, though it were told you” (Habakkuk 1:5).
  221. When God says here that “I will WORK a WORK in your days,” He was prophesying the “WORK” of CHRIST which will bring in the NEW LAW which will set us free from the LAW of Moses. That’s why after God fulfilled this prophecy, the Apostle Paul preached by saying, “Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through this Man (JESUS) is preached to you the FORGIVENESS of SINS; and by Him everyone who BELIEVES is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the LAW of Moses” (Acts 13:38-39).
  223. After Paul spoke the above words, he sent a strong warning to those who don’t believe in the NEW LAW of CHRIST by telling them, “Beware therefore, lest what has been spoken by the prophets come upon you: ‘Behold, you despisers, marvel and PERISH! For I will WORK a WORK in your days, a WORK which you will by no means BELIEVE, though one were to declare it to you” (Acts 13:40-41).
  225. Here Paul was quoting from the exact words which God spoke to prophet Habakkuk. God has done a MARVELOUS WORK to deliver all of us from the LAW of Moses by giving us the NEW LAW of “The Spirit of LIFE in CHRIST JESUS.” But until this day, many Christians do not believe in the “WORKS” of the water, the blood, and the Spirit of CHRIST. Therefore they are still the SINNERS who believe in the Satanic doctrines of gradual sanctification and the prayers of repentance.
  227. There is so much to talk about my Brothers and Sisters. But let us cut everything short and bring our entire study of Psalm 103 to an END.
  229. But those who BELIEVE in the NEW LAW of CHRIST are BLESSED!
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