
Nov 22nd, 2018
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mIRC 11.85 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [script]
  2. n0=on *:TEXT:!apply*:#[MM]IKKE: {
  3. n1=  if ($me == %bot4 && $1 == !apply) {
  4. n2=    rpglog $nick $1-
  5. n3=    if ($2) {
  6. n4=      .msg %owner 2Administrator Application from "4 $+ $nick $+ 2": $2-
  7. n5=      .notice $nick 2Your application has been sent!
  8. n6=    }
  9. n7=    else {
  10. n8=      .notice $nick 4ERROR:2 Usage: !apply <why you want to become an admin>
  11. n9=    }
  12. n10=  }
  13. n11=}
  14. n12=on *:TEXT:!cookies:#[MM]IKKE: {
  15. n13=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  16. n14=    rpglog $nick $1-
  17. n15=    msg $chan 2You can get cookies by answering 5 questions (!quiz) or by stealing them. You can also eat cookies. By default, you get 5 cookies. More features might be added.
  18. n16=  }
  19. n17=}
  20. n18=on *:TEXT:!topranks:#[MM]IKKE: {
  21. n19=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  22. n20=    rpglog $nick $1-
  23. n21=    .notice $nick 2Rank 1:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,rank,rank1) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,rank,rank1) $+ .txt, 27) $+ ) 2Rank 2:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,rank,rank2) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,rank,rank2) $+ .txt, 27) $+ ) 2Rank 3:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,rank,rank3) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,rank,rank3) $+ .txt, 27) $+ ) 2Rank 4:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,rank,rank4) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,rank,rank4) $+ .txt, 27) $+ ) 2Rank 5:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,rank,rank5) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,rank,rank5) $+ .txt, 27) $+ )
  24. n22=  }
  25. n23=}
  26. n24=on *:TEXT:!topkills:#[MM]IKKE: {
  27. n25=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  28. n26=    rpglog $nick $1-
  29. n27=    .notice $nick 2Rank 1:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,kills,rank1) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,kills,rank1) $+ .txt, 5) $+ ) 2Rank 2:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,kills,rank2) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,kills,rank2) $+ .txt, 5) $+ ) 2Rank 3:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,kills,rank3) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,kills,rank3) $+ .txt, 5) $+ ) 2Rank 4:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,kills,rank4) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,kills,rank4) $+ .txt, 5) $+ ) 2Rank 5:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,kills,rank5) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,kills,rank5) $+ .txt, 5) $+ )
  30. n28=  }
  31. n29=}
  32. n30=on *:TEXT:!topdeaths:#[MM]IKKE: {
  33. n31=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  34. n32=    rpglog $nick $1-
  35. n33=    .notice $nick 2Rank 1:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,deaths,rank1) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,deaths,rank1) $+ .txt, 6) $+ ) 2Rank 2:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,deaths,rank2) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,deaths,rank2) $+ .txt, 6) $+ ) 2Rank 3:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,deaths,rank3) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,deaths,rank3) $+ .txt, 6) $+ ) 2Rank 4:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,deaths,rank4) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,deaths,rank4) $+ .txt, 6) $+ ) 2Rank 5:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,deaths,rank5) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,deaths,rank5) $+ .txt, 6) $+ )
  36. n34=  }
  37. n35=}
  38. n36=on *:TEXT:!topcash:#[MM]IKKE: {
  39. n37=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  40. n38=    rpglog $nick $1-
  41. n39=    .notice $nick 2Rank 1:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cash,rank1) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cash,rank1) $+ .txt, 4) $+ ) 2Rank 2:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cash,rank2) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cash,rank2) $+ .txt, 4) $+ ) 2Rank 3:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cash,rank3) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cash,rank3) $+ .txt, 4) $+ ) 2Rank 4:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cash,rank4) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cash,rank4) $+ .txt, 4) $+ ) 2Rank 5:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cash,rank5) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cash,rank5) $+ .txt, 4) $+ )
  42. n40=  }
  43. n41=}
  44. n42=on *:TEXT:!topcookies:#[MM]IKKE: {
  45. n43=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  46. n44=    rpglog $nick $1-
  47. n45=    .notice $nick 2Rank 1:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cookies,rank1) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cookies,rank1) $+ .txt, 3) $+ ) 2Rank 2:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cookies,rank2) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cookies,rank2) $+ .txt, 3) $+ ) 2Rank 3:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cookies,rank3) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cookies,rank3) $+ .txt, 3) $+ ) 2Rank 4:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cookies,rank4) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cookies,rank4) $+ .txt, 3) $+ ) 2Rank 5:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cookies,rank5) 1( $+ $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,cookies,rank5) $+ .txt, 3) $+ )
  48. n46=  }
  49. n47=}
  50. n48=on *:TEXT:!topratio:#[MM]IKKE: {
  51. n49=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  52. n50=    rpglog $nick $1-
  53. n51=    .notice $nick 2Rank 1:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank1) 1( $+ $round($calc($read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank1) $+ .txt, 5) / $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank1) $+ .txt, 6)),2) $+ ) 2Rank 2:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank2) 1( $+ $round($calc($read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank2) $+ .txt, 5) / $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank2) $+ .txt, 6)),2) $+ ) 2Rank 3:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank3) 1( $+ $round($calc($read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank3) $+ .txt, 5) / $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank3) $+ .txt, 6)),2) $+ ) 2Rank 4:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank4) 1( $+ $round($calc($read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank4) $+ .txt, 5) / $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank4) $+ .txt, 6)),2) $+ ) 2Rank 5:4 $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank5) 1( $+ $round($calc($read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank5) $+ .txt, 5) / $read(Stats\ $+ $readini(Stats\RPG ranks.ini,ratio,rank5) $+ .txt, 6)),2) $+ )
  54. n52=  }
  55. n53=}
  56. n54=on *:TEXT:!accounts:#[MM]IKKE: {
  57. n55=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  58. n56=    rpglog $nick $1-
  59. n57=    msg $chan 2Create an account to get: cookies, cash, health, weapons, armour.
  60. n58=    msg $chan 2Default stats:7 2 2cookies,7 5000 2cash,7 100 2health,7 0 2armour.
  61. n59=    msg $chan 2See also: !info accounts
  62. n60=  }
  63. n61=}
  64. n62=on *:TEXT:!introduction:#[MM]IKKE: {
  65. n63=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  66. n64=    .msg $nick 2I have made a little RPG, based on GTA SA:MP. It took a lot of work, and I'm still adding features. The script got quite huge, but the reactions were good, and I already have a lot of users playing the game.
  67. n65=    .timer 1 1 .msg $nick 2The object of the game is to have fun, and try to be the best one. I will now give you a short introduction...
  68. n66=    .timer 1 2 .msg $nick 2Cookies: You can eat them, buy them or sell them, but cookies don't have a lot of features at the moment. You can also steal the from others etc., but that doesn't make much sense now. You can get cookies by answering 5 questions in the quiz, or when someone gives you.
  69. n67=    .timer 1 3 .msg $nick 2Cash: With cash, you can buy weapons, armour and cookies. More features might be added, like travelling and shit. You get cash when you upgrade your rank, or when you kill someone. More about that in the next message.
  70. n68=    .timer 1 4 .msg $nick 2Dueling: In duels, there are a lot of options: type !fight to get them, and !info skillpoints to know more about it. Do not forget to buy weapons, and change your weapons before you duel! "!autoaccept duels" will auto-accept, "autodeny duels" will deny them automatically. Type !accept <nick> or !deny <nick> in the channel to accept/deny challenges.
  71. n69=    .timer 1 5 .msg $nick 2Jobs: !taxi will give you 100 cash each minute, but be aware that you can't duel during this. !taxi to start and !taxi to stop. !drugdeal is being made
  72. n70=    .timer 1 6 .msg $nick 2Races: I made a small race script: ask an admin to !startrace. You can win by reacting fast on the messages. You're able to answer before the bot said the driection, but that will only increase your reaction time.
  73. n71=    .timer 1 7 .msg $nick 2This is it for now, but features will be added excessively. I'm thinking about making missions etc.
  74. n72=  }
  75. n73=}
  76. n74=on *:TEXT:!colours:#[MM]IKKE: {
  77. n75=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  78. n76=    rpglog $nick $1-
  79. n77=    msg $chan 2RPG colours: "Plain text", "4primary user2", "9secondary user2", "7amounts2", "6weapons2", "5car2", "11rank2", "8location2" and "1additional info2".
  80. n78=  }
  81. n79=}
  82. n80=on *:TEXT:!rules:#[MM]IKKE: {
  83. n81=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  84. n82=    rpglog $nick $1-
  85. n83=    if ($nick == %owner || $nick isin $read(Stats\Administrator list.txt, w, $nick)) {
  86. n84=      msg $chan 2Rules are basically very simple: behave well, be polite, don't spam when you're "dead", and do not spam commands (which makes the bot crash). There's a !report command, so use it. !admins can help you out too
  87. n85=    }
  88. n86=    else {
  89. n87=      .notice $nick 2Rules are basically very simple: behave well, be polite, don't spam when you're "dead", and do not spam commands (which makes the bot crash). There's a !report command, so use it. !admins can help you out too
  90. n88=    }
  91. n89=  }
  92. n90=}
  93. n91=on *:TEXT:!about:#[MM]IKKE: {
  94. n92=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  95. n93=    rpglog $nick $1-
  96. n94=    .notice $nick 2This RPG has been fully scripted by 4[MM]IKKE2. IRC version is: "BotScript %version by [MM]IKKE (in mIRC v $+ $version $+ )"
  97. n95=    .notice $nick 2Special thanks to: Adam/Adstar82/King_Ahkmenrah for teaching me the basics of scripting in mIRC, Somoon for helping me out sometimes, Smoked[OUT] and Kara for being around and Razor[MM] for being awesome.
  98. n96=    .notice $nick 2Please be aware that nickchanges are not being saved. Which means the bot creates a new account if you change your nick. This is not because of laziness, but it's due to Microsoft. Somehow it doesn't allow me to save files containing "|". As lots of people use this character in their AFK/AWAY/etc. nicks, it would be a mess to make that feature. Another reason is that I'm not 24/7 online, so I would have to change a lot of accounts if I come online.
  99. n97=  }
  100. n98=}
  101. n99=on *:TEXT:!admins:#[MM]IKKE: {
  102. n100=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  103. n101=    rpglog $nick $1-
  104. n102=    var %i = 1
  105. n103=    set %tempadmins $null
  106. n104=    while (%i <= $lines(Stats\Administrator list.txt)) {
  107. n105=      set %tempadmins %tempadmins $+ , $read(Stats\Administrator list.txt, %i)
  108. n106=      inc %i
  109. n107=    }
  110. n108=    set %tempadmins $right(%tempadmins, $calc($len(%tempadmins) - 2)) $+ .
  111. n109=    .notice $nick 2Current Admins: %tempadmins
  112. n110=    unset %tempadmins
  113. n111=  }
  114. n112=}
  115. n113=on *:TEXT:!rpgadmins:#[MM]IKKE: {
  116. n114=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  117. n115=    rpglog $nick $1-
  118. n116=    var %i = 1
  119. n117=    set %tempadmins $null
  120. n118=    while (%i <= $lines(Stats\Administrator list.txt)) {
  121. n119=      set %tempadmins %tempadmins $+ , $read(Stats\Administrator list.txt, %i)
  122. n120=      inc %i
  123. n121=    }
  124. n122=    set %tempadmins $right(%tempadmins, $calc($len(%tempadmins) - 2)) $+ .
  125. n123=    .notice $nick 2Current Admins: %tempadmins
  126. n124=    unset %tempadmins
  127. n125=  }
  128. n126=}
  129. n127=on *:TEXT:!rpgusers:#[MM]IKKE: {
  130. n128=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  131. n129=    rpglog $nick $1-
  132. n130=    msg $chan 2Total registered users of RPG:7 $lines(Stats\User list.txt)
  133. n131=  }
  134. n132=}
  135. n133=on *:TEXT:!rpgplayers:#[MM]IKKE: {
  136. n134=  if ($me == %bot4) {
  137. n135=    rpglog $nick $1-
  138. n136=    var %i = 1
  139. n137=    var %j = 0
  140. n138=    set %tempplayers $null
  141. n139=    while (%i <= $nick($chan,0)) {
  142. n140=      if ($nick($chan,%i) isin $read(Stats\User list.txt, w, $nick($chan,%i))) {
  143. n141=        set %tempplayers %tempplayers $+ , $read(Stats\User list.txt, $readn)
  144. n142=        inc %j
  145. n143=      }
  146. n144=      inc %i
  147. n145=    }
  148. n146=    set %tempplayers $right(%tempplayers, $calc($len(%tempplayers) - 2)) $+ .
  149. n147=    .notice $nick 2Online users ( $+ %j $+ ): %tempplayers
  150. n148=    unset %tempplayers
  151. n149=
  152. n150=  }
  153. n151=}
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