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Perché gli inglesi non capiscono un cazzo di ingegneria

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Mar 9th, 2017
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  1. [8:58 AM] Buckweiser: @She got plane'd in the restroom What is your specialty in ME?
  2. [8:59 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: By me so you mean Mechanical engineering?
  3. [9:00 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Do*
  4. [9:00 AM] Eng. Pansy: When I think of British construction engineering, I think of the Tay Bridge lol
  5. [9:01 AM] Buckweiser: Yeah, mechanical eng
  6. [9:02 AM] Eng. Pansy: Aren't MEs all-arounders by definition?(edited)
  7. [9:04 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: I'm a machinist
  8. [9:04 AM] Buckweiser: MEs can specialize in things like HVAC, conveying systems, fire protection, that sort
  9. [9:04 AM] Buckweiser: At least, that's how I interpret it.
  10. [9:05 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Normally I'm running lathes, currently running a bore Grinder.
  11. [9:05 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Mechanical engineer is one for those terms ns that can mean anything
  12. [9:05 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Within the corect category
  13. [9:05 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Like environmental engineers
  14. [9:05 AM] Eng. Pansy: In my college they have as specialization veichle design, general machine design, machining and technological processes, industrial plant design and management and turbomachinery/engines
  15. [9:05 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: And sound engineer
  16. [9:06 AM] Eng. Pansy: I know that in the Anglosaxon world "engineer" means even people who don't have a degree
  17. [9:06 AM] Eng. Pansy: Kinda sucks tbh
  18. [9:07 AM] Eng. Pansy: If you cannot solve ODEs and Complex Numbers Algebra by hand, you cannot qualify for the title of engineer in my mind
  19. [9:11 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Naw
  20. [9:11 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Then no one would be a engineer
  21. [9:11 AM] Eng. Pansy: ... I can do it
  22. [9:11 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: In modern day
  23. [9:11 AM] Eng. Pansy: Ok I see your point
  24. [9:11 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Back when the industrial revolution, yeah fair enough.
  25. [9:12 AM] Eng. Pansy: I used the wrong word ahahahaha
  26. [9:12 AM] Eng. Pansy: I meant know how to rearrange the problem in order to be solved
  27. [9:12 AM] Eng. Pansy: Either by hand or by a computer
  28. [9:12 AM] Eng. Pansy: In case of most modern stuff, you use Numerical analysis to get it done
  29. [9:13 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Oh yeah, working out angles and shit like that.
  30. [9:13 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Like I can convert inched to mm
  31. [9:13 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: In my head
  32. [9:13 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Instantly
  33. [9:13 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Now
  34. [9:13 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: And vice versa
  35. [9:13 AM] Eng. Pansy: why use such dumb units in the first place
  36. [9:13 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: I prefer working in inches
  37. [9:13 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: I prefer the imperial system as a whole
  38. [9:13 AM] Eng. Pansy: But it's not even decimal(edited)
  39. [9:14 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: And it's why the UK refuses to let go of it.
  40. [9:14 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: It is decimal
  41. [9:14 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: When you go small enough
  42. [9:14 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Inches are decimal
  43. [9:14 AM] Eng. Pansy: But feet and yards aren't
  44. [9:15 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Technically they are.
  45. [9:15 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: 6'6" would technically be decimal
  46. [9:15 AM] Eng. Pansy: Then why 1 ft is 12 in?
  47. [9:15 AM] Eng. Pansy: By decimal I mean that every 10 bits makes a one bigger unit
  48. [9:16 AM] Eng. Pansy: Not funky arbitrarily chosen quantities
  49. [9:16 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: They aren't chosen
  50. [9:16 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: They're measurements of King Henry 1st body
  51. [9:16 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Haha
  52. [9:16 AM] Buckweiser: My boss is a US-trained architect. I'm slowly but surely getting used to switching from imperial to metric and back.
  53. [9:16 AM] Eng. Pansy: But that is indeed arbitrarily chosen
  54. [9:16 AM] Buckweiser: Since we use metric here in the Philippines
  55. [9:16 AM] Eng. Pansy: Every unit is a convention
  56. [9:17 AM] Eng. Pansy: So is inherently arbitrarily chosen
  57. [9:17 AM] Eng. Pansy: Though I am used to the inches (sort of) and feet as they appear in flight stuff
  58. [9:18 AM] Eng. Pansy: I get more triggeres by calories
  59. [9:18 AM] Eng. Pansy: And every other energy unit that is not Joules
  60. [9:18 AM] Eng. Pansy: Or Watts
  61. [9:18 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Imperial in my opinion is better for measuring weight and long distance
  62. [9:18 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Where metric is better for small distances
  63. [9:18 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Like cm -> mm
  64. [9:19 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: But anything bigger than that I use ft yard and miles
  65. [9:19 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Because miles as a whole are better than a km
  66. [9:19 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: In my opinion
  67. [9:20 AM] Eng. Pansy: How so? They are just a bit bjgger
  68. [9:20 AM] Eng. Pansy: Also there are land miles and nautical miles
  69. [9:20 AM] Eng. Pansy: To complicate things uneccessarily
  70. [9:20 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: They're not complicated tho
  71. [9:20 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Well nautical moles
  72. [9:20 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Miles
  73. [9:20 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Yeah
  74. [9:21 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: But land miles
  75. [9:21 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: No
  76. [9:22 AM] Eng. Pansy: Also the shittiest unit ever
  77. [9:22 AM] Eng. Pansy: Horsepower
  78. [9:22 AM] Eng. Pansy: There are at least 3 definitions of horsepower that are all different
  79. [9:22 AM] Eng. Pansy: the german one, the british one and the american one
  80. [9:22 AM] Eng. Pansy: When I once got a paper that had HP as an unit, I didn't even know what horsepower definition to use
  81. [9:22 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Also the American imperial is different to the original british empire imperial
  82. [9:23 AM] Eng. Pansy: Yeah I know
  83. [9:23 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: A british gallon
  84. [9:23 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Very slightly different to a American gallon
  85. [9:24 AM] Eng. Pansy: Which again makes things unccesarily complicated
  86. [9:24 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Naw
  87. [9:24 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: 1 UK gallon = 1.2 US gallon
  88. [9:25 AM] Eng. Pansy: And then probes get crashed in the Mars Athmosphere
  89. [9:25 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: It's not exactly hard to rember.
  90. [9:25 AM] Eng. Pansy: And 767s ran out of fuel in mid air
  91. [9:26 AM] Eng. Pansy: That's not hard for you, but I personally adopt as an empirical rule to never underestimate the stupidity or inability of people
  93. Therefore to reduce to a minimum anything that is not necessary
  94. [9:27 AM] Eng. Pansy: Using arbitarily set unit systems that have the same names and differ by small quantities because MUH NATIONALISM is uneccessary and dangerous
  95. [9:28 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Lol British will never completely stop using imperial.
  96. [9:29 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: The only reason we semi adopted the Metric is because they cancerous European Union forced us.
  97. [9:29 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: They gave up trying in 2007
  98. [9:29 AM] Buckweiser: There goes Pansy, always in the constant pursuit of empirical perfection.
  99. [9:29 AM] Buckweiser: always.
  100. [9:30 AM] Eng. Pansy: I am talking in the context of the technical world
  101. [9:30 AM] Eng. Pansy: Then in your home you can use whatever you like
  102. [9:31 AM] Eng. Pansy: It's the same reason why many components in the mechanical world are standardized, to be able to make technical communication easier, save money and time(edited)
  103. [9:32 AM] Eng. Pansy: And also reduce the risk of making mistakes that can cost lives
  104. [9:34 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Lol
  105. [9:39 AM] Eng. Pansy: The least calculations you have to make, the least chances you have to make a mistake(edited)
  106. [9:40 AM] Eng. Pansy: That's another way to put it
  107. [9:47 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: The only ones who find imperial hard are the ones who are ignorant to it.
  108. [10:04 AM] Eng. Pansy: If you say so
  110. It's not hard, it's just uneccesary
  111. [10:04 AM] Eng. Pansy: And incoherent
  112. [10:05 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: It's not incoherent
  113. [10:05 AM] Eng. Pansy: Because units of the same cathegory aren't related to eachother with decimal proportions
  114. [10:05 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Which doesn't make it incoherent
  115. [10:05 AM] Eng. Pansy: It does
  116. [10:05 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: It doesn't
  117. [10:05 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Because anyone with half a brain
  118. [10:05 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Knows what's what
  119. [10:05 AM] Eng. Pansy: Because that means these units weren't well tought out
  120. [10:06 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: They're measurements of King Henry 1st body parts
  121. [10:06 AM] Eng. Pansy: Exactly
  122. That's not something you can repeat
  123. [10:06 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: It is.
  124. [10:06 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Make that a set length, give it a number.
  125. [10:06 AM] Eng. Pansy: What if I need to make the sample of 1 foot to use to make other rulers?
  126. [10:07 AM] Eng. Pansy: King Henry is dead
  127. [10:07 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: You do realise
  128. [10:07 AM] Eng. Pansy: While the metre is defined from the speed of light (or a fraction of the earth's circumference)
  129. [10:08 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: There is the original measurement saved and conserved?
  130. [10:08 AM] Eng. Pansy: That's something can be repeated in any lab
  131. [10:08 AM] Eng. Pansy: What if that original sample gets destroyed?
  132. Or it changes overtime?
  133. [10:08 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Omg hahah, like I said. Ignorance.
  134. [10:08 AM] Eng. Pansy: Lol
  135. [10:09 AM] Eng. Pansy: Whatever man, metrology is a more serious problem than you think apparently
  136. [10:09 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: Lol
  137. [10:09 AM] She got plane'd in the restroom: ;^)
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