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Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. 50 MILES TO HOME AND NUTHIN TO LOSE So, I quit my job and was in Mississauga at my dad's place with nothing to do, and no ride home until the next day. My girlfriend at the time wanted me to show up at a dance that night, and track season was over. I was a little high on life, and was in a total can-do mental state, sooo.... I checked a map, found a road that went all the way home to Hamilton, grabbed my wallet for beverage moneys, and my medals from the Provincial championships to show off, went outside, and closed the locked door. This put me purposely in the position of either running the entire way home, or being locked out on the front lawn alllll day. So, I started running. Roughly 6 minute miles, which was the slowest I'd run in over a year, so I figured I could make it... even though I hadn't run over 1500m in the last 2 months. hmmmmmmm.... Ya, seems a little nutty, but hey. Thats me. So, I ran.... and ran.... following Dundas street if I recall correctly. After about 10 miles, I had to pee. heh heh, so I found a bush. After about 15 miles, I was really thirsty, so I stopped and bought a gatorade. I'd Drawn a rough map on my arm, so I knew when I got to the halfway point. That was about 20 miles. Ya, I know half of 50 isn't 20, but.... I'm getting there. Getting past the halfway point was cool, cuz then it was a no turning back situation. Well, I kept going... and going... At some point, my 6 minute miles started to not feel so slow anymore. My usual absolute slowest pace at the time was 5 minute miles, but by the time I hit 3 hours, the 6 minute miles didn't seem so slow anymore. I stopped again for another drink, and well..... somewhere in there... when I got into Burlington, I wasn't sure which way to go. Maybe it was the lack of planning, or the slightly delerious state I was getting into, or the fact that I was starting to think... SHORTCUT! ha ha. Ok, I went a few miles in a direction I knew to be going in the right direction, but wasn't sure if I would get stuck by the water. After a while... trying a few different paths, I finally found on that wasn't any shorter, but went through a nice big park, so I took it. My extra exploring went on for about 10 miles, and thats why the whole thing ended up being roughly 50. I kept going, and by the time I got to the edge of downtown Hamilton, I was sooooo thirsty! For miles, I was looking for any water source anywhere. There was a graveyard, and wouldn't ya know it, there were water spouts all of the place! So, I hopped the fence, and drowned myself for a few minutes. It totally wasn't quenching. I was way past quenching. I knew it was only about another 10 miles, so I kept going, just thinking about how great it would be to show up totally unexpected. Then I wasn't sure which way to go again, but I wasn't screwing around anymore, so I asked someone for directions. They looked at me like I was insane when I said I ran from Mississauga, but.... pointed me in the right direction. Soon, I started recognizing things which was good, but I also realized how far I had to go. It got kinda blurry after that. I remember getting to the 7-11 at the bottom of the upper Paradise stairs. I went in and got a big honkin frosty slush. The girl behind the desk asked me something about what I was up to. I guess I looked like I was up to something. I told her, and she was like.... are you kidding???? I was like, nope. She was cute, but I was fadin' fast, and had to get goin'. OK, I dunno exactly what was up with this, but.... I sucked that frosty slush down faster than anything I'd ever seen, and I got no brain freeze! Not even a bit! We're talkin' one of those huge frosty slushes they have that is difficult to finish off normally, and I usually get brain freeze every sip. Then I hit the stairs that went up the escarpment. (Thats a big cliff for those that don't know.) My home was only a few miles away from the top of the stairs, so I powered up all my adrenaline (cuz I felt like thats all that was left) and started bookin' it up the stairs.... kept cruisin' up the street, and all the way home. Ya, my legs were pretty much toast, but maybe it didn't seem that bad because a few days earlier, I couldn't stand at all from fatigue. I went inside, and was like.... Hello, everybody! Then I started laughing cuz they're all like, who gave you a ride????? How the hell did you get here??? If you ever have a chance to be in this kinda situation, take it. Its so fun to tell people the truth, and have them be in total disbelief. Well, ok, my brother wasn't in disbelief. He knows what I'm like, and I told him I was doing it anyway. Well, I made it to the dance, but well... I didn't dance much. Actually, I pretty much sat down every chance I got. Oh, and the next day at school was interesting being unable to get into a standing position without using my arms. haa haa. It was fun though.
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