
Dead Bass Wonderland 3: Awakening

Dec 26th, 2014
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  1. >「Soren」
  2. Who is that...?
  3. >「Soren」
  4. Shut up and leave me alone...
  5. >「You can't escape me, Soren.」 Hands closing around my throat. 「How can you escape」 Tightening...suffocating...「yourself? 」
  7. Soren Skyler's eyes snapped open and he bolted upright on his bed, gasping for air. Sweat trickled down his brow and his chest heaved up and down as he struggled to breathe. 'A dream? No...nightmare.' A bead of sweat traveled down his nose and splashed against the back of his hand. He wiped off the remainder and stole a look at his alarm clock. 'Only 4:55? Might as well get up.' Throwing back the sheets, he placed his feet on the cold wood floor and stretched out his arms and back. He felt so tired even though he was sure he had gone to bed early the night before.
  8. Ever since the day he left Sunset Shimmer's apartment over a year ago, he had been feeling strange. On that day he had nearly tasted Heaven, only for it to be snatched away and then crushed under a pair of leather boots. His pride had then taken on another beating at the hands of his so-called best friend. And even so night after night, he started having dreams about something residing within him. The first time it happened he had simply brushed it off as seeing one too many scary movies. By the fifth time, he found that it couldn't be a coincidence. Something was definitely wrong with him.
  9. >「Soren~」
  10. That fucking voice again. He pinched the bridge of his nose, wishing he could do nothing more than reach inside his head and rip the voice out.
  11. It mocked him and called his name over and over again. Maybe he was going crazy.
  12. Whatever it was, it was quiet now.
  13. Slowly he made his way to the bathroom and twisted the knobs in the shower, turning the water on. The sound of water filled the room as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Faust, he looked like utter shit. Hair sticking out in a weird angle, an angry red line down the side of his neck...wait.
  14. That had been where that...that thing had held him in his nightmare. Leaning closer to the mirror, he inspected the mark. His finger carefully traced the line and he winced on contact.
  15. "Probably scratched myself...just a coincidence..." he reassured himself and stepped into the shower, letting the warm rush of water wash away the last of sleep away.
  17. "My stars, what a sight. You're never up this early." Soren's mother didn't look up from the counter as she cut up whatever it was that she was using to make her lunch. She wiped her hands on her apron and strode over to the kitchen table, plate in hand, setting it in front of her son as he took his seat. He gave her a nod in thanks and rested his elbows on the table.
  18. "Eh...woke up and decided to just get up. No biggie mom." he spooned up a large portion of his scrambled eggs and shoveled them into his mouth. His mother didn't pester him and he was ok with that. It was not long after that that she kissed his forehead and left for work.
  19. He barely registered this and concentrated on his breakfast. As he chewed his food, he glanced at the clock, 5:30. The minute hand ticked loudly and he was aware of the silence that filled the room.
  20. Mornings were always like this. His parents were early risers, both working in offices in downtown Canterlot. So whenever he came downstairs, all that would be waiting for him is a plate. Usually. It was sweet that his mother found the extra time to do this.
  21. A surge of pain shot up from his neck down to his chest, startling him and he dropped his fork. Hissing, Soren applied pressure to where the mark was and waited for the pain to go away. With a scowl he decided he wasn't hungry anymore and shoved the plate away.
  22. 'This is nothing compared to what they did...' his shoulders slumped forward and he stood up. "I'm fine." The throbbing at his neck stopped, allowing him to move properly again. Sighing with relief, he went to the front hallway, where his blazer and backpack were waiting for him. "And another day begins."
  24. The school was still mostly empty by the time he arrived at school. Only a sparse amount of students littered the grounds. Soren ignored them all and went straight inside.
  25. There was where he saw the hall monitor, Axel Jones. The teen walked up to him and held out his hand expectantly.
  26. "Inspection. Show me your belongings." His voice was clipped and very business-like. Soren just handed his stuff over, save for his bass's case. He hesitated on that, but reluctantly handed it over.
  27. Axel wordlessly checked his stuff, nodding in approval. Then he moved towards the case. "Open it up." Soren obeyed, unfastening the clasps and slowly lifted the lid revealing his bass.
  28. The hall monitor let out a whistle. "Nice strings, Skyler."
  29. Soren barely heard him, his head was starting to hurt. "Yeah...thanks. Can I go now?"
  30. "Of course. Thank you for following the rules. HEY YOU THERE! PRESENT YOUR BELONGINGS AT ONCE!" Axel left him to go after his next victim.
  31. Soren mentally snorted, if only Axel Jones knew exactly how many rules he had broken, he'd have detention til the last day of school. That was in the past though. After that day, he shut everyone out. Not physically, of course. He could still hang out with the Rockers.
  32. Just that he wasn't as talkative as he used to be.
  33. He was just barely hanging on in the fringes. And so far, it's been working.
  34. He made it a point to avoid and ignore Sunset Shimmer as much as possible. However, lately it seemed that her relationship with Brad was falling apart.
  35. 'Good. She deserves it.'
  36. >「Not taking this chance and stealing her away?」
  37. He sighed, not even bothering to answer that voice. He knew though. He knew that yeah, he could be taking advantage of this situation. Be there for her, help her through the inevitable break-up.
  38. He COULD have, had she not used him the way she did a year ago.
  39. "What I would have given for something like th-"
  40. SMACK
  41. Soren felt like he had just run into a wall. It wouldn't surprise him if he had, after all he hadn't been paying attention.
  42. But this wall was suddenly moving, turning to face him.
  43. He found himself looking up at a visibly annoyed Ringo Valhallen. Great, first Axel and now this douchebag. Careful not to meet his eyes, Soren mumbled out a half-assed apology. "Didn't see where I was going, excus-" was all he got out before he was lifted up off the ground and slammed into the lockers. He felt his head slam off the metal and his vision swam.
  44. "Don't give me that, Skyler. Apologize to me all proper like or you'll find your head making friends with the toilet," Valhallen rasped out, cracking his neck. "Your timing couldn't be any more perfect."
  45. Soren grimaced. "Lucky me..."
  46. Valhallen ignored him. "See, I've been looking all over for you. I don't like the way that Amy talks so fucking much about you." He pressed him harder against the lockers, Soren wincing at the feel of someone's lock digging into his liver. "She's MY girlfriend, and I want you to stay away from her."
  47. "We're just friends, Valhallen." He tried to pry the much bigger guy's hands off of him. "And I," he stressed the I as much as he could, "Would prefer it if you weren't touching me. Sorry, but I don't play for that team." Fuck, he hadn't meant to say that last part, it only earned him a knee to the stomach.
  48. "Shut up or I will-"
  49. "Valhallen! Stop! What are you doing?!"
  50. A small flash of light blue and purple was desperately trying to pull Valhallen off of him. Valhallen's grip loosened and Soren dropped like a stone on the linoleum floor, cradling his stomach in pain. Then there was hand on his head, stroking his hair softly. 'Amy?' was his last thought before passing out.
  52. Amelia Heart was shaking in anger, glaring at her current boyfriend, her best friend passed out on her lap. Gently propping the unconscious Soren against the locker, she stood up, hands on her hips. " dare you hurt my friend?!" she jabbed a finger at Valhallen's chest.
  53. "I-...come on, baby girl. I was just telling him not to pull any moves on you." Valhallen reached out to snake his arm around Amy's hip, but she stepped back, shaking her head.
  54. "I don't want to hear any excuses from you. He's my FRIEND, Val. How many times have I told you?" she spared a glance at Soren again and narrowed her eyes. "I thought you were a good person. And this...this is just too much. I'm done with you and I never want to speak to you again. Goodbye." She pointed away from her, silently ordering her now ex-boyfriend to leave.
  55. Valhallen's hands tightened, "Fine. Have fun with your new boyfriend, slut." 'This isn't over yet, Skyler.' He thought to himself and left them alone.
  57. He wasn't always like this. He vaguely remembered when he transferred into Canterlot High almost a year ago. He had even led the lacrosse team to nationals! Unfortunately they had only gotten second place. Some no name school from Philadelphia had won. It was after that match that he accidentally ran into Amy Heart. She was so tiny compared to him and the way that small blush lit up her face was adorable beyond words.
  58. After they had returned home, he had decided to get to know her a little better. He quite liked her company and her cheerful demeanor. They had been going steady for a few weeks when they talked about their future dreams. He learned that she dreamed of being a composer.
  59. "Either in movies or a video game. You know how if you do music perfectly to one scene and you start to cry? I want to be able to do that. Soren says that if he becomes a musician too that he'll help me. Isn't that great?"
  60. That fucking name. It was the first time Valhallen had ever felt threatened. Who was this Soren? He found out just who he was a few days later after witnessing Amy and Soren walking to school together, laughing. She was giving the blue-haired son of a bitch the most adoring look. Val knew that look. It was one of love-sickness and it made him seethe in jealousy.
  61. He made the decision to try and be around her more often, going to her house early in the morning to pick her up, actively seeking her out between breaks and then taking her home and some little side dates at the movies or drinking smoothies. Lunchtime was the hardest because she sat with all the other rockers and Soren was among them.
  62. One day when Amy was talking about something Soren had said to her during lunch his anger exploded and he demanded to know just who Soren Skyler was to her.
  63. "Hes my best friend, Val. We grew up together, that's all."
  64. He wished he could believe that, but Amy's eyes had not met his. And he now knew. She liked Soren Skyler. LIKED him.
  65. Valhallen pounded a locker door with his gloved hand, scaring the life out of a peculiar purple-haired student who ran away like the hounds of Hell were after him.
  66. "It's HIS fault."
  68. "Please wake up, I can't carry you AND your bass by myself!" Amy sighed and paused in the hallway, half-carrying and half-dragging Soren with her. He weighed slightly more than she had anticipated and thus had not made much progress. His weight combined with the bass strapped across his back wasn't helping either. Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, she gazed down the empty hallway, wishing the infirmary wasn't so far away. Just how hard did Valhallen hit Soren?
  69. Amy blamed herself for this. Yes, she still liked Soren but now in a more sibling-like manner instead of romantic. He was like the big brother she wished she had.
  70. Shaking her head, she shifted her hold on her friend, 'I can't say it's my fault. I never said anything when Val flirted with those cheerleaders from Los Pegasus.' She could still call herself a fool for ever liking him and thinking he would go back the way he was. When did it change?
  71. "Look all I'm sayin' is that this is a bad idea, Nolan. You're not cut out for a place like this." A gruff voice interrupted her train of thought.
  72. "And what would you have me do, Tim? Rot away in that estate? I told you already I don't want-" Amy tripped over Soren's leg and landed on the floor with a thud. "Hold on, I heard something."
  73. The door to one of the art rooms opened and a tall blue-haired boy wearing a white t-shirt with a tornado emblazoned across the chest stepped out. His eyes looked like he was searching for danger or something. A shorter red-haired boy followed him, looking relieved to be out of that room.
  74. The taller boy finally spotted her on the floor and his eyebrows shot up with concern. "Are you all right?" He came to her side and then noticed the unconscious Soren. "What happened here?"
  75. "I-I was taking him to the nurse but I tripped and uhm..." she couldn't take her eyes off the red-haired kid.
  76. "Tim, why don't you take the boy? Such a fine young lady shouldn't be left to carry her friend by herself." He smiled at her and knelt down to help her stand.
  77. Tim, as she now knew him, gave a grunt and hoisted Soren over his back. "Fine. Hey, girl. Do you want me to take that too?" He pointed to the bass case lying on the floor. She shook her head. "We'll talk about this later, Nolan. See you tonight." And with that he was gone, taking Soren with him, leaving Amy and the redhead alone.
  78. Amy had to remind herself that she just basically broke up with her boyfriend and that she shouldn't be looking at other boys, but damn this guy was quite good-looking. Long legs, elegant hands, and silky hair, damn. Blushing, she stared at the ground, carefully avoiding his eyes. "Tha-thank you. Uhm, I'm Amy Heart. Did you just transfer?" 'Only just broke up. Only just broke up.'
  79. Nolan tilted his head curiously. "Yes, as a matter of fact. I heard this school had an excellent drama course. I'm Nolan North, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Amy Heart." With a swift movement, he was holding her hand in his and placing a gentleman's kiss on the back of her hand.
  80. "Oh."
  81. He seemed to realize that his actions had made her uncomfortable and quickly withdrew his hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't offend you did I?" Shaking his head, he placed a hand on his forehead, looking worried and muttering to himself. "So this is what being normal is about."
  82. "Normal?" her curiosity piqued and she inched closer, hands behind her back. "Are you saying you're not normal?"
  83. "I,, that wasn't what I meant. Please forget I said anything." he nervously waved his hand at her. "I mean...I've never been in a public school. A-Anyway, is your friend okay?"
  84. "Ah! SorryIhavetogoitwasnicemeetingyoubye!" Amy grabbed the scooped the case from the floor and she scampered off.
  85. Had she stayed a second longer, she would have seen Nolan North chuckle and heard him say 'but now I have found someone better than drama class.'
  87. He wasn't sure where he was. If this was Heaven then it was pretty fucking boring. Or maybe he was in Hell.
  88. 'Nah. no way I could have died from something as stupid as a knee to the stomach.'
  89. Soren stared up at the vast plains before him, wondering where he was. A few trees dotted the landscape and he could make out a few stars in the sky. Which he found peculiar, it wasn't even night time. A breeze tickled his ears and ruffled his hair playfully, and he couldn't keep the bubble of laughter inside. It spilled out of his lips and he ran around the field, feeling very much like a child. It must have been hours or maybe a few minutes when he finally decided to lie down on the grass and closed his eyes.
  90. >「Done playing, Soren?」
  91. Soren jumped to his feet and turned to face...himself? His mirror image grinned at him and gave him a hearty wave.
  92. "You're the one I've been hearing..."
  93. > The illusion's mouth didn't move, but Soren could still hear him「Yes. I am you. Or was you.」
  94. "Was?"
  95. >「Just an old remnant of your feelings.」He crossed his arms and stared up at the sky. 「The ones you kept locked up for two years.」
  96. Soren couldn't look at himself any longer. He crossed his arms and awkwardly shuffled his feet. "The piece of me that I didn't need, you mean."
  97. > His mirror-self's eyes flashed with anger. 「Didn't need? Who do you think is actually needed here?!」
  98. The air around the two Sorens changed, going from a nice breeze to smoke-filled air and Soren realized the field they were standing in was burning. Flames lapped at his feet but he felt no pain. The scenery around them crumbled into ash, leaving nothing but the charred remains of the few trees that had been there before.
  99. >「Walk with me for a while, Soren Skyler.」
  101. Amy reached the door to the nurse's office, panting hard. The bell was due to ring at any minute, signaling the start of the school day, but she had to check on Soren first. Taking a few seconds to get her breathing back to normal, she knocked on the wooden door twice and waited. When there was no answer, she opened the door and stepped inside. "Excuse me."
  102. Nurse Redheart was nowhere to be seen, nor was Tim. The latter was expected, she didn't really think he'd stick around for long. She was grateful that he remembered to pull a blanket over Soren. Speaking of which...
  103. He seemed to be having a nightmare. His face was twisted in pain and he kept whimpering. She rushed to his side and set his bass down where he could reach it once he woke up.
  104. Taking hold of one of his hands, she pressed it close to her chest and nuzzled it. "It's ok, Soren. I'm here. You're safe." His movements stilled and he sighed. Smiling she brushed his hair out of his face, and stood up just as the bell rang. "I'll go tell the teacher that you're here. I'll be back later, ok?" She gave his hand a squeeze and picked up her bag.
  105. She was just closing the door behind her when Nurse Redheart appeared, holding a cup of coffee.
  106. "Oh? Are you not feeling well, Amy?" the nurse asked, juggling her coffee and purse to get a feel of Amy's forehead.
  107. "No, I'm fine, Ms. Redheart. Soren wasn't feeling so good, so I brought him here." Better to lie than say 'Oh Soren got into a fight with my ex-boyfriend and got punched unconscious.'
  108. The nurse's eyes widened and a hand flew up to her mouth. "Oh no! I'll go tend to him now, you hurry off to class, ok?"
  109. "Yes, Ms. Redheart! I leave him to you!" Amy waved and headed off to class.
  111. >「Why didn't you move on, Soren Skyler?」
  112. He shrugged, kicking up soot off of the ground. "I don't know. She was just...argh. I found her interesting. Cute. Charming even. I wanted to be the one whom she would turn to if she had a bad day. And then Brad..." he paused, frowning. "I didn't even know he was interested in her. Certainly never mentioned it to me." The rising soot tickled his nose and he sneezed.
  113. > 「...」 the spirit said nothing. It merely stood there, sizing him up and down. Almost as if it wanted to eat him.
  114. Soren continued, "I guess I never mentioned it either but fuck. I left her a note and everything! Brad just walked up to her (probably) and kissed her. And...and..."
  115. > 「And instead of confronting him, you cast me away.」 it said quietly. 「I held on, just barely. This place here,」 it gestured to the barren landscape. 「I guess you could call this your inner heart.」
  116. "Inner heart?"
  117. >「Yes, memories come to rest here.」 It then motioned for him to be silent and pointed over the landscape where it rippled and showed a younger Soren, possibly 8 years old, playing with Amy. The children were banging on pots and pans, making the older Soren feel a bit nostalgic.
  118. "I remember that day. That was when dad found us and he gave us a lecture about not using them like that." Sure enough, Soren's father walked in, looking stern but amused. Little Soren and Amy whimpered and then began to cry, apologizing for what they did.
  119. Soren's dad pet their heads. "I forgive you, now come on. I have something to show you, but keep it a secret okay?"
  120. The children brightened up considerably and giggled, pretending to zip their mouths shut. '
  121. The memory faded away, the world once more resembling something out of a horror movie. Soren sat down on top of a boulder and was silent for a while. The spirit did the same and the two glared at each other.
  122. Finally, Soren spoke. "What was the point of showing me that?"
  123. >「If you don't let go of Sunset Shimmer, this place will cease to exist.」
  124. "I don't believe you."
  125. >「Are you familiar with Alice in Wonderland?」
  126. "I thought you were me. No point in asking me a stupid question." Looking at the spirit gave Soren a strange feeling. This couldn't be the same thing that had kept talking to him. The other...presence...actually WANTED Sunset Shimmer and this one...didn't. "Who are you really?"
  127. > 「I alrea-」
  128. "Liar." Soren got up and walked over to it, grabbing the spirit by the collar. He pulled it up close to his face and hissed. "You're not that thing."
  129. It didn't look at him, just stared past him like Soren wasn't there. Then it began to laugh.
  130. >「Perceptive of you. I must admit, I am surprised.」 It's hands wrapped around his and shoved him off. Soren stumbled, but kept his balance. 「You are right. I'm not the only one.」 It paused and looked around, as if sensing danger. 「We don't have any time left.」
  131. "What do you mean?"
  132. >「He knows you're here and he's not too happy about it.」
  133. "Who?"
  134. >「The ot-」
  135. A sudden gust of wind swirled around the spirit and slammed it against the ground. Roots broke out of the ground and ensnared the struggling spirit, binding him. The sky grew even darker, clouds swirling angrily around and thunder clapped loudly, making Soren's ears ring.
  136. "What's going on?!" Soren panicked and rushed towards the spirit. When he reached out to tear off a root, another exploded out of the ground, grazing his cheek. "Aaaah!"
  137. >「Stop.」 The spirit's voice was weak. Slowly, he lifted a hand and pointed at Soren's chest. 「Just remember, that without me you are not living at all.」
  138. "Wait, what?"
  139. >「It won't get rid of me, Soren Skyler. I'll wait here, in this dead wonderland.」
  140. "But-!"
  142. "Gegh!" Soren groaned and sat up. He looked around, accessing his situation. 'The smell of medicine and lollipops...I'm in the nurse's office.' He rubbed his eyes, thinking about the trippy as fuck dream he just had. 'There was...more than one...? Just how fucked up is my mind anyway? There is no way any of that was real. I refuse to believe it.'
  143. "Dead wonderland, my ass."
  144. "Are you awake, Soren?" Ms. Redheart's voice called out from behind the curtains before she stepped through them, a lollipop stick sticking out of her mouth. She walked over to him and stuck a thermometer in his mouth with such precision he nearly gagged. "Amy was just here telling me that you collapsed. Did you eat breakfast?"
  145. The thermometer made it hard to talk but he managed a, "Muwhes."
  146. "Insomnia?"
  147. "Mwah widdle."
  148. Ms. Redheart nodded and took the thermometer out, "Children these days are getting less and less sleep, it's really a shame. But you don't seem to have a fever. I'll let you rest a bit longer and then you can go have lunch, is that all right?"
  149. Soren rubbed his head, thinking about it. "What time is it? What about class?"
  150. "The day is half-over. Lunch will be in about 20 minutes. You can head to class after that if you want, or go home."
  151. "Aren't you being a bit lax for a nurse?"
  152. "Your health is what I'm most concerned about, Soren."
  153. "I'm fine."
  154. "And I believe you, but this is just a precaution." She scribbled down a note on her clipboard and ripped it out. Handing it to him, she nodded and disappeared through the curtain.
  155. "Great."
  157. Snap! Snap!
  159. "Are you even paying attention, Amy?"
  160. Startled, Amy blinked and narrowed her eyes at her friend. "H-huh? Oh sorry, Sherry. My mind was-"
  161. "In Lala Land, I know. I know." Sherry Davis blew at her bangs, exasperated at her friends disinterest in her story. "So I heard you finally ditched your loser of a boyfriend, ay."
  162. Amy banged her head on her desk. It was study hall and the two girls were lounging in the library, a small stack of music history books littering the wooden desk. Amy picked up one and buried her face in it, groaning. "Where did you even hear that?"
  163. "What's-his-face from Chemistry class said he overhead it from Roland, that kid running for class prez, who was telling the hall monitor when he was checking his stuff that Valhallen was raging about it in the hallway." She grinned. "And that you've been hooking up with Soren. You go girl. Soren is just so fiiiiiine~"
  164. "Ok, back up. First of all, I'm not hooking up with Soren. H-he's just a friend."
  165. "Riiiiight. Which reminds me, I haven't seen the bloke in class at all today. Could have sworn he was here in the morning, ay." Resting her head on her hands, Sherry looked puzzled.
  166. Amy set her book down, "He said he wasn't feeling well, so I took him to the nurse. Maybe she sent him home."
  167. "Yeah...maybe." A commotion at the entrance of the library caught Sherry's attention. "Hm? Oh bloody 'ell. It's him, ay."
  168. "Huh?"
  169. "The new transfer student. Nolan North. I heard his family is loaded." At 'Nolan North' Amy spluttered and got up so fast that she knocked her chair over. "Oi, what's wrong with you, mate?"
  170. "I remembered I had something to do! See you at lunch, Sher!"
  171. All a stunned Sherry could do was say 'kay' at her retreating friend's back.
  173. -
  175. "Look, all I'm saying is that maybe if you weren't acting like a possessive asshole, she wouldn't have gone with Soren," Scott Greene turned the page of his textbook, and frowned. "Ugh, it's not here either." closing the book, he pushed it to the side and picked up another.
  176. Valhallen thumped his fist on the table, "Are you saying it's MY fault?" Out of the corner of his eye he saw Amy excuse herself from Sherry Davis's side and make a run for the second floor. He had specifically chosen this table so he could see them without them seeing him. Unfortunately, that meant sitting next to Scott Greene, the pretentious hipster from the Fashionistas. And somehow, SOMEHOW, the douche knew what had happened, even though Valhallen had never spoken to him before outside of pleasantries. And here they were, chatting like they were old chums.
  177. He kept his eye on Amy until she was gone, but he made no move to follow her. He had a feeling on where she was headed anyway.
  178. "Mostly, yeah." Scott turned another page and typed out something on his smartphone. "Not saying she isn't to blame either. I don't think any guy wants to hear their girlfriend talking about another guy unless said guy is a brother or a dad."
  179. "Pfft. I wouldn't have cared if it was another guy. But Skyler is a fucking menace."
  180. Scott snorted. "Ah yes. Soren's a real Romeo, but I don't think Amy is his Juliet."
  182. -
  184. Amy was glad that the library had a another exit up on the second floor. She couldn't face the red-haired boy after she ran away from him earlier. Clutching her bag to her chest, she exited the library and began walking back to the nurse's office.
  185. Maybe she was right about Nurse Redheart sending Soren home. She'd already lied twice for his sake and it was weighing heavily on her conscience. She'll make it up to Sherry somehow. Maybe treat her to a smoothie after school.
  186. She paused in the middle of the empty hallway and sighed. "Can't think too hard on it. I don't want others to be involved..." she tugged at the edge of her scarf, waving it in front of her face as she walked.
  187. Honestly, something about Soren was off and it bothered her. These days, he seemed so tired and completely not there. She noticed that when he became like that, it was because Sunset Shimmer would be around. She knew he had a massive crush on her but on account that Brad was dating her, he couldn't do a thing. She could relate, she did used to have on crush on him too. 'and that's why it's a crush because of the crushing disappointment when it's unrequited.'
  188. The lunch bell rang and soon the hallway was crowded with hungry students making their way to the cafeteria. She jostled past them, apologizing whenever she stepped on someone's toes. Slowly, the crowd became thinner and she saw a familiar shade of blue hair exiting the nurse's office. Picking up her pace, she went after and finally caught up. "Hey there, Sleepy. All better now?"
  189. Soren rubbed his eyes and nodded. "Yeah...thanks for bringing my bass. Means a lot to me." He gave the case a loving pat and Amy could have sworn she saw a strange red light flicker over the case. It was only for a fraction of a second, but it looked like it was pulsing.
  190. 'I'm probably just seeing things...' she beamed at him and gave his arm a playful punch. "Not a problem, though you probably should cut back on dessert, 'ren. You were awfully heavy."
  191. He pretended to look like she had stabbed him in the heart. "She's calling me fat! By Faust, how you wound me, Amy. Can't you take my own feelings into account?" he gave her his best pout and she snickered. He took this opportunity to give her hair a small tug, "But no really. Thanks."
  192. "Anything for my friend. So hey, while you were taking your nap, I met this new guy and..." Soren stopped walking and gave her a weird look. "Hey, no. Don't give me that! It's just that, h-he kissed my hand! Like a knight kissing his princess. It was so weird. I didn't think anyone did that anymore."
  193. Twisting his body until he was walking backwards, facing her he asked, "Never mind that. What happened with Val?"
  194. "I broke up with him."
  195. "Seriously? Fucking. Finally. I should have advised you better before you decided to date him." Making a face, he draped his arm over her shoulders. "I'm sorry you went through that because of me. Faust, I'm starved. Let's talk more after we eat, okay?"
  197. The cafeteria was loud as usual, all cliques huddled over at their own tables. Sherry spotted them from her spot and waved enthusiastically at them, and pointing at the seats next to her. Amy waved back and mouthed that she'd be right there. "Come on, grab a tray and let's go."
  198. "...yeah." Soren surveyed the room and sighed with relief. Good, those two weren't here. At least not yet. He followed Amy through the lunch line, picking things at random. He ended up with a tray loaded with fruit bowls and apple sauce. Amy snickered and put three of the bowls back. "Why didn't you say anything?!"
  199. "Cuz it's funnier this way?"
  200. "Yo, Soren! Amy!"
  201. He froze. Goddamnit. He knew that he would show up sooner or later but fuck. How did he always manage to creep up on him like that? Slowly turning, he gave Brad a small wave. Sunset was nowhere to be seen and he briefly wondered where she was.
  202. "Flying solo today there, bud?" Soren joked, giving Amy a nudge towards the table were Sherry was chatting with Vinyl Scratch. "I'll be there in a sec."
  203. "Ok. Here, gimme your tray." She moved to take it from him, but he blocked her. "Soren!"
  204. "It's fine. I'm perfectly capable of carrying it, Amy."
  205. "Fine." Turning, she stomped off and bonked her tray hard on the table, causing Sherry and Vinyl to jump.
  206. Brad smirked at their interactions and clapped a hand on Soren's shoulder. "Finally gave in and decided to date her, huh? You guys are great together." He gave the stunned Soren a thumbs-up.
  207. The cyan-haired teen slapped a hand on his cheek. "Why is everyone saying that? She's just my childhood friend." Tilting his head, he gave Brad a side glance. "So where's the girlfriend?"
  208. "Hm? Shimmer?" Brad frowned for a second. "She said she needed to talk to the person who is overseeing the Fall Formal princess sign-up and that I go ahead." He shrugged and loaded up his tray. Soren waited for him to finish up paying the lunch lady and followed him to one of the secluded tables near the back.
  209. "Fall Formal already? Isn't that like 3 months away?" taking his seat, he picked up his fork and skewered a mango slice.
  210. "Not like it really matters since no one ever opposes her. Except for that one time," Brad nodded over to the Fashionista where a violet-haired girl was talking with Soren's ex-friend with benefits. "But this time she's been acting super weird about it. And she wants me to drive her downtown to start hunting for the perfect dress. I mean sure, if it was for a wedding or something I'd understand. No one is running against her so she doesn't really need to get all dolled up. So when I told her 'fuck that, you can just buy one at the Carousel Boutique' she snapped at me."
  211. Soren commented on the story when it was appropriate, nodding and agreeing. He felt sick. The food tasted like he was chewing on sand and he placed his fork down. "Yeah, don't get that at all..." He picked it up again and stabbed at an apple slice.
  212. "And how about you, man? Haven't seen you with a girl other than Amy lately. You sure nothing is happening there?" Brad waggled his eyebrows and gave him a perverted grin.
  213. The plastic fork in Soren's hand snapped in two, "There's. Nothing. There." Brad stared at him wide-eyed and leaned back on his chair, looking extremely contrite. Soren realized what he had done and looked down, embarrassed that he had lost his temper. Mumbling an apology, he scraped together the shattered fragments of the fork.
  214. "Nah, I'm sorry. I should have believed you. And I know, man. Amy doesn't seem like the type of girl who would jump another guy's bones after she's broken up." This earned him another glare courtesy of Soren. Brad swallowed nervously and searched for a better way to reword what he had meant. "I mean, if anyone is a pure maiden, it's her. Don't think I ever saw her kiss Valhallen. Not even on the cheek."
  215. "Hm." Then he felt it. A mental pull inside his head and he was falling into a dark pool. It felt almost like he was being absorbed and he didn't fight it. He was tired.
  216. He wanted...
  217. He just wanted everything to go away.
  218. > 「You don't have to fight me anymore.」
  220. 'He's angry,' Amy thought, taking a long sip from her juice box. She leaned forward and rested her elbow on the tabletop, propping her chin on her hand.
  221. She watched as Soren stabbed at his fruit bowl, a perpetual frown marring his handsome face. She never thought she'd ever feel sorry for an apple the way she did now. Keeping her eyes on him, she watched as he grew even more irritated until finally the poor fork couldn't take any more of his abuse and broke.
  222. Her shoulders tensed, an uneasy feeling settling over her. Sherry was having a heated discussion with Axel Jones, arguing that his ax shouldn't be placed on the table while they were eating and him threatening to give her detention. Amy scooped up a bit of her white rice and took a small bite. Brad was giving her a look that seemed apologetic and he said something to Soren.
  223. And then Soren stopped moving. It was subtle, but he froze and his eyes lost their light. It was only a moment and he looked up, his eyes metg hers for the briefest second. His lips curled back into a twisted parody of a smile. Slowly he turned and faced Brad.
  224. Then decked him.
  226. The meeting with Pinkie Pie had run a little longer than Sunset Shimmer had thought. Just how much shit did she have to sign and go over just to sign up for Fall Formal Princess? Her grades were good, she was popular, a being to be envied! And this year...this year it was crucial that she had to win. Months of planning to go back to Equestria and take the Crown of Magic as her own. She'll be damned if she let Pinkameana Diane Pie ruin it for her.
  227. The hallways were empty, students all blissfully eating lunch. She almost dreaded going to the cafeteria. She really did like the human she was dating. It was Brad who was always kind and patient with her, a spark of mischief in his eyes. She should have been happy with that, yet...his friend. Soren Skyler. The boy with the sad eyes who always watched her when he didn't think she was looking. The boy who had left a note for her to come meet him during her first year.
  228. Thinking back, she wondered what would have happened if she had gone to meet him. During that time she was more drawn to Brad. He seemed fun and like such a bad boy. She wasn't disappointed with Brad in the least. He promised her adventure and he delivered. Yet her mind always returned to Soren.
  229. Who was he to her? Last year she thought about having a little fun with him. His crush was just so obvious and it made her feel only a little sorry for him. She had invited him into her home and toyed with him. He had wanted her. Bad. So why didn't he try anything? Even after she said Brad was coming, she had expected him to grab her and tell her to forget Brad. But no, he just up and left. And then ignored her for an entire year, only really talking to Amy Heart within their little group.
  230. And as for Brad? He truly had been fun, but boring and predictable. And ever since Soren left her apartment he'd been different too. He started getting snarky with her and arguing with her. Had he run into Soren outside? He didn't mention it if he did. In fact, after that he was downright jollier with his best friend, despite the fact that Soren had been unable to secure a spot in Brad's band. He still showed up at their practices with Amy in tow, cheering them on.
  231. It hurt her head to think about all that crap now, she had an entire world to take over! Speaking of which, it meant getting rid of distractions, and Brad, as sweet as he was, was getting in her way.
  232. Nodding to herself, she set off in the direction of the cafeteria. Her mind was made up, she'd dump him today before he would get the chance to dump her.
  233. A strange burst of energy made her pick up the pace. There was something...familiar about it. Impossible. Magic didn't exist in this world. Even after three years the most she could do with hers was lift a pebble. It felt different. Wrong. VERY wrong. She strode through the doors of the cafeteria just in time to see Soren Skyler punch Brad Sentry in the face.
  235. Brad stared up at his best friend, a fingers clamped over his bleeding nose, wondering what the fuck was going on. Soren didn't even look pissed. He was...smirking at him cruelly and staring at him with cold eyes. His friend swung his legs over the bench and stood up, sweeping the hand he had used to punch him over his lips.
  236. "What the hell, Sor!" Brad scrambled to his feet, his nose dripping blood on his shirt. Fuck, that was going to be a bitch to get off. "You didn't have to punch me!"
  237. Soren's smirk grew into a sneer and he stood over Brad, challenging him. Oh I know I didn't have to." He stopped down until his face was level with Brad's, noses merely a fraction of an inch apart. "I've been WANTING to." Grabbing Brad by his jacket, he hauled him up and then shoved him away. "For far too long, I've been waiting to give you a good beating. And now," he laughed and swayed slightly, "I finally had the chance. And I ain't holding back."
  238. Brad wiped off the blood from his nose on his sleeve. He carefully circled around his crazed friend, trying not to make any sudden movements. "Are you listening to yourself?! You're acting crazy! SOREN!"" He ducked as Soren threw another punch but was caught off-guard by Soren's leg. It caught him in the chest and he sputtered, a thin trail of saliva escaping his mouth. "Ghhhk!"
  239. "Hey, hey. Don't tell me you're done, Braaaaaad," Soren extended his arms and took a few steps back, almost as if he was speaking to an audience and wanted an encore. "Tell me, what did she ever see in you? I'm obviously the better choice!"
  240. > 「That's right, take out that which stands in your way.」
  241. Coughing, Brad struggled to his feet. "Wha..." he coughed and tried again, his voice hoarse. "What are you talking about?" His friend threw his head back and laughed like a maniac. This was wrong. WRONGWRONGWRONGWRONG.
  242. "Her, you parasitic imbecile." He pointed out through the crowd to the slim figure that was standing at the door. "Why don't you step on up, Sunset Shimmer?"
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