
Bubblegrunge Ballot List

May 24th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. 0h-yeahh
  2. 2dina3dworld
  3. a-man-with-a-perm
  4. A_Generic_Canadian
  5. apondalifa
  6. b_o_g_o_
  7. Bilbodabag
  8. Blackberry_Ice
  9. blackthrn
  10. Broshi (my actual brother lol)
  11. camerinian
  12. casseagull
  13. ChunkOfUnwanted
  14. cremeebrulee
  15. CrimsonROSET
  16. darjeelingdarkroast
  17. Dawesfan
  18. Dredman66
  19. DuckStroll
  20. Ervin_Salt
  21. Farbonaut
  22. FightYaAtThePrody
  23. FingaThingMeansTaxes
  24. flavasavavandal
  25. Freakmancool
  26. freav
  27. freeofblasphemy
  28. frogaranaman
  29. Future_Tyrant
  30. gigadoar
  31. gingerninja113
  32. Gonza_90
  33. IAmHollar
  34. imrlynotonreddit
  35. Indigeaux
  36. InSearchOfGoodPun
  37. JayElecHanukkah
  38. JensLekmanForever
  39. jhdrumming
  40. just_thonking
  41. Kapono24
  42. krusso1105
  43. kvothetyrion
  44. LaserCommand
  45. lastfollower
  46. LiveAndLetMarbleRye
  47. luigijon3
  48. Marshmallowszz
  49. MCK_OH
  50. MrBigChest
  51. NFLfreak98
  52. non13
  53. NRuxin12
  54. p-u-n-k_girl
  55. pig-serpent
  56. plastichaxan
  57. pokexchespin
  58. qazz23
  59. RandomHypnotica
  60. RideOnTheMoment
  61. rough___prophet_2
  62. Roxieloxie
  63. sarcasticsobs
  64. sauceofdreams
  65. Scrambled_Toast
  66. seanderlust
  67. sixtynineloco
  68. skull_xbones
  69. Smuckles
  70. SRTviper
  71. static_int_husp
  72. steamedasparagus
  73. Stoltzie21
  74. Strxyen
  75. TakeOnMeByA-ha
  76. the_lords_favourite
  77. thedoctordances1940
  78. TheTyrannicalTyrant
  79. throwaway_4it4
  80. TiltControls
  81. tonirali
  82. ttinn_
  83. TwoAmeobis
  84. vapourlomo
  85. vayyiqra
  86. WaneLietoc
  87. welcome2thejam
  88. whatsanbubblegrunginois
  89. wyngann
  90. xxipil0ts
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