Guest User


a guest
Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. <?PHP
  2. $lang = array();
  3. $lang['adduser'] = "Userul %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s) este necunoscut -> adaugat la Sistem Rank acum.";
  4. $lang['brute'] = "Au fost detectate prea multe conectari incorecte pe interfata web. Au fost blocate datele de conectare timp de 300 de secunde! Ultimul acces de pe IP: %s.";
  5. $lang['changedbid'] = "Userul %s (unique Client-ID: %s) a primit un noua identitate (%s). Actualizam vechea identitate (%s) ?i resetam timpul colectat!";
  6. $lang['crawl'] = "Scanam clientul conectat ?i contorizam activitatea...";
  7. $lang['clean'] = "Scanam clien?ii care trebuie ?ter?i...";
  8. $lang['cleanc'] = "Utilizatori cura?i";
  9. $lang['cleancdesc'] = "Cu aceasta func?ie clien?ii vechi din Ranksystem se elimina.<br><br>La sfâr?it, Ranksystem sincronizat cu baza de date TeamSpeak. Utilizatorii , care nu exista în TeamSpeak, vor fi ?ter?i din Ranksystem.<br><br>Aceasta func?ie este activata numai atunci când \"SlowMode\" este dezactivat!<br><br><br>Pentru reglarea automata a bazei de date TeamSpeak , ClientCleaner poate fi folosit:<br>";
  10. $lang['cleandel'] = "Au fost %s clien?ii elimina?i din baza de date Ranksystem , pentru ca ei nu mai erau existen?i în baza de date TeamSpeak ";
  11. $lang['cleanno'] = "Nu a fost nimic de eliminat...";
  12. $lang['cleanp'] = "Perioada de cura?are";
  13. $lang['cleanpdesc'] = "Seta?i un timp care trebuie sa treaca înainte de a se executa cura?irea clien?ilor.<br><br>Seta?i un timp în secunde.<br><br>Recomandat este o data pe zi , deoarece cura?area clien?ilor are nevoie de mult timp pentru baze de date mai mari.";
  14. $lang['cleanrs'] = "Clien?i in baza de date Ranksystem: %s";
  15. $lang['cleants'] = "Clien?i în baza de date TeamSpeak: %s (of %s)";
  16. $lang['clean0001'] = "Avatarul clientului %s (ID: %s) a fosts ters cu succes.";
  17. $lang['clean0002'] = "Eroare la stergerea avatarului inutil %s (unqiue-ID: %s). Verificati permisiunea pentru dosarul 'avatars'!";
  18. $lang['clean0003'] = "Verificati daca baza de date pentru curatare este terminata. Toate lucrurile inutile au fost sterse.";
  19. $lang['clean0004'] = "Verificati daca ati ?ters utilizatorii. Nimic nu a fost schimbat, deoarece functia 'clienti curati' este dezactivata (core).";
  20. $lang['days'] = "%s <small>zile</small>";
  21. $lang['dbconerr'] = "Nu a reu?it sa se conecteze la baza de date MySQL: ";
  22. $lang['delcldgrpif'] = "Eroare la eliminarea cuno?tin?elor pentru servergroups: %s";
  23. $lang['delcldgrpsc'] = "Cuno?tin?e despre servergroups pentru %s Utilizatorul a eliminat cu succes.";
  24. $lang['delclientsif'] = "%s Clien?ii elimina?i din baza de date Ranksystem!";
  25. $lang['delclientssc'] = "%s Clien?ii elimina?i cu succes din baza de date Ranksystem!";
  26. $lang['errgrpid'] = "Modificarile dvs. nu au fost stocate in baza de date, deoarece s-au produs erori. Remediati problemele si salvati modificarile dupa!";
  27. $lang['errgrplist'] = "Eroare pentru afisarea gradelor: ";
  28. $lang['errlogin'] = "Numele de utilizator ?i / sau parola sunt incorecte ! Încearca din nou...";
  29. $lang['errlogin2'] = "Protec?ie for?a bruta: încerca?i din nou în %s seconde!";
  30. $lang['errlogin3'] = "Protec?ie for?a bruta: Prea multe gre?eli. Banat pentru 300 de secunde!";
  31. $lang['error'] = "Eroare";
  32. $lang['errorts3'] = "Eroare TS3: ";
  33. $lang['errperm'] = "Verifica permisiunile pentru folderul '%s'!";
  34. $lang['errremgrp'] = "Eroare la eliminarea utilizatorului cu identitatea %s din grup cu ID %s!";
  35. $lang['errremdb'] = "Eroare când eliminam utilizatorului cu identitatea %s din baza de date Ranksystem!";
  36. $lang['errselusr'] = "Adauga cel putin un utilizator!";
  37. $lang['errseltime'] = "Introdu timp online pentru a adauga!";
  38. $lang['errukwn'] = "A aparut o eroare necunoscuta!";
  39. $lang['errupcount'] = "Eroare în timp ce reînnoim timpul rezumat on-line de %s de catre utilizator cu identitatea %s";
  40. $lang['highest'] = "Cel mai înalt rang atins";
  41. $lang['install'] = "Instalare";
  42. $lang['instdb'] = "Instalam baza de date:";
  43. $lang['instdbsuc'] = "Baza de date %s a fost creata cu succes.";
  44. $lang['insterr1'] = "ATENTIE: Incercati sa instalati sistemul rank, dar exista deja o baza de date cu numele \"%s\". Instalarea corecta a acestei baze de date va fi abandonata!<br>Asigura?i-va ca doriti acest lucru. Daca nu, alegeti un alt nume de baza de date.";
  45. $lang['insterr2'] = "PDO este necesar, dar nu pare sa fie instalat. Instalare <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">PDO</a> si incearca din nou!";
  46. $lang['insterr3'] = "Functia PHP exec trebuie sa fie activata, dar pare sa fie dezactivata. Activati funcia PHP <a href=\\" target=\"_blank\">exec</a> si incearca din nou!";
  47. $lang['insterr4'] = "Versiunea dvs. PHP (%s) este sub 5.5.0. Actualizati-va PHP-ul si ?ercati din nou!";
  48. $lang['insterr5'] = "SimpleXML este necesar, dar nu pare sa fie instalat. Instalare <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">simpleXML</a> si incearca din nou!";
  49. $lang['insterr6'] = "PHP cURL este necesar, dar nu pare sa fie instalat. Instalare <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">PHP cURL</a> si incearca din nou!";
  50. $lang['insterr7'] = "PHP Zip este necesar, dar nu pare sa fie instalat. Instalare <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">PHP Zip</a> si incearca din nou!";
  51. $lang['insterr8'] = "PHP COM extensia (php_com_dotnet.dll) este necesar, dar nu pare sa fie instalat. Instalare <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">PHP COM</a> si incearca din nou!";
  52. $lang['insterr9'] = "PHP PDO MySQL extensia ( este necesar, dar nu pare sa fie instalat. Instalare <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">PHP PDO MySQL</a> si incearca din nou!!";
  53. $lang['insttb'] = "Instalam tabelele:";
  54. $lang['isntwicfg'] = "Nu se poate salva configura?ia bazei de date ! Va rugam sa modifica?i 'other/dbconfig.php' cu acces chmod 0777 (windows 'full access') ?i incerca?i iar.";
  55. $lang['isntwichm'] = "Scrierea permisiunilor a esuat in dosarul \"%s\". Va rugam sa le dati un chmod 777 (pe accesul complet la ferestre) ?i sa ?erca?i sa porni?i din nou sistemul Ranks.";
  56. $lang['isntwiconf'] = "Deschide?i %s sa configura?i Ranksystem!";
  57. $lang['isntwidbhost'] = "Host baza de date:";
  58. $lang['isntwidbhostdesc'] = "Server DB<br>(IP sau DNS)";
  59. $lang['isntwidbmsg'] = "Eroare DB: ";
  60. $lang['isntwidbname'] = "Nume DB:";
  61. $lang['isntwidbnamedesc'] = "Nume DB";
  62. $lang['isntwidbpass'] = "Parola DB:";
  63. $lang['isntwidbpassdesc'] = "Parola pentru a accesa DB";
  64. $lang['isntwidbtype'] = "Tipul DB:";
  65. $lang['isntwidbtypedesc'] = "Tipul DB<br><br>Trebuie sa instala?i necesarul de PDO Driver.<br>Pentru mai multe informatii accesa?i";
  66. $lang['isntwidbusr'] = "DB User:";
  67. $lang['isntwidbusrdesc'] = "User-ul pentru acces la DB";
  68. $lang['isntwidel'] = "Va rugam sa ?terge?i fi?ierul 'install.php' din webserver";
  69. $lang['isntwiusr'] = "Utilizator pentru webinterface creat cu succes.";
  70. $lang['isntwiusrcr'] = "Creare acces";
  71. $lang['isntwiusrdesc'] = "Introduce?i un nume de utilizator ?i o parola pentru accesul webinterface. Cu webinterface va pute?i configura Ranksytem-ul.";
  72. $lang['isntwiusrh'] = "Acces interfata web";
  73. $lang['listacsg'] = "grad actual";
  74. $lang['listcldbid'] = "ID baza de date";
  75. $lang['listexcept'] = "Nu, cauza respinsa";
  76. $lang['listgrps'] = "data";
  77. $lang['listip'] = "adresa ip";
  78. $lang['listnick'] = "nume client";
  79. $lang['listnxsg'] = "urmatorul grad";
  80. $lang['listnxup'] = "urmatorul grad peste";
  81. $lang['listrank'] = "grad";
  82. $lang['listseen'] = "ultima conectare";
  83. $lang['listsuma'] = "sum. timp activ";
  84. $lang['listsumi'] = "sum. timpul de inactivitate";
  85. $lang['listsumo'] = "sum. timp online";
  86. $lang['listuid'] = "unique-ID";
  87. $lang['login'] = "Logare";
  88. $lang['msg0001'] = "versiune: %s";
  89. $lang['msg0002'] = "Comenzi valide:\n[B]!help[/B], [B]!info[/B], [B]!commands[/B] - primeste lista de comenzi\n[B]!version[/B] - vezi versiunea sistemlui\n[B]!update[/B], [B]!checkupdate[/B] - incearca versiune noua\n[B]!clean[/B] - sterge userii din baza de date\n[B]!next[/B], [B]nextup[/B] - primeste timpul pentru urmatorul rank\n[B]!restart[/B], [B]!reboot[/B] - restart\n[B]!shutdown[/B], [B]!quit[/B], [B]!stop[/B] - stop";
  90. $lang['msg0003'] = "Nu ai acces pentru aceste comenzi!";
  91. $lang['msg0004'] = "Userul %s (%s) a oprit botul.";
  92. $lang['msg0005'] = "cya";
  93. $lang['msg0006'] = "brb";
  94. $lang['msg0007'] = "Userul %s (%s) a repornit botul.";
  95. $lang['msg0008'] = "Update cu succes. Daca este disponibil un update, acesta va rula imediat.";
  96. $lang['msg0009'] = "Stergerea userilor a inceput. Intra pe web pentru a vedea mai multe detalii.";
  97. $lang['nocount'] = "User-ul %s (Client-ID unic: %s; Client-database-ID %s) este un query-user sau este de mai multe ori on-line ( numai primul numar de conexiune ) - > acest lucru nu va conta !";
  98. $lang['noentry'] = "Nu am gasit...";
  99. $lang['pass'] = "Parola";
  100. $lang['pass2'] = "Schimba parola";
  101. $lang['pass3'] = "parola veche";
  102. $lang['pass4'] = "noua parola";
  103. $lang['pass5'] = "Ai uitat parola?";
  104. $lang['queryname'] = "În primul rând deja în uz . Încerc al doilea nume...";
  105. $lang['repeat'] = "reptere";
  106. $lang['resettime'] = "Reset timp online si idle pentru userul: %s (ID: %s; ID baza de date %s), motiv: a fost sters din lista de exceptie.";
  107. $lang['sccrmcld'] = "User-ul cu unic Client-ID %s scos cu success din baza de date Ranksystem .";
  108. $lang['sccupcount'] = "Ai adaugat cu succes timp online: %s pentru userul cu ID(%s)";
  109. $lang['setontime'] = "adauga timp";
  110. $lang['setontimedesc'] = "Add online time to the previous selected clients. Each user will get this time additional to their old online time.<br><br>The entered online time will be considered for the rank up and should take effect immediately.";
  111. $lang['sgrpadd'] = "Aloca servergroup %s (ID: %s) user-ului %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s).";
  112. $lang['sgrprerr'] = "User afectat: %s (unique-ID: %s; ID baza de date %s) si grad %s (ID: %s).";
  113. $lang['sgrprm'] = "S-a ?ters gradul %s (ID: %s) de la user-ul %s (unique-ID: %s; ID baza de date %s).";
  114. $lang['size_byte'] = "B";
  115. $lang['size_kib'] = "KiB";
  116. $lang['size_mib'] = "MiB";
  117. $lang['size_gib'] = "GiB";
  118. $lang['size_tib'] = "TiB";
  119. $lang['size_pib'] = "PiB";
  120. $lang['size_eib'] = "EiB";
  121. $lang['size_zib'] = "ZiB";
  122. $lang['size_yib'] = "YiB";
  123. $lang['stag0001'] = "Adauga grade";
  124. $lang['stag0002'] = "Grade permise";
  125. $lang['stag0003'] = "Definiti o lista a gradelor pe care un utilizator le poate atribui.<br><br> Grupurile de servere ar trebui sa fie introduse aici, separate prin virgula.<br><br>Exemplu:<br>23,24,28";
  126. $lang['stag0004'] = "Limita grade";
  127. $lang['stag0005'] = "Limiteaza numarul de grad pe care le pot detine userii in acelasi timp";
  128. $lang['stag0006'] = "Esti conectat de mai multe ori de pe aceeasi adresa IP, %sclick here%s pentru a verifica.";
  129. $lang['stag0007'] = "Please wait till your last changes take effect before you change already the next things...";
  130. $lang['stag0008'] = "Group changes successfully saved. It can take a few seconds till it take effect on the ts3 server.";
  131. $lang['stag0009'] = "You cannot choose more then %s group(s) at the same time!";
  132. $lang['stag0010'] = "Please choose at least one new group.";
  133. $lang['stag0011'] = "Limit of simultaneous groups: ";
  134. $lang['stag0012'] = "seteaza grade";
  135. $lang['stag0013'] = "Addon pornit/oprit";
  136. $lang['stag0014'] = "Activeaza sau dezactiveazaa pluginul.<br><br>Prin dezactivarea addon-ului, o parte din /stats/, posibil va fi ascunsa.";
  137. $lang['stag0015'] = "Nu ai putut fi gasit pe serverul TeamSpeak. Te rog da %sclick her%s pentru a va verifica.";
  138. $lang['stix0001'] = "Statistica server";
  139. $lang['stix0002'] = "Numarul total de utilizatori";
  140. $lang['stix0003'] = "Vezi detalii";
  141. $lang['stix0004'] = "Timp on-line al tuturor utilizatorilor";
  142. $lang['stix0005'] = "Vedere de sus din toate timpurile";
  143. $lang['stix0006'] = "Vedere de sus a lunii";
  144. $lang['stix0007'] = "Vedere de sus a saptamânii";
  145. $lang['stix0008'] = "Utilizarea serverului";
  146. $lang['stix0009'] = "În ultimele 7 zile";
  147. $lang['stix0010'] = "În ultimele 30 de zile";
  148. $lang['stix0011'] = "În ultimele 24 de ore";
  149. $lang['stix0012'] = "Selectare perioada";
  150. $lang['stix0013'] = "Ultima zi";
  151. $lang['stix0014'] = "Saptamâna trecuta";
  152. $lang['stix0015'] = "Luna trecuta";
  153. $lang['stix0016'] = "Timp activ/inactiv (tuturor clien?ilor)";
  154. $lang['stix0017'] = "Versiunile ( tuturor clien?ilor )";
  155. $lang['stix0018'] = "Nationalitati";
  156. $lang['stix0019'] = "Platforme";
  157. $lang['stix0020'] = "Statisticile curente";
  158. $lang['stix0023'] = "Status server";
  159. $lang['stix0024'] = "Online";
  160. $lang['stix0025'] = "Offline";
  161. $lang['stix0026'] = "Clien?i (Online/Max)";
  162. $lang['stix0027'] = "Canale";
  163. $lang['stix0028'] = "Ping mediu pe server";
  164. $lang['stix0029'] = "Numar total de octe?i primit";
  165. $lang['stix0030'] = "Numar total de octe?i trimi?i";
  166. $lang['stix0031'] = "Server uptime";
  167. $lang['stix0032'] = "Dupa offline:";
  168. $lang['stix0033'] = "<span id=\"days\">00</span> zile, <span id=\"hours\">00</span> ore, <span id=\"minutes\">00</span> minute, <span id=\"seconds\">00</span> secunde";
  169. $lang['stix0034'] = "Pachete";
  170. $lang['stix0035'] = "Statisticile generale";
  171. $lang['stix0036'] = "Nume Server";
  172. $lang['stix0037'] = "Adresa Server";
  173. $lang['stix0038'] = "Parola Server";
  174. $lang['stix0039'] = "Nu(Server public)";
  175. $lang['stix0040'] = "Da (Server privat)";
  176. $lang['stix0041'] = "Server ID";
  177. $lang['stix0042'] = "Platforma";
  178. $lang['stix0043'] = "Versiune";
  179. $lang['stix0044'] = "Creat in data";
  180. $lang['stix0045'] = "Raport la lista de servere";
  181. $lang['stix0046'] = "Activat";
  182. $lang['stix0047'] = "Nu este activat";
  183. $lang['stix0048'] = "Nu sunt suficiente date înca ...";
  184. $lang['stix0049'] = "Timp on-line la to?i utilizatorii / luna";
  185. $lang['stix0050'] = "Timp on-line la to?i utilizatorii / saptamâna";
  186. $lang['stix0051'] = "TeamSpeak nu a reu?it , deci nici o data creata...";
  187. $lang['stix0052'] = "altele";
  188. $lang['stix0053'] = "timp activ (in zile)";
  189. $lang['stix0054'] = "timp inactiv (in zile)";
  190. $lang['stix0055'] = "online in ultimele 24 ore";
  191. $lang['stix0056'] = "online in ultimele %s zile";
  192. $lang['stix0059'] = "Lista useri";
  193. $lang['stix0060'] = "User";
  194. $lang['stix0061'] = "Vezi versiuni";
  195. $lang['stix0062'] = "Vezi natiuni";
  196. $lang['stix0063'] = "Vezi platforme";
  197. $lang['stmy0001'] = "Statisticile mele";
  198. $lang['stmy0002'] = "Grad";
  199. $lang['stmy0003'] = "ID baza de date:";
  200. $lang['stmy0004'] = "Unique-Id";
  201. $lang['stmy0005'] = "Conectari totale:";
  202. $lang['stmy0006'] = "Prima conectare:";
  203. $lang['stmy0007'] = "Timp total on-line:";
  204. $lang['stmy0008'] = "Timp online ultimele %s zile:";
  205. $lang['stmy0009'] = "Timp online in ultimele %s zile:";
  206. $lang['stmy0010'] = "Realizari finalizate:";
  207. $lang['stmy0011'] = "Timp progres realizare";
  208. $lang['stmy0012'] = "Ora: Veteran";
  209. $lang['stmy0013'] = "Pentru ca ai un timp online %s ore.";
  210. $lang['stmy0014'] = "Progres finalizat";
  211. $lang['stmy0015'] = "Ora: Aur";
  212. $lang['stmy0016'] = "% completat pentru Legendar";
  213. $lang['stmy0017'] = "Ora: Argint";
  214. $lang['stmy0018'] = "% completat pentru Aur";
  215. $lang['stmy0019'] = "Ora: Bronz";
  216. $lang['stmy0020'] = "% completat pentru Argint";
  217. $lang['stmy0021'] = "Ora: fara rank";
  218. $lang['stmy0022'] = "% completat pentru Bronz";
  219. $lang['stmy0023'] = "Conexiune progres realizare";
  220. $lang['stmy0024'] = "Conectari: Veteran";
  221. $lang['stmy0025'] = "deoarece te-ai conetat de %s ori pe server.";
  222. $lang['stmy0026'] = "Conectari: Aur";
  223. $lang['stmy0027'] = "Conectari: Argint";
  224. $lang['stmy0028'] = "Conectari: Bronz";
  225. $lang['stmy0029'] = "Conectari: fara rank";
  226. $lang['stmy0030'] = "Progres pentru noul rank";
  227. $lang['stmy0031'] = "Timp total activ";
  228. $lang['stna0001'] = "Natiuni";
  229. $lang['stna0002'] = "statistici";
  230. $lang['stna0003'] = "Cod";
  231. $lang['stna0004'] = "numar";
  232. $lang['stna0005'] = "Versiuni";
  233. $lang['stna0006'] = "Platforme";
  234. $lang['stna0007'] = "Procent";
  235. $lang['stnv0001'] = "Noutati server";
  236. $lang['stnv0002'] = "Iesi";
  237. $lang['stnv0003'] = "Reincarca";
  238. $lang['stnv0004'] = "Only use this refresh, when your TS3 information got changed, such as your TS3 username";
  239. $lang['stnv0005'] = "It only works, when you are connected to the TS3 server at the same time";
  240. $lang['stnv0006'] = "Reincarca";
  241. $lang['stnv0007'] = "Battle area - Page content";
  242. $lang['stnv0008'] = "You can challenge other users in a battle between two users or two teams.";
  243. $lang['stnv0009'] = "While the battle is active the online time of the teams/users will be counted.";
  244. $lang['stnv0010'] = "When the battle ends the team/user with the highest online time wins.";
  245. $lang['stnv0011'] = "(The regular battling time is 48 hours)";
  246. $lang['stnv0012'] = "The winning team/user will recieve a price, which the user can use whenever the user wants.";
  247. $lang['stnv0013'] = "It will be displayed on the <a href=\"my_stats.php\">My statistics</a> tab.";
  248. $lang['stnv0014'] = "(Could be online time boost(2x) for 8 hours, instant online time (4 hours), etc.";
  249. $lang['stnv0015'] = "These boosts can be used for example to climb in the top users of the week.";
  250. $lang['stnv0016'] = "Not available";
  251. $lang['stnv0017'] = "You are not connected to the TS3 Server, so it can't display any data for you.";
  252. $lang['stnv0018'] = "Please connect to the TS3 Server and then Refresh your Session by pressing the blue Refresh Button at the top-right corner.";
  253. $lang['stnv0019'] = "My statistics - Page content";
  254. $lang['stnv0020'] = "This page contains a overall summary of your personal statistics and activity on the server.";
  255. $lang['stnv0021'] = "The informations are collected since the beginning of the Ranksystem, they are not since the beginning of the TeamSpeak server.";
  256. $lang['stnv0022'] = "This page receives its values out of a database. So the values might be delayed a bit.";
  257. $lang['stnv0023'] = "The amount of online time for all user per week and per month will be only calculated every 15 minutes. All other values should be nearly live (at maximum delayed for a few seconds).";
  258. $lang['stnv0024'] = "Sistem Rank - Statistici";
  259. $lang['stnv0025'] = "Limita intrari";
  260. $lang['stnv0026'] = "toti";
  261. $lang['stnv0027'] = "The informations on this site could be outdated! It seems the Ranksystem is no more connected to the TeamSpeak.";
  262. $lang['stnv0028'] = "(Nu esti conectat pe TS3!)";
  263. $lang['stnv0029'] = "Lista rank";
  264. $lang['stnv0030'] = "Informatii Sistem Rank";
  265. $lang['stnv0031'] = "About the search field you can search for pattern in clientname, unique Client-ID and Client-database-ID.";
  266. $lang['stnv0032'] = "You can also use a view filter options (see below). Enter the filter also inside the search field.";
  267. $lang['stnv0033'] = "Combination of filter and search pattern are possible. Enter first the filter(s) followed without any sign your search pattern.";
  268. $lang['stnv0034'] = "Also it is possible to combine multiple filters. Enter this consecutively inside the search field.";
  269. $lang['stnv0035'] = "<u>Example:</u><br>filter:nonexcepted:TeamSpeakUser";
  270. $lang['stnv0036'] = "Show only clients, which are excepted (client, servergroup or channel exception).";
  271. $lang['stnv0037'] = "Show only clients, which are not excepted.";
  272. $lang['stnv0038'] = "Show only clients, which are online.";
  273. $lang['stnv0039'] = "Show only clients, which are not online.";
  274. $lang['stnv0040'] = "Show only clients, which are in defined group. Represent the actuel rank/level.<br>Replace <i>GROUPID</i> with the wished servergroup ID.";
  275. $lang['stnv0041'] = "Show only clients, which are selected by lastseen.<br>Replace <i>OPERATOR</i> with '&lt;' or '&gt;' or '=' or '!='.<br>And replace <i>TIME</i> with a timestamp or date with format 'Y-m-d H-i' (example: 2016-06-18 20-25).<br>Full example: filter:lastseen:&lt;:2016-06-18 20-25:";
  276. $lang['stnv0042'] = "Show only clients, which are from defined country.<br>Replace <i>TS3-COUNTRY-CODE</i> with the wished country.<br>For list of codes google for ISO 3166-1 alpha-2";
  277. $lang['stnv0043'] = "conecteaza-te pe TS3";
  278. $lang['stri0001'] = "Informatii Sistem Rank";
  279. $lang['stri0002'] = "Ce este Sistem rank?";
  280. $lang['stri0003'] = "A TS3 Bot, which automatically grant ranks (servergroups) to user on a TeamSpeak 3 Server for online time or online activity. It also gathers informations and statistics about the user and displays the result on this site.";
  281. $lang['stri0004'] = "Who created the Ranksystem?";
  282. $lang['stri0005'] = "When the Ranksystem was Created?";
  283. $lang['stri0006'] = "First alpha release: 05/10/2014.";
  284. $lang['stri0007'] = "First beta release: 01/02/2015.";
  285. $lang['stri0008'] = "You can see the newest version on the <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">Ranksystem Website</a>.";
  286. $lang['stri0009'] = "How was the Ranksystem created?";
  287. $lang['stri0010'] = "The Ranksystem is coded in";
  288. $lang['stri0011'] = "It uses also the following libraries:";
  289. $lang['stri0012'] = "Special Thanks To:";
  290. $lang['stri0013'] = "sergey, <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">Arselopster</a>, <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">DeviantUser</a> & <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">kidi</a> - for russian translation";
  291. $lang['stri0014'] = "Bejamin Frost - for initialisation the bootstrap design";
  292. $lang['stri0015'] = "<a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">ZanK</a> & <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">jacopomozzy</a> - for italian translation";
  293. $lang['stri0016'] = "<a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">DeStRoYzR</a> & <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">Jehad</a> - for initialisation arabic translation";
  294. $lang['stri0017'] = "<a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">SakaLuX</a> - for initialisation romanian translation";
  295. $lang['stri0018'] = "<a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">0x0539</a> - for initialisation dutch translation";
  296. $lang['stri0019'] = "<a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">Quentinti</a> - for french translation";
  297. $lang['stri0020'] = "<a href=\"mailto://\" target=\"_blank\">Pasha</a> - for portuguese translation";
  298. $lang['stri0021'] = "<a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">Shad86</a> - for the great support on GitHub & our public server, sharing his ideas, pre-testing all that shit & much more";
  299. $lang['stri0022'] = "<a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">mightyBroccoli</a> - for sharing their ideas & pre-testing";
  300. $lang['stri0023'] = "Stable since: 18/04/2016.";
  301. $lang['stri0024'] = "<a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">KeviN</a> - for czech translation";
  302. $lang['sttw0001'] = "Top useri";
  303. $lang['sttw0002'] = "saptamana";
  304. $lang['sttw0003'] = "cu %s %s timp online";
  305. $lang['sttw0004'] = "Top 10 comparat";
  306. $lang['sttw0005'] = "ore (Defines 100 %)";
  307. $lang['sttw0006'] = "%s ore (%s&#37;)";
  308. $lang['sttw0007'] = "Top 10 Statistici";
  309. $lang['sttw0008'] = "Top 10 vs altii in timp online";
  310. $lang['sttw0009'] = "Top 10 vs altii in timp online";
  311. $lang['sttw0010'] = "Top 10 vs altii in timp inactiv";
  312. $lang['sttw0011'] = "Top 10 (in ore)";
  313. $lang['sttw0012'] = "Alti %s useri (in ore)";
  314. $lang['sttw0013'] = "Cu %s %s timp online";
  315. $lang['sttw0014'] = "ore";
  316. $lang['sttw0015'] = "minute";
  317. $lang['sttm0001'] = "luna";
  318. $lang['stta0001'] = "tot timpul";
  319. $lang['stve0001'] = "\nHello %s,\nto verify you with the Ranksystem click on the link below:\n[B]%s[/B]\n\nIf the link doesn't work, you can also type the token manually in:\n%s\n\nIf you didn't request this message, please ignore it. When you are getting it repeated times, please contact an admin.";
  320. $lang['stve0002'] = "Un mesaj cu tokenul a fost trimis pe TS3.";
  321. $lang['stve0003'] = "Introduceti tokenul pe care l-ati primit pe serverul TS3. Daca nu ati primit un mesaj, asigurati-va ca ati ales codul unic corect.";
  322. $lang['stve0004'] = "Tokenul introdus nu se potriveste. Te rog incearca din nou!";
  323. $lang['stve0005'] = "Felicitari, sunteti verificat cu succes! Acum puteti continua ..";
  324. $lang['stve0006'] = "A aparut o eroare necunoscuta. Incearca din nou. Daca eroarea contiuna sa apara, contactati un administrator.";
  325. $lang['stve0007'] = "Verifica pe TS3";
  326. $lang['stve0008'] = "alege aici ID-ul dvs. unic de pe serverul TS3 pentru a va verifica.";
  327. $lang['stve0009'] = " -- selecteaza -- ";
  328. $lang['stve0010'] = "Veti primi un token pe serverul TS3, pe care trebuie sa-l introduceti aici:";
  329. $lang['stve0011'] = "Token:";
  330. $lang['stve0012'] = "verifica";
  331. $lang['time_ms'] = "ms";
  332. $lang['time_sec'] = "secunde";
  333. $lang['time_min'] = "minute";
  334. $lang['time_hour'] = "ore";
  335. $lang['time_day'] = "zile";
  336. $lang['upgrp0001'] = "Exista un grad cu ID %s configurat in parametrul dvs. %s, dar ID-ul gradului nu exista pe serverul dvs. TS3! Corectati acest lucru sau se pot intampla erori!";
  337. $lang['upgrp0002'] = "Descarca iconita noua pentru server";
  338. $lang['upgrp0003'] = "Eroare la citirea iconitei serverului.";
  339. $lang['upgrp0004'] = "Eroare la descarcarea iconite pe serverul TS3: ";
  340. $lang['upgrp0005'] = "Eroare la stergerea iconitei.";
  341. $lang['upgrp0006'] = "Iconita a fost stearsa de pe server, acum s-a sters si de pe web.";
  342. $lang['upgrp0007'] = "Eroare la citirea iconite pentru grupul %s cu ID %s.";
  343. $lang['upgrp0008'] = "Eroare la descarcarea iconite pentru grupul %s cu ID %s: ";
  344. $lang['upgrp0009'] = "Eroare la stergerea iconite pentru grupul %s cu ID %s.";
  345. $lang['upgrp0010'] = "Iconita grupului %s cu ID %s a fost stearsa de pe server, acum s-a sters si de pe web.";
  346. $lang['upgrp0011'] = "Descarca iconita noua pentru gradul %s cu ID: %s";
  347. $lang['upinf'] = "Este disponibila o noua versiune a sistemului rank; Informati clientii pe server ...";
  348. $lang['upinf2'] = "Sistemul rank a fost recent (%s) updatat. Verifica %sChangelog%s pentru mai multe informatii.";
  349. $lang['upmsg'] = "Salut, o noua versiune pentru [B]Sistemul rank[/B] este disponibila!\nversiune curenta: %s\n[B]versiune noua: %s[/B]\nViziteaza site-ul nostru pentru mai multe informatii: [URL][/URL].\nActualizarea a fost pornita. [B]Verifica ranksystem.log![/B]";
  350. $lang['upmsg2'] = "Salut, [B]Sistemul rank[/B] a fost actualizat.\n[B]noua versiune: %s[/B]\nViziteaza site-ul nostru pentru mai multe detalii [URL][/URL].";
  351. $lang['upsucc'] = "Baza de date a fost updatata cu succes.";
  352. $lang['upuser'] = "Utilizatorul %s (unique-ID: %s; ID baza de date %s) primeste un nou numar (suma online) %s (din care active %s).";
  353. $lang['upuserboost'] = "Utilizatorul %s (unique-ID: %s; ID baza de date %s) primeste un nou numar (suma timpului online) %s (din acesta activ %s) <b>[BOOST %s x]</b>.";
  354. $lang['upusrerr'] = "Unique-ID pentru userul %s nu a putut fi gasit pe TeamSpeak!";
  355. $lang['upusrinf'] = "Userul %s a fost informat cu succes.";
  356. $lang['user'] = "Nume user";
  357. $lang['verify0001'] = "Asigurati-va ca sunteti intr-adevar conectat pe serverul TS3!";
  358. $lang['verify0002'] = "Intrati, daca nu ati facut deja asta, pe canalul de verificare %sverification-channel%s!";
  359. $lang['verify0003'] = "Daca sunteti intr-adevar conectat la serverul TS3, va rugam sa contactati un admin.<br>Acesta trebuie sa creeze un canal de verificare pe serverul TeamSpeak. Dupa, canalul creat trebuie sa fie definit de sistemul rank, pe care numai un administrator il poate face.<br Mai multe informatii pe care administratorul le va gasi in interfata web (->core) a sistemului rank. Nu este posibil sa va verificam in acest moment! Ne pare rau :(";
  360. $lang['verify0004'] = "No user inside the verification channel found...";
  361. $lang['wi'] = "Admin Panel";
  362. $lang['wiaction'] = "actiune";
  363. $lang['wiadmhide'] = "ascunde exceptie clienti";
  364. $lang['wiadmhidedesc'] = "Pentru a ascunde utilizatorul exceptie in urmatoarea selectie";
  365. $lang['wiadmuuid'] = "admin ID";
  366. $lang['wiadmuuiddesc'] = "Enter here your unique Client-ID; as the administrator of the Ranksystem.<br>Also multiple Client-IDs are possible -> comma separated<br><br>This is required to reset the password of the webinterface.<br><br>Is there no unique Client-ID address defined, it is not possible to reset the password!<br><br>Here defined unique Client-IDs are also permitted to send admin commands to the Bot (!reboot, !shutdown, !update).";
  367. $lang['wiboost'] = "boost";
  368. $lang['wiboostdesc'] = "Oferiti unui utilizator pe serverul TeamSpeak un servergroup (trebuie sa fie creat manual), pe care il puteti declara aici ca grup de stimulare. De asemenea, definiti un factor care ar trebui utilizat (de exemplu, 2x) si un timp, cat timp trebuie sa fie evaluata cr?sterea.<br>Cu cat este mai mare factorul, cu atat un utilizator ajunge mai repede la urmatorul nivel superior. Gradul de impulsionare este eliminat automat de la utilizatorul in cauza. Timpul incepe sa ruleze de indata ce utilizatorul primeste gradul.<br><br>grad=>factor=>timp (in secunde)<br><br>Fiecareintrare trebuie sa fie separata de urmatoarea cu o virgula.<br>Exemplu:<br>12=>2=>6000,13=>3=>2500,14=>5=>600<br><br>In acest caz un utilizator din gradul cu ID 12 obtine factorul 2 pentru urmatoarele 6000 de secunde, un utilizator din gradul cu ID 13 obtine factorul 3 pentru 2500 de secunde si asa mai departe...";
  369. $lang['wibot1'] = "Botul a fost oprit. Priveste log-ul pentru mai multe informatii!";
  370. $lang['wibot2'] = "Botul a fost pornit. Priveste log-ul pentru mai multe informatii!";
  371. $lang['wibot3'] = "Botul a fost repornit. Priveste log-ul pentru mai multe informatii!";
  372. $lang['wibot4'] = "Porneste/Opreste BOT";
  373. $lang['wibot5'] = "Porneste";
  374. $lang['wibot6'] = "Opreste";
  375. $lang['wibot7'] = "Reporneste";
  376. $lang['wibot8'] = "Ranksystem log (extract):";
  377. $lang['wibot9'] = "Fill out all mandatory fields before starting the Ranksystem Bot!";
  378. $lang['wichdbid'] = "Client baza de date resetare";
  379. $lang['wichdbiddesc'] = "Reset the online time of an user, if his TeamSpeak Client-database-ID changed.<br><br>Example:<br>If a clients gets removed from the TeamSpeak server, it gets a new Client-database-ID with the next connect to the server.";
  380. $lang['wiconferr'] = "There is an error in the configuration of the Ranksystem. Please go to the webinterface and correct the Core Settings. Especially check the config 'rank up'!";
  381. $lang['wichpw1'] = "Your old password is wrong. Please try again";
  382. $lang['wichpw2'] = "The new passwords dismatch. Please try again.";
  383. $lang['wichpw3'] = "The password of the webinterface has been successfully changed. Request from IP %s.";
  384. $lang['wichpw4'] = "Schimba parola";
  385. $lang['widaform'] = "Format data";
  386. $lang['widaformdesc'] = "Choose the showing date format.<br><br>Example:<br>%a days, %h hours, %i mins, %s secs";
  387. $lang['widbcfgsuc'] = "Database configurations saved successfully.";
  388. $lang['widbcfgerr'] = "Error while saving the database configurations! Connection failed or writeout error for 'other/dbconfig.php'";
  389. $lang['widelcld'] = "sterge clienti";
  390. $lang['widelcldgrp'] = "reinnoieste grade";
  391. $lang['widelcldgrpdesc'] = "The Ranksystem remember the given servergroups, so it don't need to give/check this with every run of the worker.php again.<br><br>With this function you can remove once time the knowledge of given servergroups. In effect the ranksystem try to give all clients (which are on the TS3 server online) the servergroup of the actual rank.<br>For each client, which gets the group or stay in group, the Ranksystem remember this like described at beginning.<br><br>This function can be helpful, when user are not in the servergroup, they should be for the defined online time.<br><br>Attention: Run this in a moment, where the next few minutes no rankups become due!!! The Ranksystem can't remove the old group, cause it can't remember ;-)";
  392. $lang['widelclddesc'] = "Delete the before selected clients out of the Ranksystem database.<br><br>With this deletion are the clients on the TeamSpeak Server untouched.";
  393. $lang['widelsg'] = "elimina din grad";
  394. $lang['widelsgdesc'] = "Choose if the clients should also be removed out of the last known servergroup, when you delete clients out of the Ranksystem database.<br><br>It will only considered servergroups, which concerned the Ranksystem";
  395. $lang['wideltime'] = "sterge timp";
  396. $lang['wideltimedesc'] = "Clean old clients out of the Ranksystem database.<br>Entry a time in seconds which a client was not seen to delete it.<br><br>0 - deletes all clients out of the Ranksystem<br><br>The Userdatas on the TeamSpeak server are with this untouched!";
  397. $lang['wiexcid'] = "canal exceptie";
  398. $lang['wiexciddesc'] = "A comma separated list of the channel-IDs that are not to participate in the Ranksystem.<br><br>Stay users in one of the listed channels, the time there will be completely ignored. There is neither the online time, yet the idle time counted.<br><br>Sense does this function only with the mode 'online time', cause here could be ignored AFK channels for example.<br>With the mode 'active time', this function is useless because as would be deducted the idle time in AFK rooms and thus not counted anyway.<br><br>Be a user in an excluded channel, it is noted for this period as 'excluded from the Ranksystem'. The user dows no longer appears in the list 'stats/list_rankup.php' unless excluded clients should not be displayed there (Stats Page - excepted client).";
  399. $lang['wiexgrp'] = "grad exceptie";
  400. $lang['wiexgrpdesc'] = "A comma seperated list of servergroup-IDs, which should not conside for the Ranksystem.<br>User in at least one of this servergroups IDs will be ignored for the rank up.";
  401. $lang['wiexres'] = "mod exceptie";
  402. $lang['wiexres1'] = "implicit (contorizeaza timp)";
  403. $lang['wiexres2'] = "pauza timp";
  404. $lang['wiexres3'] = "reseteaza timp";
  405. $lang['wiexresdesc'] = "There are three modes, how to handle an exception. In every case the rank up (assign servergroup) is disabled. You can choose different options how the spended time from a user (which is excepted) should be handled.<br><br>1) <b>default (count time)</b>: At default the Ranksystem also count the online/active time of users, which are excepted (client/servergroup). With an exception only the rank up (assign servergroup) is disabled. That means if a user is not any more excepted, he would be assign to the group depending his collected time (e.g. level 3).<br><br>2) <b>break time</b>: On this option the spend online and idle time will be frozen (break) to the actual value (before the user got excepted). After an exception the (after removing the excepted servergroup or remove the expection rule) 'counting' will go on.<br><br>3) <b>reset time</b>: With this function the counted online and idle time will be resetting to zero at the moment the user are not any more excepted (due removing the excepted servergroup or remove the exception rule). The spend time due exception would be still count till it got reset.<br><br><br>The channel exception doesn't matter here, cause the time will always be ignored (like the break mode).";
  406. $lang['wiexuid'] = "client exceptie";
  407. $lang['wiexuiddesc'] = "A comma seperated list of unique Client-IDs, which should not conside for the Ranksystem.<br>User in this list will be ignored for the rank up.";
  408. $lang['wigrptime'] = "Clasificare grade";
  409. $lang['wigrptimedesc'] = "Define here after which time a user should get automatically a predefined servergroup.<br><br>time (seconds)=>servergroup ID<br><br>Important for this is the 'online time' or the 'active time' of an user, depending on setting of the mode.<br><br>Each entry have to separate from next with a comma.<br><br>The time must be entered cumulative<br><br>Example:<br>60=>9,120=>10,180=>11<br><br>On this a user get after 60 seconds the servergroup 9, in turn after 60 seconds the servergroup 10, and so on...";
  410. $lang['wihladm'] = "Lista Rank(Mod Admin)";
  411. $lang['wihladm1'] = "Adauga timp online";
  412. $lang['wihlcfg'] = "Setari core";
  413. $lang['wihldb'] = "Setari baza de date";
  414. $lang['wihlmsg'] = "Message settings";
  415. $lang['wihlsty'] = "Setari pagina statistici";
  416. $lang['wihlts'] = "Setari TS3";
  417. $lang['wihlvs'] = "Diferite setari";
  418. $lang['wiignidle'] = "Ignora timp afk";
  419. $lang['wiignidledesc'] = "Define a period, up to which the idle time of an user will be ignored.<br><br>When a client does not do anything on the server (=idle), this time is noted by the Ranksystem. With this feature the idle time of an user will not be counted until the defined limit. Only when the defined limit is exceeded, it counts from that date for the Ranksystem as idle time.<br><br>This function plays only in conjunction with the mode 'active time' a role.<br><br>Meaning the function is e.g. to evaluate the time of listening in conversations as activity.<br><br>0 = disable the feature<br><br>Example:<br>Ignore idle = 600 (seconds)<br>A client has an idle of 8 minuntes<br>consequence:<br>8 minutes idle are ignored and he therefore receives this time as active time. If the idle time now increased to over 12 minutes so the time is over 10 minutes, and in this case 2 minutes would be counted as idle time.";
  420. $lang['wilog'] = "Folder";
  421. $lang['wilogdesc'] = "Path of the log file of the Ranksystem.<br><br>Example:<br>/var/logs/ranksystem/<br><br>Be sure, the webuser has the write-permissions to the logpath.";
  422. $lang['wilogout'] = "Delogare";
  423. $lang['wimsgmsg'] = "Mesaj";
  424. $lang['wimsgmsgdesc'] = "Define a message, which will be send to an user, when he rises the next higher rank.<br><br>This message will be send via TS3 private message. So every know bb-code could be used, which also works for a normal private message.<br><br><br>Furthermore, the previously spent time can be expressed by arguments:<br>%1\$s - days<br>%2\$s - hours<br>%3\$s - minutes<br>%4\$s - seconds<br>%5\$s - name of reached servergroup<br>%6&#36;s - name of the user (recipient)<br><br>Example:<br>Hey,\\nyou reached a higher rank, since you already connected for %1\$s days, %2\$s hours and %3\$s minutes to our TS3 server.[B]Keep it up![/B] ;-)";
  425. $lang['wimsgsn'] = "Noutati server";
  426. $lang['wimsgsndesc'] = "Define a message, which will be shown on the /stats/ page as server news.<br><br>You can use default html functions to modify the layout<br><br>Example:<br>&#60b&#62; - <b>for bold</b><br>&#60u&#62; - <u>for underline</u><br>&#60i&#62; - <i>for italic</i><br>&#60br&#62; - for word-wrap (new line)";
  427. $lang['wimsgusr'] = "Notificare grad";
  428. $lang['wimsgusrdesc'] = "Inform an user with a private text message about his rank up.";
  429. $lang['winav1'] = "TeamSpeak";
  430. $lang['winav2'] = "baza de date";
  431. $lang['winav3'] = "Core";
  432. $lang['winav4'] = "altele";
  433. $lang['winav5'] = "mesaj";
  434. $lang['winav6'] = "pagina statistici";
  435. $lang['winav7'] = "administreaza";
  436. $lang['winav8'] = "porneste/opreste";
  437. $lang['winav9'] = "Actualizare disponibila!";
  438. $lang['winav10'] = "Please use the webinterface only via %s HTTPS%s An encryption is critical to ensure your privacy and security.%sTo be able to use HTTPS your webserver needs to support an SSL connection.";
  439. $lang['winav11'] = "Please enter the unique Client-ID of the admin of the Ranksystem (Other -> admin ID). This is very important in case you lost your login details for the webinterface (to reset these).";
  440. $lang['winav12'] = "Addons";
  441. $lang['winxinfo'] = "Comanda \"!nextup\"";
  442. $lang['winxinfodesc'] = "Allows the user on the TS3 server to write the command \"!nextup\" to the Ranksystem (query) bot as private textmessage.<br><br>As answer the user will get a defined text message with the needed time for the next rankup.<br><br><b>deactivated</b> - The function is deactivated. The command '!nextup' will be ignored.<br><b>allowed - only next rank</b> - Gives back the needed time for the next group.<br><b>allowed - all next ranks</b> - Gives back the needed time for all higher ranks.";
  443. $lang['winxmode1'] = "dezactivat";
  444. $lang['winxmode2'] = "permisa - pentru gradul urmator";
  445. $lang['winxmode3'] = "permisa - pentru toate gradele";
  446. $lang['winxmsg1'] = "Mesaj";
  447. $lang['winxmsgdesc1'] = "Scrie mesajul care se va afisa cand userul da comanda \'!nextup\'.<br><br>Argumente:<br>%1&#36;s - zile pentru urmatorul grad<br>%2&#36;s - ore pentru urmatorul grad<br>%3&#36;s - minutes to next rankup<br>%4&#36;s - secunde pentru urmatorul grad<br>%5&#36;s - numele urmatorului grad<br>%6&#36;s - numele userului<br><br>Exemplu:<br>Vei primi un nou grad peste %1&#36;s zile, %2&#36;s ore, %3&#36;s minute si %4&#36;s secunde. Noul grad se numeste [B]%5&#36;s[/B].";
  448. $lang['winxmsg2'] = "Mesj (cel mai mare)";
  449. $lang['winxmsgdesc2'] = "Define a message, which the user will get as answer at the command \"nextup\", when the user already reached the highest rank.<br><br>Arguments:<br>%1&#36;s - days to next rankup<br>%2&#36;s - hours to next rankup<br>%3&#36;s - minutes to next rankup<br>%4&#36;s - seconds to next rankup<br>%5&#36;s - name of the next servergroup<br>%6&#36;s - name of the user (recipient)<br><br>Example:<br>You have been reached the highest rank for %1&#36;s days, %2&#36;s hours and %3&#36;s minutes and %4&#36;s seconds.";
  450. $lang['winxmsg3'] = "Mesaj (exceptie)";
  451. $lang['winxmsgdesc3'] = "Define a message, which the user will get as answer at the command \"nextup\", when the user is excepted from the Ranksystem.<br><br>Arguments:<br>%1&#36;s - days to next rankup<br>%2&#36;s - hours to next rankup<br>%3&#36;s - minutes to next rankup<br>%4&#36;s - seconds to next rankup<br>%5&#36;s - name of the next servergroup<br>%6&#36;s - name of the user (recipient)<br><br>Example:<br>You are excepted from the Ranksystem. If you wish to rank contact an admin on the TS3 server.";
  452. $lang['wirtpw1'] = "Sorry Bro, you have forgotten to enter your admin ID inside the webinterface before. There is no way to reset the password!";
  453. $lang['wirtpw2'] = "Admin ID not found on TS3 server. You need to be online with the unique Client ID, which is saved as admin ID.";
  454. $lang['wirtpw3'] = "Your IP address do not match with the IP address of the admin on the TS3 server. Be sure you are with the same IP address online on the TS3 server and also on this page (same protocol IPv4 / IPv6 is also needed).";
  455. $lang['wirtpw4'] = "\nThe password for the webinterface was successfully reset.\nUsername: %s\nPassword: [B]%s[/B]\n\nLogin %shere%s";
  456. $lang['wirtpw5'] = "There was send a TeamSpeak3 privat textmessage to the admin with the new password. Click %s here %s to login.";
  457. $lang['wirtpw6'] = "The password of the webinterface has been successfully reset. Request from IP %s.";
  458. $lang['wirtpw7'] = "Reset Password";
  459. $lang['wirtpw8'] = "Here you can reset the password for the webinterface.";
  460. $lang['wirtpw9'] = "Following things are required to reset the password:";
  461. $lang['wirtpw10'] = "You need to be online at the TeamSpeak3 server.";
  462. $lang['wirtpw11'] = "You need to be online with the unique Client-ID, which is saved as admin ID.";
  463. $lang['wirtpw12'] = "You need to be online with the same IP address on the TeamSpeak3 server as here on this page (also the same protocol IPv4 / IPv6).";
  464. $lang['wiselcld'] = "selecteaza useri";
  465. $lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Select the clients by their last known username, unique Client-ID or Client-database-ID.<br>Multiple selections are also possible.";
  466. $lang['wishcolas'] = "grad actual";
  467. $lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'grad actual' in list_rankup.php";
  468. $lang['wishcolat'] = "timp activ";
  469. $lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'sum. timp activ' in list_rankup.php";
  470. $lang['wishcolcld'] = "nume client";
  471. $lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'nume client' in list_rankup.php";
  472. $lang['wishcoldbid'] = "ID baza de date";
  473. $lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'ID baza de date' in list_rankup.php";
  474. $lang['wishcolgs'] = "grad actual de";
  475. $lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'grad de' in list_rankup.php";
  476. $lang['wishcolit'] = "timp afk";
  477. $lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'sum. timp afk' in list_rankup.php";
  478. $lang['wishcolls'] = "ultima conectare";
  479. $lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'ultima conectare' in list_rankup.php";
  480. $lang['wishcolnx'] = "urmatorul grad peste";
  481. $lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'urmatorul grad' in list_rankup.php";
  482. $lang['wishcolot'] = "timp online";
  483. $lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'sum. timp online' in list_rankup.php";
  484. $lang['wishcolrg'] = "grad";
  485. $lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'grad' in list_rankup.php";
  486. $lang['wishcolsg'] = "urmatorul grad";
  487. $lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'urmatorul grad' in list_rankup.php";
  488. $lang['wishcoluuid'] = "ID CLIENT";
  489. $lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'unique-ID' in list_rankup.php";
  490. $lang['wishexcld'] = "client exceptie";
  491. $lang['wishexclddesc'] = "Afisati clientii in list_rankup.php,<br>care sunt exclusi si, prin urmare, nu participa la sistemul rank.";
  492. $lang['wishexgrp'] = "grad exceptie";
  493. $lang['wishexgrpdesc'] = "Afisati clientii in list_rankup.php, care se afla in lista "exceptie client" si nu ar trebui sa fie afisati pe sistemul rank";
  494. $lang['wishhicld'] = "Clienti cu cel mai mare rank";
  495. $lang['wishhiclddesc'] = "Afisati clientii in list_rankup.php, care au atins cel mai mare grad din sistemul rank.";
  496. $lang['wishnav'] = "afisare navigare site";
  497. $lang['wishnavdesc'] = "Afisati navigarea site-ului pe pagina '/stats'.<br><br>Daca aceasta optiune este dezactivata pe pagina cu statistici, navigarea pe site va fi ascunsa.<br>Puteti apoi sa luati fiecare site, adică 'stats/list_rankup.php' si incorporati-o in cadrul in site-ului dvs. existent.";
  498. $lang['wisupidle'] = "Mod";
  499. $lang['wisupidledesc'] = "Exista doua moduri, pentru ca timpul poate fi calculat si se poate aplica pentru o crestere a rangului.<br><br> 1) timp online: Aici se tine cont de timpul online pur al utilizatorului (a se vedea coloana 'suma' in 'stats/list_rankup.php')<br><br> 2) timp activ: va fi dedus din timpul online al unui utilizator, timpul inactiv (a se vedea coloana 'suma activa' 'stats/list_rankup.php').<br><br> O schimbare a modului cu o baza de date deja in desfasurare nu este recomandata, dar poate functiona.";
  500. $lang['wisvconf'] = "salveaza";
  501. $lang['wisvsuc'] = "Schimbari salvate cu succes";
  502. $lang['wisvres'] = "Trebuie sa reporniti sistemul rank inainte ca schimbarile sa aiba efect! %s";
  503. $lang['witime'] = "Fus orar";
  504. $lang['witimedesc'] = "Selectati fusul orar pe care este gazduit serverul.";
  505. $lang['wits3avat'] = "Intarziere avatar";
  506. $lang['wits3avatdesc'] = "Definiti un timp de cateva secunde pentru descarcarea avatarelor modificate TS3. <br><br> Aceasta functie este utila in mod special pentru boti (muzica), care isi schimba periodic avatarul.";
  507. $lang['wits3dch'] = "Canal implicit";
  508. $lang['wits3dchdesc'] = "ID-ul canalului, pe care botul trebuie sa se conecteze. <br><br>Botul se va alatura acestui canal dupa conectarea la serverul TeamSpeak.";
  509. $lang['wits3host'] = "TS3 adresa";
  510. $lang['wits3hostdesc'] = "TS3 adresa<br>(IP sau DNS)";
  511. $lang['wits3sm'] = "Slowmode";
  512. $lang['wits3smdesc'] = "Cu ajutorul modului Slowmode puteti reduce \"spam\" de comenzi de interogare catre serverul TeamSpeak.<br>Comenzile TeamSpeak Query se intarzie cu aceasta functie. De asemenea, reduce rata de utilizare a procesorului!<br><br>Activarea nu este recomandata, daca nu este necesara. Intarzierea mareste durata botului, ceea ce o face imprecis.<br><br>Ultima coloana prezinta timpul necesar pentru o durata (in secunde):<br><br>dezactivat&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&nbsp;0,0&emsp;&emsp;&nbsp;0,10<br>intarziere mica&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;0,2&emsp;&emsp;&nbsp;2,60<br>intarziere medie&emsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0,5&emsp;&emsp; 6,50<br>intarziere mare&emsp;&emsp;&nbsp;1,0&emsp;&emsp;13,00<br>intarziere foarte mare&emsp;&emsp;2,0&emsp;&emsp;26,00<br>intarziere imensa&emsp;&emsp;&nbsp;5,0&emsp;&emsp;65,00<br><br>In consecinta, valorile cu intarziere imensa devin executate cu aproximativ 65 de secunde! In functie de ce doriti sa faceti si/sau dimensiunea serverului chiar mai mult.";
  513. $lang['wits3qnm'] = "Nume";
  514. $lang['wits3qnm2'] = "al doilea nume";
  515. $lang['wits3qnm2desc'] = "Un nume de rezerva, daca primul este deja folosit";
  516. $lang['wits3qnmdesc'] = "Se va stabili numele, cu aceasta conexiune de interogare. <br> Puteti sa-l numiti gratuit.";
  517. $lang['wits3querpw'] = "TS3 parola query";
  518. $lang['wits3querpwdesc'] = "TeamSpeak3 parola query<br>Parola pentru query.";
  519. $lang['wits3querusr'] = "TS3 nume query";
  520. $lang['wits3querusrdesc'] = "TeamSpeak3 nume query<br>Implicit este serveradmin<br>Desigur, pute?i crea, de asemenea, un cont suplimentar serverquery doar pentru sistemul Ranks.<br> Permisiile necesare pe care le gasi?i pe:";
  521. $lang['wits3query'] = "TS3 Query-Port";
  522. $lang['wits3querydesc'] = "TeamSpeak3 query port<br>Implicit este 10011 (TCP)<br>Daca acesta nu este implicit, il gasesti in 'ts3server.ini'.";
  523. $lang['wits3voice'] = "TS3 Port";
  524. $lang['wits3voicedesc'] = "TeamSpeak3 port<br>Implicit este 9987 (UDP)<br>Acest port ajuta la conectarea userilor pe TS3.";
  525. $lang['wiverify'] = "Canal de verificare";
  526. $lang['wiverifydesc'] = "Scrie aici ID-ul canalului pentru verificare.<br><br>Acest canal trebuie setat <u>manual</u> pe serverul TeamSpeak. Numele, permisiunile ?i alte proprieta?i ar putea fi definite pentru alegerea dvs.; doar utilizatorul ar trebui sa fie posibil sa se alature acestui canal!<br><br> Verificarea se face de catre utilizatorul respectiv ?u?i pe pagina de statistici (/stats/). Acest lucru este necesar doar daca vizitatorul site-ului nu poate fi asociat automat cu utilizatorul TeamSpeak. <br> <br> Pentru a verifica daca utilizatorul TeamSpeak trebuie sa fie pe canalul de verificare. Acolo el poate primi token-ul cu care se verifica pentru pagina de statistici.";
  527. $lang['wivlang'] = "Limba";
  528. $lang['wivlangdesc'] = "Alege limba default pentru web.<br><br>Limba se poate schimba din web de fiecare user.";
  529. ?>
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