

Mar 8th, 2019
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  1. #Skrypt na PremiumCase By GoldMindNugget
  3. on place:
  4. if player's tool is chest:
  5. if name of player's tool is "&8[&9&lxCase&8]":
  6. cancel event
  8. on right click:
  9. if player's tool is chest:
  10. if name of player's tool is "&8[&9&lxCase&8]":
  11. broadcast "&7-------------(&2&lTWOJE&F&LIP.PL&7)&7-------------"
  12. broadcast "&7>> Gracz &a%player% &7Otworzyl &9&lPremiumCase &7i wydropil:"
  13. chance of 50%:
  14. drop 10 stone
  15. broadcast "&7- &c10 Stone"
  16. chance of 70%:
  17. drop 64 diamond
  18. broadcast "&7- &c64x Diaxy"
  19. chance of 40%:
  20. drop 1 311 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lKlata 3/2"
  21. broadcast "&7- &c1x Klata 4/3"
  22. chance of 50%:
  23. drop 64 emerald
  24. broadcast "&7- &c64x Emeraldy"
  25. chance of 50%:
  26. drop 1 310 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lHelm 3/2"
  27. broadcast "&7- &c1x Helm 4/3"
  28. chance of 80%:
  29. drop 32 Iron ingot
  30. broadcast "&7- &c32 Zelaza
  31. chance of 10%:
  32. drop 1 diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&4&lButy 3/2"
  33. broadcast "&7- &c1x Buty 4/3"
  34. chance of 10%:
  35. drop 1 diamond leggings of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&4&lsopndie 3/2"
  36. broadcast "&7- &c1x Spodnie 4/3"
  37. chance of 10%:
  38. drop 1 diamond pickaxe of effciency 7 and unbreaking 3 and Fortune 3 named "&9&lKilof 7/3/3"
  39. broadcast "&7- &cKilof 7/3/3"
  40. chance of 3%:
  41. drop 1 paper of effciency 8121 and unbreaking 9000 and Fortune 9999 named "&9&lPodpis autora Skryptu: &e(Minecraft GoldMindNugget )"
  42. broadcast "&7- &cUnikatowy Podips Autora Skryptu!"
  43. chance of 100%
  44. broadcast "&8| &7PremiumCase Zakupisz Na &2&lTWOJE&F&LIP.PL "
  45. broadcast "&7-------------(&2&lTWOJE&F&LIP.PL&7)&7-------------"
  46. remove 1 chest named "&8[&9&lxCase&8]" from player's inventory
  48. command /premiumcase [<player>] [<text>]:
  49. permission: TwojeIP.premiumcase
  50. trigger:
  51. if arg 1 is not set:
  52. if arg 2 is not set:
  53. send "&2&lTWOJE&F&L.PL &f&o>> &f&oPoprawne uzycie &c&o/&f&opremiumcase [nick] [ilosc]"
  54. if arg 1 is set:
  55. if arg 2 is set:
  56. execute console command "give %arg 1% chest %arg 2% name:&8[&9&lPremiumCase&8]"
  57. send "&2&lTWOJE&F&L.PL &f&o>> &a&lOtrzymales &9&lPremiumCase &2&lx&a&l%arg 2% &a&l!" to player-arg
  59. command /premiumcaseall [<text>]:
  60. permission: Admin.premiumcaseall
  61. permission message: &cMądrala nie ma permisji!
  62. trigger:
  63. if arg 1 is not set:
  64. send "&2&lTWOJE&F&L.PL &f&o>> &f&oPoprawne uzycie &c&o/&f&oPremiumCaseAll ilosc" to player
  65. if arg 1 is set:
  66. loop all players:
  67. execute console command "give %loop-player% chest name:&8[&9&lPremiumCase&8]"
  68. broadcast "&b&lEast&f&lCore&a& &f&o>> &a&lWszyscy Otrzymali &9&lPremiumCase &7&lx&c&l%arg 2% &a&l!"
  70. command /xD:
  71. permission: skrypt.Admin
  72. permission message: &cMądrala nie ma permisji!
  73. trigger:
  74. broadcast "&2&lTWOJE&F&LIP.PL &f&o>> &c&lKto chce PremiumCase?"
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