

Oct 14th, 2016
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  1. Noctre
  3. Necromancers of the worst kind, noctres are living humanoids infused at birth with the powers of the Negative Energy Plane. Despite not having racial Hit Dice, noctres are powerful creatures and their CR is 3 higher than a humanoid of the same level.
  5. ==Racial Description==
  7. Physical Description: Noctres tend toward extremes with their hair and skin colors; either their hair and skin are black as coal, or pallid as the moon, though pallor is more common. They favor dark clothing, and their eyes always glow with an unnatural light.
  9. Society: Noctres, unlike other native outsiders, breed true more often than not. They form small enclaves where they can practice their blasphemy in relative peace; their innate necromantic powers usually mean that a noctre rarely has to do any manual labor herself. Although spiteful and cruel towards foreigners of their enclaves, the creatures have surprisingly close community bonds, and any who harms a single noctre will find themselves buried in a sea of animated corpses.
  11. Relations: Noctres are insular, clannish creatures and suffer outsiders poorly. The feeling is typically mutual, as the noctres most members of polite society know are the lords of undeath that plague rural settlements. The only races that noctres have any tolerance for are tieflings, who are often surprised to find that noctres welcome them into their communities with open arms. Although the uninformed might think them fond of dhampirs, in truth noctres deeply envy the half-vampires’ ability to survive in sunlight.
  13. Alignment and Religion: Noctres enjoy inflicting pain on those not of their clans, and are infused with the dark power of the Negative Energy Plane. They are usually neutral evil, following no laws but those of the clan. On very rare occasions, a noctre may turn to a good alignment; these are usually killed or exiled by their appalled clanmates. Most noctres worship Corshul Morrde, while the extremely rare good noctres follow the teachings of Tempor.
  15. Adventurers: Noctres are typically content to remain in their isolated towns and villages, but the entire race’s reputation is colored by the rare adventurous members. Possessed of wanderlust and ambition uncommon in their race, noctre adventurers are almost always spellcasters, specializing in necromancy.
  17. ==Noctre Racial Traits==
  19. +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma: Noctres have overwhelming mental prowess.
  20. Native Outsider: Noctres are outsiders with the native subtype.
  21. Medium: Noctres are Medium creatures and receive no penalties or bonuses due to their size.
  22. Normal Speed: Noctres have a base speed of 30ft. They also possess a supernatural fly speed of 30 feet, with perfect maneuverability.
  23. Darkvision: Noctres can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
  24. Spell-Like Ability: Noctres can cast Animate Dead once per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level is equal to their character level.
  25. Terrifying: Noctres are deeply threatening, and gain a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate checks.
  26. Frightful Gaze: A noctre’s gaze is a fearsome thing, filled with nightmares and visions of terror. Creatures within 30 feet of a noctre that meet his gaze must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the noctre’s character level + his Charisma modifier) or stand paralyzed in fear for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. A target that successfully saves cannot be affected by this ability for 24 hours.
  27. Weapon Familiarity: Noctres are proficient with scythes and spiked chains.
  28. Undead Resistance: Noctres gain a +2 racial bonus on saves against disease and mind-affecting effect.
  29. Damage Reduction: Noctres possess 5 points of damage reduction that can only be bypassed by good attacks.
  30. Negative Energy Affinity: Noctres are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy, as if they were undead.
  31. Vulnerable to Sunlight: Powerful they may be, but their negative energy-infused bodies react poorly to sunlight. They take 1 point of Constitution damage after every hour they are exposed to direct sunlight.
  32. Languages: Noctres begin play speaking Common and Mordic. Noctres with high Intelligence scores may learn any language they want.
  34. ===========
  36. Noctre cleric 1 (CR 3)
  37. NE Medium outsider (native)
  38. Init -1
  39. Senses: darkvision 60ft; Perception +3
  41. ==Defense==
  43. AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 armor, -1 Dex)
  44. hp 11 (1d8+3)
  45. Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +5
  46. Defensive Abilities: negative energy affinity
  47. Weaknesses: vulnerable to sunlight
  48. DR 5/good
  50. ==Offense==
  52. Speed 30ft, fly 30ft (perfect); 20ft, fly 30ft (perfect) in armor
  53. Melee: scythe +2 (2d4+2/x4)
  54. Special Attacks: bleeding touch (6/day, 1d6/rd for 1 rd); channel negative energy (5/day, 1d6, DC 12); frightful gaze (DC 12); touch of evil (6/day)
  55. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st)
  56. —1/day: Animate Dead
  57. Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st)
  58. —1st: Cause Fear (D), Magic Weapon, Protection from Good
  59. —0 (at will): Bleed, Detect Magic, Resistance
  60. Domains: Death, Evil
  62. ==Statistics==
  64. Str 12, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 15
  65. BAB +0, CMB +1, CMD 10
  66. Feats: Command Undead
  67. Skills: Intimidate +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Spellcraft +5
  68. —Racial modifiers: +4 Intimidate
  69. Languages: Common, Mordic, Orc
  71. ==Ecology==
  73. Environment: any land or underground
  74. Organization: solitary, pair, cabal (1 plus controlled zombies or skeletons), or cult (5–10 plus animated undead and 1 dark priest of 5th-7th level)
  75. Treasure: NPC gear (scythe, mwk breastplate, other treasure)
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