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Manifesting And De-Manifesting

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May 22nd, 2020
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  1. Manifesting And De-Manifesting
  3. A major concern for people who enter into Law of Attraction (LOA) is how to "de-manifest" unwanted things from their life. They may have a list of things they really want to get rid of, as well as believe that they need to be guarded and paranoid about any "wrong" thought that pops up for fear of manifesting it. This is usually founded in a misconception of how LOA operates and the role the individual plays in manifesting.
  5. Part 1: Self
  6. The most essential thing for a person to understand is what is most essential to them: themselves - Self, the consciousness underlying every experience. It is the common denominator to everything you live. You, as a person, can grow, learn, take on a thousand different identities and beliefs, and yet this formless, faceless, timeless Self remains unchanged. It exists eternally in the here-and-now. In fact, you could say it is the here-and-now itself. Anything that you ever experience exists because there is a "you" there to experience it - without Self, nothing exists. You can become identified with this Self through meditation.
  8. A simple form of meditation is to take some time to simply observe your thoughts. Relax in a comfortable position (ideally upright), letting yourself breathe steadily and gently releasing any tension with each exhalation. Then, begin to "hear" your current thoughts as you would hear any sound with your ears, or "see" them as you would anything with your eyes. Most of your life is spent interacting with the world *through* these thoughts, which are usually linguistic constructs in the form of a constant inner monologue of beliefs and assumptions. However, if you notice this inner monologue closely, you will find that it is happening *to* you, in the same way that external sounds arise to interact with your ear drums.
  9. As you let your mind run wild, making no effort to suppress it, and simply notice the thoughts as they arise, you will then notice *the fact that you are noticing them*. In other words, the thoughts aren't you, they're *experienced by you.* Even now as you read this, you may notice an inner voice narrating each word. Hear that voice as you continue. Notice the way words translate into meaning within your mind. The fact that you can notice it means that you exist separate from it.
  10. Once you settle into this, you will begin detaching from your thoughts, letting them ebb and flow without engaging them. In other words, you no longer see the world through a lens, but see the lens as well.
  12. Part 2: Reality is a Reflection
  13. Given this understanding, this explanation of LOA should make sense, though it contradicts the modalities that humans are accustomed to in dealing with life's problems:
  14. People attract everything that happens to them whether they were "asking for it" or "asking for not-it," because the contents of your experience reflect what your emotional focus is predominantly placed upon. Physical reality is a mirror to the mind and emotions. If you say "I love this," you'll get more of it. If you say "I hate this," you'll get more of it. If you're indifferent, it will subside, and if your feelings are split (like if you want something but doubt that it's possible), the dominant feeling wins out.
  15. The universe reflects what you pay attention to in an all-inclusive way. If you are suffering from a health problem, for example, know that there is no such idea of "no-disease" that would manifest anything other than more disease. You would have to imagine and think *from* a vision of "health" in order for your health to improve. If you are poor, there is no such idea of "not-poor." You would have to imagine "wealth." And so on.
  16. To fixate upon the problem is to invite more of the problem into your experience. Think of it in terms of forms (physical forms as well as thought forms) and how you "energize" those forms emotionally. This energy is the same whether it's good-feeling or bad-feeling. Your life experience, right here and now, is a manifestation consisting of all the forms which you've previously energized to varying degrees. What you haven't energized has fallen to the wayside - it's not included in your life experience. How your life transforms with each passing moment is determined by whatever you focus upon *in this moment.*
  17. The more you try to push against an unwanted form, the more energy you give it. The more energy you give it, the more it will show up in your experience. This includes the fear of manifesting an unwanted thought. This is why war does not eradicate a problem, but begets more war. Humans are so used to "attacking" their problems that they don't realize this is the emotional focus which energizes those forms and keeps them alive. Likewise, when you pour loving, joyful, enthusiastic focus into the things you do want, you invite them more into your experience.
  19. Part 3: Manifesting and De-Manifesting
  20. When you find yourself faced with negative circumstances or thoughts, your best of course of action is not to take them on, and not to try to leap from a negative-feeling state to a positive-feeling one, but to starve those thoughts of their energy supply through neutral-feeling indifference. Indifference is how anything disappears. You can achieve this indifference by meditating as described in Part 1.
  21. When you find that neutral-feeling, detached state, you now have fertile ground to begin building a vision of what you do want. I recommend starting gently and generally, building upon an overall good-feeling mood and then "filling in the details" with sensory impressions. As you immerse yourself in the specifics, you may encounter resistance. For example, you might be imagining a life of wealth but then your mind starts to wander to taxes, potential thieves, how people might dislike you for being wealthy, etc. The moment you catch yourself wandering into negative-feeling territory, stop and back off of that visualization. Notice the thought, notice Self, detach from the thought, and then start again from that neutral place. Rinse and repeat.
  22. You want something because you think you would feel good in having it. Therefore, when it comes to manifesting the things you desire, neutral-feeling is a better match than bad-feeling, and good-feeling is even better than neutral-feeling. Remain mindful of how you're feeling - make it your utmost priority before you even begin filling in those details.
  23. For a while, you will likely find yourself continuing to "attack" those unwanted thoughts and things, as you're used to doing. You may find yourself continuing to stand guard against your "wrong" thoughts. That's okay, and it's understandable. Life can give us some intensely distressing situations in which the only appropriate response seems to be to freak out. But no matter what the situation, even if you are freaking out, you can observe yourself as the Self underlying it. A freaked-out you is still the same you that exists when you're calm. With steady practice of this process, it will become natural to you, and soon you will become a full-blown wizard.
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