Guest User


a guest
Apr 18th, 2016
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  1. bind browser backspace browser-up
  2. bind browser i toggle show_hidden
  3. bind browser space win-activate
  4. bind browser u win-update
  5. bind common ! push shell
  6. bind common + vol +10%
  7. bind common , seek -1m
  8. bind common - vol -10%
  9. bind common . seek +1m
  10. bind common 1 view tree
  11. bind common 2 view sorted
  12. bind common 3 view playlist
  13. bind common 4 view queue
  14. bind common 5 view browser
  15. bind common 6 view filters
  16. bind common 7 view settings
  17. bind common = vol +10%
  18. bind common C toggle continue
  19. bind common D win-remove
  20. bind common E win-add-Q
  21. bind common F push filter
  22. bind common G win-bottom
  23. bind common I echo {}
  24. bind common L push live-filter
  25. bind common M toggle play_library
  26. bind common N search-prev
  27. bind common P win-mv-before
  28. bind common U win-update-cache
  29. bind common [ vol +1% +0
  30. bind common ] vol +0 +1%
  31. bind common ^B win-page-up
  32. bind common ^C echo Type :quit<enter> to exit cmus.
  33. bind common ^E win-scroll-down
  34. bind common ^F win-page-down
  35. bind common ^L refresh
  36. bind common ^R toggle repeat_current
  37. bind common ^Y win-scroll-up
  38. bind common a win-add-l
  39. bind common b player-next
  40. bind common c player-pause
  41. bind common delete win-remove
  42. bind common down win-down
  43. bind common e win-add-q
  44. bind common end win-bottom
  45. bind common enter win-activate
  46. bind common f toggle follow
  47. bind common g win-top
  48. bind common h seek -5
  49. bind common home win-top
  50. bind common i win-sel-cur
  51. bind common j win-down
  52. bind common k win-up
  53. bind common l seek +5
  54. bind common left seek -5
  55. bind common m toggle aaa_mode
  56. bind common n search-next
  57. bind common o toggle play_sorted
  58. bind common p win-mv-after
  59. bind common page_down win-page-down
  60. bind common page_up win-page-up
  61. bind common q quit -i
  62. bind common r toggle repeat
  63. bind common right seek +5
  64. bind common s toggle shuffle
  65. bind common space win-toggle
  66. bind common t toggle show_remaining_time
  67. bind common tab win-next
  68. bind common u update-cache
  69. bind common up win-up
  70. bind common v player-stop
  71. bind common x player-play
  72. bind common y win-add-p
  73. bind common z player-prev
  74. bind common { vol -1% -0
  75. bind common } vol -0 -1%
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