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- One of the main features of Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 is the changing of some of the moves
- the Pokémon learn by level up. Most of these changes are done either for convenience reasons,
- because a Pokémon is missing a move that it probably should have gotten (Flareon is a notable
- offender…) or because a Pokémon’s type has changed and it needs some changes to its moveset
- in order to fit within that type better. Refer to the next page for the key on how to read this
- document, as well as the changes I’ve done to some of the individual attacks. Not all 649
- Pokémon have had edits to their move pool, but it’s sure as hell not far off!
- Almost everything contained in this document is missing from the Vanilla version of the hack. The
- exception is the compatibility with the replacement TMs newly placed in the game; information on
- this is found on the next page. Level up moves and attack changes are totally absent.
- General Attack Changes
- • Pin Missile is now 25 power.
- • Spike Cannon is now 25 power.
- • Comet Punch is now 25 power.
- • Arm Thrust is now 25 power.
- • Incinerate is now 50 power.
- • Struggle Bug is now 50 power.
- • Steamroller is now 75 power.
- • Power Gem is now 80 power.
- • Shadow Claw is now 90 power.
- • Needle Arm is now 100 power.
- • The three Pledge moves are now 100 power.
- • Cut is now Grass-type with 60 power and 100% accuracy, with 20 PP.
- • Strength is now a Rock-type move, but has been reduced to 75 power.
- It is also worth noting that some new TMs have appeared, or rather, replaced some of the old ones.
- • TM58 previously contained Sky Drop; it now contains Hurricane instead.
- • TM60 previously contained Quash; it now contains Sucker Punch instead.
- • TM76 previously contained Struggle Bug; it now contains Bug Buzz instead.
- The following Pokémon are compatible with Hurricane:
- Charizard, Butterfree, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Spearow, Fearow, Zubat, Golbat, Venomoth, Farfetch'd,
- Aerodactyl, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Dragonite, Mew, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Crobat, Togetic, Xatu, Murkrow,
- Mantine, Skarmory, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Beautifly, Dustox, Shiftry, Taillow, Swellow, Wingull, Pelipper,
- Masquerain, Vibrava, Flygon, Swablu, Altaria, Tropius, Salamence, Rayquaza, Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, Mothim,
- Vespiquen, Drifloon, Drifblim, Honchkrow, Chatot, Togekiss, Arceus, Pidove, Tranquill, Unfezant, Woobat,
- Swoobat, Whimsicott, Sigilyph, Archen, Archeops, Ducklett, Swanna, Rufflet, Braviary, Vullaby, Mandibuzz,
- Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus.
- The following Pokémon are compatibile with Bug Buzz:
- Butterfree, Beedrill, Paras, Parasect, Venonat, Venomoth, Magnemite, Magneton, Voltorb, Electrode, Scyther,
- Pinsir, Mew, Ledyba, Ledian, Spinarak, Ariados, Yanma, Pineco, Forretress, Gligar, Scizor, Shuckle, Heracross,
- Beautifly, Dustox, Surskit, Masquerain, Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Volbeat, Illumise,
- Vibrava, Flygon, Anorith, Armaldo, Kricketune, Wormadam, Mothim, Vespiquen, Chatot, Skorupi, Drapion,
- Magnezone, Yanmega, Gliscor, Sewaddle, Swadloon, Leavanny, Venipede, Whirlipede, Scolipede, Dwebble,
- Crustle, Karrablast, Escavalier, Joltik, Galvantula, Elgyem, Beheeyem, Shelmet, Accelgor, Durant, Larvesta,
- Volcarona, Genesect.
- The following Pokémon are compatibile with Sucker Punch:
- Rattata, Raticate, NidoranM, Nidorino, Nidoking, Diglett, Dugtrio, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Geodude,
- Graveler, Golem, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Voltorb, Electrode, Hitmonlee, Kangaskhan, Mew, Sentret, Furret,
- Spinarak, Ariados, Chinchou, Lanturn, Natu, Xatu, Sudowoodo, Umbreon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Girafarig,
- Corsola, Houndour, Houndoom, Stantler, Hitmontop, Celebi, Poochyena, Mightyena, Shiftry, Slakoth, Vigoroth,
- Slaking, Shedinja, Skitty, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Spinda, Cacnea, Cacturne, Seviper, Kecleon, Shuppet, Banette,
- Duskull, Dusclops, Absol, Huntail, Latias, Wormadam, Drifloon, Drifblim, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Glameow,
- Purugly, Stunky, Skuntank, Bonsly, Spiritomb, Croagunk, Toxicroak, Dusknoir, Froslass, Rotom, Darkrai, Tepig,
- Pignite, Emboar, Patrat, Watchog, Purrloin, Liepard, Pansage, Simisage, Pansear, Simisear, Panpour, Simipour,
- Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile, Maractus, Scraggy, Scrafty, Zorua, Zoroark, Joltik, Galvantula, Accelgor,
- Druddigon, Pawniard, Bisharp, Heatmor.
- Document Key
- + means the move is totally new to the level up set.
- - means the move has replaced the move usually learned at that level.
- = means it's not a new move, but the level has been shifted.
- There may be some changes that have been written in sentence form that don’t quite correspond to the key; in
- this case, disregard the key and take the sentence for what it says.
- To skip to a certain section, jump to the following pages…
- Kanto Pokémon Page 03 Johto Pokémon Page 28
- Hoenn Pokémon Page 41 Sinnoh Pokémon Page 57
- Unova Pokémon Page 64
- Kanto Pokémon
- #001 Bulbasaur
- + Level 29 - Nature Power
- + Level 41 - Power Whip
- #002 Ivysaur
- + Level 33 - Nature Power
- + Level 49 - Power Whip
- + Level 53 - Leaf Storm
- #003 Venusaur
- + Level 1 - AncientPower
- + Level 36 - Nature Power
- + Level 57 - Power Whip
- + Level 63 - Leaf Storm
- #004 Charmander
- + Belly Drum - Level 50
- #005 Charmeleon
- + Belly Drum - Level 61
- #006 Charizard
- + Level 1 - Crunch
- - Level 41 - Dragon Pulse
- - Level 56 - Dragon Dance
- = Level 61 - Inferno
- + Level 66 - Outrage
- + Level 83 - Belly Drum
- #007 Squirtle
- + Level 31 - Zen Headbutt
- + Level 43 - Water Spout
- + Level 46 - Shell Smash
- #008 Wartortle
- + Level 16 - Aqua Jet
- + Level 36 - Zen Headbutt
- + Level 52 - Water Spout
- + Level 56 - Shell Smash
- #009 Blastoise
- + Level 1 - Zap Cannon
- + Level 16 - Aqua Jet
- + Level 39 - Zen Headbutt
- + Level 67 - Water Spout
- + Level 74 - Shell Smash
- #010 Caterpie
- = Level 1 - Bug Bite
- + Level 1 - Struggle Bug
- + Level 6 - ElectroWeb
- #012 Butterfree
- + Level 1 - Struggle Bug
- + Level 10 - Air Cutter
- + Level 26 - Giga Drain
- + Level 32 - Air Slash
- + Level 38 - Baton Pass
- + Level 50 - Hurricane
- #013 Weedle
- = Level 1 - Bug Bite
- + Level 1 - Struggle Bug
- + Level 6 - Poison Tail
- #015 Beedrill
- + Level 1 - Bug Bite
- + Level 10 - Cross Poison
- = Level 10 - Rage
- + Level 19 - X-Scissor
- + Level 43 - Megahorn
- + Level 46 - Baton Pass
- #016 Pidgey
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 05 Sand-Attack Lv. 07 Gust
- Lv. 09 Quick Attack Lv. 11 Wing Attack Lv. 13 Whirlwind
- Lv. 15 Twister Lv. 17 Featherdance Lv. 19 Faint Attack
- Lv. 21 Agility Lv. 23 Steel Wing Lv. 25 Roost
- Lv. 27 Air Slash Lv. 29 Brave Bird Lv. 31 Mirror Move
- Lv. 33 Thrash Lv. 35 Hurricane Lv. 37 Double-edge
- #017 Pidgeotto
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 05 Sand-Attack Lv. 07 Gust
- Lv. 09 Quick Attack Lv. 11 Wing Attack Lv. 13 Whirlwind
- Lv. 15 Twister Lv. 17 Featherdance Lv. 20 Faint Attack
- Lv. 23 Agility Lv. 26 Steel Wing Lv. 29 Roost
- Lv. 32 Air Slash Lv. 35 Brave Bird Lv. 38 Mirror Move
- Lv. 41 Thrash Lv. 44 Hurricane Lv. 47 Double-edge
- #018 Pidgeot
- Lv. 01 Superpower Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 05 Sand-Attack
- Lv. 07 Gust Lv. 09 Quick Attack Lv. 11 Wing Attack
- Lv. 13 Whirlwind Lv. 15 Twister Lv. 17 Featherdance
- Lv. 20 Faint Attack Lv. 23 Agility Lv. 26 Steel Wing
- Lv. 29 Roost Lv. 32 Air Slash Lv. 35 Brave Bird
- Lv. 40 Mirror Move Lv. 45 Thrash Lv. 50 Hurricane
- Lv. 55 Double-edge
- #019 Rattata
- = Bite - Level 1
- + Flame Wheel - Level 10
- + Reversal - Level 34
- = Endeavor - Level 37
- + Me First - Level 40
- + Final Gambit - Level 43
- #020 Raticate
- = Bite - Level 1
- + Flame Wheel - Level 10
- = Swords Dance - Level 20
- + Fire Fang - Level 20
- + Thunder Fang - Level 20
- + Ice Fang - Level 20
- + Reversal - Level 44
- = Endeavor - Level 49
- + Me First - Level 54
- + Final Gambit - Level 59
- #021 Spearow
- + Level 1 - SonicBoom
- = Level 1 - Pursuit
- + Level 13 - Steel Wing
- #022 Fearow
- = Level 1 - Pursuit
- + Level 13 - Steel Wing
- #023 Ekans
- + Level 22 - Poison Tail
- #024 Arbok
- + Level 23 - Poison Tail
- #172 Pichu, #025 Pikachu, #026 Raichu
- + Level 23 - Wish (Pichu only)
- + Level 28 - Sing (Pichu only)
- + Level 33 - Petal Dance (Pichu)
- + Level 38 - Dizzy Punch (Pichu)
- + Level 32 - Charge (Pikachu only)
- + Level 54 - Volt Tackle (Pikachu and Raichu only)
- #027 Sandshrew
- + Level 26 - Night Slash
- + Level 50 - Super Fang
- #028 Sandslash
- + Level 26 - Night Slash
- + Level 50 - Super Fang
- #029 Nidoran-F
- + Level 1 - Moonlight
- + Level 11 - Sweet Kiss
- + Level 16 - Lovely Kiss
- + Level 28 - Super Fang
- #030 Nidorina
- + Level 31 - Super Fang
- #032 Nidoran-M
- + Level 1 - Morning Sun
- + Level 11 - Sweet Kiss
- + Level 16 - Lovely Kiss
- + Level 28 - Super Fang
- #033 Nidorino
- + Level 31 - Super Fang
- #173 Cleffa, #035 Clefairy, #036 Clefable
- +/= Level 1 - Metronome (Cleffa, Clefairy)
- + Level 19 - Stored Power (Cleffa only)
- + Level 22 - Swift (Cleffa)
- + Level 25 - Petal Dance (Cleffa)
- + Level 52 - Belly Drum (Clefable only)
- + Level 28 - Wish (Clefable only)
- #037 Vulpix
- = Level 12 - Flame Burst
- = Level 23 - Fire Spin
- #038 Ninetales
- + Level 1 - Hypnosis
- #174 Igglybuff, #039 Jigglypuff, #040 Wigglytuff
- + Level 1 - Metronome (Igglybuff, Jigglypuff)
- + Level 19 - Perish Song (Jigglypuff only)
- + Level 21 - Fake Tears (Igglybuff only)
- + Level 25 - Mimic (Igglybuff)
- + Level 29 - Petal Dance (Igglybuff)
- + Level 23 - Wish (Jigglypuff only)
- + Level 23 - Gravity (Wigglytuff only)
- + Level 35 - Magic Coat (Wigglytuff only)
- + Level 47 - Heal Bell (Wigglytuff only)
- #041 Zubat, #042 Golbat, #169 Crobat
- + Level 48 / 56 / 56 - Hypnosis
- + Level 53 / 61 / 61 - Nasty Plot
- + Level 57 / 65 / 65 - Brave Bird
- #043 Oddish
- + Level 7 - Leech Seed
- + Level 11 - Razor Leaf
- = Petal Dance and Moonlight have swapped levels.
- + Level 31 - Dark Pulse
- + Level 43 - Earth Power
- #044 Gloom
- + Level 7 - Leech Seed
- + Level 11 - Razor Leaf
- = Petal Dance and Moonlight have swapped levels.
- + Level 38 - Dark Pulse
- + Level 57 - Earth Power
- #045 Vileplume
- + Level 43 - Quiver Dance
- #046 Paras
- + Level 1 - Synthesis
- = Level 1 - Fury Cutter
- + Level 17 - Bug Bite
- + Level 22 - Leech Seed
- + Level 27 - Cross Poison
- #047 Parasect
- = Level 1 - Fury Cutter
- + Level 17 - Bug Bite
- + Level 22 - Leech Seed
- = Level 29 - Cross Poison
- #048 Venonat, #049 Venomoth
- = Level 1 - Leech Life
- + Level 17 - Signal Beam
- #052 Meowth, #053 Persian
- + Level 1 - Water Pulse (Persian)
- + Level 12 - Hypnosis
- + Level 20 - Secret Power
- + Level 28 / 29 - Foul Play
- #054 Psyduck, #055 Golduck
- + Level 1 - Hypnosis
- + Level 33 - Petal Dance (Psyduck only)
- + Level 33 - Power Gem (Golduck only)
- #057 Primeape
- + Level 28 - Fire Punch
- + Level 28 - ThunderPunch
- + Level 28 - Ice Punch
- #059 Arcanine
- + Level 1 - Close Combat
- #060 Poliwag, #061 Poliwhirl
- + Level 1 - Growth (Poliwag)
- + Level 1 - Sweet Kiss (Poliwag)
- + Level 1 - Lovely Kiss (Poliwag)
- + Level 13 - Mud Shot
- + Level 25 - Metronome (Poliwhirl)
- #062 Poliwrath
- + Level 1 - Vacuum Wave
- + Level 13 - Drain Punch
- + Level 22 - Ice Punch
- + Level 60 - Close Combat
- #063 Abra, #064 Kadabra, #065 Alakazam
- + Level 1 - Foresight (Abra)
- + Level 1 - Metronome (Abra)
- + Level 1 - Gravity (Alakazam)
- + Level 20 - Shock Wave (Kadabra, Alakazam)
- + Level 32 - Gravity (Kadabra, Alakazam)
- + Level 56 - Aura Sphere (Alakazam only)
- #066 Machop, #067 Machoke
- + Level 1 - Thrash (Machop)
- + Level 16 - Metronome
- + Level 52 / 59 - Close Combat
- #068 Machamp
- + Level 1 - Bullet Punch
- + Level 16 - Metronome
- + Level 59 - Close Combat
- #069 Bellsprout, #070 Weepinbell
- + Level 3 - Sweet Kiss (Bellsprout)
- + Level 5 - Lovely Kiss (Bellsprout)
- + Level 9 - Leech Life
- + Level 19 - Razor Leaf
- + Level 21 - Clear Smog
- + Level 51 - Power Whip
- #071 Victreebel
- + Level 1 - Weather Ball
- + Level 17 - Sucker Punch
- + Level 37 - Crunch
- #072 Tentacool, #073 Tentacruel
- + Level 1 - Confuse Ray (Tentacool)
- + Level 59 / 66 - Acupressure
- #074 Geodude, #075 Graveler, #076 Golem
- + Level 1 - Rapid Spin (Geodude)
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Golem only)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Golem only)
- = Level 18 - Bulldoze (Golem)
- = Level 36 - Steamroller (Golem only)
- + Level 53 / 70 / 70 - Hammer Arm
- #077 Ponyta, #078 Rapidash
- + Level 1 - Baton Pass
- + Level 1 - Morning Sun (Rapidash only)
- + Level 23 - Double Kick
- + Level 27 - Low Kick
- + Level 35 - Hypnosis
- + Level 53 - Horn Drill (Rapidash only)
- #079 Slowpoke, #080 Slowbro, #199 Slowking
- + Level 21 - Brine
- + Level 62 - Aura Sphere (Slowking only)
- #083 Farfetch'd
- + Level 16 - Revenge
- + Level 28 - Leaf Blade
- + Level 35 - Sacred Sword
- + Level 52 - Close Combat
- #084 Doduo, #085 Dodrio
- + Level 1 - Low Kick
- + Level 31 - Drill Run (Dodrio only)
- + Level 54 / 66 - Brave Bird
- #088 Grimer, #089 Muk
- + Level 1 - Shadow Sneak (Muk)
- #090 Shellder
- = Level 7 - Supersonic
- + Level 10 - BubbleBeam
- #091 Cloyster
- + Level 1 - Rock Blast
- + Level 63 - Shell Smash
- + Level 71 - Hydro Pump
- #092 Gastly, #093 Haunter, #094 Gengar
- + Level 1 - Metronome (Gengar)
- + Level 17 - Ominous Wind
- + Level 24 - Clear Smog
- #095 Onix, #208 Steelix
- + Onix and Steelix now learn Coil at Level 1.
- #096 Drowzee, #097 Hypno
- + Level 1 - Amnesia (Drowzee)
- = Level 13 - Dream Eater
- + Level 19 - Drain Punch
- + Level 41 - Psycho Cut
- #098 Krabby, #099 Kingler
- + Level 28 - Hammer Arm
- + Level 49 / 70 - Superpower
- = Metal Claw (21) and Crabhammer (41/56) have swapped levels.
- #100 Voltorb, #101 Electrode
- + Level 1 - Agility (Voltorb)
- + Level 24 - Signal Beam
- #102 Exeggcute
- + Level 25 - Giga Drain
- = Confusion and Reflect have swapped levels.
- #103 Exeggutor
- + Level 1 - Nature Power
- + Level 1 - Low Kick
- #104 Cubone, #105 Marowak
- + Level 1 - Sing (Marowak only)
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Marowak only)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Marowak only)
- + Level 51 / 64 - Belly Drum
- + Level 55 / 70 - Perish Song
- #106 Hitmonlee
- + Level 65 - Bounce
- #107 Hitmonchan
- + Level 36 - Drain Punch
- #108 Lickitung, #463 Lickilicky
- + Level 61 / 65 - Belly Drum
- + Level 65 / 69 - Hammer Arm
- #109 Koffing, #110 Weezing
- + Level 49 / 60 - Gunk Shot
- #111 Rhyhorn, #112 Rhydon, #464 Rhyperior
- + Level 1 - Fire Fang (Rhyperior only)
- + Level 1 - Thunder Fang (Rhyperior only)
- + Level 1 - Ice Fang (Rhyperior only)
- + Level 1 - Superpower (Rhydon and Rhyperior only)
- + Level 27 - Crunch
- + Level 49 / 52 / 52 - Dragon Rush
- + Level 73 / 85 / 85 – Double-Edge
- #440 Happiny, #113 Chansey, #242 Blissey
- + Level 1 - Sweet Scent (Chansey)
- + Level 1 - Wish (Happiny)
- + Level 1 - Seismic Toss (Happiny)
- + Level 16 - Last Resort (Happiny only)
- + Level 25 - Counter (Chansey and Blissey only)
- + Level 29 - Aromatherapy (Chansey and Blissey only)
- + Level 58 - Gravity (Chansey and Blissey only)
- #114 Tangela, #465 Tangrowth
- + Level 33 - Nature Power
- + Level 57 / 60 - Leaf Storm
- #115 Kangaskhan
- + Level 1 - Faint Attack
- + Level 40 - Drain Punch
- + Level 61 - Double-Edge
- #116 Horsea, #117 Seadra, #230 Kingdra
- + Level 1 - Haze (Horsea)
- + Level 1 - Dragon Rage
- + Level 21 - Octazooka
- + Level 32 - DragonBreath
- #118 Goldeen, #119 Seaking
- + Level 1 - Swords Dance (Goldeen)
- + Level 1 - Aqua Tail (Seaking only)
- + Level 33 - Body Slam (Seaking only)
- + Level 64 / 81 - Bounce
- #439 Mime Jr., #122 Mr. Mime
- + Level 1 - Nasty Plot (Mr. Mime only)
- #123 Scyther, #212 Scizor
- + Level 1 - Crabhammer (Scizor)
- + Level 1 - SonicBoom (Scyther)
- + Level 1 - Night Slash
- + Level 65 - Bug Bite
- #238 Smoochum, #124 Jynx
- + Level 1 - Petal Dance (Jynx only)
- + Level 1 - Wish (Jynx only)
- + Level 1 - Water Pulse (Jynx only)
- + Level 30 - Metronome (Smoochum)
- + Level 51 / 65 - Nasty Plot
- + Level 71 - Psycho Boost (Jynx only)
- #239 Elekid, #125 Electabuzz, #466 Electivire
- + Level 43 / 55 / 55 - Cross Chop
- = Level 46 / 62 / 62 - Thunder
- + Electivire's Screech (42) is now replaced by Submission.
- + Electivire's Giga Impact (now 68) is replaced by Volt Tackle.
- #240 Magby, #126 Magmar, #467 Magmortar
- + Level 43 / 55 / 55 - Cross Chop
- = Level 46 / 62 / 62 - Fire Blast
- + Magmortar's Sunny Day (42) is now replaced by Nasty Plot.
- + Magmortar's Hyper Beam (now 68) is replaced by Magma Storm.
- #127 Pinsir
- + Level 47 - Megahorn
- + Level 51 - Close Combat
- = Level 54 - Guillotine
- #128 Tauros
- + Level 1 - Quick Attack
- + Level 63 - Double-Edge
- + Level 72 - Megahorn
- = Level 81 - Giga Impact
- #129 Magikarp, #130 Gyarados
- + Level 1 - Bubble (Magikarp)
- + Level 1 - Bounce (Magikarp only)
- + Level 1 - Reversal (Magikarp)
- + Level 50 - Crunch (Gyarados)
- + Level 53 - Outrage (Gyarados only)
- #131 Lapras
- + Level 55 - Dragon Dance
- = Level 62 - Sheer Cold
- + Level 68 - Shell Smash
- #133 Eevee, #134 Vaporeon, #135 Jolteon, #136 Flareon, #196 Espeon, #197 Umbreon, #470 Leafeon, #471
- Glaceon
- The level structure of Eevee and its evolutions has been completely redone. The levels are listed below, and
- moves are in the order as the evolutions are listed above.
- In the order of Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon…
- + Level 49 - Wish | Synchronoise | Flare Blitz | Aura Sphere | Power Trick | Dragon Rush | Sheer Cold
- There have also been minor changes to some of them:
- + Vaporeon's Water Pulse (orig. 17) and Aurora Beam (orig. 21) have been flipped.
- + Jolteon's Thunder Fang (21) has been replaced by Shock Wave.
- + Flareon's Smog (33) has been swapped with its Fire Spin (25). Fire Spin (now 33) was subsequently replaced by
- Blaze Kick.
- + Espeon's Psych Up (29) was replaced by Power Gem.
- + Umbreon's Assurance (25) was replaced by Foul Play.
- + Leafeon's Magical Leaf (orig. 21) and Razor Leaf (orig. 9) have been flipped. Sunny Day (37) was also replaced
- by Psycho Cut.
- + Glaceon's Ice Fang (21) has been replaced by Frost Breath. Its Hail (37) has also been replaced by Earth Power.
- #137 Porygon, #233 Porygon2, #474 Porygon-Z
- The Porygon line have received new enhancements to their level line up…
- Porygon
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 01 Sharpen Lv. 01 Conversion
- Lv. 01 Conversion2 Lv. 08 Barrier Lv. 08 Agility
- Lv. 11 Psybeam Lv. 15 Shock Wave Lv. 19 Recover
- Lv. 23 Swift Lv. 27 Signal Beam Lv. 31 Tri Attack
- Lv. 35 Magnet Rise Lv. 39 Discharge Lv. 43 Recycle
- Lv. 47 Magic Coat Lv. 51 Lock-on Lv. 51 Zap Cannon
- Porygon2
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 01 Defense Curl Lv. 01 Conversion
- Lv. 01 Conversion2 Lv. 08 Barrier Lv. 08 Agility
- Lv. 11 Psybeam Lv. 15 Shock Wave Lv. 19 Recover
- Lv. 23 Swift Lv. 27 Signal Beam Lv. 31 Tri Attack
- Lv. 35 Magnet Rise Lv. 39 Discharge Lv. 43 Recycle
- Lv. 47 Magic Coat Lv. 51 Lock-on Lv. 51 Zap Cannon
- Lv. 55 Hyper Beam
- Porygon-Z
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 01 Trick Room Lv. 01 Conversion
- Lv. 01 Conversion2 Lv. 01 Nasty Plot Lv. 08 Barrier
- Lv. 08 Agility Lv. 11 Psybeam Lv. 15 Shock Wave
- Lv. 19 Recover Lv. 23 Swift Lv. 27 Signal Beam
- Lv. 31 Tri Attack Lv. 35 Magnet Rise Lv. 39 Discharge
- Lv. 43 Embargo Lv. 47 Magic Coat Lv. 51 Lock-on
- Lv. 51 Zap Cannon Lv. 55 Hyper Beam
- #138 Omanyte, #139 Omastar
- + Level 40 - Power Gem
- + Level 58 / 83 - Earth Power
- #142 Aerodactyl
- Aerodactyl has had a revamped level line up…
- Lv. 01 Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Wing Attack, Supersonic, Bite, Scary Face
- Lv. 05 Roar Lv. 10 Agility Lv. 15 AncientPower
- Lv. 20 Twister Lv. 25 Rock Slide Lv. 30 Crunch
- Lv. 35 Take Down Lv. 40 Sky Drop Lv. 45 Iron Head
- Lv .50 Dragon Rush Lv. 55 Stone Edge Lv. 60 Double-Edge
- Lv. 65 Brave Bird Lv. 70 Giga Impact Lv. 75 Head Smash
- #446 Munchlax, #143 Snorlax
- + Level 1 - Sweet Kiss (Munchlax)
- + Level 1 - Lovely Kiss (Munchlax)
- + Level 60 - Slack Off
- + Level 63 - Double-Edge
- + Level 68 - Selfdestruct
- #147 Dratini, #148 Dragonair, #149 Dragonite
- + Dratini's Aqua Tail (35) has been replaced by Hydro Pump.
- + Dragonair's Aqua Tail (35) has been replaced by Coil.
- + Dragonite's Agility (25) has been replaced by ExtremeSpeed.
- Johto Pokémon
- #152 Chikorita, #153 Bayleef, #154 Meganium
- + Level 15 - Grasswhistle
- + Level 23 / 26 / 26 - Nature Power
- + Level 48 / 58 / 72 - Leaf Storm
- #155 Cyndaquil, #156 Quilava, #157 Typhlosion
- + Level 16 - Extrasensory
- + Level 52 / 61 / 65 - Nature Power
- #158 Totodile, #159 Croconaw, #160 Feraligatr
- + Level 1 - Submission (Feraligatr)
- + Level 54 / 64 / 81 - Dragon Dance
- #161 Sentret, #162 Furret
- + Level 1 - Dizzy Punch (Sentret)
- + Level 22 / 25 - Super Fang
- #163 Hoothoot, #164 Noctowl
- Hoothoot and Noctowl have received new level-up sets.
- Hoothoot
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 01 Growl Lv. 01 Foresight
- Lv. 04 Hypnosis Lv. 07 Peck Lv. 10 Confusion
- Lv. 13 Uproar Lv. 16 Reflect Lv. 19 Air Cutter
- Lv. 22 Extrasensory Lv. 25 Echoed Voice Lv. 28 Air Slash
- Lv. 31 Take Down Lv. 34 Zen Headbutt Lv. 37 Psycho Shift
- Lv. 40 Psychic Lv. 43 Mirror Move Lv. 46 Synchronoise
- Lv. 49 Roost Lv. 52 Dream Eater Lv. 55 Hurricane
- Noctowl
- Lv. 01 Nasty Plot Lv. 01 Featherdance Lv. 01 Sky Attack
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 01 Growl Lv. 01 Foresight
- Lv. 04 Hypnosis Lv. 07 Peck Lv. 10 Confusion
- Lv. 13 Uproar Lv. 16 Reflect Lv. 19 Air Cutter
- Lv. 23 Extrasensory Lv. 27 Silver Wind Lv. 31 Air Slash
- Lv. 35 Ominous Wind Lv. 39 Zen Headbutt Lv. 43 Psycho Shift
- Lv. 47 Psychic Lv. 51 Mirror Move Lv. 55 Synchronoise
- Lv. 59 Roost Lv. 63 Dream Eater Lv. 67 Hurricane
- #165 Ledyba, #166 Ledian
- Ledyba and Ledian have received new level-up sets.
- Ledyba
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 01 Supersonic Lv. 01 Comet Punch
- Lv. 07 Mega Punch Lv. 11 Bug Bite Lv. 14 Mach Punch
- Lv. 17 Reflect Lv. 17 Light Screen Lv. 20 Silver Wind
- Lv. 23 Baton Pass Lv. 26 Drain Punch Lv. 29 Agility
- Lv. 32 Bug Buzz Lv. 35 Ice Punch Lv. 35 ThunderPunch
- Lv. 38 Swift Lv. 41 Meteor Mash Lv. 44 Double-Edge
- Lv. 47 Focus Punch
- Ledian
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 01 Supersonic Lv. 01 Comet Punch
- Lv. 07 Mega Punch Lv. 11 Bug Bite Lv. 14 Mach Punch
- Lv. 17 Reflect Lv. 17 Light Screen Lv. 20 Silver Wind
- Lv. 22 Gust Lv. 23 Baton Pass Lv. 26 Drain Punch
- Lv. 29 Agility Lv. 32 Bug Buzz Lv. 35 Ice Punch
- Lv. 35 ThunderPunch Lv. 38 Air Slash Lv. 41 Meteor Mash
- Lv. 44 Double-Edge Lv. 47 Focus Punch Lv. 50 Quiver Dance
- #167 Spinarak, #168 Ariados
- Spinarak and Ariados have received a new level-up set.
- Lv. 01 Poison Sting Lv. 01 String Shot Lv. 01 Leech Life
- Lv. 04 Scary Face Lv. 07 Constrict Lv. 10 Bug Bite
- Lv. 13 Night Shade Lv. 16 Shadow Sneak Lv. 19 Cross Poison
- Lv. 22 Fury Swipes Lv. 25 X-Scissor Lv. 28 Spider Web
- Lv. 31 Electroweb Lv. 34 Psychic Lv. 37 Agility
- Lv. 40 Poison Jab Lv. 43 Pin Missile Lv. 46 Night Slash
- Lv. 49 Sucker Punch Lv. 52 Baton Pass
- #170 Chinchou, #171 Lanturn
- + Level 1 - Light Screen (Chinchou)
- #175 Togepi, #176 Togetic
- + Level 1 - Extrasensory
- + Togei's Bestow (25) has been replaced by Tri Attack.
- + Togepi's Wish (29) has been replaced by Nasty Plot.
- + Togetic's Safeguard (37) has been replaced by Softboiled.
- #177 Natu, #178 Xatu
- + Level 1 - Safeguard (Natu)
- - Level 1 - Air Cutter
- + Level 14 - Confusion
- + Level 30 / 33 - Psycho Cut
- + Level 42 / 51 - Air Slash
- #179 Mareep, #180 Flaaffy, #181 Ampharos
- = Charge has been shifted to Level 1.
- + Level 15 / 16 / 16 - Charge Beam.
- + Level 49 / 60 / 68 - Tail Glow
- #182 Bellossom
- + Level 38 - Quiver Dance
- #438 Bonsly, #185 Sudowoodo
- + Bonsly's Slam (15) and Mimic (33) have been swapped.
- + Sudowoodo learns Selfdestruct at 50.
- #187 Hoppip, #188 Skiploom, #189 Jumpluff
- + Level 1 - Agility (Hoppip)
- + Level 52 / 64 / 74 - Cotton Guard
- + Level 79 - Aromatherapy (Jumpluff only)
- #190 Aipom, #424 Ambipom
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Ambipom only)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Ambipom only)
- + Level 1 - Ice Punch (Ambipom only)
- + Level 47 - Fake Out
- #191 Sunkern, #192 Sunflora
- + Sunflora's Natural Gift (31) has been replaced by Nature Power.
- + Sunflora's Sunny Day (40) has been replaced by Searing Shot.
- #193 Yanma, #469 Yanmega
- + Level 1 - Steel Wing (Yanma)
- + Level 20 - Air Cutter
- + Level 25 - Signal Beam
- + Level 36 - Giga Drain
- #194 Wooper, #195 Quagsire
- + Level 1 - Body Slam (Quagsire only)
- + Level 12 - Acid Spray
- + Level 26 / 28 - Aqua Tail
- + Level 51 / 58 - Recover
- #198 Murkrow, #430 Honchkrow
- + Level 1 - Beat Up (Murkrow)
- + Level 1 - Heat Wave (Honchkrow only)
- + Level 35 - Drill Peck
- + Level 71 / 85 - Brave Bird
- #200 Misdreavus, #429 Mismagius
- + Level 1 - Inferno (Mismagius)
- + Level 25 - Wonder Room (Mismagius)
- + Level 35 - Icy Wind (Mismagius)
- + Level 60 / 45 - Nasty Plot
- + Level 64 / 55 - Hypnosis
- + Level 69 / 65 - Destiny Bond
- #201 Unown
- + Level 11 - Secret Power
- + Level 21 - Nature Power
- + Level 31 - AncientPower
- + Level 41 - Cosmic Power
- + Level 51 - Earth Power
- + Level 61 - Stored Power
- #360 Wynaut, #202 Wobbuffet
- + Level 15 - Mimic (Wobbuffet)
- #203 Girafarig
- + Level 51 - Nasty Plot
- #204 Pineco, #205 Forretress
- + Level 26 - Counter
- #206 Dunsparce
- + Level 52 - Horn Drill
- #209 Snubbull, #210 Granbull
- + Level 1 - Lovely Kiss (Snubbull)
- + Level 1 - Metronome
- + Level 53 / 61 - Close Combat
- #211 Qwilfish
- + Level 61 - Pain Split
- + Level 65 - Double-Edge
- #214 Heracross
- + Level 13 - Fury Cutter
- #215 Sneasel, #461 Weavile
- + Sneasel and Weavile's Icy Wind (14) has been replaced by Ice Shard.
- + Sneasel and Weavile's Snatch (40) has been replaced by Ice Punch.
- + Sneasel's Ice Shard (47) has been replaced by Fake Out.
- + Weavile's Dark Pulse (47) has been replaced by Crunch.
- + Sneasel now learns Moonlight at Level 50.
- + Weavile now learns Icicle Crash at Level 50.
- #216 Teddiursa, #217 Ursaring
- + Level 15 - Crunch (Ursaring only)
- + Level 30 - Cross Chop (Ursaring only)
- #218 Slugma, #219 Magcargo
- Slugma and Magcargo have received new level-up sets.
- Slugma
- Lv. 01 Yawn Lv. 01 Smog Lv. 04 Ember
- Lv. 08 Rock Throw Lv. 12 Harden Lv. 16 Flame Burst
- Lv. 20 Recover Lv. 24 AncientPower Lv. 28 Lava Plume
- Lv. 32 Amnesia Lv. 36 Power Gem Lv. 40 Flamethrower
- Lv. 44 Rock Slide Lv. 48 Earth Power Lv. 52 Body Slam
- Lv. 56 Inferno
- Magcargo
- Lv. 01 Yawn Lv. 01 Smog Lv. 04 Ember
- Lv. 08 Rock Throw Lv. 12 Harden Lv. 16 Flame Burst
- Lv. 20 Recover Lv. 24 AncientPower Lv. 28 Lava Plume
- Lv. 32 Amnesia Lv. 36 Power Gem Lv. 38 Shell Smash
- Lv. 41 Flamethrower Lv. 46 Rock Slide Lv. 51 Earth Power
- Lv. 56 Body Slam Lv. 61 Inferno
- #220 Swinub, #221 Piloswine, #473 Mamoswine
- + Mamoswine gains Icicle Spear at Level 1.
- + Mud Bomb (18) has been replaced by Magnitude.
- + Icy Wind/Hail (21) has been replaced by Avalanche.
- + Blizzard (44/52/52) has been replaced by Icicle Crash.
- #223 Remoraid, #224 Octillery
- + Octillery's Focus Energy (22) is replaced by Acid Spray.
- #225 Delibird
- Basically got a new level up set…
- Lv. 01 Present Lv. 01 Powder Snow Lv. 01 Pay Day
- Lv. 08 Acrobatics Lv. 15 Mist Lv. 22 Quick Attack
- Lv. 29 Baton Pass Lv. 36 Frost Breath Lv. 43 Seed Bomb
- Lv. 50 Fake Out Lv. 57 Blizzard Lv. 64 Nasty Plot
- Lv. 71 Hurricane Lv. 78 Tailwind
- #458 Mantyke, #226 Mantine
- + Level 52 - Mirror Coat
- #227 Skarmory
- + Level 1 - Fury Cutter
- + Level 22 - Sky Drop
- = Level 24 - Air Cutter
- + Level 26 - Roost
- + Level 37 - Drill Peck
- + Level 56 - Brave Bird
- #228 Houndour, #229 Houndoom
- Houndour and Houndoom have revamped level up sets.
- Houndour
- Lv. 01 Leer Lv. 01 Ember Lv. 04 Howl
- Lv. 07 Smog Lv. 10 Roar Lv. 13 Bite
- Lv. 16 Odor Sleuth Lv. 19 Snarl Lv. 22 Fire Fang
- Lv. 25 Beat Up Lv. 28 Faint Attack Lv. 31 Embargo
- Lv. 34 Flamethrower Lv. 37 Dark Pulse Lv. 40 Nasty Plot
- Lv. 43 Crunch Lv. 46 Inferno Lv. 49 Foul Play
- Houndoom
- Lv. 01 Thunder Fang Lv. 01 Leer Lv. 01 Ember
- Lv. 04 Howl Lv. 07 Smog Lv. 10 Roar
- Lv. 13 Bite Lv. 16 Odor Sleuth Lv. 19 Snarl
- Lv. 22 Fire Fang Lv. 27 Beat Up Lv. 31 Faint Attack
- Lv. 35 Embargo Lv. 39 Flamethrower Lv. 43 Dark Pulse
- Lv. 47 Nasty Plot Lv. 51 Crunch Lv. 55 Inferno
- Lv. 59 Foul Play
- #231 Phanpy, #232 Donphan
- + Level 1 - Counter (Donphan only)
- + Level 21 – Seed Bomb (Phanpy only)
- + Level 21 - Ice Shard (Donphan only)
- + Level 63 - Head Smash (Donphan only)
- #234 Stantler
- + Level 45 - Horn Leech
- + Level 58 - Megahorn
- #236 Tyrogue, #106 Hitmonlee, #107 Hitmonchan, #237 Hitmontop
- + Tyrogue gains Rock Smash at Level 10, Counter at Level 20, Mach Punch at Level 30.
- + Hitmonlee learns Rolling Kick again at Level 20.
- + Hitmonchan learns Mach Punch again at Level 20.
- + Hitmontop learns Triple Kick again at Level 20.
- #241 Miltank
- + Level 1 - Mega Kick
- + Level 61 - Hammer Arm
- + Level 67 - Double-Edge
- #243 Raikou
- + Level 1 - Aura Sphere
- + Level 1 - ExtremeSpeed
- + Level 1 - Weather Ball
- + Level 1 - Zap Cannon
- #244 Entei
- + Level 1 - Flare Blitz
- + Level 1 - ExtremeSpeed
- + Level 1 - Howl
- + Level 1 - Crush Claw
- #245 Suicune
- + Level 1 - Air Slash
- + Level 1 - ExtremeSpeed
- + Level 1 - Sheer Cold
- + Level 1 - Aqua Ring
- #246 Larvitar, #247 Pupitar, #248 Tyranitar
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Tyranitar only)
- + Level 25 - Iron Tail (Larvitar, Tyranitar)
- + Level 25 - Iron Defense (Pupitar)
- + Level 55 - Dragon Dance (Tyranitar only)
- #251 Celebi
- + Level 1 - Nasty Plot
- Hoenn Pokémon
- #252 Treecko, #253 Grovyle, #254 Sceptile
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Sceptile only)
- + Level 1 - Low Kick (Sceptile only)
- + Level 16 - Magical Leaf (Grovyle and Sceptile only)
- + Level 36 - Dragon Pulse (Sceptile only)
- #255 Torchic, #256 Combusken, #257 Blaziken
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Blaziken only)
- + Level 1 - Night Slash (Blaziken only)
- + Level 22 - Baton Pass (Torchic only)
- + Level 25 - Low Kick (Combusken and Blaziken only)
- #258 Mudkip, #259 Marshtomp, #260 Swampert
- + Level 1 - Yawn
- + Level 1 - Counter (Swampert only)
- + Level 1 - Mirror Coat (Swampert only)
- + Level 21 - Ice Ball (Mudkip only)
- #261 Poochyena, #262 Mightyena
- Poochyena and Mightyena have got new level-up sets.
- Poochyena
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 03 Howl Lv. 05 Sand-Attack
- Lv. 07 Bite Lv. 10 Odor Sleuth Lv. 14 Roar
- Lv. 17 Crunch Lv. 20 Poison Fang Lv. 23 Assurance
- Lv. 26 Scary Face Lv. 28 Taunt Lv. 30 Thief
- Lv. 32 Sucker Punch Lv. 34 Swagger Lv. 36 Take Down
- Lv. 39 Embargo
- Mightyena
- Lv. 01 Super Fang Lv. 01 Fire Fang Lv. 01 Thunder Fang
- Lv. 01 Ice Fang Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 03 Howl
- Lv. 05 Sand-Attack Lv. 07 Bite Lv. 10 Odor Sleuth
- Lv. 14 Roar Lv. 17 Crunch Lv. 21 Poison Fang
- Lv. 24 Assurance Lv. 27 Scary Face Lv. 30 Taunt
- Lv. 33 Thief Lv. 37 Sucker Punch Lv. 41 Swagger
- Lv. 45 Take Down Lv. 49 Embargo
- #263 Zigzagoon, #264 Linoone
- + Level 1 - Super Fang (Linoone only)
- + Level 1 - Rock Climb (Linoone only)
- + Level 20 - ExtremeSpeed (Linoone only)
- #265 Wurmple, #266 Silcoon, , #268 Cascoon
- + Wurmple now learns Poison Sting and Bug Bite at Level 1, and ElectroWeb at Level 5.
- + Silcoon and Cascoon both learn Iron Defense at Level 7.
- #267 Beautifly
- Beautifly has a revamped level up set.
- Lv. 01 Absorb Lv. 10 Mega Drain Lv. 12 Gust
- Lv. 15 Stun Spore Lv. 17 Silver Wind Lv. 20 Giga Drain
- Lv. 23 Air Cutter Lv. 25 Whirlwind Lv. 28 Attract
- Lv. 30 Morning Sun Lv. 32 Bug Buzz Lv. 35 Energy Ball
- Lv. 38 Air Slash Lv. 41 Quiver Dance
- #269 Dustox
- Dustox has a revamped level up set.
- Lv. 01 Confusion Lv. 10 Psybeam Lv. 12 Gust
- Lv. 15 Protect Lv. 17 Silver Wind Lv. 20 Venoshock
- Lv. 23 Night Shade Lv. 25 Whirlwind Lv. 28 Light Screen
- Lv. 30 Moonlight Lv. 32 Bug Buzz Lv. 35 Toxic
- Lv. 38 Psychic Lv. 41 Quiver Dance
- #270 Lotad, #271 Lombre, #272 Ludicolo
- + Level 1 - Rain Dance (Ludicolo)
- + Level 1 - Teeter Dance (Ludicolo)
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Ludicolo)
- + Level 1 - Ice Punch (Ludicolo)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Ludicolo)
- + Level 1 - Drain Punch (Ludicolo)
- + Level 1 - Counter (Ludicolo)
- + Level 9 - Water Gun (Lotad, Lombre)
- + Level 13 - Leech Seed (Lotad, Lombre)
- + Level 17 - Synthesis (Lotad)
- + Level 17 - Water Pulse (Lombre)
- + Level 22 - Razor Leaf (Lotad, Lombre)
- + Level 50 - Hydro Pump (Ludicolo)
- #273 Seedot, #274 Nuzleaf, #275 Shiftry
- + Level 1 - Hurricane (Shiftry)
- + Level 1 - Silver Wind (Shiftry)
- + Level 1 - Ominous Wind (Shiftry)
- + Level 1 - Heat Wave (Shiftry)
- + Level 1 - Icy Wind (Shiftry)
- + Level 1 - Leaf Blade (Shiftry)
- + Level 1 - Twister (Shiftry)
- + Level 1 - Bullet Seed (Seedot)
- + Level 1 - Quick Attack (Seedot, Nuzleaf)
- = Level 14 - Razor Leaf (Nuzleaf)
- + Level 16 - Foul Play (Nuzleaf)
- + Level 17 - Seed Bomb (Seedot)
- + Level 22 - Low Kick (Nuzleaf)
- + Level 26 - Leech Seed (Seedot)
- + Level 28 - Beat Up (Nuzleaf)
- + Level 34 - Dark Pulse (Nuzleaf, Shiftry)
- #276 Taillow, #277 Swellow
- + Level 1 - Superpower (Swellow)
- + Level 16 - Mirror Move
- + Level 22 - Steel Wing
- + Level 22 - ExtremeSpeed (Swellow)
- + Level 59 / 69 - Brave Bird
- #278 Wingull, #279 Pelipper
- + Level 1 - Shock Wave (Pelipper)
- #280 Ralts, #281 Kirlia, #282 Gardevoir, #475 Gallade
- + Level 1 - Sacred Sword (Gallade)
- + Level 15 - Psybeam (Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir)
- + Level 19 - Shock Wave (Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir)
- + Level 25 / 28 / 28 - Confuse Ray (Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir)
- + Level 85 - Aura Sphere (Gardevoir)
- #283 Surskit, #284 Masquerain
- + Level 28 - Psybeam (Surskit)
- + Level 29 - Scald (Masquerain)
- + Level 34 - Giga Drain (Surskit)
- + Level 65 - Hydro Pump (Masquerain)
- + Level 73 - Hurricane (Masquerain)
- #285 Shroomish, #286 Breloom
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Breloom)
- + Level 13 - Bullet Seed
- + Level 49 - Drain Punch (Breloom)
- + Level 53 - Spore (Breloom)
- + Level 57 - Focus Punch (Breloom)
- #287 Slakoth, #288 Vigoroth, #289 Slaking
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Slaking)
- + Level 1 - Ice Punch (Slaking)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Slaking)
- + Level 18 - Night Slash (Vigoroth, Slaking)
- + Level 36 - Crush Claw (Slaking)
- #290 Nincada, #291 Ninjask, #292 Shedinja
- + Level 1 - Bug Bite (Nincada)
- + Level 20 - Night Slash (Ninjask)
- + Level 20 - ExtremeSpeed (Ninjask)
- #293 Whismur, #294 Loudred, #295 Exploud
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Exploud)
- + Level 1 - Ice Punch (Exploud)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Exploud)
- + Level 1 - Fake Tears
- + Level 50 - Circle Throw (Exploud)
- + Level 67 - Hammer Arm (Exploud)
- * Exploud loses Fire Fang, Ice Fang and Thunder Fang from its movelist.
- #296 Makuhita, #297 Hariyama
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Hariyama)
- + Level 1 - Ice Punch (Hariyama)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Hariyama)
- + Level 49 / 67 - Cross Chop
- #298 Azurill
- + Azurill's Bubble (1) has been replaced by Aqua Jet.
- + Azurill's Water Gun (7) has been replaced by Headbutt.
- #299 Nosepass, #476 Probopass
- + Both learn Head Smash at Level 56.
- #300 Skitty, #301 Delcatty
- + Level 1 - Pay Day
- + Level 25 - Wish (Delcatty)
- + Level 35 - Captivate (Delcatty)
- + Level 45 - Sucker Punch (Delcatty)
- + Level 55 - Double-Edge (Delcatty)
- #302 Sableye
- + Level 63 - Recover
- + Level 66 - Metal Burst
- #303 Mawile
- + Level 1 - Fire Fang
- + Level 1 - Ice Fang
- + Level 1 - Thunder Fang
- + Level 1 - Metal Claw
- + Level 21 - ThunderPunch
- + Level 21 - Ice Punch
- + Level 61 - Metal Burst
- #304 Aron, #305 Lairon, #306 Aggron
- + Level 1 - Head Smash (Aggron)
- + Level 1 - Superpower (Aggron)
- + Level 1 - Bullet Punch (Aggron)
- #307 Meditite, #308 Medicham
- + Level 1 - Bullet Punch (Medicham)
- = Level 20 - Force Palm
- + Level 28 - Psycho Cut
- + Level 37 - Drain Punch (Medicham)
- #309 Electrike, #310 Manectric
- These two have a revamped set…
- Electrike
- Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 03 Thunder Wave Lv. 07 Leer
- Lv. 10 Howl Lv. 13 Spark Lv. 16 Quick Attack
- Lv. 18 Electro Ball Lv. 22 Bite Lv. 25 Odor Sleuth
- Lv. 28 Thunder Fang Lv. 32 Discharge Lv. 35 Roar
- Lv. 39 Crunch Lv. 42 Charge Lv. 46 Wild Charge
- Lv. 49 Thunder
- Manectric
- Lv. 01 Fire Fang Lv. 01 Tackle Lv. 03 Thunder Wave
- Lv. 07 Leer Lv. 10 Howl Lv. 13 Spark
- Lv. 16 Quick Attack Lv. 18 Electro Ball Lv. 22 Bite
- Lv. 25 Odor Sleuth Lv. 26 Flame Burst Lv. 30 Thunder Fang
- Lv. 34 Discharge Lv. 38 Roar Lv. 43 Crunch
- Lv. 46 Charge Lv. 51 Wild Charge Lv. 55 Thunder
- #313 Volbeat
- + Level 15 - Thundershock
- + Level 19 - Struggle Bug
- + Level 23 - Shock Wave
- + Level 35 - Thunderbolt
- + Level 49 - Baton Pass
- + Level 53 - Tailwind
- #314 Illumise
- + Level 15 - Thundershock
- + Level 19 - Struggle Bug
- + Level 23 - Shock Wave
- + Level 31 - Quiver Dance
- + Level 35 - Thunderbolt
- + Level 49 - Baton Pass
- + Level 53 - Tailwind
- #406 Budew, #315 Roselia, #407 Roserade
- + Level 49 - Sleep Powder (Roselia)
- + Level 52 - Leaf Storm (Roselia)
- #316 Gulpin, #317 Swalot
- + Level 1 - Seed Bomb (Swalot)
- + Level 1 - Pain Split (Swalot)
- #318 Carvanha, #319 Sharpedo
- + Level 1 - Super Fang (Sharpedo)
- + Level 1 - Zen Headbutt (Sharpedo)
- + Level 41 / 62 - Dark Pulse
- + Level 45 / 68 - Hydro Pump
- #320 Wailmer, #321 Wailord
- + Level 1 - Zen Headbutt (Wailord)
- + Level 53 / 78 - Fissure
- #324 Torkoal
- + Level 1 - Yawn
- + Level 58 - Earth Power
- + Level 68 – Eruption
- + Level 78 – Stealth Rock
- #327 Spinda
- + Level 1 - Fake Out
- + Level 1 - Metronome
- + Level 60 - Superpower
- + Level 63 - Psycho Boost
- #328 Trapinch, #329 Vibrava, #330 Flygon
- + All gain Bug Bite as a Level 1 move.
- + Flygon's Supersonic (29) has been replaced by Bug Buzz.
- + Flygon's Dragon Tail (45) has been replaced by Silver Wind.
- + Flygon now learns Quiver Dance at Level 59.
- #331 Cacnea, #332 Cacturne
- + Level 1 - Nasty Plot (Cacturne)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Cacturne)
- + Level 33 - Seed Bomb (Cacturne)
- + Level 33 - Dark Pulse (Cacturne)
- + Level 61 / 77 - Teeter Dance
- #335 Zangoose
- + Zangoose's Embargo (19) is replaced by Night Slash.
- + Zangoose learns ExtremeSpeed at Level 50.
- #336 Seviper
- + Seviper learns Gunk Shot at Level 56.
- #337 Lunatone
- + Lunatone's Rock Slide (25) has been replaced by Power Gem.
- + Lunatone's Stone Edge (41) has been replaced by Earth Power.
- + Lunatone learns Muddy Water at Level 57.
- + Lunatone learns Moonlight at Level 61.
- #338 Solrock
- + Solrock's Psychic (33) has been replaced by Zen Headbutt.
- + Solrock learns Flare Blitz at Level 57.
- + Solrock learns Morning Sun at Level 61.
- #339 Barboach, #340 Whiscash
- + Level 1 - Spark (Whiscash)
- + Level 51 / 63 - Dragon Dance
- + Level 54 / 69 - Hydro Pump
- #341 Corphish, #342 Crawdaunt
- + Level 1 - Avalanche (Crawdaunt)
- + Level 50 / 61 - Dragon Dance
- + Level 56 / 70 - Superpower
- #345 Lileep, #346 Cradily
- + Level 1 - Seed Bomb (Cradily)
- + Level 1 - Mirror Coat (Cradily)
- + Level 40 - Recover (Cradily)
- + Level 71 / 86 - Earth Power
- #347 Anorith, #348 Armaldo
- + Level 1 - Aqua Tail (Armaldo)
- + Level 1 - Superpower (Armaldo)
- + Level 1 - Cross Poison (Armaldo)
- #349 Feebas, #350 Milotic
- + Level 10 - Hypnosis (Feebas)
- + Level 20 - Brine (Feebas)
- + Level 25 - Dragon Pulse (Feebas)
- + Level 53 - Mirror Coat (Milotic)
- #352 Kecleon
- + Level 1 - Fake Out
- + Level 61 - Recover
- #353 Shuppet, #354 Banette
- + Banette learns Gunk Shot at Level 1.
- + Banette learns Shadow Claw at Level 37.
- + Level 54 / 64 - Shadow Force
- + Level 58 / 70 - Destiny Bond
- #355 Duskull, #356 Dusclops, #477 Dusknoir
- + Level 54 / 68 / 68 - Pain Split
- + Level 57 / 71 / 71 - Destiny Bond
- + Level 62 / 78 / 78 - Shadow Force
- #357 Tropius
- Tropius has a new level-up set:
- Lv. 01 Leer Lv. 01 Gust Lv. 07 Growth
- Lv. 11 Razor Leaf Lv. 15 Stomp Lv. 19 Nature Power
- Lv. 23 Sweet Scent Lv. 27 Whirlwind Lv. 31 Magical Leaf
- Lv. 35 Body Slam Lv. 39 Leaf Blade Lv. 43 Synthesis
- Lv. 47 Leaf Tornado Lv. 51 Air Slash Lv. 55 Dragon Dance
- Lv. 59 Bestow Lv. 63 SolarBeam Lv. 67 Outrage
- Lv. 71 Natural Gift Lv. 75 Leaf Storm Lv. 79 Hurricane
- #433 Chingling, #358 Chimecho
- + Chingling gains Recover at Level 28.
- + Chimecho has a new level up set.
- Chimecho
- Lv. 01 Wrap Lv. 06 Growl Lv. 09 Astonish
- Lv. 12 Confusion Lv. 15 Uproar Lv. 18 Take Down
- Lv. 21 Psywave Lv. 24 Hypnosis Lv. 27 Extrasensory
- Lv. 30 Hyper Voice Lv. 33 Yawn Lv. 36 Double-edge
- Lv. 39 Heal Bell Lv. 42 Safeguard Lv. 45 Psychic
- Lv. 48 Heal Pulse Lv. 51 Synchronoise Lv. 54 Healing Wish
- #359 Absol
- + Level 68 - Megahorn
- #361 Snorunt, #362 Glalie, #478 Froslass
- - Level 37 - Avalanche (Glalie)
- - Level 37 - Ice Beam (Froslass)
- + Level 42 – Rollout (Glalie)
- + Level 65 – Head Smash (Glalie)
- + Level 73 – Rock Wrecker (Glalie)
- #363 Spheal, #364 Sealeo, #365 Walrein
- + Level 1 - Curse (Walrein)
- + Level 1 - Super Fang (Walrein)
- + Level 1 - Aqua Tail (Walrein)
- #366 Clamperl, #367 Huntail, #368 Gorebyss
- + Level 25 - Muddy Water (Clamperl)
- + Level 30 - Barrier (Clamperl)
- = Level 35 - Shell Smash (Clamperl)
- #371 Bagon, #372 Shelgon, #373 Salamence
- + Level 1 - Hydro Pump (Salamence)
- + Level 61 / 66 / 75 - Dragon Dance
- + Level 65 / 72 / 85 - Outrage
- #374 Beldum, #375 Metang, #376 Metagross
- + Level 1 - Zen Headbutt (Beldum)
- + Level 1 - Iron Head (Beldum)
- + Level 1 - Headbutt (Beldum)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Metagross)
- + Level 1 - Ice Punch (Metagross)
- Sinnoh Pokémon
- #387 Turtwig, #388 Grotle, #389 Torterra
- + Level 49 / 57 / 63 - Seed Bomb
- + Level 69 - Shell Smash (Torterra)
- #390 Chimchar, #391 Monferno, #392 Infernape
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Infernape)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Infernape)
- + Level 1 - Fake Out (Infernape)
- #393 Piplup, #394 Prinplup, #395 Empoleon
- + Level 13 - Brine
- #396 Starly, #397 Staravia, #398 Staraptor
- + Level 1 - Roost (Staraptor)
- + Level 45 / 53 / 65 - Double-Edge
- #399 Bidoof, #400 Bibarel
- + Bibarel’s Water Gun has been replaced by Aqua Tail.
- + Level 49 / 58 - Double-Edge
- #401 Kricketot, #402 Kricketune
- = Level 1 - Struggle Bug (Kricketot)
- = Level 1 - Bug Bite (Kricketot)
- + Level 5 - Endeavor (Kricketot)
- #403 Shinx, #404 Luxio, #405 Luxray
- = Level 1 - Bite
- + Level 1 - Fire Fang (Luxray)
- + Level 1 - Ice Fang (Luxray)
- + Level 15 - Double Kick (Luxio, Luxray)
- + Level 17 - Thunder Wave (Shinx)
- + Level 18 / 18 - Night Slash (Luxio, Luxray)
- + Level 30 - Dark Pulse (Luxray)
- + Level 70 - Volt Tackle (Luxray)
- #408 Cranidos, #409 Rampardos
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Rampardos)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Rampardos)
- + Level 50 / 64 - Crunch
- + Level 55 / 69 - Hammer Arm
- #410 Shieldon, #411 Bastiodon
- + Level 1 - Magnet Rise (Bastiodon)
- #412 Burmy, #413 Wormadam, #414 Mothim
- + Level 1 - String Shot (Burmy)
- + Level 1 – Snore (Burmy)
- + Level 1 - Giga Drain (Mothim)
- + Level 20 - Air Cutter (Mothim)
- + Level 53 - Hurricane (Mothim)
- #415 Combee, #416 Vespiquen
- + Combee now learns Bug Bite and Bug Buzz at Level 1.
- + Vespiquen’s Attack Order (45) and Heal Order (29) have had their levels swapped.
- #417 Pachirisu
- + Level 53 - Fake Tears
- + Level 57 - Uproar
- #418 Buizel, #419 Floatzel
- + Level 48 / 63 - Tail Slap
- #420 Cherubi, #421 Cherrim
- + Level 1 - Weather Ball (Cherrim)
- #422 Shellos, #423 Gastrodon
- + Level 1 - Counter (Gastrodon)
- + Level 1 - Mirror Coat (Gastrodon)
- + Level 19 - Brine
- + Level 41 / 47 - Earth Power
- #425 Drifloon, #426 Drifblim
- + Drifblim learns Acrobatics when it evolves (28).
- + Level 54 / 66 - Hurricane
- #427 Buneary, #428 Lopunny
- + Level 19 - Fake Out
- + Level 29 - Sky Uppercut
- + Level 39 - Heal Bell
- #431 Glameow, #432 Purugly
- + Level 11 - Bite
- + Level 52 / 68 - Super Fang
- #434 Stunky, #435 Skuntank
- + Smokescreen is now learned at Level 1.
- + Flame Burst replaces Smokescreen’s old position at Level 14.
- + Feint (18) and Night Slash (37/41) have had their levels flipped.
- + Level 37 / 41 - Sucker Punch
- + Level 55 / 71 - Foul Play
- #436 Bronzor, #437 Bronzong
- + Iron Defense (19) and Gyro Ball (35/36) have had their levels flipped.
- + Bronzong’s Block has been shifted to Level 1.
- + Bronzong now learns Zen Headbutt at Level 33.
- #441 Chatot
- + Chatot’s Taunt (25) has been replaced by Nasty Plot.
- + Level 61 - Hurricane
- #442 Spiritomb
- + Level 55 - Shadow Sneak
- + Level 61 - Pain Split
- #443 Gible, #444 Gabite, #445 Garchomp
- + Level 44 / 58 / 63 - Outrage
- + Garchomp’s Take Down (15) has been replaced by ExtremeSpeed.
- #447 Riolu, #448 Lucario
- + Riolu’s Nasty Plot (47) and Final Gambit (55) are now learnt at 34 and 39 respectively.
- + Lucario’s Heal Pulse (42) and Aura Sphere (51) have had their levels flipped.
- + Lucario learns Hi Jump Kick at Level 69.
- + Lucario’s Me First (19) has been moved to Level 1. Blaze Kick is now learnt at 19.
- #449 Hippopotas, #450 Hippowdon
- + Level 56 / 70 - Slack Off
- + Level 63 / 80 - Superpower
- #451 Skorupi, #452 Drapion
- + Level 40 - Storm Throw (Drapion)
- #453 Croagunk, #454 Toxicroak
- Croagunk and Toxicroak have a revamped level-up moveset.
- Croagunk & Toxicroak
- Lv. 01 Astonish Lv. 01 Poison Sting Lv. 01 Fake Out
- Lv. 03 Mud-Slap Lv. 06 Taunt Lv. 09 Pursuit
- Lv. 12 Venoshock Lv. 16 Revenge Lv. 19 Faint Attack
- Lv. 23 Swagger Lv. 27 Drain Punch Lv. 30 Mud Bomb
- Lv. 33 Poison Jab Lv. 36 Sucker Punch Lv. 40 / 43 Nasty Plot
- Lv. 42 / 46 Sludge Bomb Lv. 45 / 51 Flatter Lv. 47 / 54 Cross Chop
- #455 Carnivine
- + Level 14 - Bullet Seed
- + Level 24 - Sleep Powder
- + Level 34 - Seed Bomb
- + Level 44 - Bug Bite
- + Level 54 - Leaf Storm
- #456 Finneon, #457 Lumineon
- + Level 1 - Ominous Wind (Lumineon)
- + Level 1 - Psybeam (Lumineon)
- + Level 31 - Quiver Dance (Lumineon)
- #459 Snover, #460 Abomasnow
- + Level 51 / 69 - Seed Bomb
- Unova Pokémon
- #494 Victini
- + Level 1 - Fusion Flare
- + Level 1 - Fusion Bolt
- + Level 1 - V-Create
- #495 Snivy, #496 Servine, #497 Serperior
- + Serperior learns Glare and Mirror Coat at Level 1.
- + Servine and Serperior learn Dragon Rage at Level 17.
- + Serperior’s Slam (28) has been replaced by Dragon Tail.
- + Serperior learns DragonBreath at Level 36.
- + Serperior’s Wring Out (50) has been replaced by Dragon Pulse.
- + Snivy learns Synthesis at Level 43. It now learns Leaf Storm at 46 instead.
- + Servine learns Dragon Rush at Level 52. It now learns Leaf Storm at 56 instead.
- + Serperior learns Dragon Rush at Level 62. It now learns Leaf Storm at 68 instead.
- #498 Tepig, #499 Pignite, #500 Emboar
- + Pignite and Emboar learn Drain Punch at Level 25.
- + Heat Crash (27/31) has changed places with Take Down (25/28).
- + Assurance (31/36/38) has been changed to Sucker Punch.
- + Emboar learns Earthquake at Level 36.
- + Pignite and Emboar’s Roar (47/55) has been replaced by Cross Chop.
- #501 Oshawott, #502 Dewott, #503 Samurott
- + Dewott and Samurott now learn Rock Smash at Level 17.
- + Samurott’s Slash (36) has been replaced by Sacred Sword.
- + Dewott and Samurott’s Retaliate (44/50) has been replaced by Close Combat.
- + Samurott learns Secret Sword at Level 68.
- + Samurott learns Shell Smash at Level 74.
- #504 Patrat, #505 Watchog
- + Level 39 / 46 - Zen Headbutt
- #509 Purrloin, #510 Liepard
- Purrloin and Liepard have received a new level-up set.
- Purrloin
- Lv. 01 Scratch Lv. 03 Growl Lv. 05 Thief
- Lv. 07 Assist Lv. 09 Sand-Attack Lv. 11 Fury Swipes
- Lv. 13 Pursuit Lv. 15 Pay Day Lv. 17 Night Slash
- Lv. 19 Torment Lv. 21 Fake Out Lv. 23 Taunt
- Lv. 25 Hone Claws Lv. 27 U-turn Lv. 29 Assurance
- Lv. 31 Slash Lv. 33 Captivate Lv. 35 Dark Pulse
- Lv. 37 Snatch Lv. 39 Sucker Punch Lv. 41 Nasty Plot
- Lv. 43 Foul Play Lv. 45 Trick
- Liepard
- Lv. 01 Scratch Lv. 03 Growl Lv. 05 Thief
- Lv. 07 Assist Lv. 09 Sand-Attack Lv. 11 Fury Swipes
- Lv. 13 Pursuit Lv. 15 Pay Day Lv. 17 Night Slash
- Lv. 19 Torment Lv. 22 Fake Out Lv. 25 Taunt
- Lv. 28 Hone Claws Lv. 31 U-turn Lv. 34 Assurance
- Lv. 37 Slash Lv. 40 Captivate Lv. 43 Dark Pulse
- Lv. 46 Snatch Lv. 49 Sucker Punch Lv. 52 Nasty Plot
- Lv. 55 Foul Play Lv. 58 Trick
- #511 Pansage, #512 Simisage, #513 Pansear, #514 Simisear, #515 Panpour, #516 Simipour
- The first forms have had a restructure to their level up sets.
- Pansage
- Lv. 01 Scratch Lv. 06 Leer Lv. 08 Vine Whip
- Lv. 10 Hone Claws Lv. 12 Acrobatics Lv. 14 Magical Leaf
- Lv. 16 Lick Lv. 18 Leech Seed Lv. 20 Seed Bomb
- Lv. 22 Torment Lv. 24 Crunch Lv. 26 Fling
- Lv. 28 Natural Gift Lv. 30 Grass Pledge Lv. 32 Low Kick
- Lv. 34 Nasty Plot Lv. 36 GrassWhistle Lv. 38 Power Whip
- Lv. 40 Leaf Storm Lv. 42 Frenzy Plant Lv. 44 Baton Pass
- Pansear
- Lv. 01 Scratch Lv. 06 Leer Lv. 08 Incinerate
- Lv. 10 Hone Claws Lv. 12 Acrobatics Lv. 14 Flame Burst
- Lv. 16 Lick Lv. 18 Yawn Lv. 20 Lava Plume
- Lv. 22 Torment Lv. 24 Crunch Lv. 26 Fling
- Lv. 28 Natural Gift Lv. 30 Fire Pledge Lv. 32 Low Kick
- Lv. 34 Nasty Plot Lv. 36 Sleep Talk Lv. 38 Fire Blast
- Lv. 40 Overheat Lv. 42 Blast Burn Lv. 44 Baton Pass
- Panpour
- Lv. 01 Scratch Lv. 06 Leer Lv. 08 Water Gun
- Lv. 10 Hone Claws Lv. 12 Acrobatics Lv. 14 Water Pulse
- Lv. 16 Lick Lv. 18 Tickle Lv. 20 Scald
- Lv. 22 Torment Lv. 24 Crunch Lv. 26 Fling
- Lv. 28 Natural Gift Lv. 30 Water Pledge Lv. 32 Low Kick
- Lv. 34 Nasty Plot Lv. 36 Role Play Lv. 38 Hydro Pump
- Lv. 40 Water Spout Lv. 42 Hydro Cannon Lv. 44 Baton Pass
- The second forms (Simisage, Simisear, Simipour) all learn Nasty Plot at Level 1, and also gain a new move at
- Level 49: Power Whip, Fire Blast and Hydro Pump respectively.
- #517 Munna, #518 Musharna
- + Munna’s Zen Headbutt (23) has been replaced by Psyshock.
- #519 Pidove, #520 Tranquill, #521 Unfezant
- + Level 1 - Silver Wind (Unfezant)
- - Level 11 - Swift
- - Level 32 / 36 / 38 - Hyper Voice
- - Level 50 / 59 / 66 - Hurricane
- + Unfezant’s Taunt (27) has been replaced by Hypnosis.
- #522 Blitzle, #523 Zebstrika
- + Zebstrika now learns Flare Blitz at Level 1.
- + Level 13 - Double Kick
- + Level 47 / 58 - Volt Tackle
- #524 Roggenrola, #525 Boldore, #526 Gigalith
- + Level 1 - Gravity (Gigalith)
- + Level 1 - Heavy Slam (Gigalith)
- #527 Woobat, #528 Swoobat
- + Level 52 - Stored Power
- #529 Drilbur, #530 Excadrill
- + Excadrill’s Drill Run (55) has been replaced by Iron Head.
- #531 Audino
- + Level 1 - Yawn
- + Level 1 - Heal Bell
- + Level 1 - Encore
- + Level 60 - Healing Wish
- + Level 65 - Wish
- + Level 70 - Gravity
- #532 Timburr, #533 Gurdurr, #534 Conkeldurr
- + Level 1 - Mach Punch (Conkeldurr)
- #535 Tympole, #536 Palpitoad, #537 Seismitoad
- + Seismitoad’s Acid (36) has been replaced by Sludge Wave.
- #538 Throh
- + Level 57 - Counter
- #539 Sawk
- + Level 57 - Low Kick
- #540 Sewaddle, #541 Swadloon, #542 Leavanny
- + Level 20 - Synthesis (Swadloon)
- + Level 25 - Screech (Leavanny)
- + Level 54 - Me First (Leavanny)
- + Level 58 - Agility (Leavanny)
- #543 Venipede, #544 Whirlipede, #545 Scolipede
- + Level 1 - Spikes (Scolipede)
- + Level 1 - Toxic Spikes (Scolipede)
- + Level 17 - Twinneedle
- #546 Cottonee, #547 Whimsicott
- + Level 1 - Encore (Whimsicott)
- + Level 1 - Switcheroo (Whimsicott)
- + Level 1 - Tickle (Whimsicott)
- #548 Petilil, #549 Lilligant
- + Level 1 - Charm (Lilligant)
- + Level 1 - Sweet Scent (Lilligant)
- + Level 1 - Ingrain (Lilligant)
- + Level 15 - Extrasensory (Petilil)
- #550 Basculin
- + Level 1 - Revenge
- #551 Sandile, #552 Krokorok, #553 Krookodile
- + Level 1 - Fire Fang (Krookodile)
- + Level 1 - Thunder Fang (Krookodile)
- + Level 49 / 56 / 66 - Sucker Punch
- #554 Darumaka, #555 Darmanitan
- + Level 1 - Yawn
- + Level 61 - Focus Punch (Darmanitan)
- #555 Darmanitan-Z
- + Darmanitan-Z's Fire Fang (11) has been replaced by Confusion.
- + Darmanitan-Z's Fire Punch (22) has been replaced by Flame Burst.
- + Darmanitan-Z's Thrash (27) has been replaced by Extrasensory.
- + Darmanitan-Z's Flare Blitz (33) has been replaced by Flamethrower.
- + Darmanitan-Z's Superpower (47) has been replaced by Psychic.
- + Darmanitan-Z now learns Focus Punch at Level 61.
- #556 Maractus
- + Level 24 - Spikes
- + Level 35 - Grasswhistle
- + Level 47 - Bounce
- + Level 53 - Wood Hammer
- #557 Dwebble, #558 Crustle
- + Level 33 - Night Slash
- #559 Scraggy, #560 Scrafty
- + Level 25 - Zen Headbutt
- + Level 57 / 72 - Dragon Dance
- #561 Sigilyph
- + Sigilyph’s Synchronoise (31) has been replaced by Stored Power.
- + Sigilyph’s Gravity (38) has been replaced by Psycho Shift.
- + Sigilyph’s Sky Attack (51) has been replaced by Hurricane.
- #562 Yamask, #563 Cofagrigus
- + Level 1 - Gravity (Cofagrigus)
- + Level 1 - Disable (Cofagrigus)
- + Level 23 - Pain Split
- + Level 27 - Nasty Plot
- + Level 63 - Metal Burst (Cofagrigus)
- #566 Archen, #567 Archeops
- + Level 54 / 66 - Earth Power
- + Level 57 / 71 - Head Smash
- #568 Trubbish, #569 Garbodor
- + Level 16 - Rollout
- + Level 21 - Curse
- + Level 27 - Rock Blast
- + Level 32 - Pain Split
- + Level 49 / 64 - Selfdestruct
- #570 Zorua, #571 Zoroark
- + Embargo (41/44) and Night Daze (57/64) have been flipped around.
- + Zorua and Zoroark learn Extrasensory at Levels 61 and 69 respectively.
- #572 Minccino, #573 Cinccino
- + Level 1 - Icicle Spear (Cinccino)
- + Level 29 - Magic Coat (Cinccino)
- + Level 46 - Endeavor (Cinccino)
- #574 Gothita, #575 Gothorita, #576 Gothitelle
- + Level 1 - Nasty Plot (Gothitelle)
- + Level 1 - Gravity (Gothitelle)
- + Level 1 - Metronome (Gothitelle)
- + Level 23 - Recover
- + Level 32 - Dark Pulse
- + Level 35 / 37 / 37 - Foul Play
- + Level 43 / 47 / 50 - Mirror Coat
- + Telekinesis (40/43/45) has been replaced by Night Daze.
- #577 Solosis, #578 Duosion, #579 Reuniclus
- + Level 1 - Gravity (Reuniclus)
- + Level 1 - Trick (Reuniclus)
- + Level 23 - Shock Wave
- + Level 32 - Confuse Ray
- + Level 35 / 37 / 37 - Energy Ball
- + Level 43 / 47 / 50 - Magic Coat
- #582 Vanillite, #583 Vanillish, #584 Vanilluxe
- + Level 1 - Magnet Rise (Vanilluxe)
- + Level 1 - Autotomize (Vanilluxe)
- + Level 24 - Water Pulse
- + Level 29 - Ice Shard
- + Level 33 - Extrasensory
- #587 Emolga
- + Level 1 - Covet
- + Level 24 - Roost
- + Level 28 - Iron Tail
- + Level 32 - Air Slash
- + Level 36 - Charm
- + Level 40 - Iron Tail
- + Level 44 - Baton Pass
- #588 Karrablast, #589 Escavalier
- + Escavalier’s Peck (1) has been replaced by Drill Peck.
- + Escavalier’s False Swipe (25) has been replaced by Needle Arm.
- + Karrablast’s Double-Edge (56) has been moved to Level 60.
- + Escavalier’s Giga Impact (56) has been moved to Level 60.
- + Both learn Megahorn at Level 56.
- #590 Foongus, #591 Amoonguss
- + Level 22 - Stun Spore
- + Level 22 - PoisonPowder
- + Level 26 - Defense Curl
- + Level 26 - Rollout
- + Level 30 - Body Slam
- #592 Frillish, #593 Jellicent
- + Level 1 - Confuse Ray
- + Level 1 - Pain Split
- #594 Alomomola
- + Level 1 - Pain Split
- + Level 1 - Mirror Coat
- #597 Ferroseed, #598 Ferrothorn
- + Level 23 - Bullet Seed
- + Level 28 - Leech Seed (Ferroseed)
- + Level 28 - Spikes (Ferrothorn)
- #599 Klink, #600 Klang, #601 Klinklang
- + Level 33 - Spark
- #602 Tynamo, #603 Eelektrik, #604 Eelektross
- + Eelektross’ Acid (1) has been replaced by Coil.
- #605 Elgyem, #606 Beheeyem
- + Level 1 - Power Swap (Beheeyem)
- + Level 1 - Guard Swap (Beheeyem)
- + Level 59 / 73 - Nasty Plot
- #607 Litwick, #608 Lampent, #609 Chandelure
- + Chandelure’s Smog (1) has been replaced by Clear Smog.
- #610 Axew, #611 Fraxure, #612 Haxorus
- + Haxorus learns Night Slash at Level 1.
- #613 Cubchoo, #614 Beartic
- + Level 1 - Yawn
- + Beartic’s Rest (41) has been replaced by Storm Throw.
- + Beartic’s Hail (53) has been replaced by Close Combat.
- #616 Shelmet, #617 Accelgor
- + Accelgor learns ExtremeSpeed at Level 1.
- #618 Stunfisk
- + Level 52 - Earth Power
- + Level 58 - Pain Split
- #619 Mienfoo, #620 Mienshao
- + Mienshao learns Knock Off at Level 1.
- #621 Druddigon
- + Level 29 - Fire Fang
- + Level 29 - Thunder Fang
- + Level 33 - Glare
- + Level 37 - Sucker Punch
- #622 Golett, #623 Golurk
- + Level 1 - Fire Punch (Golurk)
- + Level 1 - ThunderPunch (Golurk)
- + Level 1 - Ice Punch (Golurk)
- #624 Pawniard, #625 Bisharp
- + Bisharp learns Leaf Blade and Psycho Cut at Level 1.
- + Assurance (33) has been replaced by Sucker Punch.
- #626 Bouffalant
- + Bouffalant learns Rock Climb at Level 1.
- #627 Rufflet, #628 Braviary
- + Braviary’s Air Slash (41) has been replaced by Close Combat.
- #631 Heatmor
- + Level 1 - Sucker Punch
- #632 Durant
- + Level 1 - Thunder Fang
- #633 Deino, #634 Zweilous, #635 Hydreigon
- + Zweilous and Hydreigon learn the three elemental fangs at Level 1.
- + Hydreigon’s Body Slam is now Dark Pulse.
- + Zweilous’ Scary Face (55) has been replaced by Head Smash.
- #636 Larvesta, #637 Volcarona
- + Level 1 - Morning Sun (Volcarona)
- + Larvesta now learns its moves in a sequence of seven levels rather than ten.
- + Volcarona now learns its moves in a sequence of seven levels rather than ten, with the exception of Quiver
- Dance which has moved to 44.
- #646 Kyurem
- + Black Kyurem's Ice Beam (22) has been replaced by Icicle Crash.
- #647 Keldeo
- + Keldeo now learns Secret Sword at Level 1.
- !! It is worth noting that a Keldeo that isn’t a fateful encounter will not be able to activate its event!
- #648 Meloetta
- + Meloetta now learns Relic Song at Level 1.
- !! It is worth noting that a Meloetta that isn’t a fateful encounter will not be able to activate its event!
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