Guest User


a guest
Dec 23rd, 2012
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text 49.07 KB | None | 0 0
  1. execing profiles/joogi/etconfig.cfg
  2. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkMegs 56
  3. Cvar_Set2: com_maxfps 85
  4. Cvar_Set2: com_watchdog 60
  5. Cvar_Set2: com_watchdog_cmd
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  9. Cvar_Set2: in_dgamouse 1
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  12. Cvar_Set2: joy_threshold 0.15
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  15. Cvar_Set2: vm_game 0
  16. Cvar_Set2: vm_ui 0
  17. Cvar_Set2: sv_hostname ETHost
  18. Cvar_Set2: sv_punkbuster 0
  19. Cvar_Set2: sv_minguidage 0
  20. Cvar_Set2: sv_maxRate 0
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  22. Cvar_Set2: sv_maxPing 0
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  27. Cvar_Set2: sv_master2
  28. Cvar_Set2: sv_master3
  29. Cvar_Set2: sv_master4
  30. Cvar_Set2: sv_master5
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  173. Cvar_Set2: g_spScores1
  174. Cvar_Set2: g_spScores2
  175. Cvar_Set2: g_spScores3
  176. Cvar_Set2: g_spScores4
  177. Cvar_Set2: g_spScores5
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  183. Cvar_Set2: cg_brassTime 2500
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  188. Cvar_Set2: server2
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  190. Cvar_Set2: server4
  191. Cvar_Set2: server5
  192. Cvar_Set2: server6
  193. Cvar_Set2: server7
  194. Cvar_Set2: server8
  195. Cvar_Set2: server9
  196. Cvar_Set2: server10
  197. Cvar_Set2: server11
  198. Cvar_Set2: server12
  199. Cvar_Set2: server13
  200. Cvar_Set2: server14
  201. Cvar_Set2: server15
  202. Cvar_Set2: server16
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  221. Cvar_Set2: ui_browserShowPunkBuster 0
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  241. Cvar_Set2: cg_coronafardist 1536
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  244. Cvar_Set2: g_lms_matchlimit 2
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  246. Cvar_Set2: g_heavyWeaponRestriction 100
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  248. Cvar_Set2: ui_currentNetCampaign 0
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  268. Cvar_Set2: server_motd1
  269. Cvar_Set2: server_motd2
  270. Cvar_Set2: server_motd3
  271. Cvar_Set2: server_motd4
  272. Cvar_Set2: server_motd5
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  274. Cvar_Set2: team_maxplayers 0
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  310. Cvar_Set2: ui_r_detailtextures
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  313. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 1479757
  314. Server redirected download:
  315. Client download subsystem initialized
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  318. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 786382
  319. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 1479757
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  321. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  322. ***** CL_BeginDownload *****
  323. Localname: etpro/z_hirn_needs.pk3
  324. Remotename: etpro/z_hirn_needs.pk3
  325. ****************************
  326. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName etpro/z_hirn_needs.pk3
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  328. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 0
  329. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadTime 9734
  330. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 488804
  331. Server redirected download:
  332. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  333. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 0
  334. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 80921
  335. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 488804
  336. Cvar_Set2: ui_dl_running 0
  337. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  338. ***** CL_BeginDownload *****
  339. Localname: etpro/bremen_b3_hotfix.pk3
  340. Remotename: etpro/bremen_b3_hotfix.pk3
  341. ****************************
  342. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName etpro/bremen_b3_hotfix.pk3
  343. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 0
  344. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 0
  345. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadTime 10717
  346. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 92021
  347. Server redirected download:
  348. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  349. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 0
  350. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 92021
  351. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 92021
  352. Cvar_Set2: ui_dl_running 0
  353. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  354. ***** CL_BeginDownload *****
  355. Localname: etpro/b4_fix.pk3
  356. Remotename: etpro/b4_fix.pk3
  357. ****************************
  358. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName etpro/b4_fix.pk3
  359. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 0
  360. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 0
  361. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadTime 11017
  362. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 24925
  363. Server redirected download:
  364. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  365. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 0
  366. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 24925
  367. Cvar_Set2: ui_dl_running 0
  368. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  369. ***** CL_BeginDownload *****
  370. Localname: etmain/~~~~~~~~~~~etmain_menu_05_nolua.pk3
  371. Remotename: etmain/~~~~~~~~~~~etmain_menu_05_nolua.pk3
  372. ****************************
  373. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName etmain/~~~~~~~~~~~etmain_menu_05_nolua.pk3
  374. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 0
  375. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 0
  376. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadTime 11183
  377. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 22365
  378. Server redirected download:
  379. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  380. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 0
  381. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 22365
  382. Cvar_Set2: ui_dl_running 0
  383. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  384. ***** CL_BeginDownload *****
  385. Localname: etmain/z_hirnlos_111109.pk3
  386. Remotename: etmain/z_hirnlos_111109.pk3
  387. ****************************
  388. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName etmain/z_hirnlos_111109.pk3
  389. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 0
  390. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 0
  391. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadTime 11383
  392. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 673
  393. Server redirected download:
  394. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  395. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 673
  396. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 673
  397. Cvar_Set2: ui_dl_running 0
  398. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  399. ***** CL_BeginDownload *****
  400. Localname: etmain/bremen_b3.pk3
  401. Remotename: etmain/bremen_b3.pk3
  402. ****************************
  403. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName etmain/bremen_b3.pk3
  404. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 0
  405. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 0
  406. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadTime 11533
  407. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadSize 3747434
  408. Server redirected download:
  409. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  410. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 4176
  411. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 189520
  412. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 854152
  413. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 1630280
  414. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 2553440
  415. ]\condump log
  416. Dumped console text to log.
  417. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 3451864
  418. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadCount 3747434
  419. Cvar_Set2: ui_dl_running 0
  420. Cvar_Set2: cl_downloadName
  421. ----- FS_Startup -----
  422. Current search path:
  423. /home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~etpro_menu_05.pk3 (17 files)
  424. on the pure list
  425. /home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro/z_ht_spreesound.pk3 (25 files)
  426. on the pure list
  427. /home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro/z_hirn_needs.pk3 (53 files)
  428. on the pure list
  429. /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etpro/etpro-3_2_6.pk3 (107 files)
  430. on the pure list
  431. /home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro/bremen_b3_hotfix.pk3 (10 files)
  432. on the pure list
  433. /home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro/b4_fix.pk3 (2 files)
  434. on the pure list
  435. /home/joogi/.etwolf/etmain/~~~~~~~~~~~etmain_menu_05_nolua.pk3 (30 files)
  436. on the pure list
  437. /home/joogi/.etwolf/etmain/z_hirnlos_111109.pk3 (2 files)
  438. on the pure list
  439. /home/joogi/.etwolf/etmain/bremen_b3.pk3 (86 files)
  440. on the pure list
  441. /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak2.pk3 (22 files)
  442. on the pure list
  443. /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak1.pk3 (10 files)
  444. on the pure list
  445. /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak0.pk3 (3725 files)
  446. on the pure list
  447. /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/mp_bin.pk3 (6 files)
  448. on the pure list
  449. /home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro
  450. /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etpro
  451. /home/joogi/.etwolf/etmain
  452. /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain
  454. ----------------------
  455. 11745 files in pk3 files
  456. Cvar_Set2: r_drawfoliage 1
  457. Cvar_Set2: r_wolffog 1
  458. Connected to a pure server.
  459. Cvar_Set2: r_drawfoliage 0
  460. Cvar_Set2: cl_wwwdownload 1
  461. Cvar_Set2: cl_allowdownload 1
  462. Cvar_Set2: r_zfar 0
  463. Cvar_Set2: r_wolffog 0
  464. Cvar_Set2: r_ambientScale 0.5
  465. Cvar_Set2: pmove_msec 8
  466. Cvar_Set2: sv_referencedPakNames etpro/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~etpro_menu_05 etpro/z_ht_spreesound etpro/z_hirn_needs etpro/etpro-3_2_6 etpro/bremen_b3_hotfix etpro/b4_fix etmain/~~~~~~~~~~~etmain_menu_05_nolua etmain/z_hirnlos_111109 etmain/bremen_b3 etmain/pak0
  467. Cvar_Set2: sv_referencedPaks -1882061871 1788837339 548409745 -1886071931 2126646419 1935438578 150681152 1002034779 -1603356294 -1721695896
  468. Cvar_Set2: sv_pakNames etpro/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~etpro_menu_05 etpro/z_ht_spreesound etpro/z_hirn_needs etpro/etpro-3_2_6 etpro/bremen_b3_hotfix etpro/b4_fix etmain/~~~~~~~~~~~etmain_menu_05_nolua etmain/z_winter-style etmain/z_ht_funsound etmain/z_hirnlos_111109 etmain/z_hdet etmain/z_custom_winter-style etmain/sw_oasis_b3 etmain/sw_goldrush_te etmain/supply etmain/sp_delivery_te etmain/sos_secret_weapon etmain/reactor_final etmain/northpole etmain/missile_b3 etmain/karsiah_te2 etmain/Frostbite etmain/et_ice etmain/et_beach etmain/erdenberg_b3 etmain/erdenberg_b2 etmain/caen2 etmain/bremen_b3 etmain/bremen_b2 etmain/braundorf_b4 etmain/adlernest etmain/pak2 etmain/pak1 etmain/pak0 etmain/mp_bin
  469. Cvar_Set2: sv_paks -1882061871 1788837339 548409745 -1886071931 2126646419 1935438578 150681152 1755692972 -491307164 1002034779 -1949351936 -173295045 -1323666142 1639799261 374286664 -699467615 -1209248393 -1095230848 864048502 1065608214 -1238305459 22823923 239043090 2042159590 1097369194 -479873056 1888894588 -1603356294 -1532251704 -288938336 -540298532 608521179 1581790464 -1721695896 2004278281
  470. Cvar_Set2: sv_serverid 38555460
  471. Cvar_Set2: timescale 1
  472. Cvar_Set2: sv_pure 1
  473. Cvar_Set2: fs_game etpro
  474. Cvar_Set2: sv_cheats 0
  475. Cvar_Set2: com_missingFiles
  476. Cvar_Set2: r_uiFullScreen 0
  477. RE_Shutdown( 0 )
  478. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 0
  479. Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
  480. ----- R_Init -----
  481. Warning: cvar "r_uifullscreen" given initial values: "1" and "0"
  482. Cvar_Set2: r_flareFade 5
  483. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 3595296
  485. GL_VENDOR: Intel Open Source Technology Center
  486. GL_RENDERER: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Desktop x86/MMX/SSE2
  487. GL_VERSION: 3.0 Mesa 9.1-devel
  488. GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_S3_s3tc GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_read_format GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_OES_EGL_image GL_MESA_texture_array GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_NV_conditional_render GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata
  489. GLX_EXTENSIONS: GLX_ARB_create_context GLX_ARB_create_context_profile GLX_ARB_get_proc_address GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_EXT_import_context GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent GLX_MESA_swap_control GLX_OML_swap_method GLX_OML_sync_control GLX_SGI_make_current_read GLX_SGI_swap_control GLX_SGI_video_sync GLX_SGIS_multisample GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap
  490. GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 8192
  493. PIXELFORMAT: color(32-bits) Z(24-bit) stencil(0-bits)
  494. MODE: 8, 1280 x 1024 fullscreen hz:N/A
  495. GAMMA: hardware w/ 0 overbright bits
  496. CPU:
  497. rendering primitives: single glDrawElements
  498. texturemode: GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
  499. picmip: 0
  500. texture bits: 32
  501. multitexture: enabled
  502. compiled vertex arrays: enabled
  503. texenv add: disabled
  504. compressed textures: enabled
  505. anisotropy: 1.0
  506. NV distance fog: disabled
  507. Cvar_Set2: r_intensity 1
  508. Warning: cvar "r_gamma" given initial values: "1.3" and "1.0"
  509. Can't find image.cache
  510. Initializing Shaders
  511. ^1...loading 'scripts/ht_stuff.shader'
  512. ^1...loading 'scripts/etpro.shader'
  513. ^1...loading 'scripts/dsmcl2.shader'
  514. ^1...loading 'scripts/bremen_b3_levelshots.shader'
  515. ^1...loading 'scripts/dersaidin.shader'
  516. ^1...loading 'scripts/dersaidin10.shader'
  517. ^1...loading 'scripts/dersaidin3.shader'
  518. ^1...loading 'scripts/rtcwvillage.shader'
  519. ^1...loading 'scripts/alpha.shader'
  520. ^1...loading 'scripts/alpha_sd.shader'
  521. ^1...loading 'scripts/assault.shader'
  522. ^1...loading 'scripts/assault_rock.shader'
  523. ^1...loading 'scripts/awf_props.shader'
  524. ^1...loading 'scripts/battery.shader'
  525. ^1...loading 'scripts/battery_wall.shader'
  526. ^1...loading 'scripts/bbmodels_mapobjects.shader'
  527. ^1...loading 'scripts/blimp.shader'
  528. ^1...loading 'scripts/bunker_sd.shader'
  529. ^1...loading 'scripts/castle_door.shader'
  530. ^1...loading 'scripts/castle_floor.shader'
  531. ^1...loading 'scripts/castle_window.shader'
  532. ^1...loading 'scripts/castle_wood.shader'
  533. ^1...loading 'scripts/chat.shader'
  534. ^1...loading 'scripts/chateau.shader'
  535. ^1...loading 'scripts/chat_window.shader'
  536. ^1...loading 'scripts/chat_wood.shader'
  537. ^1...loading 'scripts/common.shader'
  538. ^1...loading 'scripts/decals.shader'
  539. ^1...loading 'scripts/doors.shader'
  540. ^1...loading 'scripts/eerie.shader'
  541. ^1...loading 'scripts/egypt_door_sd.shader'
  542. ^1...loading 'scripts/egypt_floor_sd.shader'
  543. ^1...loading 'scripts/egypt_props_sd.shader'
  544. ^1...loading 'scripts/egypt_rock_sd.shader'
  545. ^1...loading 'scripts/egypt_trim_sd.shader'
  546. ^1...loading 'scripts/egypt_walls_sd.shader'
  547. ^1...loading 'scripts/egypt_windows_sd.shader'
  548. ^1...loading 'scripts/egypt_wood_sd.shader'
  549. ^1...loading 'scripts/factory_sd.shader'
  550. ^1...loading 'scripts/fueldump.shader'
  551. ^1...loading 'scripts/gfx_2d.shader'
  552. ^1...loading 'scripts/gfx_clipboard.shader'
  553. ^1...loading 'scripts/gfx_damage.shader'
  554. ^1...loading 'scripts/gfx_hud.shader'
  555. ^1...loading 'scripts/gfx_limbo.shader'
  556. ^1...loading 'scripts/gfx_misc.shader'
  557. ^1...loading 'scripts/goldrush.shader'
  558. ^1...loading 'scripts/icons.shader'
  559. ^1...loading 'scripts/levelshots.shader'
  560. ^1...loading 'scripts/lights.shader'^1...loading 'scripts/models_ammo.shader'
  561. ^1...loading 'scripts/models_foliage.shader'
  562. ^1...loading 'scripts/models_furniture.shader'
  563. ^1...loading 'scripts/models_mapobjects.shader'
  564. ^1...loading 'scripts/models_multiplayer.shader'
  565. ^1...loading 'scripts/models_players.shader'
  566. ^1...loading 'scripts/models_shards.shader'
  567. ^1...loading 'scripts/models_weapons2.shader'
  568. ^1...loading 'scripts/mp_goldrush.shader'
  569. ^1...loading 'scripts/mp_guns.shader'
  570. ^1...loading 'scripts/mp_railgun.shader'
  571. ^1...loading 'scripts/mp_rocket.shader'
  572. ^1...loading 'scripts/mp_seawall.shader'
  573. ^1...loading 'scripts/mp_siwa.shader'
  574. ^1...loading 'scripts/mp_wurzburg.shader'
  575. ^1...loading 'scripts/props.shader'
  576. ^1...loading 'scripts/props_sd.shader'
  577. ^1...loading 'scripts/radar.shader'
  578. ^1...loading 'scripts/railgun_props.shader'
  579. ^1...loading 'scripts/railway_sd.shader'
  580. ^1...loading 'scripts/rock.shader'
  581. ^1...loading 'scripts/rubble.shader'
  582. ^1...loading 'scripts/seawall_wall.shader'
  583. ^1...loading 'scripts/sfx.shader'
  584. ^1...loading 'scripts/shadows.shader'
  585. ^1...loading 'scripts/siwa_fx_sd.shader'
  586. ^1...loading 'scripts/siwa_props_sd.shader'
  587. ^1...loading 'scripts/siwa_skyboxes_sd.shader'
  588. ^1...loading 'scripts/skies.shader'
  589. ^1...loading 'scripts/skies_sd.shader'
  590. ^1...loading 'scripts/snow.shader'
  591. ^1...loading 'scripts/snow_sd.shader'
  592. ^1...loading 'scripts/sprites.shader'
  593. ^1...loading 'scripts/stone.shader'
  594. ^1...loading 'scripts/swf.shader'
  595. ^1...loading 'scripts/temperate_sd.shader'
  596. ^1...loading 'scripts/terrain.shader'
  597. ^1...loading 'scripts/textures.shader'
  598. ^1...loading 'scripts/tobruk_wall_sd.shader'
  599. ^1...loading 'scripts/tobruk_windows_sd.shader'
  600. ^1...loading 'scripts/town_props.shader'
  601. ^1...loading 'scripts/town_roof.shader'
  602. ^1...loading 'scripts/town_wall.shader'
  603. ^1...loading 'scripts/town_window.shader'
  604. ^1...loading 'scripts/town_wood.shader'
  605. ^1...loading 'scripts/tree.shader'
  606. ^1...loading 'scripts/ui_assets.shader'
  607. ^1...loading 'scripts/ui_assets2.shader'
  608. ^1...loading 'scripts/village.shader'
  609. ^1...loading 'scripts/villa_sd.shader'
  610. ^1...loading 'scripts/wood.shader'
  611. ^1...loading 'scripts/xlab_door.shader'
  612. ^1...loading 'scripts/xlab_props.shader'
  613. ^1...loading 'scripts/xlab_wall.shader'
  614. ^1...loading 'scripts/_unsorted.shader'
  615. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 4110528
  616. Can't find gfx/misc/sunflare1.tga
  617. Can't find shader.cache
  618. Can't find model.cache
  619. ----- finished R_Init -----
  620. clearing non matching version of ui .so: /home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro/
  621. copy /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/ to /home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro/
  622. Cvar_Set2: cl_lastVersionui ET 2.60b linux-i386 May 8 2006
  623. Sys_LoadDll(/home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro/ ok
  624. Sys_LoadDll(ui) found **vmMain** at 0xeb7b17d0
  625. Sys_LoadDll(ui) succeeded!
  626. Warning: cvar "cg_drawCrosshair" given initial values: "1" and "4"
  627. Warning: cvar "bot_enable" given initial values: "0" and "1"
  628. Cvar_Set2: ui_blackout 0
  629. Cvar_Set2: ui_menuFiles ui/menus.txt
  630. Parsing menu file: ui/
  631. Parsing menu file: ui/
  632. Parsing menu file: ui/
  633. Parsing menu file: ui/
  634. Cvar_Set2: ui_mousePitch 0
  635. copy /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/ to /home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro/
  636. Sys_LoadDll(/home/joogi/.etwolf/etpro/ ok
  637. Sys_LoadDll(cgame) found **vmMain** at 0xe5367f10
  638. Sys_LoadDll(cgame) succeeded!
  639. Cvar_Set2: cg_letterbox 0
  640. Warning: cvar "cg_autoswitch" given initial values: "0" and "2"
  641. Warning: cvar "g_gametype" given initial values: "4" and "0"
  642. Warning: cvar "cg_quickMessageAlt" given initial values: "1" and "0"
  643. Cvar_Set2: g_gametype 4
  644. Cvar_Set2: g_redlimbotime 30000
  645. Cvar_Set2: g_bluelimbotime 20000
  646. Cvar_Set2: cg_ui_voteFlags 40443
  647. Cvar_Set2: gamestate 0
  648. Can't find scripts/sw_goldrush_te.arena
  649. ^1file not found: scripts/sw_goldrush_te.arena
  650. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr020.tga
  651. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr021.tga
  652. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr022.tga
  653. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr023.tga
  654. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr024.tga
  655. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr025.tga
  656. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr026.tga
  657. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr027.tga
  658. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr028.tga
  659. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr009.tga
  660. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr010.tga
  661. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr011.tga
  662. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr012.tga
  663. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr013.tga
  664. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr014.tga
  665. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr015.tga
  666. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr016.tga
  667. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr017.tga
  668. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr018.tga
  669. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr019.tga
  670. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr029.tga
  671. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr030.tga
  672. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr031.tga
  673. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr032.tga
  674. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr033.tga
  675. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr034.tga
  676. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr035.tga
  677. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr036.tga
  678. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr037.tga
  679. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr038.tga
  680. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr039.tga
  681. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr040.tga
  682. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr041.tga
  683. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr042.tga
  684. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr043.tga
  685. Can't find sprites/twiltb2/spr044.tga
  686. Cvar_Set2: cg_etVersion ET Pro, ET 2.60
  687. LOADING... collision map
  688. CM_LoadMap( maps/bremen_b3.bsp, 1 )
  689. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 4122816
  690. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 4271552
  691. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 4333536
  692. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 4438528
  693. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 4987584
  694. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 5505088
  695. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 5720736
  696. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 5723264
  697. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 5799168
  698. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 5843936
  699. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7099552
  700. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7132320
  701. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7135296
  702. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7139136
  703. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7142336
  704. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7145536
  705. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7149056
  706. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7152576
  707. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7156096
  708. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7159616
  709. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7163232
  710. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7166432
  711. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7170048
  712. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7173312
  713. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7175872
  714. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7178432
  715. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7180992
  716. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7184192
  717. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7187488
  718. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7191104
  719. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7193888
  720. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7196608
  721. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7199936
  722. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7202720
  723. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7205440
  724. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7208768
  725. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7211584
  726. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7214240
  727. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7217600
  728. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7221056
  729. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7223776
  730. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7226432
  731. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7229888
  732. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7232608
  733. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7235264
  734. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7238720
  735. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7241376
  736. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7244096
  737. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7246880
  738. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7250240
  739. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7252928
  740. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7255872
  741. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7258496
  742. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7261056
  743. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7263648
  744. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7266272
  745. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7268832
  746. LOADING... sounds
  747. Can't find sprites/all.tga
  748. Can't find sprites/all.jpg
  749. ^1trying sprites/all.TGA...Can't find sprites/all.TGA
  750. Can't find sprites/all.jpg
  751. ^1no
  752. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/all
  753. Can't find sprites/xs.tga
  754. Can't find sprites/xs.jpg
  755. ^1trying sprites/xs.TGA...Can't find sprites/xs.TGA
  756. Can't find sprites/xs.jpg
  757. ^1no
  758. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/xs
  759. Can't find sprites/xm.tga
  760. Can't find sprites/xm.jpg
  761. ^1trying sprites/xm.TGA...Can't find sprites/xm.TGA
  762. Can't find sprites/xm.jpg
  763. ^1no
  764. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/xm
  765. Can't find sprites/xe.tga
  766. Can't find sprites/xe.jpg
  767. ^1trying sprites/xe.TGA...Can't find sprites/xe.TGA
  768. Can't find sprites/xe.jpg
  769. ^1no
  770. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/xe
  771. Can't find sprites/xf.tga
  772. Can't find sprites/xf.jpg
  773. ^1trying sprites/xf.TGA...Can't find sprites/xf.TGA
  774. Can't find sprites/xf.jpg
  775. ^1no
  776. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/xf
  777. Can't find sprites/xc.tga
  778. Can't find sprites/xc.jpg
  779. ^1trying sprites/xc.TGA...Can't find sprites/xc.TGA
  780. Can't find sprites/xc.jpg
  781. ^1no
  782. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/xc
  783. Can't find sprites/as.tga
  784. Can't find sprites/as.jpg
  785. ^1trying sprites/as.TGA...Can't find sprites/as.TGA
  786. Can't find sprites/as.jpg
  787. ^1no
  788. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/as
  789. Can't find sprites/am.tga
  790. Can't find sprites/am.jpg
  791. ^1trying sprites/am.TGA...Can't find sprites/am.TGA
  792. Can't find sprites/am.jpg
  793. ^1no
  794. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/am
  795. Can't find sprites/ae.tga
  796. Can't find sprites/ae.jpg
  797. ^1trying sprites/ae.TGA...Can't find sprites/ae.TGA
  798. Can't find sprites/ae.jpg
  799. ^1no
  800. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/ae
  801. Can't find sprites/af.tga
  802. Can't find sprites/af.jpg
  803. ^1trying sprites/af.TGA...Can't find sprites/af.TGA
  804. Can't find sprites/af.jpg
  805. ^1no
  806. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/af
  807. Can't find sprites/ac.tga
  808. Can't find sprites/ac.jpg
  809. ^1trying sprites/ac.TGA...Can't find sprites/ac.TGA
  810. Can't find sprites/ac.jpg
  811. ^1no
  812. ^3WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader sprites/ac
  813. voice chat memory size = 0
  815. .........................
  816. Initializing Sound Scripts
  817. ...loading 'sound/scripts/vo_allies.sounds'
  818. ...loading 'sound/scripts/vo_axis.sounds'
  819. ...loading 'sound/scripts/bremen_b3.sounds'
  820. done.
  821. LOADING... graphics
  822. LOADING... maps/bremen_b3.bsp
  823. Cvar_Set2: timescale 0.000000
  824. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 7280992
  825. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 8378592
  826. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 8509568
  827. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 8771712
  828. Can't find textures/chat/wd_sr_va7.tga
  829. Can't find textures/egypt_trim_sd/trim_c14.tga
  830. Can't find textures/egypt_floor_sd/floor_c06.tga
  831. Can't find textures/egypt_trim_sd/ctrim_c01.tga
  832. Can't find textures/props/panelside_d01.tga
  833. Can't find textures/props/panel_tram3.tga
  834. Can't find textures/castle_wood/cwood_c10.tga
  835. Can't find textures/swf/spipe_05a.tga
  836. Can't find textures/castle_wall/castle_m03a_step.tga
  837. Can't find models/mapobjects/furniture/clubchair.tga
  838. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 9033856
  839. Can't find models/mapobjects/vehicles/wood_m02a.tga
  840. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 9296000
  841. Can't find textures/wood/wood_m15.tga
  842. Can't find textures/town_wall/town_c61a.tga
  843. Can't find textures/awf_props/tool_m02.tga
  844. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 9558144
  845. Can't find textures/props/controlpanel_c06.tga
  846. Can't find textures/xlab_wall/xconcrete_c58m.tga
  847. Can't find textures/dsmcl/crossfire.tga
  848. Can't find textures/RTCWvillage/vill_c04dm.tga
  849. Can't find textures/RTCWvillage/villdoor_c04dm.tga
  850. Can't find textures/RTCWvillage/vill_c02dm.tga
  851. Can't find textures/tobruk_roof_sd/tobruk_roof2.tga
  852. Can't find textures/town_roof/roof_c02.tga
  853. Can't find textures/RTCWvillage/vill_c01adm.tga
  854. Can't find textures/rubble/debri_m01.tga
  855. Can't find textures/town_roof/roof_c03a.tga
  856. Can't find textures/RTCWvillage/villwin_c05dm.tga
  857. Can't find textures/RTCWvillage/villwin_c10dm.tga
  858. Can't find textures/egypt_walls_sd/concrete_m03.tga
  859. Can't find textures/village_interior/inter_c11_ba.tga
  860. Can't find textures/town_wall/town_m_c01.tga
  861. Can't find textures/town_window/window_c05a.tga
  862. Can't find textures/town_wall/town_c38a.tga
  863. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 9820288
  864. Can't find textures/town_wall/town_c91.tga
  865. Can't find textures/cathedrale_wall/cathedrale_c09.tga
  866. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 10082432
  867. Can't find textures/town_wall/church_c01dm.tga
  868. Can't find textures/broken_castle/wall_c05.tga
  869. Can't find textures/broken_castle/wall_c03d.tga
  870. Can't find textures/castle_wall/castle_c31_a.tga
  871. Can't find textures/town_floor/floor_d01.tga
  872. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 10344576
  873. Can't find textures/assault_rock/concrete_m02.tga
  874. Can't find textures/xlab_props/xdrawers_c03.tga
  875. Can't find textures/wood/wood_m02a.tga
  876. Can't find textures/village/villwin_c15.tga
  877. Can't find textures/village/villwin_c15.blend.tga
  878. Can't find textures/tree/trunck3a.tga
  879. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  880. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  881. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  882. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  883. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  884. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  885. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  886. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  887. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  888. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  889. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  890. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  891. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  892. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  893. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  894. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  895. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  896. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  897. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  898. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  899. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  900. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  901. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  902. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  903. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  904. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  905. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  906. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  907. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  908. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  909. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  910. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  911. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  912. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  913. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  914. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  915. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  916. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  917. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  918. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  919. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  920. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  921. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  922. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  923. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  924. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  925. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  926. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  927. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  928. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  929. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  930. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  931. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  932. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  933. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  934. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  935. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  936. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  937. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  938. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  939. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  940. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  941. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  942. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  943. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  944. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  945. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  946. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  947. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  948. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  949. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  950. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  951. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  952. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  953. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  954. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  955. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  956. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  957. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  958. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  959. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  960. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  961. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  962. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  963. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  964. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  965. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  966. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  967. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  968. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  969. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  970. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  971. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  972. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  973. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  974. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  975. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  976. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage! [16:56]
  977. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  978. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  979. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  980. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  981. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  982. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  983. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  984. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  985. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  986. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  987. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  988. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  989. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  990. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  991. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  992. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  993. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  994. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  995. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  996. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  997. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  998. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  999. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1000. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1001. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1002. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1003. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1004. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1005. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1006. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1007. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1008. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1009. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1010. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1011. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1012. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1013. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1014. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1015. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1016. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1017. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1018. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1019. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1020. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1021. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1022. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1023. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1024. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1025. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1026. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1027. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1028. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1029. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1030. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1031. ^1WARNING: shader 'textures/tree/trunck3a' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
  1032. Can't find textures/town_wood/wood_c01.tga
  1033. Can't find textures/town_window/shudder_c04.tga
  1034. Can't find textures/props/file_cab_m01.tga
  1035. Can't find textures/props/sign_c27.tga
  1036. Can't find textures/props/sho_box_c02.tga
  1037. Can't find textures/props/box_m05a.tga
  1038. Can't find textures/props/box_m03.tga
  1039. Can't find textures/props/box_m01.tga
  1040. Can't find textures/wood/wood_m02.tga
  1041. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 10606720
  1042. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 10868864
  1043. Can't find textures/miltary_wall/mroof_m01a.tga
  1044. Can't find textures/metal_misc/metal_m06.tga
  1045. Can't find textures/metal_misc/ametal_m04a.tga
  1046. Can't find textures/metal_misc/ametal_m03.tga
  1047. Can't find textures/metal_misc/ametal_m02.tga
  1048. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 11131008
  1049. Can't find textures/egypt_walls_sd/wood_c06.tga
  1050. Can't find textures/egypt_floor_sd/wood_c13.tga
  1051. Cvar_Set2: com_hunkused 11393152
  1052. Can't find textures/egypt_floor_sd/carpet_c02.tga
  1053. Can't find textures/egypt_door_sd/door_c05.tga
  1054. Can't find textures/doors/heavy_door_01.tga
  1055. Received signal 11, exiting...
  1056. DGA Mouse - Disabling DGA DirectVideo
  1057. Shutdown tty console
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