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Nov 20th, 2015
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  1. r_cmdbuf_worker - 0x9AE583A8
  2. snd_losocclusion - 0x75DD8BF0
  3. cg_fov_default - 0xF03677A1
  4. cg_fov_default_thirdperson - 0x8F8FEA18
  5. cg_chatheight - 0x4EBC943D
  6. sv_cheats - 0xF70E34E1
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  10. con_gamemsgwindow2filter - 0x987E6AAD
  11. con_gamemsgwindow3filter - 0x0158509C
  12. live_steamid - 0xEE07D041
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  16. net_socksserver - 0xC27722F5
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  19. net_sockspassword - 0xF4A9094F
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  21. net_broadcast_port - 0xAD0F494C
  22. username - 0x2A082815
  23. g_erroronpathsnotconnected - 0xED2B56DC
  24. gamename - 0x8404DD52
  25. gamedate - 0x422EDD5B
  26. g_gametype - 0xDBC1DECD
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  28. g_password - 0xFC652788
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  32. g_maxdroppedweapons - 0x74D1305E
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  37. g_vehicledrawsplines - 0x9168D65F
  38. g_ai - 0x75B66D0D
  39. g_spawnai - 0x89A359A2
  40. g_aieventdump - 0xF5F9903D
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  45. ai_slowdownmaxyawdiff - 0x9AA6C06B
  46. ai_slowdownminrate - 0xF3A87751
  47. ai_slowdownrateblendfactor - 0xE668E0D1
  48. ai_angularyawenabled - 0xD5D92418
  49. ai_angularyawaccelrate - 0x24B1E7FD
  50. ai_angularyawdecelfactor - 0xEB7A4BB1
  51. ai_trim_path_zigzags - 0x156BACEE
  52. ai_corpsecount - 0xE9440137
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  54. ai_shownodesdist - 0xCA5669B4
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  97. ai_friendlysuppressiondist - 0x424B09E0
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  106. ai_coversearchinterval - 0xB1D6A100
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  112. ai_coverscore_priority - 0xE2CBF4E2
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  114. ai_coverscore_visibility - 0x03C7DF3E
  115. ai_coverscore_flanking - 0x511AFABC
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  118. ai_coverflankcheckrad - 0xDC0DFCF2
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  199. missilejavspeedlimitdescend - 0x9E2991BE
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  203. missiledroneclimbheighttop - 0xE2E730A8
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  207. missiledroneclimbceilingtop - 0xF47FAA08
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  214. missiledronedistanceavoidancesec - 0x764E020B
  215. missiledronedistsqtargetavoidancedisabled - 0x945FF72A
  216. missiledroneturnmaxroll - 0xBFB056FD
  217. missiledroneturnmaxrollchange - 0x1F572CD1
  218. missiledroneturnmaxrate - 0xD5B1F19A
  219. missiledroneaccelclimb - 0x9AA8989C
  220. missiledroneacceldescend - 0x22224DB1
  221. missiledronespeedlimitclimb - 0xB2F1DB4C
  222. missiledronespeedlimitdescend - 0x0713AA81
  223. missiledroneclimbmaxdist - 0xC0874194
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  225. missiledroneclimbtoowner - 0x8D2F078E
  226. missiletvguidedstickdeadzone - 0xA2DE9C4B
  227. missiletvguidedturnrate - 0xE06E46DA
  228. missileplantablesize - 0x8B3BB1E1
  229. missilemolotovblobnum - 0x17B9C356
  230. missilemolotovblobtime - 0x53210D81
  231. missiletvguidedboost - 0x2177A7A6
  232. missiletvguidedboostspeedup - 0xC20DA610
  233. missiletvguidedboostspeeddown - 0x5B87929F
  234. missiletvguidedmaxrollangle - 0xEF93AD01
  235. missiletvguidedturningrollaccel - 0xFF88EC23
  236. missiletvguidedflatteningrollaccel - 0x439CD16A
  237. missiletvguidedmpspecific - 0xF7C64C4E
  238. grenaderestthreshold - 0x7A3992DC
  239. grenaderollingenabled - 0xB6865FEB
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  242. grenadefrictionmaxthresh - 0x88490075
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  245. grenadebumpmax - 0xC1700641
  246. grenadewobblefreq - 0x7702EF54
  247. grenadewobblefwdmag - 0xA7C4568A
  248. grenadewobblesidemag - 0xF0EDDE90
  249. grenadewobblesidedamp - 0xD5CAF7D5
  250. grenadecurvemax - 0x3A4F6EE0
  251. grenadebouncerestitutionmax - 0x4F018E3B
  252. airburstadjustdistance - 0x05AA5F7F
  253. dynent_damageradiusscale - 0xB75FF87D
  254. dynent_shouldcullentitiesforsplitscreen - 0xFDCF7ACF
  255. bg_viewkickscale - 0x11CE8064
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  257. bg_viewkickmin - 0xF416B84E
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  270. player_view_pitch_up - 0x394170CF
  271. player_view_pitch_down - 0x13C3313C
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  282. scr_team_fftype - 0x2F656B24
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  284. bg_falldamagemaxheight - 0xDB32034E
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  288. bg_proneswingspeed - 0xF154C5F4
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  314. player_breath_gasp_scale - 0xA4E37D7C
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  316. player_breath_gasp_lerp - 0x3BF5C8F1
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  326. player_laststandbleedouttimenorevive - 0x3A0E7CCE
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  331. bg_vsmode_hud - 0x4FD85C01
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  336. player_movethreshhold - 0x6A6123B7
  337. player_footstepsthreshhold - 0x35ACE1AB
  338. player_runthreshhold - 0x7198D029
  339. player_knockbackmovethreshhold - 0x13B9681C
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  342. player_sliding_wishspeed - 0x77E7802E
  343. player_sliding_velocity_cap - 0xA4F5A3E4
  344. player_strafespeedscale - 0xA4BFB7B9
  345. player_backspeedscale - 0xDB06D2E5
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  347. player_slopeanimangle - 0x41790ECE
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  349. player_endurancespeedscale - 0x2045F739
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  352. player_sprintspeedscale - 0x0B82F6A8
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  355. player_sprintmintime - 0xE2D8DD18
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  364. player_dmgtimer_maxtime - 0x7F0CD2F2
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  367. player_dmgtimer_flinchtime - 0x62E0CC24
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  369. player_meleeheight - 0x38A87AD6
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  375. bg_moongravity - 0x59F55972
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  387. dog_turn180_angle - 0xDF27D342
  388. dog_turn_min_goal_dist - 0x56FD5A0D
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  390. vehlocationalvehicleseatentry - 0x5AE058C5
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  394. bg_shieldhitencodeheightworld - 0x047D2E0C
  395. bg_shieldhitencodewidthvm - 0xA1290FE8
  396. bg_shieldhitencodeheightvm - 0xC0167447
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  404. bg_teleportaligntime - 0x613D2DD2
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  406. playerpushamount - 0x1A0C6BAE
  407. scr_player_sprinttime - 0x8D375EA7
  408. scr_dynamic_source_loading - 0x93B03232
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  410. bg_vehicle_ground_max_normal - 0xF55E2A90
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  412. bg_vehicle_pitch_track - 0x39CC8FE6
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  414. bg_vehicle_max_pitch - 0x883FD4C5
  415. bg_vehicle_max_roll - 0x4B1696AC
  416. bg_vehicle_max_body_pitch - 0x6F84F76E
  417. bg_vehicle_max_body_roll - 0x295A7965
  418. bg_vehicle_gravity - 0x38FB5082
  419. bg_vehicle_trace_offset - 0x61721977
  420. bg_vehicle_overclip - 0x3145505C
  421. bg_vehicle_tangential_clip_vel_scale - 0x740BF013
  422. bg_vehicle_tangential_clip_max_scale - 0x5FD88708
  423. bg_vehicle_stepsize - 0x1C258CA9
  424. bg_vehicle_sphere_bounds_offset_z - 0x5FE8E486
  425. turretplacement_usetraceoffset - 0x3C025D12
  426. turretplacement_traceoffset - 0x55AFCB37
  427. turret_placement_trace_maxs - 0xEEADDB49
  428. turret_placement_trace_mins - 0xE82567C3
  429. mantle_enable - 0x363769FE
  430. mantle_debug - 0xF5469344
  431. mantle_check_range - 0x3AC7BE1B
  432. mantle_check_range_mp - 0x75675885
  433. mantle_check_radius - 0x5AB2D69E
  434. mantle_check_angle - 0xD0436DDD
  435. mantle_check_glass_extra_range - 0x1B6F838D
  436. mantle_view_yawcap - 0x66310284
  437. mantle_weapon_height - 0x4096AAB7
  438. mantle_weapon_anim_height - 0xE395B881
  439. vehicle_push_during_mantle - 0x7BB11ED4
  440. prone_bipod_enable - 0xA607F8E6
  441. hatch_mantle_up - 0xF950AE1F
  442. hatch_mantle_fwd - 0x5C54EE4B
  443. shieldimpactbulletshakescale - 0xCA7F9658
  444. shieldimpactbulletshakeduration - 0x6239266A
  445. shieldimpactmissileshakescale - 0xBD757BF8
  446. shieldimpactmissileshakeduration - 0xEF95748A
  447. shieldimpactexplosionlowshakescale - 0xCB811AC5
  448. shieldimpactexplosionlowshakeduration - 0x5D300529
  449. shieldimpactexplosionhighshakescale - 0xB66B0781
  450. shieldimpactexplosionhighshakeduration - 0x555D57B5
  451. shieldimpactexplosionthreshold - 0x29C3CCE2
  452. shielddeployshakescale - 0x53F4DFEB
  453. shielddeployshakeduration - 0x8F99BFEF
  454. riotshield_deploy_limit_radius - 0x8A9A86A7
  455. riotshield_bullet_damage_scale - 0xE2062A4A
  456. riotshield_explosive_damage_scale - 0x7ADABF33
  457. riotshield_melee_damage_scale - 0xC6A8A8E8
  458. riotshield_projectile_damage_scale - 0x50CA0E85
  459. riotshield_deployed_health - 0x3F98627E
  460. riotshield_destroyed_cleanup_time - 0x83D187A7
  461. riotshield_deploy_pitch_max - 0xB930E25E
  462. riotshield_deploy_roll_max - 0x09395F13
  463. riotshield_deploy_zdiff_max - 0x3BD958FF
  464. riotshield_assist_time - 0x3987D6E2
  465. riotshield_damage_score_threshold - 0xFF9A425F
  466. riotshield_damage_score_max - 0x9366B9F4
  467. shieldblastdamageprotection_30 - 0x85967404
  468. shieldblastdamageprotection_60 - 0xC8E25A23
  469. shieldblastdamageprotection_120 - 0x18DE8DA8
  470. shieldblastdamageprotection_180 - 0xDF270CC6
  471. shieldplayerbulletprotectiondegrees - 0xC526378B
  472. vehanim_enable - 0x715A0F7D
  473. vehanim_debug - 0xCF4AEB35
  474. perk_weapswitchmultiplier - 0x098A3972
  475. perk_weapspreadmultiplier - 0x66D11F7F
  476. perk_weapreloadmultiplier - 0x5D6965B5
  477. perk_weapratemultiplier - 0xA685E3B0
  478. perk_weapadsmultiplier - 0x70F56AE2
  479. perk_weapmeleemultiplier - 0x13B6295C
  480. perk_weaptossmultiplier - 0x7E5887CB
  481. perk_weapequipmentusemultiplier - 0xB557F29F
  482. perk_extrabreath - 0xCFB397C8
  483. perk_bulletpenetrationmultiplier - 0x7327B96A
  484. perk_grenadedeath - 0x1EB64D44
  485. perk_sprintmultiplier - 0x57625871
  486. perk_grenadetossbacktimer - 0xB94B4A45
  487. perk_killstreakreduction - 0x382D390D
  488. perk_killstreakmomentummultiplier - 0xEA8D71F9
  489. perk_killstreakdeathpenaltymultiplier - 0xD7319192
  490. perk_delayexplosivetime - 0xB9C9AA0D
  491. perk_disarmexplosivetime - 0xE4E708C4
  492. perk_speedmultiplier - 0x69A9F2E0
  493. perk_deathstreakcountrequired - 0xF9AACF56
  494. perk_sprintrecoverymultiplier - 0xCC1A8A70
  495. perk_healthregenmultiplier - 0xD94E6AF4
  496. perk_damagekickreduction - 0xA7B7394C
  497. perk_shellshockreduction - 0x07C01793
  498. perk_mantlereduction - 0x2B5387C4
  499. perk_interactspeedmultiplier - 0x81137F5E
  500. perk_throwbackinnerradius - 0x25C5FC61
  501. perk_flakjacket - 0xC9D47F04
  502. perk_flakjacket_hardcore - 0xCB49DC55
  503. perk_fireproof - 0x2C29C816
  504. perk_armorpiercing - 0xF90A2068
  505. perk_dogsattackghost - 0x01F1FE9A
  506. perk_blackbirdshowsgpsjammer - 0xEF40545E
  507. perk_fastladderclimbmultiplier - 0xE540D40C
  508. perk_marksmanenemynamefadein - 0x7EA84DA0
  509. perk_marksmanenemynamefadeout - 0x27EC883F
  510. perk_gpsjammer_min_speed - 0xBA9A5009
  511. perk_gpsjammer_min_distance - 0xDDC68069
  512. perk_gpsjammer_time_period - 0xF8909648
  513. perk_gpsjammer_graceperiods - 0x0216F959
  514. perk_gpsjammer_alpha - 0x612B9011
  515. perk_gpsjammer_fade_time - 0x71CDEE5F
  516. perk_nottargetedbyai_min_speed - 0x908931D7
  517. perk_nottargetedbyai_graceperiod - 0xAE7B3AFC
  518. perk_scavenger_clip_multiplier - 0xAEAFE3F1
  519. perk_scavenger_lethal_proc - 0x8828329C
  520. perk_scavenger_tactical_proc - 0x39F3C397
  521. bg_aqs - 0x0D86C86C
  522. bg_aqsstyle - 0x7957C9CB
  523. bg_ads - 0x261DF55B
  524. enable_global_wind - 0x24AAB38F
  525. enable_grass_wind - 0xF80A4914
  526. wind_global_vector - 0x4529AD67
  527. wind_global_low_altitude - 0xB74A29D1
  528. wind_global_hi_altitude - 0x6FD48860
  529. wind_global_low_strength_percent - 0xCC197802
  530. wind_leaf_scale - 0x5CFC27C9
  531. wind_grass_gustinterval - 0x3C1DD4B9
  532. wind_grass_scale - 0x7ADAE05B
  533. wind_grass_tension - 0xEF345B1F
  534. wind_grass_gust_speed - 0xC38FBE62
  535. wind_grass_gust_radius - 0x2094DE6B
  536. wind_grass_gust_strength - 0xDEF4F7EA
  537. wind_grass_gust_distance - 0xA100AA0C
  538. wind_debug_display - 0x1026A6C4
  539. spawnsystem_debug - 0x5FDAD959
  540. spawnsystem_debug_best_points - 0x81685E0C
  541. spawnsystem_debug_points - 0x552D7581
  542. spawnsystem_debug_point_weights - 0x077C91D8
  543. spawnsystem_debug_influencers - 0x46C26020
  544. spawnsystem_debug_influencer_types - 0x1DB24837
  545. spawnsystem_debug_influencer_pulse - 0xA936CA3F
  546. spawnsystem_debug_player - 0x3AF149CB
  547. spawnsystem_debug_team - 0x7A77C2AF
  548. spawnsystem_debug_sideswitched - 0xE832C59A
  549. spawnsystem_debug_visibility - 0x22A7BD18
  550. spawnsystem_debug_visibility_time - 0x86B8BC9C
  551. spawnsystem_debug_archive - 0x385D24FE
  552. spawnsystem_debug_showclients - 0xC7B84CED
  553. spawnsystem_debug_liveedit - 0x19FDB616
  554. spawnsystem_sight_check_max_distance - 0x6C35DBD5
  555. spawnsystem_sight_height_offset - 0xDD7F10DB
  556. spawnsystem_badspawn_damage_delay - 0xB2B468DE
  557. spawnsystem_badspawn_aggression_delay - 0x75719361
  558. spawnsystem_badspawn_force_record - 0x00FB116A
  559. spawnsystem_allow_culling - 0x160D050E
  560. spawnsystem_danger_time - 0xDCFC4403
  561. spawnsystem_score_cull_time_max - 0x5168C1CC
  562. spawnsystem_score_cull_time_min - 0x8C5263E2
  563. spawnsystem_score_cull_percent - 0x387443F3
  564. spawnsystem_score_cull_min_points - 0xEF6DC946
  565. spawnsystem_allow_non_team_spawns - 0x0B2C9EA8
  566. spawnsystem_demo_max_written - 0xCF8E950E
  567. spawnsystem_demo_enable_parsing - 0x1BF62A24
  568. spawnsystem_old_vis_mask - 0xF513AD07
  569. g_fogcolorreadonly - 0x95315A50
  570. g_fogstartdistreadonly - 0xE885F309
  571. g_foghalfdistreadonly - 0x3F5CB238
  572. vehplanerolldeadzone - 0x7B1AAEE5
  573. vehplanerollaccel - 0x50DB8D57
  574. vehplanepitchaccel - 0x287349C6
  575. vehplaneyawspeed - 0x2EA7B83A
  576. vehplaneyawfromrollscale - 0x3622FCA6
  577. vehplaneliftforce - 0x63A19ED4
  578. vehplanefakeliftforce - 0xA24AF299
  579. vehplanelowspeed - 0xAC89ED37
  580. vehplanegravityforce - 0xD9057807
  581. vehicle_switch_seat_delay - 0x4436AF52
  582. vehicle_damage_max_shielding - 0xD5784976
  583. vehicle_damage_zone_front - 0x10D1C052
  584. vehicle_damage_zone_side - 0x7625785C
  585. vehicle_damage_zone_rear - 0x0A4B62CF
  586. vehicle_damage_zone_under - 0xCF581801
  587. vehicle_piece_damagesfx_threshold - 0xB35B6CD1
  588. vehicle_destructible_damage_grenade - 0x31557573
  589. vehicle_destructible_damage_bouncing_betty - 0x84B8227F
  590. vehicle_destructible_damage_satchel_charge - 0x51B8AC66
  591. vehicle_destructible_damage_sticky_grenade - 0x908D7DB1
  592. vehicle_destructible_damage_grenade_radius - 0xAEC60748
  593. vehicle_destructible_damage_bouncing_betty_radius - 0x8BB83494
  594. vehicle_destructible_damage_satchel_charge_radius - 0x53A9158F
  595. vehicle_destructible_damage_sticky_grenade_radius - 0xEAF4F426
  596. vehicle_destructible_damage_projectile_radius - 0x78F38B3B
  597. g_turretserverpitchmin - 0xD5997EA2
  598. g_turretserverpitchmax - 0x9835738C
  599. g_turretbipodoffset - 0x673F74F6
  600. killonlytrailfx - 0x2F28BCF3
  601. ui_custom_name - 0xE31BAB17
  602. cl_splitscreengamestatehack - 0x28497505
  603. m_pitch - 0x48063E85
  604. m_yaw - 0xF7BDFE42
  605. m_forward - 0x431D5220
  606. m_side - 0x058BEAA0
  607. m_filter - 0xE1BDECFF
  608. cl_mouseaccel - 0xFA89035C
  609. cl_freelook - 0xA30619D8
  610. cl_motdstring - 0xBD8A89B8
  611. cl_ingame - 0xD9428E7C
  612. mortarstrikesleft - 0x703D51B4
  613. player_name - 0xE2075DD8
  614. systemlink - 0x91CD4E52
  615. cl_voice - 0xA55D0A3B
  616. cl_timeout - 0xF5FB9F58
  617. cl_connecttimeout - 0x201D7CBC
  618. cl_connectionattempts - 0xDBE2D1E9
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  620. splitscreen - 0x2016892B
  621. splitscreen_playercount - 0xE84000BE
  622. com_maxclients - 0x6373A725
  623. com_freemovescale - 0x8EA4811C
  624. disconnected_ctrls - 0x8BDBD7B3
  625. com_maxfps - 0x29B732E8
  626. grenade_indicators_enabled - 0xB378D440
  627. throwback_enabled - 0x5828B778
  628. gts_validation_enabled - 0xE6433849
  629. zombie_devgui - 0x9FC9CE00
  630. spmode - 0x2B5BC5DD
  631. onlinegame - 0x5EEE5D0E
  632. xblive_rankedmatch - 0x76583558
  633. xblive_privatematch - 0x4E259E24
  634. sv_fakeserverload - 0xCE700063
  635. sv_fakeserverloadrand - 0x91B4D766
  636. sv_forceunranked - 0x19C5BF52
  637. developer - 0x3C109F4D
  638. logfile - 0xD3B769A3
  639. com_statmon - 0xE803BC09
  640. com_timescale - 0xF9013DDE
  641. timescale - 0xCB1B0C34
  642. fixedtime - 0xAD786306
  643. fixedtime_float - 0x87BB2EB9
  644. long_blocking_call - 0xCE9C2F5A
  645. sv_paused - 0x6D2B2CAF
  646. cl_paused - 0x762396D1
  647. usemappreloading - 0xC2B6DEB1
  648. usesvmappreloading - 0xA7E6DAC0
  649. sv_running - 0xEFD7CA2E
  650. com_voip_resume_time - 0xC9C0F9BF
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  652. com_desiredmenu - 0xD69C48EA
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  665. ui_errormessagedebug - 0x06B7F0EA
  666. ui_autocontinue - 0x9D870AD0
  667. all_players_are_connected - 0x381E2656
  668. scr_hostmigrationtest - 0x9A496D78
  669. quit_on_error - 0x72F290EB
  670. debug_show_viewpos - 0x6C82C36C
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  672. scr_numlives - 0x3498785F
  673. debug_protocol - 0x8E0D8E25
  674. nextarena - 0xCEE9428B
  675. clicktocontinue - 0x69585093
  676. demoname - 0xAC972DCD
  677. saved_gameskill - 0x6F014452
  678. miniscoreboardhide - 0xB1FC3CA6
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  680. war_b - 0x4A3121BE
  681. war_c - 0x70339C27
  682. war_d - 0x66224348
  683. war_e - 0x8C24BDB1
  684. g_loadscripts - 0xB0D4AF1D
  685. missingcommandwillerror - 0x80734784
  686. ik_enable - 0x19F02471
  687. ik_pelvis_test - 0x37FA68EE
  688. ik_foot_test - 0xE17CFD67
  689. ik_hand_test - 0x42EA2EDA
  690. ik_left_hand_lerp_test - 0x9BBC4812
  691. ik_right_hand_lerp_test - 0xED250B15
  692. ik_enable_player_hand - 0x04D4399D
  693. ik_enable_player_terrain - 0x9352C221
  694. ik_enable_ai_hand - 0xB03DE7D2
  695. ik_enable_ai_terrain - 0x06F2D8F8
  696. ik_ai_hand_get_data - 0x721965CA
  697. ik_paranoid_matrix_checks - 0x95D86124
  698. ik_dvar_lookatentity_notorso - 0x75FE5926
  699. ik_dvar_lookatpos_notorso - 0x0FA8E4B1
  700. ik_debug - 0x35186BA1
  701. ik_ai_hand_tuning - 0xAB70D5EA
  702. ik_ai_pool_size - 0x1B73450D
  703. ik_pitch_limit_thresh - 0xF5D7DAC3
  704. ik_pitch_limit_max - 0x02A2299D
  705. ik_roll_limit_thresh - 0x0B5E5F5E
  706. ik_roll_limit_max - 0xD82763D6
  707. ik_yaw_limit_thresh - 0xBDEB4F56
  708. ik_yaw_limit_max - 0x4412827E
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  711. ik_dvar_lookatentity_eyes_scale - 0xD445CB6D
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  714. ik_dvar_lookatpos_eyes_scale - 0xB85BFFF4
  715. ik_dvar_ai_aim_tracking_rate - 0x40B2959B
  716. ik_ai_range_max - 0xA839916F
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  718. ik_ai_hand_rotation_vec - 0x31D18A54
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  758. r_spotlightsmodelshadows - 0x13988919
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  761. r_lockpvsincode - 0xBAE3C620
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  763. r_enableoccluders - 0x37D1066F
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  767. r_zombienameallowfriendslist - 0xC0DA8E91
  768. r_zombienameallowdevlist - 0x953186EB
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  771. sm_fastsunshadow - 0xDF4F8818
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  804. r_flamefx_fps - 0xABB3395B
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  807. r_watersheetingfx_enable - 0x3B398E6A
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  809. r_watersheetingfx_magnitude - 0xB48D1ECF
  810. r_watersheetingfx_radius - 0x2466B2E9
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  815. r_genericscenevector2 - 0x696DDCF2
  816. r_genericscenevector3 - 0x8F70575B
  817. r_revivefx_debug - 0x6F09FFE5
  818. r_revivefx_edgecolortemp - 0x4DB76B0A
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  823. r_revivefx_edgeamount - 0x525AAB5B
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  1223. phys_vehicledamagefrocescale - 0xC7F4D7A8
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  1227. phys_piecesspawndistancecutoff - 0xEB0C2C6C
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  1229. phys_buoyancy - 0xDA023836
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  1283. searchsessiongeo3weight - 0x3204B9E1
  1284. searchsessiongeo4weight - 0xB099DBCA
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  1405. penetrationcount_axis - 0x62FC73FB
  1406. penetrationcount_allies - 0xFC3A29EA
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  1452. reliabletimeouttime - 0x6DC12E53
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  1458. playlist_excludegametypemap - 0x0C04A4B0
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  1485. scr_hardcore - 0x3C5E408C
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  1490. g_factionname_allies - 0xC4A83E35
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  1493. ui_hud_hardcore - 0xD815DFF6
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  1498. ls_maplocation - 0x90F5F87C
  1499. ls_demotitle - 0xA58D961A
  1500. ls_demoduration - 0x68E358B8
  1501. ui_busyblockingamemenu - 0x953C6F4A
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  1513. ui_extrabigfont - 0xBE18F8D9
  1514. welcome_shown - 0x276931B5
  1515. hud_fade_stance - 0xDBBB5950
  1516. hud_health_startpulse_injured - 0x4DF5FEBD
  1517. hud_healthoverlay_pulsestart - 0xBB2BED33
  1518. hud_healthoverlay_pulsestop - 0x027308C1
  1519. hud_healthoverlay_phaseone_toalphaadd - 0x82CDC132
  1520. hud_healthoverlay_phaseone_pulseduration - 0x47529E77
  1521. hud_healthoverlay_phasetwo_toalphamultiplier - 0xEFB4AE5A
  1522. hud_healthoverlay_phasetwo_pulseduration - 0xDE408A09
  1523. hud_healthoverlay_phasethree_toalphamultiplier - 0x244426F4
  1524. hud_healthoverlay_phasethree_pulseduration - 0xC5764C1B
  1525. hud_healthoverlay_phaseend_fromalpha - 0xCA8530A3
  1526. hud_healthoverlay_phaseend_toalpha - 0x0F8A9712
  1527. hud_healthoverlay_phaseend_pulseduration - 0xDE2BC0DC
  1528. fx_marks_draw - 0x5ED33DA9
  1529. fx_freeze - 0xCE7ACABB
  1530. fx_debugbolt - 0x5CB43432
  1531. fx_count - 0x2884180B
  1532. fx_vismintracedist - 0xFA66E2EF
  1533. fx_profile - 0xA96C798D
  1534. fx_mark_profile - 0xD4FBF27B
  1535. fx_drawclouds - 0xAEA09546
  1536. fx_priority_debug - 0xC0259EC6
  1537. fx_priority_enable - 0x36BDAD7C
  1538. fx_occlusion_query_profile - 0xAEEA754E
  1539. fx_occlusion_max_player_count - 0x35937BC2
  1540. fx_draw_weapon_tags - 0xD4BA6C45
  1541. fx_use_ground_entity - 0x2E1C05DB
  1542. fx_marks_range - 0x76098756
  1543. fx_show_names_range - 0xA5EA2556
  1544. aim_target_closest_first - 0xF9645E33
  1545. aim_autoaim_enabled - 0xBF3874CB
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