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Dec 7th, 2016
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  1. Log: Log file open, 12/06/16 22:06:22
  2. Init: FEngineLoop::PreInit Here
  3. Init: ---- call app init here
  4. Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
  5. Init: Call platform pre init
  6. Init: **** Pre InitSHAHashes() ****
  7. Log: **** InitSHAHashes() ****
  8. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes core.u
  9. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes engine.u
  10. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gfxui.u
  11. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes ipdrv.u
  12. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes windrv.u
  13. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gameframework.u
  14. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes onlinesubsystemsteamworks.u
  15. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes udkbase.u
  16. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes utgame.u
  17. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes aoc.u
  18. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes aoccustomizationcontent.u
  19. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes unrealed.u
  20. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes uteditor.u
  21. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gfxuieditor.u
  22. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes utgamecontent.u
  23. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes aocaudiocontent.u
  24. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes enginematerials.upk
  25. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes enginedebugmaterials.upk
  26. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes enginesounds.upk
  27. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes enginefonts.upk
  28. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes soundclassesandmodes.upk
  29. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes ui_fonts.upk
  30. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes ui_fonts_final.upk
  31. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes aoc-udkfrontendmap.udk
  32. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes apexgpuskinvertexfactory.usf
  33. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gpuskinvertexfactory.usf
  34. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes apexgpuskinvertexfactory_1bone.usf
  35. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes localvertexfactory.usf
  36. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes decalfactorycommon.usf
  37. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes terrainvertexfactory.usf
  38. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes landscapevertexfactory.usf
  39. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes fluidvertexfactory.usf
  40. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes lensflarevertexfactory.usf
  41. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes particlespritevertexfactory.usf
  42. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes meshinstancedvertexfactory.usf
  43. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes particlebeamtrailvertexfactory.usf
  44. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes resolvevertexshader.usf
  45. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes definitions.usf
  46. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes common360.usf
  47. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes common.usf
  48. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes resolvepixelshader.usf
  49. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes meshpaintdilatepixelshader.usf
  50. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes meshpaintdilatevertexshader.usf
  51. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes meshpaintpixelshader.usf
  52. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes meshpaintvertexshader.usf
  53. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gfxcmatrixpixelshader.usf
  54. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gfxfilterpixelshader.usf
  55. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gfxpixelshader.usf
  56. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gfxvertexshader.usf
  57. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gfxvertex3dshader.usf
  58. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes fluidsurfacesimulation.usf
  59. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes velocityshader.usf
  60. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes depthoffieldcommon.usf
  61. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes random.usf
  62. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes materialtemplate.usf
  63. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes flattessellation.usf
  64. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes pntriangles.usf
  65. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes tessellation.usf
  66. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes ldrextractvertexshader.usf
  67. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes texturedensityshader.usf
  68. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes perfragmentmaskshader.usf
  69. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes shadowprojectionpixelshader.usf
  70. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes shadowprojectioncommon.usf
  71. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes modshadowprojectionvertexshader.usf
  72. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes shadowprojectionvertexshader.usf
  73. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes shadowdepthpixelshader.usf
  74. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes shadowdepthcommon.usf
  75. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes shadowdepthvertexshader.usf
  76. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes downsampledepthpixelshader.usf
  77. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gammacorrectionvertexshader.usf
  78. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes gammacorrectionpixelshader.usf
  79. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes occlusionqueryvertexshader.usf
  80. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes hitproxypixelshader.usf
  81. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes hitproxyvertexshader.usf
  82. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes filtervertexshader.usf
  83. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes filterpixelshader.usf
  84. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes postprocesscommon.usf
  85. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes lightshaftshader.usf
  86. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes simplef32pixelshader.usf
  87. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes simplef32vertexshader.usf
  88. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes deferredlightshaders.usf
  89. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes dynamiclightingcommon.usf
  90. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes deferredlightingcommon.usf
  91. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes lightfunctionpixelshader.usf
  92. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes lightfunctionvertexshader.usf
  93. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes hitmaskpixelshader.usf
  94. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes hitmaskvertexshader.usf
  95. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes fogvolumeapplypixelshader.usf
  96. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes fogvolumeapplyvertexshader.usf
  97. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes fogintegralpixelshader.usf
  98. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes fogvolumecommon.usf
  99. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes fogintegralvertexshader.usf
  100. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes heightfogpixelshader.usf
  101. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes heightfogcommon.usf
  102. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes heightfogvertexshader.usf
  103. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes translucencypostrenderdepthpixelshader.usf
  104. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes depthonlypixelshader.usf
  105. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes depthonlyvertexshader.usf
  106. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes positiononlydepthvertexshader.usf
  107. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes simpleelementvertexshader.usf
  108. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes simpleelementcolorchannelmaskpixelshader.usf
  109. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes simpleelementhitproxypixelshader.usf
  110. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes simpleelementpixelshader.usf
  111. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes basepasspixelshader.usf
  112. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes basepasscommon.usf
  113. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes subsurfacescatteringcommon.usf
  114. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes sphericalharmoniccommon.usf
  115. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes basepasstessellationshaders.usf
  116. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes basepassvertexcommon.usf
  117. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes basepassvertexshader.usf
  118. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes ambientocclusionshader.usf
  119. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes binkshaders.usf
  120. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes uberpostprocessvertexshader.usf
  121. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes uberpostprocessblendpixelshader.usf
  122. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes motionblurcommon.usf
  123. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes temporalaa.usf
  124. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes temporalaamaskshader.usf
  125. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes subsurfacescatteringpixelshader.usf
  126. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes subsurfacescatteringvertexshader.usf
  127. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes branchingpcfmodprojectionpixelshader.usf
  128. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes branchingpcfcommon.usf
  129. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes modshadowcommon.usf
  130. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes modshadowprojectionpixelshader.usf
  131. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes spotlightpixelshader.usf
  132. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes spotlightvertexshader.usf
  133. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes sphericalharmoniclightpixelshader.usf
  134. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes sphericalharmoniclightvertexshader.usf
  135. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes shadercomplexityapplypixelshader.usf
  136. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes shadercomplexityaccumulatepixelshader.usf
  137. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes screenvertexshader.usf
  138. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes screenpixelshader.usf
  139. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes radialblurscreenshader.usf
  140. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes fxaashader.usf
  141. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes fxaa3_11.usf
  142. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes mlaashader.usf
  143. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes pointlightpixelshader.usf
  144. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes pointlightvertexshader.usf
  145. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes lutblender.usf
  146. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes lightmapdensityshader.usf
  147. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes imagereflectionshader.usf
  148. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes imagereflectionmeshshader.usf
  149. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes memcopyshader.usf
  150. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes restorecolordepthshader.usf
  151. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes splashscreenshader.usf
  152. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes onecolorshader.usf
  153. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes nullpixelshader.usf
  154. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes dofandbloomblendvertexshader.usf
  155. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes dofandbloomblendpixelshader.usf
  156. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes dofandbloomgathervertexshader.usf
  157. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes dofandbloomgatherpixelshader.usf
  158. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes distortaccumulatepixelshader.usf
  159. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes distortaccumulatevertexshader.usf
  160. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes distortapplyscreenpixelshader.usf
  161. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes distortapplyscreenvertexshader.usf
  162. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes directionallightpixelshader.usf
  163. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes directionallightvertexshader.usf
  164. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes depthdependenthaloapplypixelshader.usf
  165. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes branchingpcfprojectionpixelshader.usf
  166. DevSHA: InitializeFileHashes bokehdof.usf
  167. Log: ... running in INSTALLED mode
  168. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultSystemSettings.ini
  169. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseSystemSettings.ini
  170. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseSystemSettings.ini
  171. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini
  172. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultLightmass.ini
  173. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseLightmass.ini
  174. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseLightmass.ini
  175. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKLightmass.ini
  176. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultEngine.ini
  177. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultEngineUDK.ini
  178. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini
  179. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini
  180. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKEngine.ini
  181. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultGame.ini
  182. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultGameUDK.ini
  183. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseGame.ini
  184. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseGame.ini
  185. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKGame.ini
  186. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultInput.ini
  187. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseInput.ini
  188. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseInput.ini
  189. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKInput.ini
  190. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultUI.ini
  191. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseUI.ini
  192. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseUI.ini
  193. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKUI.ini
  194. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKUI.ini
  195. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKUI.ini
  196. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultSettings.ini
  197. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultSettings.ini
  198. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSettings.ini
  199. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSettings.ini
  200. Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSettings.ini
  201. Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
  202. DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
  203. Init: Version: 10246
  204. Init: Epic Internal: 0
  205. Init: Compiled (64-bit): Jun 28 2016 16:07:37
  206. Init: Changelist: 1340247
  207. Init: Command line:
  208. Init: Base directory: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\chivalrymedievalwarfare\Binaries\Win64\
  209. [0000.21] Init: Computer: HELIUM
  210. [0000.21] Init: User: Technik
  211. [0000.21] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=4
  212. [0000.21] Init: High frequency timer resolution =3.320311 MHz
  213. [0000.21] Init: Memory total: Physical=31.9GB (32GB approx) Pagefile=36.9GB Virtual=131072.0GB
  214. [0000.21] Log: !!! WARNING SETTING BUCKET HERE !!!
  215. [0000.32] Log: Bucketing: Found 32736 of CPU memory
  216. [0000.32] Log: Bucketing: Found 2048 of GPU memory
  217. [0000.32] Init: Memory stats:
  218. [0000.32] Init: Physical: 32706MB
  219. [0000.32] Init: Virtual: 134217727MB
  220. [0000.32] Init: PageFile: 37826MB
  221. [0000.32] Init: GPU stats:
  222. [0000.32] Init: VendorID: 000010DE
  223. [0000.32] Init: DeviceID: 00001184
  224. [0000.32] Init: DriverVersion:
  225. [0000.32] Init: DeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
  226. [0000.32] Init: DriverName: nvd3dumx.dll
  227. [0000.32] Init: PixelShaderVersion: 3
  228. [0000.32] Init: VertexShaderVersion: 3
  229. [0000.32] Init: VRAMQuantity: 2048
  230. [0000.32] Init: DedicatedVRAM: 2017
  231. [0000.32] Init: AdapterCount: 1
  232. [0000.32] Init: SupportsHardwareTnL: 1
  233. [0000.32] Log: Bucketing: Picked bucket 5 for CPU
  234. [0000.32] Log: Bucketing: Picked bucket 5 for GPU
  235. [0000.32] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultSystemSettings.ini
  236. [0000.32] Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseSystemSettings.ini
  237. [0000.32] Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Config\BaseSystemSettings.ini
  238. [0000.32] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini
  239. [0000.32] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini
  240. [0000.32] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini
  241. [0000.33] Log: SystemSettings::LoadFromIni in file ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini section: SystemSettingsBucket5
  242. [0000.33] Log: SystemSettings in ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini based on: SystemSettings
  243. [0000.33] Log: SystemSettings::LoadFromIni in file ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini section: SystemSettings
  244. [0000.68] Log: Steam Client API initialized 1
  245. [0000.68] Init: Presizing for 83221 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
  246. [0000.68] Init: Object subsystem initialized
  247. [0001.67] DevDataBase: Connection to "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=production-db;Initial Catalog=EngineTaskPerf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Connection Timeout=2" or "" failed
  248. [0001.68] Log: SystemSettings::LoadFromIni in file ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini section: SystemSettings
  249. [0001.73] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
  250. [0001.73] Log: Adapter has 2017MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 16353MB of shared system memory
  251. [0001.73] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
  252. [0001.73] Log: Adapter has 0MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 16353MB of shared system memory
  253. [0001.78] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
  254. [0002.35] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED
  255. [0002.44] Init: Initializing FaceFX...
  256. [0002.44] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized.
  257. [0002.46] Init: WinSock: I am HELIUM (
  258. [0002.47] Init: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Creative SB X-Fi)' : 6 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3f)
  259. [0002.59] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Localization\INT\Engine.INT
  260. [0002.59] Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Localization\INT\Engine.INT
  261. [0002.59] Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Localization\INT\Core.INT
  262. [0004.60] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultWeapon.ini
  263. [0004.60] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultWeapon.ini
  264. [0004.60] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKWeapon.ini
  265. [0004.64] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultCharInfo.ini
  266. [0004.64] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultCharInfo.ini
  267. [0004.64] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKCharInfo.ini
  268. [0004.87] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Localization\INT\AOC.INT
  269. [0005.54] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKStats.ini
  270. [0005.54] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKStats.ini
  271. [0005.54] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\UDKStats.ini
  272. [0022.18] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 19.62 seconds
  273. [0022.18] Log: 105433 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  274. [0022.18] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  275. [0022.18] Log: Initializing Engine...
  276. [0022.33] Init: UEngine initialized
  277. [0022.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SoundNodeWave A_Interface.RadioChirps.Radio_ChirpIn01': Failed to find object 'SoundNodeWave A_Interface.RadioChirps.Radio_ChirpIn01'
  278. [0022.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SoundNodeWave A_Interface.RadioChirps.Radio_ChirpOut01': Failed to find object 'SoundNodeWave A_Interface.RadioChirps.Radio_ChirpOut01'
  279. [0022.35] Init: XAudio2Device initialized.
  280. [0023.14] Log: Found PS2 controller with new converter
  281. [0023.71] Log: Found PS2 controller with new converter
  282. [0024.30] Log: Found X360 controller
  283. [0024.87] Log: Found PS2 controller with new converter
  284. [0024.88] Init: Client initialized
  285. [0024.88] Log: Size of window 1920 1080
  286. [0024.89] Log: Read config file: ..\..\Engine\Localization\INT\UnrealEd.INT
  287. [0025.35] Log: Initializing Steamworks
  288. [0025.36] Log: Logged in as 'LewekLeonek'
  289. [0025.38] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Localization\INT\GFxUI.INT
  290. [0025.42] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\PCServer-UDKEngine.ini
  291. [0025.43] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\PCServer-UDKGame.ini
  292. [0025.45] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\PCServer-UDKInput.ini
  293. [0025.48] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\PCServer-UDKSystemSettings.ini
  294. [0025.50] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\PCServer-UDKUI.ini
  295. [0025.50] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Config\WrangleContent.ini
  296. [0025.68] DevDlc: Initialize Called
  297. [0025.68] DevDlc: Looking for DLC...
  298. [0025.68] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  299. [0025.68] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  300. [0025.68] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  301. [0025.68] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  302. [0025.68] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Cloud\CloudStorage.ini
  303. [0025.72] DevDlc: Shipping Level: AOC-UDKFrontEndMap
  304. [0025.86] Log: LoadMap: AOC-UDKFrontEndMap?Name=Player?Team=255
  305. [0025.87] DevDlc: Shipping Level: AOC-UDKFrontEndMap
  306. [0025.97] Log: Game class is 'AOCEntry'
  307. [0025.98] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
  308. [0025.98] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
  309. [0025.99] Log: Bringing World AOC-UDKFrontEndMap.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2016.12.06-22.06.48
  310. [0026.00] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.020624
  311. [0029.55] Log: UTextureMovie::Play
  312. [0029.55] Log: UTextureMovie::InitDecoder
  313. [0029.57] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(0) called with result 1 code 8
  314. [0029.57] Log: UTextureMovie::Play
  315. [0029.57] Log: UTextureMovie::InitDecoder
  316. [0030.45] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  317. [0030.45] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.GeneralManager
  318. [0030.47] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  319. [0030.48] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 4.617851 seconds
  320. [0030.48] Init: Game engine initialized
  321. [0030.48] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
  322. [0030.49] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 30.49s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  323. [0030.50] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(0) completed with result '8' k_EResultInvalidParam (a parameter is incorrect)
  324. [0030.51] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 904ms
  325. [0030.73] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Localization\INT\AOCUI.INT
  326. [0030.99] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  327. [0030.99] Log: CreateBrowser ApiCall: 4445215795759016639
  328. [0031.01] Log: UTextureMovie::Play
  329. [0031.01] Log: UTextureMovie::InitDecoder
  330. [0031.06] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  331. [0031.46] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Localization\INT\AOCKeybinds.INT
  332. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_shore) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_shore.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_shore]?
  333. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_shore.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_shore.png'
  334. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_outpost) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_outpost.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_outpost]?
  335. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_outpost.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_outpost.png'
  336. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_nomercy) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_nomercy.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_nomercy]?
  337. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_nomercy.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_nomercy.png'
  338. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_kings_garden) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_kings_garden.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_kings_garden]?
  339. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_kings_garden.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_kings_garden.png'
  340. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_irilla) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_irilla.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_irilla]?
  341. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_irilla.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_irilla.png'
  342. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_impasse) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_impasse.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_impasse]?
  343. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_impasse.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_impasse.png'
  344. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hordetown) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hordetown.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hordetown]?
  345. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hordetown.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hordetown.png'
  346. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hillside_pyre) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hillside_pyre.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hillside_pyre]?
  347. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hillside_pyre.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hillside_pyre.png'
  348. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hideout) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hideout.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hideout]?
  349. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hideout.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_hideout.png'
  350. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_forest) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_forest.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_forest]?
  351. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_forest.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_forest.png'
  352. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_drunken_bazaar) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_drunken_bazaar.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_drunken_bazaar]?
  353. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_drunken_bazaar.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_drunken_bazaar.png'
  354. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_darkforest_valley) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_darkforest_valley.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_darkforest_valley]?
  355. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_darkforest_valley.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_darkforest_valley.png'
  356. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_darkforest_cistern) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_darkforest_cistern.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_darkforest_cistern]?
  357. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_darkforest_cistern.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_darkforest_cistern.png'
  358. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_cove) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_cove.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_cove]?
  359. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_cove.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_cove.png'
  360. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_courtyard) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_courtyard.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_courtyard]?
  361. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_courtyard.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_courtyard.png'
  362. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_colosseum) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_colosseum.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_colosseum]?
  363. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_colosseum.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_colosseum.png'
  364. [0031.62] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_coldfront) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_coldfront.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_coldfront]?
  365. [0031.63] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_coldfront.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_coldfront.png'
  366. [0031.63] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_castle_assault) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_castle_assault.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_castle_assault]?
  367. [0031.63] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_castle_assault.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_castle_assault.png'
  368. [0031.63] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_belmez) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_belmez.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_belmez]?
  369. [0031.63] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_belmez.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_belmez.png'
  370. [0031.63] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_battlegrounds_farm) for 'UI_Frontend_SWF.map_battlegrounds_farm.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package UI_Frontend_SWF]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package UI_Frontend_SWF.map_battlegrounds_farm]?
  371. [0031.63] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_battlegrounds_farm.png': Failed to find object 'Texture UI_Frontend_SWF.map_battlegrounds_farm.png'
  372. [0031.69] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Localization\INT\AOCCustomization.INT
  373. [0031.70] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie UI_Frontend_SWF.ProfileMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie UI_Frontend_SWF.ProfileMenu'
  374. [0031.70] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [UI_Frontend_SWF.ProfileMenu]
  375. [0031.70] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie UI_Frontend_SWF.ProfileMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie UI_Frontend_SWF.ProfileMenu'
  376. [0031.70] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [UI_Frontend_SWF.ProfileMenu]
  377. [0031.71] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Localization\INT\AOCCredits.INT
  378. [0031.77] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Localization\INT\AOCGame.INT
  379. [0031.78] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Localization\INT\AOCMaps.INT
  380. [0031.79] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture None.None': Failed to find object 'Texture None.None'
  381. [0031.86] Log: GFullScreen End Movie -- 1
  382. [0031.87] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 1370ms
  383. [0031.98] Log: Read config file: ..\..\UDKGame\Localization\INT\AOCCommon.INT
  384. [0032.13] Log: FSocketWin::Close
  385. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap
  386. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 0
  387. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 1
  388. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 2
  389. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 3
  390. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 4
  391. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 5
  392. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 6
  393. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 7
  394. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 8
  395. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 9
  396. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 10
  397. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 11
  398. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 12
  399. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 13
  400. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 14
  401. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 15
  402. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 16
  403. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 17
  404. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 18
  405. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 19
  406. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 20
  407. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 21
  408. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 22
  409. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 23
  410. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 24
  411. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 25
  412. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 26
  413. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 27
  414. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 28
  415. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 29
  416. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 30
  417. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 31
  418. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 32
  419. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 33
  420. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 34
  421. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 35
  422. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 36
  423. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 37
  424. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 38
  425. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 39
  426. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 40
  427. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 41
  428. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 42
  429. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 43
  430. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 44
  431. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 45
  432. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 46
  433. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 47
  434. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 48
  435. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 49
  436. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 50
  437. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 51
  438. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 52
  439. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 53
  440. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 54
  441. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 55
  442. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 56
  443. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 57
  444. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 58
  445. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 59
  446. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 60
  447. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 61
  448. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 62
  449. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 63
  450. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 64
  451. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 65
  452. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 66
  453. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 67
  454. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 68
  455. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 69
  456. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 70
  457. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 71
  458. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 72
  459. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 73
  460. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 74
  461. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 75
  462. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 76
  463. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 77
  464. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 78
  465. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 79
  466. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 80
  467. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 81
  468. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 82
  469. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 83
  470. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 84
  471. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 85
  472. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 86
  473. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 87
  474. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 88
  475. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 89
  476. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 90
  477. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 91
  478. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 92
  479. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 93
  480. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 94
  481. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 95
  482. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 96
  483. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 97
  484. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 98
  485. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 99
  486. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 100
  487. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 101
  488. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 102
  489. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 103
  490. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 104
  491. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 105
  492. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 106
  493. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 107
  494. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 108
  495. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 109
  496. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 110
  497. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 111
  498. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 112
  499. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 113
  500. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 114
  501. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 115
  502. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 116
  503. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 117
  504. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 118
  505. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 119
  506. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 120
  507. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 121
  508. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 122
  509. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 123
  510. [0032.53] Log: AddDropInfoPayloadToMap 124
  511. [0032.53] Log: AddWeaponInfosToMap
  512. [0032.53] Log: AddHelmetInfosToMap
  513. [0032.55] Log: FSocketWin::Close
  514. [0047.38] Log: UTextureMovie::Stop
  515. [0047.38] Log: UTextureMovie::Play
  516. [0077.13] Log: Size of window 1797 1011
  517. [0077.17] Log: Int DetailMode set to 2
  518. [0077.18] Log: Bool DynamicLights set to 1
  519. [0077.18] Log: Bool DynamicShadows set to 1
  520. [0077.19] Log: Bool Bloom set to 1
  521. [0077.19] Log: Bool DepthOfField set to 1
  522. [0077.20] Log: Bool UseVsync set to 1
  523. [0077.20] Log: Bool MotionBlur set to 1
  524. [0077.21] Log: Bool AmbientOcclusion set to 0
  525. [0077.21] Log: Bool bAllowLightShafts set to 1
  526. [0077.28] Log: Int SkeletalMeshLODBias set to 0
  527. [0077.29] Log: Int FoliageLODBias set to 0
  528. [0077.29] Log: Int ParticleLODBias set to 0
  529. [0077.30] Log: Int SSAOQuality set to 2
  530. [0077.30] Log: Int MaxAnisotropy set to 8
  531. [0077.31] Log: Int AnimationLODBias set to 1
  532. [0077.31] Log: Bool bAllowPostprocessMLAA set to 1
  533. [0077.32] Log: Int PostProcessAAType set to 7
  534. [0077.35] Log: Int CurrentBucket set to 5
  535. [0077.36] Log: Int MaxSoundNodeRandomChildren set to 18
  536. [0077.49] Log: UTextureMovie::Play
  537. [0077.49] Log: UTextureMovie::InitDecoder
  538. [0077.90] Log: UTextureMovie::Stop
  539. [0079.25] Log: UTextureMovie::Stop
  540. [0079.25] Log: UTextureMovie::Play
  541. [0079.25] Log: UTextureMovie::InitDecoder
  542. [0089.50] Init: WinSock: Socket queue 32768 / 32768
  543. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 4DC75CCD4FC4C6E38A242CACEC6FF9EC, FileGuid: A6D7FA1A4AD93BC27DB74DA6E8BDB235, FileId: 514528049, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_4E59510945144CC14ED51DB80CACA114.cmwsdk
  544. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: E7BAFB194D2AB0B37D26E39761AE3B7B, FileGuid: A6D7FA1A4AD93BC27DB74DA6E8BDB235, FileId: 514528049, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_4E59510945144CC14ED51DB80CACA114.cmwsdk
  545. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: C36262654C631E6EFA8526BB6AFE44F9, FileGuid: A6D7FA1A4AD93BC27DB74DA6E8BDB235, FileId: 514528049, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_4E59510945144CC14ED51DB80CACA114.cmwsdk
  546. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 3FB06374455F4D528CFC42A55DD16C4D, FileGuid: A6D7FA1A4AD93BC27DB74DA6E8BDB235, FileId: 514528049, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_4E59510945144CC14ED51DB80CACA114.cmwsdk
  547. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 8A37BB07417AE8E80A178AA6759B3A30, FileGuid: A6D7FA1A4AD93BC27DB74DA6E8BDB235, FileId: 514528049, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_4E59510945144CC14ED51DB80CACA114.cmwsdk
  548. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 7D3CD8544E355C5CAD1102B1DAF2F833, FileGuid: 79D52D99405303E1ED29ECA4D9745126, FileId: 632700728, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_51A9304443370E0BF5A7A3A9865C1552.cmwsdk
  549. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: CBEF80454AF591AD16F97E84BF6349B4, FileGuid: 79D52D99405303E1ED29ECA4D9745126, FileId: 632700728, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_51A9304443370E0BF5A7A3A9865C1552.cmwsdk
  550. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: CEB91D984ED9AF91C68E91BF8183C925, FileGuid: 79D52D99405303E1ED29ECA4D9745126, FileId: 632700728, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_51A9304443370E0BF5A7A3A9865C1552.cmwsdk
  551. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 48B0864749BDD2BCCCCAC39B159F29E2, FileGuid: 79D52D99405303E1ED29ECA4D9745126, FileId: 632700728, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_51A9304443370E0BF5A7A3A9865C1552.cmwsdk
  552. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: C3BEBC8745EA748266E4B3AD27BF5FBB, FileGuid: 79D52D99405303E1ED29ECA4D9745126, FileId: 632700728, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_51A9304443370E0BF5A7A3A9865C1552.cmwsdk
  553. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 0452934F4F3AFE5EED0A81A594B96D84, FileGuid: DA040E274BE278AA5AB4A7926CCBC882, FileId: 316813305, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: aocsdklevels_70717da744d6e1a9cae9afb5d790d119.cmwsdk
  554. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 57E8430E46E8EEB87893069A3011B942, FileGuid: DA040E274BE278AA5AB4A7926CCBC882, FileId: 316813305, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: aocsdklevels_70717da744d6e1a9cae9afb5d790d119.cmwsdk
  555. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: EE46AE1B4E262D65D3D8B3BFC2EFD922, FileGuid: DA040E274BE278AA5AB4A7926CCBC882, FileId: 316813305, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: aocsdklevels_70717da744d6e1a9cae9afb5d790d119.cmwsdk
  556. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 589E7CF14EBD8E7371997898CAA3FD08, FileGuid: DA040E274BE278AA5AB4A7926CCBC882, FileId: 316813305, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: aocsdklevels_70717da744d6e1a9cae9afb5d790d119.cmwsdk
  557. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: C8559A79409223E85E40B39C35AA59C4, FileGuid: DA040E274BE278AA5AB4A7926CCBC882, FileId: 316813305, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: aocsdklevels_70717da744d6e1a9cae9afb5d790d119.cmwsdk
  558. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: A81AF7294E22138616B120ACE4418EE8, FileGuid: 350E73184DA9C898B2BB118CB7F7DF66, FileId: 505245625, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_904211A14D6D995FA79DCEA5FA413566.cmwsdk
  559. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: B2F52F6D47FB2281E58F36B7D33B57AD, FileGuid: 350E73184DA9C898B2BB118CB7F7DF66, FileId: 505245625, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_904211A14D6D995FA79DCEA5FA413566.cmwsdk
  560. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: EC6E2AD44DC9EBD597F24A90450CA24A, FileGuid: 350E73184DA9C898B2BB118CB7F7DF66, FileId: 505245625, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_904211A14D6D995FA79DCEA5FA413566.cmwsdk
  561. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: F9E6F70E44075EA5655FAC81549E9593, FileGuid: 350E73184DA9C898B2BB118CB7F7DF66, FileId: 505245625, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_904211A14D6D995FA79DCEA5FA413566.cmwsdk
  562. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: BA4853DA467839CD75546ABFF5C307EC, FileGuid: 350E73184DA9C898B2BB118CB7F7DF66, FileId: 505245625, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_904211A14D6D995FA79DCEA5FA413566.cmwsdk
  563. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 5A9ECC4D47E9E5070760A899682222B3, FileGuid: 350E73184DA9C898B2BB118CB7F7DF66, FileId: 505245625, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_904211A14D6D995FA79DCEA5FA413566.cmwsdk
  564. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 3C7F46924F9464C4705FDF82C6E86BDB, FileGuid: 350E73184DA9C898B2BB118CB7F7DF66, FileId: 505245625, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_904211A14D6D995FA79DCEA5FA413566.cmwsdk
  565. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: D24AB66F4C1FCC05DDB9DD92083EFC9C, FileGuid: 01FEB48C4ADEDC32B65576900B9C2097, FileId: 534865899, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_D2227FE142CED154320DC29A9B3F4A12.cmwsdk
  566. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 2575C70244FF735EFEE3EFA953D2D65B, FileGuid: 01FEB48C4ADEDC32B65576900B9C2097, FileId: 534865899, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_D2227FE142CED154320DC29A9B3F4A12.cmwsdk
  567. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: D53E58C545417D2D0272669E5854F8D2, FileGuid: 01FEB48C4ADEDC32B65576900B9C2097, FileId: 534865899, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_D2227FE142CED154320DC29A9B3F4A12.cmwsdk
  568. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 9220FDC64636A7562E0BDBBE279FA65D, FileGuid: 01FEB48C4ADEDC32B65576900B9C2097, FileId: 534865899, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_D2227FE142CED154320DC29A9B3F4A12.cmwsdk
  569. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 9FDB0DA742C6F8C9C9883F8900398D88, FileGuid: 01FEB48C4ADEDC32B65576900B9C2097, FileId: 534865899, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_D2227FE142CED154320DC29A9B3F4A12.cmwsdk
  570. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: FE0F9D9246F9303CB67FC59603D7E447, FileGuid: 9D76726D4E32BA6A9EAD0AB6F648C79C, FileId: 527206087, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_E799A30D4C8DFFD7C67B97A959DCC413.cmwsdk
  571. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 96B363E64FC202A53F5D74B700B37CA6, FileGuid: 9D76726D4E32BA6A9EAD0AB6F648C79C, FileId: 527206087, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_E799A30D4C8DFFD7C67B97A959DCC413.cmwsdk
  572. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 60ACDA1748A70784A93C1B810E501CCB, FileGuid: 9D76726D4E32BA6A9EAD0AB6F648C79C, FileId: 527206087, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_E799A30D4C8DFFD7C67B97A959DCC413.cmwsdk
  573. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 0CAA6E2247552D9399EC559797F76B39, FileGuid: 9D76726D4E32BA6A9EAD0AB6F648C79C, FileId: 527206087, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_E799A30D4C8DFFD7C67B97A959DCC413.cmwsdk
  574. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: A269E1574087639BD016B59F8BF8431C, FileGuid: 9D76726D4E32BA6A9EAD0AB6F648C79C, FileId: 527206087, ModName: AOCSDKLevels, FileName: AOCSDKLevels_E799A30D4C8DFFD7C67B97A959DCC413.cmwsdk
  575. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: FE4DC23F48718B05D9BAE58B68F60CF2, FileGuid: 198986314E757D3E16369FBD346B8A59, FileId: 226726898, ModName: giantslayers, FileName: giantslayers_cb67fd084b2c4b3d400e6e981b866b8c.cmwsdk
  576. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 92D8398C4058400384BFEEA031A889C6, FileGuid: 198986314E757D3E16369FBD346B8A59, FileId: 226726898, ModName: giantslayers, FileName: giantslayers_cb67fd084b2c4b3d400e6e981b866b8c.cmwsdk
  577. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 113828964756412B564249B6E5EB512B, FileGuid: 198986314E757D3E16369FBD346B8A59, FileId: 226726898, ModName: giantslayers, FileName: giantslayers_cb67fd084b2c4b3d400e6e981b866b8c.cmwsdk
  578. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: A2D02A654EC805481106B4AC17F3D5DB, FileGuid: 198986314E757D3E16369FBD346B8A59, FileId: 226726898, ModName: giantslayers, FileName: giantslayers_cb67fd084b2c4b3d400e6e981b866b8c.cmwsdk
  579. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 0ED724364A9BDC3C4B7E2983D2A37F26, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  580. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: AB6D57294C7F2F93F7C586921CBE3451, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  581. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 6CC659DC4D4394F4F72FA2B5AFF36F9C, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  582. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: D5339CE54C167D4EE81046A0147CBB44, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  583. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 58B2D3CC459D34B3EF4B3F816CAE7B90, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  584. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 84E4EA2745EEEF49A9DFDAA3D4AD900F, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  585. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 78E794F94B967EF42F15C082814EC10F, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  586. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 451EFFB9407CB2FC648106A0124E35B6, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  587. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 74B03E254A9148A38D5F6380B6C0C4BA, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  588. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: A3B9E6294B7BD2B7577560A696881E6B, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  589. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: B1598D0E439DC51BF0C11193B162D647, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  590. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 2BC043AE49376C96D3CEEAB3741A74A2, FileGuid: 64008FED4AD69285E858AC97433FB89E, FileId: 691189495, ModName: LSMOD, FileName: LSMOD_A7CB0F5E4478E542BAEBFF9C1557D6A4.cmwsdk
  591. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 4D5C1B5D401A55A1F3B2CB93AB6D363B, FileGuid: 1EAC985449361E6251B1B99EC1A6F09F, FileId: 292007783, ModName: War, FileName: war_6fd4c70745df0e418fb71a96b6a2e3ec.cmwsdk
  592. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 5F92EDB94FB18B6DBE5C6DA9D35D0D1B, FileGuid: 1EAC985449361E6251B1B99EC1A6F09F, FileId: 292007783, ModName: War, FileName: war_6fd4c70745df0e418fb71a96b6a2e3ec.cmwsdk
  593. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 6296944C442D83E5EF3F75A5F8EBFF81, FileGuid: 1EAC985449361E6251B1B99EC1A6F09F, FileId: 292007783, ModName: War, FileName: war_6fd4c70745df0e418fb71a96b6a2e3ec.cmwsdk
  594. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 1DF49B3844367952886117861071EAE7, FileGuid: 1EAC985449361E6251B1B99EC1A6F09F, FileId: 292007783, ModName: War, FileName: war_6fd4c70745df0e418fb71a96b6a2e3ec.cmwsdk
  595. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: F14CB37B4D1E60DFD6352C9D522A7CD4, FileGuid: 1EAC985449361E6251B1B99EC1A6F09F, FileId: 292007783, ModName: War, FileName: war_6fd4c70745df0e418fb71a96b6a2e3ec.cmwsdk
  596. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 9EFC58CD41867FDFFC630ABEEF6F8794, FileGuid: 1EAC985449361E6251B1B99EC1A6F09F, FileId: 292007783, ModName: War, FileName: war_6fd4c70745df0e418fb71a96b6a2e3ec.cmwsdk
  597. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: 6E2BFEA640EFCBA743467E8FB6AFC094, FileGuid: 1EAC985449361E6251B1B99EC1A6F09F, FileId: 292007783, ModName: War, FileName: war_6fd4c70745df0e418fb71a96b6a2e3ec.cmwsdk
  598. [0090.26] DevDlc: NMT_WorkshopFileMap Receive PackageGuid: E4C20DDE4101C6EA2EF29EA5606DDD91, FileGuid: 1EAC985449361E6251B1B99EC1A6F09F, FileId: 292007783, ModName: War, FileName: war_6fd4c70745df0e418fb71a96b6a2e3ec.cmwsdk
  599. [0090.26] DevDlc: Connection package map list count:238
  600. [0090.26] DevDlc: 0: PackageInfoFlags
  601. [0090.26] DevDlc: 1: PackageInfoFlags
  602. [0090.26] DevDlc: 2: PackageInfoFlags
  603. [0090.26] DevDlc: 3: PackageInfoFlags
  604. [0090.26] DevDlc: 4: PackageInfoFlags
  605. [0090.26] DevDlc: 5: PackageInfoFlags
  606. [0090.26] DevDlc: 6: PackageInfoFlags
  607. [0090.26] DevDlc: 7: PackageInfoFlags
  608. [0090.26] DevDlc: 8: PackageInfoFlags
  609. [0090.26] DevDlc: 9: PackageInfoFlags
  610. [0090.26] DevDlc: 10: PackageInfoFlags
  611. [0090.26] DevDlc: 11: PackageInfoFlags
  612. [0090.26] DevDlc: 12: PackageInfoFlags
  613. [0090.26] DevDlc: 13: PackageInfoFlags
  614. [0090.26] DevDlc: 14: PackageInfoFlags
  615. [0090.26] DevDlc: 15: PackageInfoFlags
  616. [0090.26] DevDlc: 16: PackageInfoFlags
  617. [0090.26] DevDlc: 17: PackageInfoFlags
  618. [0090.26] DevDlc: 18: PackageInfoFlags
  619. [0090.26] DevDlc: 19: PackageInfoFlags
  620. [0090.26] DevDlc: 20: PackageInfoFlags
  621. [0090.26] DevDlc: 21: PackageInfoFlags
  622. [0090.26] DevDlc: 22: PackageInfoFlags
  623. [0090.26] DevDlc: 23: PackageInfoFlags
  624. [0090.26] DevDlc: 24: PackageInfoFlags
  625. [0090.26] DevDlc: 25: PackageInfoFlags
  626. [0090.26] DevDlc: 26: PackageInfoFlags
  627. [0090.26] DevDlc: 27: PackageInfoFlags
  628. [0090.26] DevDlc: 28: PackageInfoFlags
  629. [0090.26] DevDlc: 29: PackageInfoFlags
  630. [0090.26] DevDlc: 30: PackageInfoFlags
  631. [0090.26] DevDlc: 31: PackageInfoFlags
  632. [0090.26] DevDlc: 32: PackageInfoFlags
  633. [0090.26] DevDlc: 33: PackageInfoFlags
  634. [0090.26] DevDlc: 34: PackageInfoFlags
  635. [0090.26] DevDlc: 35: PackageInfoFlags
  636. [0090.26] DevDlc: 36: PackageInfoFlags
  637. [0090.26] DevDlc: 37: PackageInfoFlags
  638. [0090.26] DevDlc: 38: PackageInfoFlags
  639. [0090.26] DevDlc: 39: PackageInfoFlags
  640. [0090.26] DevDlc: 40: PackageInfoFlags
  641. [0090.26] DevDlc: 41: PackageInfoFlags
  642. [0090.26] DevDlc: 42: PackageInfoFlags
  643. [0090.26] DevDlc: 43: PackageInfoFlags
  644. [0090.26] DevDlc: 44: PackageInfoFlags
  645. [0090.26] DevDlc: 45: PackageInfoFlags
  646. [0090.26] DevDlc: 46: PackageInfoFlags
  647. [0090.26] DevDlc: 47: PackageInfoFlags
  648. [0090.26] DevDlc: 48: PackageInfoFlags
  649. [0090.26] DevDlc: 49: PackageInfoFlags
  650. [0090.26] DevDlc: 50: PackageInfoFlags
  651. [0090.26] DevDlc: 51: PackageInfoFlags
  652. [0090.26] DevDlc: 52: PackageInfoFlags
  653. [0090.26] DevDlc: 53: PackageInfoFlags
  654. [0090.26] DevDlc: 54: PackageInfoFlags
  655. [0090.26] DevDlc: 55: PackageInfoFlags
  656. [0090.26] DevDlc: 56: PackageInfoFlags
  657. [0090.26] DevDlc: 57: PackageInfoFlags
  658. [0090.26] DevDlc: 58: PackageInfoFlags
  659. [0090.26] DevDlc: 59: PackageInfoFlags
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  661. [0090.26] DevDlc: 61: PackageInfoFlags
  662. [0090.26] DevDlc: 62: PackageInfoFlags
  663. [0090.26] DevDlc: 63: PackageInfoFlags
  664. [0090.26] DevDlc: 64: PackageInfoFlags
  665. [0090.26] DevDlc: 65: PackageInfoFlags
  666. [0090.26] DevDlc: 66: PackageInfoFlags
  667. [0090.26] DevDlc: 67: PackageInfoFlags
  668. [0090.26] DevDlc: 68: PackageInfoFlags
  669. [0090.26] DevDlc: 69: PackageInfoFlags
  670. [0090.26] DevDlc: 70: PackageInfoFlags
  671. [0090.26] DevDlc: 71: PackageInfoFlags
  672. [0090.26] DevDlc: 72: PackageInfoFlags
  673. [0090.26] DevDlc: 73: PackageInfoFlags
  674. [0090.26] DevDlc: 74: PackageInfoFlags
  675. [0090.26] DevDlc: 75: PackageInfoFlags
  676. [0090.26] DevDlc: 76: PackageInfoFlags
  677. [0090.26] DevDlc: 77: PackageInfoFlags
  678. [0090.26] DevDlc: 78: PackageInfoFlags
  679. [0090.26] DevDlc: 79: PackageInfoFlags
  680. [0090.26] DevDlc: 80: PackageInfoFlags
  681. [0090.26] DevDlc: 81: PackageInfoFlags
  682. [0090.26] DevDlc: 82: PackageInfoFlags
  683. [0090.26] DevDlc: 83: PackageInfoFlags
  684. [0090.26] DevDlc: 84: PackageInfoFlags
  685. [0090.26] DevDlc: 85: PackageInfoFlags
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  688. [0090.26] DevDlc: 88: PackageInfoFlags
  689. [0090.26] DevDlc: 89: PackageInfoFlags
  690. [0090.26] DevDlc: 90: PackageInfoFlags
  691. [0090.26] DevDlc: 91: PackageInfoFlags
  692. [0090.26] DevDlc: 92: PackageInfoFlags
  693. [0090.26] DevDlc: 93: PackageInfoFlags
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  698. [0090.26] DevDlc: 98: PackageInfoFlags
  699. [0090.26] DevDlc: 99: PackageInfoFlags
  700. [0090.26] DevDlc: 100: PackageInfoFlags
  701. [0090.26] DevDlc: 101: PackageInfoFlags
  702. [0090.26] DevDlc: 102: PackageInfoFlags
  703. [0090.26] DevDlc: 103: PackageInfoFlags
  704. [0090.26] DevDlc: 104: PackageInfoFlags
  705. [0090.26] DevDlc: 105: PackageInfoFlags
  706. [0090.26] DevDlc: 106: PackageInfoFlags
  707. [0090.26] DevDlc: 107: PackageInfoFlags
  708. [0090.26] DevDlc: 108: PackageInfoFlags
  709. [0090.26] DevDlc: 109: PackageInfoFlags
  710. [0090.26] DevDlc: 110: PackageInfoFlags
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  714. [0090.26] DevDlc: 114: PackageInfoFlags
  715. [0090.26] DevDlc: 115: PackageInfoFlags
  716. [0090.26] DevDlc: 116: PackageInfoFlags
  717. [0090.26] DevDlc: 117: PackageInfoFlags
  718. [0090.26] DevDlc: 118: PackageInfoFlags
  719. [0090.26] DevDlc: 119: PackageInfoFlags
  720. [0090.26] DevDlc: 120: PackageInfoFlags
  721. [0090.26] DevDlc: 121: PackageInfoFlags
  722. [0090.26] DevDlc: 122: PackageInfoFlags
  723. [0090.26] DevDlc: 123: PackageInfoFlags
  724. [0090.26] DevDlc: 124: PackageInfoFlags
  725. [0090.26] DevDlc: 125: PackageInfoFlags
  726. [0090.26] DevDlc: 126: PackageInfoFlags
  727. [0090.26] DevDlc: 127: PackageInfoFlags
  728. [0090.26] DevDlc: 128: PackageInfoFlags
  729. [0090.26] DevDlc: 129: PackageInfoFlags
  730. [0090.26] DevDlc: 130: PackageInfoFlags
  731. [0090.26] DevDlc: 131: PackageInfoFlags
  732. [0090.26] DevDlc: 132: PackageInfoFlags
  733. [0090.26] DevDlc: 133: PackageInfoFlags
  734. [0090.26] DevDlc: 134: PackageInfoFlags
  735. [0090.26] DevDlc: 135: PackageInfoFlags
  736. [0090.26] DevDlc: 136: PackageInfoFlags
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  738. [0090.26] DevDlc: 138: PackageInfoFlags
  739. [0090.26] DevDlc: 139: PackageInfoFlags
  740. [0090.26] DevDlc: 140: PackageInfoFlags
  741. [0090.26] DevDlc: 141: PackageInfoFlags
  742. [0090.26] DevDlc: 142: PackageInfoFlags
  743. [0090.26] DevDlc: 143: PackageInfoFlags
  744. [0090.26] DevDlc: 144: PackageInfoFlags
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  746. [0090.26] DevDlc: 146: PackageInfoFlags
  747. [0090.26] DevDlc: 147: PackageInfoFlags
  748. [0090.26] DevDlc: 148: PackageInfoFlags
  749. [0090.26] DevDlc: 149: PackageInfoFlags
  750. [0090.26] DevDlc: 150: PackageInfoFlags
  751. [0090.26] DevDlc: 151: PackageInfoFlags
  752. [0090.26] DevDlc: 152: PackageInfoFlags
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  761. [0090.26] DevDlc: 161: PackageInfoFlags
  762. [0090.26] DevDlc: 162: PackageInfoFlags
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  765. [0090.26] DevDlc: 165: PackageInfoFlags
  766. [0090.26] DevDlc: 166: PackageInfoFlags
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  768. [0090.26] DevDlc: 168: PackageInfoFlags
  769. [0090.26] DevDlc: 169: PackageInfoFlags
  770. [0090.26] DevDlc: 170: PackageInfoFlags
  771. [0090.26] DevDlc: 171: PackageInfoFlags
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  778. [0090.26] DevDlc: 178: PackageInfoFlags
  779. [0090.26] DevDlc: 179: PackageInfoFlags
  780. [0090.26] DevDlc: 180: PackageInfoFlags
  781. [0090.26] DevDlc: 181: PackageInfoFlags
  782. [0090.26] DevDlc: 182: PackageInfoFlags
  783. [0090.26] DevDlc: 183: PackageInfoFlags
  784. [0090.26] DevDlc: 184: PackageInfoFlags
  785. [0090.26] DevDlc: 185: PackageInfoFlags
  786. [0090.26] DevDlc: 186: PackageInfoFlags
  787. [0090.26] DevDlc: 187: PackageInfoFlags
  788. [0090.26] DevDlc: 188: PackageInfoFlags
  789. [0090.26] DevDlc: 189: PackageInfoFlags
  790. [0090.26] DevDlc: 190: PackageInfoFlags
  791. [0090.26] DevDlc: 191: PackageInfoFlags
  792. [0090.26] DevDlc: 192: PackageInfoFlags
  793. [0090.26] DevDlc: 193: PackageInfoFlags
  794. [0090.26] DevDlc: 194: PackageInfoFlags
  795. [0090.26] DevDlc: 195: PackageInfoFlags
  796. [0090.26] DevDlc: 196: PackageInfoFlags
  797. [0090.26] DevDlc: 197: PackageInfoFlags
  798. [0090.26] DevDlc: 198: PackageInfoFlags
  799. [0090.26] DevDlc: 199: PackageInfoFlags
  800. [0090.26] DevDlc: 200: PackageInfoFlags
  801. [0090.26] DevDlc: 201: PackageInfoFlags
  802. [0090.26] DevDlc: 202: PackageInfoFlags
  803. [0090.26] DevDlc: 203: PackageInfoFlags
  804. [0090.26] DevDlc: 204: PackageInfoFlags
  805. [0090.26] DevDlc: 205: PackageInfoFlags
  806. [0090.26] DevDlc: 206: PackageInfoFlags
  807. [0090.26] DevDlc: 207: PackageInfoFlags
  808. [0090.26] DevDlc: 208: PackageInfoFlags
  809. [0090.26] DevDlc: 209: PackageInfoFlags
  810. [0090.26] DevDlc: 210: PackageInfoFlags
  811. [0090.26] DevDlc: 211: PackageInfoFlags
  812. [0090.26] DevDlc: 212: PackageInfoFlags
  813. [0090.26] DevDlc: 213: PackageInfoFlags
  814. [0090.26] DevDlc: 214: PackageInfoFlags
  815. [0090.26] DevDlc: 215: PackageInfoFlags
  816. [0090.26] DevDlc: 216: PackageInfoFlags
  817. [0090.26] DevDlc: 217: PackageInfoFlags
  818. [0090.26] DevDlc: 218: PackageInfoFlags
  819. [0090.26] DevDlc: 219: PackageInfoFlags
  820. [0090.26] DevDlc: 220: PackageInfoFlags
  821. [0090.26] DevDlc: 221: PackageInfoFlags
  822. [0090.26] DevDlc: 222: PackageInfoFlags
  823. [0090.26] DevDlc: 223: PackageInfoFlags
  824. [0090.26] DevDlc: 224: PackageInfoFlags
  825. [0090.26] DevDlc: 225: PackageInfoFlags
  826. [0090.26] DevDlc: 226: PackageInfoFlags
  827. [0090.26] DevDlc: 227: PackageInfoFlags
  828. [0090.26] DevDlc: 228: PackageInfoFlags
  829. [0090.26] DevDlc: 229: PackageInfoFlags
  830. [0090.26] DevDlc: 230: PackageInfoFlags
  831. [0090.26] DevDlc: 231: PackageInfoFlags
  832. [0090.26] DevDlc: 232: PackageInfoFlags
  833. [0090.26] DevDlc: 233: PackageInfoFlags
  834. [0090.26] DevDlc: 234: PackageInfoFlags
  835. [0090.26] DevDlc: 235: PackageInfoFlags
  836. [0090.26] DevDlc: 236: PackageInfoFlags
  837. [0090.26] DevDlc: 237: PackageInfoFlags
  838. [0090.26] DevDlc: DownloadableContentManager NewState DS_GetFileDetails
  839. [0090.28] DevDlc: DownloadableContentManager NewState DS_DownloadFiles
  840. [0090.30] DevDlc: DownloadableContentManager ResetConnection
  841. [0090.30] DevDlc: DownloadableContentManager NewState DS_Inactive
  842. [0090.31] Log: LoadMap:
  843. [0090.31] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START ---
  844. [0090.34] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.GeneralManager
  845. [0090.37] Log: UTextureMovie::Stop
  846. [0090.37] Log: UTextureMovie::Stop
  847. [0090.40] DevDlc: Shipping Level: aocffa-arena3_p
  848. [0099.37] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
  849. [0099.37] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
  850. [0099.37] Log: Bringing World aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld up for play (714) at 2016.12.06-22.08.01
  851. [0099.38] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.012089
  852. [0099.38] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  853. [0099.38] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  854. [0099.38] Log: PlayerController class for the pending level is PlayerController
  855. [0099.38] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 9.063361 seconds
  856. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_302.SkeletalMeshComponent_58 chv_flags.Meshes.draped.S_Banner_Mason_5_draped 1 0 1 0
  857. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_305.SkeletalMeshComponent_105 chv_flags.Meshes.draped.S_Banner_Agatha_6_draped 1 0 1 0
  858. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_53.SkeletalMeshComponent_13 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.Banner_Agatha_6_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  859. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_56.SkeletalMeshComponent_16 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.Banner_Agatha_6_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  860. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_307.SkeletalMeshComponent_17 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.S_Banner_Mason_1_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  861. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_308.SkeletalMeshComponent_18 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.S_Banner_Mason_1_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  862. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_296.SkeletalMeshComponent_103 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.Banner_Agatha_3_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  863. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_297.SkeletalMeshComponent_103 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.Banner_Agatha_2_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  864. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_298.SkeletalMeshComponent_103 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.S_Banner_Mason_2_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  865. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_306.SkeletalMeshComponent_103 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.S_Banner_Mason_3_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  866. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_186.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_5_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  867. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_187.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_5_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  868. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_190.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_5_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  869. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_191.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_6_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  870. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_192.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_6_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  871. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_193.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_6_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  872. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_194.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_6_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  873. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_146.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_3_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  874. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_147.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_3_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  875. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_195.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_5_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  876. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_20.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_6_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  877. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_21.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_6_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  878. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_22.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_6_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  879. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_23.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_5_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  880. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_24.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_5_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  881. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_25.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_5_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  882. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_26.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_5_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  883. [0099.38] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_27.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_6_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  884. [0099.38] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_1110 Component: StaticMeshComponent_68 StaticMesh: CHV_general_props.Static_Meshes.books.SM_writing_quill) No geometries in FKAggregateGeom.
  885. [0099.38] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_1110 Component: StaticMeshComponent_68 StaticMesh: CHV_general_props.Static_Meshes.books.SM_writing_quill
  886. [0099.39] Log: InitClothSim : Only supported on uniformly scaled meshes.
  887. [0099.39] Log: InitClothSim : Only supported on uniformly scaled meshes.
  888. [0099.39] Log: InitClothSim : Only supported on uniformly scaled meshes.
  889. [0099.39] Log: InitClothSim : Only supported on uniformly scaled meshes.
  890. [0099.39] Log: InitClothSim : Only supported on uniformly scaled meshes.
  891. [0099.39] Log: InitClothSim : Only supported on uniformly scaled meshes.
  892. [0099.40] DevDlc: Shipping Level: aocffa-arena3_p
  893. [0099.41] Log: UPhysicsAssetInstance::InitInstance : Actor has non-uniform scaling: AOCDeathSpike_30
  894. [0099.41] Log: UPhysicsAssetInstance::InitInstance : Actor has non-uniform scaling: AOCDeathSpike_32
  895. [0099.55] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  896. [0099.56] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  897. [0099.56] Log: UTextureMovie::Play
  898. [0099.56] Log: UTextureMovie::InitDecoder
  899. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_over) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_vang_over.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_over]?
  900. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_over.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_over.png'
  901. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_normal) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_vang_normal.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_normal]?
  902. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_normal.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_normal.png'
  903. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_over) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_maa_over.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_over]?
  904. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_over.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_over.png'
  905. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_normal) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_maa_normal.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_normal]?
  906. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_normal.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_normal.png'
  907. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_over) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_knight_over.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_over]?
  908. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_over.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_over.png'
  909. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_normal) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_knight_normal.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_normal]?
  910. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_normal.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_normal.png'
  911. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_over) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_arch_over.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_over]?
  912. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_over.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_over.png'
  913. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_normal) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_arch_normal.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_normal]?
  914. [0099.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_normal.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_normal.png'
  915. [0100.10] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198122689509) called with result 1 code 1
  916. [0100.25] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198113440043) called with result 1 code 1
  917. [0100.50] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  918. [0100.73] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198141356175) called with result 1 code 1
  919. [0100.87] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198053404417) called with result 1 code 1
  920. [0101.20] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198238252978) called with result 1 code 1
  921. [0101.55] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197968159049) called with result 1 code 1
  922. [0102.70] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  923. [0102.70] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE TIME: 12.3 sec ---
  924. [0102.76] Log: CreateBrowser ApiCall: 4445215795759016659
  925. [0102.83] Log: Decal (DecalComponent aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDecalManager_1.DecalComponent_4) was missing a material and DefaultDecalMaterial was used!
  926. [0102.83] Log: Decal (DecalComponent aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDecalManager_1.DecalComponent_5) was missing a material and DefaultDecalMaterial was used!
  927. [0102.90] Log: GFullScreen End Movie -- 1
  928. [0102.93] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198122689509) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 3102ms
  929. [0102.94] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198113440043) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 3113ms
  930. [0102.96] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198141356175) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 3114ms
  931. [0102.97] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198053404417) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 3125ms
  932. [0102.98] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198238252978) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 3136ms
  933. [0102.99] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197968159049) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 3146ms
  934. [0102.99] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198042603519) called with result 1 code 1
  935. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_302.SkeletalMeshComponent_58 chv_flags.Meshes.draped.S_Banner_Mason_5_draped 1 0 1 0
  936. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_305.SkeletalMeshComponent_105 chv_flags.Meshes.draped.S_Banner_Agatha_6_draped 1 0 1 0
  937. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_53.SkeletalMeshComponent_13 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.Banner_Agatha_6_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  938. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_56.SkeletalMeshComponent_16 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.Banner_Agatha_6_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  939. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_307.SkeletalMeshComponent_17 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.S_Banner_Mason_1_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  940. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_308.SkeletalMeshComponent_18 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.S_Banner_Mason_1_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  941. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_296.SkeletalMeshComponent_103 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.Banner_Agatha_3_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  942. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_297.SkeletalMeshComponent_103 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.Banner_Agatha_2_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  943. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_298.SkeletalMeshComponent_103 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.S_Banner_Mason_2_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  944. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_306.SkeletalMeshComponent_103 chv_flags.Meshes.stand_mounted.S_Banner_Mason_3_stand_mounted 1 0 1 0
  945. [0102.99] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoclts-arena2_art.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_26.SkeletalMeshComponent_106 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_5_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  946. [0103.15] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198042603519) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 449ms
  947. [0103.17] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_1) not found on AOCPawn_7 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_1!
  948. [0103.17] Log: Decal (DecalComponent aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDecalManager_1.DecalComponent_6) was missing a material and DefaultDecalMaterial was used!
  949. [0103.17] Log: Decal (DecalComponent aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDecalManager_1.DecalComponent_7) was missing a material and DefaultDecalMaterial was used!
  950. [0103.29] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  951. [0103.38] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 618ms
  952. [0103.50] Log: FSocketWin::Close
  953. [0103.53] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198129175014) called with result 1 code 1
  954. [0103.82] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198087867251) called with result 1 code 1
  955. [0104.08] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  956. [0104.37] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198199083327) called with result 1 code 1
  957. [0104.63] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197994632678) called with result 1 code 1
  958. [0104.75] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_0 Component: StaticMeshComponent_12 StaticMesh: WP_hbl_Maul_Variant_06.SM_gothicmaul (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  959. [0104.92] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198043289613) called with result 1 code 1
  960. [0105.18] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197962044555) called with result 1 code 1
  961. [0105.43] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198087180876) called with result 1 code 1
  962. [0105.50] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_2 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_4!
  963. [0105.68] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197987832807) called with result 1 code 1
  964. [0105.77] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_1 Component: StaticMeshComponent_13 StaticMesh: WP_1hs_Norse_Sword.sm_NorseSword (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  965. [0105.93] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198049846683) called with result 1 code 1
  966. [0106.18] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198125041774) called with result 1 code 1
  967. [0106.44] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  968. [0106.68] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  969. [0106.79] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_2 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_8!
  970. [0106.80] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_2 Component: StaticMeshComponent_14 StaticMesh: WP_15hs_Messer_Variant_01.Mesh.sm_messer_variant_01 (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  971. [0106.83] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_handle' not found in SkeletalMesh 'SK_Char_knight_gore'
  972. [0106.83] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_2 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_9!
  973. [0106.83] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_handle' not found in SkeletalMesh 'SK_Char_knight_gore'
  974. [0106.94] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  975. [0107.19] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  976. [0107.23] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_6 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_10!
  977. [0107.23] Log: Decal (DecalComponent aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDecalManager_1.DecalComponent_20) was missing a material and DefaultDecalMaterial was used!
  978. [0107.35] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_3 Component: StaticMeshComponent_15 StaticMesh: WP_2hs_Claymore.sm_claymore (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  979. [0107.44] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  980. [0107.69] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  981. [0107.83] Log: Assembled 661 auto-complete commands, manual: 92, exec: 548, kismet: 14
  982. [0107.94] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  983. [0112.82] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_4 Component: StaticMeshComponent_17 StaticMesh: WP_2hs_Greatsword_Variant_02.SM_BerserkerGreatSword (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  984. [0114.98] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  985. [0115.05] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  986. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_torch) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_torch.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_torch]?
  987. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_torch.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_torch.png'
  988. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_protect) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_protect.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_protect]?
  989. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_protect.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_protect.png'
  990. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_kill) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_kill.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_kill]?
  991. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_kill.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_kill.png'
  992. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_escort) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_escort.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_escort]?
  993. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_escort.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_escort.png'
  994. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_capture) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_capture.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_capture]?
  995. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_capture.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_capture.png'
  996. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_break) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_break.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_break]?
  997. [0115.15] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_break.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_break.png'
  998. [0115.17] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.triangle) for 'ui_hud_swf.triangle.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.triangle]?
  999. [0115.17] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.triangle.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.triangle.png'
  1000. [0115.17] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_use) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_use.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_use]?
  1001. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_use.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_use.png'
  1002. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_pillage) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_pillage.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_pillage]?
  1003. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_pillage.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_pillage.png'
  1004. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_kill) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_kill.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_kill]?
  1005. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_kill.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_kill.png'
  1006. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_escort) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_escort.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_escort]?
  1007. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_escort.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_escort.png'
  1008. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_defend) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_defend.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_defend]?
  1009. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_defend.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_defend.png'
  1010. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_capture) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_capture.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_capture]?
  1011. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_capture.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_capture.png'
  1012. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_break) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_break.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_break]?
  1013. [0115.18] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_break.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_break.png'
  1014. [0115.18] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  1015. [0115.19] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  1016. [0115.19] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  1017. [0115.75] Log: UTextureMovie::Stop
  1018. [0121.45] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_5 Component: StaticMeshComponent_24 StaticMesh: WP_15hs_SwordOfWar.swordofwar (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1019. [0122.61] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_1) not found on AOCPawn_17 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_20!
  1020. [0124.04] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_6 Component: StaticMeshComponent_26 StaticMesh: WP_hbl_Maul.SM_Maul (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1021. [0128.87] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_7 Component: StaticMeshComponent_32 StaticMesh: WP_1hb_Morning_Star.SM_MorningStar (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1022. [0132.19] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_8 Component: StaticMeshComponent_33 StaticMesh: WP_aux_Shortsword.SM_Short_Sword (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1023. [0132.19] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_9 Component: StaticMeshComponent_34 StaticMesh: WP_shld_Heatshield.sm_agatha_Heatshield (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1024. [0132.92] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_10 Component: StaticMeshComponent_35 StaticMesh: WP_2hs_Zweihander.sm_zweihander (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1025. [0134.00] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_13 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_36!
  1026. [0134.44] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_11 Component: StaticMeshComponent_37 StaticMesh: WP_15hs_Longsword_Variant_04.SM_XII_Bastard (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1027. [0134.94] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_13 Component: StaticMeshComponent_39 StaticMesh: CH_H_Veteran.a_a.sm_CH_MasonVanguard_Helmet_Basic (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1028. [0137.95] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_15 Component: StaticMeshComponent_53 StaticMesh: WP_2hs_greatsword.sm_greatsword (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1029. [0144.62] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_16 Component: StaticMeshComponent_58 StaticMesh: WP_aux_saber_variant_03.SM_Scimitar (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1030. [0144.62] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_17 Component: StaticMeshComponent_59 StaticMesh: WP_shld_Buckler.sm_Buckler_a (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1031. [0152.82] Log: Decal (DecalComponent aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDecalManager_1.DecalComponent_90) was missing a material and DefaultDecalMaterial was used!
  1032. [0154.03] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_1) not found on AOCPawn_25 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_56!
  1033. [0158.27] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_21 Component: StaticMeshComponent_72 StaticMesh: WP_shld_Kite.sm_ma_kite (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1034. [0172.85] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_1) not found on AOCPawn_15 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_67!
  1035. [0179.60] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_37 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_74!
  1036. [0181.02] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_25 Component: StaticMeshComponent_98 StaticMesh: WP_1ha_dane.sm_dane (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1037. [0181.27] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_38 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1038. [0181.43] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_37 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_78!
  1039. [0181.47] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_37 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_79!
  1040. [0200.85] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_32 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_96!
  1041. [0204.86] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_33 Component: StaticMeshComponent_115 StaticMesh: WP_jav_HeavyJav_Variant_01.SM_heavy-jav_variant_01 (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1042. [0205.75] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_41 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_99!
  1043. [0205.93] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_38 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1044. [0211.75] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_35 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_109!
  1045. [0212.02] Log: Decal (DecalComponent aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDecalManager_1.DecalComponent_174) was missing a material and DefaultDecalMaterial was used!
  1046. [0212.52] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_47 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_110!
  1047. [0212.55] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_47 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_111!
  1048. [0221.48] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_33 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_125!
  1049. [0222.99] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_42 Component: StaticMeshComponent_132 StaticMesh: WP_1ha_Hatchet.SM_hatchet (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1050. [0229.49] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_51 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_139!
  1051. [0229.52] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_51 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_140!
  1052. [0235.81] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_1) not found on AOCPawn_52 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_141!
  1053. [0239.13] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_1) not found on AOCPawn_52 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_144!
  1054. [0242.17] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_61 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_152!
  1055. [0243.98] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_handle' not found in SkeletalMesh 'SK_Char_knight'
  1056. [0243.98] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_handle' not found in SkeletalMesh 'SK_Char_knight'
  1057. [0246.67] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_61 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_159!
  1058. [0246.70] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_shield_root' not found in SkeletalMesh 'Sk_CH_3P_MasonArcher'
  1059. [0246.70] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_61 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_161!
  1060. [0246.70] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_shield_root' not found in SkeletalMesh 'Sk_CH_3P_MasonArcher'
  1061. [0249.75] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_63 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_164!
  1062. [0257.94] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_56 Component: StaticMeshComponent_167 StaticMesh: WP_15hs_Longsword_Variant_07.SW_LongswordArbiter (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1063. [0263.33] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_65 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1064. [0263.67] Log: Decal (DecalComponent aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDecalManager_1.DecalComponent_296) was missing a material and DefaultDecalMaterial was used!
  1065. [0265.55] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_65 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1066. [0269.60] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_1) not found on AOCPawn_66 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_195!
  1067. [0273.26] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_66 Component: StaticMeshComponent_188 StaticMesh: CH_HP4_Mason_Alexd.Meshes.SM_FallenHelmet (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1068. [0276.73] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_72 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_206!
  1069. [0291.09] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_72 Component: StaticMeshComponent_213 StaticMesh: WP_DL1_quarterstaff_Var_03.SM_quarterstaff_var_03 (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1070. [0293.05] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_63 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_221!
  1071. [0293.10] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_63 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_222!
  1072. [0293.14] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_63 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_223!
  1073. [0296.67] Log: Failed to create audio buffer for 'SoundNodeWave A_VO_Pain.snook_pain_high_05'
  1074. [0296.99] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_72 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_229!
  1075. [0297.00] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_72 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1076. [0297.02] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_72 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_230!
  1077. [0298.51] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198027794577) called with result 1 code 1
  1078. [0319.52] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_86 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_248!
  1079. [0319.55] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_86 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_249!
  1080. [0321.48] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_84 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_252!
  1081. [0321.50] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_84 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_253!
  1082. [0321.54] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_84 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_254!
  1083. [0324.49] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_91 Component: StaticMeshComponent_249 StaticMesh: WP_Zweihander_Variant_01.SM_Flammenschwert (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1084. [0325.71] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_93 Component: StaticMeshComponent_254 StaticMesh: WP_DL1_sling.sm_sling (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1085. [0326.81] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_94 Component: StaticMeshComponent_255 StaticMesh: WP_pol_Halberd.sm_Halberd (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1086. [0334.57] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_95 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_272!
  1087. [0336.22] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_95 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_273!
  1088. [0341.94] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_97 Component: StaticMeshComponent_270 StaticMesh: WB_1hb_HolyWaterSprinkler_Variant_01.SM_flight_weapon_lod0 (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1089. [0350.72] DevSpawn: SpawnActor failed because of collision at the spawn location [X=1247.446 Y=3317.200 Z=-1184.231] for [AOCDroppedWeapon]
  1090. [0362.00] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_1) not found on AOCPawn_104 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_314!
  1091. [0365.74] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_112 Component: StaticMeshComponent_302 StaticMesh: WP_2hs_Greatsword_Variant_05.SM_Margrave (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1092. [0367.25] DevSpawn: SpawnActor failed because of collision at the spawn location [X=1241.891 Y=3466.628 Z=-1125.784] for [AOCDroppedWeapon]
  1093. [0370.17] DevSpawn: SpawnActor failed because of collision at the spawn location [X=1071.929 Y=3315.843 Z=-1127.305] for [AOCDroppedWeapon]
  1094. [0377.15] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCProj_ThrownSmokePot_0 Component: StaticMeshComponent_312 StaticMesh: WP_throw_Pots.SM_smoke_pot (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1095. [0378.95] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_98 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_338!
  1096. [0381.37] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_108 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_346!
  1097. [0382.17] Log: Decal (DecalComponent aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDecalManager_1.DecalComponent_557) was missing a material and DefaultDecalMaterial was used!
  1098. [0382.80] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_108 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_347!
  1099. [0382.84] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_108 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_348!
  1100. [0384.72] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_119 Component: StaticMeshComponent_321 StaticMesh: WP_15hs_Messer_Variant_06.SM_Messer_Variant_06 (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1101. [0386.99] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_122 Component: StaticMeshComponent_325 StaticMesh: WP_aux_Saber.SM_saber (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1102. [0402.73] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_121 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_373!
  1103. [0402.77] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_121 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_374!
  1104. [0403.59] Log: Failed to create audio buffer for 'SoundNodeWave A_VO_Pain.snook_pain_high_10'
  1105. [0422.11] Log: Failed to create audio buffer for 'SoundNodeWave A_VO_Pain.snook_pain_high_11'
  1106. [0422.81] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_135 Component: StaticMeshComponent_363 StaticMesh: CH_AgathaKnight_DLC1.models.SM_Char_knight_Helmet (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1107. [0425.81] Log: Failed to create audio buffer for 'SoundNodeWave A_VO_Pain.snook_pain_high_12'
  1108. [0426.34] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_129 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_408!
  1109. [0436.49] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_129 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_423!
  1110. [0438.01] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_129 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_424!
  1111. [0438.04] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_129 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_425!
  1112. [0442.01] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_138 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1113. [0442.57] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_138 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1114. [0444.83] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_138 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_436!
  1115. [0444.84] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198096832356) called with result 1 code 1
  1116. [0444.88] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_138 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_437!
  1117. [0448.57] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_146 Component: StaticMeshComponent_402 StaticMesh: WP_pol_Halberd_Variant_01.SM_KrakenHalberd (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1118. [0448.61] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_147 Component: StaticMeshComponent_403 StaticMesh: CH_H_KrakenHelm.SM_CH_KrakenHelm (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1119. [0461.27] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_147 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1120. [0464.95] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_147 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1121. [0467.80] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_147 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1122. [0475.21] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198314027467) called with result 1 code 1
  1123. [0476.15] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_155 Component: StaticMeshComponent_472 StaticMesh: WP_bow_Shortbow.SM_shortbow (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1124. [0476.20] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_shield_1' not found in SkeletalMesh 'SK_CH_3P_MasonKnight'
  1125. [0476.20] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_shield_1' not found in SkeletalMesh 'SK_CH_3P_MasonKnight'
  1126. [0476.49] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_152 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1127. [0477.10] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_shield_1' not found in SkeletalMesh 'SK_CH_3P_MasonKnight'
  1128. [0477.10] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_shield_1' not found in SkeletalMesh 'SK_CH_3P_MasonKnight'
  1129. [0478.94] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_157 Component: StaticMeshComponent_479 StaticMesh: CH_HP2_Agatha.Vanguard.sm_HP2A_Vanguard (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1130. [0480.84] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_150 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_486!
  1131. [0480.92] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_150 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_487!
  1132. [0485.42] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_152 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1133. [0488.26] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-arena3_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_163 Component: StaticMeshComponent_502 StaticMesh: WP_1hb_HolyWaterSprinkler.SM_HWS (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1134. [0488.49] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_152 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1135. [0495.24] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_154 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_498!
  1136. [0497.90] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_158 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_501!
  1137. [0498.34] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_shield_root' not found in SkeletalMesh 'MasonArcherANIMRIG'
  1138. [0498.34] Log: execBoneIsChildOf: BoneName 'b_shield_root' not found in SkeletalMesh 'MasonArcherANIMRIG'
  1139. [0498.34] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_158 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1140. [0498.47] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_159 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_502!
  1141. [0499.94] Log: UTextureMovie::Play
  1142. [0499.94] Log: UTextureMovie::InitDecoder
  1143. [0502.49] Log: UTextureMovie::Stop
  1144. [0514.67] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_159 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_532!
  1145. [0515.39] Warning: Failed to set base of UTEmit_BloodSpray_533 because SkelComp (SkeletalMeshComponent_2879) is not owned by NewBase (AOCPawn_141)!
  1146. [0517.34] Log: SeamlessTravel to: AOCFFA-HillsidePyre_P
  1147. [0517.36] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1148. [0517.36] DevDlc: Shipping Level: AOCFFA-HillsidePyre_P
  1149. [0517.38] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 294ms
  1150. [0517.66] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.HudManager
  1151. [0517.67] DevDlc: Shipping Level: AOCFFA-HillsidePyre_P
  1152. [0517.67] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
  1153. [0517.67] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
  1154. [0517.68] Log: Bringing World envyentry.TheWorld up for play (90) at 2016.12.06-22.14.59
  1155. [0517.68] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.007005
  1156. [0517.68] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START ---
  1157. [0519.13] DevDlc: Shipping Level: AOCFFA-HillsidePyre_P
  1158. [0519.13] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_4.SkeletalMeshComponent_18 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1159. [0519.13] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_3.SkeletalMeshComponent_18 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1160. [0519.13] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_9.SkeletalMeshComponent_130 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1161. [0519.13] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_23.SkeletalMeshComponent_17 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1162. [0519.14] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
  1163. [0519.14] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
  1164. [0519.14] Log: Bringing World aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld up for play (90) at 2016.12.06-22.15.01
  1165. [0519.15] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.013916
  1166. [0520.23] DevDlc: Shipping Level: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p
  1167. [0520.87] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoc-hillside_game_split.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_12.SkeletalMeshComponent_130 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1168. [0520.87] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoc-hillside_game_split.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_8.SkeletalMeshComponent_130 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1169. [0524.61] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  1170. [0524.78] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  1171. [0524.78] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  1172. [0524.78] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  1173. [0524.78] Log: UTextureMovie::Play
  1174. [0524.78] Log: UTextureMovie::InitDecoder
  1175. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_over) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_vang_over.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_over]?
  1176. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_over.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_over.png'
  1177. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_normal) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_vang_normal.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_normal]?
  1178. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_normal.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_vang_normal.png'
  1179. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_over) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_maa_over.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_over]?
  1180. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_over.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_over.png'
  1181. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_normal) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_maa_normal.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_normal]?
  1182. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_normal.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_maa_normal.png'
  1183. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_over) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_knight_over.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_over]?
  1184. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_over.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_over.png'
  1185. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_normal) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_knight_normal.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_normal]?
  1186. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_normal.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_knight_normal.png'
  1187. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_over) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_arch_over.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_over]?
  1188. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_over.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_over.png'
  1189. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_normal) for 'UI_Loadout_SWF.class_image_mason_arch_normal.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_loadout_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_normal]?
  1190. [0524.82] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_normal.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_loadout_swf.class_image_mason_arch_normal.png'
  1191. [0524.83] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  1192. [0529.58] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  1193. [0529.69] Log: Received invalid actor class on channel 26
  1194. [0529.69] Log: Received invalid actor class on channel 27
  1195. [0529.69] Log: Received invalid actor class on channel 28
  1196. [0529.69] Log: Received invalid actor class on channel 38
  1197. [0529.69] Log: Received invalid actor class on channel 39
  1198. [0529.69] Log: Received invalid actor class on channel 40
  1199. [0529.69] Log: GFullScreen End Movie -- 1
  1200. [0530.00] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198314027467) called with result 1 code 1
  1201. [0530.24] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198314027467) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 554ms
  1202. [0530.24] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoc-hillside_game_split.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_12.SkeletalMeshComponent_130 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1203. [0530.29] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198096832356) called with result 1 code 1
  1204. [0530.43] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE TIME: 12.7 sec ---
  1205. [0530.46] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198096832356) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 777ms
  1206. [0530.58] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_9.SkeletalMeshComponent_130 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1207. [0530.58] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_23.SkeletalMeshComponent_17 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1208. [0530.58] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aoc-hillside_game_split.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_8.SkeletalMeshComponent_130 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Agatha_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1209. [0530.64] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198027794577) called with result 1 code 1
  1210. [0530.68] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198027794577) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 988ms
  1211. [0530.75] Log: FSocketWin::Close
  1212. [0530.78] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198049846683) called with result 1 code 1
  1213. [0530.80] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198049846683) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 1111ms
  1214. [0530.90] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_4.SkeletalMeshComponent_18 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1215. [0530.90] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_3.SkeletalMeshComponent_18 chv_flags.Meshes.wall_hanging.S_Banner_Mason_4_wall_hanging 1 0 1 0
  1216. [0531.05] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198087867251) called with result 1 code 1
  1217. [0531.08] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198087867251) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 1393ms
  1218. [0531.28] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198043289613) called with result 1 code 1
  1219. [0531.31] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198043289613) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 1627ms
  1220. [0531.57] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197994632678) called with result 1 code 1
  1221. [0531.60] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197994632678) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 1910ms
  1222. [0531.90] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197987832807) called with result 1 code 1
  1223. [0531.92] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197987832807) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 2229ms
  1224. [0532.12] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198113440043) called with result 1 code 1
  1225. [0532.15] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198113440043) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 2460ms
  1226. [0532.45] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198199083327) called with result 1 code 1
  1227. [0532.48] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198199083327) completed with result '1' k_EResultOK (success) and took 2793ms
  1228. [0532.75] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198087180876) called with result 1 code 1
  1229. [0532.96] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198238252978) called with result 1 code 1
  1230. [0533.26] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198053404417) called with result 1 code 1
  1231. [0533.56] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198122689509) called with result 1 code 1
  1232. [0533.81] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1233. [0534.06] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1234. [0534.31] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1235. [0534.61] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1236. [0534.87] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1237. [0535.12] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1238. [0535.37] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1239. [0535.51] Log: StartInternetGame() 1
  1240. [0535.62] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1241. [0535.82] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1242. [0536.02] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1243. [0536.27] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197970264251) called with result 1 code 1
  1244. [0539.77] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  1245. [0539.83] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  1246. [0539.87] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_torch) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_torch.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_torch]?
  1247. [0539.87] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_torch.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_torch.png'
  1248. [0539.87] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_protect) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_protect.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_protect]?
  1249. [0539.87] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_protect.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_protect.png'
  1250. [0539.87] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_kill) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_kill.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_kill]?
  1251. [0539.88] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_kill.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_kill.png'
  1252. [0539.88] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_escort) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_escort.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_escort]?
  1253. [0539.88] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_escort.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_escort.png'
  1254. [0539.88] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_capture) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_capture.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_capture]?
  1255. [0539.88] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_capture.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_capture.png'
  1256. [0539.88] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_break) for 'UI_HUD_SWF.large_icon_break.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.large_icon_break]?
  1257. [0539.88] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_break.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.large_icon_break.png'
  1258. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.triangle) for 'ui_hud_swf.triangle.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.triangle]?
  1259. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.triangle.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.triangle.png'
  1260. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_use) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_use.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_use]?
  1261. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_use.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_use.png'
  1262. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_pillage) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_pillage.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_pillage]?
  1263. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_pillage.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_pillage.png'
  1264. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_kill) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_kill.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_kill]?
  1265. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_kill.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_kill.png'
  1266. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_escort) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_escort.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_escort]?
  1267. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_escort.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_escort.png'
  1268. [0539.90] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_defend) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_defend.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_defend]?
  1269. [0539.91] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_defend.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_defend.png'
  1270. [0539.91] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_capture) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_capture.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_capture]?
  1271. [0539.91] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_capture.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_capture.png'
  1272. [0539.91] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ui_hud_swf.icon_break) for 'ui_hud_swf.icon_break.png' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ui_hud_swf]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ui_hud_swf.icon_break]?
  1273. [0539.91] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_break.png': Failed to find object 'Texture ui_hud_swf.icon_break.png'
  1274. [0539.91] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  1275. [0539.92] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  1276. [0539.92] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.PersistentScreenElements
  1277. [0540.54] Log: UTextureMovie::Stop
  1278. [0542.71] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_170 Component: StaticMeshComponent_594 StaticMesh: WP_bow_Shortbow.SM_shortbow (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1279. [0542.84] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_161 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1280. [0551.38] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_171 Component: StaticMeshComponent_599 StaticMesh: WP_1hb_Morning_Star.SM_MorningStar (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1281. [0551.55] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_161 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1282. [0553.67] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_172 Component: StaticMeshComponent_600 StaticMesh: WP_pol_Halberd.sm_Halberd (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1283. [0568.42] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_169 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1284. [0569.94] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_175 Component: StaticMeshComponent_614 StaticMesh: WP_spr_brandistock.SM_brandistock (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1285. [0571.65] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198168865001) called with result 1 code 1
  1286. [0573.92] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_166 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_557!
  1287. [0573.92] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_177 Component: StaticMeshComponent_616 StaticMesh: WP_15hs_Messer_Variant_01.Mesh.sm_messer_variant_01 (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1288. [0573.96] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_handle) not found on AOCPawn_166 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_558!
  1289. [0588.01] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_178 Component: StaticMeshComponent_623 StaticMesh: WP_aux_Shortsword.SM_Short_Sword (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1290. [0595.99] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198139421270) called with result 1 code 1
  1291. [0615.99] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_182 Component: StaticMeshComponent_632 StaticMesh: WP_spr_Spear.sm_spear (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1292. [0630.74] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_183 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1293. [0631.24] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_185 Component: StaticMeshComponent_648 StaticMesh: CH_H_Veteran.a_a.sm_CH_AgathaArcher_Helm_Veteran (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1294. [0642.44] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_190 Component: StaticMeshComponent_667 StaticMesh: WP_dl1_PoleHammer.SM_polehammer (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1295. [0655.97] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_191 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1296. [0680.21] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_195 Component: StaticMeshComponent_690 StaticMesh: WP_xbw_Crossbow.sm_crossbow (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1297. [0680.40] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_194 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1298. [0682.69] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561197987205331) called with result 1 code 1
  1299. [0695.83] DevSpawn: SpawnActor failed because of collision at the spawn location [X=-17475.670 Y=-17534.705 Z=3268.694] for [AOCDroppedWeapon]
  1300. [0697.32] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_200 Component: StaticMeshComponent_704 StaticMesh: CH_H_Veteran.a_a.sm_CH_MasonVanguard_Helmet_Basic (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1301. [0698.02] DevSpawn: SpawnActor failed because of collision at the spawn location [X=-15837.568 Y=-17959.494 Z=3026.169] for [AOCDroppedWeapon]
  1302. [0698.28] DevSteam: ReadUserStats(76561198039565559) called with result 1 code 1
  1303. [0708.94] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: aocffa-hillsidepyre_p.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AOCDroppedWeapon_202 Component: StaticMeshComponent_725 StaticMesh: WP_hbl_Maul_Variant_06.SM_gothicmaul (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects.
  1304. [0709.28] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_198 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1305. [0711.76] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (b_shield_root) not found on AOCPawn_207 for UTEmit_BloodSpray_630!
  1306. [0712.96] Warning: Failed to find notify ReattachProjectile on AOCPawn_198 (No_Detailed_Info_Specified)
  1307. [0715.51] Log: Assembled 656 auto-complete commands, manual: 92, exec: 548, kismet: 9
  1308. [0716.15] Log: Closing by request
  1309. [0716.15] Log: appRequestExit(0)
  1310. [0716.18] Log: Current focused movie? SWF.HudManager
  1311. [0716.25] Exit: Preparing to exit.
  1312. [0716.48] Exit: Game engine shut down
  1313. [0716.53] Exit: Windows client shut down
  1314. [0716.54] Exit: XAudio2 Device shut down.
  1315. [0716.54] NetComeGo: Close IpNetDriverSteamworks_0 IpNetConnectionSteamworks_0 12/06/16 22:18:18
  1316. [0716.54] Log: FSocketWin::Close
  1317. [0716.54] Log: FSocketWin::Close
  1318. [0716.54] Exit: IpNetDriverSteamworks_0 shut down
  1319. [0716.61] Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
  1320. [0716.62] Log: Shutting down FaceFX...
  1321. [0716.62] Log: FaceFX shutdown.
  1322. [0716.66] Exit: Exiting.
  1323. [0716.66] Log: Log file closed, 12/06/16 22:18:18
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