

Jul 9th, 2016
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  2. [Icemule Trace, Town Center]
  3. The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, others reclining on cloaks laid on the ground. One ancient halfling leans against the base of the large ice statue of a mule, snoring blissfully. A feeling of community pervades the area, putting you immediately at ease. You also see a woodland tiger, the Jahsin disk, a golden brown wolfhound, the fiery red Zefur disk, the Aryston disk, a heavy quartz orb, a sweetfern stalk, a sweetfern stalk, an old stained table with some stuff on it, a rhimar trash receptacle, a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins, a carved ice bench with some stuff on it and a blanket of snow.
  4. Also here: Glangal, Malees, Geseki, Soggybottoms, Rodentiarella, Earandel, Nobold, Jahsin, Whill, Zefur who is sitting, Norgard, Aryston who is sitting, Coggar, Scynn, Trysalis who is sitting, Kjeva, Aravyn, Lord Nazagor who is sitting
  5. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
  6. HJ>
  7. Whill just opened a gold and crimson silk cloak.
  8. HJ>
  9. Trysalis renews her songs.
  10. HJ>
  11. Whill removes a magenta felt greatcloak from in his crimson silk cloak.
  12. HJ>
  13. Whill just closed a gold and crimson silk cloak.
  14. HJ>;chat to yak you need a rescue?
  15. HJ>
  16. Norgard murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
  17. Norgard concentrates.
  18. Nothing happens.
  19. HJ>
  20. Geseki raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
  21. Geseki gestures.
  22. Tentative blue light sparks in Geseki's eyes.
  23. HJ>
  24. You notice Vanelis try to tiptoe silently away.
  25. HJ>
  26. Nobold traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
  27. Nobold gestures.
  28. A dim aura surrounds Nobold.
  29. HJ>
  30. Nazagor traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
  31. Nazagor gestures.
  32. Green energy surrounds Nazagor, dancing off his body without harm.
  33. HJ>
  34. Nobold gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
  35. Nobold gestures.
  36. A light blue glow surrounds Nobold.
  37. HJ>
  38. Geseki gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
  39. Geseki gestures.
  40. A light blue glow surrounds Geseki.
  41. HJ>
  42. Norgard murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
  43. Norgard concentrates.
  44. Nothing happens.
  45. HJ>
  46. Nazagor traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
  47. Nazagor gestures.
  48. A dim celadon wisp flares briefly about each of Nazagor's hands, trailing soft pulses of residual light as they move.
  49. HJ>
  50. Geseki gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
  51. Geseki gestures.
  52. Geseki suddenly looks more powerful.
  53. HJ>
  54. Whill slings a veniom-worked ebonwood kit adorned with dozens of stamped silver coins off from over his shoulder and fastens the strap to the side of the kit.
  55. HJ>
  56. The air around you becomes hot, as waves of heat rise from your vruul hide gloves.
  57. HJ>
  58. A golden brown wolfhound pants heavily!
  59. HJ>
  60. Charnae just arrived.
  61. HJ>
  62. Charnae just went north.
  63. HJ>
  64. Whill unlatches his ebonwood kit, allowing it to be opened.
  65. HJ>
  66. Whill unfastens the strap on the side of a veniom-worked ebonwood kit adorned with dozens of stamped silver coins and slings it over his shoulder.
  67. HJ>
  68. Malees gently takes hold of Glangal's hand.
  69. HJ>
  70. Whill gives a slight flick of his wrist, and a small golden box suddenly appears in his hand!
  71. HJ>
  72. Whill dusts off the felt greatcloak in his hand compulsively as if he will never be satisfied with its condition.
  73. HJ>
  74. Malees moves over to Glangal and stands ready to guard him from attack.
  75. HJ>
  76. Rodentiarella removes a twisted ebony orase runestaff topped with a glowing pink sapphire orb from in her rat fur pack.
  77. HJ>;reply roger
  78. Whill put a magenta felt greatcloak in his golden box.
  79. HJ>
  80. Rodentiarella mutters under her breath.
  81. HJ>
  82. Whill gives a slight flick of his wrist, and a mithril fang suddenly appears in his hand!
  83. HJ>
  84. Rodentiarella just went east.
  85. HJ>
  86. Whill put a mithril fang in his golden box.
  87. HJ>
  88. Glangal chuckles.
  89. HJ>
  90. Whill tinkers with his golden box.
  91. HJ>
  92. Glangal removes a modwir-hafted vaalorn battle axe from in his boarhide pack.
  93. HJ>
  94. Glangal nods at Malees.
  95. HJ>
  96. As Whill closes his golden box, you hear a mechanical whirring begin within it. Several measured ticks echo faintly, the unmistakable sound of a ratchet. The device hums along smoothly, giving off an odd assortment of clicks, ticks and clunks until, with one last ratcheting sound, the box falls silent.
  97. HJ>
  98. Malees's group just went south.
  99. HJ>
  100. Coggar deftly removes the black mithril maul from his back-scabbard.
  101. HJ>
  102. A shimmering aura surrounds Coggar.
  103. HJ>
  104. A faint blue glow surrounds Coggar's hands.
  105. HJ>
  106. Coggar just went east.
  107. HJ>
  108. Norgard just left.
  109. HJ>
  110. Whill slowly lifts the lid of his golden box. Various mechanical whirrings and clicks emanate from the box, finishing with a satisfying *CLICK* when the box is fully open.
  111. HJ>
  112. Your amulet pulses with energy, the pulsing fades and a rune-etched silver amulet crowned with a flawless argent-white diamond remains.
  113. HJ>
  114. Nazagor deftly removes the mithril lance from his bucket.
  115. HJ>
  116. Nazagor stands up.
  117. HJ>
  118. Whill removes a magenta felt greatcloak clasped with a mithril fang from in his golden box.
  119. HJ>
  120. Lord Nazagor just went south.
  121. [Icemule Trace, South Road]
  122. A silvery sheen from something up north catches your eye over the heads of the crowds. No matter the time of day or night, this stretch of road always seems busy. A young halfling girl, dressed in the livery of the Silvermule Gaming Hall, rushes past you to deliver a message. You also see some uniformed halfling guards.
  123. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  124. Obvious paths: north, south, west
  125. HJ>
  126. Lord Nazagor just went south.
  127. [Icemule Trace, South Road]
  128. A narrow house juts into the street, as though pushed off its foundation by the expanding gaming hall to the southwest. You step carefully along the cobblestones and try not to glance into the open window at street level. You also see a squalid canvas pavilion.
  129. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  130. Obvious paths: north, south
  131. HJ>
  132. Lord Nazagor just went south.
  133. [Icemule Trace, South Road]
  134. The hoarse voices from the west are hard to understand. Either they are happy cries or anguished moans, or perhaps both. A group of enterprising youths approach you and ask for silvers, but continue along the road without pausing for your response. You also see a stone cottage.
  135. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  136. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
  137. HJ>
  138. Lord Nazagor just went south.
  139. [Icemule Trace, South Road]
  140. Various halfling vendors hawking their wares block your way for a moment. You notice a number of giantmen and dwarves heading north, coins jingling in their pockets. A twisted, wrought iron street lamp at the corner keeps an inebriated halfling from meeting the pavement. You also see a huge wooden crate and a path leading to a white modwir gate.
  141. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  142. Obvious paths: north, south
  143. HJ>
  144. Lord Nazagor just went south.
  145. [Icemule Trace, South Road]
  146. Several groups of adventurers jostle past you on their way through the South Gate. The sounds of laughter from the west remind you of the inns and taverns back home. You notice that the lowest part of the wall is darker stone than the top, a sign that this fortification was raised at some point in the past. You also see some uniformed halfling guards, an old beer barrel and an oversized welcome sign.
  147. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  148. Obvious paths: north, east, west
  149. HJ>
  150. Lord Nazagor just went through the South Gate.
  151. [South Barbican, Gate]
  152. Under the massive barbican is a shadowy passageway, with sturdy stone walls on each side and overhead. Iron-barred windows provide access to this area from each of the barbican towers as well as from overhead, creating the distinct impression that someone is watching from the shadows. The sharp spikes of raised portcullises jut from the ceiling at the northern entrance to the city and the southern exit to the wilds.
  153. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  154. Obvious exits: north, south
  155. HJ>
  156. Lord Nazagor just went south.
  157. [Icemule Trace, South Gate]
  158. Thick stone walls frame a wide, wooden gate. A vaulted stone archway provides some cover from the weather, which is often inclement so close to the glaciers. The packed earth pathway skirting the town's walls gives way to a cobbled street in the same dark grey stone as the lower half of the walls. You also see a snowbank and the South Gate.
  159. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  160. Obvious paths: east, west
  161. HJ>
  162. Lord Nazagor just went west.
  163. [Icemule Trace, Exterior]
  164. The conifers of the forest have been cleared away near the stone walls of the town, providing space for the pathway. Voices, hearty and reassuring, drift over the wall on the cold air. It is pleasant to envision warm rooms and cozy fires, only a few steps away. You also see a pair of carved ice columns.
  165. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  166. Obvious paths: east, west
  167. HJ>
  168. Lord Nazagor just went west.
  169. [Icemule Trace, Exterior]
  170. Gravel has been strewn over the earthen pathway to provide better footing. What appears to be an odd discoloration of the wall is, upon closer inspection, the by-product of the birds who have been nesting in the mouth of a gargoyle protruding from the top of the wall.
  171. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  172. Obvious paths: east, northwest
  173. HJ>
  174. Lord Nazagor just went northwest.
  175. [Icemule Trace, Exterior]
  176. Rising above the pathway which skirts the town are the blades of a windmill, which forms the southwestern corner of the town's wall. The dark wood of the blades, as they turn to catch the wind, provides a sharp contrast to the light grey stone of the wall. Nearby, a snow-covered path leads toward a rustic hall, which looms above an icy courtyard.
  177. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  178. Obvious paths: north, southeast, south
  179. HJ>
  180. Lord Nazagor just went south.
  181. [Icemule Trace, Forest]
  182. Along the edge of the forest, the pines give way to vine maples and bare-limbed oaks. The pale branches of the deciduous trees look like spider webs against the deep green of the thick stand of pines. You also see a weathered shack.
  183. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  184. Obvious paths: north, west
  185. HJ>punch naz head
  186. Lord Nazagor just went west.
  187. [Icemule Trace, Forest]
  188. Snow crunches beneath your feet as you walk along the narrow path through the forest. The air is cold and crisp, and filled with the sharp scent of pine. Startled by your approach, an owl takes flight from the cover of a nearby tree. It passes so close you feel the rush of air from its wings. You also see a kobold and a crystal gate.
  189. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  190. Obvious paths: east, south
  191. HJ>
  192. Lord Nazagor just went south.
  193. [Icemule Trace, Forest]
  194. A low, snow-covered branch juts into the pathway, causing you to duck your head to pass beneath it. The ground beneath the trees is matted with fallen pine needles and traces of snow. Small tracks lead off the main path, but disappear without a trace into the woods.
  195. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  196. Obvious paths: north, south
  197. HJ>
  198. Lord Nazagor just went south.
  199. [Icemule Trace, Forest]
  200. The air is still, heavy with the closeness of the spruce and fir trees. The movement of a bird or squirrel high above in the trees sends a cascade of snow from the upper branches down onto the path.
  201. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  202. Obvious paths: north, south, west
  203. HJ>
  204. Lord Nazagor just went south.
  205. [Icemule Trace, Forest]
  206. The path curves to avoid a fir tree so wide you cannot stretch your arms even halfway around it. The remaining trees around it seem dwarfed by its immense size, although they, too, tower high above you.
  207. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  208. Obvious paths: north, southwest
  209. HJ>
  210. Lord Nazagor just went southwest.
  211. [Icemule Trace, Forest]
  212. The lowest branches of the trees have been cut away, allowing visibility further into the woods. Beyond the first row of pines you can see the dark boles of another row of trees. You also see a kobold.
  213. Also here: Lord Nazagor
  214. Obvious paths: northeast, east
  215. HJ>
  216. You leap from hiding to strike!
  217. You make a precise attempt to punch Nazagor!
  218. You have excellent positioning against Nazagor.
  219. UAF: 556 vs UDF: 218 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 107 + d100: 73 = 287
  220. ... and hit for 82 points of damage!
  221. Explosive punch to the face leaves little else than a pulpy mass of blood, bone, and brain matter!
  223. * Nazagor drops dead at your feet!
  225. Nazagor seems to lose some focus as his eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
  226. The dim celadon wisps about Nazagor's hands flare up once more and fade completely away.
  227. The powerful look leaves Nazagor.
  228. Nazagor loses the flickering green energy surrounding him.
  229. The dim aura fades from around Nazagor.
  230. The dully illuminated mantle protecting Nazagor begins to falter, then completely fades away.
  231. Nazagor appears less confident and fearless.
  232. A crimson mist bleeds out from Nazagor's exposed skin.
  233. Nazagor's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
  234. The deep blue glow leaves Nazagor.
  235. The light blue glow leaves Nazagor.
  236. Roundtime: 4 sec.
  237. R>
  238. The subdued warmth embracing you fades along with the spiritual force surrounding your arms.
  239. R>
  240. A kobold heads northeast.
  241. R>;go2 town
  242. --- Lich: go2 active.
  243. [go2: ETA: 0:00:01 (4 rooms to move through)]
  244. [go2: 5]
  245. [go2: 0]
  246. [go2]>rub my veniom band
  247. Suddenly, your band spouts thick clouds of fog. In the next heartbeat, you feel yourself launch into the air, and you are hurtling through empty space! Abruptly, the sensation ceases, leaving you a bit unsteady on your feet.
  248. [Commerce Burrow, Trader's Way]
  249. A group of elves tightens their cloaks against the chilling north wind as they pass along the road. To the east sits the gemshop, a sturdy stone building bearing a shiny gold plaque. You also see some uniformed halfling guards.
  250. Obvious paths: north, south, west
  251. >
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