

Nov 30th, 2015
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  1. @lord death man: xy was so fun imo
  2. @EonX: mega bird
  3. @EonX: xd
  4. Void Trent: when youve had the same ru team since early oras and still is effective
  5. @lord death man: i even liked moltres being in the tier
  6. @lord death man: since defensive sets were only a little cancer
  7. @lord death man: and had a cool type
  8. %MrAldoPls: it was a durant check!
  9. %MrAldoPls: lol rock slide durant
  10. %Punch♣shroom: Rock Slide Ants were a thing during that period tho
  11. %lighthouses: i liked it because free wins
  12. %Punch♣shroom: as was the justification of AV Slowking
  13. %lighthouses: but thats not a very valid reason :(
  14. %MrAldoPls: I know Punch♣shroom
  15. %MrAldoPls: basically for moltres
  16. ReedGlade: Anybody free for a test?
  17. Void Trent: hone claws durant...
  18. Void Trent: scariest thing to exist
  19. ReedGlade: i think DD Tyrantrum is scarier
  20. Void Trent: nah
  21. Void Trent: sturdy mangeton stops
  22. %MrAldoPls: 00
  23. ReedGlade: Ever hear of hazards?
  24. Void Trent: ever heard of defog?
  25. Void Trent: or rapid spin
  26. ReedGlade: Every defogger is OHKO after =1
  27. %MrAldoPls: funny thing, ddance tyrantrum is the worst set
  28. ReedGlade: =1*
  29. ReedGlade: It is tho
  30. ReedGlade: Banded is the best
  31. %lighthouses♬: i have a music note
  32. %MrAldoPls: nah, scarf set or rock polish set is better on tyrantrum
  33. ReedGlade: I preper banded, because there are better scarfers out there
  34. %MrAldoPls: scarf > rock polish > band > dragon dance imo
  35. Void Trent: ive seen banded more often
  36. ReedGlade: Banded and scarf are most common
  37. @EonX: tbh
  38. ReedGlade: Just depends on what you partner it with
  39. @EonX: i don't think dd should ever be used in dino
  40. tehy: don't listen to these africanamericanos
  41. @EonX: you just lose to everything scarf loses to
  42. tehy: band is Swag
  43. @EonX: only you need a turn to get that same speed
  44. Void Trent: eh, dont care for earlier. doesnt fit well on my team of tanks
  45. ReedGlade: tehy African-Americans in Spanish is Afroamericanos :P
  46. @EonX: uh
  47. @EonX: lmaoa
  48. tehy: who gives a shit about spanish
  49. %MrAldoPls: in the need the set you run depends of the team anyways
  50. ReedGlade: It's true
  51. tehy: only mexicans care about spanish
  52. ReedGlade: And people who live in California
  53. tehy: even spain adopted the european language along with the euro
  54. tehy: it's a higher exchange value but they cna't print more of it
  55. tehy: oh well.
  56. Void Trent: actually its a different form of spanish
  57. ReedGlade: They're similar, but Spain conjugates in an extra way and isn't as Ghetto
  58. Void Trent: similar to how american egnlish is different from birtish english
  59. @EonX: ah british english
  60. ReedGlade: Not really at all
  61. @EonX: reminds me of xenoblade
  62. ReedGlade: Void
  63. %lighthouses♬: xenoblade
  64. %lighthouses♬: reminds me i cant play xenoblade
  65. Void Trent: god i hate this lag
  66. %lighthouses♬: which reminds me i'm broke
  67. ReedGlade: Not lagging today, lol
  68. @EonX: sorry light
  69. ReedGlade: YOu have shitty internet
  70. Void Trent: no its only this server i lag on
  71. Void Trent: im fine on origin
  72. @EonX: lighthouses, you have new 3ds?
  73. ReedGlade: It's fine for me
  74. %lighthouses♬: nop
  75. @EonX: oh
  76. @EonX: i was gonna suggest you pick up the new 3ds version if you had one
  77. @EonX: :(
  78. %lighthouses♬: i wish i did bro :(
  79. %lighthouses♬: things are tough
  80. @EonX: ik
  81. @EonX: i don't have money for xenoblade x
  82. @EonX: which i'm very sad about...
  83. %lighthouses♬: rip us
  84. %MrAldoPls: D:
  85. ReedGlade: Can anyone help me test a couple of teams?
  86. Void Trent: after this battle i dont mind
  87. ReedGlade: Aight sugar tits
  88. ReedGlade: Can anyone help me test a couple of teams?
  89. ReedGlade: Void disapeared like my father
  90. oddish is the best: hi ^.^
  91. YukiXenon: Umm
  92. YukiXenon: Why is the Smogon Set Delphox shiny? xD
  93. Eduardo and you: Fineon: maybe social media room?!?!
  94. Eduardo and you: I am playing pokemon gold lol
  95. Eduardo and you: gbc
  96. Joshiee: is it possible to run max hp max spa gastrodon with rindo berry
  97. ImmaculateToad: Anyone free to test?
  98. Joshiee: ????
  99. Eduardo and you: good nite
  100. @Aurora: gastrodon appreciates the passive recovery
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