
OCH things

Jul 12th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Hayley was seated on the boat couch with a book in her lap, since it looked like not a lot of people had been home it felt like she had enough space to breathe. She crossed her legs as she turned to the next page, her head tilted as she felt the night's summer breeze on her skin and stuff.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Adam walked back from the park across the street, his mitt covering his left hand and a ball clutched inside it. Lady trotted alongside him as he tossed the ball up into the air and caught it in the glove, keeping his eyes on it to be sure he didnt drop it because well then it was fair game for Lady to steal and run away with because bitches like balls. He walked down the sidewalk back to the house, seeing Hayley seated out front on the porch. Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, he smiled over at her. "Whatcha reading?"-
  3. Tsaaq: She looked up from her book and shut it with her thumb holding the page. "I'm just rereading the Harry Potter series." Hayley replied and looked over to doggo. "What were you doing out?" She asked him as she tilted her head.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "We just went across the street to the park." He spoke, gesturing in the direction he'd come. "Kind of playing keep away from Lady with the baseball so she doesn't ruin it with her teeth. What made you decide to reread it?"-
  5. Tsaaq: "Aw that sounds fun." Hayley smiled and looked over to the park. "You should get her a ball so she won't try to fuck up yours." She suggested. "I don't know. I was thinking about how much I liked it the first time around so I decided it'd be a cool thing to reread it now that I'm kind of a grown up."
  6. Alexithymiaa: "She has a ball. She still wants mine." He started up the stairs, turning and walking over to sit down beside her with Lady following him up and stopping at the front door because that's where she thought they were going. "That's interesting. Do you feel differently about them now that you're more mature?"-
  7. Tsaaq: Hayley shrugged her shoulders. "I'm all out of ideas." She said with a small laugh. "I sort of do. Cause they last time I read it I was young." Hayley told him. "I don't really hate Snape as much as I did before."
  8. Alexithymiaa: "I know what you mean. When I reread it, knowing what I do now, I respected Snape a lot more than on my first read through. It made a lot more sense to me and I understood a lot of his reasonings for being a jerk so often."-
  9. Tsaaq: "He still shouldn't have been so mean but I guess he had a shitty life." Hayley said. "I'm also looking at the clues and shit. That I didn't notice or whatever." She shrugged.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "That's usually the reason why I don't reread books. That I can pick up on hints and clues because now I know they're there. It ruins it a little for me." He gave a shrug, settling back on the couch. "Is that something you enjoy?"-
  11. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders again. "I do. I like being able to look back and see things I didn't see before. It seems kind of cool to me." Hayley told him. She went to wave her hand so Lady could come over to them.
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Lady immediately obliged Hayley, walking over and taking a seat down at her feet, dropping her head onto her knee for pets. "I get where you're coming from, but I feel like it ruins the surprise for me when I get to the end and have that 'aha' moment. All of the things that were leading up to it that I didn't quite connect the dots until that last chapter."-
  13. Tsaaq: She went to pet the doggo with a smile. "True. But it's still pretty fun for me." She told him. "So I told Dr. Ferguson about how you wanted to come to my next session and she said it was okay." Hayley looked over to him to gauge his reaction.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Really?" He asked with raised brows, watching her face. "When are you going next?" He leaned over so he could join in the Lady pets, scratching his fingers roughly behind the dog's ears.-
  15. Tsaaq: "Thursday." She replied with a curt nod before looking over to him again. "You're still up for it?" She asked quietly.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Of course. We'll be there Thursday." He smiled at her, moving his hand from petting the dog to petting her fucking head because everyone likes being pet. "Are you tired?"-
  17. Tsaaq: Hayley pursed her lips a moment. "I will be after I take my medicine." She replied. "But for now I'm not tired at all. Why? You want to head to bed?"
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I'm pretty tired." He pushed up to his feet, turning to face her as Lady took the hint and also got to her feet. "I'll meet you inside and we can sleep when you're finished reading for the night?"-
  19. Tsaaq: "That sounds good." Hayley said as she went to kiss Adam's cheek. "I just want to finish this chapter." She said, taking her pill bottle and taking one of the pills to prove she'd be up soon. "See?" She swallowed it down then went to give Lady more pets. "I'll see you up there."
  20. Alexithymiaa: -He leaned down, pressing his lips to hers before straightening again. "Okay, don't stay out too late." He turned and opened the door to the house, letting Lady inside ahead of him before following her inside and closing the door behind him so he could go get ready for bed.-
  21. Artificer: Ben was headed home from Milo's, skating down the middle of the street smoking his cigarette. He turned up the driveway, hopping off the board as he got closer to the house. He began walking towards the house, not noticing Hayley til his foot met the first stair. "Hey." He said quietly before going to open the front door.
  22. Tsaaq: Hayley opened her book after she and Adam kissed. She smiled at him and nodded. "Don't worry." She told him. Her eyes went down to the page, she heard the footsteps but only looked up when she heard his voice. She sighed a little as she looked over to him. "Hey." She greeted awkwardly.
  23. Artificer: Ben paused like he was going to speak, beforechanging his mind. He leaned his board beside the door and headed inside. He went to the bathroom and got ready for bed, washing his face and brushing his teeth like a good boy. When he was finished he got a cup of water and walked back outside. He grabbed his board and stood at the edge of the top step for a moment, sipping on his water.
  24. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows at him as he walked away. She sighed a moment, feeling the sleepiness hit her but she was too determined to finish her chapter. She saw Ben come back outside without saying a word. She shifted in her spot on the boat couch and turned her attention back to her book.
  25. Artificer: "How are you?" Ben asked, looking back over his shoulder at her. He sipped his water some more, he was pretty drained from skating all day and the water was he best thing ever at the moment.
  26. Tsaaq: "Fine." She sighed, turning another page. She yawned and began to slouch. "You?" The words on the page was beginning to blur thanks to sleeping meds.
  27. Artificer: "Im alright." He sipped some more water and then place the empty cup on the railing. He stood silent for a moment before speaking up. "Adam's a good guy. I am happy for you" He looked over his shoulder again giving her a smile before he began to walk down the steps. "I am here for you, whether you want me to be or not. I am still here when you need me." He added, turning around, walking backwards toward the garage.
  28. Tsaaq: Hayley looked up from from her book. She sighed again. "Ben..." She whispered. She made herself stand up as she walked over to the steps with a skeptical look. "Are you telling that to me or to yourself?" She asked him loudly. She knew frowned a bit and went to walk towards the front door.
  29. Artificer: "I didn't mean to leave you." He said holding his hands out shrugging. "I won't leave you again, as long as I am around there will always be someone that cares about you Hayley." He added, not really sure what he was doing anymore. At this point he was just kinda desperate to get anything but disdain from her.
  30. Tsaaq: She turned around a moment and looked back at him. "I'm not mad at you anymore." Hayley said, exhaling as she walked towards the steps of the porch again, albeit slowly from being sleepy. "Shit happens."
  31. Artificer: A wright was lifted when he heard Hayley say she wasnt made, though he was still empty not being with her. "It will never go back to how it was will it? You and I?" Ben asked, looking pretty sorrowful.
  32. Tsaaq: Hayley yawned and went to sit on the first step as she looked over to him. She frowned and lowered her head. "Well... No..." She replied in a grim voice. "But that's not your fault. Things are never gonna be the same with me for everybody. I'm not the same." She said, fighting the frown forming on her lips.
  33. Artificer: Ben hesitantly stepped closer, climbing the first couple steps and sitting next to her. "I still love you." He sighed and looked at her. "I know we might not ever be in love, but I still love you. I would do anything to make you happy." He stopped and bit his cheek, trying not to get all emotional. " Just know that you aren't ever alone. People do care about you. I care about you."
  34. Tsaaq: "How?" She asked him as she looked over to him then shook her head as she listened to him speak. "You missed a lot Ben..." She trailed off. "I'm all fucked up now. The person who you knew? She's gone. I'm trying so hard to not lose it completely cause I know if I do they'll put me away again." She looked away from him and put her rested her head on her knees as she shut her eyes.
  35. iKamal: Dori had been on her way home when she had found something in the parking lot of the mall. she found a little blonde dog all scared and alone. She couldn't help herself. she put the dog in her car and figured she would give it a bath when she got home. She pulled up in the driveway her car sounding like it was giving out but kept going. she turned and got out with the dog wrapped up in a sweater of hers. she slamemd the car door three times and made her way towards the house peeking at the tiny little teacup size chihuahua. she pouted some."Poor baby...we will get you an appointment with a vet soon see if we can find your owner too."
  36. Artificer: Ben reached over and put his hand on her shoulder. "Everyone has their demons." He said under his breath, frowning a bit as he watched her. He looked up from the steps to see Dori pull up. He scooted closer to Hayley, to give Dori room to walk past them on the steps.
  37. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "I guess." Hayley said, though she didn't sound convinced. She winced a bit from his touch. Hayley lifted her head. Once she saw Dori she grumbled a moment. Scooting closer to the banister for space. "I took my meds so I'm probably gonna..." Hayley yawned again, nodding off.
  38. iKamal: Dori made her way up the steps beside them and smiled."Hey guys." she reached and jiggled her keys some finding the right one not letting go of the little dog in her arms. she unlocked the door and made her way inside going to the kitchen and turning the water on in the kitchen sink.
  39. Artificer: Ben looked at Hayley as she started nodding off. He shook her a bit. "Hayley. Go to bed." He said, placing a hand on her back, rubbing it as he tried to gently wake her again.
  40. Tsaaq: She woke a moment when Dori spoke. "Fuck off." She sighed before falling back asleep. Hayley pried open her eyes as she stared at him. "You don't want to talk to me now?" She asked him sleepily as she held onto the banister to pull herself up to her feet.
  41. iKamal: Dori had heard Hayley but paid her no mind.She made sure the water was nice and warm before starting to give the tiny little thing a bath. she used just a bit of dish soap. it looked like a wet rat and she was gentle. she grabbed a dish towel drying it off once she was done and cleaned out the sink. she made her way to the fridge finding some turkey. she sat at the tabe feedign the little thing some turkey
  42. Artificer: "You are falling asleep." Ben said, standing to help her to the door. "I'll talk to you tomorrow alright?" He said, opening the front door for her.
  43. Tsaaq: Hayley shook her head. "It's not me. It's my fucking meds." She slurred. "Fine." She nodded her head as she went to grab onto the couch for support once she stepped inside. "Night." Hayley told him as she went to walk towards the stairs.
  44. iKamal: Dori heard them come inside and she looked up seeing hayley holding on to things to get to bed. she frowned abi and went back to what she was doing.
  45. Artificer: "Goodnight beautiful." He said quietly before walking into the kitchen "What is that thing?" He asked, pointing at the dog.
  46. Tsaaq: She went to wave before preparing to go to bed, definitely not hearing him. She was probably too sleepy to anyways. She only stumbled once when she got to the stairs. But it wasn't so bad that she couldn't get to the second story. as she went up the stairs and climbed into bed with Adam.
  47. iKamal: Dori looked up seeing Ben and she smiled."It's a dog. I foud her in the parking lot at work after closing up. She looked pretty scared so I brought her here." she smiled and looked at the tiny chihuahua as it nibbled on the turkey meat."I'm going to take her to the vet tomorrow before work make sure she has all her shots and that her owners know she is okay."
  48. Artificer: Ben looked at the dog for a moment. "huh. Cute." He said reaching over to pet it. He went to the fridge and got a glass, grabbing some beer out of the fridge as well. He opened the bottle and filled his glass.
  49. iKamal: Dori watched as he pet the tiny pup and she smiled dow at it."So what have you been up to today? Is Hayley okay she seemed a little tired." she was a little concerned for the girl but didnt want to know all of her business jsut that she was ok
  50. Artificer: "Yeah shes fine." He drank his galss of beer and stood in the kitchen, watching the dog. "You going to keep it?" He asked
  51. iKamal: Dori shrugged her shoulders some."I mean if she doesn't have a owner then yeah. I cant just let her go to the shelter they would kill her in a week."she smiled at the dog and looked at Ben."Anything interesting happen today?"
  52. Artificer: "Well he'd make a nice meal for a lucky philipino family." He teased before going to sit down at the table too ."Not really, I just went to Milo's and skated a bit."
  53. iKamal: Dori pretended to be shocked and gasped. The dog literally fit in her hand and looked like a stuff animal."Ben how dare you. she is sentive." she chuckled some and shrugged"I worked today and stopped by that recordingstudio"
  54. Artificer: "Your right. Im sorry rat dog, you arent nearly fat enough to feed a family." He gulped down some more beer and leaned back in his chair. "Cool beans. You sing or something?"
  55. iKamal: She shook her head and pet the tiny little dog before setting it on the floor to roam about the kitchen keeping a good eye on it."umm yeah I've been singing since I was about five. I grew up always wanting to be Selena. I can sing in spanish but I am trying to sing in English more and Brad helped me out."
  56. Artificer: "Oh cool." Ben looked at his watch and sighed. "Its time for me to hit the hay." He said, standing up from his seat.
  57. iKamal: She nodded her head."yeah I should probably go to bed too. I have to get up super early." she got up and picked up the pup."Bueno noches" she smiled to him.
  58. Artificer: "Night/
  59. Artificer: ((FUVK))
  60. iKamal: [Xd]
  61. Artificer: "Night." He said as he started to leave the kittchen. Hrsding outide to his garage.
  62. iKamal: [ok im going to bed now night guys]
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