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- struct NetworkSimplex {
- struct Edge { int a, b, c, k, f = 0; };
- int n;
- vector<int> pei, depth, dual;
- vector<Edge> E;
- vector<set<int>> tree;
- NetworkSimplex(int n) :
- n(n), pei(n + 1, -1), depth(n + 1, 0),
- dual(n + 1, 0), tree(n + 1) {}
- int AddEdge(int a, int b, int c, int k) {
- E.push_back({a, b, c, k});
- E.push_back({b, a, 0, -k});
- return E.size() - 2;
- }
- void dfs(int node) {
- for (auto ei : tree[node]) {
- if (ei == pei[node]) continue;
- int vec = E[ei].b;
- dual[vec] = dual[node] + E[ei].k;
- pei[vec] = (ei ^ 1);
- depth[vec] = 1 + depth[node];
- dfs(vec);
- }
- }
- template<typename CB>
- void walk(int ei, CB&& cb) {
- cb(ei);
- int a = E[ei].a, b = E[ei].b;
- while (a != b) {
- if (depth[a] > depth[b])
- cb(pei[a]^1), a = E[pei[a]].b;
- else
- cb(pei[b]), b = E[pei[b]].b;
- }
- }
- long long Compute() {
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- int ei = AddEdge(n, i, 0, 0);
- tree[n].insert(ei);
- tree[i].insert(ei^1);
- }
- long long answer = 0;
- int flow, cost, ein, eout, ptr = 0;
- const int B = 3 * n;
- for (int z = 0; z < E.size() / B + 1; ++z) {
- // Initialize tree tables.
- if (!z) dfs(n);
- // Find negative cycle (round-robin).
- pair<int, int> pin = {0, -1};
- for (int t = 0; t < B; ++t, (++ptr) %= E.size()) {
- auto& e = E[ptr];
- if (e.f < e.c)
- pin = min(pin, make_pair(
- dual[e.a] + e.k - dual[e.b], ptr));
- }
- tie(cost, ein) = pin;
- if (cost == 0) continue;
- // Pivot around ein.
- pair<int, int> pout = {E[ein].c - E[ein].f, ein};
- walk(ein, [&](int ei) {
- pout = min(pout, make_pair(E[ei].c - E[ei].f, ei));
- });
- tie(flow, eout) = pout;
- walk(ein, [&](int ei) {
- E[ei].f += flow, E[ei^1].f -= flow;
- });
- tree[E[ein].a].insert(ein);
- tree[E[ein].b].insert(ein^1);
- tree[E[eout].a].erase(eout);
- tree[E[eout].b].erase(eout^1);
- // Update answer.
- answer += 1LL * flow * cost;
- z = -1;
- }
- return answer;
- }
- };
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