
Saiyan App

Feb 1st, 2020
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  1. Byond Key: King Destroyer
  3. Character Name: Kallab
  5. Race: Saiyan
  7. Gender: Male
  9. Age: (I do not yet know)
  11. What you applied for previously: Bijuu
  13. Intent With Rank/Skills/Knowledge: I mean who does not know a lot about Saiyans. It is just fitting it in this server's wipe rules,
  15. Sample RP:
  16. The gang was fighting around the area looking to destroy what was built in an attempt to continue to control what they called their new territory. Though a male had been scoping out the place knowing that the people there became a problem. That was not a concern to this guy, he just wanted a good fight not to commit some noble deed. He wanted to get paid for his actions brash as they may have been faking being a hero while truly being a monster deep down causing all the havoc he could to the bad guys. This was not a bad plan nor was it something the others in the slums would stop him from relishing in. The male had got prepared before slowly sliding down a building and dropping down to the ground with a heavy thud. Two of the guards stood outside of the gates putting their hands up to stop his approach but the male just charged in. The first guard tried to block the punch but a sweep to the legs took them off their feet and a boot sent them careening into a wall. The other guard pulled a sword prompting the male to catch it between his first and middle finger snapping the blade and pressing it into the body of the guard. A shock of pain and regret went through the body of the guard as they fell trying to grip the broken blade to pull it out while screaming in pain.
  18. Two down and so many more to go as he walked into the area looking around the building. Another rushed pulling back a fist smashing it in the stomach of the Saiyan but this time was different. This Saiyan did not move away from the attack or try to dodge with this action only looking down before slowly looking up into the eyes of the inhuman creature. The creature was a bit worried now, but the assault was not over with the inhuman male pulling back his fist. The creature threw a fist towards the face of the Saiyan trying to strike him across the face. The Saiyan head-butted the fist so hard that his head shattered the bones in the creature's hand. The creature let out a screech moving back while the Saiyan grabbed the broken hand squeezing it to bring more pain yanking the male back towards him. The arm of the Saiyan smashed into the head of the inhuman male making it go into a standing flip. This made the creature do a few rotations before it landed on the back passed out on the ground with their eyes rolled back into his head. The creature laid on the ground passed out until alarms started to go off and the Saiyan sat there before crouching and boosting his body from the ground jumping up into the building.
  20. The Saiyan smirked as his left palm stretched to the building charging a ball in his hand. The male shot off the blast opening a hole in the building rolling into the area standing up and looking towards the group of the people who sat in front of him. Swords and different knives pointed at the Saiyan as a smile plastered itself on his face. The Saiyan charged in not allowing for multiple attacks to be sent his way and the Saiyan went forward into the middle of the mix of creatures in the room. Bright flashes as the male began smashing his fist into different people in the room. He was knocking the gang members into walls and away from him while they backed away. The Saiyan was not murdering people, but giving wounds to the creatures all around him before most of the room was down and a loud, "ENOUGH!" was heard throughout the room.
  22. The gang members split up moving into four different groups while one male stepped forward with a woman behind him looking at this Saiyan trespasser. A cackle out of the mouth of the human male who had jewelry plastering his hands in a suit. The male flexed breaking out his top walking forward a cane in his hands gripping it tightly looking at the male. "You dare come inside my territory with this energy and think you are going to escape freely. Well, you will feel the same pain you gave to my boys and girls here." His hands going up in the air charging a ki blast in one before throwing it down on the Saiyan. The Saiyan tried to block the huge ball of ki being thrown at him. The Saiyan could not block the attack as it took him in encompassing his whole body before knocking him through the building. The Saiyan flew down to the ground smashing into the ground letting out a pained grunt not trying to screech in agony.
  24. This made the boss man excited and wanting to hear more of these pained yells. He jumped from the fifth floor and dropped down to the first floor and held his hand up in the air. He was going to deliver another attack trying to do an area killing attack on whoever laid in his wake. The male got closer to the Saiyans while holding his hand up the others in the group preparing to be torn through by their boss until something impeded his path. It was a Saiyan girl who had finally reached him. Once she got she began to smash a fist into the head and side of the male making him release the hand reaching upward to the sky gathering energy. This only angered the male and made him start clashing with her back making attacks smash into her cheek stronger than the one on the floor making him work. She was scared for him knowing she had to chase him down to keep him from harming himself. She gave up everything to try and save her little brother.
  26. He grew to resent that slowly but surely knowing that he wanted to face his problems. "Run Kallab. You aren't strong enough to fight this man. I will give you time to run and I will make my escape." The Saiyaness yelled at him before he got up trying to run as she got caught by the throat from diverting her attention to him. He charged a beam shooting into her stomach blasting her away. She coughed up blood as Kallab started to throw blast grabbing her and running away. A beam aimed at the boy before the boss stopped his female companion from attacking. "Let him go, they won't attack for a while and his sister should be out of it." The woman nodded and went to go check on the other gang members in the area. The boss turned away as Kallab made his escape with his sister threatening the boss and returning his sickly sister to her bed. He knew that she was hurt and prayed only for her to get better wanting the blessings of his Lord to rain on her. Now feeling as if he messed up the boy dedicated his time to bring back the lord to save his dying sister.
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