
letter sent to BVQ

Jul 17th, 2023
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  1. |Arriving in the dead of night a small man in muddy salt-stained clothes hurries as not to be seen. Upon reaching Var’Quel Manor, the man makes a beeline straight for the debt collector and lowers his face covering.
  2. “Please,” he quietly says “I’ve been asked to make sure that this letter makes it to Baron Var’Quel, I don’t know what its about, but it’s got a seal on it”
  3. He taps the wax seal of a shield displaying the visage of a howling wolf enwreathed with apple tree branches. He hands the letter to the debt collector and hurries off.|
  6. |A large Gor’Tog in loose fitting clothing walks into the Enclave tavern and heads straight for the bar, he slaps a platinum coin down on the counter and loudly yells
  7. “A feller met me down on the docks over in Ratha today boys! He sends his best as a round of drinks.” He bellows, “Says hes looking to get something delivered to the hands of your leadership!”
  8. He leans over to the bartender and lowers his voice.
  9. “Here.” He says, “This letter comes from a man in Ratha who thinks he may have some information and a shared interest with Baron Var’Quel.”
  10. He hands the bartender an envelope sealed with a wax seal of a shield displaying the visage of a howling wolf enwreathed with apple tree branches, drops some coin in the bottom of his empty glass and turns to walk away.
  11. “and Hey,” he says, only turning his head, “Keep what’s left after the round for yourself”|
  13. |During the day, a well-dressed Elven man makes his way up from the Hara’jaal docks to the Enclave, being sure that his sleeves are unrolled and shirt unbuttoned to let any would-be assailants know he didn’t have any extra riches on his person with but one goal in mind, gain an audience with the Baron Var’Quel. Aside from his clothes, he carried one thing on his person, an envelope that is sealed with a wax seal of a shield displaying the visage of a howling wolf enwreathed with apple tree branches. |
  15. All of the letters say the same thing.
  18. As the Great houses starve, all of Qi’Reshalia will thrive. The fields of the Rabbit have been burned and the tri-blade will help them rebuild. The unshackled scales have been robbed of their stores and are being backed by dragon, schooner, and taloned foot. The Blind lion has notably not signed a declaration against the Platinum wolf whether that is an oversight or measured is unclear. A ferocious Sea serpent and other free merchants control the tide of grain into Ratha weakening the stranglehold of the houses on its citizens, particularly of the lower class. A flurry of Harpoons and sharks on the seas while they are trying to procure their own grain would most certainly help to topple the Oligarchic control they control over the whole of our seas.
  20. Signed,
  21. (instead of a signature there is an illustration a shield displaying the visage of a howling platinum wolf enwreathed with apple tree branches. )
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