
Asian Lucky Charm

Nov 21st, 2018
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  1. Covet: Tae was in the kitchen putting the leftovers she'd brought back with her into the fridge. She grabbed one of the barely alcoholic wine cooler things she'd purchased for herself on her way home. Twisting the the cap off she tossed it into the trash and tipped it back swallowing a few times.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Noah had been sitting out on the patio at the little table there, a joint in his hand aas he enjoyed the brisk Fall air. Bringing the joint up to his lips, he inhaled deeply off of it and then rested his wrist against his knee to stare out across the yard, just being in the moment and at ease.-
  3. Covet: Tae hadn't seen Noah out on the patio initially when she'd gotten home. But she'd got sight of the cherry off the joint and poked her head out, "Hey, tell me Thank you." She said still holding on to her wine cooler, giving him a grin. "And give me like... three minutes." She said then disappeared back into the house to take the leftovers back out of the fridge and then put them into the microwave to warm them up.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "Uh.... thank you?" He asked a little confused because he had no idea what she was referring to. When she disappeared back into the house, he brought the joint back up to his lips for another hit and mumbled to himself. "Women..."-
  5. Covet: Once the food dinged and was properly warmed up, she grabbed the rolls in the ziplock bag on the counter, grabbed a fork, then reached in for the rest of the six pack, and came back out, with the offerings. "You're welcome." She said sitting down, finishing off the rest of her first wine cooler.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -He watched her as she rejoined him outside with a plate of food, his brows rising high on his face as he really took in what she had there. "Oh yeah, you had pretend Thanksgiving with your family today." Studying the different things on the plate, he tipped his head back and let out a dramatic moan. "This looks so gooooood. Who made everything?"-
  7. Covet: "I did. My dad and Brother did everything but the Mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes. I did both of them." Tae said with a smile. "The cranberry sauce, is home made and has bacon in it." She pointed to him and opened up one of the drinks for him as well. "It's not the most powerful alcohol, but it tastes good."
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Ive never heard of putting bacon in cranberry sauce, but I'm all about it." He picked up the fork and dug into the cranberry sauce first because he was curious, nodding his head. "Definitely all about it. And bitch beer? What did I do to deserve all this good shit?"-
  9. Covet: "My Dad wanted to try something fancy with it this time. He wants to bring it to the Maverick Thanksgiving. It's pretty good though, that weird sweet savory combination." Tae gave him a shrug, "It's a pitty thing, I feel bad for you not being able to go home for the holidays."
  10. Alexithymiaa: -He instantly paused, his back going up when she said she pitied him. "What? You feel bad for me?" He asked, his face hardening a bit because that made him feel shitty.-
  11. Covet: "Well yeah. I've had some bad times apart from my family, and even though it was necessary, and things are kind of getting better between us, it still sucks to not be around for things like the Holidays." Tae told him, looking at him. "And when that happened to me, I had people looking out for me, so I'm paying it forward."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -He couldn't even be mad at her for that. Or offended. Because it was sweet. Letting out a sigh, he stabbed his fork into the mashed potatoes. "Well.... thanks." Shoving the potatoes into his mouth, he grinned, nodding to her. "Your potatoes are good, too."-
  13. Covet: "You're welcome." She said getting another drink opened for herself. "Thank you, Mashed potatoes really aren't all that hard to make. Boil, Mash with butter and milk, then whip it up with a mixer. Salt, a little bit of pepper and some parsley."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Well I've never made them so how the fuck am I supposed to know how hard they are or aren't? He asked as he shoved more of them into his mouth. He stabbed at some of the turkey, dipping it into the potatoes to scoop together and shoving that in there too. "Ugh, I haven't had food like this in so long."-
  15. Covet: "Well try to enjoy it at the very least, no need to inhale it there Kirby" Tae told him with a laugh. "I'm telling you in case you decide to venture out from Cupcakes."
  16. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Do I look pink and fat to you?" He asked with a laugh, reaching for the wine cooler and taking a sip. "Why would I venture out from cupcakes? Cupcakes are great. And they'll be even greater once I do it a few times and get the hang of it."-
  17. Covet: "You might after you finish that plate." Tae said with a laugh. "Oh yeah? Who knows maybe you'll be the next great baker or something." She said partially teasing, but still encouraging."Just be weary of eggshells on the next batch."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Eh those guys are really concern with fancying up their decorations. I'm not about that life. I don't care if my cupcakes are ugly as long as they taste good." He took another forkful of food, shoving it into his mouth. "I'll practice, okay? Shit."-
  19. Covet: "Maybe you could make a business out of that. Noah's Ugly Cupcakes. Ugly on the outside, Delicious on the inside." She said then smiled at him, "I'm just teasing, don't get your manties in a bunch."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "That seems like a lot of work. And if I had to spend all day in the kitchen, I'd kick my own ass." He said with a laugh, finishing off his turkey. "Get fuck you. My awesome boxer briefs are exactly where they should be."-
  21. Covet: Tae laughed. "You just make the recipes and hire other people to do all that. You might need to win the lottery though so that you could afford to do all that. We should pick up tickets for the drawing tomorrow."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Eh, I don't want my name on some cupcake store. That's so hipster. It's a fucking bakery. Like... why do we have to have a niche store for everything?" He asked, working himself up over literally nothing.-
  23. Covet: "Hey you were the one who said you weren't going to branch away from Cupcakes." Tae said with a laugh. "That doesn't mean we still couldn't get lottery tickets though. Maybe you'll win enough to get a ticket back home for Holiday break?"
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Do you know what the chances of that are? I'm not that lucky. My family is like cursed with bad luck, we never win anything. I don't really expect that to change now." He said with a shake of his head, leaning back against the wall behind him.-
  25. Covet: "Well maybe I'm your asian good luck charm then?" Tae said giving him a smirk. "Couldn't hurt to try now could it? It's just a two dollar ticket, that could be worth millions. You'd never have to actually work a day in your life if you played it right."
  26. Alexithymiaa: (Tae, you sly.)
  27. Alexithymiaa: -He considered her words, turning his attention fully to face her. "That's a good point. Imagine all the free time I would have forever if I won the lottery?" He asked her, his mind starting to wander.-
  28. Covet: "See. I know it's not a realistic dream to win, but at the same time... if you don't play you'll never know right?" Tae said finishing off her other beer. "Though.. you know.. you might want to rub your good luck charm, that's supposed to be how they work. "
  29. Covet: [She's super sly XD]
  30. Alexithymiaa: "My own personal rabbits foot, huh?" He asked her, sliding a little closer to her. "How am I supposed to know if you're the real deal or if I'm just wasting my time?"-
  31. Covet: "Well that's the risk you run with skeptical artifcats now don't you." She said grinning watching him. "But they tend to be as real as you need them to be." Tae said glancing at his lips, biting her own before she leaned in and kissed him.
  32. Alexithymiaa: -He slipped his hand behind her neck, pulling her closer to him when she leaned in to kiss him. Returning the kiss, he moved his free hand to her back, holding onto her firmly and enjoying the BITCH BEER tastes.-
  33. Covet: -And they made out and shit on the patio, she probably will be sleeping in his room tonight too, especially after last night's shenanigans.-
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