

Apr 4th, 2020
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  1. Friend at Microsoft finally responded to my text when I said I'd order him a pizza.
  2. So a few things
  3. So, he started off with "Everything is fucked" as far as the timeline and original plans due to the outbreak
  4. So he is basically saying that anything can happen at this point and well not happen of what he previously told me
  5. (PC version)
  6. He mentioned a few things he knows about (some I can tell you, but two things I have to keep to myself as I seriously promised him)
  7. First one is PC version directx stuff
  8. They currently have three versions of the game "framework" for lack of a better term
  9. one is the original old (current JP) dx9
  10. second is Microsoft patched dx9 (hybrid-ish) with an extended versioning naming stuff
  11. Not much on the improvements for visual at all, more aimed at security and performance
  12. Original plan was to launch PC beta with the modified dx9 and after testing, add it to the JP version. However, that plan has been canned in favour of pushing a newer version later on the JP client.
  13. So, as of now.. PC launch looks like dx9
  14. Though, they're having issues with this modified dx9 w
  15. So, it's pretty much if they can't get it completely stable by the PC launch date, then it's fallback to first option
  16. Then just scratch the modified.
  17. As far as dx12 goes, "lololol" was his response
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